Moxa Technologies NPort S8455I, NPort S8455I-MM-SC, NPort S8455I-MM-SC-T, NPort S8455I-T, NPort S8455I-SS-SC User Manual

NPort S8000 Series User’s Manual
Edition 7.0, November 2017
© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
NPort S8000 Series User’s Manual
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Industrial Communications and Automation .................................................................................... 1-2
Industrial vs. Commercial ............................................................................................................. 1-2
Informative vs. Passive ................................................................................................................ 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-3
2. Getting Started.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Panel Layout ...................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................ 2-3
NPort S8455 Series ..................................................................................................................... 2-3
NPort S8458 Series ..................................................................................................................... 2-4
Connecting the Hardware..................................................................................................................... 2-4
Wiring Requirements ................................................................................................................... 2-5
Connecting the Power .................................................................................................................. 2-5
Connecting to the Network ........................................................................................................... 2-6
Connecting to a Serial Device ....................................................................................................... 2-6
LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................ 2-6
Adjustable Pull High/low Resistors and Terminators for the RS-485 Port (NPort S8455I Series only) ...... 2-6
Wiring the Relay Contact .............................................................................................................. 2-7
Wiring the Digital Inputs .............................................................................................................. 2-8
3. Initial IP Address Configuration ........................................................................................................ 3-1
Static and Dynamic IP Addresses .......................................................................................................... 3-2
Factory Default IP Address ................................................................................................................... 3-2
Configuration Options .......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Device Search Utility .................................................................................................................... 3-2
Web Console ............................................................................................................................... 3-2
ARP ........................................................................................................................................... 3-2
SSH Console ............................................................................................................................... 3-3
Serial Console ............................................................................................................................. 3-7
4. Choosing the Serial Operation Mode ................................................................................................. 4-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Real COM Mode .................................................................................................................................. 4-2
RFC2217 Mode ................................................................................................................................... 4-3
TCP Server Mode ................................................................................................................................ 4-3
TCP Client Mode ................................................................................................................................. 4-3
UDP Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 4-4
Disabled Mode .................................................................................................................................... 4-4
5. Use Real COM Mode to Communicate with Serial Devices .................................................................. 5-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Device Search Utility ........................................................................................................................... 5-2
Installing the Device Search Utility ................................................................................................ 5-2
Find a Specific NPort on the Ethernet Network via the DSU ............................................................... 5-5
Opening Your Browser ................................................................................................................. 5-6
Configure Operation Mode to Real COM Mode.................................................................................. 5-8
NPort Windows Driver Manager ............................................................................................................ 5-9
Installing the NPort Windows Driver Manager .................................................................................. 5-9
Using NPort Windows Driver Manager .......................................................................................... 5-12
Linux Real TTY Drivers ...................................................................................................................... 5-19
Basic Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 5-19
Hardware Setup ........................................................................................................................ 5-20
Installing Linux Real TTY Driver Files ........................................................................................... 5-20
Mapping TTY Ports ..................................................................................................................... 5-20
Removing Mapped TTY Ports ....................................................................................................... 5-21
Removing Linux Driver Files ........................................................................................................ 5-21
The UNIX Fixed TTY Driver ................................................................................................................. 5-21
Installing the UNIX Driver........................................................................................................... 5-21
Configuring the UNIX Driver ....................................................................................................... 5-22
6. Basic Settings and Device Server Configuration ................................................................................ 6-1
Basic Settings .................................................................................................................................... 6-2
General Settings ......................................................................................................................... 6-2
Time Settings ............................................................................................................................. 6-3
Network Settings ......................................................................................................................... 6-4
Serial Settings .................................................................................................................................... 6-7
Operation Modes ......................................................................................................................... 6-7
Serial Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 6-22
Serial ToS Settings .................................................................................................................... 6-24
7. Switch Featured Functions ................................................................................................................ 7-1
Ethernet Settings ................................................................................................................................ 7-2
Port Settings ............................................................................................................................... 7-2
Port Trunking .............................................................................................................................. 7-3
Communication Redundancy ......................................................................................................... 7-5
STP/RSTP ........................................................................................................................................ 7-15
The STP/RSTP Concept .............................................................................................................. 7-15
Configuring STP/RSTP ................................................................................................................ 7-19
Configuration Limits of STP/RSTP ................................................................................................ 7-20
Bandwidth Management .................................................................................................................... 7-21
Using Bandwidth Management .................................................................................................... 7-21
Configuring Bandwidth Management ............................................................................................ 7-21
Line Swap Fast Recovery ................................................................................................................... 7-21
Using Line-Swap-Fast-Recovery .................................................................................................. 7-21
Configuring Line-Swap Fast Recovery .......................................................................................... 7-22
Ethernet Advanced Settings ............................................................................................................... 7-22
Ethernet Traffic Prioritization ...................................................................................................... 7-22
The Traffic Prioritization Concept ................................................................................................. 7-23
Configuring Ethernet Traffic Prioritization ..................................................................................... 7-24
Virtual LAN ...................................................................................................................................... 7-27
Using Virtual LAN ...................................................................................................................... 7-27
The Virtual LAN (VLAN) Concept .................................................................................................. 7-27
Configuring Virtual LAN .............................................................................................................. 7-31
Multicast Filtering ............................................................................................................................. 7-33
Using Multicast Filtering ............................................................................................................. 7-33
The Concept of Multicast Filtering ................................................................................................ 7-33
Configuring IGMP Snooping ........................................................................................................ 7-35
IGMP Snooping Settings ............................................................................................................. 7-36
Configuring GMRP...................................................................................................................... 7-38
Set Device IP ................................................................................................................................... 7-38
Using Set Device IP ................................................................................................................... 7-38
Configuring Set Device IP ........................................................................................................... 7-39
System Management ......................................................................................................................... 7-40
Misc. Network Settings ............................................................................................................... 7-40
SysLog Server .................................................................................................................................. 7-41
Using Syslog ............................................................................................................................. 7-41
Local User Database .................................................................................................................. 7-43
Port Access Control ........................................................................................................................... 7-43
Configuring Static Port Lock ........................................................................................................ 7-45
Configuring IEEE 802.1X ............................................................................................................ 7-46
Auto Warning Settings ............................................................................................................... 7-47
Configuring E-Mail Alert ..................................................................................................................... 7-47
Configuring SNMP ............................................................................................................................. 7-49
SNMP Read/Write Settings .......................................................................................................... 7-50
E-mail Event Settings ................................................................................................................ 7-51
SNMP Trap ............................................................................................................................... 7-53
Relay Alarm Settings ................................................................................................................. 7-54
System Log Settings .................................................................................................................. 7-55
Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 7-57
Console Settings ....................................................................................................................... 7-57
Ping ......................................................................................................................................... 7-57
Update System Files from Local PC .............................................................................................. 7-58
Load Factory Default .................................................................................................................. 7-60
Change Password ...................................................................................................................... 7-61
Mirror Port Settings ................................................................................................................... 7-61
TFTP Settings............................................................................................................................ 7-62
DIP Switch Settings ................................................................................................................... 7-63
System Monitoring ............................................................................................................................ 7-65
Serial Status ............................................................................................................................. 7-65
System Status .......................................................................................................................... 7-67
Ethernet Status ......................................................................................................................... 7-68
Restart ............................................................................................................................................ 7-73
Restart System ......................................................................................................................... 7-73
Restart Serial Port ..................................................................................................................... 7-74
A. Pinouts and Cable Wiring .................................................................................................................. A-1
Port Pinout Diagrams .......................................................................................................................... A-2
Ethernet Port Pinouts ................................................................................................................... A-2
Serial Port Pinouts ....................................................................................................................... A-2
Cable Wiring Diagrams ........................................................................................................................ A-3
Ethernet Cables........................................................................................................................... A-3
B. Well-Known Port Numbers ................................................................................................................ B-1
C. SNMP Agents with MIB II & RS-232 Like Groups .............................................................................. C-1
D. Switch MIB Groups ............................................................................................................................ D-1
E. Compliance Note ............................................................................................................................... E-1

1. Introduction

The Moxa NPort S8000 is an advanced industrial serial device server integrated with a fully managed redundant
Ethernet switch, which enables easy network operation for your serial devices and connects Ethernet-enabled
devices in industrial field applications.
The NPort S8000 Series includes seven models:
NPort S8455I
Combination switch / device server with 4 RS-232/422/485 ports, 5 10/100M Ethernet ports, RJ45
connector, 12–48 VDC, 0 to 60°C operating temperature
NPort S8455I-T
Combination switch / device server with 4 RS-232/422/485 ports, 5 10/100M Ethernet ports, RJ45
connector, 12–48 VDC, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
NPort S8455I-MM-SC
Combination switch / device server with 4 RS-232/422/485 ports, 3 10/100M Ethernet ports, 2 100M
multimode fiber ports, SC connector, 12–48 VDC, 0 to 60°C operating temperature
NPort S8455I-MM-SC-T
Combination switch / device server with 4 RS-232/422/485 ports, 3 10/100M Ethernet ports, 2 100M
multimode fiber ports, SC connector, 12–48 VDC, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
NPort S8455I-SS-SC
Combination switch / device server with 4 RS-232/422/485 ports, 3 10/100M Ethernet ports, 2 100M
single-mode fiber ports, SC connector, 12–48 VDC, 0 to 60°C operating temperature
NPort S8455I-SS-SC-T
Combination switch / device server with 4 RS-232/422/485 ports, 3 10/100M Ethernet ports, 2 100M
single-mode fiber ports, SC connector, 12–48 VDC, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
NPort S8458-4S-SC-T
4 RS-232/422/485 ports, 4 10/100M Ethernet ports, 4 100M single-mode fiber ports with SC connector,
combo switch serial device server, 12-48 VDC, -40 to 85°C operating temperature
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Industrial Communications and Automation
Industrial vs. Commercial
Informative vs. Passive
Package Checklist
Product Features
NPort S8000 Series Introduction


The NPort S8000 is an industrial device server that integrates a managed Ethernet switch with a fully functional
serial device server. The NPort S8000 device servers are designed to make your industrial serial devices
instantly Internet-ready.
The NPort S8458 offers four fiber Ethernet ports, four Ethernet ports, and four RS-232/422/485 serial ports in
a single device. Its design not only saves cabinet space and reduces power consumption, but also saves money
since you don’t need to purchase separate switches and serial device servers.
The compact size of the NPort S8000 device servers makes them the ideal choice for connecting
RS-232/422/485 serial devices, such as PLCs, meters, and sensors, to an IP-based Ethernet LAN, making it
possible for your software to access serial devices anywhere over a LAN or the Internet.
The NPort S8000 is a fully equipped managed Ethernet Switch with a suite of useful maintenance and
monitoring functions, and it is designed to provide smooth and reliable operation in harsh industrial
environments. It is ideal for keeping automation systems running continuously, sending status reports to help
prevent system damage and losses, and managing your industrial Ethernet networks and serial devices.

Industrial Communications and Automation

As the world’s networking and information technology becomes more complex, Ethernet has become the major
communications interface in many industrial communications and automation applications. In fact, a whole
new industry has sprung up to provide Ethernet products that comply with the requirements of demanding
industrial applications.

Industrial vs. Commercial

Users have found that when transplanting Ethernet from comfortable office environments to harsh and less
predictable industrial environments, commercial Ethernet equipment available in today’s market simply cannot
meet the high-reliability requirements demanded by industrial applications. This means that more robust
networking equipment, commonly referred to as industrial Ethernet equipment, is required for these

Informative vs. Passive

Since industrial Ethernet devices are often located at the endpoints of a system, such devices cannot always
know what’s happening elsewhere on the network. This means that industrial Ethernet communication
equipment that connects these devices must provide system administrators with real-time alarm messages.

Package Checklist

The Moxa NPort S8000 Series products are shipped with the following items:

Standard Accessories

• 1 NPort S8000 serial device server
• NPort Document & Software CD
• NPort S8000 Series Quick Installation Guide
• Product warranty statement
• RJ45-to-DB9 console port cable

Optional Accessories

• Wall-mounting kit
NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged.
NPort S8000 Series Introduction

Product Features

The NPort S8000 Series products enjoy the following features:
• Make your serial devices Internet ready
• Versatile socket operation modes, including TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP
• Easy-to-use Windows Utility for mass installation
• Supports 10/100 Mbps Ethernet—auto detectable
• Supports SNMP MIB-II for network management
• Configuration auto-restore by LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)
• Configurable serial data transmission priority
• Multiport managed Ethernet switch
• Ethernet redundancy by Turbo Ring (recovery time < 20 ms), RSTP/STP (IEEE 802.1w/D)
• QoS, IGMP snooping/GMRP, VLAN, LACP, SNMPv1/v2c/v3, RMON supported
• 4 serial ports device server, support RS-232/422/RS-485
• 2k VDC isolation protection for serial port (the NPort S8455I Series only)
• Surge protection for serial/power/Ethernet
• Adjustable pull high/low resistor and terminators for the RS-485 port (the NPort S8455I Series only)
• 2- or 4-wire RS-485 with patented ADDC™ (Automatic Data Direction Control)

2. Getting Started

This chapter details the installation of the NPort S8000 series device servers. Note that the manual uses the
NPort S8455 Series as an example to illustrate the functionality of the NPort S8000 Series in chapters 2, 3, 4,
6 and 7.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Panel Layout
NPort S8455 Series
NPort S8458 Series
Connecting the Hardware
Wiring Requirements
Connecting the Power
Connecting to the Network
Connecting to a Serial Device
LED Indicators
Adjustable Pull High/low Resistors and Terminators for the RS-485 Port (NPort S8455I Series only)
Wiring the Relay Contact
Wiring the Digital Inputs
NPort S8000 Series Getting Started

Panel Layout

NPort S8000 Series Getting Started


NPort S8455 Series

NPort S8000 Series Getting Started

NPort S8458 Series

Connecting the Hardware

This section describes how to connect the NPort S8000 to serial devices for initial testing purposes. We cover
Wiring Requirements, Connecting the Power, Grounding the NPort S8000, Connecting to the
Network, Connecting to a Serial Device, and LED Indicators.
NPort S8000 Series Getting Started
Safety First!
Be sure to disconnect the power cord before installing and/or wiring your NPort S8000.
Wiring Caution!
Calculate the maximum possible current in each power wire and com
dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size.
If the current goes above the
, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your
Temperature Caution!
Please take care whe
generate heat; consequently, the casing may be too hot to touch.

Wiring Requirements

You should heed the following:
• Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths must
cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.
NOTE: Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid
interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.
• You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kept separate.
The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together.
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• Where necessary, it is strongly advised that you label wiring to all devices in the system.
mon wire. Observe all electrical codes
allowed maximum
n handling the NPort S8000. When plugged in, the NPort S8000’s internal components

Connecting the Power

Connect the 12-48 VDC power line with the NPort S8000’s terminal block. If the power is properly supplied, the
“Ready” LED will show a solid red color until the system is ready, at which time the “Ready” LED will change to
a green color.
Take the following steps to wire the redundant power inputs:
1. Insert the negative/positive DC wires into the V-/V+ terminals.
2. To keep the DC wires from pulling loose, use a small flat-blade screwdriver to tighten the wire-clamp screws
on the front of the terminal block connector.
3. Insert the plastic terminal block connector prongs into the terminal block receptor, which is located on the
EDS’s top panel.
NPort S8000 Series Getting Started
When the NPort is the Ring Master of this Turbo Ring and the Turbo Ring
Serial Port RX
The serial port is receiving data.
IP conflict, or the DHCP or BOOTP server did

Connecting to the Network

Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the NPort S8000’s 10/100M Ethernet port and the other end of the
cable to the Ethernet network. If the cable is properly connected, the NPort S8000 will indicate a valid
connection to the Ethernet in the following ways:
• The Ethernet LED maintains a solid green color when connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network.
• The Ethernet LED will flash when Ethernet packets are being transmitted or received.

Connecting to a Serial Device

Connect the serial data cable between the NPort S8000 and the serial device.

LED Indicators

The LED indicators of the NPort S8000 Series are described in the following table.
Type Color Meaning
PWR 1 Green Power 1 input
PWR 2 Green Power 2 input
Coupler Green When the NPort enables the coupling function to form a backup path
Serial Port TX Green The serial port is transmitting data.
Green FX port 100 Mbps is active
Blinking Data is being transmitted/received at 100 Mbps
Green 100 Mbps Ethernet connection
Blinking 10 Mbps Ethernet connection
Green When the NPort is the Master of this Turbo Ring
is broken
Steady On: Power is on, and NPort is booting up.
Off Power is off, or power error condition exists.
Blinking: Indicates an LAN-
not respond properly.
Steady On: Power is on, and NPort is functioning normally.
Blinking: The device server has been located by Administrator’s Location
Adjustable Pull High/low Resistors and Terminators for the
RS-485 Port (NPort S8455I Series only)
In some critical environments, you may need to add termination resistors to prevent the reflection of serial
signals. When using termination resistors, it is important to set the pull high/low resistors correctly so that the
electrical signal is not corrupted. Since there is no resistor value that works for every environment, DIP
switches are used to set the pull high/low resistor values for each RS-485 port.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 150 KΩ, make sure both of the assigned DIP switches are in the OFF
position. This is the default setting.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 1 KΩ, make sure both of the assigned DIP switches are in the ON
NPort S8000 Series Getting Started
effective communication distance.
The fault circuit will open if
and the
If none of these three conditions
met, the fault circuit will
Pull High Pull Low Terminator Terminator Terminator
ON 1 K 1 K 120 100 55
not set the resistors to 1 KΩ. When using RS-232. Doing so will degrade the RS-232 signals and reduce
OFF 150 K 150 K

Wiring the Relay Contact

The NPort 8455I Series has two sets of relay output: relay 1 and relay 2. Each relay contact consists of two
contacts of the terminal block on the NPort 8455I’s top panel. Refer to the next section for detailed instructions
on how to connect the wires to the terminal block connector and how to attach the terminal block connector to
the terminal block receptor. The two contacts used to connect the relay contacts work as follow (illustrated
1 2 3 4 3 & 4
A relay warning event is triggered,
The NPort S8000 is the Master of this Turbo Ring,
Turbo Ring is broken,
Start-up failure.
NPort S8000 Series Getting Started
Take the following steps to wire the digital inputs:
clamp screws on the front of the

Wiring the Digital Inputs

The NPort 8455I unit has two sets of digital inputs, DI 1 and DI 2. Each DI consists of two contacts of the 6-pin
terminal block connector on the NPort 8455I’s top panel. The remaining contacts are used for the NPort 8455I’s
two DC inputs. The top and front views of one of the terminal block connectors are shown below.
Insert the negative (ground)/positive DI wires into the ┴/I1
To keep the DI wires from pulling loose, use a small flat-
screwdriver to tighten the wire-
terminal block connector.
Insert the plastic terminal block connector prongs into the
terminal block receptor, which is located on the NPort 8455I’s
top panel.

3. Initial IP Address Configuration

When setting up the NPort S8000 for the first time, the first thing you should do is configure its IP address. This
chapter introduces the different methods that can be used.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Static and Dynamic IP Addresses
Factory Default IP Address
Configuration Options
Device Search Utility
Web Console
SSH Console
Serial Console
NPort S8000 Series Initial IP Address Configuration
Consult your network administrator on how to reserve a
mapping table when using a DHCP server or BOOTP server. For most applications, you should assign a fixed IP
address to your NPort S8000.

Static and Dynamic IP Addresses

Determine whether your NPort S8000 needs to use a static IP or dynamic IP address (either DHCP or BOOTP
If your NPort S8000 is used in a static IP environment, you will assign a specific IP address using one
of the tools described in this chapter.
If your NPort S8000 is used in a dynamic IP environment, the IP address will be assigned
automatically over the network. In this case, set the IP configuration mode to DHCP, BOOTP.
fixed IP address for your NPort S8000 in the MAC-

Factory Default IP Address

The NPort S8000 is configured with the following default private IP address:
Note that IP addresses that begin with “192.168” are referred to as private IP addresses. Devices configured
with a private IP address are not directly accessible from a public network. For example, you would not be able
to ping a device with a private IP address from an outside Internet connection. If your application requires
sending data over a public network, such as the Internet, your NPort S8000 will need a valid public IP address,
which can be leased from a local ISP.

Configuration Options

Device Search Utility

Web Console

You may configure your NPort S8000 with the bundled Device Search Utility (DSU) for Windows platform. Note
that you will be asked to enter the username and password to access the NPort S8000 device. The default
username is admin and the default password is moxa. Please refer to Chapter 5, “Use Real COM Mode to
Communicate with Serial Devices”, for details on how to install and use the DSU.
You may configure your NPort S8000 using a standard web browser. Note that you will be asked to enter the
username and password to access the NPort S8000 device. The default username is admin and the default
password is moxa. Please refer to Chapter 6, “Basic Settings and Device Server Configuration”, for details on
how to access and use the NPort S8000 web console.
You may use the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) command to set up an IP address for your NPort S8000.
The ARP command tells your computer to associate the NPort S8000’s MAC address with an IP address.
Afterwards, use Telnet to access the NPort S8000 and its IP address will be reconfigured.
NPort S8000 Series Initial IP Address Configuration
In order to use the ARP setup method, both your computer and
same LAN. Alternatively, you may use a crossover Ethernet cable to connect the NPort S8000 directly to your
computer’s Ethernet card. Before executing the ARP command, your NPort S8000 must be configured with the
factory default IP address (, and your computer and the NPort S8000 must be on the same
To use ARP to configure the IP address, complete the following:
1. Obtain a valid IP address for your NPort S8000 from your network administrator.
2. Obtain your NPort S8000’s MAC address from the label on the bottom panel.
3. Execute the arp -s command from your computer’s MS-DOS prompt (for Windows 7 or newer OS, please
ensure you have the administrator authority to execute the MS-DOS prompt) as follows:
arp -s <IP address> <MAC address>
For example,
C:\> arp -s 00-90-E8-04-00-11
4. Next, execute a special Telnet command by entering the following exactly:
telnet 6000
When you enter this command, a Connect failed message will appear, as shown below.
the NPort S8000 must be connected to the
5. After the NPort S8000 reboots, its IP address will be assigned to the new address, and you can reconnect
using Telnet to verify that the update was successful.

SSH Console

Depending on how your computer and network are configured, you may find it convenient to use network
access to set up your NPort S8000’s IP address. This can be done using Telnet/SSH. The instructions below will
be introduced by using SSH, which offers security mechanisms that protect users against any malicious
1. It's easy to find SSH client software on the Internet. Please download, install, and execute it and input the
destination NPort's IP and the TCP port to accept the SSH session.
NPort S8000 Series Initial IP Address Configuration
2. The console terminal type selection is displayed as shown. Enter the username and password to log in to the
SSH console. The default username and password are admin and moxa, respectively.
3. Enter 1 for ansi/vt100 and press ENTER to continue.
NPort S8000 Series Initial IP Address Configuration
4. Press B, or use the arrow keys to select Basic and then press ENTER to configure Basic settings.
5. Press N, or use the arrow keys to select Network and then press ENTER to configure Network
NPort S8000 Series Initial IP Address Configuration
6. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to System IP address. Use the Delete, Backspace, or Space key
to erase the current IP address, and then type in the new IP address and press Enter. If you are using a
dynamic IP configuration (BOOTP or DHCP), you will need to go to the Auto IP configuration field and press
Enter to select the appropriate configuration.
7. Press Esc to return to the previous page. Select Activate and press Y to confirm the modification and
activate the new settings.
NPort S8000 Series Initial IP Address Configuration

Serial Console

The NPort S8000 supports configuration through the serial console, which is the same as the Telnet console but
accessed through the RS-232 console port rather than through the network. Once you have entered the serial
console, the configuration options and instructions are the same as if you were using the Telnet console.
The following instructions and screenshots show how to enter the serial console using PComm Terminal
Emulator, which is available free of charge as part of the PComm Lite suite. You may use a different terminal
emulator utility, although your actual screens and procedures may vary slightly from the following instructions.
1. Use a serial cable to connect the NPort S8000’s serial console port to your computer’s male RS-232 serial
NPort S8000 has a dedicated serial console port.
2. From the Windows desktop select Start  All Programs  PComm Lite  Terminal Emulator.
3. The PComm Terminal Emulator window should appear. From the Port Manager menu, select Open, or
simply click the Open icon as shown below:
4. The Property window opens automatically. Select the Communication Parameter tab, then select the
appropriate COM port for the connection (COM1 in this example). Configure the parameters for 19200, 8,
N, 1 (19200 for Baud Rate, 8 for Data Bits, None for Parity, and 1 for Stop Bits).
5. From the Property window’s Terminal page, select ANSI or VT100 for Terminal Type and click OK.
The NPort S8000 will then automatically switch from data mode to console mode.
NPort S8000 Series Initial IP Address Configuration
6. After you enter the password, or if password protection was not enabled, you will be prompted to select the
terminal mode. Press 1 for ansi/vt100 and then press ENTER.
7. Enter the username and password to login to the console. The default username and password are admin
and moxa, respectively. The main menu should come up. Once you are in the console, you may configure
the IP address through the Network menu item, just as with the Telnet console. Please refer to steps 4 to
8 in the Telnet Console section to complete the initial IP configuration.

4. Choosing the Serial Operation Mode

In this chapter, we describe the various serial operation modes of the NPort S8000. The options include an
operation mode that uses a driver installed on the host computer and operation modes that rely on TCP/IP
socket programming concepts. After choosing the proper operation mode in this chapter, refer to Chapter 6 for
detailed configuration parameter definitions.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Real COM Mode
RFC2217 Mode
TCP Server Mode
TCP Client Mode
UDP Mode
Disabled Mode
NPort S8000 Series Choosing the Serial Operation Mode
work with Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008
systems, and also TTY drivers for Linux
and Unix
connection between
the IP port of the NPort’s serial port to a local COM/TTY port
on the host computer. This operation mode also supports up
to 8 simultaneous connections, so that multiple hosts can
collect data from the same serial device at the same time.
Real COM
your NPort controls
Modify the


The device server function of the NPort S8000 enables network operation of traditional RS-232/422/485
devices, in which a device server is a tiny computer equipped with a CPU, real-time OS, and TCP/IP protocols
that can bi-directionally translate data between the serial and Ethernet formats. Your computer can access,
manage, and configure remote facilities and equipment over the Internet from anywhere in the world.
Traditional SCADA and data collection systems rely on serial ports (RS-232/422/485) to collect data from
various kinds of instruments. Since the NPort S8000 networks instruments equipped with an RS-232/422/485
communication port, your SCADA and data collection system will be able to access all instruments connected
to a standard TCP/IP network, regardless of whether the devices are used locally or at a remote site.
The NPort S8000 is an external IP-based network device that allows you to expand the number of serial ports
for a host computer on demand. As long as your host computer supports the TCP/IP protocol, you won’t be
limited by the host computer’s bus limitation (such as ISA or PCI), or lack of drivers for various operating
In addition to providing socket access, the NPort also comes with a Real COM/TTY driver that transmits all serial
signals intact. This means that your existing COM/TTY-based software can be preserved, without needing to
invest in additional software.
Three different socket modes are available: TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP Server/Client. The main
difference between the TCP and UDP protocols is that TCP guarantees delivery of data by requiring the recipient
to send an acknowledgement to the sender. UDP does not require this type of verification, making it possible
to offer a speedier delivery. UDP also allows multicasting of data to groups of IP addresses.

Real COM Mode

NPort S8000 comes equipped with COM drivers that
(all x86/x64)
systems. The driver establishes a transparent
the host and serial device by mapping
The important point is that Real COM Mode allows users to continue using RS-232/422/485 serial
communications software that was written for pure serial communications applications. The driver intercepts
data sent to the host’s COM port, packs it into a TCP/IP packet, and then redirects it through the host’s Ethernet
card. At the other end of the connection, the NPort accepts the Ethernet frame, unpacks the TCP/IP packet, and
then transparently sends it to the appropriate serial device attached to one of the NPort’s serial ports.
Mode allows several hosts to have access control over the same NPort. The driver that comes
the host’s access to attached serial devices by checking the host’s IP address.
Accessible IP Setting table when the legal IP address is required in your application
NPort S8000 Series Choosing the Serial Operation Mode
In TCP Server mode,
NPort S8000 provides a unique IP
port address on a TCP/IP network.
passively to be contacted by the host computer, allowing the
host computer to establish a connection with and get data
from the serial device. This operation mode also supports up
collect data from the same serial device
As illustrated in the figure, data transmission proceeds as
In TCP Client mode,
can actively establish a
TCP connection t
data arrives.
After the data has been transferred,
automatically disconnect from the host computer
Refer to chapter
As illustrated in the figure, data transmission proceeds as

RFC2217 Mode

RFC-2217 mode is similar to Real COM mode. That is, a driver is used to establish a transparent connection
between a host computer and a serial device by mapping the serial port on the NPort S8000 to a local COM port
on the host computer. RFC2217 defines general COM port control options based on the Telnet protocol.
Third-party drivers supporting RFC-2217 are widely available on the Internet and can be used to implement
Virtual COM mapping to your NPort S8000 serial port(s).

TCP Server Mode

The NPort S8000 waits
8 simultaneous connections, so that multiple hosts can
—at the same time.
1. The host requests a connection from the NPort
configured for TCP Server Mode.
2. Once the connection is established, data can be
transmitted in both directions—from the host to the
NPort, and from the NPort to the host.

TCP Client Mode

the NPort S8000
o a predefined host computer when serial
TCP alive check time or Inactivity time settings.
6 for more details.
1. The NPort configured for TCP Client Mode requests a
connection from the host.
2. Once the connection is established, data can be
transmitted in both directions—from the host to the
NPort, and from the NPort to the host.
the NPort S8000 can
by using
NPort S8000 Series Choosing the Serial Operation Mode
Compared to TCP communication, UDP is faster and more
efficient. In UDP mode, you can multicast data from the
serial device to multiple host computers, and the serial
device can also receive data from multiple host computers,
making this mode ideal for message display applications.

UDP Mode

Disabled Mode

When the Operation Mode for a particular port is set to Disabled, that port will be disabled.
5. Use Real COM Mode to Communicate with
Serial Devices
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Device Search Utility
Installing the Device Search Utility
Find a Specific NPort on the Ethernet Network via the DSU
Opening Your Browser
Configure Operation Mode to Real COM Mode
NPort Windows Driver Manager
Installing the NPort Windows Driver Manager
Using NPort Windows Driver Manager
Linux Real TTY Drivers
Basic Procedures
Hardware Setup
Installing Linux Real TTY Driver Files
Mapping TTY Ports
Removing Mapped TTY Ports
Removing Linux Driver Files
The UNIX Fixed TTY Driver
Installing the UNIX Driver
Configuring the UNIX Driver
NPort S8000 Series Use Real COM Mode to Communicate with Serial Devices


The Documentation & software CD included with your NPort S8000 is designed to make the installation and
configuration procedure easy and straightforward. This auto-run CD includes the Device Search Utility (DSU)
(to broadcast search for all NPort S8000 accessible over the network and firmware upgrade), NPort driver for
Windows and Linux platforms (for COM mapping), and the NPort S8000 User’s Manual.
This chapter will instruct you on how to install the necessary software and provide the steps to mapping virtual
COM port to help user's software keep working as usual.
1. Install the Device Search Utility to find the specific NPort on the Ethernet network.
2. Log in to the Web console to configure the device to work on Real COM mode.
3. Install the NPort driver and mapping COM port.
4. The original utility can open the COM port to transmit/receive data to/from the serial device.

Device Search Utility

Installing the Device Search Utility

1. Click the INSTALL UTILITY button in the NPort Installation CD auto-run window to install the NPort Search
Utility. Once the program starts running, click Yes to proceed.
2. Click Settings when the Welcome screen opens, to proceed with the installation.
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