Moxa Technologies MGATE W5108, MGATE W5208 User Manual

MGate W5108/W5208 Series
Modbus/DNP3 Gateway User’s Manual
Edition 2.0, February 2017
© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
MGate W5108/W5208 Series
Modbus/DNP3 Gateway User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
Copyright Notice
© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.
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Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may result from its use.
This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publication.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-3
2. Getting Started ................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Connecting the Power ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting Serial Devices .................................................................................................................... 2-2
RS-485 Termination and Pull High/Low Resi s t ors ............................................................................. 2-2
First Time Configura t ion ............................................................................................................... 2-3
Installing the Software ................................................................................................................. 2-3
Wiring Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 2-3
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 2-4
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................ 2-5
MGate W5108 ............................................................................................................................. 2-5
MGate W5208 ............................................................................................................................. 2-6
Adjustable Pull High/Low Resistors for the RS-485 Port ........................................................................... 2-6
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................................. 2-7
I/O Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 2-8
Mounting the Unit ............................................................................................................................... 2-8
Specifications ..................................................................................................................................... 2-9
microSD Card ................................................................................................................................... 2-13
Backing Up a Configuration ......................................................................................................... 2-13
Configuring an MGate (Mass deployment/Replacement) ................................................................. 2-13
microSD card Write Failure ......................................................................................................... 2-13
3. Device Search Utility ......................................................................................................................... 3-1
Installing the Software ........................................................................................................................ 3-2
Starting Device Searc h Utility (DSU) ..................................................................................................... 3-5
Connecting to the Unit ......................................................................................................................... 3-5
Broadcast Search ........................................................................................................................ 3-6
Search IP ................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Locate ....................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Upgrading the Firmware ...................................................................................................................... 3-9
4. Web Console Configuration ............................................................................................................... 4-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Basic Settings .................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Network Settings ................................................................................................................................ 4-3
General Settings ......................................................................................................................... 4-3
WLAN Settings ............................................................................................................................ 4-4
Serial Settings .................................................................................................................................... 4-8
RTS Toggle ................................................................................................................................. 4-8
Protocol Settings ................................................................................................................................ 4-9
Protocol Assignment .................................................................................................................... 4-9
Protocol Settings ......................................................................................................................... 4-9
DNP3 Protocol .................................................................................................................................. 4-15
Raw TCP Socket ............................................................................................................................... 4-17
System Management ................................................................................................................. 4-20
System Monitoring ............................................................................................................................ 4-26
Serial Status ............................................................................................................................. 4-26
System Status .......................................................................................................................... 4-27
Protocol Status ......................................................................................................................... 4-30
Restart ............................................................................................................................................ 4-30
MXView ........................................................................................................................................... 4-30
MXconfig ......................................................................................................................................... 4-31
A. Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement ........................................................... A-1
1. Introduction
Welcome to the MGate W5108/W5208 series WiFi Modbus/DNP3 gateways, which are used to connect Modbus or DNP3 serial devices to a wireless LAN.
The MGate W5108/5208 series gateway is an ideal choice for connecting the Modbus/DNP3 serial devices to a wireless LAN. With IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n support, you can use fewer cables in difficult wiring environments. To ensure that your data transmissions are secure, the MGate W5108/5208 series gateway supports WEP/WPA/WPA2, and the rugged design is suitable for industrial application such as oil & gas, power, process automation, and factory automation.
In this chapter, we give an introduction to the MGate W5108/W5208. The following topics are covered:
Package Checklist
Product Features
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Introduction
The MGate W5108/W5208 wireless Modbus/DNP3 protocol gateways provide maximum flexibility for integrating industrial Modbus/DNP3 networks of all types and sizes. The MGate W5108/W5208 gateways are designed to integrate Modbus TCP, ASCII, and RTU devices in almost any master and slave combination, including serial master to serial slave, or simultaneous serial and Ethernet masters. The gateways also support protocol conversion between DNP3 serial to DNP3 IP. A special priority control feature all ows urgent commands to get an immediate response. All models are ruggedly constructed and are DIN-rail mountable, and some models support a wide operating temperature.
Windows-Based Utility and Web Console for Easy Setup
A Windows-based utility is provided to make it easy to search for and locate devices, assign IP addresses, import/export configuration files, and upgrade the the MGate W5108/W5208’s firmware. The utility automatically connects to all available MGate W5108/W5208 units on the LAN. A user-friendly web console is provided to configure the device from a web browser.
Package Checklist
All models in the MGate W5108/W5208 series are shipped with the following items:
Standard Accessories
• 1 MGate W5108 or MGate W5208 WiFi gateway
• 1 antenna
• Documentation and software CD
• Quick installation guide (printed)
• Warranty card
Optional Accessories
Mini DB9F-to-TB Adapter: DB9 female to terminal block adapter for RS-422/485 applications
WK-51-01: Wall mounting kit
DR-4524: 45W/2A DIN rail 24 VDC power supply with universal 85 to 264 VAC input
DR-75-24: 75W/3.2A DIN rail 24 VDC power supply with universal 85 to 264 VAC input
DR-120-24: 120W/5A DIN rail 24 VDC power supply with 88 to 132 VAC/176 to 264 V AC input by switch
Notify your sales representative if any of the above items
are missing or damaged.
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Introduction
Product Features
• Retrieve Modbus/DNP3 serial data through an 802.11 network
• Serial tunneling communication (supports TCP Server/Client modes)
• Slave mode supports 16 TCP masters and up to 31 or 62 serial slaves at the same time
• Embedded Modbus traffic monitor
• Dual DC power inputs for redundancy and relay output supported
• Secure data access with WEP/WPA/WPA2
• 2 kV serial port isolation
• microSD card for configuration backup and event log
• -40 to 75°C wide operating temperature models available
• Supports 2 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs
2. Getting Started
This chapter provides basic instru ctions for installing the MGate W5108/W5208. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Connecting the Power
Connecting Serial Devices
RS-485 Termination and Pull High/Low Resistors First Time Configuration Installing the Software
Wiring Requirements
LED Indicators
MGate W5108 MGate W5208
Adjustable Pull High/Low Resistors for the RS-485 Port
Pin Assignments
I/O Wiring Diagram
Mounting the Unit
microSD Card
Backing Up a Configuration Configuring an MGate (Mass deployment/Replacement) microSD card Write Failure
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
Connecting the Power
The unit can be powered by connecting a power source to the terminal block.
1. We recommend using 24 to 16 AWG wire. Strip 9 to 10 mm of insulation off the end of the wire before inserting it into the termi nal b lo ck hole.
2. The power input range is from 12 to 48 VDC.
To remove the wire from the terminal block, use a flathead screwdriver to push the orange slot next to the terminal block hole, and then pull the wire out.
Note that the unit does not have an on/off switch. It automatically turns on when it receives power. The PWR LED on the front panel will glow to indicate that the unit is receiving power. There are two DC power inputs for redundancy.
This product is intended to be supplied by a Listed Direct Plug
-In Power Unit Tma = 75°C. If you need
assistance with purchasing
a power supply, please contact Moxa for information.
Connecting Serial Devices
The unit’s serial port(s) are located on the front panel. If you are connecting an RS-485 multidrop network with multiple devices, note the following:
• All devices that are connected to a single serial port must use the same protocol (i.e., either Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, or DNP3).
• Each master device must connect to its own port on the unit. If you are connecting to a network with both master and slave devices, the master mus t be connected to a separate port from the slaves.
For serial port pin assignments, refer to the Pin Assignments section.
RS-485 Termination and Pull High/Low Resistors
In some critical RS-485 environments, you may need to add termination resistors to prevent the reflection of serial signals. When using termination resistors, it is important to set the p ull high/low resistors correctly so that the electrical signal is not corrupted. For each serial port, DIP switches or jumper settings are used to set the pull high/low resistor values. A built-in 120 Ω termination resistor can also be enabled.
To modify the termination and pull high/low resistor settings, refer t o the hardware reference chap ter for your model.
Do no t us e the 1 KΩ pu l l high/ l o w se ttin g on th e MGate
W5108/W5208 when using the RS-
232 interface. Doing
so will degrade the RS
-232 signals and reduce the effec tive communication distance.
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
First Time Configuration
To configure the gateway for the first time, use an Ethernet cable to connect the 10/100BaseT Ethernet port located on the front panel to a PC. The unit’s Link LED will light up to indicate a live Eth e rnet connection.
To connect to the MGate to the web console, open a web browser and enter the MGate gateway's IP address. http://<MGate IP address> The default IP address is The default user name and password are Admin and Moxa,
respectively. The welcome page shows information relevant to the gateway.
Installing the Software
If you are unable to log in to the unit, you ca n use the Moxa Device Search Utility to search for the unit. The Device Search Utility (DSU) can be installed from the Documen tation and Software CD. Follow the onscreen instructions after inserting the CD. For additional details, refer to Chapter 3: Device Search Utility.
Wiring Requirements
Safety First!
Be sure to disconnect the power cord before installing and/or wiring your
MGate W5108/W5208.
Wiring Caution!
Calculate the maximum possible current in each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical
dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size. If the current goes above the maximum ratings, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your equipment.
Temperature Caution!
Be careful when handling the
MGate W5108/W5208. When plugged in, the MGate W5108/W5208’s internal
components generate heat, and consequently the board may feel hot to the touch.
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
You should also observe the following common wiring rules:
• Use separate paths to route wiring for p ower and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point. NOTE: Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.
• You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kept separate. The rule of thumb is that wiring that shar es similar electrical characteristi cs can be bundled together.
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• When necessary, we strongly advise labeling wiring to all devic es in the s y ste m .
LED Indicators
Name Color Function
PWR 1, PWR 2 Green Power is being supplied to the power input.
Off Power cable is not connected.
Ready Green Steady on: Power is on and unit is functioning normally.
Blinking: Unit is responding to DSU’s locate function.
Red Steady on: Power is on and the unit is booting up.
Blinking: IP conflict, DHCP, or BOOTP server did not respond properly, or a relay output occurred.
Off Power is off.
P1, P2 Green Serial port is transmitting data.
Amber Serial port is receiving data. Off Data is not being transmitted.
Ethernet Green Indicates a 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Amber Indicates a 10 Mbps Ethernet connection. Off Ethernet cable is disconnected.
WLAN Green Steady On: Unit is properly connected with the AP.
Blinking: Unit is trying to connect to the AP.
Red Indicates an IP conflict, or DHCP or BOOTP server is not responding properly.
RF Green 3 LEDs = signal strength is between 67% and 100%.
2 LEDs = signal strength is between 34% and 66%. 1 LED = signal strength is between 0% and 33%.
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
MGate W5108
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
MGate W5208
Adjustable Pull High/Low Resistors for the RS-485 Port
In some critical environments, you may need to add termination resistors to prevent the reflection of serial signals. When using termination resistors, it is important to set the pull high/low resistors correctly so that the electrical signal is not corrupted. The MGate W5108/W5208 uses DIP switches to set the pull high/low resistor values for each serial port. Tear open the screws and find the DIP switches located at the back side of the PCB.
To add a 120 Ω termination resistor, set switch 3 on the port’s assigned DIP switch to ON; set switch 3 to OFF (the default setting) to disable the termination resistor.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 150 KΩ, set switches 1 and 2 on the port’s assigned DIP switch to OFF. This is the default setting.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 1 KΩ, set switches 1 and 2 on the port’s assigned DIP switch to ON.
Do no t us e the 1 KΩ pu l l high/ l o w se ttin g on th e MGate
W5108/W5208 when using the RS-232 interface. Doi
so will degrade the RS
-232 signals and reduce the effec tive communication distance.
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
Pin Assignments
The MGate W5108/W5208 uses DB9 serial ports to connect to Modbus RTU/ASCII or DNP3 devices. Each port supports three serial interfaces tha t se le ct by software: RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 (both 2 and 4-wire).
RJ45 (Ethernet)
Pin Ethernet
1 Tx+ 2 Tx­3 Rx+ 4 – 5 – 6 Rx­7 – 8
Male DB9 (Serial port)
Pin RS-232 RS-422/RS-485-4W RS-485-2W
1 DCD TxD-(A) – 2 RxD TxD+(B) – 3 TxD RxD+(B) Data+(B) 4 DTR RxD-(A) Data-(A) 5 GND GND GND 6 DSR – 7 RTS – 8 CTS – 9
Power Input and Relay Output Pinouts
V2+ V2-
V1+ V1-
DC Power Input 2 DC Power Input 2 N.O. Common N.C. DC Power Input 1 DC Power Input 1
DI/DO Pinouts
Common Digital Input 0 Digita l Input 1 Ground Digital Output 0 Digital Output 1
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
I/O Wiring Diagram
DI Dry Contact DI Wet Contact DO (Sink)
Mounting the Unit
1. Connect the power adaptor. Connect the 12–48 VDC power line or DIN-rail power supply to the MGate W5108/W5208 device’s terminal block.
2. Use a Modbus serial cable to connect the MGate to a Modbus slave device.
3. Use an E thernet cable to connect the MGate to the PC for configuration setup.
4. The MGate W5108/W5208 is designed to be attached to a DIN rail or mounted on a wall. For DIN rail mounting, push down the spring and properly attach it to the DIN rail until it “snaps” into place. For wall mounting, install the wall mount kit (optional) first, and then screw the device onto the wall. The following figure illustrates the two mounting options:
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
Ethernet Interface
Modbus TCP, DNP3, TCP Server/C lient modes supported
Number of Ports:
10/100 Mbps, Auto MDI/MDIX
8-pin RJ45
Magnetic Isolation Protection:
1.5 kV (built-in)
Serial Interface
Modbus RTU/ASCII Master/Slave, DNP3
Number of Ports:
MGate W5108: 1 MGate W5208: 2
Serial Standards:
RS-232/422/485, software selectable
DB9 male
Pull High/Low Resistor for RS
-485: 1 kΩ, 150 kΩ
Terminator for RS
-485: 120 Ω
2 kV (built-in)
Serial Communication Parameters
Data Bits:
7, 8
Stop Bits:
1, 2
None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Flow Control:
RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF (for RAW TCP only), RTS Toggle (for RS-232 only)
50 bps to 921.6 Kbps
Serial Signals
-232: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, G ND
-422: Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND
-485-4w: Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND
-485-2w: Data+, Data-, GND
Wireless Network
Standards Compliance:
Network Modes:
Infrastructure, Ad-Hoc
Transmission Rate:
802.11a/g: 65, 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6 Mbps, auto rate
802.11b: 11, 5.5, 2, 1
Mbps, auto rate
802.11n 2.4 GHz: HT20, MCS 0
802.11n 5 GHz: HT20 & HT40 MCS 0
Transmission Distance:
Up to 100 meters (in open are as)
Antenna Connector:
Reverse SMA
TX Transmit Power (per antenna port):
2.4 GHz
• 802.11b:
1 to 11 Mbps, Typ. 16 (±1.5 dBm)
• 802.11g:
6 to 36 Mbps, Typ.16 (±1.5 dBm) 48 Mbps, Typ. 15 (±1.5 dBm) 54 Mbps, Typ. 14 (±1.5 dBm)
• 802.11n (20 MHz):
MCS0-3: Typ. 16 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) MCS4-5: Typ. 14 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) MCS6-7: Typ. 12 dBm (± 1.5 dBm)
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
5 GHz
802.11a: 6 to 36 Mbps, Typ.15 (±1.5 dBm) 48 Mbps, Typ. 15 (±1.5 dBm) 54 Mbps, Typ. 14 (±1.5 dBm)
• 802.11n (20/40 MHz):
MCS0-3: Typ. 15 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) MCS4-5: Typ. 14 dBm (± 1.5 dBm) MCS6-7: Typ. 12 dBm (± 1.5 dBm)
RX Sensitivity:
2.4 G
• 802.11b:
-92 dBm @ 1 Mbps,
-88 dBm @ 2 Mbps,
-87 dBm @ 5.5 Mbps,
-84 dBm @ 11 Mbps
• 802.11g:
-91 dBm @ 6 Mbps,
-90 dBm @ 9 Mbps,
-88 dBm @ 12 Mbps,
-86 dBm @ 18 Mbps,
-80 dBm @ 24 Mbps,
-80 dBm @ 36 Mbps,
-74 dBm @ 48 Mbps,
-73 dBm @ 54 Mbps
• 802.11n(20MHz):
-89 dBm @ MCS0
-87 dBm @ MCS1
-85 dBm @ MCS2
-81 dBm @ MCS3
-78 dBm @ MCS4
-74 dBm @ MCS5
-73 dBm @ MCS6
-71 dBm @ MCS7
5 GHz
• 802.11a:
-91 dBm @ 6 Mbps,
-90 dBm @ 9 Mbps,
-88 dBm @ 12 Mbps,
-86 dBm @ 18 Mbps,
-82 dBm @ 24 Mbps,
-81 dBm @ 36 Mbps,
-75 dBm @ 48 Mbps,
-74 dBm @ 54 Mbps
• 802.11n (20MHz):
-89 dBm @ MCS0
-87 dBm @ MCS1
-85 dBm @ MCS2
-81 dBm @ MCS3
-78 dBm @ MCS4
-74 dBm @ MCS5
-73 dBm @ MCS6
-71 dBm @ MCS7
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
• 802.11n (40MHz):
-85 dBm @ MCS0
-84 dBm @ MCS1
-81 dBm @ MCS2
-77 dBm @ MCS3
-75 dBm @ MCS4
-70 dBm @ MCS5
-69 dBm @ MCS6
-67 dBm @ MCS7
Spread Spectrum and Modulation (Typical):
OFDM (54, 48, 36,
24, 18, 12, 9, 6 Mbps)
OFDM (MCS0, MCS1, MCS2, MCS3 MCS4, MCS5, MCS6, MCS7) CCK (11 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps) DQPSK (2 Mbps) DBPSK (1 Mbps)
Operating Channels (Central frequency):
• US:
2.412 to 2.462 GHz (11 channels)
5.180 to 5.240 (4 channels)
5.260 to 5.320 (4 channels)
5.500 to 5.700 GHz (8 channels, excludes 5.600 to 5.640 GHz)
5.745 to 5.825 GHz (5 channels)
• EU:
2.412 to 2.472 GHz (13 channels)
5.180 to 5.240 (4 channels)
5.260 to 5.320 (4 channels)
5.500 to 5.700 GHz (11 channels)
• JP:
2.412 to 2.484 GHz (14 channels, DSSS)
5.180 to 5.240 (4 channels)
5.260 to 5.320 (4 channels)
5.500 to 5.700 GHz (11 channels)
Digital Input/Output
Number of DI/DO:
2 DIs and 2 DOs
6-pin terminal blocks
Digital Input
Dry Contact Level:
On: Short to GND Off: Open
Wet Contact Level (Source ty pe), (C OM to DI):
Sensor Type: NPN Off: +3 VDC max. On: +10 to 30 V
Digital Output (Sink Type):
On: Short to GND Off: OPEN to GND Driver Current: Max. 200 mA
per channel
-state voltage: 24 VDC nomina l, open collector to 30 V
Storage Card Slot:
1 microSD (SDHC) card slot supports up to 32 GB
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
Configuration Options:
Web console, Serial console, Telnet console
Device Search Utility (DSU) f or Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista,
Server 2008 (x86/x64), Windows Server 2008 R2, Wi ndows 7/ 8/8.1 (x86/ x64), Windows S erve r 2012 (x 64), Windows 2012 R2
Network protocols:
NTP, DNS, DHCP Client, SNMP (v1, v2, v3), Private MIB, ARP,
WEP encryption ( 64 or 128 bit), WPA / WPA2-Personal and Enterprise (IEEE
802.1X/RADIUS, TKIP and AES)
Physical Characteristics
Metal (IP30)
MGate W5108: 589 g MGate W5208: 738 g
MGate W5108: 45.8 x 105 x 134 mm (1.8 x 4.13 x 5.28 in) MGate W5208: 59.6 x 101.7 x 134 mm (2.35 x 4 x 5.28 in)
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature:
Standard Models: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) Wide Temp. Models:
-40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)
Storage Temperature:
-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Ambient Relative Humidit y:
5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
9 to 60 VDC
Power Connector:
Terminal block
Power Consumption:
mA @ 9 V
202 mA @ 24 V 114 mA @ 48 V 99 mA @ 60 V
Standards and Certifications
UL 61010-2-201, EN 60950-1
Hazardous Location:
UL/cUL, Class 1 Division 2, ATEX Zone 2, IECEx
Note: Certification process is und erway. Please contact a Moxa sales
representative for details.
EN 55032/24
FCC Part 15B Class A
EN 61000
-4-2 (ESD) Contact: 6 kV; Air: 8 kV
EN 61000
-4-3 (RS) 80 MHz to 1 GHz, 10 V/m
EN 61000
-4-4 (EFT) Power 4 kV; Signal 2 kV
EN 61000
-4-5 (Surge) Power 2 kV; Signal: 1 kV
61000-4-6 (CS) Level 3
EN 61000
-4-8 (PFMF) Level 3
IEC 60068-2-27
IEC 60068-2-23
IEC 60068-2-6
EN 300328, EN 301893, TELECOM CE (ETSI EN 301 893, ETSI EN 300 328), ARIB RCR STD
-33, ARIB STD-66
MGate W5108/W5208 Series Getting Started
(mean time between failures): 668,518 hrs
Alarm Functions:
SMS, relay, e-mail
Alert Tools:
Built-in buzzer
Warranty Period:
5 years
microSD Card
The MGate W5108/W5208 series gateway is equipped a microSD card slot for easy configuration. The microSD card can be used to store an MGate’s system configuration settings and the MGate’s system log. In addition, a configuration stored on a microSD card can be uploaded automatically to an MGate.
Inserting a microSD card into an MGates microSD slot results in one of two actions, depending on what kind of data is currently stored on the card
If the microSD card contains a valid configuration file, the configuration will be automatically copied to
If the microSD card
does not contain a valid configuration file (e.g., if it’s empty), the MGate’s configuration
will be copied to the microSD card.
Backing Up a Configuration
Use the following procedure to copy the configuration of an MGate gateway to a microSD card:
1. Use a PC to format the microSD card to support FAT file systems, and delete all of the data on the card.
2. Power off the MGate and insert the microSD card (make sure the microSD card is empty).
3. Power on the MGate. The current settings will be copied to the microSD card.
4. If you modify the MGate’s configuration using MGate Manager or the Web Console while the microSD card is installed in the gateway, your configuration changes will be automatically saved to the microSD card when you save the configuration.
Configuring an MGate (Mass deployment/Replacement)
Use the following procedure to copy the configuration stored on a microSD card to an MGate gateway for mass deployment or to replace a faulty unit:
1. Power off the MGate device (often a new device ) a n d insert the microSD card.
2. Power on the MGate device.
3. The configuration file stored on the microSD card will be copied automatic ally to the MGate gateway.
microSD card Write Failure
The following events will cause the microSD card to experience a write failure.
1. The microSD card has less than 20 MB of free space.
2. The MGate configuration file is read-only.
3. The microSD card’s file system is co rrupted.
4. The microSD card is damaged.
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