Moxa Technologies SD1000 User Manual

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This documentation is copyrighted by Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved. Moxa Technologies reserves the right to make improvements to the products described in this manual at any time without notice.
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Where to Contact for Help
Customer support is available by mail, fax, email or phone. Before contacting Customer Support, we recommend you re-checking this manual for help.
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Chapter 1 Overview 1-1
Features 1-2 Package Checklist 1-3 Functionality and Protocol 1-3 Front Panel View 1-4 Rear Panel View 1-5
Chapter 2 Before Installing Internet Sharer 2-1
What do you need before installation? 2-2 Ordering a phone line 2-3 Ordering an ISP account 2-3 Preparing PC running with LAN interface 2-3 ISP Worksheet 2-4
Chapter 3 Connecting Internet Sharer and Equipment 3-1
Connecting your modem 3-2 Connecting the Internet Sharer 3-4 Connecting your PC 3-5
Chapter 4 Installing and Configuring Internet Sharer 4-1
Installing software wizard 4-2 Starting Internet Sharer Manager 4-9
Basic Configuration 4-11 Uninstalling Internet Sharer Software 4-13 Upgrading Internet Sharer Firmware 4-14
Chapter 5 Advanced Configuration 5-1
LAN IP address 5-2 Admin Password 5-3 DHCP 5-4 Internet IP address 5-6 Email Account 5-7 Login Script 5-8 DNS 5-10 Modem Setting 5-11
Chapter 6 Configuring Windows 95 or Windows NT 6-1
Setting up a Windows 95 Network 6-2
Installing Network Card on Windows 95 6-2 Installing TCP/IP on Windows 95 6-4 Configuring Windows 95 TCP/IP 6-7
Setting Up a Windows NT Network 6-10
Installing Network Card on Windows NT 6-10 Configuring Windows NT TCP/IP as DHCP client 6-11 Manually Configuring your TCP/IP 6-12
Chapter 7 Virtual EMail Server 7-1
Assigning Virtual Email Accounts for Your Team 7-2
Configuring Virtual Email Boxes on Internet Sharer 7-3
Set up Virtual Email Account on Outlook Express 7-5
Setting up through Internet Connection Wizard 7-5
Email account Modification 7-11 Setup Virtual Email Account on Netscape Communicator 7-13 How to send Email to another Virtual EMail Account? 7-15 Sending and Receiving Mails 7-16
Chpater 8 Internet Sharer Monitor 8-1
What to See in the Internet Sharer Monitor? 8-2 Even Logs 8-3
Appendix A Troubleshooting A-1
Problem during installation A-1 Problems while connecting to Internet A-3 Other Problems while using Internet Sharer A-4
Appendix B Expanding Your Network B-1 Appendix C LED Descriptions C-1 Appendix D Cable Pinouts D-1
RS-232 DB9 WAN Port Pinouts with Direct Connect Wiring D-2 10BaseT RJ-45 Port Pinouts D-2 Straight-through 10BaseT Cable to Connect to a HUB uplink port D-3 Signal Switched Cable to Connect to a HUB without uplink port. D-3
Welcome to Moxa Internet Sharer. A small sharing device gives your team workers easy and simultaneously access to Internet.
This chapter is an overview of the Internet Sharer and includes the following:
q Features q Package Checklist q Functionality and Protocol q Front Panel View q Rear Panel View
Overview 1-1
The Moxa Internet Sharer is a simple, yet powerful device with one high-speed serial port and four 10BaseT ports that gives you simultaneous Internet access by sharing one phone line, one modem and one Internet account. With the simple configuration, setup your whole network for sharing will be able to be done in 5 minutes. With its excellent functionalities, such as dial-on-demand, IP address translation, virtual mailbox etc., it provides you with the most cost­effective Internet access solution.
§ Supports 56 Kbps and ISDN high-speed connectivity to allow
multiple users to Access ISP simultaneously through one dial line, one modem and one account.
§ Built-in Virtual Server provides each staff with individual mailbox
without Mail server on your net.
§ Dial-on-demand and auto-disconnection without dialing operation.
§ Allows 1 to 4 and more users connecting to Internet simultaneously.
§ Compatible with most OS platforms.
§ Easy to uplink to another HUB.
§ Compatible with various Web browsers, FTP, Email services.
§ Plug & Play, requires no technical knowledge.
§ Security and Natural Firewall.
§ In conformance to FCC, CE.
§ Easy Configuration on Windows 95 or Windows NT.
1-2 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
Package Checklist
Upon open your Moxa Internet Sharer, your will find :
1. One Moxa Internet Sharer
2. One 110V or 220V power adapter
3. One 3 1/2” floppy disk
4. This user’s manual. The user’s manual is ideal for advanced users for full understanding
about all the related information and configuration. Please contact with your distributor if anything is missing.
Functionality and Protocol
§ Virtual mailbox: 64
§ TCP sessions: 64, concurrent
§ Dial-On-Demand and automatic disconnection
§ Application Protocol: Telnet, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, NNTP, FTP,
§ Network protocol: TCP/IP, DHCP, BOOTP
§ Security supported: PAP/CHAP
§ Fully compatible with ISP dial-up PPP protocol.
§ Compatible with all popular Internet application (Web browser,
email, FTP etc.)
Overview 1-3
Front Panel View
Power Network Status LAN Modem
4 Note: For detail description, check with Appendix C LED
1-4 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
Rear Panel View
Power Switch
Power Connector
Serial Connector
LAN Interface RJ45
Overview 1-5
1-6 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
Before Installing Internet Sharer
This chapter tells you what equipment you need to prepare before you start Installing Internet Sharer and continue to access to Internet. Follow the list to prepare all the equipment and list the information carefully.
q What do you need before installation? q Ordering a phone line q Ordering an ISP account q Prepare a PC running Window95 or Windows NT with LAN interface q Complete your ISP Worksheet
Before Installing Internet Sharer 2-1
What do you need before installation?
You need one computer running Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 to configure the Internet Sharer. The Setup Wizard program on the disk installs the Internet Sharer Manager and a Monitor utility to your Computer. You may install the Setup program to all Computers on the LAN to ease the configuration of networking and install the monitor utility to every computer.
Check with the equipment you have before you start installing Internet Sharer. Below lists the equipment needed for typical dial-up Internet connection.
§ Internet Service Provider (ISP) dial-up account - only one account is
§ Modem or ISDN terminal adapter
§ RS232 Cable for Modem (DB9 male or DB25 male) to Internet Sharer
(DB9 female). Usually you can get this cable from your modem package.
§ One dedicated phone line or ISDN line
§ Ethernet cards for your Computers
§ RJ45 to RJ45 cables to connect your LAN cards 10BaseT interface to
Internet Sharer
§ At least one computer running Windows 95 or Windows NT
4 Note : There are more connection methods supported by Internet
Sharer. They are leased line and direct link. Please refer to Chapter 4 Link Connection Type under Basic Configuration.
2-2 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
Ordering a phone line
You may use your existing phone line for regular modem connection to your ISP to save your budget. Or, you may apply for another phone line solely used for Internet Access. For faster access, you may consider applying ISDN line if that is available at your area.
Ordering an ISP account
If you don’t have an ISP account, contact the Internet Service Provider (ISP) you choose and set up an account. Write down all information to the ISP Worksheet on page 2-5 to make sure you have all the information to set up the Internet Sharer.
You may check with your friends, your phone carrier or local yellow page about who is the best ISP suitable for you.
Preparing PC running with LAN interface
You must have a computer with network interface to connect to Internet Sharer so the Internet Sharer can provide the sharing functions. Prepare one computer installed with Windows 95 and Windows NT. Purchase an Ethernet network card and install the needed driver TCP/IP. After you finish these basic equipment and tools, you may proceed to install Internet Sharer. If you are not an experienced user, please refer detail installation of your network card and finish the installation steps. For your convenience of configuring your network, you may check with Chapter 6 for how to configure your PC
Before Installing Internet Sharer 2-3
4 Note : Chapter 6 tells you more about how to add network to your PC.
Don’t miss it if you are not familiar with networking.
ISP Worksheet
Write down the information that you obtain from your Internet Service Provider on the next page. This worksheet contains the needed information for you to configure Internet Sharer.
2-4 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
ISP Worksheet
ISP Name:
User Name:
DNS IP address: . . .
Dial up phone number:
Do you have a Static IP address? o No o Yes
Your IP Address . . .
Email account :
Email Password:
Before Installing Internet Sharer 2-5
2-6 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
Connecting the Internet Sharer and Equipment
After preparing all the equipment and account listed at Chapter 2, your team are just few steps away to use the Internet Sharer freely and enjoy the fun. Now you need to put all things together. Follow the instruction below to connect your equipment step-by-step.
q Connecting your modem q Connecting Internet Sharer q Connecting your PC
ConnectingThe Internet Sharer and Equipment 3-1
Connecting your modem
§ Connect the serial cable from your external modem or ISDN
terminal adapter to the serial connector on the back of the Internet Sharer.
4 Note: You may check with your Modem User s Manual if you find
any problem or you want to know more about modem.
3-2 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
§ Connect the telephone cable from the wall outlet to the Line in port
of your modem.
§ Connect the modem power supply to your modem. Plug the other
end into a power outlet.
§ Power on your modem.
ConnectingThe Internet Sharer and Equipment 3-3
Connecting the Internet Sharer
§ Connect the Internet Sharer power cord to the back of Internet
Sharer and to the wall outlet.
§ Connect one end of Ethernet cable to the back of the Internet
Sharer’s RJ-45 connector and a 10Mbps.
§ Power on the Internet Sharer
3-4 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
Connecting your PC
Use the Ethernet RJ-45 to RJ-45 cable you have prepared from the previous Chapter to connect the network interface on the back of your computer to the back sockets of Internet Sharer.
4 Note : If you have an existing TCP/IP network now, you may
continue the installation now. If you recently purchase a network card, you may follow the network card user manual to install the card and configure the TCP/IP step by step. You may also check with Chapter 6 Configuring your PC for detail.
ConnectingThe Internet Sharer and Equipment 3-5
3-6 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
Installing Software and Configuring Internet Sharer
This chapter shows you how to configure Moxa Internet Sharer. However, you need to go through the previous chapters and get everything connected so the software will work.
The disk included in the Moxa Internet Sharer package contains the software to configure and manage Internet Sharer through Windows 95 or Windows NT4.0 system. It also contains a utility for monitoring the status of Internet Sharer. This chapter contains:
q Installing Internet Sharer Wizard q Starting Internet Sharer Manager q Uninstalling Internet Sharer q Upgrading Internet Sharer Firmware
4 Note: Internet Sharer Wizard is used for the first time installation
only. For later change and advanced configuration, run Internet Sharer Manager after installing the Internet Sharer Wizard.
ConnectingThe Internet Sharer and Equipment 4-1
To enable the Internet Sharer to run with your PCs and your account, you need to install the software to at least one of your PC for Configuration. You may also install the software to the rest of your PCs for easy management and install the monitor utilities into all computers.
Installing software wizard
Internet Sharer contains an easy Setup Wizard software to guide you through the basic configuration steps. It not only installs the needed files to your system, it provides the easy step-by-step window to setup your ISP information to the Internet Sharer.
1. Insert the SD1000 disk into 3 1/2 floppy drive in your PC. From
the Start bar, click Run.
4-2 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
2. Under the dialog box, type in “a:setup” then press OK to continue.
3. The Setup prompts you a welcome message and ask if you want to
install the Internet Sharer software now. Click Next to continue. Cancel to stop.
ConnectingThe Internet Sharer and Equipment 4-3
4 Note : If you do not see this screen, but get the other Error message
screen instead, it means the Internet Sharer is not connect to your PC properly. Recheck with Chapter 2 and reconnect everything. Or, you may refer to Appendix A-Troubleshooting for more information.
4. Enter the name of directory to install the Internet Sharer files. You
may press Next to use default directory name.
4-4 Moxa Internet Sharer User’s Manual
5. The following two steps are only required if no one has ever set up
the Internet Sharer before. If you are the first one to install Internet Sharer software at your office, you have to type in the basic information to the Internet Sharer so it contains your ISP information to dial out. Refer to the worksheet you entered in Chapter 2 and copy the Username and Password to the corresponding fields. Type the password again then click Next.
4 Note : If you do not see this dialog box but jump to dialog
instead, it means the Internet Sharer has already got the basic ISP information inside. If you like to make any change, simply start the Internet Sharer Manger to re-configure. Later in this chapter describes how to start Internet Sharer Manager.
ConnectingThe Internet Sharer and Equipment 4-5
6. Select Dial-up connection for regular Internet Access and input the
ISP dial-up phone number. If you have applied for a leased line account from your ISP, you have to select the corresponding one. Click Next to continue.
4 Note: Choose Leased-Line only if you are sure to do that. You must
have a leased line modem and Leased-Line account with your ISP. Internet Share Manager Configuration also provides a Direct Connect method Continue reading this chapter to reach how to set it up.
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