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Serial Port Pin Assignments .................................................................................................................. 1-5
2. Getting Started ................................................................................................................................. 2-1
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Top Panel LED Indicators .............................................................................................................. 2-3
End Panel LED Indicators.............................................................................................................. 2-3
Pull High/Low Resistors for RS-422/485 ................................................................................................. 2-4
Disconnection Request from Local Site .................................................................................................. C-1
Disconnection Request from Remote Site ............................................................................................... C-1
AT Commands .................................................................................................................................... C-2
S Registers ........................................................................................................................................ C-3
D. Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement ........................................................... D-1
E. FCC Warning Statement .................................................................................................................... E-1
1. Introduction
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Package Checklist
Product Features
Product Specifications
Serial Port Pin Assignments
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Introduction
In this chapter we introduce the basic features and specifications of the NPort W2150A/W2250A and NPort
W2150A/W2250A-T, referred to collectively as the NPort W2150A/W2250A Series.
The NPort W2150A/W2250A Series of wireless device servers are used to co nnect RS-232/422/485 serial
devices such as PLCs, meters, and sensors, to a wired Ethernet LAN or wireless LAN. Your communicat ions
software will be able to access the serial devices from anywhere over a local LAN, WLAN, or the Internet.
Moreover, the WLAN environment offers an excellent solution for applications in which the serial devices are
moved frequently from place to place.
The NPort W2150A/W2250A supports both automatic IP configuration protocols (DHCP, BOOTP) and manual
configuration using a standard web browser. Both IP configuration methods ensure quick and effective
installation. In addition, a utility called “NPort Windows Driver Manager” makes port mapping easy.
The external antenna can be adjusted for maximum signal strength. You can also choose to use your own
antenna for additional flexibility and scalability. A signal strength indicator on the front panel makes it easier for
you to troubleshoot any connection problems.
The NPort W2150A/W2250A Series offers different operation modes to ensure compatibility with standard
network APIs, including TCP Server Mode, TCP Client Mode, and UDP Mode. RealCOM/TTY drivers are provided
to allow legacy serial-based software to communicate over an IP network instantly. This preserves your
software investment while providing all the advantages of networking your serial devices.
For easier management, the NPort W215 0A/W2250A include features such as password authenticatio n , I P
filtering, 64-bit and 128-bit WEP encryption , and SNMP support.
Package Checklist
Standard Accessories
• NPort W2150A, NPort W2150A-T, NPort W2250A, or NPort W2250A-T.
• Document & Software CD
• RJ45 to RJ45 Ethernet cros s -over cable
• Warranty statement
• Quick Installation Guide
Optional Accessories
• DK-35A: DIN-rail mounting kit (35 mm)
• Power jack to terminal block power cable (P/N: 9199000000900)
NOTE: Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged
Product Features
• Instant connection of any serial device to IEEE 802.11a/b/g network
• RS-232/422/485 ports supporting baudrates up to 921.6 Kbps
• Web-based configuration over Ethernet or WLAN
• Enhanced remote configuration with HTTPS, SSH
• Secure data access with WEP, WPA, WPA2
• Built-in WLAN site survey Tool
• Fast roaming when signal strength is weak
• Per-port offline port buffering and serial data log
• Dual power inputs via power jack and terminal block
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Introduction
Ethernet Interface
Number of Ports:
Magnetic Isolation Protection:
WLAN Interface
Standard Compliance:
Network Modes:
Transmit Power:
802.11a: 14 dBm (typical)
802.11b: 17 dBm
802.11g: 15 dBm (typical)
Receive Sensitivity:
Radio Frequency Type:
Transmission Rate:
802.11a: 54 Mbps
802.11b: 11 Mbps
802.11g: 54 Mbps (max.) with auto fallback (54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 11, 9, 6, 5.5, 2, 1 Mbps)
Without ears or antenna: 77 x 111 x 26 mm (3.03 x 4.37 x
With ears, without antenna: 100 x 111 x 26 mm (3.94 x 4.37 x 1.02 in)
Antenna Length: 109.79 mm (4.32 in)
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature:
Standard Models: 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F)
Wide Temp. Models:
Storage Temperature:
Ambient Relative Humid it y:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Power Consumption:
NPort W2150A: 237 mA @ 12 VDC
NPort W2250A: 237 mA @ 12 VDC
Top Panel LED Indicators
End Panel LED Indicators
Pull High/Low Resistors for RS-422/485
Placement Options
Connecting the Hardware
Connect ing to the Network
Connect ing the Power
Conne cting to a Serial Device
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Getting Started
This chapter presents the hardware features of the NPort W2150/W2250A Series and explains how to connect
the hardware.
Panel Layout
NPort W2150A/W2150A-T NPort W2250A/W2250A-T
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Getting Started
LED Indicators
Top Panel LED Indicators
Name Color Function
Steady on: Power is on and NPort is booting up.
Blinking: IP conflict or DHCP/ BOOTP s erver did not respond properly.
Steady on: NPort is functioning normally.
Blinking: Unit is responding to Locate function.
Steady on: Wireless enabled
Blinking: NPort can’t establish WLAN connection with AP
(Infrastructure) or station (Ad-Hoc)
1 Red - the signal strength is between 0% and 20%
2 Red - the signal strength is between 21% and 40%
3 Green - the signal strength is between 41% and 6 0%
4 Green - the signal strength is between 61% and 80%
5 Green - the signal strength is between 81% and 100%
Serial 1
Serial 2
Signal Strength
(5 LEDS)
Off Power is off or a power error condition exists.
Off Wireless not enabled.
Orange Serial port is receiving data.
Green Serial port is transmitting data.
Off No data is flowing to or from the serial port.
You may need to set the pull high/low r esistors when termination resistors are used for certain RS-422 or
RS-485 environments.
S2 (Serial 1)
S3 (Serial 2)
ON 1 KΩ1 KΩ120 Ω-----
OFF *150 KΩ*150 KΩ*N/A -----
S3 is for NPort W2250A only
Pull high resistor
Pull low resistor
Terminal resistor
setting while in RS-232 mode. Doing so wil l d eg rade the RS-
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Getting Started
Before connecting the hardware, follow these important wiring safety precautions:
Disconnect power source
Do not install or wire this unit or any attached devices with the power connected. Disconnect the power before
installation by removing the power cord before installing and/or wiring your unit.
Follow maximum current ratings
Calculate the maximum possible current in each power wire and c
dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size.
If the current goes above the maximum ratings, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your
Use caution
The unit will generate heat during operation, and the casing may feel hot to the touch. Take care when handling
unit. Be sure to leave adequate space f or ventilation.
Placement Options
The NPort can be placed on a desktop or other horizontal surfac e. You c an al s o i nstall t he N Por t on a DIN-rail
or on the wall.
Wall Mounting DIN-Rail Mounting
Connecting the Hardware
ommon wire. Observe all electrical codes
- unit may get hot
The following guide lines will help ensure trouble-free signal commun ica tio n with th e NPort .
• Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices to avoid interference. Do not run signal or
communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. The rule of thumb is that wiring that
shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together .
• If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the
intersection point.
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• Label all wiring to each device in the system for easier testing and troubleshooting
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Getting Started
Connecting to the Network
Use the supplied Ethernet cable to connect the NPort to your Ethernet network. If the cable is properl y
connected, the NPort will indica te a v alid connection to the Ethernet as follows:
• A green Ethernet LED indicates a vali d connection to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network.
• An orange Ethernet LED indicates a valid connection to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network.
• A flashing Ethernet LED indicates that Ethernet packets are being transmitted or received.
Connecting the Power
Connect the VDC power line (12 to 48 V) to the NPort’s power jack or terminal block. If power is properly
connected, the “Ready” LED will initially glow red. When the system is ready, the “Ready” LED will turn green.
Connecting to a Serial Device
Use a serial cable to connect your serial device to a serial port on the NPort.
3. Initial IP Configuration
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Factory Default IP Settings
Using ARP to Assign IP Address
Using the Telnet Console to Assign IP Address
Using the Serial Console to Assign IP Address
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Initial IP Configuration
The LAN and WLAN interfaces cannot be used at the same time. If the Ethernet link is active, then WLAN
connections will be disabled. I f the WLAN connec
Make sure that the Ethernet cable is connected before powering up the NPort.
If you forget the IP address of your NPort, you can l ook it up using the NPort Searc h Utility. After NPort Search
Utility has found all NPorts on the network, each unit will be listed with its IP address. Please refer to Chapter
11 for additional information on using NPort Search Utility.
This chapter presents several ways to assign the NPort’s IP address for the first time. Please refer to Chapter
2 for instructions on connecting to the network.
The web console is the recommended method for configuring the NPort. Please refer to Chapter 5 and 6 for
details on using the web console fo r configuration.
tion is active, then the Ethernet link will be disabled.
Factory Default IP Settings
Network Interface IP Configuration IP Address Netmask
LAN Static
WLAN Static
If your NPort is configured to obtain its IP settings from a DHCP or BOOT P server but is unable to get a response,
it will use the factory default IP address and netmask.
Using ARP to Assign IP Address
The ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) command can be used to assign an IP address to the NPort. The ARP
command tells your computer to associate the NPort’s MAC address with the specified IP address. You must
then use Telnet to access the NPort, at which point the device server’s IP address will be reconfigured. This
method only works when the NPort is configured with default IP settings.
1. Select a valid IP address for your NPort. Consult with your network administrator if necessary.
2. Obtain the NPort’s MAC address from the label on its bottom panel.
3. From the DOS pro mpt , exe cu te the arp -s command with the desired IP addr ess and the NPort’s MAC
address, as in the following example:
arp -s 00-90-E8-xx-xx-xx
In this example is the new IP addr ess that will be assigned to the NPor t, a nd
00-90-E8-xx-xx-xx is the NPort’s MAC address.
4. From the DOS prompt, execute a special T elnet command using port 6000, as in the f ollowing example:
telnet 6000
In this example, is the new IP address that will be assigned to the NPort.
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Initial IP Configuration
5. You will see a message indicating that the connection failed.
The NPort will automatically reboot with the new IP address. You can verify that the configuration was
successful by connecting to the new IP address with Telnet, ping, the web console, or NPort Search Utility.
Using the Telnet Console to Assign IP Address
1. Select Run… from the Windows Start menu.
2. Enter telnet (the NPort’s default IP address) and click [OK].
3. Enter your login account and password, then press ENTER.
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Initial IP Configuration
4. You will login to the Overview page.
5. Press N or use the cursor keys to select Network and press ENTER.
6. Press E or use the cursor keys to select Ethernet and press ENTER.
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Initial IP Configuration
7. Use the cursor k eys to navigate between the different fields. For IP address, Netmask, and Gateway,
enter the desired values directly. For IP configuration and LAN speed, press ENTER to open a submenu
and select between the available options.
8. Press ESC to return to the menu. When prompted, press Y to save the configuration changes.
The NPort will reboot with the new I P settings. You can telnet to the new IP to login again.
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Initial IP Configuration
Using the Serial Console to Assign IP Address
Before using the NPort’s serial console, turn off the power and use a serial cable to connect the NPort console
port to your computer’s serial port. Port 1 on the NPort se rves as the console port. Use Port 1 connecting to the
console port with a serial-based terminal or terminal emulator program, such as Windows HyperTerminal. You
may also download PComm Lite at
serial communication parameters should be set as 19200, 8, N, 1 (19200 for baud rate, 8 for data bits, None
for parity, and 1 for stop bits). As soon as the connection is open, you will be presented with a text menu
displaying the NPort W2150A/W2250A Series general settings. Please refer to Chapter 4 for a description of the
available settings. The following instructions, we recommend using PComm Terminal Emulator, which can be
downloaded free of charge from
1. Connect your PC’s serial port to the NPort’s console port.
2. Open your terminal emulator program, such as Windows HyperTerminal. We recommend using PComm
Terminal Emulator, which can be downloaded for free at
3. In your terminal emulator program, configure the communication parameters for the serial port on t he PC.
The parameters should be set to 19200 for baud rate, 8 for data bits, None for parity, and 1 for stop bits. The terminal type should be set as ANSI or VT100, and the, to carry out the configuration procedure.
4. In your terminal emulator program, set the terminal type to ANSI or VT100. If you select Dumb Terminal
as the terminal type, some of the console functions—especially the “Monitor ” f unction—may not work
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Initial IP Configuration
5. Hold the grave accent key (`) down and power up the NPort.
The continuous string of grave accen t cha racters triggers the NPort to switch from data mode to console
6. The serial console will open and will be functionally identical to the Telnet console. Please refer to the Telnet
console section for instructions on how to navigate the console and co nfigure the IP settings.
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Introduction to Operation Modes
RealCOM mode is designed to work with NPort drivers
that are installed on a network host. COM drivers are
provided for Windows systems, and TTY drivers are
provided for Linux and UNIX systems. The driver
establishes a transparent connection to the attached
serial device by mapping a local serial port
NPort serial port. RealCOM mode supports up to four
simultaneous connections, so mu ltiple hosts can
collect data from the attached device at the same
RealCOM drivers are installed and configured
This chapter introduces the different serial port operation modes that are available on the NPort
W2150A/W2250A Series. Each serial port on the NPort is configured independently of the other ports, with its
own serial communication parameters and operation mode. The serial port’s operation mode determines how
it interacts with the network, and different modes are available to encompass a wide variety of applications and
RealCOM and RFC2217 modes allow serial-based software to access the NPort serial port as if it were a local
serial port on a PC. These modes are appropriate when your application relies on Windows or Linux software
that was originally designed for locally attached COM or TTY devices. With these modes, you can access your
devices from the network using your existing COM/TTY-based software, without investing in additional
Three different socket modes are available for user-developed socket programs: TCP Server, TCP Client, and
UDP Server/Client. For TCP applications, the appropriate mode depends on whether the connection will be
hosted or initiated from the NPort serial port or from the network. The main difference between the TCP and
UDP protocols is that TCP guarantees delivery of data by requiring the recipient to send an acknowledgement
to the sender. UDP does not require this type of verification, making it possible to offer speedier delivery. UDP
also allows multicasting of data to groups of IP addresses and would be suitable for streaming media or
non-critical messaging applications such as LED message boards.
Pair Connection Slave and Master modes are designed for serial-to-serial communication over Ethernet, in
order to overcome traditional limitations with serial transmission distance.
In Ethernet Modem mode, the NPort acts as an Ethernet modem, providing a network connection to a host
through the serial port.
RealCOM Mode
to the
RealCOM mode allows you to continue using your serial communications software to access devices that are
now attached to your NPort device server. On the host, the NPort RealCOM driver automatically intercepts data
sent to the COM port, packs it into a TCP/IP packet, and red irects it to the network. At the other end of the
connection, the NPort device server accepts the Ethernet frame, unpacks the TCP/IP packet, and sends the
serial data to the appropriate device.
through NPort Windows Driver Manager.
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Introduction to Operation Modes
In RealCOM mode, several hosts can have simultaneous access control over the NPort serial port. If necessary,
you can limit access by using the NPort’s Accessible IP settings. Plea se refer to Chapter 8 for additional
information on Accessible IP settings.
In TCP Server mode, the NPort serial port is assigned
an IP:port address that is unique on your TCP/IP
network. It waits for the host computer to establish a
connection to the attached serial d evice. This
operation mode also supports up to eight
simultaneous connections, so mu lti
collect data from the attached device at the same
Data transmission proceeds as follows:
A host requests a connection to the NPort serial port.
Once the connection is established, data can be
transmitted in both direc tions
device, and from the device to the host .
In TCP Client mode, the NPort active ly establishes a
TCP connection to a specific network host when data
is received from the attached serial device. After the
data has been transferred,
automatically disconnect from the host computer
through the Inactivity time setting s. Please refer to
Chapter 7 for details on these parameters.
Data transmission proceeds as follows:
The NPort requests a connection fr om the host.
The connect
transmitted in both directions between the host and
RFC2217 Mode
RFC-2217 mode is similar to RealCOM mode, since it relies on a driver to transparently map a virtual COM port
on a host computer to a serial port on the NPort. The RFC2217 standard defines general COM port control
options based on the Telnet protocol and supports one connection at a time. Third party drivers supporting
RFC-2217 are widely available on the Internet and can be used to implement virtual COM mapping.
TCP Server Mode
ple hosts can
—from the host to the
TCP Client Mode
the NPort can
ion is established and data can be
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Introduction to Operation Modes
UDP is similar to TCP but is faster and more efficient.
Data can be broadcast to or received from multiple
network hosts. However, UDP does no t suppo
verification of data and would not be suitable for
applications where data integrity is critical. It is ideal
for message display applications.
Pair Connection Master and Slave modes connect two
NPort device servers over a
communication. A device attached to one NPort can
then communicate transparently to a device attached
to the other NPort, as if the two devices were
connected by a serial cable. Both data and modem
control signals are exchanged, except for DCD signals.
This can be used to overcome tradition al limitations
with serial communication distance and introduces
many new possibilities for serial-based device control.
Ethernet Modem mode is designed for use with legacy
operating systems, such as MS
support TCP/IP Ethernet. By connecting the prop er ly
configured NPort serial port to the MS-DOS computer’s
serial port, it is possible to use lega cy software to
transmit data over the Ethernet when the software was
originally designed to transmit data over a modem.
UDP Mode
Pair Connection Modes
network for serial-to-
Ethernet Modem Mode
-DOS, that do not
5. Web Console: Basic Settings
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Basic Settings
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Web Console: Basic Settings
In order to use the web console, you will need to have cookies e nabled
for your browser. Please note that the web console uses cookies only for
password transmission. For Internet Explorer, cookies can be enabled
by right
selecting Properties from the context menu.
On the Security tab, click “Custom Level…” and enable these two items:
Allow per
If you are not using Internet Explorer, cookies are usually enabled through a web browser setting such as
“allow cookies that ar
This chapter introduces the NPort w eb console and explains how to configure the basic settings.
The NPort can be configured from anywhere on the network through its web console. Simply point the browser
to the device server’s IP address to open the web console. Network settings, operation mode, and other items
can all be configured through the browser.
Web Browser Settings
-clicking the Internet Explorer icon on your desktop and
cookies that are stored on your computer.
-session cookies (not stored).
e stored on your computer” or “allow per-session cookies.”
Navigating the Web Console
To open the web console, enter your dev ice server’s IP address in the website address line. If you are
configuring the NPort for the first time over an Ethernet cable, you will use the default IP address,
There are two account types: admin and user. If you enter the system with admin account, you will have the
right to read and write. If you enter the system with user account, you will only have the right to read.
If prompted, enter the console password. You will only be prompted for a password if you have enabled
password protection on the device server. The password will be transmitted with MD5 encryption over the
NPort W2150A/W2250A Series Web Console: Basic Settings
If you have forgotten the password, you can use the reset button to load factory defaults, but this will erase all
previous configuration information.
The web console will appear as shown below.
Settings are presented on pages that are organized by folder. Select the desired folder in the left navigation
panel to open that page. The page will be displayed in the main window on the right. Certain folders can be
expanded by clicking the adjacent “–” symbol.
For example, if you click Basic Settings in the navigation panel, the main window will show a page of basic
settings that you can configure.
After you have made changes on a page, you must click [Submit] in the main window before jumping to
another page. Your changes will be lost if you do not click [Submit].
Once you click [Submit] b utton, the device server will reboot and with a beep alarm.
+ 106 hidden pages
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