Moxa Technologies NPort 6610 Quick Installation Manual

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P/N: 1802066500013
NPort 6600 Series
Quick Installation Guide
Fifth Edition, March 2011
1. Overview
The NPort 6600 series of serial device servers includes 8-port, 16-port, and 32 -port models for connecting larger numbers of serial devices t o Ethernet. Some applications now also require better security when transmitting data through a network. The NPort 6600 series of device servers use DES, 3DES, and AES data encryption to provide secure network communication.
2. Package Checklist
Before Installing your NPort 6600 series secure device server, verify that the package contains the following items:
1 NPort 6600 device server
CBL-RJ45M9-150: 8-pin RJ45 to DB9 male connection cable,
150 cm
Power Cord (AC models only)
2 rack-mount ears
Documentation and software CD
Quick installat ion guide (printe d)
Warranty card
Optional Accessories
DK-35A: 35 mm DIN-Rail Mounting Kit
DIN-Rail Power Su pply
NM-TX01/NM-TX01-T: Network module with one
10/100BaseTX Ethernet port (RJ45 connector; supports cascade redundancy)
NM-FX01-S-SC/NM-FX0 1-S-SC-T: Network module with one 100BaseFX sin gle mode fibe r port (SC conn ector; supports cascade redundancy)
NM-FX02-S-SC/NM-FX0 2-S-SC-T: Network module with two 100BaseFX sin gle mode fibe r ports (SC connector s; supports cascade redundancy)
NM-FX01-M-SC/NM-FX 01-M-SC-T: Network module with one 100BaseFX mult i mode fiber port (SC connector; supports cascade redundancy)
NM-FX02-M-SC/NM-FX 02-M-SC-T: Network module with t wo 100BaseFX mu lti mode fiber ports (SC connectors; supports cascade redundancy)
NM-GPRS/GSM: GPRS/GSM modem module
NM-Modem/NM-Modem- T: One PSTN modem port with RJ11
NOTE: Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged.
3. Hardware Introduction
Demonstrated 8 port model to be an example.
Reset button
Press the Reset button continuously for 5 sec to load factory defaults
Adjustable pull high/low resistor for RS-485 (150 K or 1 K
The NPort 6650 has 3 DIP Switches associated with each serial port for configuring the pull high/low resistors for RS-485 applicatio ns. The switches are located in a recess on the bottom of the NPort
6650. To access the switches, first remove the panel covering the recess.
: Use a pointed object to press the reset button. Release
the button after the Ready LED stops blinking.
SW 1 2 3
Pull High Pull Low Terminator
ON 1 K 1 K 120 K
150 KΩ
150 KΩ
NOTE: For RS -232 applications, all DIP Switches for the port should be set to the OFF position.
Rack Mounting
Use four screws to attach the NPort 6610/6650 to a standard rack
LED Indicators
Name Color Function
PWR Red Power is being supplied to the power input. Ready Red Steady
Power is on and the NPort 6600 series is booting up.
IP conflict, DHCP or BOOTP server
not responding, or relay output. Check relay output first. If still blinking, then there is an IP conflict, or the DHCP or BOOTP server did not respond properly.
Green Steady
Power is on and the NPort 6600 series is fu nctioning norma lly.
Blinking: The device server has been
located by the Administrator’s Locator function.
Off Power is off, or power error condition exists.
Link Orange 10 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Green 100 Mbps Ethernet con nection.
Off Ethernet cable is disconnected, or has a
P1-P16 Tx Green Seria l port is transmitting data.
Off No data is being transmitted through the
serial port
P1-P16 Rx Orange Serial port is re ceiving data..
No data is being received through the serial
FX Orange Steady on: Ethernet fiber connection,
but port is idle.
Blinking: Fiber port is transmitting or
receiving data . P1-P16 in-use LEDs
Green Serial port is opened by server side
Off Serial port is not opened by server side
Alarm Red The relay Dout is open (exception)
Off The relay Dout is Shorted (normal)
Module Green Network module is plugged in and detected
Off No module present GSM Green GSM Connection GPRS Orange G PRS Connection GPRS/GSM Signal Strength
Green More LEDs indicates better signal; 4 LEDs
indicates maxim um signal strength.
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The Americas: +1-714-528-6777 (toll-free: 1-888-669-2872)
+49-89-3 70 03 99-0
Asia-Pacific: +886-2-8919-1230
+86-21-5258-9955 (toll-free: 800-820-5036)
2010 Moxa Inc., All Rig hts Reserve d
LCM Display Panel
The NPort 6600 display pan el will show the model name, serv er name, and IP address when powered up
N P 6 6 1 0 _ 6 6 1 0 2 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 2 7 . 2 5 4
Operating the LCM Panel
There are four push buttons on the NPort 6600’s top panel for operating the server’s LCM panel. The function of each button is described be low:
Button Action
MENU Activates the main menu, or returns to a lower level.
Scrolls up through a list of items shown on the LCM panel’
second line.
Scrolls down through a list of items shown on the LCM panel’s second line.
SEL Selects the option listed on the LCM panel’s second line.
Detailed LCM pan el operating instructions can be found on the Document and Software CD in the “NPort 6600 Ser ies User’s Manual.”
Note: LCM display panel and push buttons only for standard temprature model
4. Hardware Installation Procedure
STEP 1: Connect the NPort 6600 device server to a suitable power
source. AC models: C onnect the 100 to 240 VAC power cord to the NPort 6600’s power input. DC models
STEP 2: Con nect the NP ort 6600 se ries to a network. Use a standard straight-through Ethernet cable to connect to a hub or switch. Use a cross-over Ethernet cable when connecting to your computer’s Ethernet port (e.g., when setting up or testing the NPort 6600 server).
: Connect the terminal block to a battery.
STEP 3: Con nect the NPort 6600’ s serial ports to your serial devices.
5. Software Installation Information
NPort Search Utility
To install the NPort Search Utility, insert the NPort Document and Software CD into your computer’s CD-ROM dr ive. When the NPort Installation CD window opens, click on the Installation button, and then follow the instructions on the screen. To view detailed information about the NPort Search Utility, refer to the pdf version of the “NPort 6600 Series User’s Manual,” which is located in the document directory of the CD.
PComm Lite and Console Port (19200, 8, None, 1)
MOXA’s PComm Lite software utility is also includ ed in the Document and Softwa re CD o f the CD-ROM. PComm Lite is often used to connect to the NPort 6600 through its console port to
configure the IP address for the first time. Use the following serial console parameters when connecting through the console port: 19200, 8, None, 1.
6. Pin Assignments and Cable Wiring
Pin Assignments (NPort 6610/6650)
4-wire RS -485
2-wire RS-485
1 DSR --- --­2 RTS T xD+ --­3 GND G ND GND 4 TxD TxD - --­5 RxD RxD+ Data+ 6 DCD RxD- Data­7 CTS --- --­8 DTR --- ---
Pin Mapping for RS-232 Cables (NPort 6610/6650)
Serial Device
RJ45 DB9(M) DB9(F) DB25(M) DB25 (F)
6 4 6 20 DTR
7 8 4 5 CTS
5 5 7 7 GND
TxD 4
3 2 2 3 RxD
RxD 5
2 3 3 2 TxD
1 1 8 8 DCD
8 7 5 4 RTS
4 6 20 6 DSR
NPort 6650
Pin Mapping for RS-422/4-wire R S-485 Cables (NPort
Serial Device
RJ45 DB9(M) DB9(F) DB25(M) DB25(F)
TxD+ 2
7 8 4 5 RxD+
5 5 7 7 GND
TxD- 4
3 2 2 3 RxD-
RxD+ 5
2 3 3 2 TxD+
RxD- 6
1 1 8 8 TxD -
Pin Mapping for 2-wire RS-485 Cables (NPort 6650)
NPort 6650 Serial Device
RJ45 DB9(M) DB9(F) DB25(M) DB25(F)
5 5 7 7 GND
Data+ 5
2 3 3 2 Data+
Data- 6
1 1 8 8 Data-
7. Specifications
Ethernet Ports: 10/100 Mbps (RJ45) Protection: Built-in 1.5 KV magnetic isola tion Serial Interface NPort 6610: NPort 6650:
8, 16, or 32 RS-232 ports (8-pin RJ45) 8, 16, or 32 RS-232/422/485 ports (8-pin RJ45)
Signals: RS -232: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD,
GND RS-422: Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND RS-485(2W): Data+, Data-, G ND
RS-485(4W): Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND Serial Line Protection: 15 KV ESD for all s ignals RS-485 Data Direction:
ADDC™ (Automatic Data Direction Control)
Serial Communication Parameters Parity: None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark Data bits: 5, 6, 7, 8 Stop bit(s): 1, 1.5, 2 Flow control: RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF, DTR/DSR Speed: 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps Console port: RS-232 console × 1 Memory Expansion Slot Slot Type: SD socket (supports up to 2 GB) Power Requirements Power input: 100 to 240 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz,
±48 VDC (20 to 72 VDC, -20 to -72 VDC) Alarm Contact:
Relay output with current carrying capacity of 1A
@ 24 VDC Mechanical Specifications Material: SECC sheet metal (1 mm) Dimensions: (W×D×H)
480×44×195 mm (including ears)
440×44×195 mm (without ears) Environment Operating Temp.:
0-55°C (32 to 131°F), 5 to 95% RH
Wide Temp.: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F) Storage Te mp.: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F) Regulatory Approvals EMC: FCC Class A, CE Class A Safety: UL, CUL, EN 60950 -1