Moxa Technologies Transio A52, Transio A53 Quick Installation Manual

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P/N: 1802000520517
Transio A52/A53
Quick Installation Guide
Eighth Edition, June 2011
The Transio A52/A53 are smar t RS-232 to RS-422/485 bi-directional converters that allow one RS-232 port to be converted into an RS-422 or RS-485 port. With the A52/A53 you can control up to 32 devices within 1.2 km in a multidrop environment.
To ease 2-wire RS-485 half-duplex control, Automatic Data Direction Contr ol (ADDC) intell igence, which d oes not require s a baudrate switch setting, is designed into each A52/A53 to simplify your RS-485 software programming. Your applications can easily manage data transmitting and receiving via the half-duplex RS-485 port without using additional code. Compared to other products that require using switches to set the clock speed manually, the A52/A53 let you avoid many deve lopment and maintenance hassles.
To meet the high reliability required by harsh industrial environments, all RS-422/485 signa ls provide TVS p rotection. In addition, the A53 provides 2 KV of optical isolation protection for all signals at the RS-422/485 end.
Features and Specifications
Serial interfa ce: RS-232, RS-422/485
Port types: RS-232: RJ45;
RS-422/485: RJ45 or Terminal Block
High speed, baudrate up to 921.6 Kbps; no switch setting needed
Signals: RS-232: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, GND; RS-422: TxD+(B)/-(A), RxD+(B)/-(A), RTS+(B)/-(A), CTS+(B)/-(A), GND; RS-485-Data+(B)/-(A), GND
Supports Automatic Data Direction Control (ADDC) with no baudrate switch settings for RS-485
RS-485 data control modes: auto (ADDC) or by RTS
RS-422 supports CTS, RTS signals for hardware flow control
LED indicators for power and 4 signal states (TxD, RxD, RTS,
All RS-422/485 signals provide TVS protection .
All RS-422/485 signals support up to 2 KV (DC) of optical
isolation protection (A53 only)
Provides overloading protection when there are 2 signals shorted together at the RS-422/485 end
Built-in 120 ohm termination resistors for RS-422/RS-485 (selectable by jumper in RS-485 mode)
Supports up to 32 units connected in an RS-485 multidrop network
CE/FCC approval
9 V 1.5 A UL 110/230 V power adaptor can support up to 4
An external power adaptor is required, with input voltage for the converter ranging from DC +9V to +30V.
Operating temper ature: 0 to 55°C
Dimensions: 90 x 60 x 21 mm
Mounting Kit: Plastic Plates and screws for mounting the
A52/A53 on a wall or sur face.
Power consumption: A52: 157 mA max. (+9V); A53: 285 mA max. (+9V)
Multipoint data acquisition
Factory automation
Remote serial device control
Building secur ity automation
Critical indust rial control
Switch and jumper settings
To change the operation mode, remove the two screws on the top of the converter, open the cover, and then use the array of sliding switches to set the desired mode.
DIP switches are used to select the operation mode (RS-422 or RS-485). For RS-485 mode, the control mode (By RTS or ADDC) is also set by DIP switch.
Internal view of A52/A53 (*default settings)
SW1 SW2 RS-422 mode Off By RTS Off RS-485 mode On* Auto Data Direction
Control (ADDC)
In RS-422 mo de, RxD is autom atically set with a 120 ohm terminating resistor.
In RS-485 mode, the 120 ohm terminating resistor is set by one jumper.
When shorted, the resistor is enabled.
Basic Communication Wiring
Before placing a converter in an existing network, the converter should be properly configured. The following diagrams show typical layouts for both converters.
LED Indicators
LED indicators for TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS signals and PWR are located on the top of the A52/A53. The indic ator light is NOT lit when there is no signal, or the power is off.
TxD: Shows green when connected and transmitting data from RS-232 to RS-422/485.
RxD: Shows green when connected and receiving data from RS-232 to RS-422/485.
RTS: Shows green when connected and RS-232 RTS Signal is ON.
CTS: Shows green when connected and RS-232 CTS Signal is ON.
PWR: Shows green when the power is ON.
TxD ( 2 ) RxD (3 ) RTS( 4 ) C TS( 5 ) DSR( 6 ) GND(7) DCD(8) DTR(20)
RxD(2) TxD+ (B)) TxD(3) TxD-(A) C TS( 4 ) Rx D + ( B) RTS(5) RxD-(A) DTR(6) GND GND(7) DCD(8) DSR(20)
RxD + (B)
TxD + (B ) TxD - ( A) GND
RxD -( A)
RS-2 3 2
D 25 Female Connector
A52/53 Converter
RS-422 Devices
Power GND
TxD ( 2 ) RxD (3 ) RTS( 4 ) C TS( 5 ) DSR( 6 ) GND(7) DCD(8) DTR(20)
RxD(2) Data + (B)) TxD(3) Da ta- (A) C TS( 4 ) G N D RTS( 5 ) DTR (6 ) GND(7) DCD(8) DSR(20)
Data+(B) Dat a GND
D 25 Female Connector
A52/53 Converter
RS-485 Devices
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The Americas:
+1-714-528-6777 (toll-free: 1-888-669-2872)
Europe: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0
Asia-Pacific: +886-2-8919-1230
China: +86-21-5258-9955 (toll-free: 800-820-5036)
2011 Moxa Inc. All r ights reserved.
Power Supply
The A52/A53 converters are designed for standard +24 VDC unregulated power for use in industrial environments. Operation is guaranteed when using any power supply between +9 and +30 VDC at 350 mA. An optional power adaptor (9 V 1.5 A UL 110/230 V) can support up to 4 converters (see the follow ing diagram).
A52/A53 Converter Connection Diagram
RS-232 Pinouts
10-pin RJ45 Jack
The RJ45 port for the RS-232 signal is shown in the following figure.
A52/A53 RJ45 Connector Pinouts
Pin RS-232 Pin RS-232
1 DCD (Always On) 6 RxD 2 DSR 7 GND 3 RTS 8 CTS 4 GND 9 DTR 5 TxD 10 ---
Each group of (DTR, DSR) pins are shorted, freeing users
from the hardware flow control cable wiring problem. For this reason, we list two types of RS-232 cable wiring below.
Type 1: To connect the RS-232 side of A52/A53 to a DTE (e.g., PC
COM1/2) or DCE. (Be sure to check the precise DTE/DCE pinouts. The following DTE/D CE pinouts are just an example.)
DTE Device DB25 Male
DTE Device DB9 Male
DCE Device DB25 Fem ale
DCD 8 1 8 DCD DSR 2 20 4 6 DT R RTS 3 5 8 4 CTS GND 4 7 5 7 GND TxD 5 3 2 2 RxD RxD 6 2 3 3 T xD GND 7 7 5 7 GND CTS 8 4 7 5 RTS DTR 9 6 6 20 DSR
Type 2: You can connect the RS-232 side of the A52/A53 to a DTE,
such as a terminal or PC COM1/2, with 3-pin wiring if you don’t need h ardware flow control.
DTE Device DB25 Male
DTE Device DB9 Male
DCE Device DB25 F emale
TxD 5 3 2 2 RxD RxD 6 2 3 3 TxD GND 7 7 5 7 G ND
RS-422/RS-485 Pinouts
The RS-422/RS-485 port with RJ45 connector or Terminal Block Connector is depicted as follows.
Pin RS-422 with RJ45 Pin RS-422 with
Terminal Block
1 TxD – (A) 1 TxD + (B ) 2 RTS – (A) 2 T xD – (A) 3 RTS + (B) 3 RxD + (B) 4/7 SG 4 RxD – (A) 5 TxD + (B) 5 SG 6 RxD + (B) 6 Power GND 8 CTS + (B) 7 VCCA (9V ) 9 CTS – (A) --- --­10 RxD – (A) --- ---
Pins 6 and 7 of the Terminal Block are for Power GND and Power Input, which can be used instead of a power adaptor.
Be careful NOT TO confuse RS-422/RS-485 GND with Power GND. SG: Signal Grou nd
Pin RS-485 with RJ45 Pin RS-
485 with Terminal Block
1 Data – (A) 1 Data + (B) 4 SG 2 Data – (A) 5 Data + (B) 5 SG 7 SG 6 Power GND
--- --- 7 VCCA 9 V
--- --- 8 ---
Pins 6 and 7 of the Terminal Block are for Power GND and Power Input, which can be used instead of a power adaptor.
Be careful NOT TO confuse RS-422/RS-485 GND with Power GND. SG: Signal Ground
This is a
Class A product. In a domestic environment, this
product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take appropriate measures.
Federal Communications Commission Statement
FCC - This device comp lies with part 15 of the FCC Rule s. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential are a is likely to cau se harmful inter ference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense..
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RJ45 Connector
Terminal Block Connector
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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