Moxa Technologies MGate MB3000, MGate MB3170, MGate MB3180, MGate MB3280, MGate MB3480 User Manual

MGate MB3000 Modbus G ateway
User Manual
Sixth Edition, July 2012
MGate MB3000 Modbus G ateway
User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance
with the terms of that agreement.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1-1
Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1-2
Package Checklist ................................................................................................................. 1-3
Product Features ................................................................................................................... 1-3
Chapter 2 Getting Started ......................................................................................... 2-1
Connecting Power ................................................................................................................ 2-2
Connecting Serial Devices.................................................................................................... 2-2
RS-485 Termination and Pull High/Low Resistors ...................................................... 2-3
Connecting to a Host or the Network ................................................................................... 2-3
Installing the Software .......................................................................................................... 2-3
Mounting the Unit ................................................................................................................ 2-3
Chapter 3 Hardware: MB3180 ................................................................................... 3-1
Panel Layout ......................................................................................................................... 3-2
LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 3-3
Jumpers ................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................... 3-5
DB9 (Male) ................................................................................................................... 3-5
DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting ..................................................................................................... 3-5
Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 3-6
Chapter 4 Hardware: MB3280 ................................................................................... 4-1
Panel Layout ......................................................................................................................... 4-2
LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 4-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 4-3
Jumpers ................................................................................................................................. 4-4
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................... 4-5
DB9 (Male) ................................................................................................................... 4-5
DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting ..................................................................................................... 4-5
Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 4-6
Chapter 5 Hardware: MB3480 ................................................................................... 5-1
Panel Layout ......................................................................................................................... 5-2
LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 5-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 5-3
Jumpers ................................................................................................................................. 5-4
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................... 5-5
DB9 (Male) ................................................................................................................... 5-5
DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting ..................................................................................................... 5-6
Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 5-7
Chapter 6 Hardware: MB3170, MB3170I................................................................... 6-1
Panel Layout ......................................................................................................................... 6-2
LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 6-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 6-3
Jumpers ................................................................................................................................. 6-4
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................... 6-5
DB9 (Male) ................................................................................................................... 6-5
Terminal Block (RS-422, RS-485) ............................................................................... 6-5
Power Input, Relay Output ........................................................................................... 6-6
DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting ..................................................................................................... 6-6
Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 6-7
Chapter 7 Hardware: MB3270, MB3270I................................................................... 7-1
Panel Layout ......................................................................................................................... 7-2
LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 7-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 7-3
Jumpers ................................................................................................................................. 7-4
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................... 7-5
DB9 (Male) ................................................................................................................... 7-5
Power Input, Relay Output ........................................................................................... 7-5
DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting ..................................................................................................... 7-6
Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 7-7
Chapter 8 Typical Applications ................................................................................ 8-1
Ethernet Masters with Multiple Se r ia l Sla ves....................................................................... 8-2
Serial Masters with Multiple Ethernet Slaves....................................................................... 8-2
Modbus TCP Masters with ASCII and RTU Slaves ............................................................. 8-3
Serial Master with Serial Slaves over Internet ...................................................................... 8-3
Chapter 9 Configuring the Modbus Gateway .......................................................... 9-1
Installing the Software .......................................................................................................... 9-2
Starting MGate Manager ...................................................................................................... 9-5
Change Language Settin g ............................................................................................. 9-5
Connecting to the Unit .......................................................................................................... 9-6
Broadcast Search .......................................................................................................... 9-7
Specify by IP Address .................................................................................................. 9-8
Modifying the Configuration ................................................................................................ 9-9
Configure Serial Port for RTU or ASCII, Master or Slave ......................................... 9-10
What is ProCOM? ...................................................................................................... 9-11
How to Configure ProCOM for the MGate MB3000 ................................................. 9-11
Configure IP Address and Other Network Settings .................................................... 9-14
Configure Serial Communication Parameters ............................................................ 9-16
Set up Slave ID Mapping (Smart Routing) ................................................................. 9-17
Customize Modbus Settings ....................................................................................... 9-19
Set Up Priority Control ............................................................................................... 9-21
Accessible IP .............................................................................................................. 9-22
Miscellaneous Setup ................................................................................................... 9-24
Verifying the Locatio n o f the U nit ...................................................................................... 9-25
Monitoring Modbus Activity .............................................................................................. 9-26
Open Traffic Monitor Window ................................................................................... 9-27
Filter Traffic Information ........................................................................................... 9-28
Save Log to File .......................................................................................................... 9-29
Upgrading Fir m war e .......................................................................................................... 9-30
Chapter 10 Pin Assignments .................................................................................... 10-1
DB9 (Male) ......................................................................................................................... 10-2
Terminal Block (RS-422, RS-485) ..................................................................................... 10-3
Power Input, Relay Output ................................................................................................. 10-3
Chapter 11 Case Studies .......................................................................................... 11-1
Introduction .........................................................................................................................11-2
Replace Serial Masters with Ethernet Master(s), Slave IDs are Configurable ....................11-2
Replace Serial Masters with Ethernet Master(s), Slave IDs are Fixed ................................11-3
Keep Serial Master and Add Ethernet Master(s) .................................................................11-3
Integrate Modbus RTU, ASCII, and TCP at the Same Time ...............................................11-4
Appendix A Modbus Overview ................................................................................... A-1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... A-1
Devices are Either Masters or Slaves .................................................................................. A-1
Slaves are Identified by ID .................................................................................................. A-1
Communication is by Request and Response ...................................................................... A-2
Requests Need a Time Limit ............................................................................................... A-2
Modbus Ethernet vs. Modbus Serial .................................................................................... A-3
Integrate Mo dbus Serial and Ethernet with Gateways ......................................................... A-3
Appendix B Declaration of Conformity ...................................................................... B-1
Chapter 1 Introduction
Welcome to the MGate MB3000 line of Modbus gateways. All models feature easy integration of Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU/ASCII and feature RS-232/422/485 ports for Modbus serial communication. One, two, and four-port models are available.
This chapter is an introduction to the MGate MB3000 and includes the following sections:
OverviewPackage ChecklistProduct Features
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware Reference: MB3270, MB3270I
The MGate MB3000 is a line of protocol gateways that provid es users with
seamless integration of Ethernet and serial Modbus devicespowerful operation modes to handle almost any Modbus application Windows utilities for easy setup and tr a ffic monitoring
Seamless integration of Ethernet and serial Modbus devices
Modbus is one of the most popular automation protocols in the world, supporting traditional RS-232/422/485 devices and recently developed Ethernet devices. Many industrial devices, such as PLCs, DCSs, HMIs, instruments, and meters, use Mo dbus as their communication stand a rd. However, the Ethernet-based Modbus protocol is so different from the original serial-based protocols that a communication gateway is needed as a bridge for integration.
In order to integ rat e Modbu s netw orks, t he MGate MB3000 includes an Ether net port an d up to f our serial ports that support RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 communication. It automatically and intelligently translates between Modbus TCP (Ethernet) and Modbus ASCII/R TU (serial) protocols, allowing Ethernet-based PLCs to control instruments over RS-485 without additional programmi ng or effort.
Powerful operation modes to handle almost any Modbus application
With the Modbus protocol, devices must be clearly defined as either masters or slaves. Unlike other Modbus gateways, the MGate MB3000’s operation modes allow users to select master or slave operation for each serial port. Not only does the MB3000 allow Ethernet masters to control serial slaves, it also allows serial masters to control Ethernet slaves. In additio n, the advanced models (MGate MB3170) allow both Ethernet and ser ia l slaves to be controlled by both Ethernet and serial masters. On multiport models, each serial port ’s operation mode is i ndepen dent of the oth er ports, s o that one port may be configured for slave mode and another port configured for master mode.
Extra address mapping and exception parameters are provided to ensure that most situations can be handled.
Windows utilities for easy setup and traffic monitoring
A W indows utility is provided to make configuration and operation of the MGate MB3000 as easy as possible. The utility automatically connects to all available MGate MB300 0 units o n the LAN for you. Traffic monitoring functions help you troubl eshoot Modbus communication problems by tracking items such as connection status and address translation errors.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware Reference: MB3270, MB3270I
Package Checklist
All models in the MGate MB300 0 line are shipped with the following items:
Standard Accessories
1 MGate MB3000 Modbus gateway Document & software CD Quick Installation G uide Power adaptor (MB3180 only) Product warranty statement
Optional Accessories
DK-35A: DIN-rail mounting kit (35 mm) DR-4524: 45W/2A DIN-rail 24 VDC power supply with universal 85 to 264 VAC input DR-75-24: 75W/3.2A DIN-rail 24 VDC power supply with uni ve rsal 85 to 264 VAC input DR-120-24: 120W/5A DIN-rail 24 VDC power supply with 88 to 132 VAC/176 to 264 VAC
input by switch
NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged.
Product Features
Integration of Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU/ASCII networks Up to 31 Modbus RTU/ASCII slaves per serial port Up to 32 Modbus TCP connections with Modbus RTU/ASCII masters Configuration over Et hernet with e asy-to-use Windows utility 10/100M Fast Ethernet with automatic IP setting (DHCP) Software-selectable RS-232/485/422 communication High speed serial interface supporting 921.6 Kbps Up to 16 Modbus TCP masters for Modbus RTU/ASCII slaves Automatic slave ID routing on 2 and 4-port models ProCOM: Virtual Serial Port for flexible Modbus to Modbus TCP communication
Chapter 2 Getting Started
This chapter provides basic instructions for installing the MGate MB3000. The following topics are covered:
Connecting PowerConnecting Serial Devices
RS-485 Termination and Pull High/Low Resistors Connecting to a Host or the Network Installing the SoftwareMounting the Unit
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Getting Started
Connecting Power
The unit can be powered using the A C adaptor or by conn ecting a power source to the t erminal block, depending on the model. The follo wing instructions are for the AC adaptor:
1. Plug the connector of the power adapter into the DC-IN jack on the back of the unit.
2. Plug the power adapter into an electrical outlet.
3. Follow these instructions to connect a power source to the terminal block:
4. Loosen or remove the screws on the terminal block.
5. Connect the 12~48 VDC power line to the terminal block.
6. Tighten the connections using the screws on the terminal block. Note that the unit does not have an on/off switch. It automatically turns on when it receives power.
The PWR LED o n the top panel will glow to indicate that the unit is re c e iving power. For power terminal block pin assignments, please refer to the hardware reference chapter for your
Connecting Serial Devices
The unit’s serial port(s) are located on the back panel. There are two options for connecting serial devices, depending on the serial interface:
You may use a DB9-to-DB9 cable to connect a serial device to the unit. Plug one end of the
cable into the port on the unit’s back panel and plug the other end of the cable into the device’s serial port.
You may make your own customized serial cable to co nnect a serial device to the unit. For the
pin assignments of the unit’s serial port, please refer to Chapter 10. This information can then be used to construct your own serial cable.
If you are connecting a RS-485 multidrop network with multiple devices, please note the following:
All devices that are connected to a single serial port must use the same protocol (i.e., either
Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII).
Each master device must get its own port on the unit. If you are connecti ng a network with
both master and slave devices, the master must be connected on a separate port from the slaves. Furthermore, the master will only be able to communicate to Modbus TCP slaves, not to the ASCII or RTU slaves that are connected on a different serial port.
For serial port pin assignments, please refer to the hardware reference chapter for your model.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Getting Started
RS-485 Termination and Pull High/Low Resistors
In some critical RS-485 environments, you may need to add termination resistor s to prevent the reflection of serial signals. When using ter mination resistors, it is important to set the p ull high/low resistors correctly so that the electrical signal is not corrupted. For each serial port, DIP switches or jumper settings are used to set the pull high/low resistor values. For all models except the MB3180, a built-in 120 Ω termination resistor can also be enabled.
To m odify the t ermination and pull high/low resistor settings, please refer t o the h ardware referen ce chapter for your model.
Do not use the 1 KΩ pull high/low setting on the MGate MB3000 when using the RS-232 interface. Doing so will degrade the RS-232 signals and reduce the effective communication distance.
Connecting to a Host or the Network
A 10/100BaseT Ethernet port is located on the unit’s front panel. This port is used for the unit’s connection to a host or Ethernet network, as follows:
For normal operation, use a standard straight-through Ethernet cable to connect the unit to
your Modbus TCP net work.
For initial configuration or for troubleshooting purposes, you may connect the unit directly to
a PC. In this case, use a crossover Ethernet cable to connect the unit to your PC’s Ethernet
connector. The unit’s Link LED will light up to indicate a live Ethernet connection. For advanced models (MB 3170, MB3170I, MB3270, and MB3270I), two Ethernet ports are
provided. One port can be used to connect to the network, and the other port can be used to connect to another Ethernet device.
Installing the Software
The Windows management utility is installed from the Document and Software CD. Follow the onscreen instructions after inserting the CD. For additional details, please refer to Chapter 9.
Mounting the Unit
The unit can be placed on a desktop, mounted on the wall, or mounted on a DIN-rail. The MB3180, MB3280, and MB3480 require optional attachments for DIN-rail mounti ng. For a dditional details, please refer to the hardware reference chapter for your model.
Chapter 3 Hardware: MB3180
This chapter provides hardware information for the MGate MB3180. The following topics are covered:
Panel LayoutLED IndicatorsDimensionsJumpersPin Assignments
DB9 (Male)DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting Specifications
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3180
Panel Layout
LED Indicators
Name Color Function
Steady on: Powe r is on and unit is booting up. Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or DHCP or BOOTP
server is not responding properly.
Steady on: Power is on and unit is functioning normally. Blinking: U nit is responding to software Locate function.
Off Power is off, or power error condition exists.
Orange 10 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Green 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Off Ethernet cable is disconnected, or has a short.
P1 Tx/Rx
Orange Serial port is receiving data.
Green Serial port is transmitting data.
No data is being transmitted or rec e ived through the serial port.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3180
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3180
To set the pull high/low resistors to 150 KΩ, leave jumpers JP3 and JP4 open (not shorted). This is the default setting.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 1 KΩ, short jumpers JP3 and JP4 with jumper caps.
Do not use the 1 KΩ pull high/low setting on the MGate MB3000 when using the RS-232 interface. Doing so will degrade the RS-232 signals and reduce the effective communication distance.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3180
Pin Assignments
DB9 (Male)
The MGate MB3000 uses DB9 (male) serial ports to connect Modbus RTU or ASCII devices. Each port supports three serial interfaces: RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 (both 2 and 4-wire).
Pin RS-232
RS-485 (4W)
RS-485 (2W)
DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting
Mounting on a DIN-rail: Attach the DIN-rail accessories and latch the unit onto the DIN-rail as
shown. The DIN-rail kit is ordered separately.
Mounting on the wall: Place two screws in the wall and slide the unit onto the screws as shown. The
head of each screw 6.5 mm or less in diameter, and the shaft should be 3 mm or less in diameter. Make sure to leave about 2 mm of space between the head and the wall.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3180
10/100 Mbps, RJ45, Auto MDI/MDIX
Built-in 1.5 KV magnetic isolation
Serial Interface
No. of Ports
1 port
Connector Type
DB9 (male)
Tx+, Tx -, Rx+, Rx-, GND
RS-485 (2-wire):
Data+, Data-, GND
RS-485 (4-wire)
Tx+, Tx -, Rx+, Rx-, GND
Serial Line Protection
15 KV ESD for all signals
RS-485 Data Direction
Patented ADDC™
Serial Communication Parameters
None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Data Bits
7, 8
Stop Bits
1, 2
Flow Control
Transmission Speed
50 bps to 921.6 Kbps
Software Features
Operation Mode
RTU Slave, RTU Master, ASCII Slave, ASCII Master
MGate Manager
Multi-Masters and Multi-Request
16 simultaneous TCP masters, 32 simultaneous requests for ea ch TCP master
Power Requirements
Power Input
12 to 48 VDC
Power Connector
Power jack
Power Consumption
200 mA@12 VDC, 60 mA@48 VDC
Operating Temperature
0 to 55°C (32 to 13 1°F), 5 to 95%RH
Storage Temperature
-20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F), 5 to 95% RH
5 years
Chapter 4 Hardware: MB3280
This chapter provides hardware information for the MGate MB3280. The following topics are covered:
Panel LayoutLED IndicatorsDimensionsJumpersPin Assignments
DB9 (Male)DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting Specifications
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3280
Panel Layout
LED Indicators
Name Color Function
Steady on: Power is on and unit is booting up. Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or DHCP or BOOTP
server is not responding properly.
Steady on: Power is on and unit is functioning normally. Blinking: Unit is responding to software Locate function.
Off Power is off, or power error condition exists.
Orange 10 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Green 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Off Ethernet cable is disconnected, or has a short.
P1 and P2
Orange Serial port is receiving data.
Green Serial port is transmitting data.
No data is being transmitted or rec e ived through the serial port.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3280
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3280
To add a 120 Ω termination resistor, set switch 3 on the port’s assigned DIP switch to ON; set switch 3 to OFF (the d e fault setting) to disable the terminatio n re sisto r.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 150 KΩ, set swi tches 1 and 2 on the port’s assigne d DIP switch to OFF. This is the default setting.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 1 KΩ, set switches 1 and 2 on the port’s assigned DI P switch to ON.
Switch 4 on the port's assigned DIP switch is reserved.
Do not use the 1 KΩ pull high/low setting on the MGate MB3000 when using the RS-232 interface. Doing so will degrade the RS-232 signals and reduce the effective communication distance.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3280
Pin Assignments
DB9 (Male)
The MGate MB3000 uses DB9 (male) serial ports to connect Modbus RTU or ASCII devices. Each port supports three serial interfaces: RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 (both 2 and 4-wire).
Pin RS-232
RS-485 (4W)
RS-485 (2W)
DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting
Mounting on a DIN-rail: Attach the DIN-rail accessories and latch the unit onto the DIN-rail as
shown. The DIN-rail kit is order e d separately.
Mounting on the wall: Place two screws in the wall and slide the unit onto the screws as shown. The
head of each screw 6.5 mm or less in diameter, and the shaft should be 3 mm or less in diameter. Make sure to leave about 2 mm of space between the head and the wall.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3280
10/100 Mbps, RJ45, Auto MDI/MDIX
Built-in 1.5 KV magnetic isolation
Serial Interface
No. of Ports
2 ports
Connector Type
DB9 (male)
Tx+, Tx -, Rx+, Rx-, GND
RS-485 (2-wire):
Data+, Data-, GND
RS-485 (4-wire)
Tx+, Tx -, Rx+, Rx-, GND
Serial Line Protection
15 KV ESD for all signals
RS-485 Data Direction
Patented ADDC™
Serial Communication Parameters
None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Data Bits
7, 8
Stop Bits
1, 2
Flow Control
Transmission Speed
50 bps to 921.6 Kbps
Software Features
Operation Mode
RTU Slave, RTU Master, ASCII Slave, ASCII Master
MGate Manager
Multi-Masters and Multi-Request
16 simultaneous TCP masters, 32 simultaneous requests for ea ch TCP master
Power Requirements
Power Input
250 mA@12 VDC, 90 mA@48 VDC
Power Socket
Power jack and terminal block
Power Consumption
250 mA (max.)
Operating Temperature
0 to 55°C (32 to 13 1°F), 5 to 95%RH
Storage Temperature
-20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F), 5 to 95% RH
5 years
Chapter 5 Hardware: MB3480
This chapter provides hardware information for the MGate MB3480. The following topics are covered:
Panel LayoutLED IndicatorsDimensionsJumpersPin Assignments
DB9 (Male)DIN-Rail, Wall Mounting Specifications
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3480
Panel Layout
LED Indicators
Name Color Function
Steady on: Power is on and unit is booting up. Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or DHCP or BOOTP
server is not responding properly.
Steady on: Power is on and unit is functioning normally. Blinking: U nit is responding to software Locate function.
Off Power is off, or power error condition exists.
Orange 10 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Green 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Off Ethernet cable is disconnected, or has a short.
P1, P2 P3, P4
Orange Serial port is receiving data.
Green Serial port is transmitting data.
No data is being transmitted or rec e ived through the serial port.
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3480
MGate MB3000 User’s Manual Hardware: MB3480
To add a 120 Ω termination resistor, set switch 3 on the port’s assigned DIP switch to ON; set switch 3 to OFF (the default setting) to disable the termination resistor.
To set the pull high/low resistors to 150 KΩ, set swi tches 1 an d 2 on the port’s assigne d DIP switch to OFF. This is the default setting.
T o set the pull high/low resistors to 1 KΩ, s et swit ches 1 and 2 on the port’ s assigned DIP switch to ON.
Do not use the 1 KΩ pull high/low setting on the MGate MB3000 when using the RS-232 interface. Doing so will degrade the RS-232 signals and reduc e the effective communication d istance.
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