SMG-6100 Hardware
User’s Manual
First Edition, January 2011
© 2011 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
SMG-6100 Hardware
User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
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Copyright ©2011 Moxa Inc.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ...........................................................................................................................................1-2
Package Checklist ...............................................................................................................................1-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Features ............................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Hardware Specifications ......................................................................................................................1-3
2. Hardware Installation ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
Placement Options ..............................................................................................................................2-2
Desktop .....................................................................................................................................2-2
Rack mounting ...................................................................................................................................2-2
Wiring Requirements...........................................................................................................................2-4
Connecting the Power .........................................................................................................................2-4
Reset Button ......................................................................................................................................2-5
Front Panel LED..................................................................................................................................2-5
Connecting to a Display ....................................................................................................................... 2-5
Connecting a PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse ................................................................................................2-6
Connecting USB Devices ...................................................................................................................... 2-7
LAN Ports ..........................................................................................................................................2-7
A. Safety Installation Instructions ........................................................................................................ A-1
B. Regulatory Statement Approval ........................................................................................................ B-1
1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the Moxa SMG-6100 smart machine-to-machine (M2M) gateway.
This manual introduces the hardware installation, connector interfaces and BIOS setup of the SMG-6100. For
software configuration and management, please refer to the user’s manual for your operating system.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Package Checklist
Hardware Specifications
SMG-6100 Hardware Introduction
The SMG-6100 is based on the Intel x86 processor and supports VGA, 4 Ethernet ports, 2 RS-232 serial ports,
and USB. It comes in a standard 19-inch, 1U high form factor with built-in IPSec, making it an ideal
communication platform for industrial machine-to-machine M2M applications.
The SMG-6100 can be used as a communication gateway with sophisticated M2M solutions to help construct a
tunnel server (IPSec) and bi-directional IP communications. When used with Moxa’s SMG-1100, the SMG-6100
can serve as a secure networking host over IPSec to back-end host computers and Modbus TCP Master/Slave
devices. One of the key benefits in this architecture is to facilitate and accelerate the remote monitoring and
management of Modbus devices.
Package Checklist
Before installing the SMG-6100, verify that the package contains the following items:
• 1 SMG-6100 gateway
• Ethernet cable: RJ45 to RJ45 cross-over cable, 100 cm
• Power cord
• Documentation and software CD
• Quick installation guide (printed)
• Warranty card
Front View
Rackmount Ear
Rear View
10/100 Mbps
Ethernet x 4
USB 2.0
Host x 2
Serial Port x 2, DB9
LED Indicators
(Power, Storage)
LED Indicators
(10/100 Mbps)
LED Indicators (TX, RX)
Power Switch
Reset Button VGA PS/2
Power Input