Moxa Technologies MGate 5101-PBM-MN User Manual

MGate 5101-PBM-MN
PROFIBUS Master-to-Modbus TCP Gateway
User’s Manual
First Edition, August 2012
© 2012 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
MGate 5101-PBM-MN
PROFIBUS Master-to-Modbus TCP Gateway
User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
Copyright Notice
© 2012 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
2. Hardware .......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Function Block .................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Power Input and Relay Output Pinouts................................................................................................... 2-2
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................ 2-3
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................................. 2-4
Mounting the Unit ............................................................................................................................... 2-4
Specifications ..................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Reset Button ...................................................................................................................................... 2-6
3. Getting Started.................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Connecting Power ............................................................................................................................... 3-2
Connecting PROFIBUS Devices ............................................................................................................. 3-2
Connecting to Network ........................................................................................................................ 3-2
First Time MGate Configuration............................................................................................................. 3-2
MGate Manager Windows Utility ............................................................................................................ 3-2
Network Settings ................................................................................................................................ 3-3
Data Transfer ..................................................................................................................................... 3-3
PROFIBUS Network ............................................................................................................................. 3-3
Modbus TCP Configuration ................................................................................................................... 3-3
Configure the MGate ........................................................................................................................... 3-3
4. Configuration (MGate Manager) ........................................................................................................ 4-1
Installing the Software ........................................................................................................................ 4-2
Starting MGate Manager ...................................................................................................................... 4-4
Connecting to the Unit ......................................................................................................................... 4-6
Modifying the Configuration ................................................................................................................. 4-6
Configure Device ......................................................................................................................... 4-7
Network Settings ......................................................................................................................... 4-8
PROFIBUS Settings ...................................................................................................................... 4-9
Modbus Settings........................................................................................................................ 4-17
Data Exchange Between Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS ..................................................................... 4-20
System Settings ........................................................................................................................ 4-23
Load Default .................................................................................................................................... 4-26
Monitoring Modbus Activity ................................................................................................................ 4-27
Diagnose ......................................................................................................................................... 4-29
Create/Modify the Configuration File ................................................................................................... 4-31
Upgrading Firmware .......................................................................................................................... 4-32
Import/Export .................................................................................................................................. 4-33
5. Configuration (Web Console) ............................................................................................................ 5-1
PROFIBUS Control (System Management – Maintenance - PROFIBUS Control) ............................................ 5-2
Ping (System Management – Maintenance – Ping) .................................................................................. 5-2
Certificate (System Management –Certificate) ........................................................................................ 5-2
I/O Data View .................................................................................................................................... 5-2
PROFIBUS Live List ............................................................................................................................. 5-3
6. Configuration (Text Mode Console) ................................................................................................... 6-1
1. Introduction
Welcome to the MGate 5101-PBM-MN line of PROFIBUS to Modbus TCP gateways. All models feature easy
protocol conversion from PROFIBUS to Modbus TCP.
This chapter is an introduction to the MGate 5101-PBM-MN and includes the following sections:
Package Checklist
Product Features
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Introduction
The MGate 5101-PBM-MN is a line of protocol gateways that provides users with the following features:
Protocol conversion between PROFIBUS and Modbus TCP
MGate 5101-PBM-MN series products can be used to connect Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS devices to provide
PROFIBUS devices with remote maintenance capability.
Windows utility for easy setup and traffic monitoring
A Windows utility is provided to make configuration and operation of the MGate 5101-PBM-MN as easy as
possible. The utility uses TCP/IP network to connect MGate 5101-PBM-MN unit.
Package Checklist
All models of the MGate 5101-PBM-MN series are shipped with the following items:
Standard Accessories:
1 MGate 5101-PBM-MN PROFIBUS-to-Modbus TCP Gateway.
Documentation & Software CD.
Quick Installation Guide.
Product warranty statement.
Optional Accessories:
DR-45-24: 45W/2A DIN-rail 24 VDC power supply with universal 85 to 264 VAC input.
DR-75-24: 75W/3.2A DIN-rail 24 VDC power supply with universal 85 to 264 VAC input.
DR-120-24: 120W/5A DIN-rail 24 VDC power supply with 88 to 132 VAC/176 to 264 VAC input by switch.
WK-36-01: Wall mounting kit
Note: Notify your sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged.
Product Features
Protocol conversion between PROFIBUS and Modbus TCP
Automatic scan of PROFIBUS devices and easy configuration
Redundant dual DC power inputs and relay output supported
Embedded data packet analyzer and diagnostic tool
Web-based GUI for I/O data visualization
-40 to 75°C wide operating temperature models available
2. Hardware
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Function Block
Power Input and Relay Output Pinouts
LED Indicators
Pin Assignments
Mounting the Unit
Reset Button
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Hardware
Function Block
Power Input and Relay Output Pinouts
V2+ V2-
V1+ V1-
DC Power
Input 2
DC Power
Input 2
Common N.C.
DC Power
Input 1
DC Power
Input 1
LED Indicators
LED Color Description
Green Power is on.
Off Power is off.
Green Power is on.
Off Power is off.
Green Gateway is operational.
Red Gateway has fault status. This also includes the event
is triggered by “Auto Warning” setting such as power
lost or Ethernet link down.
Off Power is off or fault condition exists.
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Hardware
Off No data exchange
Green Data exchange with all slaves
Green, flashing Data exchange with at least one slave (not all
configured slaves can communicate with gateway)
Red Bus control error
Off No PROFIBUS configuration
Green PROFIBUS configuration OK
Off PROFIBUS master is offline
Red PROFIBUS master is in STOP mode
Green, flashing PROFIBUS master is in CLEAR mode
Green PROFIBUS master is in OPERATE mode
Green Gateway holds the PROFIBUS token
Off Gateway is waiting for the PROFIBUS token.
Amber Steady: 10Mbps, no data is transmitting.
Blinking: 10Mbps, data is transmitting.
Green Steady: 100Mbps, no data is transmitting.
Blinking: 100Mbps, data is transmitting.
Off Ethernet cable is disconnected.
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Hardware
Pin Assignments
PROFIBUS Pin Assignment
The MGate 5101-PBM-MN series use DB9 (female) serial port to connect to PROFIBUS devices.
PIN Signal Name
1 N.C.
2 N.C.
5 Signal common
6 5V
7 N.C.
9 N.C.
Console (RS-232) Pin Assignment
The MGate 5101-PBM-MN series use DB9 connector to connect to PC to configure device.
Mounting the Unit
The MGate 5101-PBM-MN series is designed to be attached to a DIN-Rail or mounted on a wall. For DIN-Rail
mounting, push down the spring and properly attach it to the DIN-Rail until it “snaps” into place. For wall
mounting, install the wall mount kit (optional) first, and then screw the device onto the wall. The following
figure illustrates the two mounting options:
Pin RS-232
9 ---
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Hardware
Power Input
Input Voltage 12 to 48 VDC
Connector 8-pin terminal block (GND, V1+, V1-, Relay NO, Relay NC, V2+, V2-), screw mounting
Ethernet Interface
Number of Ports 1
Speed 10/100 Mbps, auto MDI/MDIX
Connector RJ45
Magnetic Isolation Protection 1.5 KV built-in
Serial Console Signals
Connector Male DB9
PROFIBUS Interface
Protocol PROFIBUS DP-V1 Master
Data rate 9600 bit/s, 19.2, 93.75, 187.5, 500 kbit/s, 1.5, 3, 6 and 12 Mbit/s
Connector DB9 female
Isolation 2 KV built-in
Driver Support Windows 2000, Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 x86/x64
Physical Characteristics
Housing Metal, IP30 protection
Dimensions 36 x 105 x 140 mm (1.42 x 4.13 x 5.51 in)
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature
Standard Temp. Models 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
Wide Temp. Models -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)
Operating Humidity 5 to 95% RH
Storage Temperature -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Regulatory Approvals
Safety UL 60950-1, EN 60950-1
EMI EN 55022 Class A, FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A
EMS EN 55024,
EN 61000-4-2 (ESD) Level 3,
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Hardware
EN 61000-4-3 (RS) Level 3,
EN 61000-4-4 (EFT) Level 4,
EN 61000-4-5 (Surge) Level 3,
EN 61000-4-6 (CS) Level 3,
EN 61000-4-8,
EN 61000-4-11,
EN 61000-4-12
Shock IEC 60068-2-27
Freefall IEC 60068-2-32
Vibration IEC 60068-2-6
Alert Tools Built-in buzzer and RTC (real-time clock)
Warranty 5 years
Reset Button
To reset the MGate to the factory default settings, hold down the reset button for about 5 seconds. The MGate
will restart and be reset to factory default settings.
3. Getting Started
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Connecting Power
Connecting PROFIBUS Devices
Connecting to Network
First Time MGate Configuration
MGate Manager Windows Utility
Network Settings
Data Transfer
Modbus TCP Configuration
Configure the MGate
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Getting Started
Connecting Power
The unit can be powered by connecting a power source to the terminal block
1. Loosen or remove the screws on the terminal block.
2. Connect the 12–48 VDC power line to the terminal block. Please confirm the power source is off already.
3. Tighten the connections using the screws on the terminal block.
4. Turn on the power source.
Note that the unit does not have an on/off switch. It automatically turns on when it receives power. The PWR
LED on the top panel will glow to indicate that the unit is receiving power. For power terminal block pin
assignments, please refer to chapter 2 Power Input and Relay Output Pinout section.
Connecting PROFIBUS Devices
The unit’s PROFIBUS port(s) are located on the front panel. Use a PROFIBUS cable to directly connect the unit
to the PROFIBUS devices or PROFIBUS network. Before connecting or removing the RROFIBUS connection,
please confirm the power is turned off first.
For the PROFIBUS port pin assignments, please refer to chapter 2 Pin Assignments section. This information
can then be used to construct users own PROFIBUS cable.
Connecting to Network
Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to MGate’s 10/100M Ethernet port and the other end of the cable to the
Ethernet network. MGate will indicate a valid connection to the Ethernet in the following ways:
The Ethernet LED maintains a solid green color when connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network.
The Ethernet LED maintains a solid orange color when connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network.
The Ethernet LED will flash when Ethernet packets are being transmitted or received
First Time MGate Configuration
To configure MGate 5101-PBM-MN properly, there are several basic configurations that users have to do first.
User can get a quick overview to make the MGate work properly from the following section. For detail
information of each configuration items, please refer the chapter 4 Configuration.
MGate Manager Utility
The best way to configure the MGate 5101-PBM-MN is to use MGate Manager. In most cases, users may not
know the IP address setting when they get the MGate. For this situation users can use Ethernet cable to connect
the host and MGate directly. (Or in the same Ethernet switch. Just make sure there is no router between them)
MGate Manager can detect the MGate for users properly. If you want to use web or telnet/SSH console, you
have to configure MGate with proper IP address first. It will not be so convenient.
When you can see the MGate is in the MGate Manager devices list, now you can configure it for all options.
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Getting Started
Network Settings
The first thing to configure MGate is the network settings for communication. You must to configure the IP
address and netmask properly. If you don’t know how to configure it, you can contact the IT department for
detail configuration. Please refer to chapter 4 Network Settings section.
Data Transfer
The second thing is to configure the PROFIBUS and Modubs protocol. MGate provides the internal memory for
data transfer between PROFIBUS and Modbus. Both sides will transfer the data between the interface and this
internal memory, so users have to understand the structure of this internal memory first. Please refer to the
chapter 4 Data Exchange Between Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS section. Users have to plan how many
data they want to transfer between PROFIBUS and Modbus devices first.
In PROFIBUS interface, MGate works as the PROFIBUS master. So you have to configure the PROFIBUS
network first. Before connecting the slave devices to MGate, users need to configure all slave devices properly
such as address and I/O modules. To configure the PROFIBUS slaves for MGate, users can use the AutoScan
function in MGate Manager PROFIBUS settings to get all settings of devices which is present on the PROFIBUS
network automatically. Please refer to the chapter 4 PROFIBUS Settings section. Users also can add the I/O
module for each salve devices, and configure the proper internal memory settings manually.
To confirm the PROFIBUS slave devices work properly, users can check the LED in the front panel of MGate. If
succeed, the “PBM” LED will show steady green light. To check the I/O module data is exchanged correctly,
users can use web console I/O Data View to check MGate internal memory. The data which is used by
PROFIBUS and Modbus TCP will be displayed for verification.
If any slave devices may not work properly, users will see the “PBM” LED is flashing. Users can use MGate
Manager Diagnose to check which slave causes the problem. The Log Settings function is also another good
way to check the communication issue. If any PROFIBUS connection lost, it will record the event into system
flash memory for future verification.
Modbus TCP Configuration
In Modbus TCP interface, MGate supports master and slave configurations. Slave mode will be easier to
configure. Users need to confirm the Modbus master in remote side can send the command properly. For
master mode, users have to specify the command one-by-one manually. Again, users also have to understand
the internal memory configuration properly. Please refer to the chapter 4 Modbus Settings section.
To check the I/O module data is exchanged correctly, users can use web console I/O Data View to check
MGate internal memory. Users can use MGate Manager Diagnose to check if any Modbus TCP communication
issue happened. The invalid response or timeout issue will be displayed in the diagnose window. To confirm the
Modbus TCP connections work well, users can use web console to show all the connections information. The
Log Settings function is also another good way to check the communication issue.
Configure the MGate
MGate 5101-PBM-MN provides four ways to configure the MGate.
1. MGate Manager (Windows utility)
Use MGate Manager to configure the MGate through Ethernet or check the MGate status. Please refer to
chapter 4 Configuration for detail information.
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Getting Started
2. Web console
Use Web console to configure the MGate through Ethernet or verify the MGate status. User can use web
browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome to connect to MGate with HTTP/HTTPS
protocol. In this case the MGate IP address must be configured correctly. Note Web console doesn’t provide
the interface for all parameters. Some parameters must be configured through MGate Manager. Please
refer to chapter 5 Configuration for detail information.
3. Text mode console
Use Telnet/SSH console to configure the MGate through Ethernet or verify the MGate status. Users can use
the Telnet tool such as HyperTerminal or PuTTY to login to MGate with Telnet or SSH protocol. In this case
the MGate IP address must be configured correctly. Note Telnet/SSH doesn’t provide the interface for all
parameters. Some parameters must be configured through MGate Manager. Please refer to chapter 6
Configuration for detail information.
4. Serial console
Use serial console to configure the MGate through RS232 null modem (crossover) cable or verify the MGate
status. The interface will be same as Telnet console. Users can use the serial terminal emulation tool such
as Moxa PComm Terminal Emulator or PuTTY to login to MGate serial console. Note serial console doesn’t
provide the interface for all parameters. Some parameters must be configured through MGate Manager.
The RS-232 serial console port is located on the unit’s front panel. Please refer to chapter 6 Configuration
for detail information.
4. Configuration (MGate Manager)
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Installing the Software
Starting MGate Manager
Connecting to the Unit
Modifying the Configuration
Configure Device
Network Settings
Modbus Settings
Data Exchange Between Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS
System Settings
Load Default
Monitoring Modbus Activity
Upgrading Firmware
MGate 5101-PBM-MN UM Configuration (MGate Manager)
Installing the Software
The following instructions explain how to install MGate Manager, a utility for configuring and monitoring MGate
5101-PBM-MN units over the network.
1. Insert the Document and Software CD into the CD-ROM drive. Locate and run the following setup program
to begin the installation process:
The latest version might be named MGM_Setup_Verx.x.x_Build_xxxxxxxx.exe.
2. You will be greeted by the Welcome window. Click Next to continue.
3. When the Select Destination Location window appears, click Next to continue. You may change the
destination directory by first clicking on Browse.
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