The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this m anual be long to the ir res pec tive manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to cha nge witho ut no tic e and doe s no t repres e nt a commitme nt o n the part of
Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited
to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the rig ht to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to the
products and/or the programs described in this manual, a t any time .
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for
its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that m ay res ult fr om its use.
This product might include unintentional tec hnic a l o r typographical errors. Changes are periodically m ade to the
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2. Getting Star ted.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
IP Address Report ....................................................................................................................... 5-7
Serial Settings .................................................................................................................................... 5-8
Serial Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 5-9
Port Monitor ..................................................................................................................................... 6-19
COM Mapping ................................................................................................................................... 6-19
On-line COM Mapping ................................................................................................................ 6-20
Off-line COM Mapping ................................................................................................................ 6-23
IP Location ....................................................................................................................................... 6-24
7. NPort CE Driver Manager for Windows CE ......................................................................................... 7-1
Installing NPort CE Driver Manager ....................................................................................................... 7-2
Using NPort CE Driver Manager ............................................................................................................ 7-2
8. IP Serial LIB ...................................................................................................................................... 8-1
Serial Cables for NPort 5610/5650 (RS-232) ................................................................................... A-3
Serial Cables for NPort 5630 (RS-422/4-wire RS-485) ...................................................................... A-5
Serial Cables for NPort 5630 (2-wire RS-485) ................................................................................. A-6
Serial Cables for NPort 5650 (RS-422/4-wire RS-485) ...................................................................... A-7
Serial Cables for NPort 5650 (2-wire RS-485) ................................................................................. A-8
Pin Assignments for DB9 and DB25 Connectors ............................................................................... A-9
B. Well Known Port Numbers ................................................................................................................ B-1
C. SNMP Agent with M IB II & RS-2 32 Lik e Group .................................................................................. C-1
D. Auto IP Report Protocol .................................................................................................................... D-1
E. Compliance Notice ............................................................................................................................. E-1
1. Introduction
Moxa’s NPort 5600 advanced serial device serv ers make it easy to networ k-enable your serial devices. The
NPort 5600 Series includes 14 models: NPort 5610-8, NPort 5610-8-48V, NPort 5610-16, NPort 5610-16-48V,
NPort 5630-8, NPort 5630-16, NPort 5650-8, NPort 5650-8-T, NPo rt 5650-16, NPort 5650-16-T, NPort
5650-8-M-SC, NPor t 5 650-8-S-SC , NPort 5 650-16-M-SC, NPort 5650-16-S-SC, NPort 5650-8-HV-T, NPort
5650-16-HV-T. In this manual, we often refer to the fifteen products collectively as “5600” or “5600 Series.”
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Package Checklist
Product Features
Product Specifications
NPort 5600 Series Introduction
RJ45 8
RJ45 8
RJ45 8
RJ45 8
The NPort 5600 Series serial device servers are designed to make your industrial serial devices Internet ready
instantly. The rack-mounted size of the NPort 5600 device servers makes them the ideal choice for connecting
your RS-232 (NPort 5610-16/8), RS-422/ 485 (NPort 56 30-16/8), or RS-23 2/422/485 (N Port 5650-16/8) serial
devices—such as PLCs, m eters, and sensors—to an IP-based Ethernet LAN, making it possible for your software
to access serial devices anywhere over a local LAN or the Internet.
The NPort 5600 serial device servers ensure the compatibility of network software that uses a standard network
API (Winsock or BSD Sockets) by providing TCP Server Mode, TCP Client Mode, and UDP Mode. And thanks to
NPort’s Real COM/TTY drivers, software that works with C OM/TTY p orts can be set up to work over a TCP/IP
network in no time. This excellent feature preserves your software investment and lets you enjoy the benefits
of networking your serial devices insta ntly .
The NPort 5600 serial device servers support automatic IP configuration protocols (DHCP, BOOTP) and manual
configuration via NPort’s handy web browser console. Both methods ensure quick and effective installation, and
by using NPort 5600’s Windows Utility, installation is very straightforward, since all system parameters can be
stored and then copied to other device servers simultaneously.
Package Checklist
The Moxa NPort 5600 Series products are shipped with the following items:
-4-5 Surge: AC 1 kV (AC models); DC 2 kV (DC/HV models); Signal 1 kV
-4-6 CS: 3 V
-4-11: AC models only
UL 60950-1, EN 60950 -1
EN 60601-1-2 Class B, EN 55011
Built-in WDT (watchdog timer)
-8: 97,294 hrs
-16: 94,928 h rs
-8-48V: 96,758
5610-16-48V: 94,417 hrs
-8: 118,405 h rs
-16: 91,483 h rs
-8: 117,584 h rs
-16: 104,767 hrs
-8-S-SC: 116,9 14 hrs
-16-S-SC: 87,528 hrs
-8-M-SC: 116,914 hrs
-16-M-SC: 87,528 h rs
ort 5650-8-HV: 725,390 hrs
-16-HV: 531,264 hrs
5 years
2. Getting Started
This chapter includes information about ins talli ng NPort 5600 Series.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Panel Layout
Connecting the Hardware
Wiring Requirements
Connecting NPort 5600 VAC ’s Power
Connecting NPort 5600 VDC ’s Power
Grounding NPort 5600 VDC
C o nne c ti ng to the Network
C o nne c ti ng to a Serial Dev i ce
LED Indicators
Link Indicator on the Rear Panel of NPort 5650 Fiber Model
R e a l Time Cl ock
A d j us table Pull High/low Resistors for the RS-485 Port
NPort 5600 Series Getting Started
Panel Layout
The following figures depict the front and rear panel s of the NPor t 5600 series.
Front panel of NPort 5600 series
Front panel of NPort 5600-T series
Rear panel of NPort 5600 series (AC Power)
Rear panel of NPort 5600 series (DC Power)
Rear panel of NPort 5650 Fiber model
Reset Button—Press the Reset button continuously for 5 sec to load factory defaults: U se a poi nte d obje c t,
such as a straightened paper clip or toothpick, to press the reset button. This will cause the Ready LED to blink
on and off. The factory defaults will be loaded once the Ready LED stop s blinking (after about 5 seconds). At
this point, you should release the reset button.
Connecting the Hardware
This section describes how to connect NPort 5600 Series to ser ial dev ices for firs t time testing p urp o se s. We
cover Wiring Requirements, Connecting NPort 5600 VAC’s Power, Connecting NPort 5600 VDC’s
Power, Grounding NPort 5 600 VDC, Connecting to the Network, Connecting to a Serial Device, and
LED Indicators.
Place your NPort 5600 on a clean, flat, well-ventilated desktop. For better ventilation, attach the 4 pads from
the desktop kit to the bottom of the unit, and leave som e space between the NPort 5600 and other equipment.
Do not place equipment or objects on top of the unit, as this might d amage the serv er.
NPort 5600 Series Getting Started
Safety First!
Be sure to disconnect the power
Wiring Caution!
Calculate the maximum possible curre nt in each power wire and com mon wire . Observe all elec trical codes
dictating the maximum current allowab le for ea c h wire siz e .
If the current
Temperature Caution!
Please take care when handling NPort
heat, and consequently the casin
The NPort 5600 is designed to be mounted on a standard 19-inch rack. Use the enclosed pair of L-shaped metal
brackets and screws to fast en your NPort 5600 to the rack cabinet. Each L-shaped bracket has 6 holes, leaving
two outer or inner holes available for other uses . You have two options. You can lock either the front or rear
panel of the NPort 5600 to the front of the rack. Locking the front panel is shown in the following figure.
Wiring Requirements
You should also pay attention to the following po ints :
• Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices . If power wir ing and devic e wir ing pa ths must
cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.
NOTE: Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avo id
interference, wires with different sig na l c haracteristics should be routed separately.
• You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kept separate.
The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together .
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• Where necessary, it is strongly advised that you labe l wir ing to all devices in the system.
cord before installing and/or wiring yo ur NPort 56 0 0 Serie s.
goes above the maximum ratings, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your
5600. When plugged in, NPort 5600’s internal components generate
g may feel hot to the touch.
Connecting NPort 5600 VAC’s Power
Connect NPort 5610/30/50-16/8’s 100-240 VAC power line with its AC connec tor . If the power is proper ly
supplied, the “Ready” LED will show a solid red color until the system is ready, at which time the “Ready” LED
will change to a green color.
NPort 5600 Series Getting Started
s V+ terminal, and the power
terminal, and then tighten the
can still operate even if the DC and DC
You should use 8 kg
power cord to its terminal block.
he second conta ct
from the right of the 5
NPort 56
This product is intended to be mounted to a well
The bottom right corner LED indicator
connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network.
The bottom left corner LED indicator maintains a solid orange color when the cable is properly
connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network.
Connecting NPort 5600 VDC’s Power
To connect NPort 5610-16/8-48V’s power cord with its terminal b lo c k, follow the steps given below:
Loosen the screws on the V+ and V- terminals of NPort 5600 VDC’s terminal block. Connect the power cord’s VDC wire to the terminal block’
cord’s DC Power Ground wire to the terminal block’s Vterminal block screws. (Note: NPort 5600 VDC
Power Gro u n d are rever sed.)
If the power is properly supplied, the “Ready” LED will show a solid red color until the system is ready, at which
time the “Ready” LED will change to a green color.
-cm of screw torque and 22-14 AWG of suitable electric wire to connect NPort 5600-VDC
Grounding NPort 5600 VDC
Grounding and wire routing helps limit the effects of noise due to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Run the
ground connection from the ground screw to the grounding surface prior to connecting devices.
he Shielded Ground (sometimes called Protected Ground) contact is t
00 VDC. Connect the SG wire to the Earth ground.
Connecting to the Network
-pin power terminal block connector located o n the rear pane l of
-grounded mounting surface such as a metal panel.
Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to NPort 5600’s 10/100M Ethernet port and the other end of the cable
to the Ethernet network. There are 2 LED indicators located on the bottom left and right corners of the Ethernet
connector. If the cable is properly connected, NPort 5600 will indicate a valid connection to the Ethernet in the
following ways:
maintains a solid green color when the cable is properly
Connecting to a Serial Device
Connect the serial data cable between NPort 5600 and the serial dev ic e .
LED Indicators
The front panels of NPort 5600 have severalLED indicators, as described in the foll owing table.
NPort 5600 Series Getting Started
There is risk of explosion if the battery is replaced by an incorr e c t typ e . You need to dispose us ed batte ries
according to the
LED Name LED Color LED Function
Off Power is off, or power error condition exists.
Steady on: Power is on and NPort is booting up.
Orange Serial port is receiving data.
Green Serial port is transmitting data.
Off No data is being transmitted or received throug h the serial po rt.
Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or DHCP or BOOTP server did not
respond properly.
Steady on: Power is on and NPort is functioning normally.
Blinking: The NPort has been located by NPort Administrator’s Location
Link Indicator on the Rear Panel of NPort 5650 Fiber Model
The rear panels of NPort 5600 have a link indicator, as described in the following table .
LED Name LED Color LED Function
Off Fiber is disconnected
Green Fiber is connected and no data is being transmitted
Blinking Fiber is connected and data is being transmitted
Real Time Clock
NPort 5600’s real time clock is powered by a lithium battery. We strongly recommend that you do not replace
the lithium battery without the presence of Moxa’s technical support engineers. If you need a battery change,
contact Moxa for assistance.
Adjustable Pull High/low Resistors for the RS-485 Port
In some critical environments, yo u may need to add termination r e s is tor s to prevent the refle c tion of serial
signals. When using termination resistors, it is important to set the pull high/low resistors correctly so that the
electrical signal is not corrupted. Since a particular pull high/low resistor value cannot fit all environments, the
NPort 5650 uses DIP switches to set the pull high/low resistor values for each serial por t.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 150 KΩ, make sure both of the assigned DIP switches are in the OFF
position. This is the default setting.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 1 KΩ, make sure both of the assigned DIP switches are in the ON
not use the 1 KΩ setting on the NPort 5650 when using the RS-232 interface. Do ing so will de gr ade the
-232 signals, shorten the maximum allowed communication dis ta nc e , and the Rx LED may light up.
NPort 5600 Series Getting Started
NPort 5650 DIP Switches
3. Initial IP Address Configuration
When setting up your NPort 5600 for the first time, the first thing you should do is configure the IP address. This
chapter introduces several methods to conf igur e NPor t’ s IP address . Select the metho d that is the mos t
convenient for you. For more details about network settings, see the Network Settings section from Chapter 5,
Web Console Configuration.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Initializing NPor t’ s IP A ddress
Factory Default IP Address
LCM Display
NPort Administration Suite
Telnet Console
NPort 5600 Series Initial IP Addre ss Configuration
Consult your network administrato r o n how to reserv e a fixed I P address (for yo ur NPor t
mapping table when using a DHCP Server or BOOTP Server. In most applications, you should assign a fixed IP
address to your NPort.
N P 5 6 1 0 - 1 6 _ 3 8
1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 2 7 . 2 5 4
is the
is the NPort’s serial number
is the NPort’s IP address
Initializing NPort’s IP Address
1. Determine whether your NPort needs to use a Static IP or Dynamic IP (either DHCP or BOOTP application).
2. If NPort is used in a Static I P environment, you can use NPort Administration Suite, ARP, Web Console,
or Telnet Console to configure the new IP addre ss.
3. If NPort is used in a Dy na m ic IP e nv ir o nment, you can use NPort Administration suite, Web Console,
or Telnet Console to configure NPort to get an IP address dynamically with DHCP, DHCP/BOOTP, or BOOTP.
Factory Default IP Address
NPort products are configured with the following default private IP address:
Default IP address:
(IP addresses of the form are referr ed to as priv ate IP addre s s es, si nc e it is not possib le to
directly access a device configured with a private IP address from a public network. For example, you would not
be able to ping such a device from an outside Internet connection. NPort applications that require sending data
over a public network, such as the Internet, require setting up the server with a valid public IP address, which
can be leased from a local ISP.)
LCM Display
We recommend using the LCM display and four push buttons to co nfig ure the IP addre s s for the first time.
Basic Operation
If the NPort is working properly, the LCM panel will display a green color. The red Ready LED will also light up,
indicating that the NPort is receiving power. After the red Ready LED turns green, you will see a display similar
) in the MAC-IP
NP5610-16 38
There are four push buttons on NPort’s nameplate. Going from left to right, the b utto ns are:
Button Name Action
menu menu activates the main menu, or returns to an upper level
sel select selects the option listed on the LCM panel’s second line
The buttons are manipulated in a manner similar to the way a modern cellular p hone operate s . A s you move
through the various functions and setting options, note that the top line shows the current menu or submenu
name, and the bottom line shows the submenu name or menu item that is activated by pressing the SEL
up cursor scrolls up through a list of items shown on the LCM panel’s second line
down cursor scrolls down through a list of items shown on the LCM panel’s second line
NPort’s name
NPort 5600 Series Initial IP Addre ss Configuration
N P 5 6 1 0 - 1 6 _ 3 8
1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 2 7 . 2 5 4
M a i n M e n U
S e r v e r s e t t i n g
Detailed Menu Options
The best way to explain all of NPort’s LCM functions is to refer to the table shown on the next page. There are
three main levels—1, 2, and 3—with eac h lev e l repres e nte d by a separate column.
The first thing to remember is that the MENU button is used to move back and forth between the LCM panel’s
default screen, and main menu screen:
In addition, you only need to remember to:
• Use the SEL button to move up one level (i.e., left to right on the tree graph)
• Use the MENU button to move down one level (i.e., right to left on the tree grap h)
• Use the cursor keys, and , to scroll between the various options within a level (i.e., up and down on the
tree graph).
As you use the buttons to operate the LCM display, you will notice that with very few exceptions, moving up one
level causes the bottom line of the display to move to the top line of the display. You will also notice that the
bottom three options in level 2, and all of the options in level 3 have either a C or D attached. The meaning is
as follows:
• C = configurable (i.e., you are allowed to change the setting of this opti o n)
• D = display only (i.e., the setting for this option is displayed, but it cannot be changed)
This does NOT necessarily mean that the number does not change; o nly that you canno t change it.
NPort 5600 Series Initial IP Addre ss Configuration
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Main Menu Server setting Serial number
Server n a me
Firmware ver
Model name
Serial set Select port
Op Mode set Select port
Console Web console
Ping C
Save/Restart C
Ethernet status
MAC address
IP config
IP address
DNS server 1
DNS server 2
Data bit
Stop bit
Flow control
Tx/Rx fifo
Tx/Rx bytes
Line status
Select mode
Real COM
Alive timeout
Max connection
Delimiter 1
Delimiter 2
Force Tx
Telnet console
TCP server
Alive timeout
Inact. time
Max connection
Delimiter 1
Delimiter 2
Force Tx
Local TCP port
Command port
TCP client
Alive timeout
Inact. time
Delimiter 1
Delimiter 2
Force Tx
Dest IP-1
TCP port-1
Dest IP-2
TCP port-2
Dest IP-3
TCP port-3
Dest IP-4
TCP port-4
TCP connect
UDP svr/cli
Delimiter 1
Delimiter 2
Force Tx
Dest IP start-1
Dest IP end-1
Dest port-1
Dest IP start-2
Dest IP end-2
Dest port-2
Dest IP start-3
Dest IP end-3
Dest port-3
Dest IP start-4
Dest IP end-4
Dest port-4
Local port
The part of the LCM operation that still requires so me explanatio n is ho w to edit the configurable options. In
fact, you will only encounter two types of config urab le options.
NPort 5600 Series Initial IP Addre ss Configuration
P a r I t Y
N O n E
P a r I t Y
P a r i T Y
E v e n
P a r i T Y
S p a c E
P a r i t Y
M a r k
Wide temp. model
In order to use this setu
Or, you may
ARP command, as described below.
The first type involves entering numbers , such as IP addresse s , Netmas ks, etc. In this case, you change the
number one digit at a time. The up cursor () is used to decrease the highlighted digit, the down cursor ()
is used to increase the highlighted digit, and the sel button is used to move to the next digit. When the last digit
has been changed, pressing sel simply enters the number into NPor t 5600 Series’ memory.
The second type of configurable option is when there are only a small number of options from which to choose
(although only one option will be visible at a time). Consider the Parity attribute under Serial s et as an example.
Follow the tree graph to arrive at the following Parity screen. The first option, None, is displayed, with a down
arrow all the way to the right. This is an indicati o n that the re are othe r options from which to choose.
Press the down cursor button once to see Odd as the second option.
Press the down cursor button again to see Even as the third option.
Press the down cursor button again to see Space as the fourth option.
Press the down cursor button yet again to see the last option, Mark.
To choose the desired option, press the SEL button when the option is showing on the screen.
does not support LCM Panel and Push Buttons.
NPort Administration Suite
NPort Administration Suite consists of some useful utility programs that are used to configure and manage your
See Chapter 6 for details on how to i nstal l NP ort Administra tion Suite , a nd how to use this s uite of
useful utilities to se t up IP addr e s se s and conf i gur e your NPo rt.
You can make use of the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) command to set up an IP address for your NPort.
The ARP command tells your computer to associate the NPort’s MAC address with t he inten ded IP ad dress. You
must then use Telnet to access the NPort, at which point the Device Server’s IP address will be reconfigure d .
NPort must be configured with the factory default IP address——before executing the
Take the following steps to use ARP to configure the IP address:
p method, both your computer and NPort must be connected to the same LAN.
use a cross-over Ethernet cable to connect the NPort directly to your comp uter’ s Ethernet card.
NPort 5600 Series Initial IP Addre ss Configuration
Figures in this section will
1. Obtain a valid IP address for your NPort from your network administrator.
2. Obtain the NPort’s MA C address fro m the lab e l on its bottom pane l.
3. Execute the ‘arp -s’ command from your computer’s MS-DOS prompt by typing :
arp –s 00-90-E8-xx-xx-xx
This is where is the new IP address and 00-90-E8-xx-xx-xx is the MAC address for your NPort.
You will need to change both numbers, as described above in points 1 and 2.
4. Next, execute a special Telne t c omma nd by typing :
telnet 6000
After issuing this command, a Connect failed message will appear, as shown here. After the NPort reboots,
its IP address should be updated to the new address, and you can reconnect us ing Te lne t, Web , or
Administrator to check that the update was succe ssf ul.
Telnet Console
Depending on how your computer and network are configured, you may find it convenient to use network
access to set up your NPort’s IP address. This can be done using the Telnet program .
1. From the Windows desktop , click Start and then select Run.
2. Type telnet (use the correct IP address if different from the default) in the Open text
input box, and then click OK.
3. When the Telnet window opens, if you are prompted to input the Console password, input the password and
then press Enter.
Note that this page will only appear if the NPort is password pro te c ted .
use 5610-8 as an example.
NPort 5600 Series Initial IP Addre ss Configuration
4. Type 2 to select Network setting s , a nd then pr e ss Enter.
5. Typ e 1 to select IP address and then press Enter.
6. Use the Backspace key to e rase the current IP address, type in the n ew IP address, and th en press Enter.
NPort 5600 Series Initial IP Addre ss Configuration
7. Press any key to continue…
8. Typ e m or M and then press Enter to return to the main menu.
9. Typ e s or S and then press Enter to Save/Restart the system.
10. Typ e y or Y and then press Enter to save the new IP address and restart NPort.
4. Choosing the Proper Operation Mode
In this chapter, we describe the various NPort 5600 operation modes. The options include an operation mode
that uses a driver installed on the host computer, and operation modes that rely on TCP/IP socket programming
concepts. After choosing the proper operation mode in this chapter, refer to Chapter 5 for detailed
configuration parameter definitions.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Real COM Mode
TCP Server Mode
TCP Client Mode
UDP Mode
Pair Connection Mode
Reverse Telnet Mode
Disabled Mode
RFC2217 Mode
PPP Mode
NPort 5600 Series Choosing the Proper Operation Mo de
NPort comes equipped with COM drivers that work with Windows
95/98/ME/N T / 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8, Windows 2012
systems, and also TTY drivers for Linux systems. The driver
establishes a transparent connectio n b e twee n host a nd serial
device by mapping the IP:Port of the NPort’s serial port to a local
COM/TTY port on the host computer.
supports up to 4 simultaneous connections, so that multiple hosts
can collect data from the same serial device at the same time.
The driver used for Real COM Mode comes with the NPort Windows Administr ator. The driver is installed
automatically on your computer when you install NPo rt Administration Suite.
NPort Device Servers network-enable traditional RS-232/422/485 devices, in w hi c h a Device Serv e r is a tiny
computer equipped with a CPU, real-time OS, and TCP/IP protocols that can bi-directionally translate data
between the serial and Ethernet formats . Your computer can access, manage, and configure remote facilities
and equipment over the Internet from anywhere in the world.
Traditional SCADA and data collection sy s te ms rely on serial p rots (RS-232/422/485) to collect data from
various kinds of instruments. Since NPort Serial Device Servers network-enable instruments equipped with an
RS-232/422/485 communication port, your SCADA and data co lle c tion system will be able to access all
instruments connected to a standard TCP/IP network, regardless of whether the devices are used l ocally or at
a remote site.
NPort is an external IP-based network device that allow s you to expand the number of ser ial p orts for a host
computer on demand. As long as your host computer supports the TCP/IP protocol, you won’t be limited by the
host computer’s bus limitation (suc h as ISA or PCI), or lack of driv ers for v arious operating systems.
In addition to providing socket access, NPort al so com es with a Real COM/TT Y dr iver that transmits all serial
signals intact. This means that your existing COM/TTY-based software can be preserved , without nee d ing to
invest in additional software.
Three different Socket Modes are available: TCP Server , TCP Client, and UDP Server/Client. The main
difference between the TCP and UDP protocols is that TCP guarantees delivery of data by requiring the recipient
to send an acknowledgement to the sender. UDP does not require this type of verification, making it possible
to offer speedier delivery. UDP also allows multicas ting of data to groups of IP addresses.
Real COM Mode
This operation mode also
The important point is that Real COM Mode allows users to continue us ing RS -232/422/485 serial
communications software that was writte n fo r pure serial c ommunic ati o ns applications. The driver intercepts
data sent to the host’s COM port, packs it into a TCP/IP packet, and then redirects it through the host’s Ethernet
card. At the other end of the connection, the NPort accepts the Ethernet frame, unpacks the TCP/IP packet, and
then transparently sends it to the appropriate seri al d ev ic e attached to o ne of the NPort’ s serial ports.
NPort 5600 Series Choosing the Proper Operation Mo de
Real COM
your NPort controls host access to attached ser ia l devic e s by checking
Modify the
In TCP Server mode, NPort provides a unique IP:Port address on a
TCP/IP network. NPort waits passively to be contacted by the host
computer, allowin
with and get data from the serial device. This operation mode also
supports up to 4 simultaneous connections, so that multiple hosts
can collect data from the same serial device
As illustrated
The host requests a connection from the NPort configured for TCP
Server Mode.
Once the connection is established, data can be trans mitte d in
both directions
rt to
the host.
In TCP Client mode, NPort can actively establish a TCP connection
to a pre
After the data has been transferred, NPort can autom atic al ly
disconnect from the host computer by using the TCP alive check
time or Inactivity time settings. Refer to chapter 5 for more
As illustrated in the figure, data transmission proceeds as follows:
The NPort configured for TCP Client Mode requests a connectio n
from the host.
Once the
both directions—from the host to the NPort, and from the NPort to
the host.
Mode allows several hosts to have access control over the same NPort. The driver that comes
Accessible IP Setting table when the legal IP address should be requir ed in your applica tio n.
TCP Server Mode
g the host computer to establish a connection
in the figure, data transmission proceeds as follows:
—from the host to the NPort, and from the NPo
the host’s IP address.
—at the same time.
TCP Client Mode
-defined host computer when serial data arrives.
connection is established, data can be transmitte d in
NPort 5600 Series Choosing the Proper Operation Mo de
Compared to TCP communication, UDP is faster and more
efficient. In UDP mode, you can multicast data from the ser
device to multiple host computers, and the ser ial devic e can also
receive data from multiple host computers, making this mode
ideal for message display applications .
connecting to
routers, switches, an
works the same as RAW mode
TCP port is
system then
host on the network to
connection. The difference is that the
RAW mode does not provide
elnet. If the connected
devices need to use
function when controlling, then users
UDP Mode
Pair Connection Mode
Pair Connection Mode employs two NPort 5600 in tandem, and can be used to remove the 15-meter distance
limitation imposed by the RS-232 interface. One NPort 5600 is connected from its RS-232 port to the COM port
of a PC or other type of computer, such as hand-held PDAs that have a serial port, and the serial de v ic e is
connected to the RS-232 port of the other NPort 5600. The two NPort 5600 units are then co nne c te d to each
other with a cross-over Ethernet cable, both are connected to the same LAN, or in a more advanced setup, they
communicate with each othe r over a WAN (i.e., through one or more routers). Pair Connection Mode
transparently transfers both data and modem control signals (although it cannot transmit the DCD signal)
between the two NPorts.
Reverse Telnet Mo d e
management is commonly used by
Console/AUX or COM ports of
d UPS units. Rtelnet
in that only
listened to after booting up. The
waits for a
tiate a
the conversion
provided by T
Rtelnet mode.
the CR/LF conversion
NPort 5600 Series Choosing the Proper Operation Mo de
Disabled Mode
Setting the operation mode of a particular port to Disabled, disables that port.
RFC2217 Mode
RFC2217 is a standard driver that provides Virtual COM function. RFC2217 defines general com port control
options based on telnet protocol. Any 3rd party driv er suppor ting RFC 22 17 ca n be used to implement virtual
COM on NPort 5600 series. The driver establishes a transparent connection between host and serial device by
mapping the IP:Port of the NPort 5600 series’ serial port to a local COM port on the host computer. (RFC2217
Mode supports 1 connection)
PPP Mode
NPort 5600 Device Server supports standard PPP service for out-of-band management if the Ethernet network
crashes. The PPP function enables dial-in access for users who need a remote access solution. When a user at
a remote site uses PPP dial-in to connect to NPort 5600, NPort 5600 plays the role of a dial-in server. After the
PPP connection is established, the us er can remote ly m anage the NPor t 5600.
Please refer to Chapter 5 for detailed inform ation and configuration instructions.
5. Web Console Configuration
The Web Console is the most user-friendly method availab le to c o nfig ure NPor t 5600 Serie s .
The following topics are covered in this chapte r:
Opening Your Browser
Basic Settings
Network Settings
S NMP S e ttings
IP Address Report
Serial Settings
S e rial Parameters
Operating Settings
Real COM Mode
TCP Server Mode
TC P C li e nt Mode
UDP Mode
Pair Connection Mode
Pair Connection Master Mode
Pair Connection Slave Mode
Reverse Telnet Mode
D is a b le d Mode
RFC2217 Mode
PPP Mo d e
Accessible IP Settings
PPP User Table
Auto Warning Setti ng s
A uto warning: E-mail and SNMP Trap
Ev e nt Typ e
Mo nitor Line
Monitor Async
Monitor Async-Settings
Change Password
Load Factory Defaults
NPort 5600 Series Web Console Confi guration
If you use other web browsers, remember to Enable the functions to
NPort 5600 series uses cookies only for
Opening Your Browser
1. Open your browser with the cookie function enabled. (To enable your browser for cookies, right click your
desktop Internet Explorer icon, selec t Prop ertie s , c li c k the Securi ty tab, and then s e lect the thre e Enab le
options as shown in the figure below.)
2. Type 192.168.127 .25 4 in the Ad dr e ss inp ut box (use the corr ect I P addre s s if diff er e nt from the default),
and then press Enter.
3. Input the password if prompted. The password will be transmitted with MD5 encryption over the Ethernet.
Note that you will not be prompted to enter the password if the NPort is not currently password protected.
” or “allow per-session cookies.”
“password” transmission.
“allow cookies that are stored on your
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