Moxa Technologies ioThinx 4510-T, ioThinx 4510 User Manual

ioThinx 4510 Series User’s Manual
Edition 1.0, November 2018
© 2018 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
ioThinx 4510 Series User’s Manual
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Information in this document is subject to c hange witho ut no ti c e and doe s not represent a commitment on the part of Moxa.
Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the rig ht to make impro vem e nts and/o r changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual , at any time.
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties tha t may res ult fr om its use.
This product might include unintentional tec hnic al o r typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the public ation.
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xa Asia-Pacific
Safety Symbols
Indicates a high injury.
Indicates a moderate
Indicates a low injury.
Indicates a potential malfunction w hic h, if no t avoided , w ill not r esult in d am age to property .
This information is important for
-risk, imminently hazardous situation whic h, if no t avoided, will result in death or serious
risk, which, if not avoided can cause a potentially hazardous situation.
-risk, potentially hazardous situation w hi c h, if no t avoided , may res ult in minor or moderate
preventing errors.
Table of Contents
1. Preface .............................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Revision History ................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Relevant Models ................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Package Contents ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Usage Scenarios ................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Hardware and Software Requirements ................................................................................................... 1-3
Safety Precautions .............................................................................................................................. 1-3
Additional Resources ........................................................................................................................... 1-4
2. Product Overview .............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Technical Data.................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Common Specifications ................................................................................................................ 2-2
Appearance ........................................................................................................................................ 2-3
Front View .................................................................................................................................. 2-3
Physical Dimensions .................................................................................................................... 2-4
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 2-5
3. Hardware Installation ....................................................................................................................... 3-1
Wiring System and Field Power ............................................................................................................. 3-2
System Power ............................................................................................................................. 3-2
Field Power ................................................................................................................................. 3-3
Wiring Ethernet Ports .......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Wiring Serial Port(s) ............................................................................................................................ 3-4
Grounding the Unit ............................................................................................................................. 3-5
Connecting the System Power Ground ........................................................................................... 3-5
Connecting the Field Power Ground ............................................................................................... 3-5
Mounting the Unit ............................................................................................................................... 3-6
Installing the Unit on a DIN Rail .................................................................................................... 3-6
Removing the Unit from a DIN Rail ................................................................................................ 3-7
Installing Covers on the Device and the Right-Most I/O Module ......................................................... 3-8
Removing a Cover from the Right-Most Module ............................................................................... 3-8
Horizontal Installation .................................................................................................................. 3-9
Powering on the Unit ........................................................................................................................... 3-9
4. Software Tools .................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Preparing Software Tools ..................................................................................................................... 4-2
Connecting Web Console .............................................................................................................. 4-2
Preparing IOxpress Utility ............................................................................................................. 4-2
Preparing Moxa CLI Configuration Too l ........................................................................................... 4-2
Web Console ...................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Dashboard .................................................................................................................................. 4-4
System ...................................................................................................................................... 4-7
Security ................................................................................................................................... 4-10
Network ................................................................................................................................... 4-13
Module ..................................................................................................................................... 4-13
Serial Port ................................................................................................................................ 4-16
I/O .......................................................................................................................................... 4-19
Internal Register ....................................................................................................................... 4-26
Protocol ................................................................................................................................... 4-27
5. Quick Start Guide .............................................................................................................................. 5-1
Configuring the Unit ............................................................................................................................ 5-2
Login to the Unit ......................................................................................................................... 5-2
Configuring Module Settings ......................................................................................................... 5-2
Changing Device Name ................................................................................................................ 5-4
Changing Username & Password ................................................................................................... 5-4
Configuring Service Settings ......................................................................................................... 5-5
Configuring Account Settings ........................................................................................................ 5-5
Configuring Network Settings ........................................................................................................ 5-6
Configuring Serial Port & IR Settings .............................................................................................. 5-6
Configuring I/O Settings ............................................................................................................... 5-7
Configuring Modbus Address Settings ............................................................................................ 5-8
Configuring SNMP Settings ........................................................................................................... 5-9
Mass-deploying the Settings .............................................................................................................. 5-10
Updating Configuration to Multiple Units ....................................................................................... 5-13
Setting Date and Time to Multiple Units ....................................................................................... 5-14
Monitoring & Operating the Unit ......................................................................................................... 5-15
Monitoring Module & I/O Status .................................................................................................. 5-15
Monitoring Connection Status ..................................................................................................... 5-16
Exiting Safe Mode Status ............................................................................................................ 5-16
Maintaining the Unit .......................................................................................................................... 5-17
Backing up Configuration Files .................................................................................................... 5-17
Updating the Firmware ............................................................................................................... 5-17
Restarting the Unit .................................................................................................................... 5-18
Loading Factory Default Settings ................................................................................................. 5-19
A. Appendix ........................................................................................................................................... A-1
Network Port U s ag e ............................................................................................................................ A-2
Modbus/TCP Slave Rules ...................................................................................................................... A-2
Supported Function Code ............................................................................................................. A-2
Exception Code ........................................................................................................................... A-2
System Registers ........................................................................................................................ A-2
45MR-1600 (-T), 16 DIs Registers ................................................................................................. A-3
45MR-1601 (-T), 16 DIs Registers ................................................................................................. A-3
45MR-2404 (-T), 4 Relays Registers .............................................................................................. A-4
45MR-2600 (-T), 16 DOs Registers ................................................................................................ A-4
45MR-2601 (-T), 16 DOs Registers ................................................................................................ A-5
45MR-2606 (-T), 8 DIs, 8 DOs Registers ........................................................................................ A-5
45MR-3800 (-T), 8 AIs Registers ................................................................................................... A-6
45MR-3810 (-T), 8 AIs Registers ................................................................................................... A-6
45MR-4420 (-T), 4 AOs Registers .................................................................................................. A-7
45MR-6600 (-T), 6 RTDs Reg isters ................................................................................................ A-7
45MR-6810 (-T), 8 TCs Registers .................................................................................................. A-8
SNMP Rules ....................................................................................................................................... A-8
RESTful API Rules ............................................................................................................................... A-8
Supported Request Method ........................................................................................................... A-8
GET Request Components ............................................................................................................ A-9
PUT Request Components ............................................................................................................. A-9
RESTful API List .......................................................................................................................... A-9
Exception Code ......................................................................................................................... A-11
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ A-11
Forgot username & password ...................................................................................................... A-12
Forgot IP address of the unit....................................................................................................... A-12
Failed to update firmware ........................................................................................................... A-13
Failed to update configuration ..................................................................................................... A-13
Failed to access the unit through IP address & IOxpress ................................................................. A-14
Failed to Enter System Ready Mode ............................................................................................. A-14

1. Preface

In this chapter, we explain the scope of and how to use this document. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Revision History
Relevant Mo d els
Package Contents
Usage Scenarios
Hardware and Software Requirements
Safety Precautions
Additional Resources
ioThinx 4510 Series Preface
20 to 60°C operating
40 to 75°C operating

Revision History

Version Change Date
V1.0 First Release 2018-11-12

Relevant Models

This document is only applicable to the models lis te d belo w.
Model Name Description
ioThinx 4510 Advanced I/O, Ethernet network adapter, 3-in-1 serial port(s), -
ioThinx 4510-T Advanced I/O, Ethernet network adapter, 3-in-1 serial port(s), -

Package Contents

The following items are included in the produc t package.
• The ioThinx 4510 device
• Quick installation guide (Printe d )
• Warranty card

Usage Scenarios

The ioThinx 4510 Series can be used for the following applications:
1. PLC I/O expansion The ioThinx 4510 Series can be used to expand the number of I/O points on a P LC.
2. Remote I/O The ioThinx 4510 Series can be accessed by master software, such as SCADA software, using IT or OT
protocols to collect I/O data.
3. Modbus Gateway The ioThinx 4510 Series has one or more serial ports to connect se rial d evices. It collects serial data using
a Mod bus RTU master p rotocol, which ca n be accessed b y a PLC or mast er software wit h IT or OT protoc ols.
ioThinx 4510 Series Preface
Never work on the device while the power source is switched on
power sources to the device
Disconnect the p
replace components, or disconnect equipment unless the
area is known to be free of ignitable substances.
• If you connect or disconnect the Removable Terminal Block when field power is applied, an electrical arc can sure that power is removed
• If you connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on, an electr ic al arc can occur . This could cause an
This unit is sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge, which can cause internal damage and affect operations. Follow these guidelines when you handle this unit:
Check the voltage
the voltage provided by the power source matches

Hardware and Software Requirements

You will need the following har dware an d software to use the ioThinx 4510 Series.
• A power source that pr ov ides 12 to 48 VDC, and power w ir es
• A PC running a Windows OS with Chrome installed and an Ethernet cable
• 45MR modules, if available
• IOxpress software utility (op tional)
• Moxa CLI Configuration Tool (optional)

Safety Precautions

Please observe the following safety precautions when installing and using the ioThinx 4510 Series:
performing installation, repair, or maintenance work.
ower when you want to remove or
occur. This could cause an explosion when installed in hazardous locations. En or the area is nonhazardous before installation.
explosion in hazardous environments. Ensure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before installation.
Do not disconnect the unit unless the power has been disconnected or the area is known to be
nonhazardous. In a hazardous area, the unit must be powered down befo re remov i ng it.
. Disconnect all
Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static. Wear an approved grounding wristband . Do not touch connectors or pins on component boards . Do not touch circuit components inside the equi p ment. Use a static-safe workstation, if ava ilab le . Store the device in appropriate static-safe packag ing when not in use.
voltage required by the device.
supplied by the powe r source. Make sure
ioThinx 4510 Series Preface
Check the voltage or current of the sensors or loads. sensors or loads co
Connect your device to an earthed ground.
Do not use the device if the device is already
your devices function properly
Do not attempt to repair the
return the device to Moxa’s
service department. Attempting to repair the device yourself could invalidate the device’s warranty
rresponds to the specifications of your 45M module before you connect the device.
device yourself. If your device needs to be r epai r ed,

Additional Resource s

Make sure the voltage and/or current indicated on the
damaged. Replace defective or damaged d evices to ensure th
Refer to the following documents for additio nal info rmation.
• Datasheets for the following products:
ioThinx 4510 SeriesioThinx 4500 Series (45MR) Modules
• User’s Manual for the following produc ts :
ioThinx 4500 (45M) Module SeriesMoxa CLI Con figuration Tool

2. Product Overview

In this chapter, we give an overview of each of the 45MR modules. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Technical Data
Common Specifications
F ront View Phy s ic a l D im e ns ions
LED Indicators
ioThinx 4510 Series Product Overview
Input/Output Int erface
Expansion Modul es
Note: Compatible with 45MR Series only
Ethernet Interface
10/100BaseT(X) Ports (RJ45 connector)
Ethernet Software Features
Industr ial Protocols
Modbus TCP Server (Slave) RESTful API SNMPv1/v2c/v3
Serial Interface
Serial Standards:
Wiring: 16 to 28 AWG
Serial Software Features
Industrial Protocols:
System Power Parameter
Input Voltage:
Field Power Parameter
Physical Characteristics
Installation: DIN-rail
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature:
Standard Models: Wide Temp. Models:

Technical Data

Common Specifications

: Up to 32
: 2
1 x RS-232/422 or 2 x RS-485 (2-wire)
Removable Terminal block
Modbus RTU Client (master)
12 to 48 VDC
Removable terminal block
12 to 26 AWG
Voltage: 12/24 VDC
Removable terminal block
12 to 26 AWG
42.3 x 99 x 75 mm (1.67 x 3.9 x 2.69 in)
-20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
-40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)
ioThinx 4510 Series Product Overview


Front View

ioThinx 4510 Series Product Overview

Physical Dimensions

Unit: mm (in)
ioThinx 4510 Series Product Overview
Off: power off
Refer to
in the troubleshooting section for addition information

LED Indicators

Labeling Indication LED Qty LED Color LED Action
1 Green
On: power on
FP Field Power 1 Green
L1/L2 Ethernet 1 for each Green/Amber
P1/P2 Serial 1 for each Green/Amber
System (Kernel)
Failed to Enter System Ready Mode
the system recovery process.
1 Green/Red
THE POWER OR NETWORK CABLE when the RDY LED is blinking slowly.
On: power on Off: power off Green: system ready Green slow blinking: booting up Red: system error or module mismatch Red slow blinking: loading factory def ault settings, upgrading firmware, or system recovery Red fast blinking: safe mode Off: power off Green: 100mb Amber: 10mb Blinking: data transmitting Off: disconnected Green: Tx Amber: Rx Non-simultaneous blinking: data transmitting Off: disconnected or no data transmitting

3. Hardware Installation

In this chapter, we describe how to install the 45MR modules. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Wiring System and Field Power
S y s te m Power F i e ld Pow er
Wiring Ethernet Por t s Wiring Serial Port(s) Grounding the Unit
C o nne cting the System Power Ground C o nne cting the Field Power Ground
Mounting the Unit
Installing the Unit on a DIN Rail R e moving the Unit from a DIN Rail Installing Covers on the Device and the Right-Most I/O Module Removing a Cover from the Right-Most Module Horizontal Installation
Powering on t he Unit
ioThinx 4510 Series Hardware Installation
power supply. If only one of the
are isolated from each other between them is recommended.
Install the 45MR
the module where the power consumption would be exceeded.
To avoid damaging your devices, r
the same time

Wiring System and Field Power

Wire range: 12 to 26 AWG (Ferrule diameter: 2.0 to 0.4 mm) Wire strip length: 10 mm
Unit: mm (in.)
owering the unit requires connecting both the s ystem and field power to the
sources is connec te d, the device may not work properly.
e recommended using different power supplies to ensure that the system power and field power
. If using the same power supply for system power and field power, 3 KV or above isola tio n

System Power

This device requires a 12 to 48 VDC system power input. The system power powers this device and the expansion modules via an inte r na l b us , which is g alv a nic ally c o nnecte d to the syste m power supply.
The amount of system current required to support an expansio n mod ule is 1 A. If more modules and more power consumption is needed, an additional power module (45MR -7210) is required. Below is an example:
• 10 x 45MR-1600 (59.4 mA) = 594 mA
• 5 x 45MR-3810 (187 mA) = 935 mA The total system current is 1.594 A, which is greater than 1 A. Therefore, an additional 45MR-7210 is needed.
-7210 to the left hand side of
eset all power su pplies c onnect ed to this device and 45MR-7210 modules
ioThinx 4510 Series Hardware Installation
The 12/24 VDC field power supply can be connected directly to 45MR modules. If more connection points are needed, purchase 45MR
Rx+ (receive)

Field Power

This device provides 12/24 VDC field power input, which is a passive power supply without protection and the maximum current output is 2 A.
-7820 (8 x FP+ and 8 x FP-) modules.

Wiring Ethernet Ports

The maximum cable length of a 10/100BaseT connection is usually stated as 100 m (350 feet), but the actual limit for your application could b e longer or shorte r d epe nding on the amount of electrical noise in the environment. To minimize the amount of noise, Ethernet cables should not run parallel to power cables or other types of cables that generate electrical noise. The following diagram and table shows the pin assignments for the RJ45 Ethernet ports:
Pin Media Direct Interface Signal
1 Tx+ (transmit) 2 Tx- (transmit)
4 Not used 5 Not used 6 Rx- (receive) 7 Not used 8 Not used
ioThinx 4510 Series Hardware Installation
Connect the signal device units. For insulated wire (shielding cable)
electrical noise, connect the cable shield
drain wire to the chassis ground.
To ensure that wires are
of insulation off the
ends of the wires before connecting them to the terminal b lock

Wiring Serial Port(s)

Wire range: 16 to 28 AWG (Ferrule diameter: 1.2 to 0.3 mm) Wire strip length: 9.0 mm
Unit: mm (in.)
Pin RS-232 RS-422 RS-485 (P1/P2)
common pin (e.g. GND pin on the serial port pin assig nme nt) betw een e ach of the serial
that is used to reduce
securely connected to terminal block connectors, strip 7 to 9 mm
ioThinx 4510 Series Hardware Installation

Grounding the Unit

This device has two ground pins. One pin is for system power and the other pin is for field power.

Connecting the System Power Ground

The system power ground connector is at the back of the unit. Once the device has been installed on a DIN rail, the system power ground connector will connect to the DIN rail.
or surge protection, connect the DIN rail to earth ground.

Connecting the Field Power Ground

Connect the field power ground pin ( ) to your field power ground.
ioThinx 4510 Series Hardware Installation
Be sure to codes dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size. If currents exceed the maximum rating, the wires will overheat
equipment. For safety reasons, we recommend
using 2
Never install the device while the power source is switche d on
note the maximum possible current for each power wire and common wire. Observ e all elec trical
, which could cause serious damage to your
mm diameter wire to connect to the power supply (e.g., 12 AWG).

Mounting the Unit

In this section, we describe how to mount the device on a DIN rail and how to unmount the device from a D IN rail.

Installing the Unit on a DIN Rail

Take the following steps to install the unit on a DIN rail. Step 1: Hook the mounting clip of the unit onto the DIN rail, and then lo wer the clip onto the DIN rail. At least
55 mm of space above the DIN rail should be kept free to ensure that the ins ta llation can be done correctly.
Step 2: Push the unit towards the DIN rail until the end of the mounting clip snaps into place.
ioThinx 4510 Series Hardware Installation
the I/O module is inserted into the correct position, the connection between the internal bus and
the previous module is established.
before removing the

Removing the Unit from a DIN Rail

Take the following steps to remove the unit from a DIN rail.
Step 1: Use your finger to pull the release tab on the lower part of the module.
Step 2: Press the release tab (item 1 in the figure) and then remove the CPU module from the DIN rail (item
2 in the figure).
isconnect all connections, including Ethernet, serial, and power cables, from the device
from the DIN rail.
ioThinx 4510 Series Hardware Installation
The covers provide protection against

Installing Covers on the Device and the Right-Most I/O Module

Insert the covers on the left side of the device and on the right side of the I/O module that is installed furthest to the right. Make sure the covers cover the internal bus of the module.
electrostatic discharge.

Removing a Cover from the Right-Most Module

Before adding a new module to the right-most module, remove the cove r fir s t. Plac e your hand on the cover and slide it up as indicated in the diagram below.
ioThinx 4510 Series Hardware Installation
DO NOT install the device vertically

Horizontal Installation

Before installing the device, ensure there is enoug h space aro und the de v ice so that it can diss ipate heat. In order to ensure the device works properly, we suggest reserving the space shown in the figure below.
, as the fan-less heat dissipation design will no t perf orm as inte nded.

Powering on the Unit

After turning on the power supply, it will take 5 to 10 seconds for the operating system to boot up. The green Ready LED will illuminate continuously until the operating system is ready.

4. Software Tools

In this chapter, w e introduce which software tools can be used with this dev ic e . The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Preparing Software Tools
C o nne cting Web Console Preparing IOxpress Utility Pr e paring Moxa CLI Configuration Tool
Web Console
Dashboard System Security Network Module S e r i al Por t I/O Internal Register Protocol
ioThinx 4510 Series Software Tools
. If the IP address is not available, use
the IOxpress utility to search
by holding down the
RESET button to access the device through

Preparing Software Tools

Connecting Web Console

The Web Console is already embedded in this device. Use the web con sole to check the device status, configure settings, or update the firmware of the device. Follow the steps be low to conne c t to the web console.
1. Connect the devic e to your PC thro ugh an Ethernet cable.
2. Power on the unit.
3. Open a web browser (Chrome is recommended) on y ou r PC, and type the default IP address shown on the model label of the unit.
in the IP addres s (if the IP address is not set by default)
for the device, or load the factory default settings

Preparing IOxpress Utility

The IOxpress Utility can be downloaded from the Moxa website at After downloading the file, unzip it and run setup.exe. The installation pro gr a m will g uid e yo u thro ugh the ins tall ation process.
The IOxpress utility c a n be used for any of the purposes below. Multiple devices can be used at one time.
• Update configurations to the device
• Get configurations from the device
• Update firmware of the device
• Set device date and time
• Restart the device
• Load the factory default settings Refer to the Mass-deploying the Settings section for detailed instructions.
ioThinx 4510 Series is only compatible with IOxpress v2.2 or later.
the default IP address.

Preparing Moxa CLI Configuration Tool

Moxa CLI Configuration Tool (MCC_Tool) can be downloaded from the Moxa website at After downloading the file, unzip it and run setup.exe. The installation program will guide you through the installation process.
It is a command line tool that provides the following functions to manage field devices.
• Report firmware versions
• Upgrade firmware
• Import/export configura tio n files
• Change password Management tasks can be performed ac cording t o which devi ces the u ser requir es (1 for single device or 1 for
multiple devices) and across differe nt s ubnet ne tworks. Refer to Moxa CLI Configuration Tool User’s Manual for detailed instructions.
ioThinx 4510 Series Software Tools
Whenever any configuration is modified, the
Save &
For security unattended.

Web Console

The Web Console is the main software tool to configure, monitor , and operate a device. If mass deploying to multiple devices is required, use IOxpr ess util ity ins te a d .
The Web Console is divided into three regions :
1. Title Panel: It provides Login, Save & Restart, and Logout functions.
2. Menu panel: It provides access to config ure the func tions or services.
3. Web page panel: The web page associated with the function selected in the Menu panel.
to make the changes effective.
reasons, click Logout when no longer accessing this device. DO NOT leave the web console
Save & Restart will become red and blink. Click
ioThinx 4510 Series Software Tools


The dashboard provides information about the system, modules, I/Os, and the connection status. It also allows you to exit the safe mode status or to change the I/O status.
System Information
The one page system information provides detaile d inf or mation for this device. For information regarding modules and I/Os, click Module & I/O to get the detailed information. For the status of external connections, click Connection to get the detailed information.
Exit Safe Mode: Manually exit the safe mode status of this device. Refer to the Security section for more information about the Safe Mode function.
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