Moxa Technologies NPort User Manual

First Edition, Jan 1999
User's Manual
Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
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NPort Server User’s Manual
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Copyright 1998, 1999 Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
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About This Guide
This section discusses the audience, objectives and organization of the NPort Server User's Manual.
Document Objective and Usage
This manual guides you through the preparation, installation, configuration and troubleshooting of MOXA NPort Server on Windows NT.
This publication is designed for persons who need to install Moxa NPort Server, including users maintaining NT system with serial applications, software programmers designing programs for data communication, administrators maintaining NPort Server for multi-users. For programmers, this publication is to be used along with the Moxa PComm manual.
Note: If you are multiport serial board user, and want to use same functions on NPort Serve, please read Chapter 1, 2 and 3 for installation. If you are advanced users and like to enjoy more benefits from NPort Server, please read Chapter 1, 2 and 4. If you like to customize NPort Server for special functions such as WAN connection and backup routing, read Chapter 1, 2, and 5. If you need shared server installed on your network, read Chapter 4.
Document Organization
The major sections of this publication are as follows: Chapter 1, "Overview", describes the features and specifications of NPort Server. Chapter 2, "Getting Started", describes necessary prepration before installation, emphasizing on the
knowledge about your applications, preparation for hardware equipment, and hardware connections. Chapter 3, "Setting Up Single-Host", describes installation details, such as the configuration, adding the
COM ports to your system for Single-Host User (Traditional multiport user). Chapter 4, "Setting Up Multi-Host", describes the installation, configuration, adding servers, adding the
COM ports and add access permissions for Multi-Host Users (server be shared to more than one NT hosts).
Chapter 5, "Setting Up Custom", describes advanced functions about the installation and configuration procedures for the users who require complex applications, like remote control.
Chapter 6, "Changing Installation Type", describes how to change your type from previous installation. Chapter 7, "Printer Server Configuration", describes how to configure the parellel port on the NPort
Server to be used as a printer server.
Appendix A, "Troubleshooting", describes various troubleshooting procedures, and possible answers.
Appendix B, "About PComm", describes the information about programming tools of PComm and information sources.
Appendix C, "Cable Pinout", describes the pin layout information about the cable and interfaces. Appendix D, "Setting up Windows NT Network", describes how to connect your NT system to network
by installing and configuring an Ethernet card. Appendix E, “About Async Server”, describes features of Moxa Async Server and where you can get
the software.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Overview..........................................................................................1-1
Package Checklist............................................................................................................1-2
Front Panel View .............................................................................................................1-3
Rear Panel View ..............................................................................................................1-3
Chapter 2 Getting Started................................................................................2-1
Knowing Your Application ..............................................................................................2-2
Single-Host Type...................................................................................................2-2
Multi-Host Type ....................................................................................................2-4
Custom Type .........................................................................................................2-5
Connecting the Hardware.................................................................................................2-6
Preparing Windows NT with TCP/IP Network........................................................2-6
Locating NPort Server ..........................................................................................2-7
Connecting the Network........................................................................................2-8
Connecting the Power...........................................................................................2-9
Connecting Asynchronous Serial Devices ............................................................2-10
Chapter 3 Setting Up Single-Host....................................................................3-1
Driver and Software Installation.......................................................................................3-3
Adding a NPort Server.....................................................................................................3-5
Configuration Using NPort Manager................................................................................3-8
Saving Configuration..........................................................................................3-10
Adding More Servers...........................................................................................3-10
Deleting Server...................................................................................................3-10
Modifying Mapping COM Names........................................................................ 3-11
Unmapping Ports................................................................................................3-12
Configuring Server General Information.............................................................3-12
Configuring Server Password..............................................................................3-13
Replacing A Server .............................................................................................3-14
Upgrading NPort Server Firmware.................................................................................3-15
Uninstalling the Software...............................................................................................3-15
Chapter 4 Setting Up Multi-Host.....................................................................4-1
Driver and Software Installation.......................................................................................4-3
Adding NPort Server - Add Server Wizard.......................................................................4-5
Configuration Using NPort Manager................................................................................4-9
Saving Configuration..........................................................................................4-11
Adding More Servers........................................................................................... 4-11
Deleting Server................................................................................................... 4-11
Modifying Mapping COM Names........................................................................4-12
Unmapping Ports................................................................................................4-13
Configuring Server General Information.............................................................4-14
Configuring Server Password..............................................................................4-15
Granting Access to Hosts...............................................................................................4-16
Configuring Through View by IP .........................................................................4-17
Configuring Through View by Port......................................................................4-20
Upgrading NPort Server Firmware.................................................................................4-23
Uninstalling the Software...............................................................................................4-23
Chapter 5 Setting Up Custom..........................................................................5-1
Driver and Software Installation.......................................................................................5-2
Adding NPort Server - Add Server Wizard.......................................................................5-5
Configuration Using NPort Manager................................................................................5-9
Saving Configuration..........................................................................................5-11
Adding More Servers........................................................................................... 5-11
Deleting Server................................................................................................... 5-11
Modifying Mapping COM Names........................................................................5-12
Unmapping Ports................................................................................................5-12
Configuring Server General Information.............................................................5-14
Configuring Server Password..............................................................................5-15
Granting Access to Hosts...............................................................................................5-16
Configuring Through View by IP .........................................................................5-17
Configuring Through View by Port......................................................................5-20
Adding Routes to NPort Server......................................................................................5-23
Adding Routes Through Server Properties ...........................................................5-23
Modifying Routes................................................................................................5-25
Removing Routes.................................................................................................5-25
Examples for Internet/Intranet Routing Configuration .........................................5-26
Setting Up WAN Port.....................................................................................................5-29
Upgrading NPort Server Firmware.................................................................................5-35
Uninstalling the Software...............................................................................................5-35
Chapter 6 Changing Your Installation Type....................................................6-1
Why Should You Change to Other Type ...........................................................................6-1
Changing Between Types.................................................................................................6-2
Chapter 7 Printer Server Configuration .........................................................7-1
Connecting Printer to NPort Server..................................................................................7-1
Configuring Printer Server on Windows NT.....................................................................7-2
Adding the TCP/IP Printing Services.....................................................................7-2
Adding the Printer.................................................................................................7-2
Printing through NPort Server..........................................................................................7-3
Appendix A Troubleshooting ..........................................................................A-1
Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting...............................................................A-1
Programming Problems...................................................................................................A-4
LEDs Descriptions..........................................................................................................A-5
Appendix B About PComm Pro.........................................................................B-1
Appendix C Cable Pinouts..............................................................................C-1
10BaseT Port Pinouts...................................................................................................... C-1
Asynchronous Port Pinouts.............................................................................................C-2
CN20030 - RJ45 to Female DB25 RS-232 Cable Pinouts ................................................ C-3
CN20040 - RJ45 to Male DB25 RS-232 Cable Pinouts.................................................... C-4
Appendix D Setting Up Windows NT Network..............................................D-1
Preparing an Ethernet Card .............................................................................................D-1
Installing Ethernet Card and Driver.................................................................................D-1
Configuring Your Windows NT with Dedicated IP Address.............................................D-2
Appendix E About AsyncServer .....................................................................E-1
Welcome to Moxa NPort Server, a RS-232 Device server based on TCP/IP network for Windows NT. This chapter is an overview of the NPort Server and includes the following:
q Features q Package Checklist q Front Panel View q Rear Panel View
NPort Server provides a data communication solution from Windows NT to multiple asynchronous serial ports(RS-232) through TCP/IP network. It is a device that has multiple asynchronous connection on one end and a network connection on the other end. It allows any devices that support primarily the asynchronous communications protocol to attach to a network. NPort Server works like an add-on multiport serial board to the NT server but with extended options – the TCP/IP network. With TCP/IP network, it provides you endless access and no limitation of port expansion. By the nature of networking, hot-swap of the server, sharing of the asynchronous devices and extending of connections can easily be reached. These benefits give programmers time to focus on their data collection and process instead of solving complex communication and connection problems.
The driver of NPort Server is fully compatible with the Windows NT standard COM driver. Though it is through the virtual link of TCP/IP, all the ports on the NPort Server can be recognized as real COM ports under Windows NT. Unlike some similar server existing at the market, NPort Server not only provides the basic
NPort Server User’s Manual
transmit/receive data function, but also provides all the control signals like DSR, CTS, RTS, DTR, DCD signals.
NPort Server can be used for applying to your existing application supporting serial communication. Above all, NPort Server provides the easy installation procedures and wizard that lets you access to the asynchronous devices easily.
l Support standalone multiport serial solution through TCP/IP for connecting 8 or
16 ports per NPort Server
l Long range connection through Ethernet and distributed serial device control
through Ethernet
l Easy expansion to provide serial ports up to 256 ports for one Windows NT l Support sharing of the server or ports to multiple hosts l Remote control NPort Server through Internet/Intranet l Driver for Windows NT platform l Easy configuration and management under Windows NT l Secured access control to network hosts l Free Moxa PComm Pro Serial Control Library for easy serial device control l Serial connection speed from 50 to 921.6Kbps l One parallel port as printer server l 19” rack-mountable l Options for Surge Protection Kit and RS-422 available
Package Checklist
q This user's manual q One NPort Server 3 1/2" floppy disk or CD q One CD for PComm Pro q PComm Pro registration card q One Power Cable q One RJ45 to male DB25 cable q One RJ45 to female DB25 cable q Rackmount kit, including 2 L-shape metal plate with 4 screws q One 8 port or 16 port NPort Server.
Front Panel View
Figure 1-1. 16-Port NPort Server Front (DE309-16)
Figure 1-2. 8-Port NPort Server Front (DE309-8)
Rear Panel View
Figure 1-3. NPort Server Rear Panel
* Console Port reserved for other use
16 Serial Ports
8 Serial Ports
10Base2 (BNC)
10BaseT (UTP)
10Base2 (BNC)
10BaseT (UTP)
Power Connector
Power Switch
Parallel Port
*RS-232 Console
NPort Server User’s Manual
Getting Started
Getting Started
After knowing what the NPort Server's feature and specification, you may start installing the hardware and running the system. However, because the complex functions that NPort Server might provide, you have to plan your application before you start installing your hardware and software.
This chapter tells you what to prepare before you start installing and configuring the NPort Server. Be sure to read everything so you will not get confused while you setup the system.
This chapter includes:
q Knowing Your Application
Ø Single-Host Type Ø Multi-Host Type Ø Custom Type
q Connecting the hardware
Ø Preparing Windows NT with TCP/IP network Ø Locating NPort Server Ø Connecting the power Ø Connecting the network Ø Connecting asynchronous serial devices
NPort Server User’s Manual
Knowing Your Application
NPort Server is an advanced solution for multiport serial application to fit into today's networking world. It extends the usage of traditional multiport serial add-on boards ­an isolated machine with restricted ports, to TCP/IP network - easy to expand, and easy to connect. Through the nature of networking, we can elongate our application to more ports, distributed, wide area or even Internet.
Since NPort Server is connected through TCP/IP network, you need some network knowledge in mind before you start up. In this section, we divide the main serial applications to three types, and provide each application with easy instructions guiding you through the whole installation and configuration procedures. Thus, read carefully and define which application you are going to use.
Single-Host Type
Traditional Multiport communication uses the multiport serial boards adding onto inside slots of the computer. The serial ports on the boards belong only to the host computer who installs the boards. Communication is made under simple environment
- one host with one to four serial cards and multiple serial devices (shown as in Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-1. Traditional Multiport Serial Communication
Getting Started
If you are users of this type of application, NPort Server with Ethernet connection remains the concept of adding device to your computer and benefits you the easy range extension, ports extension and high throughput (see Figure 2-2). The installation procedure is simplified to be the same as the traditional multiport serial boards. You don't have to read or realize about the concept of networking to make configuration. There is only one thing to do - you should have at least one Ethernet card added to your computer.
Figure 2-2. Single-Host communication using NPort Servers
NPort Server User’s Manual
Multi-Host Type
For advanced application, you may share NPort Server to multiple hosts on server base or port base at your Local Area Network. Unlike the serial devices bundled to dedicated host, sharing of the server saves resource from adding multiport serial boards to all computers and provides flexibility and easy maintenance. Figure 2-3 shows the basic concept of multi-host type. To share the server - if you have three hosts on the network and each host required 5 ports to communicate with five serial devices, you can install one 16 port NPort Server and share 5 ports to each host. To share ports – for application like modem pool, or other RS-232 device pooling, you can set the ports to allow multiple hosts to connect to the port at different time to reach the needs for sharing devices connectivity to the port.
Figure 2-3. Three-Host sharing NPort Servers
If your application of NPort Server is under Multi-Host, you need to know about basic concepts of Networking – IP address assigning. There are two roles playing inside this application platform – the administrator and general users. Administrator has to give the NPort Server a dedicated IP address, so the other Windows NT hosts (general users) on the network can find the NPort Server that you are taking care of. Administrator also takes care that who has the rights to access to which ports. For general users, all they need to do is installing the driver and software, add the NPort Server and run their application. These procedures protect the NPort Server from any insecure person hacking into the server and maintain the NPort Server a clean, simple device for serial communication.
. Note: Multi-Host is defined to be at local usage only.
Getting Started
Custom Type
There are more functions available by NPort Server other than mentioned above. These functions include –remote control through Internet host, setting the ports as WAN port for remote control, and adding complicated routing protocols. These settings require knowledge about Networking and possible Internet/Intranet. Figure 2­4 shows you a complex remote-controlling example.
Under most cases, if the NPort Server is involved with any remote access or control, you have to customize the server to suite your needs. You may be the administrator setting up the NPort Server for other Windows NT hosts or you are the general users who access the NPort Server from remote site.
Figure 2-4. A remote control link diagram
NPort Server User’s Manual
Connecting the Hardware
So far you have known about the types of application that NPort Server can offer. You can outline your own application and prepare to connect the NPort Server to your Windows NT. Now you have to define how you connect the NPort Server to your Windows NT host.
Preparing Windows NT with TCP/IP Network
You need a Windows NT host where you can install the NPort Server on it. If you are a custom user, you need to configure the server first before it can be put at remote site alone. If the NT host does not come with an Ethernet card, you must purchase a card and install the card to the NT. If you are not familiar with the procedure to install an Ethernet card and TCP/IP, check with Appendix D for Setting Up Windows NT Network.
. Note: PCI Ethernet card is recommended for adding to your NT. Because of the BUS
difference, PCI bus Ethernet Card performs a lot better than ISA Ethernet Card. It reduces the system loading under high speed and multiple ports.
Getting Started
Locating NPort Server
You can find a clean, flat and ventilated desktop to put the NPort Server. Be aware that putting things on top of the NPort Server is not recommended.
Rack Mount
NPort Server comes with one pair of L-Shape metal plates and screws kits. It can be mounted to the 19" rack through the holes on the side of the NPort Server.
Figure 2-5. Rack Mount
L-Shape Metal Plate
L-Shape Metal Plate
NPort Server User’s Manual
Connecting the Network
This section describes how to connect the NPort Server to your network. There are two ways to connect the NPort Server to an Ethernet Network. Be sure to connect to network before power on so the network type can be detected correctly.
q Through 10Base2 (BNC) port q Through 10BaseT (UTP) port
To decide which Ethernet connection to make, you need to know what type of your network is being used at your site. Do not make both Ethernet connections. You may choose from any of the above two connections. If you do not have an existing network, you may select 10Base2 connection, which can save you from purchasing a HUB.
10Base2 Connection
You must supply a coaxial cable with two T-connectors, one for your Ethernet card and one for NPort Server.
Figure 2-6. 10Base2(BNC) connection from NPort Server to your computer
Getting Started
10BaseT Connection
You must supply an Ethernet hub and a RJ-45 to RJ-45 cable for this connection. Your Windows NT system must on the same network too.
Figure 2-7. 10BaseT(UTP) connection from NPort Server to your computer through a HUB.
Connecting the Power
After putting NPort Server to your network, you may take the following steps to connect the power to your NPort Server.
The power supply inside the NPort Server is designed to support 90V-260V. Thus, you may use the NPort Server no matter what your nation power supply is.
. Note: Network is strongly recommended to be connected before powering on the
NPort Server User’s Manual
1. Connect the power chord to NPort Server.
2. Connect the power male end of power chord to the power outlet.
3. On the rear panel of the NPort Server, turn ON the power by switch the I/O to
the I position.
4. Check the S0 LED on the front panel if that is on.
Connecting Asynchronous Serial Devices
You may use the RJ-45 to female DB25 cable enclosed in the package to connect to your Serial Devices with male DB25 connector. Or, check with Appendix for detail pinouts to make your own cable. You may use the RJ-45 to male DB25 cable enclosed in the package to connect to the modem. Check with Appendix C for detail pinouts to make your own cable.
Setting Up Single-Host
Setting Up Single-Host
This chapter describes the steps for setting up NPort Server for single-host type of application. Single-Host users apply the NPort Server to the traditional multiport serial application.
In this chapter, you will find the following topics specified for Single-Host Multiport Users:
q Driver and Software Installation q Adding a NPort Server q Configuration Using NPort Manager
Ø Saving Your Configuration Ø Adding Other Server Ø Deleting Server Ø Modifying Mapping COM Names Ø Unmapping Ports Ø Configuring Server General Information Ø Configuring Server Password Ø Replacing A Server
q Upgrading NPort Server firmware q Uninstalling the Software
NPort Server User’s Manual
Figure 3-1 Application with single host and multiple NPort Servers
. Note: If you are user for Multi-Host or Custom type, please skip this chapter and
jump directly to Chapter 4 or Chapter 5 for whole description about other types individually.
Setting Up Single-Host
Driver and Software Installation
1. Insert the NPort Server disk into drive. (If enclosed in the package is a CD,
insert it into the CD ROM drive). From the start menu, click Run.
2. Under the dialog box, type in the drive name followed with ":" then "\setup".
For example "a:\setup" then click OK to continue.
3. Setup program prompts you a welcome message and asks if you want to install
the NPort Server now. Click Next.
4. Select the type of application – Single-Host, then click Next.
NPort Server User’s Manual
5. Enter the name of directory to install the NPort Server files. You may click Next
to use default directory name.
6. NPort Manager pops up a dialog asking if you like to add a new NPort server now.
Select Yes.
7. Click Next to start Add Server Wizard. Following is the instruction that guides
you to add a selected NPort Server.
Setting Up Single-Host
Adding a NPort Server
1. Select the server you want to add from the list.
If you forgot to power on your system, turn it on now and click on this button.
This function will blink up the S1 LED on the server. It helps you locate which server is the one you selected.
NPort Server User’s Manual
2. Select the name of COM that you like the first port on the server to map to.
This will add all ports (8 or 16) on the NPort server to your NT system with consecutive numbered COM names.
3. You will be asked to assign the server password if you install a new server.
Please remember to assign it because this will protect the server from other users changing the configuration.
. Note: If you do not want the server password to be saved to your NT, please check
off the Auto-Saved box.
Setting Up Single-Host
4. At complete screen, click OK if everything is correct.
5. After Add Server Wizard, installation program evokes NPort Manager
program. NPort Manager displays the server you have added and the ports information. You should see a screen as below if you have successfully added a server.
. Note: From NPort Manager Window caption shows program name with the type
of installation for easy verification of the type you need.
NPort Server User’s Manual
6. You may click on Add Server Wizard again to add another server.
7. Be sure to select Save Configuration to save settings to both your Windows
NT and the server selected.
8. Exit NPort Manager when you finish. You will be asked to restart your NT
system. Press OK to restart.
Configuration Using NPort Manager
When you run the Setup program for software installation, it automatically asks you to add one server. However, you might decide to add more servers, change server name, remove servers or change COM names, after you have completed installing NPort Server. For all these actions, you can run NPort Manager to complete them.
Figure 3-2 NPort Manager and the menus
Current installation
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