Moxa Technologies ioLogik E2200, ioLogik E2210, ioLogik E2260, ioLogik E2262, ioLogik E2212 User Manual

ioLogik E2200 Series User’s Manual
Edition 6.5, November 2016
© 2016 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
ioLogik E2200 Series User’s Manual
Moxa Americas
Moxa China (Shanghai office)
Moxa Europe
Moxa Asia
Moxa India
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
© 2016 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited
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Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for
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This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
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-free: 1-888-669-2872
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-free: 800-820-5036
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Product Key Features and Highlights ..................................................................................................... 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Model Information ................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Selection Guide ....................................................................................................................... 1-3
Product Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 1-4
Common Specifications ................................................................................................................ 1-4
ioLogik E2210 Specifications ......................................................................................................... 1-5
ioLogik E2212 Specifications ......................................................................................................... 1-6
ioLogik E2214 Specifications ......................................................................................................... 1-7
ioLogik E2240 Specifications ......................................................................................................... 1-8
ioLogik E2242 Specifications ......................................................................................................... 1-9
ioLogik E2260 Specifications ....................................................................................................... 1-10
ioLogik E2262 Specifications ....................................................................................................... 1-11
Physical Dimensions .......................................................................................................................... 1-12
Without LCM ............................................................................................................................. 1-12
With LCM ................................................................................................................................. 1-12
Hardware Reference .......................................................................................................................... 1-13
Panel Guide .............................................................................................................................. 1-13
Pin Assignments ........................................................................................................................ 1-13
LED Indicators .......................................................................................................................... 1-14
2. Initial Setup ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Hardware Installation .......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting the Power .................................................................................................................. 2-2
Grounding the Unit ...................................................................................................................... 2-2
Software Installation ........................................................................................................................... 2-2
Restore Factory Defaults ...................................................................................................................... 2-4
Connecting to ioAdmin via Ethernet ...................................................................................................... 2-4
Configuring the Host Computers IP Address ................................................................................... 2-4
Activating ioAdmin and Connecting to the ioLogik ............................................................................ 2-5
Adding More I/O Channels ............................................................................................................ 2-8
Setting the RS-485 Baudrate ........................................................................................................ 2-9
I/O Wiring Diagrams ........................................................................................................................... 2-9
Using ioAdmin to Import/Export Configurations .................................................................................... 2-11
3. Using ioAdmin ................................................................................................................................... 3-1
System Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Features of ioAdmin ............................................................................................................................ 3-2
ioAdmin Overview ............................................................................................................................... 3-3
Main Screen Overview .................................................................................................................. 3-3
Title ........................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Quick Links ............................................................................................................................... 3-10
Navigation Panel ....................................................................................................................... 3-10
Main Window ............................................................................................................................ 3-12
Sync Rate Status ....................................................................................................................... 3-14
Status Bar ................................................................................................................................ 3-14
ioAdmin Administrator Functions ................................................................................................. 3-14
I/O Configuration Tab (Administrator) .......................................................................................... 3-15
Server Settings Tab (Administrator) ............................................................................................. 3-28
Network Tab ............................................................................................................................. 3-29
Firmware Update Tab ................................................................................................................. 3-30
Watchdog Tab ........................................................................................................................... 3-31
Click&Go Logic Tab .................................................................................................................... 3-32
Active Tags Tab ......................................................................................................................... 3-33
SNMP Settings Tab .................................................................................................................... 3-36
Message Monitor Panel (General) ................................................................................................ 3-37
Server Context Menu ........................................................................................................................ 3-38
Using ioEventLog .............................................................................................................................. 3-40
Installing ioEventLog ................................................................................................................. 3-40
Basic Functions ......................................................................................................................... 3-40
Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 3-41
Checking Connected Devices ...................................................................................................... 3-42
Opening Log Files ...................................................................................................................... 3-42
Clearing the Log ........................................................................................................................ 3-42
4. Click&Go ........................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Features ............................................................................................................................................ 4-2
Click&Go Logic Basics .......................................................................................................................... 4-3
Working with Rules ............................................................................................................................. 4-4
Click&Go Development Process ............................................................................................................. 4-4
I/O Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 4-5
Digital Input Mode Selection ......................................................................................................... 4-5
Digital Output Mode Selection ....................................................................................................... 4-6
Analog Input Mode Selection......................................................................................................... 4-6
Alias Name Configuration ............................................................................................................. 4-6
Testing the I/O Channels .............................................................................................................. 4-7
Defining Global Variables ..................................................................................................................... 4-8
Internal Register (Integer) Settings ............................................................................................... 4-8
Timer Settings ............................................................................................................................ 4-9
SNMP Trap Server ....................................................................................................................... 4-9
E-Mail Server ............................................................................................................................ 4-10
Active Message Server ............................................................................................................... 4-11
Working with Logic ........................................................................................................................... 4-12
Click&Go Logic Basics ................................................................................................................ 4-12
IF Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 4-14
THEN/ELSE Actions ........................................................................................................................... 4-18
Activating the Rule-set ...................................................................................................................... 4-27
Upload, Restart, and Run ........................................................................................................... 4-27
Rule-set Management Bar .......................................................................................................... 4-27
Import/Export Configuration .............................................................................................................. 4-27
More Information about Repeat Interval vs. Edge Detection ................................................................... 4-28
5. Using the Web Console ...................................................................................................................... 5-1
Introduction to the Web Console ........................................................................................................... 5-2
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Basic Settings .................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Network Settings ................................................................................................................................ 5-4
General Settings ......................................................................................................................... 5-4
Ethernet Configurations ............................................................................................................... 5-4
RS-485 Settings .......................................................................................................................... 5-4
I/O Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 5-5
DI Channels ................................................................................................................................ 5-5
DO Channels ............................................................................................................................... 5-6
AI Channels ................................................................................................................................ 5-8
Alias Name ................................................................................................................................. 5-8
AO Channels ............................................................................................................................... 5-9
Relay Output Channel .................................................................................................................. 5-9
Relay Count Motoring ................................................................................................................. 5-10
Alias Name set .......................................................................................................................... 5-11
RTD Channels ........................................................................................................................... 5-11
TC Channels ............................................................................................................................. 5-12
System Management ......................................................................................................................... 5-13
Accessible IP Settings ................................................................................................................ 5-13
SNMP Agent ............................................................................................................................. 5-14
Network Connection .................................................................................................................. 5-14
Firmware Update ....................................................................................................................... 5-14
Import System Config ................................................................................................................ 5-15
Export System Config ................................................................................................................ 5-15
LCM ......................................................................................................................................... 5-15
Change Password ...................................................................................................................... 5-15
Load Factory Default .................................................................................................................. 5-16
Save/Restart............................................................................................................................. 5-16
6. Active OPC Server ............................................................................................................................. 6-1
Active OPC Server .............................................................................................................................. 6-2
OLE for Process Control ....................................................................................................................... 6-2
Introduction to Active OPC Server ......................................................................................................... 6-3
Active OPC Server—From Pull to Push ................................................................................................... 6-3
Features of Active OPC Server .............................................................................................................. 6-4
One Click to Create Active Tags ..................................................................................................... 6-4
Faster, More Accurate Data Collection than Traditional Pull Technology ............................................. 6-5
Active OPC Server Overview................................................................................................................. 6-5
Installing Active OPC Server ......................................................................................................... 6-5
Main Screen Overview .................................................................................................................. 6-6
Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................... 6-6
Tag Generation................................................................................................................................. 6-10
Configuring Push Tag from ioAdmin ............................................................................................. 6-10
Heartbeat Interval ..................................................................................................................... 6-11
Read/Write Privilege .................................................................................................................. 6-11
A. Liquid Crystal Display Module (LCM) ................................................................................................. A-1
LCM Controls ...................................................................................................................................... A-2
LCM Options....................................................................................................................................... A-2
B. Used Network Port Numbers ............................................................................................................. B-1
ioLogik E2200 Smart Ethernet Remote I/O Device Network Port Usage ...................................................... B-1
C. Factory Default Settings .................................................................................................................... C-1
D. Cable Wiring ...................................................................................................................................... D-1
Device Wiring Diagrams ..................................................................................................................... D-2
Analog Input .............................................................................................................................. D-2
Analog Output ........................................................................................................................... D-2
Digital Input Dry Contact ............................................................................................................. D-2
Digital Input Wet Contact ............................................................................................................ D-3
RTD Input Wiring ............................................................................................................................... D-5
Thermocouple Input Wiring ................................................................................................................. D-6
E. Input and Output Terminal ................................................................................................................ E-1
ioLogik E2210 .................................................................................................................................... E-2
ioLogik E2212 .................................................................................................................................... E-2
ioLogik E2214 .................................................................................................................................... E-2
ioLogik E2240 .................................................................................................................................... E-3
ioLogik E2242 .................................................................................................................................... E-3
ioLogik E2260 .................................................................................................................................... E-3
ioLogik E2262 .................................................................................................................................... E-4
F. Accuracy ........................................................................................................................................... F-1
Calibration ......................................................................................................................................... F-1
Simple Verification at Your Site ............................................................................................................ F-1
Verification with RTD Sensor ......................................................................................................... F-1
Verification with Precision Resistor ................................................................................................. F-1
G. CGI Commands.................................................................................................................................. G-1
ioLogik E2210 ................................................................................................................................... G-2
ioLogik E2212 ................................................................................................................................... G-6
ioLogik E2214 .................................................................................................................................. G-10
ioLogik E2240 .................................................................................................................................. G-12
ioLogik E2242 .................................................................................................................................. G-14
ioLogik E2260 .................................................................................................................................. G-19
ioLogik E2262 .................................................................................................................................. G-22
H. SNMP Agents with MIB II, RS-232-like Groups ............................................................................... H-1
ioLogik E2242 ................................................................................................................................... H-1
I. Modbus/TCP Address Mappings ......................................................................................................... I-1
ioLogik E2210 Modbus Mapping ............................................................................................................ I-2
ioLogik E2212 Modbus Mapping ........................................................................................................... I-15
ioLogik E2214 Modbus Mapping ........................................................................................................... I-37
ioLogik E2240 Modbus Mapping ........................................................................................................... I-47
ioLogik E2242 Modbus Mapping ........................................................................................................... I-57
ioLogik E2260 Modbus Mapping ........................................................................................................... I-76
ioLogik E2262 Modbus Mapping ........................................................................................................... I-81

1. Introduction

The ioLogik E2200 series is a standalone Smart Ethernet remote I/O device that can connect sensors and
on/off switches for automation applications over Ethernet and IP-based networks.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Product Key Features and Highlights
Package Checklist
Product Model Information
Product Selection Guide
Product Specifications
Common Specifications
ioLogik E2210 Specifications
ioLogik E2212 Specifications
ioLogik E2214 Specifications
ioLogik E2240 Specifications
ioLogik E2242 Specifications
ioLogik E2260 Specifications
ioLogik E2262 Specifications
Physical Dimensions
Without LCM
With LCM
Hardware Reference
Panel Guide
Pin Assignments
LED Indicators
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction

Product Key Features and Highlights

1. Front-end intelligence that supports 24 Click&Go rules
2. Active Messaging with real-time stamp, including SNMP Trap with I/O status, TCP, and e-mail.
3. Supports SNMPv1/v2c/v3 protocol
4. I/O peer-to-peer function
5. Built-in web console
6. PC utility: auto detection of installed modules
7. MXIO programming library for Windows, WinCE VB/VC.NET, and Linux C APIs
8. -40 to 75°C operating temperature range (T models)

Package Checklist

The ioLogik E2200 Series is shipped with the following items:
Standard Accessories
ioLogik E22xx Smart Ethernet remote I/O device x1
Optional Accessories
LDP1602 LCD Module
NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.

Product Model Information

Model Description
ioLogik E2210 Ethernet Remote IO with 12 DIs, 8 DOs, -10 to 60°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2212 Ethernet Remote IO with 8 DIs, 8 DOs, 4DIOs, -10 to 60°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2214 Ethernet Remote IO with 6 DIs, 6 relays, -10 to 60°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2240 Ethernet Remote IO with 8 AIs, 2 AOs, -10 to 60°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2242 Ethernet Remote IO with 4 AIs, 12 DIOs, -10 to 60°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2260 Ethernet Remote IO with 6 RTDs, 4 DOs, -10 to 60°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2262 Ethernet Remote IO with 8 TCs, 4 DOs, -10 to 60°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2210-T Ethernet Remote IO with 12 DIs, 8 DOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2212-T Ethernet Remote IO with 8 DIs, 8 DOs, 4 DIOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2214-T Ethernet Remote IO with 6 DIs, 6 Relays, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2240-T Ethernet Remote IO with 8 AIs, 2 AOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2242-T Ethernet Remote IO with 4 AIs, 12 DIOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2260-T Ethernet Remote IO with 6 RTDs, 4 DOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2262-T Ethernet Remote IO with 8 TCs, 4 DOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction

Product Selection Guide

The operating temperature for standard models is -10 to 60°C.
The operating temperature for wide temperature models is -40 to 75°C
E2200 Series Common Specification
E2210 12 8
E2212 8 4 8
E2214 6 6
E2240 8 2
E2242 12 4
E2260 4 6
E2262 4 8
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
Serial Communication
Serial Line Protection:
Serial Communication Parameters
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Flow Control:
Power Requirements
Power Input:
Physical Characteristics
Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature:
Standard Models:
Wide Temp. Models:
Storage Temperature:
Ambient Relative Humidity:
Note: Please
Standards and Certifications
EN 61000
FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A
EN 61000
EN 61000
EN 61000
Green Product:
Note: Please check Moxas website for the most up
Warranty Period:
*Because of the limited lifetime of power relays, products that use that component are covered by
a 2

Product Specifications

Common Specifications

1 x 10/100 Mbps, RJ45
1.5 kV magnetic isolation
RS-485-2w: Data+, Data-, GND (3-contact terminal block)
15 kV ESD for all signals
1200 to 115200 bps
24 VDC nominal, 12 to 36 VDC
I/O cable max. 14 AWG
115 x 79 x 45.6 mm (4.53 x 3.11 x 1.80 in)
under 250 g
DIN-rail or wall
-10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)
-40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)
-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Up to 2000 m
contact Moxa if you require products guaranteed to function properly at higher altitudes.
UL 508
-3-2; EN 61000-3-3; EN 61000-6-4;
-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4,
-4-5, EN 61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-8,
-4-11, EN 61000-6-2
IEC 60068-2-27
IEC 60068-2-32
IEC 60068-2-6
-to-date certification status.
5 years (excluding ioLogik E2214*)
-year warranty.
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Digital Inputs:
Digital Outputs:
Digital Input
Sensor Type:
I/O Mode:
Dry Contact:
On: short to GND
Wet Contact (DI to GND):
On: 0 to 3 VDC
Off: 10 to 30 VDC
Common Type:
Counter Frequency:
Digital Filtering Time Interval:
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
Pulse Output
Current Rating:
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:
MTBF (mean time between failure)

ioLogik E2210 Specifications

12 channels
8 channels
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
Wet Contact (NPN), Dry Contact
DI or Event Counter
12 points per COM
900 Hz
Software selectable
DO or Pulse Output
Frequency: 1 kHz
-voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-current Protection: 2.6 A (4 channels @ 650 mA)
-temperature Shutdown: 175°C (min.)
200 mA per channel
203 mA @ 24 VDC
213,673 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Digital Inputs:
Digital Outputs:
Configurable DIOs:
Digital Input
Sensor Type:
I/O Mode:
Dry Contact:
On: short to GND
Off: open
Wet Contact (
On: 0 to 3 VDC
OFF: 10 to 30 VDC
Common Type:
Counter Frequency:
Digital Filtering Time Interval:
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
Pulse Output Frequency:
Current Rating:
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:

ioLogik E2212 Specifications

8 channels
8 channels
4 channels
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
Wet Contact (NPN or PNP) and Dry Contact
DI or Event Counter
DI to GND):
6 points per COM
900 Hz, power off storage
Software selectable
DO or Pulse Output
-voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-current Protection: 2.6 A (4 channels @650 mA)
-temperature Shutdown: 175°C (min.)
200 mA per channel
136 mA @ 24 VDC
(mean time between failure)
217,722 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
1 kHz
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Digital Inputs:
Relay Outputs:
Digital Input
Sensor Type:
I/O Mode:
Dry Contact:
Off: open
Wet Contact
On: 0 to 3 VDC
Off: 10 to 30 VDC
Common Type:
Counter Frequency:
Digital Filtering Time Interval:
Relay Output
Contact Current Rating:
Inductive Load: 2 A @ 30 VDC, 250 VAC, 110 VAC
Resistive Load: 5 A @ 30 VDC, 250 VAC, 110 VAC
Minimum permitted load:
Initial Insulation Resistance:
Electrical endurance: 100,000 operations @ 5 A resistive load
Contact Resistance:
Pulse Output:
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:
MTBF (mean time between failure)

ioLogik E2214 Specifications

6 channels
6 channels
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
Wet Contact (NPN or PNP) and Dry Contact
DI or Event Counter
short to GND
(DI to GND):
3 points per COM
900 Hz, power off storage
Software selectable
Form A (N.O.) power relay
cal endurance: 1,000,000 operations
100 m ohms (max.)
0.3 Hz at rated load
170 mA @ 24 VDC
307,239 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
1 A @ 5 VDC
1000 M ohms (min.) @ 500 VDC
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Analog Inputs:
Analog Outputs:
Analog Input
I/O Mode:
Input Range:
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
±0.3% FSR @
±0.5% FSR @
Sampling Rate:
All channels:
10 samples/sec for voltage
6 samples/sec for current
1.25 samples/sec for voltage
0.75 samples/sec for current
Single channel:
1.25 samples/sec for voltage
0.75 samples/sec for current
Input Impedance:
Analog Output
Output Range:
Drive Voltage:
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C,
±0.3% FSR @
±0.5% FSR @
Load Resistor:
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:
MTBF (mean time between failure)

ioLogik E2240 Specifications

8 channels
2 channels
Differential input
16 bits
Voltage / Current
±150 mV, ±500 mV, ±5 V, ±10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA
-10 and 60°C
-40 and 75°C
900K ohms (min.)
-in Resistor for Current Input: 120 ohms
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
12 bits
0 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA
15 VDC for current output
-10 and 60°C,
-40 and 75°C
Less than 250 ohms
155,941 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
198 mA @ 24 VDC
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Analog Inputs:
Configurable DIOs:
Analog Input
I/O Mode:
Input Range: ±150 mV, 0 to 150 mV, ±500 mV, 0 to 500 mV, ±5 V, 0 to 5 V, ±10 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA,
4 to 20 mA
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
±0.3% FSR @
±0.5% FSR @
Sampling Rate:
All channels:
32 samples/sec
Per channel:
8 samples/sec
Single channel:
100 samples/sec
Input Impedance:
Digital Input
Sensor Type:
I/O Mode:
Dry Contact:
On: short to GND
Off: Open
Wet Contact
On: 0 to 3 VDC
Off: 10 to 30 VDC
Common Type:
Digital Filtering Time Interval:
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
Pulse Output Frequency:
Current Rating:
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:
MTBF (mean time between failure)

ioLogik E2242 Specifications

4 channels
12 channels
Differential input
16 bits
Voltage / Current
-10 and 60°C
-40 and 75°C
200K ohms (min.)
-in Resistor for Current Input: 120 ohms
Wet Contact (NPN or PNP) and Dry Contact
DI or event counter
(DI to GND):
6 points per COM
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
Frequency: 900 Hz, power off storage
Software selectable
DO or Pulse Output
1 kHz
-voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-current Protection: 2.6 A (4 channels @ 650 mA)
-temperature Shutdown: 175°C (min.)
200 mA per channel
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
178 mA @ 24 VDC
204,391 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
RTD Inputs:
Digital Outputs:
RTD Inputs
Input Type: PT50, PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000; JPT100, JPT200, JPT500, JPT1000; NI100, NI120, NI200,
NI500, NI1000; Resistance of 310, 620, 1250, and 2200 ohms
Sampling Rate:
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
±0.5% FSR @
Input Impedance:
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
Pulse Output Frequency:
Current Rating:
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:
MTBF (mean time between failure)

ioLogik E2260 Specifications

6 channels
4 channels
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
12 samples/sec (all channels)
0.C or 0.1 ohm
3% FSR @ -10 and 60°C
-40 and 75°C
625K ohms
DO or Pulse Output
100 Hz
-voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-current Protection: 2.6 A (4 channels @ 650 mA)
-temperature Shutdown: 175°C
200 mA per channel
95 mA @ 24 VDC
327,282 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Thermocouple Inputs:
Digital Outputs:
Thermocouple Input
Sensor Type:
50 to 1600°C),
S (
Millivolt Type:
Mode: ±78.126 mV, ±39.062 mV, ±19.532 mV
Fault and over
Sampling Rate:
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
±0.3% FS
±0.5% FSR @
Input Impedance:
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
Pulse Output Frequency:
Current Rating:
Power Requirements
Power Consumption:

ioLogik E2262 Specifications

8 channels
4 channels
J (0 to 750°C), K (-200 to 1250°C), T (-200 to 350°C), E (-200 to 900°C), R (-
-50 to 1760°C), B (600 to 1700°C), N (-200 to 1300°C)
-voltage protection: -35 to +35 VDC (power off); -25 to +30 VDC (power on)
12 samples/sec (all channels)
16 bits
R @ -10 and 60°C
-40 and 75°C
1 M ohms
DO or Pulse Output
100 Hz
-voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-current Protection: 2.6 A (4 channels @ 650 mA)
-temperature Shutdown: 175°C
200 mA per channel
3K VDC or 2K Vrms
160 mA @ 24 VDC
(mean time between failure)
341,063 hrs
Telcordia (Bellcore)
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction

Physical Dimensions

Without LCM

With LCM

Unit = mm
Unit = mm
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
The RESET button restarts the device and resets all settings to factory defaults. Use a pointed object such as
a straightened paper clip to hold the RESET button down for 5 sec. The RDY LED will turn red as you are holding
the RESET button down. The factory defaults will be loaded once the RDY LED turns green again. At this point
you can release the RESET b

Hardware Reference

Panel Guide


Pin Assignments

System Bus
Pin 1 2 3 4 5
Signal V+ V- V+ V- NC
Pin 6 7 8 9 10
Signal NC Data+ SYNC Data- GND
Ethernet Port
Pin 1 2 3 4
Signal TXD+ TXD- RXD+ ---
Pin 5 6 7 8
Signal --- RXD- --- ---
ioLogik E2200 Series Introduction
(V+: 12 to
TB1 (Power Input & RS-485 Connector)
Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6
Signal V+ V- FG D+ D- SG
TB2 (Input and Output Terminal)
Refer to the Appendix F.

LED Indicators

LED Light Description
PWR Off System power off
Red System power on
RDY Off System not ready
Green System ready
Red System error
Green Blinking Click & Go running
Green/Red Blinking System in Safe mode
Serial Off Serial port not connected
Red Serial port connected
Blinking Data sending and receiving
Ethernet Off Ethernet port not connected
Amber 10 Mbps connected
Green 100 Mbps connected
Blinking Data sending and receiving
DI Off DI status off
Green DI status on
DO Off DO status off
Red DO status on
DIO Off DI or DO status off
Green DI mode and status on
Amber DO mode and status on
AI Off AI channel disabled
Green AI channel enabled
RTD Green RTD status on
Red RTD transmitter not connected
TC Green TC status on
Red TC transmitter not connected
DO Power Off External power off or not connected
Red External power on
36 VDC)
Transmitter not connected when 4-20 mA mode

2. Initial Setup

This chapter describes how to install the ioLogik E2200 series.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Hardware Installation
Connecting the Power
Grounding the Unit
Software Installation
Restore Factory Defaults
Connecting to ioAdmin via Ethernet
Configuring the Host Computers IP Address
Activating ioAdmin and Connecting to the ioLogik
Adding More I/O Channels
Setting the RS-485 Baudrate
I/O Wiring Diagrams
Using ioAdmin to Import/Export Configurations
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
Determine the maximum possible current for each power wire and common wire. Observ
maximum current allowable for each wire size. If the current exceeds the maximum rating, the wiring could overheat, causing
serious damage to your equipment. For safety reasons, we recommend an average cable size of 22
depending on the current load, you may want to adjust your cable size (the maximum wire size for power connectors is 2

Hardware Installation

Connecting the Power

Connect the 12 to 36 VDC power line to the ioLogik’s terminal block (TB1). If power is properly supplied, the
power LED will glow a solid red color.

Grounding the Unit

The ioLogik is equipped with two grounding points, one on the wall mount socket and the other on the
DIN-Rail mount. Both grounding points are connected to the same conducting pathway Connect the ground
pin if earth ground is available.

Software Installation

ioAdmin is a Windows utility provided for the configuration and management of ioLogik E2200 products and
connected I/O devices. ioAdmin can be used to monitor and configure ioLogik E2200 products from anywhere
on the network. Some settings may also be configured by web console or optional LCM.
ioAdmin can be downloaded from Moxa’s website.
1. Installing ioAdmin from website:
a. First click on the following link to access the website’s search utility:
b. When the web page opens, enter the model name of your product in the search box.
c. Click the model name and navigate to the product page, and then click on Utilities, located in the box
titled Software.
d. Download and then unzip the file. Run SETUP.EXE from that location.
The installation program will guide you through the installation process and install the software.
2. Open ioAdmin: After installation is finished, run ioAdmin from the Windows Start menu: Start
Program Files
3. Search the network for ioLogik: When ioAdmin is started, it will automatically run the auto search
program. You can also find the program on the menu bar; select System
devices. A dialog window will appear. Click Start Search to begin searching for your unit.
MOXA IO Server Utility ioAdmin.
e all electrical codes dictating the
AWG. However,
Auto Scan Active ioLogik
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
The best approach to setting up
RESET button
If the host computer has multiple network interfaces, be sure to select the correct interface before searching.
(see Chapter 1). You can then use the ioAdmin utility to configure the ioLogik.
a previously configured ioLogik is to reset it to the factory default using the
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup

Restore Factory Defaults

There are three ways to restore the ioLogik to factory default settings.
1. Hold the RESET button for 5 seconds.
2. Right-click on the specifc ioLogik in the ioAdmin utility and select Reset to Default.
3. Select Load Factory Default from the web console.

Connecting to ioAdmin via Ethernet

Configuring the Host Computers IP Address

1. For initial configuration, it is strongly recommended to use a direct connection between the ioLogik E2200
device’s RJ45 Ethernet console port and the host computer, rather than remotely over the network.
Connect the ioLogik to the host PC with an Ethernet cable.
2. Set the host PCs IP address to (where xxx can be any number from 001 to 253). In
Windows, you can adjust this setting under Control Panel
device settings are:
Default IP Address Default Netmask Default Gateway None
Network and Internet. The default ioLogik
Example IP address:
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
When setting up a previously configured ioLogik, first restore it to factory default settings by using the RESET

Activating ioAdmin and Connecting to the ioLogik

1. Open ioAdmin: Click Start Program Files MOXA IO Server Utility ioAdmin.
2. Search the network for the ioLogik: When ioAdmin is started, it will automatically run the auto search
program. You may also click System Auto Scan ioLogik device on the menu bar. A dialog window will
appear. Click Start Search to begin searching for your unit. Once the ioLogik has been detected, modify
the settings as needed for your network environment, and then restart the device.
(see Chapter 1 for details). Then use the ioAdmin utility to configure the ioLogik device.
3. If the host computer supports multiple network interfaces, be sure to select the correct interface before
searching the network.
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
If multiple ioLogik devices
different IP address to each device to avoid IP conflicts. ioAdmin automatically detects IP address conflicts for
column, as shown below. Click the
to refresh the list of
device so you can modify conflicting IP addresses in the IP Address
button to reboot the corresponding device with its new IP address, and then click the Re-Search
4. Log in as administrator: For full access to all configuration options, log in as an administrator from the
Server Settings panel. This is required whenever you start ioAdmin, or boot up or restart the ioLogik.
When you install the ioLogik for the first time, the password will be blank. Simply click Login to log in. If a
password has already been set, hold down the reset button to clear the password and load factory defaults.
with the same default IP address are installed on the same network, assign a
IP address conflicts detected by ioAdmin.
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
ioAdmin supports four viewing options for the navigation panel. If you select
, the
ioLogik will appear in the Active OPC Server group. Simultaneously, the same devices will be shown under the
ly over the
5. Monitoring and Testing I/O statuses: Once your unit has been detected by ioAdmin, you can view the
status of all connected I/O modules and devices on the ioAdmin main screen.
group if the host computer is connected to the ioLogik’s Ethernet port instead of remote
You can test each DO channel by opening the channels configuration window and selecting the Test tab.
Sort by Active OPC Server
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
Multiple ioLogik E2200/R21
485 network. But when
connecting the power, be sure to use the following steps in the order below:
A total of 31 additional ioLogik R21
arrangement is to use the TB1 terminal block for the cascaded RS-485 connections, instead of using the system
After clicking the Test tab, you can see how a channels status affects or is affected by the attached device. For
DO channels, you can set the ON/OFF status or START/STOP pulse output. For DI channels, you can monitor
the attached devices ON/OFF status, or monitor the counter.
You can now use ioAdmin to set up or configure your ioLogik E2200. For additional information on using
ioAdmin, see Chapter 3.

Adding More I/O Channels

A cost-effective way to add more I/O channels to your ioLogik is to attach an appropriate ioLogik R2140. The
2 ioLogiks can be snapped together using the RS-485 system bus connector. For the ioLogik E2200 series,
additional analog channels can be added by using the ioLogik R2140.
Remove the cover from the male system bus connector on the first ioLogik’s right side panel
Remove the cover from the female system bus connector on the second ioLogik’s left side panel
Insert the first ioLogiks male system bus connector into the second ioLogiks female system bus connector
Replace the covers on the exposed system bus connectors
Turn on the system power
40 units can be snapped together as part of the same RS-
40 products can be attached to one ioLogik E2200. The best space-
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
All I/O channels of the ioLogik E2200
ost PC, but Click&Go logic can
only be used with the ioLogik E2200 series. Currently, Click&Go local control logic is not supported by the
ioLogik R21
When using the RS
Modbus devices, the ioLogik E2200 should always have an RS
ioLogik R21
E2200 series supports Unit IDs up to 247 for Modbus devices, the highest Unit ID on the ioLogik R2140 is 99.
40 series.
-485 cascading interface or system bus to add more I/O channels or to connect to RS-
40 or other devices should always be 2 or more, with an upper limit of 99. Although the ioLogik
+R2140 system can be polled by a remote h

Setting the RS-485 Baudrate

The RS-485 port on the ioLogik E2200 series is reserved for connecting to another RS-485 I/O device. The
RS-485 port can run Modbus/RTU or I/O command sets. The baudrate is set by a physical dial on the top of the
ioLogik. The default settings are: baudrate = 115200; parity check = N; data bits = 8; and stop bit = 1.
Baudrate for RS-485
(parameters are N, 8, 1)
Remember to restart the ioLogik after making any changes to the RS-485 baudrate.
Dial setting and corresponding baudrate:
0:115200 1:57600 2:38400 3:19200
4:9600 5:4800 6:2400 7:1200
-485 Unit ID of 1. The Unit ID of the attached

I/O Wiring Diagrams

A Dry Contact is a contact that does not provide voltage.
A Wet Contact is a contact that will provide voltage when closed.
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
It is strongly recommended to have a contact protection circuit for the relay output. A varistor can serve as a
contact pro
A load in a circuit schematic is a component or portion of the circuit that consumes electric power. For the
diagrams shown in this document, load refers to the devices
tection circuit where the parallel circuit connects with the load.
or systems connected to the remote I/O unit.
ioLogik E2200 Series Initial Setup
ATTENTION—Dry Contacts
When connecting an I/O device to the ioLogiks dry contacts, connect DI.COM
to the power of the external sensor to avoid affecting other channels.
DI.COM input power should be between 12 to 36 VDC.
Sensor types are grouped, with DI
group. If an NPN sensor is connected to DI-0, then only NPN sensors can be connected to the other DI channels
in the group (i.e., DI
, then only PNP sensors
can be connected to
O-4 and DIO-5). Likewise, if a PNP sensor is connected to DIO-6
the other DI channels in the group (i.e., DIO-10 and DIO-11).
O-0 to DIO-5 forming one group and DIO-6- to DIO-11 forming another

Using ioAdmin to Import/Export Configurations

To import or export a system configuration right click on the I/O model name and then selection Import
System Config or Export System Config. You must be logged in as an administrator to use this command.
Export System Config
Select this command to export the selected ioLogiks configuration to a text file. We recommend using this
method to back up your configuration after you have finished configuring the ioLogik for your application.
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