Moxa Technologies MiiNePort E2-H, MiiNePort E2, MiiNePort E2-T, MiiNePort E2-H-T, MiiNePort E3-H User Manual

MiiNePort E2/E3 User’s Manual
Edition 9.1, November 2017
© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
MiiNePort E2/E3 User’s Manual
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Module Dimensions ............................................................................................................................. 1-5
Panel Layout and Pin Assignments ........................................................................................................ 1-7
Evaluation Board Layout ............................................................................................................... 1-7
Pin Assignments .......................................................................................................................... 1-8
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................. 1-11
2. Getting Started.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Wiring Precautions .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
Installing the MiiNePort module onto the MiiNePort Evaluation Board......................................................... 2-3
Selecting the Serial Interface ............................................................................................................... 2-3
Connecting the Power ......................................................................................................................... 2-4
Connecting to the Network ................................................................................................................... 2-4
Connecting to a Serial Device ............................................................................................................... 2-4
Digital I/O Channel Settings ................................................................................................................. 2-5
Schematic Design Guide ...................................................................................................................... 2-5
3. Choosing the Proper Operation Mode ................................................................................................ 3-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Real COM Mode .................................................................................................................................. 3-2
TCP Server Mode ................................................................................................................................ 3-2
TCP Client Mode ................................................................................................................................. 3-3
RFC2217 Mode ................................................................................................................................... 3-4
UDP Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Ethernet Modem Mode ......................................................................................................................... 3-5
MCSC Mode (MiiNePort E2 Only) ........................................................................................................... 3-5
4. Choosing the Configuration Tool ....................................................................................................... 4-1
Utility Console .................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Web Console ...................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Telnet Console ................................................................................................................................... 4-3
SCM (Serial Command Mode) ............................................................................................................... 4-3
5. Initial IP Address Configuration ........................................................................................................ 5-1
Static vs. Dynamic IP Address .............................................................................................................. 5-2
Factory Default IP Address ................................................................................................................... 5-2
ARP................................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Telnet Console ................................................................................................................................... 5-3
6. Utility Console and Driver Installation .............................................................................................. 6-1
Device Search Utility (DSU) ................................................................................................................. 6-2
Installing the Device Search Utility ................................................................................................ 6-2
Device Search Utility Configuration ................................................................................................ 6-4
NPort Windows Driver Manager ............................................................................................................ 6-5
Installing NPort Windows Driver Manager ....................................................................................... 6-5
Using NPort Windows Driver Manager ............................................................................................ 6-7
Command Line Installation/Removal ............................................................................................ 6-10
The Linux Real TTY Driver .................................................................................................................. 6-12
Mapping TTY Ports ..................................................................................................................... 6-12
Removing Mapped TTY Ports ....................................................................................................... 6-13
Removing Linux Driver Files ........................................................................................................ 6-13
The UNIX Fixed TTY Driver ................................................................................................................. 6-13
Installing the UNIX Driver........................................................................................................... 6-13
Configuring the UNIX Driver ....................................................................................................... 6-14
7. Web Console Configuration ............................................................................................................... 7-1
Opening Your Brower .......................................................................................................................... 7-2
Web Console Fundamentals ................................................................................................................. 7-3
Basic Settings .................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Network Settings ......................................................................................................................... 7-3
Serial Port Settings ...................................................................................................................... 7-5
Operation Modes ......................................................................................................................... 7-7
Advanced Settings ............................................................................................................................ 7-26
Accessible IP List ....................................................................................................................... 7-26
SNMP Agent.............................................................................................................................. 7-26
DIO Settings ............................................................................................................................. 7-27
Serial Command Mode (SCM) ..................................................................................................... 7-28
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................... 7-29
Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 7-30
Console Settings ....................................................................................................................... 7-30
Firmware Upgrade ..................................................................................................................... 7-30
Configuration Tools .................................................................................................................... 7-31
Change Password ...................................................................................................................... 7-32
8. NetEZ Technologies ........................................................................................................................... 8-1
EZPower ............................................................................................................................................ 8-2
SCM (Serial Command Mode) ............................................................................................................... 8-2
AutoCFG (Auto Configuration) .............................................................................................................. 8-3
MCSC (Multiple Channel Serial Communication) ...................................................................................... 8-4
Command Packets ....................................................................................................................... 8-6
SCM (Serial Command Mode) under MCSC ..................................................................................... 8-8
EZPage .............................................................................................................................................. 8-8
How to Clean up EZPage in MiiNePort ........................................................................................... 8-11
A. Introduction to SCM (Serial Command Mode) Command Set ............................................................. A-1
Command/Reply Format ...................................................................................................................... A-2
Command Code for Getting the Configuration ......................................................................................... A-3
Command Code for Setting the Configuration ....................................................................................... A-16
Command Code for Retrieving Running Configuration ............................................................................ A-28
Command Code for Viewing the Status ................................................................................................ A-42
Control Command Code ..................................................................................................................... A-42
B. Well-Known Port Numbers ................................................................................................................ B-1
C. Auto IP Report Protocol .................................................................................................................... C-1
IP Address Report Structure ................................................................................................................. C-1
Example ............................................................................................................................................ C-2
D. DIO Commands ................................................................................................................................. D-1
Overview .......................................................................................................................................... D-2
C Code Example ................................................................................................................................ D-2
Read Single DIO ................................................................................................................................ D-2
Command ................................................................................................................................. D-2
Response .................................................................................................................................. D-3
C Code Example ......................................................................................................................... D-3
Write Single DIO ................................................................................................................................ D-3
Command ................................................................................................................................. D-3
Response .................................................................................................................................. D-4
C Code Example ......................................................................................................................... D-4
Read Multiple DIOs ............................................................................................................................ D-4
Command ................................................................................................................................. D-4
Response .................................................................................................................................. D-5
C Code Example ......................................................................................................................... D-5
Write Multiple DIOs ............................................................................................................................ D-6
Command ................................................................................................................................. D-6
Response .................................................................................................................................. D-6
C Code Example ......................................................................................................................... D-7
E. SNMP Agent with MIB II and RS-232 Like Groups ............................................................................. E-1
F. NECI Library ...................................................................................................................................... F-1

1. Introduction

The MiiNePort series of embedded device servers is compact drop-in modules that can be integrated with your
serial devices to enable connectivity to an Ethernet network. All MiiNePort Series modules come equipped with
built-in TCP/IP protocols and other easy-to-use network enabling tools for fast integration, allowing you to
provide network access to any electronic device that has a serial port.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Package Checklist
Product Features
Module Dimensions
Panel Layout and Pin Assignments
Evaluation Board Layout
Pin Assignments
LED Indicators
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
Please notify y


Moxa’s MiiNePort E2/E3 embedded device servers are designed for manufacturers who want to add
sophisticated network connectivity to their serial devices, but with minimal integration effort. The MiiNePort
E2/E3 is empowered by the MiiNe, Moxa’s second generation SoC, which supports 10/100 Mbps Ethernet and
up to 921.6 Kbps serial baudrate. The MiiNePort E2/E3 comes with a versatile selection of ready-to-use
operation modes and requires only a small amount of power. By using Moxa’s innovative NetEZ technology, the
MiiNePort E2/E3 can be used to convert any device that has a standard serial interface to an Ethernet enabled
device in no time. In addition, compared with other products of this type, the MiiNePort E2/E3 has a very
compact size, making it easy to fit the MiiNePort E2/E3 into virtually any existing serial device.

Package Checklist

MiiNePort E2 Module Package (one of the following)

MiiNePort E2: 0 to 55°C operating temp., 50 bps to 230.4 Kbps baudrate
MiiNePort E2-H: 0 to 55°C operating temp., 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps baudrate
MiiNePort E2-T: -40 to 85°C operating temp., 50 bps to 230.4 Kbps baudrate
MiiNePort E2-H-T: -40 to 85°C operating temp., 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps baudrate

MiiNePort E2 Starter Kit Package

• MiiNePort E2 module (MiiNePort E2 or MiiNePort E2-H only)
• MiiNePort E2 evaluation board
• Universal power adapter
• 2 power cords
• Null modem serial cable
• Crossover Ethernet cable
• Document and software CD
• Quick installation guide (printed)
• Warranty card

MiiNePort E3 Module Package (one of the following)

MiiNePort E3: 0 to 55°C operating temp., 50 bps to 230.4 Kbps baudrate
MiiNePort E3-H: 0 to 55°C operating temp., 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps baudrate
MiiNePort E3-T: -40 to 85°C operating temp., 50 bps to 230.4 Kbps baudrate
MiiNePort E3-H-T: -40 to 85°C operating temp., 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps baudrate

MiiNePort E3 Starter Kit Package

• MiiNePort E3 module (MiiNePort E3 or MiiNePort E3-H only)
• MiiNePort E3 evaluation board
• Universal power adapter
• 2 power cords
• Null modem serial cable
• Crossover Ethernet cable
• 2 flat cables
• 1 screw and spacer pack
• Document and software CD
• Quick installation guide (printed)
• Warranty card
our sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged..
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction

Product Features

All MiiNePort E2/E3 Series modules have the following general features:
• MiiNePort NetEZ Technology makes integration incredibly easy
• Moxa’s second generation MiiNe SOC optimizes reliability
• A versatile choice of operation modes to meet application needs
• Optional RJ45 package for specific requirements
• Extremely low power consumption for green design
• 802.3af compliant PoE pass-through (E3 model)
• Compact embedded device module
Moxa’s NetEZ technology is designed to give serial device manufacturers a range of powerful tools for integrating Ethernet capability into serial devices.
Each of MiiNePort supports the NetEZ features below.
MiiNePort E2 MiiNePort E3
EZPower is an automatic power selector for the 3.3 VDC or 5 VDC power system input.
SCM (Serial Command Mode) can be used to easily configure the MiiNePort E2/E3 via a serial
communication interface, even after it’s installed in the serial device.
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
EZPage: Do you eed a module that allows direct communication with the attached serial device? Use the
MiiNePort E2/E3’s EZPage with Java Applet to create a visual web page for configuring and communicating with
the attached serial device.
AutoCFG (Auto Configuration) saves time and effort when setting up the MiiNePort E2/E3 one by one during
the device production process.
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
MCSC (Multiple Channel Serial Communication) provides dual connections and dual channels so your
device can act as a server and client at the same time.

Module Dimensions

MiiNePort E2

units: mm (in)
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
MiiNePort E3
units: mm (in)
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
Power Switch
DB9 Male Connector
Digital Output LED

Panel Layout and Pin Assignments

Evaluation Board Layout

MiiNePort E2
1 Ethernet RJ45 Connector
2 MiiNePort E2 Module Location
3 Serial Interface Jumper
5 Power Jack
6 Power & Ready LED
8 Serial Port Status LED
9 Digital IO Terminal Block
10 Digital Output LED
11 Digital Input/Output Mode
12 Digital Input Switch
13 Circuit Pad
MiiNePort E3
1 PoE Pin
2 MiiNePort E3 Module Location
3 Serial Interface Jumper
4 Power Switch
5 Power Jack
6 Power & Ready LED
7 DB9 Male Connector
8 Serial Port Status LED
9 Digital IO Terminal Block
11 Digital Input/Output Mode
12 Digital Input Switch
13 Circuit Pad
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
Ethernet Tx-
Ethernet Transmit Data-
RS-485 Enable

Pin Assignments

MiiNePort E2 Module Pin Assignment
Bottom Panel of the MiiNePort E2 Module
Pin Signal Name Function
1 Ethernet Tx+ Ethernet Transmit Data+
3 Ethernet Rx+ Ethernet Receive Data+
4 Ethernet Rx- Ethernet Receive Data-
Pin Signal Name Function
1 100M LED Ethernet 100M LED
2 10M LED Ethernet 10M LED
3 LRXD Receive Serial Data
4 LTXD Transmit Serial Data
5 LDCD Data Carrier Detect
7 LRTS Request To Send
8 LDTR Data Terminal Ready
9 LDSR Data Set Ready
10 LCTS Clear To Send
Pin Signal Name Function
1 DIO0 Programmable Input/Output
2 DIO2 Programmable Input/Output
3 DIO3 Programmable Input/Output
4 DIO1 Programmable Input/Output
5 Reserved N/A
6 Reserved N/A
7 SW Reset Reset To Factory Default
8 GND Circuit Ground
9 Ready LED System is Ready LED
10 VCC Power Supply
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
Ready LED
System to Ready LED
MiiNePort E3 Module Pin Assignment
Ethernet Pins (JP2)
Pin Signal Name Function
1 Reserve N/A
3 Reserve N/A
4 Reserve N/A
5 PoE signal pair 1 PoE power from Tx signal
6 PoE spare pair 1 PoE power from RJ45 4, 5 pin
7 PoE signal pair 2 PoE power from Rx signal
8 PoE spare pair 2 PoE power from RJ45 7, 8 pin
Serial Pins and Power Pins (JP4)
Pin Signal Name Function
1 Serial Rx Receive Serial Data
3 Serial Tx Transmit Serial Data
4 GPIO Programmable I/O
5 DCD Receive Line Signal Detector
6 GPIO Programmable I/O
7 RS485_EN0 RS-485 Enabled
8 GPIO Programmable I/O
9 RTS Request to Send
10 GPIO Programmable I/O
11 DTR Data Terminal Ready
12 Reserve N/A
13 DSR Data Set Ready
14 Reserve N/A
15 CTS Clear to Send
16 SW_Reset Reset to Factory Default
17 Reserve N/A
18 Reserve N/A
19 GND Circuit Ground
20 VCC Power Supply
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
Evaluation Board Ethernet Port Pin Assignment
Pin Signal
1 Tx+
2 Tx-
6 Rx-
Evaluation Board Serial Port Pin Assignment
DB9 Male
Pin RS-232 RS-485-2W
2 RxD
3 TxD D+
4 DTR D-
MiiNePort E2/E3 Introduction
DHCP or BOOTP server did
Indicates that DTR has a signal.

LED Indicators

MiiNePort Evaluation Board

LED Name Color Description
Power Off 1. Power is off
2. A power error condition exists
3. System error
Green, Steady On Indicates that the power is on.
Ready Green, Blinking every 1
Green, Blinking every
0.5 sec.
TXD / LED D3 Red Indicates that TXD has a signal.
RXD / LED D4 Red Indicates that RXD has a signal.
1. The device server has been located by NPort search
utility’s location function.
2. Auto Config complete.
Indicates a LAN IP conflict, or the
not respond properly.
CTS / LED D6 Red Indicates that CTS has a signal.
DSR / LED D7 Red Indicates that DSR has a signal.
DCD / LED D8 Red Indicates that DCD has a signal.
RTS / LED D9 Red Indicates that RTS has a signal.
DO0 / LED D10 Red Indicates that DO0 is in “low” (0) status.
DO1 / LED D11 Red Indicates that DO1 is in “low” (0) status.
DO2 / LED D12 Red Indicates that DO2 is in “low” (0) status.
DO3 / LED D13 Red Indicates that DO3 is in “low” (0) status.

2. Getting Started

This chapter includes information about how to install MiiNePort Series modules for development and testing.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Wiring Precautions
Installing the MiiNePort module onto the MiiNePort Evaluation Board
Selecting the Serial Interface
Connecting the Power
Connecting to the Network
Connecting to a Serial Device
Digital I/O Channel Settings
Schematic Design Guide
MiiNePort E2/E3 Getting Started
Be sure to disconnect the power cord before installing or wiring the evaluation board.
Determine the maximum possible current in each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical codes
dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size. If the current goes above the maximum ratings,
Take care when handling the evaluation board. When plugged in, the evaluation board’s internal components
generate heat, and consequently the boar

Wiring Precautions

This section describes some important safety precautions that you should pay attention to before proceeding
with any installation.
wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your equipment.
You should also pay attention to the following:
• Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid interference,
wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately. Separate paths should be used to
route wiring for power and devices. You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine
which wires should be kept separate. The rule of thumb is that wires sharing similar electrical
characteristics may be bundled together.
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross paths, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the
intersection point.
• All wiring should be clearly labeled.
d may feel too hot to the touch.
MiiNePort E2/E3 Getting Started
Before using the MiiNePort evaluation board with the
module, be sure to disconnect the power supply, network,
and serial device. A profile of the MiiNePort is shown in the
center of the evaluation board
indicates where you should install the module onto the
evaluation board (refer to the figure at the right). When
attaching the module to the evaluation board, make sure
the module is securely installed on the evaluation board.
network, and serial device to the evaluation board.

Installing the MiiNePort module onto the MiiNePort Evaluation Board

MiiNePort E2
near the top. The profile
ter the module is installed, connect the power supply,

Selecting the Serial Interface

The MiiNePort module uses a standard TTL serial signal input. However, to make the evaluation more
convenient, the evaluation board has built-in RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces. Use a 6-pin jumper to select which
serial interface is active.
RS-232: short the 6-pin jumper to JP13
RS-485: short the 6-pin jumper to JP14
MiiNePort E2/E3 Getting Started

Connecting the Power

Connect the 12-48 VDC power line with the evaluation board’s power jack. If the power is properly supplied, the
power LED on the evaluation board (D14) will show a solid green color until the system is ready. When the
system is ready, the ready LED on the module will show a solid green color.

Connecting to the Network

To connect to the network for testing and development purposes, plug the Ethernet cable into the RJ45 jack on
the evaluation board. If the cable is properly connected, the LED will indicate a valid connection to the Ethernet
as follows:
LED Color Meaning
Left Amber 10BASE-T Link Activity
(does not blink when not transmitting; blinks when transmitting)
Right Green 100BASE-TX Link Activity
(does not blink when not transmitting; blinks when transmitting)
When using a private IP address (, be sure the netmask and IP address are configured to
allow hosts on the private network to access the module. Note that by default, the module is configured to use
a private IP address.

Connecting to a Serial Device

To connect to a serial device for testing and development purposes, the module should be installed on the
evaluation board. Be sure to select the serial interface you would like to use before you connect the evaluation
board to the serial device. (Refer to the Selecting the Serial Interface section above when you are using
jumper blocks to select the serial interface on the evaluation board.) The module’s serial signals are routed to
and from the RS-232 or RS-485 COM port on the evaluation board. Use a serial data cable to connect the serial
device to the COM port on the evaluation board.
MiiNePort E2/E3 Getting Started
When using a digital input device connected to the DIO Terminal Block, the corresponding Digital Input DIP
switch must be set to
will interfere with the signal from
your digital input device.

Digital I/O Channel Settings

Each module has four digital I/O (DIO) channels. (Refer to the Pin Assignment section in Chapter 1 for the
module’s configurable DIO pin descriptions. Refer to the Evaluation Board Layout section in Chapter 1 to
select corresponding settings on the evaluation board.) All four DIO channels can be configured by software. A
DI channel is a channel that operates in digital input mode; a DO channel is a channel that operates in digital
output mode. You can use the evaluation board’s Digital Output LEDs and Digital Input DIP switches as the
digital input and output devices, or you can connect digital input/output devices to the DIO Terminal Block.
For channels in digital output mode, the Low versus High setting is controlled from the web console. When
using a Digital Output LED as your output device, the LED will be on to indicate that the status is Low and the
LED will be off to indicate that the status is High.
OFF or High. Setting the DIP switch to ON or Low

Schematic Design Guide

For guidance and suggestions on integrating your device’s hardware with the MiiNePort, refer to the MiiNePort
Schematic Design Guide in the Document and software CD.

3. Choosing the Proper Operation Mode

The MiiNePort modules support operation modes for COM mapping and TCP/IP. After choosing the proper
operation mode for your application, refer to subsequent chapters for configuration details.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Real COM Mode
TCP Server Mode
TCP Client Mode
RFC2217 Mode
UDP Mode
Ethernet Modem Mode
MCSC Mode (MiiNePort E2 Only)
MiiNePort E2/E3 Choosing the Proper Operation Mode


The MiiNePort acts as a bridge for connecting serial devices to Ethernet networks. After choosing the best
operation mode for your application, you can use your computer to access, manage, and configure your serial
devices from anywhere in the world over the Internet.
Traditional SCADA and data collection systems rely on serial ports (RS-232/422/485) to collect data from
various kinds of instruments. Since MiiNePort modules convert between serial and Ethernet signals, you will be
able to access your SCADA and data collection system from hosts connected to a standard TCP/IP network,
regardless of whether the devices are used locally or at a remote site.
The MiiNePort modules support Real COM mode and six different socket modes—TCP Server, TCP Client,
Ethernet Modem, RFC2217, UDP, and MCSC. The main difference between the TCP and UDP protocols is that
TCP guarantees delivery of data by requiring the recipient to send an acknowledgement to the sender. UDP
does not require this kind of verification, and consequently UDP is faster than TCP. UDP also allows multicasting
of data to groups of IP addresses.

Real COM Mode

Real COM mode allows users to continue using software that was written for pure serial communications
applications. Each module comes equipped with COM drivers for Windows systems (95 and above). The
module’s serial port is mapped by the driver to an IP address and port number. The driver intercepts data sent
to the host’s COM port, packs it into a TCP/IP packet, and then redirects it through the host’s Ethernet card. At
the other end of the connection, the module accepts the Ethernet frame, unpacks the TCP/IP packet, and then
transparently sends the data to the attached serial device. In other words, a PC host can treat networked
devices as though the devices were connected directly to the PC.

TCP Server Mode

In TCP Server mode, the module is assigned a unique IP address and port number on the TCP/IP network. The
module waits passively to be contacted by the host computer, allowing the host computer to establish a
connection with and obtain data from the serial device. TCP Server mode supports up to four simultaneous
connections so that multiple hosts can collect data from the same serial device—at the same time. Data
transmission proceeds as follows:
MiiNePort E2/E3 Choosing the Proper Operation Mode
1. The host connects to the module configured for TCP Server mode.
2. Once the connection is established, data can be transmitted in both directions—from the host to the module,
and from the module to the host.

TCP Client Mode

In TCP Client mode, the module can actively establish a TCP connection to a predefined host computer when
serial data arrives. After the data has been transferred, the module can be automatically disconnected from the
host computer by using the TCP alive check time or Inactivity time settings. Refer to subsequent chapters
for details. Data transmission proceeds as follows:
1. The module actively establishes a connection based on the conditions set in the firmware. You may let the
module connect to a remote host on startup, or connect later when data from the serial device arrives.
2. Once the connection is established, data can be transmitted in both directions—from the host to the module,
and from the module to the host.
MiiNePort E2/E3 Choosing the Proper Operation Mode

RFC2217 Mode

RFC2217 is an industrial public protocol for sharing serial devices over TCP/IP Ethernet networks. RFC2217 is
similar to Moxa’s proprietary Real COM mode in that it allows users to continue using software that was written
for pure serial communications applications. Each module comes equipped with COM drivers for Windows
systems (95 and above). The module’s serial port is mapped by the driver to an IP address and port number.
The driver intercepts data sent to the host’s COM port, packs it into a TCP/IP packet, and then redirects it
through the host’s Ethernet card.

UDP Mode

UDP is similar to TCP but is faster and more efficient. Although data can be broadcast to or received from
multiple network hosts, UDP does not support data verification, and consequently is not suitable for
applications for which data integrity is critical. UDP would, however, be suitable for message display
MiiNePort E2/E3 Choosing the Proper Operation Mode
The Real COM driver comes with NPort Windows Driver Manage
ROM shipped
with the MiiNePort Starter kit.
Real COM mode allows several hosts to simultaneously access to the MiiNePort module. The driver controls
host access to attached serial devices by checking the host’s IP address against the Accessible IP list. Use the
Accessible IP table to restrict access to the module when a public IP address is required for your application.
r, which is included on the CD-

Ethernet Modem Mode

Ethernet Modem Mode is designed for use with legacy operating systems, such as MS-DOS, that do not support
TCP/IP Ethernet. By connecting the MiiNePort evaluation board’s serial ports to an MS-DOS computer’s serial
port, it is possible to use legacy software originally designed to transmit data via modem, but now transmit the
data over the Ethernet.

MCSC Mode (MiiNePort E2 Only)

MCSC (Multiple Channel Serial Communication) was developed for multiple serial-to-Ethernet applications that
use only one serial port. For example, if you need your device to act as a TCP Server and TCP Client at the same
time (as illustrated below), you can use MCSC.
For details on MCSC’s functionality and configuration, refer to Chapter 8: NetEZ Technologies’ MCSC. MCSC
is only supported on the MiiNePort E2.

4. Choosing the Configuration Tool

The MiiNePort supports several tools for configuring the module. In this chapter, we briefly describe the options
available and appropriate situations for using those options.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Utility Console
Web Console
Telnet Console
SCM (Serial Command Mode)
MiiNePort E2/E3 Choosing the Configuration Tool

Utility Console

Device Search Utility

You can find the Device Search Utility on the CD-ROM that came with your product. NPort Search Utility is
designed for Windows and is mainly used to search for the MiiNePort modules and for assigning IP addresses.
Refer to the Web Console for additional configuration information.

NPort Windows Driver Manager

NPort Windows Driver Manager is intended for use with Real COM mode. The software manages the installation
of drivers that allow you to map unused COM ports on your PC to serial ports on the MiiNePort.
Refer to Chapter 6: Utility Console and Driver Installation for details on how to use the Device Search
Utility and NPort Windows Driver Manager.

Web Console

After locating a MiiNePort with the Device Search Utility, you may configure the MiiNePort using a standard web
browser. Refer to Chapter 7: Web Console Configuration for details on how to access and use the MiiNePort
web console.
MiiNePort E2/E3 Choosing the Configuration Tool

Telnet Console

Your MiiNePort can be configured over the network with Telnet, which requires that the module has a network
connection and an IP address. We briefly discuss Telnet console configuration in Chapter 5: Initial IP
Address Configuration. All Telnet console commands are introduced in Chapter 7: Web Console

SCM (Serial Command Mode)

The MiiNePort’s SCM (Serial Command Mode) allows the module’s parameters to be retrieved and configured
through the serial port. This is accomplished using specially parsed commands sent to the module through the
serial port.
SCM is often used when your device has already been used in a real application and a configuration change,
such as changing the device’s IP address with the device’s key pad, is required.
Refer to Chapter 7: Web Console Configuration for details on how to access and use the MiiNePort’s SCM.
Refer to Appendix A: Introduction to SCM (Serial Command Mode) for the SCM command set

5. Initial IP Address Configuration

When setting up your MiiNePort module for the first time, the first thing you should do is configure the IP
address. This chapter introduces the methods that can be used to configure the module’s IP address. For more
details about network settings, refer to the Network Settings section in Chapter 7: Web Console
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Static vs. Dynamic IP Address
Factory Default IP Address
Telnet Console
MiiNePort E2/E3 Initial IP Address Configuration
Consult your network administrator on how to reserve a fixed IP address for the module in the MAC
mapping table when using a DHCP Server or BOOTP Server. For most applications, you should assign a fixed
IP address to the module.
In order to use ARP, both your computer and the module must be connected to the same LAN. You may also
use a crossover Ethernet cable to connect the module directly to your computer’s Ethernet port. Your module
must be configured with the factory default IP

Static vs. Dynamic IP Address

You should first determine whether the module will be assigned a Static IP or Dynamic IP (either DHCP or
BOOTP application).
• If the module is used in a Static IP environment, you need to configure the IP address directly.
• If the module is used in a Dynamic IP environment, you need to configure the module to obtain an IP
address dynamically with DHCP, DHCP/BOOTP, BOOTP, or AUTOIP.

Factory Default IP Address

The MiiNePort module is configured with the following default private IP address:
IP addresses of the form are referred to as private IP addresses, since it is not possible to
directly access a device configured with a private IP address from a public network. For example, you would not
be able to ping such a device from an outside Internet connection. Applications that require sending data over
a public network, such as the Internet, require setting up the server with a valid public IP address, which can
be leased from a local ISP.
You can use the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) command to set up the module’s IP address. The ARP
command tells your computer to associate the module’s MAC address with the intended IP address. You must
then use Telnet to access the module, at which point the module’s IP address will be reconfigured.
address before executing the ARP command.
To configure the IP address using ARP, follow these instructions:
1. Obtain a valid IP address for the module from your network administrator.
2. Obtain the module’s MAC address from the label on the module.
3. Execute the arp -s command from your computer’s MS-DOS prompt by typing:
arp –s <new IP address> 00-90-E8-tt-tt-tt
For example,
arp –s 00-90-E8-00-00-00
In this example, is the new IP address and 00-90-E8-00-00-00 is the module’s MAC
address, as obtained in steps 1 and 2.
4. Execute a special Telnet command by typing:
telnet <new IP address> 6000
For example,
telnet 6000
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