Moxa Technologies ioLogik W5300 User Manual

ioLogik W5300 Series User’s Manual
Ninth Edition, April 2014
© 2014 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
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© 2014 Moxa Inc., All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Architecture ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Using Active OPC Server to Resolve Dynamic IP Addresses ............................................................... 1-2
Resolving Dynamic/Private IP Issues with DDNS.............................................................................. 1-3
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-4
Appearance ........................................................................................................................................ 1-4
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-5
Product Selection Guide ....................................................................................................................... 1-6
Product Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 1-6
Common Specifications ................................................................................................................ 1-6
ioLogik W5312/W5312-T Specifications .......................................................................................... 1-7
ioLogik W5340/W5340-T/W5340-HSPA/W5340-HSPA-T .................................................................... 1-8
2. Getting Started.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Before Testing .................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Installing the ioAdmin Utility ................................................................................................................ 2-2
Laboratory Testing .............................................................................................................................. 2-3
Grounding the Unit ...................................................................................................................... 2-3
Connecting to a Power Source ....................................................................................................... 2-3
Connecting to ioAdmin via Ethernet ...................................................................................................... 2-3
Configuring the Computer’s IP Address .......................................................................................... 2-3
Activating ioAdmin and connecting to the ioLogik ............................................................................ 2-4
Configuring Digital I/O Channels ........................................................................................................... 2-6
Connecting I/O Devices ................................................................................................................ 2-7
Testing I/O Devices ..................................................................................................................... 2-8
DIN Rail / Wall Mounting .............................................................................................................. 2-9
Installing/Removing SIM and SD Cards .......................................................................................... 2-9
Connecting the ioLogik W5300 to a Cellular Network...................................................................... 2-10
Installing AOPC on a Host with a Static IP Address ........................................................................ 2-11
Import/Export a Configuration File ...................................................................................................... 2-12
Using ioAdmin to Import/Export a Device Configuration ................................................................. 2-12
3. The ioAdmin Utility ............................................................................................................................ 3-1
System Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Key Features ............................................................................................................................... 3-2
Using the ioAdmin Utility ..................................................................................................................... 3-3
The ioAdmin Utility Window .......................................................................................................... 3-3
ioAdmin Menu Bar ....................................................................................................................... 3-3
The Wiring Guide ......................................................................................................................... 3-6
ioAdmin Quick-Link Buttons .......................................................................................................... 3-7
ioAdmin Navigation Panel .................................................................................................................... 3-7
Main Window .............................................................................................................................. 3-9
Synchronization Rate Status Bar ................................................................................................. 3-10
ioAdmin Status Bar .................................................................................................................... 3-10
ioAdmin Configuration Panels ............................................................................................................. 3-11
The Server Settings Panel .................................................................................................................. 3-11
The LAN Settings Panel ..................................................................................................................... 3-12
The I/O Configuration Panel ............................................................................................................... 3-13
Configuring AI Channels ............................................................................................................. 3-13
Configuring Digital I/O Channels ................................................................................................. 3-15
Configuring Digital Input Channels .............................................................................................. 3-16
Configuring Digital Output / Relay Output Channels ....................................................................... 3-18
Testing DI and DO Channels ....................................................................................................... 3-19
The I/O Expansion Panel .................................................................................................................... 3-20
I/O Expansion: Step-by-Step ...................................................................................................... 3-21
The Active Tags Panel ....................................................................................................................... 3-23
Active OPC: Redundancy Mode .................................................................................................... 3-23
The Cellular Settings Panel................................................................................................................. 3-26
Dial-up Setting .......................................................................................................................... 3-26
Caller IDs ................................................................................................................................. 3-26
Operation Mode ......................................................................................................................... 3-27
DDNS Settings .......................................................................................................................... 3-27
VPN Settings Panel (ioLogik W5340-HSPA(-T) only) ....................................................................... 3-28
VPN System Log Events and Error Codes ...................................................................................... 3-32
Cellular Reconnection ................................................................................................................. 3-33
Meter/Sensor ............................................................................................................................ 3-34
Network Statistics ..................................................................................................................... 3-35
Watchdog Panel ........................................................................................................................ 3-35
Click&Go Logic Panel .................................................................................................................. 3-36
4. Click&Go Logic .................................................................................................................................. 4-1
To Get a Quick Start… ......................................................................................................................... 4-2
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Features ..................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Click&Go Logic Basics .................................................................................................................. 4-3
Working with the Rules ................................................................................................................ 4-4
Click&Go Development Process ............................................................................................................. 4-4
I/O Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 4-4
Configurable DIO Channel Mode Selection ...................................................................................... 4-4
Digital Input Mode Selection ......................................................................................................... 4-5
Digital Output Mode Selection ....................................................................................................... 4-6
Analog Input Mode Selection ......................................................................................................... 4-6
Alias Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 4-7
Testing the I/O Channels .............................................................................................................. 4-7
Defining Global Variables ..................................................................................................................... 4-8
Internal Register (Integer) Settings ............................................................................................... 4-8
Timer Settings ............................................................................................................................ 4-8
SN M P Tr a p Server........................................................................................................................ 4-9
E-Mail Server .............................................................................................................................. 4-9
Active Message Server ............................................................................................................... 4-10
SMS Phone Book ....................................................................................................................... 4-10
Working/Off Working Days .......................................................................................................... 4-11
FTP Settings ............................................................................................................................. 4-11
Data Logging Profile List ............................................................................................................. 4-12
Internal Register (Float) Settings................................................................................................. 4-14
Working with Logic ........................................................................................................................... 4-15
Click&Go Logic Basics ................................................................................................................ 4-15
IF…THEN/ELSE Conditionals ........................................................................................................ 4-17
THEN/ELSE Actions .................................................................................................................... 4-23
Activating the Rule-set ...................................................................................................................... 4-30
Upload, Restart, and Run ........................................................................................................... 4-30
Rule-set Management Bar .......................................................................................................... 4-31
Import/Export Configuration .............................................................................................................. 4-31
5. Planning and Assistance.................................................................................................................... 5-1
Known Issues of Cellular Monitoring Systems ......................................................................................... 5-2
Active OPC Server with a Static IP Address ............................................................................................ 5-3
Cellular Remote I/O Architecture .......................................................................................................... 5-4
Using ioAdmin to Perform Simple Data Monitoring from a Remote Site ...................................................... 5-4
Expanding Input/Output Channels ........................................................................................................ 5-6
Using Modbus/TCP Protocol with Your Program ....................................................................................... 5-8
Using the Counter to Get Meter Readings and Statistics ......................................................................... 5-10
Record your I/O Data in the Data Log File ............................................................................................ 5-11
Connecting a Modbus/RTU Serial Device Attached to the ioLogik over a Cellular Network ........................... 5-18
Connecting to a SCADA System .......................................................................................................... 5-18
Updating Serial Tags to SCADA System with Active OPC Server over a Cellular Network ............................ 5-20
Handling Front-End Events and Alarms ................................................................................................ 5-21
SMS Escalation and Acknowledgement ................................................................................................ 5-22
SMS Commands for Monitoring and Control ......................................................................................... 5-25
Enabling the Power Saving Function and Secure Wake on Call ................................................................ 5-26
Enabling Ethernet and Cellular Redundancy.......................................................................................... 5-26
A. Pin-outs and Cable Wiring ................................................................................................................. A-1
Pinouts .............................................................................................................................................. A-2
CN1: SMA, Cellular Antenna Connector .......................................................................................... A-2
CN2: DB9, Male, RS-232 Connector ............................................................................................... A-2
CN3: RJ-45, Ethernet Connector.................................................................................................... A-2
TB1: Power Input Terminal Block ................................................................................................... A-3
TB2: I/O Terminal Block (W5340) .................................................................................................. A-3
TB3: 5-pin, 4-wire/2-wire RS-422/485 Terminal Block...................................................................... A-3
TB2: I/O Terminal Block (W5312) .................................................................................................. A-4
Cable Wiring ...................................................................................................................................... A-4
Digital Input Dry Contact .............................................................................................................. A-4
Digital Input Wet Contact ............................................................................................................. A-4
Digital Output Sink Mode .............................................................................................................. A-5
Relay Output .............................................................................................................................. A-5
Analog Input ............................................................................................................................... A-5
B. SMS Commands ................................................................................................................................. B-1
SMS Command Syntax: ....................................................................................................................... B-2
SMS Command Table .......................................................................................................................... B-2
C. Modbus/TCP Address Mapping .......................................................................................................... C-1
ioLogik W5340 and ioLogik W5340-HSPA Modbus Mapping....................................................................... C-2
0xxxx Read/Write Coils (support functions 1, 5, 15) ........................................................................ C-2
1xxxx Read only Coils (supports function 2) ................................................................................... C-6
3xxxx Read-only Registers (supports function 4) ............................................................................. C-7
4xxxx Read/Write Registers (supports functions 3, 6, 16) ................................................................. C-8
5xxxx Write Registers (supports function 8) .................................................................................. C-18
ioLogik W5312 Modbus Mapping ......................................................................................................... C-19
0xxxx Read/Write Coils (supports functions 1, 5, 15) ..................................................................... C-19
1xxxx Read only Coils (supports function 2) ................................................................................. C-24
3xxxx Read only Registers (supports function 4) ........................................................................... C-24
4xxxx Read/Write Registers (supports functions 3, 6, 16) ............................................................... C-26
5xxxx Write Registers (supports function 8) .................................................................................. C-38
D. SNMP Agents with MIB II, RS-232-like Groups ................................................................................. D-1
E. Factory Default Settings .................................................................................................................... E-1
F. Troubleshooting the Cellular I/O Connection .................................................................................... F-1
G. FAQ ................................................................................................................................................... G-1
1. Introduction
Moxa’s ioLogik W5300 series of programmable remote I/O solutions are stand-alone devices with full cellular
communications designed for remote monitoring applications. Using Moxa’s patented Active OPC Server with
push communications technology, ioLogik W5300 economically solve the problem with identification and
addressing that remote, private networks carried over cellular communications typically have with dynamic IP
Throughout this
user's manual, we use ioLogik W5300 to refer to one of any of the product models in the
ioLogik W
5300 series.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Using Active OPC Server to Resolve Dynamic IP Addresses
Resolving Dynamic/Private IP Issues with DDNS
Product Features
Package Checklist
Product Selection Guide
Product Specifications
Common Specifications
ioLogik W5312/W5312-T Specifications
ioLogik W5340/W5340-T/W5340-HSPA/W5340-HSPA-T
ioLogik W5300 Introduction
Cellular networks usually run in a dynamic IP environment with private IP addresses assigned by the cellular
service provider. To allow private networks to get around the connectivity issues raised by edge devices
configured with dynamically assigned private IP addresses, typically operators purchase high-cost static IP
addresses for each device, with IPs provided by a DDNS or VPN service purchased from an MVNO (Mobile
Virtual Network Operator). Even with DDNS technology, SCADA systems need to assign resources to manage
the DDNS servers. As an alternative, Moxa’s Cellular remote I/O devices use Moxa’s proprietary “push”
technology, called Active OPC Server. With Moxa’s powerful Active OPC Server support, communications
efficiency between ioLogik W5300 devices and the central SCADA are substantially improved. Moxa’s Active
OPC Server’s non-polling communications architecture supports the standard OPC protocol, but instead of
requiring the SCADA to poll edge devices it allows edge devices to actively push communications to the central
HMI/SCADA system, empowering the network with real time I/O updates while substantially cutting network
Unlike the requirements of a traditional OPC server (where remote I/O devices must use a static IP so they may
be successfully polled), Active OPC Server and ioLogik products allow engineers the flexibility of configuring
edge devices with dynamic IP addresses. Even when using DHCP addressing, ioLogik devices can push
messages back to the OPC server, allowing wide area I/O networks using dynamic IP cellular accounts. Using
traditional polling OPC applications, I/O devices cannot make use of this approach.
Using Active OPC Server to Resolve Dynamic IP Addresses
With its push communications capabilities, Active OPC Server can be configured to become a cellular gateway
that enables direct communications from the edge back to the core. By configuring the Active OPC Server with
a static address, remote I/O devices may push their IP addresses back to the OPC server and thus register with
the SCADA over a cellular network. In this way, edge devices can communicate their new IP address directly,
easily sidestepping dynamic IP addressing issues. The topology is illustrated below:
ioLogik W5300 Introduction
Each time it reassocaites with a cellular network, an edge device will most likely receive a new IP address from
the carrier. Each time it reassociates, regardless of whether the ioLogik device uses a public IP or private IP, it
will automatically register with the Active OPC Server (which has a static IP address). After registering, the
entire network can be managed by one centralized AOPC server. Thereafter, all I/O data can be read or written
via one powerful cellular device gateway.
The ioLogik W5300 allows you to use a variety of methods to connect with your application software, including
Modbus, OPC client/server, and SNMP. You can also configure AOPC server to send alarms by TCP/UDP, SMS,
and email. For example, if you are using a SCADA application to monitor your system, you can use the OPC
client/server architecture.
Active OPC Server and ioLogik W5300 series products also automatically generate tags, to eliminate the
headache of specifying individual IP addresses, I/O channels, and data formats one by one, or of editing and
importing configuration text files. Instead, Active OPC Server automatically creates the tags for a target ioLogik.
All you need to do is select the channels to be updated from the Active OPC Server. Generally speaking, tag
generation is 50 times faster on Active OPC Server compared to a traditional OPC server, making extra training
for installation and configuration of the OPC no longer a requirement.
The traditional polling architecture occupies more network bandwidth, which results in longer response times.
In comparison, cellular-enabled ioLogik units use push communications, and can report active messages
when predefined events occur. This event-driven logic successfully speeds up I/O response times, allows for
more precise I/O access, and relieves network bandwidth and CPU loading burdens.
Resolving Dynamic/Private IP Issues with DDNS
In addition to using Active OPC Server to register an ioLogik W5300 with SCADA over a dynamic IP cellular
connection, you may also use DDNS to configure the device with a unique URL. The ioLogik W5300 can be
configured to register a DNS hostname (i.e. – URL) with DDNS, and thereby convert a dynamic IP to a
publicized address. In this way, centralized control software will be able to connect to the remote ioLogik
W5300 without requiring a fixed IP or VPN service from a network provider.
Device features are dependent on the firmware version. Be sure to use firmware version V1.3 or above for the
ioLogik W5312 series, and V1.5 or above for the ioLogik W5340 series.
ioLogik W5300 Introduction
The ioLogik W5300 combines a cellular modem, a data logger, and a remote I/O device into one compact
box, dramatically reducing the amount of effort required to integrate devices from multiple vendors. The
cellular interface supports tri-band HSPA/UMTS and quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE frequencies, offering a full
spectrum of 3G mobile communication services. The cellular remote I/O unit provides I/O and serial data
logging onto an SD card that can support up to 32 GB of storage space. Multiple options are available to
remotely retrieve data logs, such as FTP, e-mail, and Moxa’s DA-Center™. In addition, this cellular remote I/O
unit is a programmable device that supports Click&Go™ control logic for constructing customized control
systems. The ioLogik W5300 is a rugged device with tolerance for a wide range of temperatures, well suited for
hard-to-wire remote monitoring and alarm applications such at unmanned sites like riversides and pipelines.
Product Features
Trouble-free connections to cellular networks
Automatic data update from SD cards following network failure
Front-end intelligence for event handling
Intelligent SMS alarms and SMS commands
Friendly serial device connectivity
Network redundancy
WAN-to-LAN extension with port forwarding
Secure wake on call
I/O expansion capability
The reset button restarts the server and resets all settings to factory defaults. Use a pointed object such as
a straightened paper clip to hold the reset button down for 5 sec. The RDY LED will turn red as you are holding
the reset button down. The factory defaults will be loaded once the RDY LED turns green again. You can then
release the reset button.
ioLogik W5300 Introduction
LED Indicators
Function Description Mark
Power Input OFF: No Power PWR
Green: Power On
Connection Status OFF: Disconnected or in “On Demand” Mode GPRS or LINK
Amber: Connected and “Always ON”
Blinking: Connected with Active OPC Server
System Status Green: System Ready READY
Ready LED is blinking and Fault LED is not lit: Click&Go is
Ready LED is blinking and Fault LED is blinking: Safe Mode
Communication Activity
(ioLogik W5312,
ioLogik W5340 only)
OFF: No communication DATA
Green: Cellular modular sending/receiving serial TX/RX
command signal
System Fault Status RED: I/O out of work FAULT
OFF: Function Normal
Blinking: Safe Mode
Signal Status OFF: No signal, or No SIM Card SIGNAL
1 Green LED: Weak or insufficient (SMS only)
2 Green LEDs: Average (good for cellular connections)
3 Green LEDs: Excellent Signal
Physical Dimensions (unit = mm)
Package Checklist
The ioLogik W5300 is shipped with the following items:
Standard Accessories
ioLogik W5300
3-pin screw terminal block x 1 (for power input)
12-pin screw terminal blocks x 2 (for I/O)
5-pin screw terminal block x 1 (for RS-485)
Installation CD
NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.
ioLogik W5300 Introduction
Product Selection Guide
The cellular-ennabled ioLogik W5300 series of remote I/O units includes the ioLogik W5312, ioLogik W5340,
and ioLogik W5340-HSPA. Their respective features are broken down in the following table:
I/O Combination
Data Logger
W5300 Series Common Specification
W5312 -10 to 55°C 0 8 8 4 0
1, RS-232/
1, RJ45
Yes, with an
additional SD
W5340 -10 to 55°C 4 0 0 8 2
W5340-HSPA -10 to 55°C 4 0 0 8 2
W5312-T -30 to 70°C 0 8 8 4 0
W5340-T -30 to 70°C 4 0 0 8 2
W5340-HSPA-T -20 to 70°C 4 0 0 8 2
Note: Click on a model name to see specifications relevant to that particular model.
Product Specifications
Common Specifications
ARM9 based CPU, 32-bit/160 MHz
• ioLogik W5312: 4 MB
• ioLogik W5340: 2 MB
Expansion Slot:
Up to 32 GB SD™ memory card (SD 2.0 compatible)
Note: For units operating in extreme temperatures, industrial grade, wide
-temperature SD cards are required.
ioLogik W5312/W5340: Quad
-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
W5340-HSPA: Five band UMTS/HSPA+ 800/850/AWS/1900/2100 MHz
• Up to 5.76 Mbps upload speed.
• Up to 14.4 Mbps download speed.
• Up to 384k bps upload/download speed.
• Multi
-slot class: Class 12
• Coding schemes: CS1 to CS
• Terminal device class: Class B
Point-to-Point Text/PDU mode
SIM Control Voltage:
3 V / 1.8 V
1 x 10/100 Mbps, RJ45
1.5 kV magnetic isolation
Serial Communication
1 x RS-232/422/485, software selectable
(9-pin D-Sub male, or 5-contact terminal block)
ioLogik W5300 Introduction
300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps
Power Requirements
Power Input:
24 VDC nominal, 12 to 36 VDC
Physical Characteristics
46.8 x 135 x 105 mm (1.84 x 5.31 x 4.13 in)
495 g
DIN-rail (standard), wall (optional)
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature:
Standard Models:
-10 to 55°C (14 to 131°F)
Wide Temp. Models:
-30 to 70°C (-22 to 158°F)
Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Ambient Relative Humidity:
5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Up to 2000 m
Note: Please contact Moxa if you require products guaranteed to function properly at higher
Standards and Certifications
UL 508, EN 60950-1, NCC
EN 55022; EN 61000
-3-2; EN 61000-3-3;
FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A
EN 55024, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3,
EN 61000
-4-4, EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6,
EN 61000
-4-8, EN 61000-4-11, EN 61000-6-2
IEC 60068-2-27
IEC 60068-2-32
IEC 60068-2-6
Green Product:
Note: Please check Moxa’s website for the most up
-to-date certification status.
Warranty Period:
• ioLogik
W5312: 5 years
• ioLogik W5340/W5340-HSPA: 2 years*
*Because of the limited lifetime of power relays, products that use that component are covered by
a 2
-year warranty.
ioLogik W5312/W5312-T Specifications
Inputs and O
Digital Inputs:
8 channels
Digital Outputs:
8 channels
Configurable DIOs:
4 channels
Isolation: 3K VDC or 2K Vrms
Digital Input
Sensor Type:
Wet Contact (NPN or PNP) and Dry Contact
I/O Mode:
DI or Event Counter
Dry Contact:
• On: short to
• Off: open
ioLogik W5300 Introduction
Wet Contact (DI to GND):
• On: 0 to 3 VDC
• Off: 10 to 30 VDC
Common Type:
6 points per COM
Counter Frequency:
900 Hz, power off storage
Digital Filtering Time Interval:
Software selectable
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
DO or Pulse Output
Pulse Output Frequency:
1 kHz
-voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-current Protection: 2.6 A (4 channels @ 650 mA)
-temperature Shutdown: 160°C (min.)
Current Rating:
200 mA per channel
DIO Output Leakage Current:
3.6 mA @ 24 VDC
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:
• Always on: 156 mA @ 24 VDC
• On demand: 138 mA @ 24 VDC
MTBF (mean time between failure)
407,406 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
ioLogik W5340/W5340-T/W5340-HSPA/W5340-HSPA-T
Inputs and Outputs
Analog Inputs:
4 channels
Configurable DIOs:
8 channels
Relay Outputs: 2 channels
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
Analog Input
Differential input
16 bits
I/O Mode:
Voltage / Current
Input Range:
0 to 10 V, ±10 V, ±5 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA
• ±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
• ±0.3% FSR @
-30 and 70°C
Sampling Rate:
• All channels: 25 samples/sec
• Per channel: 6.25 samples/sec
• Only one channel enabled: 100 samples/sec
Input Impedance:
200K ohms (min.)
-in Resistor for Current Input: 102 ohms
Digital Input
Sensor Type:
Wet Contact (NPN or PNP) and Dry Contact
I/O Mode: DI or Event Counter
Dry Contact:
• On: short to GND
• Off: open
Wet Contact (DI to GND):
• On: 0 to 3 VDC
• Off: 10
to 30 VDC
Common Type:
4 points per COM
ioLogik W5300 Introduction
Counter Frequency:
900 Hz, power off storage
Digital Filtering Time Interval:
Software selectable/Programmable
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
DO or Pulse Output
Pulse Output Frequency:
1 kHz
Over-voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-current Protection: 2.6 A (4 channels @ 650 mA)
-temperature Shutdown: 160°C (min.)
Current Rating:
200 mA per channel
DIO Output Leakage Current:
3.6 mA @ 24 VDC
Relay Output
Form A (N.O.) power relay
Contact Current Rating:
• Resistive Load: 1 A @ 30 VDC, 250 VAC, 110 VAC
Initial Insulation Resistance:
1000 m ohms (min.) @ 500 VDC
Mechanical endurance:
5,000,000 operations
Electrical endurance:
600,000 operations @ 1 A resistive load
Resistance: 100 m ohms (max.)
Pulse Output:
0.3 Hz at rated load
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:
ioLogik W5340:
• Always on: 195 mA @ 24 VDC
• On demand: 178 mA @ 24 VDC
ioLogik W5340
• Always on: 196 mA @ 24 VDC
• On demand: 189 mA @ 24 VDC
MTBF (mean time between failure)
ioLogik W5340: 196,561 hrs
ioLogik W5340
-HSPA: 280,739 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
2. Getting Started
This chapter describes how to install the ioLogik W5300.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Before Testing
Installing the ioAdmin Utility
Laboratory Testing
Grounding the Unit
Connecting to a Power Source
Connecting to ioAdmin via Ethernet
Configuring the Computer’s IP Address
Activating ioAdmin and connecting to the ioLogik
Configuring Digital I/O Channels
Connecting I/O Devices
Testing I/O Devices
DIN Rail / Wall Mounting
Installing/Removing SIM and SD Cards
Connecting the ioLogik W5300 to a Cellular Network
Installing AOPC on a Host with a Static IP Address
Import/Export a Configuration File
Using ioAdmin to Import/Export a Device Configuration
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
Before Testing
Prepare the following items before testing the ioLogik W5300.
1. Set up the Active OPC server environment, including network settings.
2. Install ioAdmin on the same PC serving Active OPC.
Installing the ioAdmin Utility
ioAdmin is a Windows utility provided for the configuration and management of the ioLogik W5300. ioAdmin
can be used from anywhere on the network to monitor and configure the ioLogik W5300.
Installing from the CD: Insert the Document and Software CD into the host computer. In the
Software/Utility directory of the CD, locate and run SETUP.EXE. The installation program will guide you
through the installation process and install the ioAdmin utility. After the installation is finished, run ioAdmin
from the Windows Start menu.
You can also download ioAdmin from Moxa’s website. Navigate to the moxa website at:
Once there, enter the name of the product you have purchased into the search bar or select it from the
dropdown menu, and after navigating to the product page click on Utilities, in the middle of the page, located
in the box titled Software.
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
Laboratory Testing
Grounding the Unit
The ioLogik is equipped with one grounding point located on the top of the device next to the Power Input
Terminal Block. To provide better stability for both power and signal transmission, we recommend wiring the
grounding point to a suitable grounded contact, such as the power supply or a cabinet enclosure.
This equipment is intended to be used in Restrict
ed Access Locations
. External metal parts are
hot! Before touching it, special attention or protection is necessary.
Connecting to a Power Source
Connect the 12 to 36 VDC power line to the ioLogik’s Power Input Terminal Block. If power is properly supplied,
the PWR LED will glow a steady GREEN color; the READY LED will glow a steady GREEN when the system is
Determine the maximum possible current for each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical codes
dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size. If the current exceeds the maximum rating, the
wiring could overheat,
causing serious damage to your equipment. For safety reasons, we recommend an
average cable size of 22 AWG. However, depending on the current load, you may want to adjust your cable
size (the maximum wire size for power connectors is 2 mm).
Connecting to ioAdmin via Ethernet
Configuring the Computer’s IP Address
1. For initial configuration, we recommend using a direct connection through the RJ45 Ethernet
console port to a host computer, rather than remotely over the cellular network. Connect the ioLogik to
the host PC with an Ethernet cable.
2. Set the host PC’s IP address to 192.168.127.XXX. (where XXX can range from 001 to 253). In
Windows, you can adjust this setting through the Control Panel
Network and Internet. The default
ioLogik device settings are:
Default IP Address Default Netmask Default Gateway None
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
Example IP:
Activating ioAdmin and connecting to the ioLogik
1. To open ioAdmin, click the Start meny, then Program Files MOXA IO Server UtilityioAdmin.
2. When ioAdmin is started, it will automatically run the a search program to find all ioLogik devices on the
network to which you are connected. You may also click System on the menu bar, then select Auto Scan
ioLogik device. A dialog will appear. Click Start Search. Once the ioLogik has been detected, modify the
settings as needed for your network environment, and then restart the device.
best approach to setting up a previously configured ioLogik is to first reset it to the factory default
the reset button
(see Chapter 1 for details). You can then use ioAdmin to configure the ioLogik.
3. If the host computer has multiple interfaces, be sure to select the correct one before searching.
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
If multiple ioLogik W
5300 units with the same default IP address are installed on the same network,
to avoid
IP conflicts
you will need to first
assign a different IP address to each unit. ioAdmin automatically detects IP
conflicts and gives you a chance to modify each
unit’s IP address in the IP Address column. Click the Set
button to reboot the
corresponding unit with its new IP address. Click the Re-Search button to
check if the
setting has been successful by
refreshing the list of units found by ioAdmin.
4. Login as administrator: For full access to all configuration options, log in as administrator from the
Server Settings panel. This is required whenever you start ioAdmin, or boot up or restart the ioLogik. When
you install the ioLogik for the first time, the password will be blank and you can simply click Login. If a
password has already been set, hold down the reset button to clear the password and load factory defaults.
5. Monitoring and Testing I/O status: Once your unit has been found by ioAdmin, you can view the status
of all attached I/O on ioAdmin’s main screen.
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
ioAdmin supports four viewing options for the navigation panel. If you select
Sort by Active OPC server
, the
ioLogik W
5300 will appear in the Active OPC server group. Alternately, the same device
will be shown under
LAN group if you connect to the W5300 with Ethernet cables, instead of over the cellular network.
You can test each DO channel by opening the channel’s configuration window and selecting the Digital Output
Test tab.
After clicking the Test button, you can see how a channel’s status affects or is affected by the attached device.
For DO channels, you can set the on/off status to start and stop pulse output. For DI channels, you can monitor
the attached device’s on/off status, or monitor the counter.
You can now use ioAdmin to set up or configure your unit. Refer to Chapter 3 for additional information on using
Configuring Digital I/O Channels
The ioLogik W5300 product family is equipped with different I/O types, including analog inputs, digital inputs,
digital outputs, relay outputs, and software configurable DIOs, offering great flexibility for connecting I/O
devices such as software configurable DIO channels. Before you connect I/O devices and sensors, you should
configure the DIO channels as DI or DO. The W5340 for example comes with 4 DI channels and 4 DO channels.
However, the user has the option of redefining the function of these channels. Each DIO channel is configured
to act as either a DI or DO channel, according to the Power On Settings. To switch between DI and DO
channel operation, select the desired mode in the I/O Direction field under Power on Settings. After clicking
Apply, you will need to restart the ioLogik W5300 for the new setting to take effect.
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
Connecting I/O Devices
Unlike traditional Ethernet I/O products, the ioLogik W5300 can connect to analog sensors, dry contact, PNP,
and NPN sensors at the same time. The sensor type determines your wiring approach, as shown in the following
examples (this example shows the pin numbers for an ioLogik W5340 unit):
Analog Input
Digital Input Dry Contact:
Digital Input Wet Contact (Connect to NPN-type Sensor)
Digital Input Wet Contact (Connect to PNP-type Sensor)
Digital Output (Sink Type)
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
Relay Output
When connecting the I/O device to the ioLogik’s dry contacts, we strongly recommend connecting DI.Com to
the power of the external sensor to avoid affecting other channels.
DI.Com input power should
be limited at
12 to 36 VDC.
Sensor types are arranged in groups, with DI
O-0 to DIO-3 forming one group and DIO-4 to DIO-7
another group. If an NPN sensor is connected to DI
-0, then only NPN sensors ca
n be connected to the other
DI channels in that group (i.e., DI
O-1, DIO-2, and DIO-3). Likewise, if a PNP sensor is connected to DIO-4
then only PNP sensors can be connected to the other DI channels in that group (i.e., DI
O-5, DIO-6, and
Testing I/O Devices
Power on the ioLogik W5300, try changing the I/O status, and then use ioAdmin to determine if the status has
changed under the I/O Configuration bar. (Refer to the figure below)
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
DIN Rail / Wall Mounting
The ioLogik W5300’s built-in mounting appendages are suitable for mounting on a flat wall or installing on a
DIN rail. Follow the instructions in the figures below to install the W5300 on a DIN rail.
STEP 1: Insert the top
of the DIN rail into the
STEP 2: The DIN rail
attachment unit will
snap into place as
shown at right.
Installing/Removing SIM and SD Cards
The ioLogik is equipped with two slots; one is for SIM cards and the other is for SD cards. The card reader slots
are protected inside the ioLogik device. You will need to unscrew and remove the card cover to install your SIM
and SD cards. When inserting an SD or SIM card, remember to keep the chipped side of the card facing down.
Follow these steps to remove or install a SIM or SD card:
1. Remove the screw holding the card cover in place.
2. There are two different card slot types used on the ioLogik series of devices:
(a) On ioLogik W5312 and W5340 models, directly insert or remove the SIM/SD card into the respective slot
(b) On the ioLogik W5340-HSPA you must first depress the card-locking mechanism to eject the card. Use
a pointed instrument like a ball-point pen to depresss the small yellow button at the side of the card slot.
This ejects the card tray, from which you may then insert or remove a SIM card.
We strongly recommend using
the following SD cards, which have been tested in our laboratory:
Kingston SDHC 4/16/32 GB
Transcend SDHC 4/8/32 GB
Innodisk SD6 2/4/8 GB (These Innodisk SD cards are classified as wide-temperature products.)
The function is dependent on the firmware version. Be sure to use firmware version V1.3 or above for the
ioLogik W5312 series, and V1.5 or above for the ioLogik W5340 series.
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
The SIGNAL LEDs on the front panel provide
a convenient way of checking if the SIM card
is installed properly. If the antenna is
installed and the network is operating
normally, then at least one of the three
SIGNAL LEDs should be illuminated at all
times. If none of the LEDs are illuminated,
then the SIM card may not be installed
properly. This is because the PIN code is
stored on the SIM card; if the PIN code
cannot be accessed, then the modem will not be accessible over the network. If the LED is not illuminated,
check the Error message shown on the ioAdmin “cellular settings” panel.
Connecting the ioLogik W5300 to a Cellular Network
When the environment is ready, follow these steps to test the ioLogik W5300 (refer to the figure below).
Step 1: Connect directly from the PC to the W5300 and use ioAdmin to configure the W5300’s cellular settings.
Step 2: For the ioLogik W5300, enter the user name, password, SIM Pin, APN, and define the Active OPC
server IP on the cellular settings page. Make sure the Operation Mode is correctly selected.
Step 3: Remove the cable connecting the PC and ioLogik W5300, re-open ioAdmin, and then add the Active
OPC Server manually. The checkmarked PC will receive Internet access first.
Detailed instructions:
1. Power off the ioLogik W5300.
2. Insert a SIM card that can connect to the cellular network.
3. Connect to ioAdmin via the Ethernet port of the ioLogik.
4. Power on the ioLogik and start ioAdmin.
5. After connecting ioAdmin and the ioLogik W5300, log in with the administrator password.
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
6. To set up your cellular
connection, click the Cellular
Settings tab and enter your
User name, Password, SIM pin
code, and APN of your Cellular
Provider (contact your local
Cellular Service Provider for
assistance) than click Update. When you click Update, the system will prompt you to restart to activate
the new settings.
7. The Operation Mode must also be correctly selected for your application.
(Default Operation Mode: Cellular Always On)
8. After rebooting, the W5300 will try to connect to the Cellular network, with the connection status shown in
the Cellular Status column. If the connection is established, the IP address will appear in this column. If
the connection is not successful, you will receive an Error message. Additional details can be found in
Appendix F.
9. For testing, Once you have obtained the public IP address for the ioLogik W5300, try to PING from the DOS
shell (e.g., type C\:>ping If the W5300 is using a private IP, you can skip this step.
Be sure to configure the LAN settings first to make sure the LAN IP Address is on the same subnet
as the PC running ioAdmin. Follow the instructions to restart the ioLogik and then proceed with the settings
on the Cellular Settings page.
Be sure to select the Cellular Setting
Operation Mode Cellular Always ON when performing the
connection test.
Installing AOPC on a Host with a Static IP Address
Moxa’s Active OPC Server™ is an OPC software driver for an HMI or SCADA system. It seamlessly connects
Moxa’s ioLogik products to a wide variety of SCADA systems, including the most popular: Wonderware, Citect,
and iFix. Active OPC Server™ conforms to the OPC Foundation’s DA 3.0 data access standard. Active OPC
server must use public, static IP address.
1. To install Active OPC Server, insert the installation CD into the host computer. In the Software\Utility
directory of the CD, then locate and run setup.exe. The installation program will guide you through the
installation process and install the Active OPC Server utility. The OPC Core Components will be installed as
well. Active OPC Server can be downloaded from the Moxa Website, and may be found from the support
page, After downloading the AOPC software, unzip it and run setup.exe. The
installation program will guide you through the installation process and install the Active OPC Server Utility.
For more details on AOPC installation and use, refer to the Active OPC User’s Manual.
2. Start the ioAdmin utility and set
up the Active OPC Server IP
address on the Active Tags
panel. ioAdmin will prompt you to
reboot the ioLogik W5300 after
clicking the Update button. Click
yes to restart the ioLogik.
3. Start Active OPC Server; a new ioLogik W5300 will be created.
4. In ioAdmin’s search menu,
manually add the IP address for
Active OPC Server. The ioLogik
W5300 will appear under Active
OPC Server. The ioAdmin search
menu is set by default to sort by
Active OPC.
ioLogik W5300 Getting Started
5. You can now test and monitor I/O status in ioAdmin.
In this scenario,
Active OPC Server is acting as middleware between the
central configuration/control software
and the ioLogik W
remote I/O unit served over a cellular interface. To minimize bandwidth usage, click the
button manually to retrieve the settings.
Import/Export a Configuration File
Using ioAdmin to Import/Export a Device Configuration
To import or export a system configuration right click on the I/O model name and then selection Import
System Config or Export System Config. You must be logged in as an administrator to use this command.
Export System Config
Select this command to export the selected ioLogik’s configuration to a text file. We recommend using this
method to back up your configuration after you have finished configuring the ioLogik for your application.
Since there are major functional differences between firmware versions, exporting the configuration file
requires a longer processing time.
Adjust the TCP Socket Timeout Interval to 30 seconds when using
ioAdmin 3.10 or above, especially if earlie
r versions of ioAdmin have been installed and then removed.
Import System Config
Select this command to load a configuration for the selected ioLogik from a configuration text file. The new
configuration will not take effect until the ioLogik has been restarted. This command can be used to restore a
configuration after loading the factory defaults, or to duplicate a configuration to multiple ioLogik units.
there are major function differences between firmw
are versions, the configuration file is not compatible
if using firmware V1.3 or above for the ioLogik W5312 series, and V1.5 or above for the ioLogik W5340 series.
The configuration file cannot be imported into firmware versions earlier than the above versions.
Be sure to check your firmware version carefully before importing/exporting and upgrading
3. The ioAdmin Utility
In this chapter, we explain how to use ioAdmin to configure your ioLogik product.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
System Requirements
Key Features
Using the ioAdmin Utility
The ioAdmin Utility Window
ioAdmin Menu Bar
The Wiring Guide
ioAdmin Quick-Link Buttons
ioAdmin Navigation Panel
Main Window
Synchronization Rate Status Bar
ioAdmin Status Bar
ioAdmin Configuration Panels
The Server Settings Panel
The LAN Settings Panel
The I/O Configuration Panel
Configuring AI Channels
Configuring Digital I/O Channels
Configuring Digital Input Channels
Configuring Digital Output / Relay Output
Testing DI and DO Channels
The I/O Expansion Panel
I/O Expansion: Step-by-Step
The Active Tags Panel
Active OPC: Redundancy Mode
The Cellular Settings Panel
Dial-up Setting
Caller IDs
Operation Mode
DDNS Settings
VPN Settings Panel (ioLogik W5340-HSPA(-
VPN System Log Events and Error Codes
Cellular Reconnection
Network Statistics
Watchdog Panel
Click&Go Logic Panel
ioLogik W5300 Utility: ioAdmin
System Requirements
ioLogik W5300 remote I/O units can be managed and configured over either an Ethernet or cellular network
using ioAdmin, a Windows utility provided with your ioLogik. ioAdmin’s graphical user interface gives you easy
access to all status information and settings. ioAdmin can also be used to configure Click&Go rules to provide
front-end event handling capabilities.
Hardware Requirements
CPU Intel Pentium (Pentium 4 and above)
RAM 512 MB (1024 MB recommended)
Network Interface 10/100Mb Ethernet
Software Requirements
Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000, XP or later
Editor(Not necessary) Microsoft Office 2003 (Access 2003) or later
In this chapter, all of the descriptions are based on ioAdmin 3.10. The function, however, is dependent on the
firmware version. Use firmware version V1.3 or above for the ioLogik W5312 series, and V1.5 or above for the
ioLogik W5340 series.
Key Features
Remote Management
Over the Ethernet or Cellular network, ioAdmin allows users to:
Search and configure multiple ioLogiks.
Perform I/O status monitoring and control
Use active message monitoring
Use Click&Go local logic control configuration
Use the firmware upgrade interface
Restart the ioLogik
Reset to factory defaults
On-line Wiring Guide
A wiring guide can be opened from within ioAdmin.
Configuration File
ioAdmin allows the entire configuration of the ioLogik W5300 series to be saved as a file. The file is viewable in
text format and serves three purposes:
As a record or backup of your configuration.
As a template for configuring other ioLogik W5300 units.
As a quick reference guide for you to configure Modbus drivers in a SCADA system.
The file includes the following information:
File title, Date, and Time
Model Information
System Configuration
Modbus Address
Device Management List
ioAdmin can import and export a list of ioLogik devices that are being managed. This file can make it easier to
manage all devices on the network, and includes the following information:
Device name
IP address
Unit ID
ioLogik W5300 Utility: ioAdmin
Using the ioAdmin Utility
The ioAdmin Utility Window
Below you see a screenshot of ioAdmin’s main window, with its main features highlighted. The window defaults
to the I/O Configuration Panel, which displays a figure of your unit and the status of its I/O channels. The
other tabs in the main window take you to device and network settings which become available once you log
into the ioLogik. Note that configuration options are not available until you log in as administrator.
1. Window title 3. Quick-link buttons 5. Main window 7. Status bar
2. Menu bar 4. Navigation panel 6. Sync. rate status
ioAdmin Menu Bar
Menu Bar: File
Here you can save, import, or export a configuration file or lists of servers and devices. When importing or
exporting device lists you will be prompted for source and destination devices with a popup window. You may
click on the Folder icon to select the device you will be retrieving the list from,or key-in the file name to
save/import a specific file.
The file will have an .SLT extension and can be opened as a text file. The server list will provide the basic
information for each server, such as Device Name, Model, IP address, and Unit ID.
2 3 4 5 6
ioLogik W5300 Utility: ioAdmin
Menu Bar: System
Several operations can be accessed from the System menu.
Auto Scan ioLogik Devices searches the network for connected ioLogik devices. This is useful when
connecting a new device for the first time, or when recovering from a network failure.
Auto-scan allows you to search according to Type, IP Range, or Model.
Type: Search for ioLogik remote I/O terminals by the type of connection, either Ethernet or Serial.
IP range: There are two ways to define a range of IPs to search: by entering a starting IP address and an
ending IP address in the appropriate boxes, or by using a netmask with a starting IP address.
Model: Search for selected models; click all that you are interested in finding.
Click Start Search to begin. Whenever a device is found, it will display in the lower portion of the window.
Network Interface: If the PC has multiple network adapters installed, this
allows you to select which NIC the device will connect over. The default
network interface will be the same as the one set in Windows. If the ioLogik
device is not connected to the selected interface, the PC will not be able to
detect it.
I/O Status Refresh
Rate is used to adjust
how often the ioLogik is
polled for device status
by the ioAdmin utility.
The current rate is
displayed on the status
bar at the bottom of the
Note: Higher sync
rates result in higher
loads on the network.
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