Moxa Technologies ioLogik E1261H, ioLogik E1263H, ioLogik E1200H User Manual

ioLogik E1200H Series User’s Manual
Edition 2.2, April 2018
© 2018 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
ioLogik E1200H Series User’s Manual
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Product Model Information ................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Inside the Box .................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 1-3
Physical Dimensions ............................................................................................................................ 1-3
Hardware Reference ............................................................................................................................ 1-5
Panel Guide ................................................................................................................................ 1-5
LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................ 1-5
2. Initial Setup ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Hardware Installation .......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting the Power .................................................................................................................. 2-2
Grounding the ioLogik E1200H ...................................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting to the Network ........................................................................................................... 2-2
I/O Wiring Diagrams .................................................................................................................... 2-3
Software Installation ........................................................................................................................... 2-4
Load Factory Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 2-4
3. Using the Web Console ...................................................................................................................... 3-1
Introduction to the Web Console ........................................................................................................... 3-2
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Network Settings ................................................................................................................................ 3-4
General Settings ......................................................................................................................... 3-4
Ethernet Configuration ................................................................................................................. 3-4
User-defined Modbus Addressing .......................................................................................................... 3-5
Default Address........................................................................................................................... 3-5
AOPC Server Settings .......................................................................................................................... 3-6
Tag Generation ................................................................................................................................... 3-6
I/O Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 3-8
DI Channels ................................................................................................................................ 3-8
DO Channels ............................................................................................................................. 3-10
AI Channels .............................................................................................................................. 3-11
AI Input Range ......................................................................................................................... 3-12
RTD Channels ........................................................................................................................... 3-14
System Management ......................................................................................................................... 3-16
IP Accessibility .......................................................................................................................... 3-16
Network Connection................................................................................................................... 3-17
Firmware Update ....................................................................................................................... 3-17
Import System Configuration Settings ......................................................................................... 3-17
Export System Configuration Settings .......................................................................................... 3-18
RS-485 Configuration................................................................................................................. 3-18
Changing the Password ..................................................................................................................... 3-18
Load Factory Defaults ........................................................................................................................ 3-19
Save/Restart .................................................................................................................................... 3-19
4. Using ioSearch .................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Introduction to ioSearch ...................................................................................................................... 4-2
ioSearch Main Screen .......................................................................................................................... 4-2
Main Screen Overview .................................................................................................................. 4-2
Main Items ........................................................................................................................................ 4-3
System ...................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Sort ........................................................................................................................................... 4-4
Quick Links ................................................................................................................................. 4-4
Main Function ..................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Locate ........................................................................................................................................ 4-5
Firmware Upgrade ....................................................................................................................... 4-5
Unlock ....................................................................................................................................... 4-6
Import ....................................................................................................................................... 4-6
Export ........................................................................................................................................ 4-6
Change IP Address ...................................................................................................................... 4-7
Batch TCP/IP Configuration on Multiple D ev ic e s ............................................................................... 4-7
Restart System ........................................................................................................................... 4-8
Reset to Default .......................................................................................................................... 4-8
Mass Deployment (Import) ........................................................................................................... 4-8
Mass Deployment (export) ........................................................................................................... 4-9
A. Modbus/TC P D efa ult Addre ss Mappings ............................................................................................ A-1
E1261H Modbus Mapping ..................................................................................................................... A-2
E1263H Modbus Mapping ..................................................................................................................... A-8
B. Network Port Numbers ...................................................................................................................... B-1
C. Factory Defaults ................................................................................................................................ C-1
D. Pinouts .............................................................................................................................................. D-1
E. FCC Interference Statement .............................................................................................................. E-1
F. European Community (CE) ................................................................................................................ F-1

1. Introduction

The ioLogik E1200H series is a stand-alone re mote Ethernet I/O server that can connect sensors and on/off switches for automation applications ov e r Ethernet and IP-based networks.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Product Model Informatio n
Product Features
Inside the Box
Product Specifications
Physical Dimensions
Hardware Reference
Pane l G uid e LED Indicators
ioLogik E1200H Series Introduction

Product Model Information

Model Description
ioLogik E1261H Remote Ethernet I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 12DIOs, 5AIs an d 3RTDs, -40 to
75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E1263H Remote Ethernet I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 24DIOs, 10AIs and 3RTDs
-40 to 75°C operating temperature

Product Features

• IEC 60945 certification pending harsh maritime environment
• Wide temperature tolerance: operates between -40 and 75°C (-40 to 167°F)
• Seamless SCADA connectivity with Active OPC™ technology.
• User-defined Modbus/TCP addressing
• MXIO programming library for Windows and WinC E VB/VC.NET and Linux C APIs
• Web configuration with Import/Export function

Inside the Box

The ioLogik E1200H is shipped with the following items:
• ioLogik E1200H Remote Ethernet I/O Server.
NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the abov e items are missing or damaged.
ioLogik E1200H Series Introduction
The latest specifications for Moxa’ s produc ts ca n be found at

Product Specifications

Physical Dimensions

ioLogik E1261H
Unit = mm (inch)
ioLogik E1200H Series Introduction

ioLogik E1263H

Unit = mm (inch)
ioLogik E1200H Series Introduction
The reset button restarts the server and resets all settings to factory defaults. Remove the two screws and the aluminum plate on top of the aluminum housing
the reset button for 5 sec. The factory
defaults will be loaded once the Ready LED turns green again. You may then re le ase the rese t butto n.
Data Transmitting

Hardware Reference

Panel Guide

LED Indicators

Type Color Description
, press and hold down
Green System power in ON
Off System power is OFF
Green System is ready
Green Blinking Located
Green/Red Blinking Safe Mode
Off System is not ready
Green 100Mb
Amber 10Mb
Off Ethernet Off
Green RS-485 Transceiver
Amber RS-485 Receiver
Blinking Data Transmitting
Off RS-485 Off
Green Channel ON
Green Blinking Counter or Pulse Mode receive input
Off Channel OFF
Green Channel enable
Red Burn out (wire off)
off Channel disable

2. Initial Setup

This chapter describes how to install the ioLog ik E1200H. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Hardware Installation
C o nne cting the Power G r ounding the ioLogik E1200H C o nne cting to the Network I/O Wiring Diagrams
Software Install at ion
Load Factory Defaults
ioLogik E1200H Series Initial Setup
Disconnect the power cord before installing o r w iring yo ur ioLogik Do not exceed the maximum current for the wiring Determine the maximum possible current for each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical codes dictating the maximum curre
wiring could overheat
the wires attached to
the power should be at least 2 mm in

Hardware Installation

Connecting the Power

Connect the 12 to 48 VDC power line to the ioLogik E1200H’ s te rminal b lock on the top panel. If power is properly supplied, the Power LED will glo w a solid amb er color.
nt allowable for each wire size. If the current exceeds the maximum ra ting ,
, causing serious damage to your equipment. For safe ty r e aso ns ,

Grounding the ioLogik E1200H

The ioLogik E1200H is equipped with a grounding point on the terminal blo ck locate d o n the top p ane l.
Connect the ground pin ( ) if earth ground is available.

Connecting to the Network

The ioLogik E1200H has two built-in Ethernet switch ports for connecting a standard direct or cross-over Ethernet cable from RJ45 port to either the host PC or another ioLogik E1200H device. For initial setup of the ioLogik E1200H, it is recommended that the ioLogik E1200H be configured using a direct connection to a host computer rather than remotely over the network.
Configure the host PC’s IP address to 192.168.127 .xxx (where xxx ranges from 001 to 253). When using Windows, you will need to do the configuration from the Control Panel.
ioLogik E1200H Default IP Address Default Netmask Default Gateway None
Use the web console or ioSearch config ur ati o n utility to connect to the ioLogik E1200H. Once the ioLogik E1200H has been detected, modify the settings as n eeded for your network environment, and then restart the server. Refer to Chapters 3 and 4 or further details.
ioLogik E1200H Series Initial Setup

I/O Wiring Diagrams

ioLogik E1200H Series Initial Setup

Software Installation

ioSearch is a search utility that helps the user locate io Log ik E1200H devices on the local network. You may download the latest version of ioSearc h fro m Moxa’s website.
1. Installing ioSearch: Download the ioSearch utility from Moxa’s website, double click the installation file, and then follow the installation wizard’s instructions to complete the installation. You can also download and install the MXIO DLL library separately.
2. Open ioSearch: After installation is finished, run ioSearch from Start  Program Files MOXA IO
3. Search the network for the server: On the menu bar, select System  Auto Scan Active Ethernet I/O Server. A dialog window will pop up. Click Start Search to begin sear c hing fo r the ioLog ik E1200H.
Utility  ioSearch
If multiple ioLogik E1200H units are installed on the same network, remember that each unit has the same default IP address. You will need to assign a differe nt IP addre s s to eac h unit to avoid IP conflicts.

Load Factory Defa ults

There are three ways to restore the ioLogik E1200H to the factory defaults.
1. Press and hold the RESET button for 5 seconds (under the reset protection cover).
2. Right-click the specified ioLogik in the ioSearch utility and select Reset to Default.
3. Select Load Factory Default from the web console

3. Using the Web Console

The ioLogik E1200H’s main configur ation and management utility is the built-in web console, which can be used to configure a wide range of options.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Introduction to the Web Console Overview Network Settings
General Settings Ethe r ne t Co nfiguration
User-defined Modbus Addressing
Default Address
AOPC Server S et tings Tag Generation I/O Settings
DI Channels D O C hanne ls AI Channels AI Input Range R T D Cha nne ls
System Manageme nt
IP Accessibility N e t work Connection F i r mware Update Import System Configuration Settings Export System Configuration Settings RS-485 Configuration
Changing the Password Load Factory Defaults Save/Restart
ioLogik E1200H Series Using the Web Console

Introduction to the Web Console

The ioLogik E1200H web console is a bro wser-based configuration utility. When the ioLogik E1200H is connected to your network, you may enter the server’s IP address in your web browser to access the web console.
The left panel is the navigation panel and contains an expandable menu tree for navigating among the various settings and categories. When you click on a menu item in the navigation panel, the main window will display the corresponding options for that item. Co nfiguration changes can then be made in the main window. For example, if you click on Network Settings in the navigation panel, the main window will show a page of basic settings that you can configure.
You must click on the Submit button after making configuration changes. The Submit button will be located at the bottom of every page that has configurable settings. If you navigate to another page without clicking the Submit button, your changes will not be retained.
Submitted changes will not take effect until they are saved and the ioLogik E1200H is restarted!
You may save and restart the server in one step by clicking on the Save/Restart button after you submit a change. If you need to make several changes before restar ting, you may save your changes without restarting by selecting Save/Restart in the navigatio n panel. If you restart the ioLogik E1200H without saving your configuration, the ioLogik E1200H will disc ard all s ub m itte d chang e s .
ioLogik E1200H Series Using the Web Console


The Overview page contains basic inform atio n abo ut the ioLogik E1200H, including the mode l name, serial number, firmware vers ion, MAC address, and current IP address. Most importantly, you can see the current I/O status by hitting the F5 key on the computer keyboard to refr esh the page .
ioLogik E1200H Series Using the Web Console

Network Settings

General Settings

On the General Settings page, you can assign a server name and location to assist you in differentiating between different ioLogik E1200H units. You may also configure the Modbus/T C P idle inter v a l or enable the Communication Watchdog function.
The Communication Watchdog activ ate s Safe Mode after a specified amount of time has passed following a loss of network connectivity. Saf e Mode is desig ned espec ially for products that have output channels to output a suitable value or status when the ioLogik E1200H cannot be controlled by a remote PC (due to network failure, for exa mple). B y default, the Watchdog is disabled. Users can configure how each output channel responds on the I/O Settings page.
To enable the Watchdog, check Enable connection watchdog, set the timeout value, and then restart the server. With Watchdog enabled, the io Log ik E1200H will enter Safe Mode after there is a disr up tion in communication that exceeds the specified time limit.
For easier location of devices when troubleshooting, enable the remote control of LEDs on the E1200H series devices by selecting "Enable I/O Locate , " to allow remote toggling of the "Ready" LED from off to flashing.

Ethernet Configuration

On the Ethernet Configuration page, you can set up a static or dynamic IP addr e ss for the ioLogik E1200H, and configure the subnet mask and gateway addres s .
ioLogik E1200H Series Using the Web Console
Disable the user Server to control or monitor the ioLogik

User-defined Modbus Addressing

The input and output address can be configured in a different format on a specific settings p age . Check the “Enable User-defined Modbus Addressing ” box, select the Modbus function, and then configure the start address of each item.
-defined modbus addressing function if using the MXIO(.N ET) library or using Active OPC

Default Address

On this settings page, you can view the default Modbus address for all I/O devices. The page only displays the start address of each item. For example, if the DI Value starts from 10001, then the 1 address is 10001 and the 2
E1200H’s I/O Status.
DI is 10002. Please refer to the diagram at the top of the follow ing page.
DI channel’s Modbus
ioLogik E1200H Series Using the Web Console

AOPC Server Setti ngs

Moxa’s Active OPC Server™ is a software package operated as an OPC driver of an HMI or SCADA system. It seamlessly connects M oxa’s ioLogik products to a wide variety of SCADA systems, including the most popular: Wonderware, Citect, and iFix. Active OPC Server ™ confor ms to the OPC Found ation’s latest data access standard, DA 3.0, and will connect with other standards-compliant devices and host OPC machines.
Active OPC Server can be downloaded from the Moxa Website, and may be found from Moxa’s online support page, After downloading the AOPC software, unzip it and run Install.exe. The installation program will guide you through the installation process and insta ll the A c tive OPC Server Utili ty . For more details on AOPC installation and use, ple as e r efer to the Active OPC User’s Manual.

Tag Generation

Tag configuration of an ioLogik E1200H is specified by its web console. Open the browser and go to the Active OPC Server Settings page.
Follow these steps to create the tag from the ioLogik E1200H to Active OPC Server: In the AOPC & I/O Settings page, Check the “Enable Ac tive OPC” box and specify the IP address where the Active OPC Server is installed. Select the I/O channels that need to be created in the Active OPC Server. Configure the Heartbeat Interval, if nece ssary .
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