Moxa Technologies MiiNePort E1-SDK, MiiNePort E2-SDK User Manual

MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK User’s Manual
Edition 2.1, November 2017
© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK User’s Manual
Moxa Americas
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Panel Layout ...................................................................................................................................... 1-3
MiiNePort E1-SDK Evaluation Board Panel Layout ............................................................................ 1-3
MiiNePort E2-SDK Evaluation Board Panel Layout ............................................................................ 1-4
Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
For MiiNePort E1-SDK Module ....................................................................................................... 1-5
For MiiNePort E2-SDK Module ....................................................................................................... 1-6
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 1-6
2. Getting Started.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Wiring Precautions .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
Selecting the Serial Interface ............................................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting Power ............................................................................................................................... 2-3
Connecting MiiNePort USB to PC ........................................................................................................... 2-3
Connecting to the Network ................................................................................................................... 2-5
Connecting to a Serial Device ............................................................................................................... 2-5
Digital I/O Channel Settings ................................................................................................................. 2-5
Schematic Design Guide ...................................................................................................................... 2-6
3. Choosing the Proper Operation Mode ................................................................................................ 3-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3-2
RealCOM Mode ................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Ethernet Modem Mode ......................................................................................................................... 3-3
4. Utility Console and Driver Installation .............................................................................................. 4-1
Device Search Utility (DSU) ................................................................................................................. 4-2
Installing the Device Search Utility ................................................................................................ 4-2
Device Search Utility Configuration ................................................................................................ 4-4
NPort Windows Driver Manager ............................................................................................................ 4-5
Installing NPort Windows Driver Manager ....................................................................................... 4-5
Using NPort Windows Driver Manager ............................................................................................ 4-7
Command Line Installation/Removal .............................................................................................. 4-9
Linux Real TTY Drivers ...................................................................................................................... 4-11
Installing Linux Real TTY Driver Files ................................................................................................... 4-11
Mapping TTY Ports ..................................................................................................................... 4-11
Removing Mapped TTY Ports ....................................................................................................... 4-12
Removing Linux Driver Files ........................................................................................................ 4-12
UNIX Fixed TTY Drivers ..................................................................................................................... 4-12
Installing the UNIX Driver........................................................................................................... 4-13
Configuring the UNIX Driver ....................................................................................................... 4-13
5. MiiNePort IDE Development Tool ...................................................................................................... 5-1
Installing MiiNePort IDE ....................................................................................................................... 5-2
Starting MiiNePort IDE ......................................................................................................................... 5-6
Create MiiNePort-SDK Project ............................................................................................................... 5-6
RealCOM Mode ............................................................................................................................ 5-8
Ethernet Modem Mode ................................................................................................................. 5-9
Sample Application .................................................................................................................... 5-10
Data Packing ............................................................................................................................ 5-11
Serial Command Mode ............................................................................................................... 5-13
Web Console ............................................................................................................................. 5-17
CLI .......................................................................................................................................... 5-18
SNMP agent .............................................................................................................................. 5-18
TFTP Server .............................................................................................................................. 5-19
NTP Client ................................................................................................................................ 5-19
CPU Monitor.............................................................................................................................. 5-20
Wizards ........................................................................................................................................... 5-21
Modify project dependency ......................................................................................................... 5-21
CLI Wizard ............................................................................................................................... 5-21
Configuration Wizard ................................................................................................................. 5-24
SCM Wizard .............................................................................................................................. 5-26
SNMP Wizard ............................................................................................................................ 5-28
User App Wizard ....................................................................................................................... 5-31
Build project ............................................................................................................................. 5-32
Upload debug version firmware to MiiNePort ................................................................................. 5-32
Debug current active project ....................................................................................................... 5-32
Upload your customized firmware to MiiNePort .............................................................................. 5-32
6. NetEZ Technologies ........................................................................................................................... 6-1
SCM (Serial Command Mode) ............................................................................................................... 6-2
EXTrigger (External Trigger) ................................................................................................................ 6-3
EZPower ............................................................................................................................................ 6-4
A. Introduction to SCM (Serial Command Mode) Command Set ............................................................. A-1
Command/Reply Format ...................................................................................................................... A-2
Single Line Command Format ....................................................................................................... A-2
Single Line Reply Format .............................................................................................................. A-2
Head and Tail Format ................................................................................................................... A-2
Operation Codes ......................................................................................................................... A-2
Status Codes .............................................................................................................................. A-2
Restriction .................................................................................................................................. A-2
Command Code .................................................................................................................................. A-3
Command Code for Getting the Configuration ................................................................................. A-3
Command Codes for Retrieving Running Configuration ..................................................................... A-5
Command Codes for Viewing the Status ......................................................................................... A-7
Control Command Codes .............................................................................................................. A-7
B. Well-Known Port Numbers ................................................................................................................ B-1
C. SNMP Agent with MIB II and RS-232 Like Groups ............................................................................. C-1
D. Supported File Systems ..................................................................................................................... D-1

1. Introduction

The MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Series of embedded device servers is compact drop-in modules that can be
integrated with your serial devices to enable connectivity to an Ethernet network. All MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK
Series modules come equipped with built-in TCP/IP protocols and other easy-to-use network enabling tools for
fast integration, allowing you to provide network access to any electronic device with a serial port.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Package Checklist
Product Features
MiiNePort E1-SDK Evaluation Board Panel Layout
MiiNePort E2-SDK Evaluation Board Panel Layout
Block Diagram
For MiiNePort E1-SDK Module
For MiiNePort E2-SDK Module
LED Indicators
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Introduction
Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged.


The Moxa MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Series products are serial-to-Ethernet embedded modules. Moxa provides
development and debug kit which includes JTAG, an Eclipse-based integrated software development tool, and
a source-level debugger. The following table lists the model names of all MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK series modules,
along with the model names of the corresponding starter kits.

Package Checklist

Available Models:

• MiiNePort E1-SDK: Software Development Kit for the MiiNePort E1 Series, MiiNePort E1 module included
• MiiNePort E2-SDK: Software Development Kit for the MiiNePort E2 Series, MiiNePort E2 module included

Package Checklist:

• MiiNePort E2-SDK module or MiiNePort E1-SDK module
• MiiNePort E2-SDK evaluation board or MiiNePort E1-SDK evaluation board
• Universal power adapter
• 2 power cords
• Null modem cable
• Crossover Ethernet cable
• Documentation and software CD
• Quick installation guide (printed)
• Warranty card

Product Features

All MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK modules have the following general features:
• Eclipse-based integrated software development tool
• Source-level debugger
• Easy to build proprietary SNMP/CLI console
• Various serial-to-Ethernet sample code
• Mass production tool for easy firmware upload
• Supports RealCOM mode operation functions
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Introduction
USB Type B Connector (Debug)
Configurable Pin Jumper
Circuit Pad
Users must set
respectively, to ensure that the evaluation board works properly.
When you are in RS
pin jumper must
be moved from JP19 to JP20.

Panel Layout

MiiNePort E1-SDK Evaluation Board Panel Layout

Number Description
1 MiiNePort E1 Module Location
4 Digital Input Switch
5 Digital Output LED
6 Digital IO Terminal Block
7 Serial Port Status LED
8 DB9 Male Connector
9 Serial Interface Jumper
10 Power LED
11 Power Jack
12 Restart Button
jumpers JP15, JP16, and JP17 to correspond with the functions of pins 6, 7, and 8,
-485 mode, 485EN must be configured by either JP15 or JP16, and the 6-
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Introduction
Before you manipulate the jumpers, be sure to disconnect the power first.

MiiNePort E2-SDK Evaluation Board Panel Layout

Number Description
1 MiiNePort E2 Module Location
2 Ethernet RJ45 Connector
3 Serial Interface Jumper
4 Power Switch
5 Power Jack
6 Power & Ready LED
7 DB9 Male Connector
8 Serial Port Status LED
9 Digital IO Terminal Block
10 Digital Output LED
11 Digital Input/Output Mode
12 Digital Input Switch
13 Circuit Pad
14 USB Type B Connector (Debug)
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Introduction
Ethernet Port Pins for MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Modules
Pin Signal
1 Tx+
2 Tx-
6 Rx-
Serial Pin Signals for the MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Evaluation Board
DB9 Male
Pin RS-232 2-wire RS-485
2 RxD
3 TxD Data+
4 DTR Data-

Block Diagram

For MiiNePort E1-SDK Module

MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Introduction

For MiiNePort E2-SDK Module

LED Indicators

MiiNePort E1-SDK Series Modules

LED Color Description

MiiNePort E1-SDK Evaluation Board

LED Color Description
Serial Signal TxD / LED D11 Red Indicates that TxD has a signal
Serial Signal RXD / LED D12 Red Indicates that RxD has a signal
Serial Signal RTS / LED D13 Red Indicates that RTS has a signal
Power Signal / LED D43 Green Indicates power input status
Digital Output / LED D17 Red Indicates DO 0 “low” (0) status
Digital Output / LED D18 Red Indicates DO 1 “low” (0) status
Green 100BASE-TX Link Activity (constant on when link exists, blinks when data transmitting)
Amber 10BASE-T Link Activity (constant on when link exists, blinks when data transmitting)
Green In Use (constant on when connection established)
Amber Fault (blinks when IP fault)
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Introduction
2. Auto Config complete.
DHCP or BOOTP server did
Indicates that DTR has a signal.

MiiNePort E2-SDK Evaluation Board

LED Name Color Description
Power Off 1. Power is off
2. Power error
3. System error
Green, Steady On Indicates that the power is on.
Ready Green, Blinking every 1
1. The device server has been located by NPort search utility’s
location function.
Green, Blinking every
0.5 sec.
TxD / LED D3 Red Indicates that TxD has a signal.
RxD / LED D4 Red Indicates that RxD has a signal.
CTS / LED D6 Red Indicates that CTS has a signal.
DSR / LED D7 Red Indicates that DSR has a signal.
DCD / LED D8 Red Indicates that DCD has a signal.
RTS / LED D9 Red Indicates that RTS has a signal.
DO0 / LED D10 Red Indicates that DO0 is in “low” (0) status.
DO1 / LED D11 Red Indicates that DO1 is in “low” (0) status.
DO2 / LED D12 Red Indicates that DO2 is in “low” (0) status.
DO3 / LED D13 Red Indicates that DO3 is in “low” (0) status.
USB (Debug) Power Green Indicates that the USB cable is connected to PC
Indicates a LAN IP conflict, or the
not respond properly.

2. Getting Started

This chapter includes information about how to install MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK modules for development and
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Wiring Precautions
Selecting the Serial Interface
Connecting Power
Connecting MiiNePort USB to PC
Connecting to the Network
Connecting to a Serial Device
Digital I/O Channel Settings
Schematic Design Guide
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Getting Started
Be sure to disconnect the power cord before installing or
Determine the maximum possible current
in each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical
codes dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size. If the current goes above the maximum
Take care when handling the evaluation boards. When plugged in, the evaluation boards’ internal components
generate heat, and consequently the board may

Wiring Precautions

This section describes some important safety precautions that you should pay attention to before proceeding
with installation.
, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your equipment.
You should also pay attention to the following:
• Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid interference,
wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately. Separate paths should be used to
route wiring for power and devices. You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine
which wires should be kept separate. The rule of thumb is that wires sharing similar electrical
characteristics may be bundled together.
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross paths, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the
intersection point.
• All wiring should be clearly labeled.
be too hot to touch.
wiring the evaluation board.

Selecting the Serial Interface


MiiNePort E1-SDK: To use an RS-232 serial interface, place the 6-pin jumper on JP19.
MiiNePort E2-SDK: To use an RS-232 serial interface, place the 6-pin jumper on JP13.


MiiNePort E1-SDK: To use an RS-485 serial interface, place the 2-pin jumper on the middle two pins of JP15 or
the right-most two pins of JP16 (labeled as 485EN), and place the 6-pin jumper on JP20.
MiiNePort E2-SDK: Place the 6-pin jumper on JP14.
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Getting Started

Connecting Power

For MiiNePort E1-SDK Evaluation Board Layout

Connect the 12-48 VDC power line with the power jack of the evaluation board. If the power is properly
supplied, the power LED (D15, as shown in the following figure) on the evaluation board will show a solid red
color until the system is ready, at which time the ready LED on the module will show a solid green color.

For MiiNePort E2-SDK Evaluation Board Layout

Connect the 12-48 VDC power line with the evaluation board’s power jack. If the power is properly supplied, the
power LED on the evaluation board (D14) will show a solid green color until the system is ready. When the
system is ready, the ready LED on the module will show a solid green color.

Connecting MiiNePort USB to PC

First, connect the MiiNePort USB port to the PC. Please use the USB cable to connect the USB port on the
evaluation board to the PC. The figures below indicate the location of the USB port on the evaluation board.
E1 Evaluation Board
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Getting Started
USB Type B Connector (Debug)
Power Switch
Number Description
1 MiiNePort E1 Module Location
3 Configurable Pin Jumper
4 Digital Input Switch
5 Digital Output LED
6 Digital IO Terminal Block
7 Serial Port Status LED
8 DB9 Male Connector
9 Serial Interface Jumper
10 Power LED
11 Power Jack
12 Restart Button
13 Circuit Pad
E2 Evaluation Board
Number Description
1 MiiNePort E2 Module Location
2 Ethernet RJ45 Connector
3 Serial Interface Jumper
5 Power Jack
6 Power & Ready LED
7 DB9 Male Connector
8 Serial Port Status LED
9 Digital IO Terminal Block
10 Digital Output LED
11 Digital Input/Output Mode
12 Digital Input Switch
13 Circuit Pad
14 USB Type B Connector (Debug)
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Getting Started
In Use (always on when connection is established)

Connecting to the Network

To connect to the network for testing and development purposes, install the module on the evaluation board
and then plug the Ethernet cable into the RJ45 jack on the module. If the cable is properly connected, the LED
on the module will indicate a valid connection to the Ethernet as follows:

MiiNePort E1-SDK

LED Color Meaning
Amber 10BASE-T Link Activity (constant on when link exists, blinks when transmitting data)
100BASE-TX Link Activity (constant on when link exists, blinks when transmitting data)
Amber Fault (blinks when an IP fault exists)

MiiNePort E2-SDK

LED Color Meaning
Left Amber 10BASE-T Link Activity
(does not blink when not transmitting; blinks when transmitting)
Right Green 100BASE-TX Link Activity
(does not blink when not transmitting; blinks when transmitting)
When using a private IP address (factory default) for the module, make sure the netmask and IP settings are
configured properly to access the module from a host on the network.

Connecting to a Serial Device

To connect to a serial device for testing and development purposes, the module should be installed on the
evaluation board. Make sure the serial interface is configured correctly before connecting the evaluation board
to the serial device. (Refer to Selecting the Serial Interface section above when you are using jumper blocks
to select the serial interface on the evaluation board.) The module’s serial signals are routed to and from the
RS-232 or RS-485 COM port on the evaluation board. Use a serial data cable to connect the serial device to the
COM port on the evaluation board.

Digital I/O Channel Settings

For MiiNePort E1-SDK Evaluation Board Layout

Each module has three digital I/O (DIO) channels. (Refer to the Pin Assignments section above for the
module’s configurable DIO pin description. Refer to Configurable Pin Jumpers to select the corresponding
setting on the evaluation board.) All three DIO channels may be configured by software. A DI channel is a
channel that is operating in digital input mode; a DO channel is a channel that is operating in digital output
mode. You may use the evaluation board’s Digital Output LEDs and Digital Input DIP switches as the digital
input and output devices, or you may connect digital input/output devices to the DIO Terminal Block.
For channels in digital output mode, Low and High status is controlled from within the web console. When
using a Digital Output LED as your output device, Low status will be expressed by the LED lighting up, and
High status will be expressed by the LED turning off.
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Getting Started
When using a digital input device connected to the DIO Terminal Block, the corresponding Digital Input DIP
switch must be set to
will interfere with the signal from your
digital input device.

For MiiNePort E2-SDK Evaluation Board Layout

Each module has four digital I/O (DIO) channels. (Refer to the Pin Assignment section in Chapter 1 for the
module’s configurable DIO pin descriptions. Refer to the Evaluation Board Layout section in Chapter 1 to select
corresponding settings on the evaluation board.) All four DIO channels can be configured by software. A DI
channel is a channel that operates in digital input mode; a DO channel is a channel that operates in digital
output mode. You can use the evaluation board’s Digital Output LEDs and Digital Input DIP switches as the
digital input and output devices, or you can connect digital input/output devices to the DIO Terminal Block.
For channels in digital output mode, the Low versus High setting is controlled from the web console. When
using a Digital Output LED as your output device, the LED will be on to indicate that the status is Low and the
LED will be off to indicate that the status is High.
OFF or High. Setting the DIP switch to ON or Low

Schematic Design Guide

For guidance and suggestions on integrating your device’s hardware with the MiiNePort, refer to the MiiNePort
Schematic Design Guide in the Document and software CD.

3. Choosing the Proper Operation Mode

In this chapter, we will describe the operation modes supported by MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK modules. Modes are
available for COM port mapping from the host computer, as well as operation modes for TCP/IP protocols. After
choosing the operation mode in this chapter, refer to subsequent chapters for configuration details.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
RealCOM Mode
Ethernet Modem Mode
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Choosing the Proper Operation Mode
MiiNePort E1


MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK modules act as a bridge to connect your serial devices to the Ethernet. The built-in TCP/IP
stack frees you from the tedious task of programming networking protocols. With one step you can choose the
proper operation mode, and then use your computer to access, manage, and configure your serial devices from
anywhere in the world over the Internet.
Traditional SCADA and data collection systems rely on serial ports (RS-232/422/485) to collect data from a
variety of instruments. Since MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK modules convert between serial and Ethernet signals, your
SCADA and data collection system can be made accessible from any device connected to a standard TCP/IP
network, regardless of whether the devices are used locally or at a remote site.
The MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK supports RealCOM mode and Ethernet Modem mode. You don't need to take effort to
development these two kinds of complex serial to Ethernet operating mode. Only do some setting to complete
the function.

RealCOM Mode

RealCOM mode allows users to continue using software that was written for pure serial communications
applications. Each module comes equipped with COM drivers for Windows systems (95 and above). The
module’s serial port is mapped by the driver to an IP address and port number. The driver intercepts data sent
to the host’s COM port, packs it into a TCP/IP packet, and then redirects it through the host’s Ethernet card. At
the other end of the connection, the module accepts the Ethernet frame, unpacks the TCP/IP packet, and then
transparently sends the data to the attached serial device. The driver thus establishes a transparent connection
between the host and serial device, allowing the host to treat the networked device as if it were directly
RealCOM driver comes with the NPort Windows Driver Manager, which is included on the CD-ROM for
/E2-SDK package.
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Choosing the Proper Operation Mode

Ethernet Modem Mode

Ethernet Modem mode is designed for use with legacy operating systems, such as MS-DOS, that do not support
TCP/IP Ethernet. By connecting the properly configured MiiNePort serial port to the MS-DOS computer’s serial
port, it is possible to use legacy software to transmit data over the Ethernet when the software was originally
designed to transmit data over a modem.

4. Utility Console and Driver Installation

This chapter describes the installation of the MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK’s utilities, which are used to perform simple
configurations and driver installations.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Device Search Utility (DSU)
Installing the Device Search Utility
Device Search Utility Configuration
NPort Windows Driver Manager
Installing NPort Windows Driver Manager
Using NPort Windows Driver Manager
Command Line Installation/Removal
Linux Real TTY Drivers
Installing Linux Real TTY Driver Files
Mapping TTY Ports
Removing Mapped TTY Ports
Removing Linux Driver Files
UNIX Fixed TTY Drivers
Installing the UNIX Driver
Configuring the UNIX Driver
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Utility Console and Driver Installation

Device Search Utility (DSU)

Installing the Device Search Utility

1. Click the INSTALL UTILITY button in the MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK (Installation CD) auto-run window to
install the Device Search Utility. Once the program starts running, click Yes to proceed.
2. Click Next when the Welcome screen opens to proceed with the installation.
3. Click Browse to select an alternate location and then click Next to install program files to the directory
displayed in the input box.
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Utility Console and Driver Installation
4. Select the additional tasks you would like to set up to be performed while installing DSU; then, click Next.
5. The installer will display a summary of the installation options. Click Install to begin the installation. The
setup window will report the progress of the installation. To change the installation settings, click Back and
navigate to the previous screen.
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Utility Console and Driver Installation
6. Click Finish to complete the installation of the Device Search Utility.

Device Search Utility Configuration

The Broadcast Search function is used to locate all MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK modules that are connected to the
same LAN as your computer. After locating a MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK, you will be able to change its IP address.
Since the Broadcast Search function searches by MAC address and not IP address, all MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK
modules connected to the LAN will be located, regardless of whether or not they are part of the same subnet
as the host.
1. Start the Device Search Utility and then click the Search icon.
2. The Searching window indicates the progress of the search.
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Utility Console and Driver Installation
The information below is only for RealCOM mode.
3. When the search is complete, all MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK modules that were located will be displayed in the
Device Search Utility window.
4. To modify the configuration of the highlighted MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK, click the Console icon to open the web
console. This will take you to the web console, where you can make configuration changes.
5. To upload your custom software, click the Upgrade icon to upload your firmware.

NPort Windows Driver Manager

Installing NPort Windows Driver Manager

The NPort Windows Driver Manager is intended for use with serial ports that are set to RealCOM mode. The
software manages the installation of drivers that allow you to map unused COM ports on your PC to your device
presented by the MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK’s serial port. These drivers are designed for use with Windows 98, ME,
NT, and Windows 7. When the drivers are installed and configured, devices that are embedded with the
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK will be treated as if they are attached to your PC’s COM ports.
1. Click the INSTALL COM Driver button in the MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Installation CD auto-run window to
install the NPort Windows Driver. Once the installation program starts running, click Yes to proceed.
2. Click Next when the Welcome screen opens to proceed with the installation.
MiiNePort E1/E2-SDK Utility Console and Driver Installation
3. Click Browse to select the destination directory and then click Next to install program files to the directory
displayed in the input box.
4. Click Next to install the program’s shortcuts in the appropriate Start Menu folder.
5. The installer will display a summary of the installation options. Click Install to begin the installation. The
setup window will report the progress of the installation. To change the installation settings, click Back and
navigate to the previous screen.
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