Moxa Technologies MXNVR-RO, MXNVR-RO-T User Manual

Moxa MXNVR-RO Industrial Network Video
Recorder User’s Manual
Edition 2.0, February 2017
© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
Moxa MXNVR-RO Industrial Network Video
Recorder User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
Copyright Notice
© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does n ot represent a commitment on the part of Moxa.
Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, eit her expres sed or i mplie d, inclu ding, but n ot limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time.
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may result from its use.
This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publication.
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Before Getting Started
Before using your MXNVR-RO, please pay close attention to the following instructions:
After opening the MXNVR-RO box, compare the contents of the box with the Package Checklist in Chapter 1. Notify
your sales representative if any of the items are missing or damaged.
If you experience a system error, and the system cannot be recovered, refer to the Troubleshooting section in
Chapter 7 to learn how to restore factory default settings and reinstall the system.
The Industrial Network Video Recorder has been designed for various environments and can be used to build various
applications for general security or demonstration purposes. For standard applications, refer to Chapter 2, Getting Started, and Chapter 3, Accessing the MXNVR-RO Industrial Network Video Recorder for the First Time.
Important Note
Surveillance devices may be prohibited by law in your country. Since the MXNVR is both a high performance
surveillance system and a network video recorder, verify that the operations of such devices are legal in your locality before installing this unit for surveillance purposes.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
2. Hardware Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2-1
Appearance ........................................................................................................................................ 2-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................ 2-3
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Real Time Clock .................................................................................................................................. 2-4
3. Hardware Connection Description ..................................................................................................... 3-1
Installing the MXNVR-RO-T .................................................................................................................. 3-2
Wiring Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 3-2
Connecting the Power .................................................................................................................. 3-3
Grounding the Unit ...................................................................................................................... 3-3
Connecting Data Transmission Cables ................................................................................................... 3-3
Connecting to a Serial Device ....................................................................................................... 3-5
Connecting an Audio Input ........................................................................................................... 3-5
Digital Input/Output ............................................................................................................................ 3-6
Connecting to a VGA Monitor ................................................................................................................ 3-6
Connecting to a DVI-D Monitor ............................................................................................................. 3-7
Connecting to the USB Ports ................................................................................................................ 3-7
Installing an Internal Storage Device .................................................................................................... 3-8
Making a Storage Drive Hot-Swappable ................................................................................................. 3-9
4. Access the MXNVR-RO-T Web-interface ............................................................................................ 4-1
Overview of the MXNVR-RO-T Web Homepage ....................................................................................... 4-2
Network Settings ......................................................................................................................... 4-3
Time Setting ............................................................................................................................... 4-4
System Config ............................................................................................................................ 4-5
Software Upgrade ....................................................................................................................... 4-5
Download Tool ................................................................................................................................... 4-6
5. Configuration Tool ............................................................................................................................. 5-1
Overview of the MXNVR-RO-T Configuration Tool .................................................................................... 5-2
NVR Management ........................................................................................................................ 5-2
System Setting ........................................................................................................................... 5-5
Device ..................................................................................................................................... 5-12
Record ..................................................................................................................................... 5-15
Event ....................................................................................................................................... 5-17
Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 5-27
Search ..................................................................................................................................... 5-29
Export ..................................................................................................................................... 5-31
Remote .................................................................................................................................... 5-32
DriverView ............................................................................................................................... 5-33
6. DriverView ........................................................................................................................................ 6-1
Overview of the MXNVR-RO-T DriverView .............................................................................................. 6-2
Liveview ..................................................................................................................................... 6-2
Status ........................................................................................................................................ 6-3
A. Time Zone Table ................................................................................................................................ A-1
B. Technical Specifications .................................................................................................................... B-1
1. Introduction
This chapter gives a general overview of the MXNVR-RO-T computer’s hardware features and specifications. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Package Checklist
Moxa MXNVR-RO Introduction
The MXNVR-RO-T embedded computer uses an Intel Core i7 processor, and features 2 RS-232/422/485 serial ports, dual Gigabit Ethernet ports, 3 USB 2.0 ports, and dual VGA/DVI-D video output. The MXNVR-RO-T computer is compliant with mandatory sections of EN 50155 (performance, TX tem perature, shock vibration), making it ideal for railway and other industrial transport applications. The MXNVR-RO-T computer comes with a CFast socket that provides ample secure data buffering or additional storage expansion, as well as 2 hot-swappable storage trays that accept 2.5” solid state or hard disk storage drives, and may be arranged in software RAID 1 arrays to give full data redundancy.
Package Checklist
Each model ships with the following items:
• An MXNVR-RO-T embedded computer
• 2 storage tray keys
• Power cable (CBL-M12FF5PPJ21-BK-15-IP68)
• Documentation and software CD or DVD
• Quick installation guide (printed)
• Warranty card
• 2 5-pin terminal blocks
NOTE: Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.
2. Hardware Introduction
The MXNVR-RO-T embedded computer is compact and built for use in rugged industrial applications. LED indicators help monitor performance and identify trouble spots, multiple serial ports allow you to connect a variety of devices for wireless operation, and the reliable and stable hardware platform lets you devote your attention to developing your applications, rather than spending time on low-level APIs and device drivers.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
LED Indicators
Real Time Clock
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Introduction
Front View
Rear View
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Introduction
LED Indicators
LED Name LED Color LED Function
Power Green Power is on and functioning normally
Off Power is off, or has failed
Storage Yellow CFast card/HDD/SSD is transmitting data.
Off CFast card/HDD/SSD is not tr ansmitting data.
LAN (1, 2) Green 100 Mbps Ethernet mode
Yellow 1000 Mbps Ethernet mode Off 10 Mbps or no activity
Tx (P1-P2) Green Serial ports P1-P2 transmitting data
Off Serial ports P1-P2 not transmitting data
Rx (P1-P2) Yellow Serial ports P1-P2 receiving data
Off Serial ports P1-P2 not receiving data
L1 Red Disks are running
Blinking Disks are unmounting Off Disks are ready to be removed
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Introduction
Real Time Clock
The embedded computer’s real-time clock is powered by a lithium battery. We strongly recommend that you do NOT replace the lithium battery on your own. If the battery needs to be changed, we suggest you contact the Moxa RMA service team.
There is a risk of explosion if the wrong type of batte ry is used. To avoid t his potential dange r, always use the correct type of battery. Contact the Moxa RMA service team if you need to replace your battery.
Dispose of used batteries in a suitable manner.
Contact the manufacturer of your battery for more details.
3. Hardware Connection Description
In this chapter, we show how to connect the embedded computers to the network and to a variety of common devices.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Installing the MXNVR-RO-T
Wiring Requirements
Connecting the Power Grounding the Unit
Connecting Data Transmission Cables
Connecting to a Serial Device Connecting an Audio Input
Digital Input/Output
Connecting to a VGA Monitor
Connecting to a DVI-D Monit or
Connecting to the USB Ports
Installing an Internal Storage Device
Making a Storage Drive Hot-Swappable
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
Installing the MXNVR-RO-T
Wall or Cabinet Mounting
The MXNVR-RO-T comes with two wall-mounting brackets. Use two screws per side to attach the MXNVR-RO-T to a wall or cabinet.
Wiring Requirements
This section describes how to connect peripheral devices to the embedded computer. You should read and follow these common safety precautions before proceeding with the installation of any
electronic device:
• Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.
Do not run signal or communication wiring together with power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.
• Use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kep t separate. The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together.
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• It is advisable to label the wiring to all devices in the system.
Safety First!
Be sure to disconnect the power cord before installing and/or wiring your V2616A.
Wiring Caution!
Calculate the maximum possible current in
each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical codes
dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size. If the current goes above the maximum ratings, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your equipment.
Temperature Cautio
Be careful when handling the unit. When the unit is plugged in, the internal components generate heat, and consequently the outer casing may feel hot to the touch.
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
Connecting the Power
Connect the 24 to 110 VDC power line with M12 connector to the MXNVR-RO-T computer. If the power is supplied properly, the Power LED will glow a solid green after 25 to 30 seconds.
Grounding the Unit
The Shielded Ground (sometimes called Protected Grou n d
) contact is the central pin of the power input connector. Connect the SG wire to an appropriately grounded metal surface.
Connecting Data Transmission Cables
Two 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports using M12 X-coded connectors are located on the rear panel.
Do NOT remove the
power supply during a BIOS upgrade, since doing so may cause the system to crash.
When you use a USB drive larger than 4 GB, you will need to convert the file system type to FAT32.
The following figure shows the Ethernet port location on the rear panel.
Follow the steps below to connect an M12 X-coded cable:
1. Obtain an M12 X-coded cable. The following table shows the Ethernet connector and cable options. For more information, please contact
your local Moxa sales representative.
Model Name Type Description
CBL-M12XMM8PRJ45-BK-100-IP67 Cable and connector 1-meter X-coded M12-to-RJ45 Cat-5E UTP
Gigabit Ethernet cable, 8-pin male M12 connector, IP67-rated.
M12X-8PMM-IP67 Connector Field-installation X-coded screw-in Gigabit
Ethernet connector, 8-pin male, M12 connector, IP67-rated.
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
For best performance and transmission quality, Moxa strongly recommends that you use cables and connectors from Phoenix Contact.
2. Depending o n your M12 X-coded cable, orient the cable so that:
• The indicator on the M12 X-coded cable aligns w ith the key notch on the port, or
• The notch on the M12 X-coded cable pin core al ig ns with the notch on the port socket.
3. Connect the M1 2 X-coded cable to the port.
Do NOT pus
h the M12 X-coded cable into the port with excessive force.
4. Turn to tighten the interlocking screw without using a mechanical tool (such a s a screw wrench).
Interlock screw
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
Connecting to a Serial Device
Use a serial cable to plug your serial device into the embedded computer’s serial port. Serial ports P1 to P2 have male DB9 connectors and can be configured for RS
-232, RS-422, or RS-485 using
software. The pin assignments are shown in the table at the top of the next page.
Male Port
-232/422/485 Pinouts
Pin RS-232 RS-422 RS-485-4W RS-485-2W
1 DCD TxDA(-) TxDA(-) – 2 RxD TxDB(+) TxDB(+) – 3 TxD RxDB(+) RxDB(+) DataB(+) 4 DTR RxDA(-) RxDA(-) DataA(-) 5 GND GND GND GND 6 DSR – 7 RTS – 8 CTS – 9
This is the pin assignment for the comp uter
-side connectors on the MXNVR-RO-T. If you are wiring
-side connectors for a serial cable, yo u w ill need to match the pin assignment.
Connecting an Audio Input
The MXNVR-RO-T comes with an M12 X-coded audio input/output connector, allowing users to connect a speaker or earphones.
Pin Audio
1 Line-in, right 2 GND 3 Line in plug-in detected 4 Line-in, left 5 Line-out, left 6 Line out, plug-in detected 7 Line-out, right 8 GND
This is the pin assignment for the comp uter
-side connectors on the MXNVR-RO-T shell. If you are wiring
-side connectors for an audio cable, you will need to mirror the pin assignment.
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
Digital Input/Output
The MXNVR-RO-T comes with a 6-ch digital input and a 2-ch digital output through a terminal block connector. The pin assignments and the wiring methods are shown below.
DI Wiring: Dry Contact DI Wiring: Wet Contact DO Wiring: Dry Contact
If you are using wet contacts, you must connect
source to power. In addition, both DI and DO can only be
wired as
sink types
Connecting to a VGA Monitor
The MXNVR-RO-T comes with a D-Sub 15-pin female connector on the front panel to connect a VGA monitor. To ensure that the monitor image remains clear, be sure to tighten the monitor cable after connecting it to the MXNVR-RO-T. The location and the pin a ssignments of the video outputs are shown in the diagram below.
DB15 Female Connector
Pin No. Signal Definition Pin No. Signal Definition
1 Red 9 VCC 2 Green 10 GND 3 Blue 11 NC 4 NC 12 DDC2B Data 5 GND 13 HSYNC 6 GND 14 VSYNC 7 GND 15 DDC2B Clock 8 GND
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
Connecting to a DVI-D Monitor
The MXNVR-RO-T computer also comes with a DVI-D output for DVI video. Use the cable to connect the DVI-D output to the monitor; if you must rewire a cable, refer to the following table for pin assignments.
DVI-D Connector
Pin Signal Definition Pin Signal Definition
1 T.M.D.S. Data2- 13 N/C 2 T.M.D.S. Data2+ 14 +5V Power 3 T.M.D.S. Data2 Shield 15 Ground (return for +5V, HSync, and VSync) 4 N/C 16 Hot Plug Detect 5 N/C 17 T.M.D.S. Data 0 ­6 DDC Clock 18 T.M.D.S. Data 0 + 7 DDC Data 19 T.M.D.S. Da ta0 Shield 8 N/C 20 N/C 9 T.M.D.S. Data1- 21 N/C 10 T.M.D.S. Data1+ 22 T.M.D.S. Clock Shield 11 T.M.D.S. Data1 Shield 23 T.M.D.S. Clock+ 12 N/C 24 T.M.D.S. Clock-
Connecting to the USB Ports
On its rear panel the MXNVR-RO-T has an X-coded M12 USB 2.0 port, as well as 2 type A USB 2.0 ports. The hosts can be used for an external flash disk or hard drive for storing large amounts of data. You can also use these USB hosts to connect to a keyboard or a mouse. See the following figures for the locations of the USB ports and the M12 X-coded connector pin ass ig nment.
1 D+ 2 D­3 +5V 4 GND 5 N.C.
This is the pin assignment for the comp uter
-side USB ports on the MXNVR-RO-T shell. If you are wiring
-side connectors for a USB cable, you will need to mirror the pin assignment.
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
Installing an Internal Storage Device
The MXNVR-RO-T computer comes with an internal storage tray that allows users to install a 2.5-inch SATA storage device, such as a hard disk or a SSD drive. Take the following steps to install your storage device.
1. Remove the 6 screws from the MXNVR-RO-T ’ s rear panel.
2. Install the hard disk onto the internal storage kit. Connect the cable and the connector.
3. Fasten the two screws on each side of the hard disk (total of four).
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
4. Install the storage kit into the MXNVR-RO-T computer. Fasten four screws on the kit, and connect the cable the power onto the MXNVR-RO-T’s main board.
5. Replace the cover onto the back of the computer.
Making a Storage Drive Hot-Swappable
MXNVR-RO-T computers come with 2 faceplates over the storage drive trays; users may attach storage drives to the faceplates to install additional storage media, such as hard disks (HDD) or solid-state drives (SSD). The following section gives instructions for installing the storage devices into the hot-swap trays.
1. The two faceplates on the front panel of the MXNVR-RO-T may be locked, for extra storage security.
2. Rota te the key counterclockwise to unlock the protection lock.
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
3. Pull ou t the faceplate by unscrewing the thumbscrews in the upper corners, and then remove the plate. Fasten the storage drive to the faceplate flange as shown below, using the two flathead screws that were shipped with your MXNVR-RO-T.
To successfully fit the disk into the slo t, use the flathead screws to fasten the hard disk to the tray.
Do not use the roundhead screws, since they may
prevent you from being able to insert the tray into the slot.
4. Carefully align the drive with the drive slot, and gently insert the drive into the computer, taking care that it slides smoothly and firmly into the SATA mounts.
5. When fin ished, turn the key clockwise to activ a te the lock and tighten the thumbscrew s. Use the same method to install a hard disk in the second storage tray.
As these are hot-swappable storage trays, you can replace the storage disks while the computer is still powered on. Follow these steps:
1. Push the hot-swap button, located on the lower right of the front panel.
2. Observe the L1 LED indicator (marked in the diagram below). When the LED starts blinking, the system will
start to unmount the storage d isk.
Moxa MXNVR-RO Hardware Connection Description
3. When the LED stop s blinking, you may remove the storage drive.
4. After reinstalling the HDD please press the button again to remount.
4. Access the MXNVR-RO-T Web-interface
This chapter includes information about how to access the MXNVR-RO-T Onboard Network Video Recorder for the first time.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Overview of the MXNVR-RO-T Web Homepage
Network Settings Time Setting System Config Software Upgrade
Download Tool
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