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Upgrading the BIOS .......................................................................................................................... 5-14
A. Regulator y Approv al S ta teme nt ........................................................................................................ A-1
1. Introduction
The MPC-2000 series of panel computers features advanced Intel processors—3rd generation Ivy Bridge Core
or Celeron—matched with 4 GB of system memory, delivering a reliable, high-performance platform of wi de
versatility for use in industrial marine environments. With its RS-232/422/485 serial, NMEA 0183, and Gigabit
Ethernet LAN ports, the MPC-2000 series supports a wide variety of serial and marine-specific interfaces for
high-speed network communications, all with native network redundancy.
The MPC-2000 series comes with a range of standard display enhancements useful in industrial environments
(including 0 to 100% full range dimming, 178°/178° wide viewing angles, optional optical bonding, and/or a
multi-touch touch screen), as well as Moxa’s innov ative SavvyTouch display controls.
The MPC-2000 series panel computers are compliant with key industrial marine standards, such as IEC
60945-4, IEC 61174, IEC 61162, DNV2.4, and IACS E10, validating their resilient durability in marine
operations. An optional IP65-rated unibody housing provides added protection against the hars h conditio ns
found in marine environments. The MPC-2000 series delivers a ru gged, type-a pprov ed, hi gh pe rform ance an d
user friendly panel computer perfect for ECDIS navigation systems and other marine IBS applica tio ns .
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Package Checklist
Product Features
Hardware Specifications
MPC-2260 Models
MPC-2240 Models
MPC-2190 Models
Optional Features for the MPC-2000 Series
Hardware Block Diagram
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Introduction
The MPC-2000 series panel computer range is a flexible all-in-one computer and m onitor solution, designed for
type approved use in industrial marine environments where reliability and durability ar e key requirements.
The MPC-2000 series features Smart OSD Control, LED backlight technology, full dimming and multi-power. In
addition, you can select options such as SSD storage devices, multiple interface configurations, and operating
The models available in the MPC-2000 series are listed below:
• MPC-2260X: 26-inch fanless panel computer with Intel Celeron 1047UE 1.4 GHz processor, NMEA 0183,
RS-232/422/485 serial ports, Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, USB 2.0 ports, dual AC/DC power inputs, and
tape bonding
• MPC-2267X: 26-inch fanless panel compute r w ith Inte l Co re i7 3517 UE 1.7 GHz proce s sor, NMEA 0183,
RS-232/422/485 serial ports, Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, USB 2.0 ports, dual AC/DC power inputs, and
tape bonding
• MPC-2240X: 24-inch fanless panel computer with Intel Celeron 1047UE 1.4 GHz processor, NMEA 0183,
RS-232/422/485 serial ports, Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, USB 2.0 ports, dual AC/DC power inputs, and
tape bonding
• MPC-2240Z: 24-inch fanless panel computer with Intel Celeron 1047UE 1.4 GHz processor, NMEA 0183,
RS-232/422/485 serial ports, Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, USB 2.0 ports, dual AC/DC power inputs, tape
bonding, and projected capacitive to uc hs cr een
• MPC-2247X: 24-inch fanless panel co mputer w ith Inte l Core i7 2610 UE 1.5 GHz proces so r, NMEA 0183,
RS-232/422/485 serial ports, Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, USB 2.0 ports, dual AC/DC power inputs, and
tape bonding
• MPC-2190X: 19-inch fanless panel computer with Intel Celeron 1047UE 1.4 GHz processor, NMEA 0183,
RS-232/422/485 serial ports, Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, USB 2.0 ports, dual AC/DC power inputs, and
tape bonding
• MPC-2190Z: 19-inch fanless panel computer with Intel Celeron 1047UE 1.4 GHz processor, NMEA 0183,
RS-232/422/485 serial ports, Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, USB 2.0 ports, dual AC/DC power inputs, tape
bonding, and projected capacitive to uc hs cr een
• MPC-2197X: 19-inch fanless panel co mputer w ith Inte l Core i7 3517 UE 1.7 GHz proces so r, NMEA 0183,
RS-232/422/485 serial ports, Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, USB 2.0 ports, dual AC/DC power inputs, and
tape bonding
Package Checklist
The MPC-2000 series package is shipped with the following items:
• 1 MPC-2000 series panel computer
• 2 keys for the removable storage trays
• 1 terminal block for DC power input
• 4 5-pin Euroblock terminals for NMEA 0183 v2 inter faces
• Documentation and driver DVD
• Quick installation guide (printed)
• Warranty card
Optional accessories are also available upon request:
• Desktop mounting kit
• Wall mounting clamps
• VESA mounting kit
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Introduction
Please notify your sales representati
System Chipset:
System Memory:
Graphics Controller:
Video Outputs:
Other Peripherals
Audio: line in/out, 3.5 mm mini jack
Panel Size:
Panel Type:
Aspect Ratio:
Pixel Pitch (RGB):
Response T
Contrast Ratio:
Light Intensity:
Viewing Angles:
Active D isplay Area:
Max Colors:
• VGA: 640 x 480
• SVGA: 800 x 600
• XGA: 1024 x 768
• S
• WSXGA+: 1920 x 1080
• WUXGA: 1920 x 1200
ve if any of the above items are missing or damaged.
Product Features
• 19-inch, 24-inch, or 26-inch display screen
• Color calibration for ECDIS compliance
• Fanless design
• SavvyTouch display controls
• 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ (Default: Celeron® 1047UE, 1.40 GHz with Intel® HD Graphics)
• Built-in NMEA 0183 and software selectabl e RS-232/422/485 interfa c es
• (For MPC-2190 and MPC-2240) Projected capacitive touch screen (multi-touch, USB interface)
• Optical bonding
• Color calibrated for ECDIS
• Customized options for SSD drives
Hardware Block Diagram
2. Hardware Overview
The MPC-2000 series is compact, well-designed, and hardened for industrial marine applications. The
intelligent SavvyTouch display control buttons allow you to easily locate and manipulate control buttons in low
light environments, or to receive immed ia te sys tem hardware reports for troubleshooting. The MPC-2000
series featu res a reliable and stable hardware platform with multiple serial ports, for connecting a wide variety
of data devices.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
F ront View
B o ttom View
SavvyTouch Display Control Buttons
Real Time Clock
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Hardware Overview
Front View
Bottom View
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Hardware Overview
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Hardware Overview
SavvyTouch Display Control Buttons
The MPC-2000 series c omes with SavvyTouch display controls situated in the lower right c orner of the screen.
These intelligent buttons will light up automatically when your fingers draw near. Refer to the following table for
more information on each button.
Name Color Control Function / Color Legend
Green Computer is powered on and functioning normally.
Display mode
(ECDIS models only)
Red Power on standb y and syste m is shut down.
Off Power is off.
Off System is functioning normally.
Red System hardware error has occurred.
White Displays the brightness mode.
Red (on) Storage drive is functioning properly.
Red (blinking) Accessing or writing data to storage drive.
Off Storage drive is offline.
+: To increase brightness of display panel.
-: To decrease brightness of display panel.
Brightness of display panel is out of ECDIS stand ard
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Hardware Overview
There is a risk of explosion if the wrong type of battery is used. To avoid this potential danger, always use the
correct type of battery. Contact the Moxa RMA service te am if yo u need to replace
Real Time Clock
The real-time clock in the MPC-2000 series is pow ered by a lithium battery. Do NOT replace the lithium battery
on your own. If the battery needs to be changed, please contact the Moxa RMA serv ic e team.
the battery.
3. Hardware Installation and Connection
This chapter describes how to connect the MPC-2000 series to the network and to other devices.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Installation and Hand li n g Notes
Desktop Mounting
Pane l Mo unting
V ES A Mo unting
Wiring Requirements
Grounding the MPC-2000 Series Panel Computer
Powering On the MPC-2000 Se ries
Powering Off the MPC-2000 Series
SavvyTouch Display Controls
Connecting Data Transmission Cables
C o nne c ti ng to the Network
Connecting Serial Devices
Connecting NMEA 0183 Devices
Connecting Speak er s or H ead p hones
Connecting a PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse
Connecting to USB Devices
Installing a SATA Storage Drive
O n the MPC -2260 or MPC-2240
O n the MPC -2190
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Hardware Installation and Connect ion
Installation and Handling Notes
Before installing or mounting the MPC-2000 series panel computer, read the following notes:
1. The MPC-2000 series is designed for mounting on a desktop, wall, or an FDMI/VESA interface. Refer to
the illustrations in the related sections for detailed instructions.
2. To prolong product lif esp an, good ventilation must be maintained around the machinery. The chassis’
heat-sink area MUST be kept clear fro m other he at gener ating items; otherwise, damage to the system
motherboard may occur. The minimal distance that must be maintained between the heat sink and another
heat source is 150 mm.
3. Do NOT install the unit horizontally (for example, lying down on its back), as heat cannot be dissipated
effectively and may cause damage to the LCD panel. To ensure adequate heat dissipation, install the unit
vertically or within a ±40 degrees slope off the vertical.
4. Exposure to extreme direct sunlight may cause a considerable increase in the temperature of the unit, and
under certain circumstances might lead to overheating. Take this into consideration when bridge equipment
is being planned (for example, sun shades, distance fro m the windo ws, and ventilation.)
5. Exposure to strong vibration or loud, chronic noise might affect functionality and/or product lifespan. It is
advised to take vibration and noise into consideration during system assembly and installation, so that the
mount point may be carefully selected to avoid exposure to undue vibration.
6. For maximum safety, at least two persons should work together to lift, place, and fasten the computer at its
mount point. Before you lift or move the computer, make sure that the system is turned off and no power
is being supplied to the system. In addition, make sure that you have prepared the correct screws for
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Hardware Installation and Connect ion
Desktop Mounting
The MPC-2000 series display comes with optional brackets that allow you to install the unit on a horizontal
surface, such as a desktop. Three round screws are required for each bracket. See the following figures for
detailed screw specifications and the torque values.
MPC-2000 Series Hardware Hardware Installation and Connect ion
MPC-2260 and MPC-2240
Place your MPC-2000 series display on a clean, flat, well-ventilated desktop. For proper ventilation, leave some
space between the MPC-2000 series display and other equipment.
Do NOT place equipment or objects on top of the MPC-2000 series display. Doing so might damage internal
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