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Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Inside the Box .................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Model Information ................................................................................................................... 1-3
4. Using ioSearch™ ................................................................................................................................ 4-1
Introduction to ioSearch™ ................................................................................................................... 4-2
ioSearch™ Main Screen ....................................................................................................................... 4-2
Main Screen Overview.................................................................................................................. 4-2
Main Function ..................................................................................................................................... 4-4
C. RESTful API Default Address Mapp ings ............................................................................................. C-1
ioLogik E1200 RESTf u l API Map ............................................................................................................ C-1
D. Network Port Numbers ...................................................................................................................... D-1
E. Factory Default Settings .................................................................................................................... E-1
F. Pinouts .............................................................................................................................................. F-1
G. FCC Interference Statement .............................................................................................................. G-1
H. European Community (CE) ................................................................................................................ H-1
1. Introduction
The ioLogik E1200 industrial Ethernet remote I/O has two embedded Ethernet switch ports that allow
information to flow to another local Ethernet device or connect to the next ioLogik in a daisy-chain. Applications
such as factory automation, security and survei llance systems, and tunnel monitoring, can make use of
daisy-chained Ethernet for building multidrop I/O networks over standard Ethernet cables and familiar fieldbus
protocols. The daisy-chain function on the ioLogik E1200 Ethernet remote I/O not only increases the
connections between machines and p a nels, but it also lowers the cost of buying separate Ethernet sw itches,
and at the same time reduces labor fees and cabling by a large percentage. For example, if a production facility
contains 700 stations (20 points per station), the wiring cost reduction can reach 15% of the total
implementation cost.
15 to 30 VDC (12 or 9 VDC configurable by jumper on the 4 DO channels)
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Digital Inputs:
Digital Input
Sensor Type:
I/O Mode:
Dry Contact:
• On: short to GND
• Off: open
Wet Contact (DI to COM):
• On: 10 to 30 VDC
• Off: 0 to 3 VDC
Common Type:
Counter Frequency:
Digital Filtering
Note: Ambient humidity must be non-condensing and remain between 5 and 95%. The relays of the ioLogik
E1214 may malfunction when operating in high cond ensation environments below 0°C.
Contact Current Rating:
Resistive Load: 5 A @ 30 VDC, 250 VAC, 110 VAC
Breakdown Voltage:
Relay On/Off Time:
Initial Insulation Resistance:
Mechanical Endurance:
Electrical Endurance:
Contact Resistance:
Pulse Output:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Input Current:
ioLogik E1214
6 channels
6 channels
3k VDC or 2k Vrms
Wet Contact (NPN or PNP), Dry Contact
DI or Event Counter
6 points per COM
250 Hz
Time Interval: Software configurable
Form A (N.O.) power relay
500 VAC
1500 ms (max.)
100,000 operations @ 5 A resistive load
100 milli-ohms (max.)
0.3 Hz at rated load
12 to 36 VDC
188 mA @ 24 VDC
(mean time between failures)
808,744 hrs
Telcordia SR332
1000 mega-ohms (min.) @ 500 VDC
5,000,000 operations
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Analog Inputs:
Analog Input
I/O Mode:
Input Range:
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
±0.3% FSR @
±0.5% FSR @
Sampling Rate:
• All channels: 12 samples/sec
• Per
• Only one channel enabled: 12 samples/sec
Input Impedance:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Input Current:
Inputs and Outputs
Analog Outputs:
Analog Output
Output Range:
Drive Voltage:
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
±0.3% FSR @
Load Resistor:
Note: 24 V of external power required w h en loading exceeds 1000 ohms.
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Input Current:
MTBF (mean time between failures)
ioLogik E1240
8 channels
3k VDC or 2k Vrms
Differential input
16 bits
Voltage / Current (jumper sel ectable)
0 to 10 VDC, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA (burnout detection)
0 to 10 VDC, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA (burnout detection)
-10 and 60°C
-40 and 75°C
10 mega-ohms (min.)
-in Resistor for Current Input: 120 ohms
12 to 36 VDC
139 mA @ 24 VDC
502,210 hrs
Telcordia SR332
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Sensor Type:
• PT50, PT100, PT200, PT500 (
• PT1000 (
• Resistance of 310, 620, 1250, and 2200 ohms
Sampling Rate:
• All channels: 12 samples/sec
• Per channel: 2 samples/sec
• Only one channel enabled: 12 samples/sec
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
±0.3% FSR @
Input Impedance:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Input Current:
ioLogik E1260
6 channels
3k VDC or 2k Vrms
-200 to 850°C)
-200 to 350°C)
Connection: 2- or 3-wire
0.1°C or 0.1 ohm
-40 and 75°C
625 kilo-ohms
12 to 36 VDC
110 mA @ 24 VDC
(mean time between failures)
660,260 hrs.
Telcordia SR332
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
Inputs and Outputs
Sensor Type:
E (
Millivolt Type:
• Mode: ±78.126 mV, ±39.062 mV, ±19.532 mV
• Fault and over
Sampling Rate:
• All channels: 12 samples/sec
• Per channel: 1.5 samples/sec
• Only one channel enabled: 12 samples
±0.1% FSR @ 25°C
±0.3% FSR @
Input Impedance:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Input Current:
MTBF (mean time between failures)
ioLogik E1262
8 channels
3k VDC or 2k Vrms
J (0 to 750°C), K (-200 to 1250°C), T (-200 to 350°C),
-200 to 900°C), R (-50 to 1600°C), S (-50 to 1760°C), B (600 to 1700°C), N (-200 to 1300°C)
-voltage protection:
-35 to +35 VDC (power off)
-25 to +30 VDC (power on)
16 bits
-40 and 75°C
10 mega-ohms
12 to 36 VDC
118 mA @ 24 VDC
631,418 hrs.
Telcordia SR332
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
Physical Dimensions
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
The RESET button restarts the server and resets all settings to factory defaults. Use a pointed object such as
a straightened paper clip to hold down the RESET button for 5 seconds. The factory de faults will be loaded once
the READY LED turns green again. You may then release the RESET button.
Hardware Reference
Panel Guide
Ethernet Port
LED Indicators
LED State Description
Power Amber System power is ON
Ready Green System is ready
Port 1 Green Ethernet connection enabled
Port 2 Green Ethernet connection enabled
EXT Green EXT field powe r input is connected
Pin 1 2 3 4
Signal TXD+ TXD- RXD+ ---
Pin 5 6 7 8
Signal --- RXD- --- ---
OFF System power is OFF
Flashing Flashes every 1 second when the “Locate” function is triggered
Flashing Flashes every 0.5 second when the firmware is being upgraded
Flashing ON/OFF cycle period of 0.5 second represents “Safe Mode”
OFF System is not ready
Flashing Transmitting or receiving data
Flashing Transmitting or receiving data
Off EXT field power input is disconnected
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
I/O Circuit Diagram
DI Circuit
Sinking DO Circuit
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
Sourcing DO Circuit
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
DIO Circuit
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
Relay Circuit
AI Circuit
RTD Circuit
ioLogik E1200 Series Introduction
TC Circuit
2. Initial Setup
This chapter describes how to install the ioLogik E1200.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Hardware Installation
Connecting the Power
Grounding the ioLogik E1200
DIN Rail, Wall Mounting
Connecting to the Network
Jumper Settings (DIO and AI)
I/O Wiring Diagrams
Determine the maximum possible current for each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical codes
dictating the maximum curr
wiring may overheat, causing serious damage to your equipment. For safety reasons, we recommend an
average cable size of 22 AWG. However, depending on the current load, you may want to adjust your cable size
(the maximum wire size for power connectors is 2 mm).
Hardware Installation
Connecting the Power
Connect the 12 to 36 VDC power line to the ioLogik E1200’s terminal block on the top panel. If power is properly
supplied, the Power LED will glow a solid amber color.
ent allowable for each wire size. I f the current exceeds the maximum rating, the
Grounding the ioLogik E1200
The ioLogik E1200 is equipped with a grounding point on the terminal block located on the top panel.
Connect the ground pin () if earth ground is available.
DIN Rail, Wall Mounting
There are two sliders on the back of the unit for DIN rail and wall mounting.
Mounting on a DIN rail:
Pull out the bottom slider; latch the unit onto the DIN rail, and push the slider back in.
Mounting on the wall:
Pull out both the top and bottom sliders and align the screws accordingly.
ioLogik E1200 Series Initial Setup
Connecting to the Network
The ioLogik E1200 has two built-in RJ45 Ethernet ports for connecting a standard direct or crossover Ethernet
cable to either the host PC or another ioLogik E1200 device. For initial setup of the ioLogik E1200, it is
recommended that the ioLogik E1200 be configured using a direct connection to a host computer rather than
remotely over the network.
Configure the host PC’s IP address to (where xxx ranges from 001 to 253). When using
Windows, you will need to configure from the Control Panel.
ioLogik E1200 Default IP Address Default Netmask Default Gateway None
Use the web console or ioSearch™ configuration utility to connect to the ioLogik E1200. On ce the ioLogik E1200
has been detected, modify the settings as needed for your network environment, and then restart the server.
Refer to Chapters 3 and 4 for further details.
Jumper Settings (DIO and AI)
The ioLogik E1212, E1240, and E1242 models require configuration for the jumpers located inside the cover.
Remove the screw on the back panel and o pen the cover to configure the jumpers.
ioLogik E1200 Series Initial Setup
The ioLogik E1213 has 4 pure DO channels and 4 hybrid DIO channels. For the 4 pure DO channels, you can use
the jumpers to select the power configuration output
channels, you cannot use the jumpers to select the power configuration output. Instead, you can only use the
jumpers to set the DIO channels to either DI mode or DO mode.
DIO Mode Configuration Settings
DIO mode configuration settings are shown below:
The default setting is DO Mode.
AI Mode Configuration Settings
Analog mode configuration settings are shown below:
The default setting is Voltage Mode.
EXT Power Configuration Settings (ioLogik E1213 Only)
The ioLogik E1213 digital outputs have three possible external (EXT) power configurations. Only one field
power configuration can be selected at a time (JP10 / 12V JP5 / 9V JP11), and the jumper must be inserted
vertically, not horizontally. EXT power configuration settings are shown below:
The default setting is Field Power JP1 0.
(i.e., field power, 12 V , 9 V). But for the 4 hybrid DIO
ioLogik E1200 Series Initial Setup
Remove the screw on the back panel and o pen the cover to configure the jumpers.
I/O Wiring Diagrams
A Dry Contact is a contact that does not provide voltage.
A Wet Contact is a contact that will pr ovide voltage when closed.
ioLogik E1200 Series Initial Setup
It is recommended to use a contact protection circuit for relay output. A varistor can serve as a contact
protection circuit, where the parallel circuit conn ec ts to the Load.
A “load” in a circuit schematic is a component or portion of the circuit that consumes electric power. For the
diagrams shown in this document, “load” refers to the
devices or systems connected to the remote I/O unit.
ioLogik E1200 Series Initial Setup
ioSearch™ Installation
ioSearch™ is a search utility that helps the user locate ioLogik E1200 d evices on the local network. You may
download the latest version of ioSearch™ from Moxa’s website.
1. Installing the ioSearch™: Download the ioSearch™ utility from Moxa’s website, double click the
installation file, and then follow the ins tallation wizard’s instructions to comp lete the installation.
2. Open ioSearch: After installation is finished, run ioSearch™ from Start Program Files MOXA IO
Server Utility ioSearch.
3. Search the network for the server: On the menu bar, select System Auto Scan Active Ethernet
I/O Server. A dialog window will pop up. Click Start Search to begin searching for the ioLogik E1200.
If multiple ioLogik E1200 units are installed on the same network, remember that each unit has the same
default IP address. You will need to assign a different IP address to each unit to avoid IP conflicts.
Load Factory Default Settings
There are three ways to restore the ioLogik E1200 to factory default settings.
1. Hold dow n the RESET button for 5 seconds
2. Right-click on the specific ioLogik d evice in the ioSearch™ utility and select Reset to Default
3. Select Load Factory Default from the web console
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