Moxa Technologies NPort 5610-8-DTL-T, NPort 5610-8-DT, NPort 5610-8-DTL, NPort 5650-8-DT, NPort 5650-8-DT-J User Manual

NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series
User’s Manual
Seventh Edition, February 2014
© 2014 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series
Moxa Americas
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User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
Copyright Notice
Copyright ©2014 Moxa Inc.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their res pec tive manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to cha nge witho ut no tic e and doe s no t repres e nt a commitme nt o n the part of Moxa.
Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the rig ht to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, a t any time .
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that m ay res ult fr om its use.
This product might include unintentional tec hnic a l o r typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the public ation.
Technical Support Contact Information
-free: 1-888-669-2872 +1-714-528-6777
+49-89-3 70 03 99-0
+49-89-3 70 03 99-99
-free: 800-820-5036 +86-21-5258-9955
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
2. Overview of Hardware ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
Panel Layout (DT and DT-J models) ...................................................................................................... 2-2
Top and Rear Views ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
Front Views ................................................................................................................................ 2-2
Bottom View ............................................................................................................................... 2-3
Panel Layout (DTL and DTL-T models) ................................................................................................... 2-4
Top and Rear Views ..................................................................................................................... 2-4
Front View .................................................................................................................................. 2-4
Bottom View ............................................................................................................................... 2-5
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Top Panel Indicators .................................................................................................................... 2-5
Ethernet Port Indicators ............................................................................................................... 2-6
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................................. 2-6
Ethernet Port Pinouts ................................................................................................................... 2-6
Device Port Pinouts ...................................................................................................................... 2-6
Console Port Pinouts (applies only to DT models) ............................................................................ 2-7
Product Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 2-7
NPort 5600-8-DT ......................................................................................................................... 2-7
NPort 5600-8-DTL ....................................................................................................................... 2-9
3. Basic Installatio n .............................................................................................................................. 3-1
Before You Begin ................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Required Items ........................................................................................................................... 3-2
Wiring Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 3-2
STEP 1: Connect network, serial device , and power ................................................................................ 3-3
Connect to Network ..................................................................................................................... 3-3
Attach Serial Device .................................................................................................................... 3-3
Connect Power ............................................................................................................................ 3-4
STEP 2: Configure the device server’s general settings ............................................................................ 3-4
Install NPort Administrator ........................................................................................................... 3-4
Search for Device Server on LAN ................................................................................................... 3-5
Adjust General Settings................................................................................................................ 3-5
Verify Network Settings................................................................................................................ 3-6
STEP 3: Configure device port operation mode ....................................................................................... 3-6
Adjust Operation Mode Settings .................................................................................................... 3-6
STEP 4: Configure serial communication parameters ............................................................................... 3-9
Review Serial Parameters ............................................................................................................. 3-9
Adjust Serial Parameters .............................................................................................................. 3-9
STEP 5: Map COM port to device......................................................................................................... 3-10
Specify Target Device Server ...................................................................................................... 3-11
Assign COM Port Number to Device Port ....................................................................................... 3-11
Apply Change ........................................................................................................................... 3-12
4. General Settings ................................................................................................................................ 4-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Basic Settings .................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Network Settings ................................................................................................................................ 4-3
Serial Settings .................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Operating Settings .............................................................................................................................. 4-6
Accessible IP Settings.......................................................................................................................... 4-6
Auto Warning Settings ......................................................................................................................... 4-7
Email and SNMP trap ................................................................................................................... 4-7
Event Type ................................................................................................................................. 4-8
Change Password ............................................................................................................................... 4-9
5. Introduction to Operation Modes ...................................................................................................... 5-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Real COM Mode .................................................................................................................................. 5-2
RFC2217 Mode ................................................................................................................................... 5-3
TCP Server Mode ................................................................................................................................ 5-3
TCP Client Mode ................................................................................................................................. 5-3
UDP Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Pair Connection Modes ........................................................................................................................ 5-4
Reverse Telnet Mode ........................................................................................................................... 5-4
Disabled Mode .................................................................................................................................... 5-4
6. Operation Mode Advanced Settings ................................................................................................... 6-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 6-2
List of Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 6-2
When to Make Adjustments .......................................................................................................... 6-2
Using Pair Connection Modes ................................................................................................................ 6-3
Parameter Details ............................................................................................................................... 6-3
Connection Management Parameters ............................................................................................. 6-3
Data Packing Parameters ............................................................................................................. 6-4
Other Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 6-6
7. Using the Web Console ...................................................................................................................... 7-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Web Browser Settings ......................................................................................................................... 7-2
Basic Navigation ................................................................................................................................. 7-3
Device Server Settings ........................................................................................................................ 7-4
Special Functions ................................................................................................................................ 7-4
Monitor ...................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Load Factory Defaults .................................................................................................................. 7-5
8. Using NPort Administrator ................................................................................................................ 8-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 8-2
Installing NPort Administrator .............................................................................................................. 8-2
Basic Navigation ................................................................................................................................. 8-5
Window Layout ........................................................................................................................... 8-5
Activating a Function ................................................................................................................... 8-5
Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 8-6
Finding Your Device Server ........................................................................................................... 8-6
Status ........................................................................................................................................ 8-7
Device Serve r Parameters ............................................................................................................ 8-8
Firmware and Configuration Management ..................................................................................... 8-10
Monitor............................................................................................................................................ 8-11
Finding Your Device Server ......................................................................................................... 8-11
Monitoring Parameters ............................................................................................................... 8-12
Activating the Monitor ................................................................................................................ 8-13
Port Monitor ..................................................................................................................................... 8-15
COM Mapping ................................................................................................................................... 8-15
Finding Your Device Server ......................................................................................................... 8-16
COM Mapping Settings ............................................................................................................... 8-17
Saving COM Mapping Settings ..................................................................................................... 8-19
COM Grouping .................................................................................................................................. 8-20
Creating a COM Group ............................................................................................................... 8-20
Deleting a COM G roup................................................................................................................ 8-22
Adding a Port to a COM Group .................................................................................................... 8-23
Removing a Port from a COM Group ............................................................................................ 8-24
Modifying Ports in a COM Group .................................................................................................. 8-25
IP Address Report ............................................................................................................................. 8-28
Automatic Message Log ..................................................................................................................... 8-29
9. NPort CE Driver Manager for Windows CE ......................................................................................... 9-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 9-2
Installing NPort CE Driver Manager ....................................................................................................... 9-2
Using NPort CE Driver Manager ............................................................................................................ 9-2
10. Other Configuration Interfaces ....................................................................................................... 10-1
Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 10-2
LCM Console (applies to DT models only) ............................................................................................. 10-2
Main Menu Server setting ....................................................................................................... 10-2
Main Menu Network setting ..................................................................................................... 10-2
Main Menu Serial set .............................................................................................................. 10-2
Main Menu Op Mode set ......................................................................................................... 10-3
Main Menu Console ................................................................................................................ 10-3
Main Menu  LCM passwd prot ................................................................................................... 10-3
Main Menu Reset btn prot ....................................................................................................... 10-3
Main Menu Ping ..................................................................................................................... 10-3
Main Menu  Save/Restart ......................................................................................................... 10-3
Telnet Console ................................................................................................................................. 10-3
Serial Console (NPort 5600-8-DT) ....................................................................................................... 10-3
Serial Console (NPort 5600-8-DTL) ..................................................................................................... 10-4
11. TTY Drivers for Linux and UNIX ....................................................................................................... 11-1
Linux Real TTY Drivers ...................................................................................................................... 11-2
Basic Steps ............................................................................................................................... 11-2
Installing Linux Real TTY Driver Files ........................................................................................... 11-2
Mapping TTY Ports ..................................................................................................................... 11-2
Removing Mapped TTY Ports ....................................................................................................... 11-3
Removing Linux Driver Files ........................................................................................................ 11-3
UNIX Fix ed TTY Drivers ..................................................................................................................... 11-4
Installing the UNIX Driver........................................................................................................... 11-4
Configuring the UNIX Driver ....................................................................................................... 11-4
12. The IP Serial Library ....................................................................................................................... 12-1
Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 12-2
IP Serial Library Function Groups ........................................................................................................ 12-2
Example Program ............................................................................................................................. 12-3
13. Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 13-1
Connection Problems ......................................................................................................................... 13-1
Operation Mode Problems .................................................................................................................. 13-1
Real COM Mode ......................................................................................................................... 13-1
TCP Server Mode ....................................................................................................................... 13-2
TCP Client Mode ........................................................................................................................ 13-2
UDP Mode ................................................................................................................................ 13-2
Serial Data Problems ......................................................................................................................... 13-3
A. Cable Wirin g ...................................................................................................................................... A-1
RS-232 Cables ................................................................................................................................... A-2
RS-422, 4-wire RS -48 5 Cables ............................................................................................................. A-2
2-wire RS-485 Cables .......................................................................................................................... A-2
B. SNMP Age n t with MIB II & RS-232-Like Group ................................................................................. B-1
C. IP Report Protocol............................................................................................................................. C-1
IP Address Report Structure ................................................................................................................. C-1
Hardware and AP ID ............................................................................................................................ C-2
Example ............................................................................................................................................ C-2
D. Compliance Notice ............................................................................................................................. D-1

1. Introduction

The Moxa NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL, a line of advanced serial device servers, makes it easy to enable your serial devices for network operation. The NPort 5600-8-D T/DTL inc lud e s the following eleven models:

RS-232 models

• NPort 5610-8-DT
• NPort 5610-8-DT-J
• NPort 5610-8-DTL
• NPort 5610-8-DTL-T

RS-232/422/48 5 mo de ls

• NPort 5650-8-DT
• NPort 5650-8-DT-J
• NPort 5650I-8-DT
• NPort 5650-8-DTL
• NPort 5650-8-DTL-T
• NPort 5650I-8-DTL
• NPort 5650I-8-DTL-T The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Product Features
Package Checklist
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Introduction


Your NPort 56 00-8-DT/DTL device server provides instant Ethernet ne two rk access to ind ustria l d ev ic e s through a serial connection. Devices such as PLCs, meters, and sensors can use the device server to connect to an IP-based Ethernet LAN, making the devi c e s access i b le from anywhere over a local LAN or the Internet. The device server’s space-saving design makes it ideal for many applications:
• Central monitoring and control of card readers , a larms , and electronic gate security systems in campus dormitories
• Dial-up access to private company servers
• Management of server farm devices (routers, hubs , switc hes) thr ough serial console ports
• Network access to medical diagnostic equipme nt
The device server provides different operation modes, such as TCP Server mode or UDP mode, to ensure compatibility with software us ing sta nd ard netw ork APIs (Winsock or BSD Sockets). Real COM and Real TTY drivers are included to allow easy, transparent operation using virtual COM/TTY ports over a TCP/IP network. The drivers help preserve your software investme nt by providing ins tant ne tw or k ac c ess with minimum disruption to existing systems.
Configuration can be done manually or using automatic IP protocols (DHCP or BOOTP) through the web console. NPort Administrator, a Windows utility , is provided for straightforward installation as well as storage and retrieval of all system parameters.

Product Features

The devic e serve r includes the following features:
• Compact desktop size
• Eight ports supporting RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 operation
• Socket operation modes including TC P Server mode , TCP Client mode, and UDP mode
• 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port(s) with auto-speed detection
• Multiple device ports with indepe nd e nt sele c tion of serial interface
• Built-in 15 KV ESD protection for all serial signals
• Supports SNMP MIB-II for network management
• Changeable voice alarm for exceptions (this fe ature is only available for HW Rev. 1.2 and earlier of the NPort 5600-8-DT)

Package Checklist

• NPort 5600-8-DT or NPort 5600-8-DTL device server
• Wall mounting and Din-Rail kits
• Stick-on pads
• Documentation and software CD
• Quick installation guide (printed)
• Warranty card
Optional Accessories
• DK-35A: DIN-rail mounting kit (35 mm)
• CBL-RJ45M9-150: 8-pin RJ45 to male DB9 cable, 150 cm
• CBL-RJ45F9-150: 8-pin RJ45 to female DB9 cable , 150 cm
• CBL-RJ45M25-150: 8-pin RJ45 to male DB25 cable, 150 cm
• CBL-RJ45F25-150: 8-pin RJ45 to female DB25 cable , 150 cm
• NP21101: Male DB25 to fe m ale DB 9 RS-232 cable, 30 cm
Note: Optional Accessories can be ordered separately.
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Introduction
Please notify your sales representativ e if any of the abov e items are missing or damaged

2. Overview of Hardware

NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL device servers are rugged and easy-to-use device networking products. Use this chapter to familiarize yourself with the hardware and spec i f ic a tio ns .
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Panel Layout (DT and DT-J mode ls)
Top and Rear Views Front Views Bottom View
Panel Layout (DTL and DTL -T models)
Top and Rear Views Front View Bottom View
LED Indicators
Top Panel Indicators Ethernet Port Indicators
Pin Assignments
Ethernet Port Pinouts Device Port Pinouts Console Port Pinouts (applies only to DT models)
Product Specifications
NPort 5600-8-DT NPort 5600-8-DTL
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
The figures in this section apply to the follow ing

Panel Layout (DT and DT-J models)

NPort 5610-8-DT NPort 5610-8-DT-J NPort 5650-8-DT NPort 5650-8-DT-J NPort 5650I-8-DT
Top and Rear Views
DT and DT-J models:
Front Views
NPort 5610-8-DT, 5650-8-DT, 5650I-8-DT
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
NPort 5610-8-DT-J, 5650-8-DT-J
Bottom View
Item Description
PWR LED Indicates power input status (red) Ready and Fault LEDs Indicates normal operation (green) or IP conf lic t (re d ) Link LED Flashes when Ethernet is connected InUse LED s Flashes when device port is transmitting or rece iving data (green)
Device port Tx LEDs Flashes when device port is transmitting data (g re e n) Device port Rx LEDs Flashes when device port is receiving data (orang e ) Power input For power jack connection to AC power source here Ethernet port For Ethernet network cable connection DB9(M) serial ports For attachment of seria l devices Reset button Press and hold with a pointed object for 5 seconds to load factory defaults
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
The figures in this section apply to the follow ing

Panel Layout (DTL and DTL-T models)

NPort 5610-8-DTL NPort 5650-8-DTL NPort 5650I-8-DTL NPort 5610-8-DTL-T NPort 5650-8-DTL-T NPort 5650I-8-DTL-T
Top and Rear Views
DTL and DTL-T models:
Front View
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
Bottom View
Item Description
PWR LED Indicates power input status (red) Ready and Fault LEDs Indicates normal operation (green) or IP conflict (red) Link LED Flashes when Ethernet is connected InUse LED s Flashes when device port is transmitting or rece iving data (green)
Device port Tx LEDs Flashes when device port is transmitting data (g ree n) Device port Rx LEDs Flashes when device po rt is receiving data (orange) Power input For power jack connection to AC power source here Ethernet port For Ethernet network cable connection DB9(M) serial ports For attachment of serial devices Reset button Press and hold with a pointed object for 5 seconds to load factory defaults

LED Indicators

Top Panel Indicators
Name Color Function
PWR red Power is on.
off Power is off.
Ready green Steady: The NPort is operational.
off Power is off or fault condition exists.
Fault red IP conflict or DHCP or BOOTP server did not respond properly.
off No fault condition detected.
Link green Steady: Network is connected, no data is being transmitted.
off Ethernet cable is disconnected or has a short. InUse (P1 to P8) Tx/Rx (P1 to P8)
green Serial port has been opened by serve r side so ftwa r e.
off Serial port is not currently opened by server side software.
green (Tx) Serial device is transmitting data.
orange (Rx) Serial device is receiving data.
off No data is flowing to or from the serial port.
Blinking: The NPort is responding to NPort Administrator’s “Locate” function or the NPort is resetting to the factory default.
Blinking: Network is connected, data is being trans mitte d.
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
A green LED indicates a valid connection to a 100 Mbps Ethernet networ k .
An orange LED indicates a valid connection to a 10 Mbps Etherne t ne twork .
Ethernet Port Indicators
Two LED indicators are built into each 10/100 M Ether ne t connecto r. A valid network connection will be indicated as follows:

Pin Assignments

Ethernet Port Pinouts
RJ45 Connector Pin Signal
1 RXD+ 2 RXD­3 TXD+ 4 – 5 – 6 TXD­7 – 8
Device Port Pinouts
DB9 Ports (NPort 5610-8-DT, 5650-8-DT, 5650I-8-DT, 5610-8-DTL/DTL-T, 5650-8-DTL/DTL-T, and
DB9 Male Connector Pin RS-232 RS-422/RS-485-4w RS-485-2w
The NPort 5610-8-DT and 5610-8-DTL only support RS-232 signals.
RJ45 Ports (NPort 5610-8-DT-J, 5650-8-DT-J)
RJ45 Connector Pin RS-232 RS-422/RS-485-4w RS-485-2w
1 DCD TxD-(A) – 2 RxD TxD+(B)
4 DTR RxD-(A) Data-(A) 5 GND GND GND 6 DSR – 7 RTS – 8 CTS – 9
1 DSR – 2 RTS TxD+ – 3 GND GND GND 4 TxD TxD- – 5 RxD RxD+ Data+
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
Ethernet Interface
Number of Ports:
Magnetic Isolat ion P ro tec t i o n:
Serial Interface
Number of Ports:
Serial Standards:
NPort 5610 NPort 5650-8-DT: RS-232/422/485
NPort NPort 5610
Serial Line Protection:
15 KV ESD protection for all signals 2 KV isolation protection (NPort 5650I
Pull High/Low Resistor for RS
Terminator for RS
Serial Communication Pa ra me te rs
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Flow Control:
Serial Signals
The NPort 5610-8-DT-J only supports RS-232 signals.
Console Port Pinouts (applies only to DT models)
RJ45 Connector Pin RS-232
2 RTS 3 GND 4 TxD 5 RxD 6 DCD 7 CTS 8 DTR

Product Specifications

NPort 5600-8-DT
2 (1 IP)
10/100 Mbps, auto MDI/M DIX
8-pin RJ45
-8-DT: RS-232
5610-8-DT/5650-8-DT/5650I-8-DT: DB9 m a le
-8-DT-J/5650-8-DT-J: RJ45 (8 pins)
-485 Data Direction Control: ADDC® (automatic data direction control)
-485: 120 Ω
1.5 KV built-in
-8-DT only)
-485: 1 KΩ, 150 KΩ
5, 6, 7, 8 1, 1.5, 2
None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
DSR/DTR and RTS/CTS (RS-232 only), XON/XOFF
50 bps to 921.6 Kbps
-232: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, GND
-422: Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND
-485-4w: Tx+ , Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND
-485-2w: Data+, Data-, GND
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
Network Protocols: ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP, DHCP, BOOTP, Telnet, DNS, SNMP V1, HTTP, SMTP, SNTP, Rtelnet,
ARP, RFC2217
Configuration Options:
Windows Real COM Drivers:
Windows 2012 x64, Embedded CE 5.0/6.0, XP Embedded
Fixed TTY Drivers:
Solaris 10, FreeBSD, AIX 5.x, HP
Linux Real TTY Drivers:
Mini Screen with P ush Buttons
LCD Panel:
Push Buttons:
Physical Characteristics
NPort 5610 NPort 5610 NPort 5650 NPort 5650 NPort 5650I
Without ears: 197 x 44 x 125 mm (7.76 x 1.73 x 4.92 in) With ears: 229 x 46 x 125 mm (9.01 x 1.81 x 4.92 in) With DIN
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperatur e:
Storage Temperature:
Ambient Relative Humidity:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Power Consumption:
NPort 5610
NPort 5610
NPort 5650
NPort 5650I
NPort 5650
Standards and Certifications
EMS: EN 55024
Alert Tools:
Automatic Reboot Trigger:
MTBF (mean time between fai lures):
Warranty Period: 5 years
Web Console, Telnet Console, Serial Console, Windows Utility
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000, Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8 x86/x64,
SCO Unix, SCO OpenServer, UnixWare 7, UnixWare 2.1, SVR 4.2, QNX 4.25, QNX 6,
-UX 11i
Linux kernel 2.4.x, 2.6.x, 3.x
Liquid Crystal Display on the case
Four push buttons for convenient on-site configur ation
Metal, IP30 protection
-8-DT: 1760 g
-8-DT-J: 1710 g
-8-DT: 1770 g
-8-DT-J: 1710 g
-8-DT: 1850 g
-Rail kit on bottom panel: 197 x 53 x 125 mm (7.76 x 2.09 x 4.92 in)
0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F)
-20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F) 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
12 to 48 VDC
611 mA @ 12 V, 300 mA @ 24 V, 140 mA @ 48 V
611 mA @ 12 V, 300 mA @ 24 V, 140 mA @ 48 V
615 mA @ 12 V, 300 mA @ 24 V, 156 mA @ 48 V
1066 mA @ 12 V, 510 mA @ 24 V, 200 mA @ 48 V
615 mA @ 12 V, 300 mA @ 24 V, 156 mA @ 48 V
UL 60950-1, EN 60950 -1
EN 55022 Class A, FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A
Built-in buzzer and RTC (real-time clock)
Built-in WDT (watchdog timer)
163,356 hrs
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
Ethernet Interface
Number of Ports:
Magnetic Isolat ion P ro tec t i o n:
Serial Interface
Number of
Serial Standards:
NPort 5610 NPort 5650-8-DTL/5650I-8-DTL: RS-232/422/485
Serial Line Protection:
15 KV ESD protection for all signals 2 KV isolation protection (NPort 5650I
Pull High/Low Resistor for RS
Terminator for RS
Serial Communication Pa ra me te rs
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Serial Signals
RS-422: Tx+, Tx-, Rx+ , Rx-, GND
Network Protocols: ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP, DHCP, BOOTP, Telnet, DNS, SNMP V1, HTTP, SMTP, SNTP, Rtelnet,
ARP, RFC2217
Configuration Options:
Windows Real COM Drivers:
Windows 2012 x64, X P Emb ed ded
Fixed TTY Drivers:
Solaris 10, FreeBSD, AIX 5.x, HP
Linux Real TTY Drive
Physical Characteristics
NPort 5610 NPort 5650 NPort 5650I-8-DTL: 1850 g
Without ears: 197 x 44 x 125 mm (7.76 x 1.73 x 4.92 in) With With DIN
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperatur e:
Standard Models: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) Wide Temp. Models:
NPort 5600-8-DTL
10/100 Mbps, auto MDI/M DIX
8-pin RJ45
1.5 KV built-in
Ports: 8
-8-DTL: RS-232
DB9 male
-8-DTL only)
-485 Data Directio n Control: ADDC® (automatic data direction control)
-485: 1 KΩ, 150 KΩ
-485: 120 Ω
5, 6, 7, 8 1, 1.5, 2
None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Control: DSR/DTR and RTS/CTS (RS-232 only), XON/XOFF
50 bps to 921.6 Kbps
-232: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, GND
-485-4w: Tx+ , Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND
-485-2w: Data+, Data-, GND
Web Console, Telnet Console, Serial Console, Windows Utility
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000, Windows X P/200 3/Vista/2008/7/8 x86/x64,
SCO Unix, SCO OpenServer, UnixWare 7, UnixWare 2.1, SVR 4.2, QNX 4.25, QNX 6,
-UX 11i
rs: Linux kernel 2.4.x, 2.6.x, 3.x
Metal, IP30 protection
-8-DTL: 1760 g
-8-DTL: 1770 g
ears: 229 x 46 x 125 mm (9.01 x 1.81 x 4.92 in)
-Rail kit on bottom panel: 197 x 53 x 125 mm (7.76 x 2.09 x 4.92 in)
-40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Overview of Hardware
Storage Temperature:
Ambient Relative Humidity:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Power Consumption:
NPort 5610
NPort 5650
NPort 5650I
Standards and Certifications
Alert Tools: Built-in buzzer and RTC (real-time clock)
Automatic Reboot Trigger:
Warranty Period:
-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185° F) 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
12 to 48 VDC
340 mA @ 12 V, 180 mA @ 24 V, 110 mA @ 48 V
470 mA @ 12 V, 250 mA @ 24 V, 140 mA @ 48 V
740 mA @ 12 V, 370 mA @ 24 V, 220 mA @ 48 V
UL 60950-1, EN 60950 -1
EN 55022 Class A, FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A
EN 55024
Built-in WDT (watchdog timer)
5 years

3. Basic Installation

NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL device servers are desig ned to coordinate b e twee n your network , your hos t computer, and your serial device. Installation of the device server should occur in stages to ensure that each connection is recognized. This chapter will guide you through a typical installation with a Windows PC. For certain applications or environments, you may be guided to o the r chapte rs for additional information.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Before You Begin
Required Items Wiring Guidelines
STEP 1: Connect network, serial device, and power
Connect to Network Attach Serial Device Connect Power
STEP 2: Configure the device server’s general settings
Install NPort Administrator Search for Device Server on LAN Adjust General Settings Verify Network Settings
STEP 3: Configure device port operati on mode
Adjust Operation Mode Settings
STEP 4: Configure serial communica tio n par a mete rs
Review Serial Parameters Adjust Serial Parameters
STEP 5: Map COM port to device
Specify Target Device Server Assign COM Port Number to Device Port Apply Change
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation

Before You Begin

This chapter will walk you through the major steps of a typical installation and will offer advice on adjustments and options for specific applications. Please note that certain procedures will vary for your specific application and environment.
In these instructions, a Windows PC is used for configuration. For Linux or UNIX environments, please refer to Chapter 11.
Installation of the NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL is presente d in the fo llowing steps:
Step 1: Connect power, network and serial devices Step 2: Configure the device server’s IP settings Step 3: Configure each port’s operation mode Step 4: Configure each port’s serial communication settings Step 5: Map host COM ports to device ports (for Real COM mode)
Required Items
Make sure that you have the following items before beginning your installation:
• NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL device server
• Windows PC with live connection to the network (see Chap ter 11 for Linux /U NI X install ations)
• NPort Documentation & Software CD
• Ethernet cable
• Serial cable for device attachment
• Power adapter and power cord
• Make sure that you have the following information available before beginning your installation:
• IP address of your Windows PC
• IP address and subnet to be assigned to the device server
• TCP or UDP port number to be used for each device port
• Local COM port number to be used for each device port (for Real COM mode)
• Baudrate, parity, data bit, and stop bit settings for each device port
Wiring Guidelines
The following guidelines will help ens ure trouble-free signal communication with th e device ser ver.
• Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices to avoid inte rf er e nc e . Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. The r ul e of thumb is that wir ing that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together.
• If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• Label all wiring to each device in the system for easier testi ng and tr oubleshooting
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
Wiring Safety Preca ut i on s: Disconnect power source
Do not install or wire this unit or any attached devices with the power connected. Disconnect the power before installation by removing
Follow maximum current ratin gs
Calculate the maximum possible curre nt in each power wire and com mon wire . Observe all elec trical codes dictating the maximum current allowab le for ea c h wire siz e . If equipment.
Use caution
The unit will generate heat during operation, and the casing may feel hot to the touch. Take care when handling unit. Be sure to leave adequate space for ventilation.
the current goes above the maximum ratings, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your
- unit may get h ot
the power cord before installing and/or wiring your unit.

STEP 1: Connect network, serial device, and power

This step covers the physical installation of the har dwa re. This ste p r equi r es the follo w ing item s :
• NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL device server
• Power ada pter and power cord
• Ethernet cable
• Serial cable with RJ45 or DB9 connector (depending on model)
• Serial device
Connect to Network
After placing the device server in its location, plug one end of the network cable into one of the device server’s Ethernet ports. Plug the other end of the cable to the network. Ther e are two Ether ne t ports on the NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL so you can easily daisy-chain multiple units together (the NPort 5600-8-DTL has one Ethernet port only).
Attach Serial Device
Use the serial cable to connect your serial device to a device port on the NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL. Make sure that you are familiar with your device’s serial communication settings (e.g., baudrate, stop bit, etc.). You will need to know these parameters when configuring the device server and drivers.
Adjustable Pull High/Low Resistors for RS-485
Termination resistors may be needed when connecting RS-485 devices to your NPort, in order to prevent the reflection of serial signals. The device port’s pull high/low resistors must then be set correctly t o prevent signal corruption.
NPort 5600-8-DT: Use the DIP switches on the bottom panel to configure each device port’s pull high/low resistors. You will need to unscrew the DIP switch cover to access the DIP switc he s .
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
Do not use the 1 KΩ setting when using RS
maximum allowed communicati
Grounding and wire routing helps limit the effe c ts of noise due to elec tro m agnetic inte rference (EMI). Before attaching any serial devices, run your ground wir e from your grounding surface to the device server’s gro
NPort 5600-8-DTL: Remove the top cover to access the DIP switches used to configure each device port’s pull high/low resistors (note that SW4 is reserv e d for futur e use ).
The pull high/low resistor values for each device port are set as follows:
SW 1 2 3
Pull High Pull Low Terminator ON OFF
1 K 1 K 120
150 K 150 K
unding contact at the rear panel. Secure the connection with the prov ided screw.
on distance, and the Rx LED may light up.
-232. Doing so will degrade the RS-232 signals, shorten the
Connect Power
Connect the 12 to 48 VDC power line to the NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL’s terminal block or power jack. The “Ready” LED will initially glow red. When the syste m is ready , the “Ready” LED will turn gr e e n.

STEP 2: Configu re the device server ’ s g en eral settings

This step covers the configuration of genera l setting s us ing NPor t Adm inis trator. You may also use the web, serial, Telnet, or LCM console to configure the device server. Please refer to Chapter 7, 8, and 10 for additional information on using the other consoles.
This step requires the following item s :
• NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL dev i ce serve r w ith live conne c tion to the network
• Windows PC with live connection to the same network (see Chapte r 11 for Linux /UNI X installations)
• NPort Documentation & Software CD
Install NPort Administrator
Locate and run the setup program on the NPort Document & Software CD. The setup program will b e name d
Npadm_Setup_[Version]_Build_[DateTime].exe (e.g., “Npadm_Setup_Ver1.8_ Build_07041316.exe”). Run NPort Administrato r w hen installat io n is co mp l e te .
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
In NPort Administrator, click “Sear c h” to search your LAN for NPort device servers.
When your unit appears in the search results, you may click “Stop” to end the search. You may also wait a few more moments for the search to complete.
The “Configuration” panel will list the N Po rt device servers that were found on the LAN. If your unit cannot be found, you may network problem. Please check all cables and verify that your PC and device server are on the same LAN. If you still have problems, try connecting the device server directly to your PC.
Search for Device Server on LAN
Adjust General Settings
Right-click your unit in the “Configur ati o n” panel and se le c t “Configure” in the context menu. If your device server is password protected, first select “Unlock” in the context menu.
In the configuration window, go to the “Network” tab. For any parameter that you wish to change, click the appropriate “Modify” box and make the desired adjus tm e nts. The dev ic e serve r mus t be assigne d a valid, unique IP address for operation in your network. Both fixed and dynamic IP addresses are supported. Please consult with your network administrator if yo u are not sure how to set these parameters.
When you are ready to restart the device server with the new settings, click “OK” .
have a
Static IP Addresses
For most applications, you will assign a fixed IP address to the device server. To assign a static (fixed) IP address, the “IP Configuration” parameter must be set to “Static”, which is the default setting. You may then modify the “IP Address” and “Netmask” parameters.
Dynamic IP Addresses
For certain network environments, your device server’s IP address will be assigned by a DHCP or BOOTP se rver. In this case, instead of assigning the device server’s IP address, you will need to configure the device server to receive its IP address from the appropriate server. Set the “IP Configuration” parameter to “DHCP”, “BOOTP”,
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
The operat device port can be configured through NPort Administrator. Open your device serv er’ s configuration window using the same method when you adjusted the network parameters. On the “Operation Modes” tab, click “Modify” and select the device port that you wish to configure. Click “Settings” to configure the selected device port.
or “DHCP/BOOTP”, depending on your network environment. The “IP Address” and “Netmask” parameters will be unavailable for editing since these parame ter s will b e assig ne d auto mati c ally.
If you are not sure whether you need to configure your device server for a dynamic or static IP address, consult the administrator who set up the LAN.
Verify Network Settings
If your device server has been configured correctly, you should be able to ping its IP address from your PC. First make sure that your PC and device server are on the same subnet, then ping the device server’s address. If no response is received, you will need to check your cables and networ k setting s .

STEP 3: Configure device port operation mode

This step covers configuration of a device por t’ s operation mode. The operation mode determines how the device port will interact with the network. The sele c tion of operation mode will depend on your specific application. Please refer to the chart on the follo w ing p age for guidanc e in sel e c ting the oper ati o n mode. For additional information, p le ase refe r to Chapter 5.
This step requires the following item s :
• NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL dev i ce serve r w ith live conne c tion to the network
• Windows PC with live connection to the same network and NPort Adminis trator installed Make sure that NPort Administrator is open with your device server listed in the configuration pane. You should also have an understanding of your intended devic e netwo rking application and the appropriate settings .
Adjust Operation Mode Settings
ion mode parameters for each
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
Set the operation mode and associated parameters as necessary. Please refer to Chapter 5 and 6 for additional information on operation modes and advanced When you are ready to restart the device server with the new settings, click “OK”.
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
Operation Mode Selection Chart
You can use this chart to help you select the appropriate operation mode for your application.
more COM ports?
Moxa driver
Telnet mode
Using legacy COM
software? Need
Real COM
mode with
Using Moxa
mode with 3
UDP mode
TCP Client
TCP Server mode with IP Serial Library
or client
Need to
control serial
Using socket
TCP Server
(master +
Contact Moxa
for guidance
Need to
extend serial
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation

STEP 4: Configure serial communication parameters

This step covers the configuration of each device port’s serial communication parameters, such as baudra te , stop bit, etc.
This step requires the following item s :
• NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL dev i ce serve r w ith live conne c tion to the network
• Windows PC with live connection to the same network and NPort Administrator installed Make sure that NPort Administrator is open with your device server listed in the configuration pane. You should also know the serial communication paramete rs for the attac he d devic e and intended application.
Review Serial Parameters
The following parameters need to be set correctly on the device port for proper communication with your device. Please refer to your device’s documentatio n for the approp riate settings.
Parameter Options Description
Baudrate 50 bps
115.2 Kbps (default) 921 Kbps
Data bits 5
6 7 8 (default)
Stop bits 1 (default)
This is the rate of data transmission to and from the attached serial device.
This is the size of each data character.
This is the size of the stop character.
Parity None (default)
Even Odd Space Mark
Flow control None
RTS/CTS (default) DTR/DSR Xon/Xoff
FIFO Enable (default)
Interface RS-232 (default)
RS-422 RS-485-2W
Adjust Serial Parameters
The serial communication parameters for eac h devic e por t can be config ured thro ug h N Por t Adm inis trator. Open your device server’s configuratio n wind ow us ing the same method when yo u adjus ted the netw ork parameters. On the “Serial” tab, click “ Modi fy ” and sele c t the dev ic e por t that you wis h to config ure . C lick “Settings” to configure the selected devic e port.
This is the kind of parity that will be used. Even and Odd parity provide rudimentary error-checking; Space and Mark parity are rarely used.
This is the method used to suspend and resume data transmission to ensure that data is not lost. RTS/C TS (hardware) flow control is recommended if pos s ib le . This controls whether the device port’s built-in 128-byte FIFO buffer is used. When enabled, the FIFO helps reduce data loss regardless of directi on . This is the serial interface that will be used. The options that are available depend on the specific model of devic e server.
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
Make adjustments to the parameters as necessary. When you are ready to restar t the dev ic e serv er with the new settings, click “OK”.

STEP 5: Map COM port to device

This step covers the mapping of COM ports on a Windows PC to NPort device ports. T his allow s Windo w s software to access serial devices over the network as if they were lo c al CO M devices, fo r instant de vice networking without software migration. COM mapping is supported in Real COM and RFC2217 modes only.
The following instructions are for dev ice ports oper a ting in Real COM mode. For device ports operating in RFC2217 mode, follow the instructions for your particular driver. Real COM mode also supports TTY port mapping in Linux and UNIX systems.
This step requires the following item s :
• NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL dev i ce serve r w ith the following:
 Liv e conne c ti o n to the network  Device port configured for Real COM operation
• Windows PC with the following:
 Liv e conne c ti o n to the same network  NPort Administrator installed  S of tw are for intended serial application installe d
Make sure that NPort Administrator is open with your device server listed in the configuration panel. You should also know the serial com municatio n p aram e te rs for the attac he d device and intended application.
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
In NPort Administrator, click “COM Mapping ” in the Function panel to open the COM Mapping window. Right
indow and select “Add Target” in the context menu to assign your device server as the mapping target.
A list of NPort device servers that have been found by NPort Administrator will appear. Select your device server and click “Finish”.
In the Basic Settings tab, select the COM port number that will be multiple COM ports at the same time, in which case the “Auto Enumer a ting ” feature may be used to automatically number the COM ports.
Specify Target Device Server
-click an empty line in the COM Mapping w
Assign COM Port Number to Device Port
The COM Mapping window will show a list of available device ports on the network. Right-click the target device port and select “COM Settings” in the context menu.
mapped to the device port. You can map
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series Basic Installation
In the Serial Parameters tab, adjust the settings to match your device. These settings , used for serial printer only, must also match the settings on the device port. Click “OK” when you are satisfied with your changes.
Advanced Setting s
For additional details on Advanced Setting s in NPor t Administrator, please refer to Chapter
Tx Mode:
issues a “Tx Empty” response to the program after sending data to the NPort. In Classical mode, the driver sends the “Tx Empty” response after confirmation is received from the NPort. Classical mode is recommended if you want to ensure that all data is sent out before further processing.
Network Timeout: This specifies when an open, close, or serial parameter change operation will time ou
Fast Flush:
buffer on the host for a Win32 PurgeComm() function call. When disabled, both the local and remote buffers are flushed. If your application uses PurgeComm() and performance seems sluggish, try
In Hi-Performance mode, the driver immediately
This tells the driver whether or not to use the FIFO.
When enabled, the driver flushes only the local
enabling Fast Flush.
Apply Change
Right-click COM Mapping in the Function pane l and sele c t “App ly Cha ng e” in the context menu to save the current COM mapping settings. Your applicatio n w ill no w be able to acces s the targ e t ser i al devic e us ing the COM port.
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