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y IEEE 1588 PTP (Precision Time Protocol) for the precise time
synchronization of networks.
y DHCP Option 82 for IP address assignment with different policies.
y Modbus/TCP industrial Ethernet protocol.
y Turbo Ring, Turbo Chain,and RSTP/STP (IEEE 802.1w/D).
y IGMP Snooping and GMRP for filtering multicast traffic from industrial
Ethernet protocols.
y Port-based VLAN, IEEE802.1Q VLAN, and GVRP protocol to ease
network planning.
y QoS (IEEE802.1p/1Q and TOS/DiffServ) to increase determinism.
y 802.3ad, LACP for optimum bandwidth utilization.
y IEEE802.1X and https/SSL to enhance network security.
y SNMP v1/v2c/v3 for different levels of network management.
y RMON for efficient network monitoring and proactive capability.
y Bandwidth management prevents unpredictable network status.
y Lock port allows access by only authorized MAC addresses.
y Port mirroring for online debugging.
y Automatic warning by exception through email, relay output.
y Automatic recovery of connected devices’ IP addresses.
y Line-swap fast recovery.
y LLDP for automatic topology discovery through network management
y Configurable through Web browser, Telnet/Serial console, and W i ndows
Designed for Industry-specific Applications
y Two Gigabit Ethernet ports to meet high bandwidth requirements.
y Bypass relay option on the 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports ensure non-stop data
communication in the event the switch stops working due to a power
failure .
y Three rotary switches for setting the last 3 digits of the IP address makes
maintenance even easier.
y EN 50155/50121-3-2/50121-4, NEMA TS 2, and e-Mark compliant.
y -40 to 75°C operating temperature range (for “-T” models).
IP54/IP67, rugged high-strength case.
y Panel
mounting or DIN-Rail mounting installation capability.
Recommended Optional Accessories
y CBL-M23(FF5P)Open-BK-100-IP67: 1-meter M23-to-5-pin power cable
with IP67-rated female 5-pin M23 connector.
y CBL-M12D(MM4P)/RJ45-100 IP67: 1-meter M12-to-RJ45 Cat-5E UTP
Ethernet cable with IP67-rated male 4-pin M12 D-coded connector.
y CBL-M12(FF5P)/OPEN-100 IP67: 1-meter M12- to-5-pin power cable
with IP67-rated female 5-pin M12 A-coded connector.
y M12D-4P-IP68: Field-installable M12 D-coded screw-in connector, male
4-pin, IP68-rated.