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DI Channel ................................................................................................................................. 2-4
DO Channel (Sink Type) ............................................................................................................... 2-5
AI Channel ................................................................................................................................. 2-5
LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Daisy-Chaining for I/O Expansion ......................................................................................................... 2-7
Reset to Factory Defaults ..................................................................................................................... 2-8
MX-AOPC Server (for SCADA/HMI user s) ...................................................................................... 6-10
With DDNS (for SCADA/HMI users) .............................................................................................. 6-11
Moxa Cellular Data Access Utility (for mobile dev ic es/PCs) .............................................................. 6-11
7. Wireless LAN Networ k S et up and Conf i gur a tion (for wireless LAN m od els) ...................................... 7-1
Deploying the ioLogik 2500-WL1........................................................................................................... 7-2
IOxpress Settings for a Wireless LAN Network ........................................................................................ 7-2
Wireless LAN .............................................................................................................................. 7-2
A. Network Port Usage .......................................................................................................................... A-1
B. Modbus/TCP D efa ult Addre ss Mappings ............................................................................................ B-1
ioLogik 2512 Series Modbus Address and Register Map............................................................................ B-1
ioLogik 2542 Series Modbus Address and Regis ter Map............................................................................ B-2
C. RESTful API Default Add re ss Ma ppings ............................................................................................. C-1
API List ............................................................................................................................................. C-1
The ioLogik 2500 is a smart remote I/O product with unique hard w are and softw are des igns, m ak i ng it an
ideal solution for a variety of industrial d ata acquis iti o n app lic ati o ns . The ioLogik 2500’s hardware design
includes a 4-port unmanaged Etherne t s w itc h and 2 ser ial ports , enab ling the ioLogik 2500 to seamlessly
connect to a variety of field devices. One of the Ethernet ports ca n be used to link to 8 daisy-chained
ioLogik E1200 expansion modules to provide more than 100 c hanne ls . The ioLogik 2500 acts as the “head”
unit, with Click&Go Plus logic used to control the entire I /O array. Mo st importantly, the ioLogik 2500’s
single IP is all that’s required to connect the entir e I/O arr ay to your netwo rk , providing the perfect solution
for industrial field sites that have an insuf f i c ie nt number of IP addre sse s .
For cellular connections, the ioLogik 2500 supports Moxa’s patented MX-AOPC Server with push
communications technology, and pr ov id es an econo mical solution for accessing multiple remote I/O devi ces
connected to the same private IP network, which itself links to the outside world over a cellular connection
using dynamic IP addresses.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
ioLogik 2500 Overview
D im e ns io ns D iagr am
Pac k a g e Checklist
Pr oduct Features
I/O Channels Available on ioLogik 2500 Models
Communication Interface
The ioLogik
box, dramatically reducing the
devices from multiple vendors.
Micro SD card (supports cards with up to 32 GB of storage space), and the
ioLogik 2500
control logi
systems. As a rugged industrial device, the ioLogik 2500 operates reliably
at a wide range of temperatures, and is well suited for hard
wire remote
monitoring and
Top View
Front View
ioLogik 2500 Overview
2500 combines a remote I/O device and data logger into one
amount of effort required to integr a te
I/O and serial data can be logged onto a
can be programmed with Moxa’s convenient Click&Go™ Plus
c, which can be used to easily construct customized control
alarm applications at unmanned sites like riversides and
ioLogik 2500 Series Overview
Dimensions Diagram
Units: mm (in)
Package Checklist
The ioLogik 2500 is shipped with the following ite ms :
Modbus/RTU (master/gateway), serial tunnel mod e (clie nt/s e rver)
I/O cable, 14 AWG (max.)
61 x 157 x 115 m m (2.4 x 6.18 x 4.53 in)
DIN rail (standard), wall (optional)
Up to 32 GB microSD™ memory card (SDHC compatible)
-grade, wide-temperature SD cards are
-10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)
-30 to 70°C (-22 to 158°F)
-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185° F)
IEC 60068-2-27
IEC 60068-2-6
Up to 2000 m
UL 508
EN 61000-6-2/6-4
CISPR 32, FCC Part 15B Class A
-4-2 ESD: Contact: 4 kV; Air: 8 kV
-4-3 RS: 80 MHz t o 1 GHz: 3 V/m
-4-4 EFT: Power: 1 kV; Signal: 0.5 kV
-4-5 Surge: Po wer 2 kV
-4-6 CS: 3 V
R&TTE: EN 62311, EN 300 328, EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-17, EN 301 893; NCC; VCCI
Class 1 Division 2; ATEX Zone 2
-to-date certification status.
5 years
ioLogik 2512 HSPA/GPRS/WLAN Specifications
8 channels
3k VDC or 2k Vrms
Wet Contact (NPN or PNP) and Dry Contact
DI or Event Counter
ioLogik 2500 Series Overview
Wet Contact (DI to COM):
• On: 10 to 30 VDC
• Off: 0 to 3 VDC
Common Type:
Counter Frequenc y:
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
Pulse Output Freq uenc y:
Current Rating:
DIO Output Leakage Current:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Input Curre nt:
• HSPA Model: 390 mA @ 24 VDC
• GPRS Model: 416 mA @ 24 VDC
• WL1 Model: 328 mA @ 24 VDC
MTBF (mean time between failures)
• HSPA model: 378,154 hrs
• GPRS model: 403,452 hrs
• WL1 model: 400,469 hrs
Inputs and Outputs
Configurable DIOs (by software):
Analog Inputs:
Isolation: 3k VDC or 2k Vrms
Digital Input
Sensor Type:
I/O Mode:
Dry Contact:
• On: short to GND
• Off: open
Wet Contact (DI to COM):
• On: 10 to 30 VDC
• Off: 0 to 3 VDC
Common Type:
Counter Frequenc y:
Digital Filtering Time Interval:
Digital Output
I/O Mode:
Pulse Output Freq uenc y:
8 points per COM
2.5 kHz
ital Filtering Time Interval: Softw are configurable
DO or Pulse Output
5 kHz
-Voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-Current Protection: 1.5 A per channel @ 25°C
-Temperature Shutdown: 175°C (min.)
500 mA per channel @ 25°C
< 1 mA @ 30 VDC
9 to 48 VDC
Telcordia SR332
ioLogik 2542 HSPA/GPRS/WLAN Specifications
12 channels
4 channels
Wet Contact (NPN or PNP) and Dry Contact
DI or Event Counter
6 points per COM
2.5 kHz
Software configurable
DO or Pulse Output
5 kHz
-Voltage Protection: 45 VDC
-Current Protection: 1.5 A per channel @ 25°C
-Temperature Shutdown: 175°C (min.)
ioLogik 2500 Series Overview
Current Rating:
DIO Output Leakage Current:
Analog Input
I/O Mode:
Input Ran g e: ±10 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA (burnout detection)
• ±0.1% FSR @ 25° C
• ±0.3% FSR @
• ±0.5% FSR @
• All channels: 400 samples/sec
• Per channel: 100 samples/sec
Input Impedance:
Power Requirements
Input Voltage:
Input Curre nt:
• HSPA Model: 442 mA @ 24 VDC
• WL1 Model: 406 mA @ 24 VDC
MTBF (mean time between failures)
• HSPA model: 378,154 hrs
• GPRS model: 403,087 hrs
• WL1 model: 331,222 hrs
Standard: Telcordia SR332
500 mA per channel @ 25°C
< 1 mA @ 30 VDC
Differential input
16 bits
Voltage / Current (software selectable)
-10 and 60°C
-30 and 70°C
1M ohms (min.)
-in Resistor for Current Input: 120 ohms
9 to 48 VDC
Model: 494 m A @ 24 VDC
2. Installation
In this chapter, we provide instructions on how to instal l the io Log ik 2500 I/O ser ver to connect to the
network and serial devices.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Hardware Installation
Installing the ioLogik 2500 on a DIN Rail
R e moving the ioLogik 2500 from a DIN Rail
Powering on the ioLogik 2500
Grounding the Unit
Installing a microSD Card and SIM Cards (cellular models only)
I/O Wiring Diagrams
I/O Wiring
DI Channel
DO Channel (Sink Type)
AI Channel
LED Indicators
Daisy-Chaining for I/O Expansion
Reset to Factory Defaults
Network Install ati on
Ethe r ne t Co mm unic ation
TCP/IP Settings
Serial Communication
Software Install at ion —IOxpress Utility
System Requirements
Installing IOxpress
ioLogik 2500 Series Installation
place, push the recessed button to release it. Onc e
released, you should feel some resistance from the
spring as you slid
millimeters in each direction.
of the attachment plate’s slot.
place along the rail, as shown below.
To remove the ioLogik 2500 from a DIN rail, use a
screwdriver to pull down the spring
until it locks in place, as shown in the diagram at the
right. Next, rotate the bottom of the ioLogik 2500
upwards until y
This equipment is intended to be used in Restricted Acc ess Lo c ations. External metal parts
Hardware Installation
Installing the ioLogik 2500 on a DIN Rail
The DIN-rail attachment plate should alr e ady b e fixed to the back panel of your ioLogik 2500. If you need
to reattach the plate, be sure the spring-loaded br ack e t is oriented tow ard s the bo tto m , as shown in the
figures below.
If the spring-loaded bracket is locked in
e the bracket up and down a few
Insert the top of the rail into the upper lip
The attachment unit should now snap into
Removing the ioLogik 2500 from a DIN Rail
-loaded bracke t
ou can remove it from the DIN rail.
hot! Maintenance personnel should wear protective gear before to uching the outside surface.
ioLogik 2500 Series Installation
The ioLogik 2500 can re ceive power from a 9 to 48 VDC power
source. Input power is applied to the positive (V+) and negative
After connecting the ioLogik 2500 to the power supply, it will take
30 to 60 seconds for the operating system to boot up. The green
Ready LED will illuminate continuously until the operating system
is ready.
Be sure to note
codes dictating the maximum current allow able for each wire size. If current
the wi
connecting the power supply should be at least 2 mm in diameter (e.g., 12 gauge).
The ioLogik 2500 supports a single microSD card
and two SIM cards (cellular models only). The
card slots are located inside the ioLogik 2500 , as
shown here. The card slot is hidden
cover plate attached by a screw that must first
be removed before
After removing the screw holding the cover plate
in place you can insert or remove the
microSD/SIM cards. Be sure to refasten the
cover plate when you are done.
Powering on the ioLogik 2500
-) terminals on the connector.
Grounding the Unit
The ioLogik 2500 is equipped with a ground connector labeled .
res will overheat, and may cause serious damage to the equipment. For safety reasons, wires
the maximum possible current for each power wire and common wire. Observe a ll elec tr ic a l
s exceed the maximum rating
Installing a microSD Card and SIM Cards
(cellular models only)
beneath a
the slot can be accessed.
ioLogik 2500 Series Installation
I/O Wiring Diagrams
I/O Wiring
Follow the wiring guide for the I/O channels:
Item Suggestion
Wire range 16 to 26 AWG
Screw Torque 3 lb-inch
DI Channel
There are two categories of DI contact: Dry Contact and Wet Contact. Fo llow the wiring diagram for the
particular component you are using.
A Dry Contact is a contact that works without a power source: buttons, switches, etc.
A Wet Contact is a contact that requires a power source to work: proximity sensors, motion sensors, etc.
Check the sensor type (NPN, PNP) and follow the corresponding wiring sho wn belo w.
DI Dry Contact
ioLogik 2500 Series Installation
DI Wet Contact (NPN)
DI Wet Contact (PNP)
DO Channel (Sink Type)
The DIO channels of this series can be used as DI channels or DO channels. The wiring diagram for DO
channels, which are sink type , is shown below:
AI Channel
ioLogik 2500 Series Installation
System is ready
LED Indicators
Type Color Description
Ethernet Port
Serial Port
SD (Micro SD) Green SD card inserted
I/O Channel Status*
(0 to 15)
W.Link** Green Wireless connection established
Signal Status** Off No signal, or No SIM card
*Use the rotary switch to select which module’s I/O channe l s tatus is dis p laye d .
0 = ioLogik 2500
1 to 8 = E1200 expansio n
9 to F = Reserved
**Wireless models only
Green System power is ON
Off System power is OFF
Red System error
Green (blinking once per sec.) Locating device
Red (blinking once per sec.) Expansion Runtime Error
Green/Red (blinking once per 0.5 sec.) Safe Mode
Off System is not ready
Green Ethernet connection enabled at 100 Mbps
Amber Ethernet connection enabled at 10 Mbps
Blinking Data is being transmitted
Off Disconnected
Green Tx
Amber Rx
Blinking Data is being transmitted
Off Disconnected
Off SD card not inserted
Green Channel ON or Counter/Pulse signal
Off Channel OFF or No Counter/Pulse signal
Off Off
1 LED Weak or insufficient (SMS only)
2 LEDs Average (good for cellular connections)
3 LEDs Excellent signal
ioLogik 2500 Series Installation
Expansion units must be replaced with the same model of expans i o n unit. I
different expansion unit model, yo u must first change the relevant IOxpress settings.
ioLogik 2500
ioLogik E1200
ioLogik E1200
ioLogik E1200
ioLogik E1200
ioLogik E1200
Daisy-Chaining for I/O Expansion
Up to 8 ioLogik E1200 devices can be connected in a daisy chain configuratio n to the ioLogik 2500 via the
L1/Slave port on the ioLogik 2500. An IOxpress configuration scheme is called a project. If the IOxpress
project includes expansion device s , the ioLog ik 2500 w ill a utomatic ally start running in expansion mode.
If the ioLogik 2500 is running, you can replace one of the expansion units w ithout powering down the
ioLogik 2500. Take the following steps to replace an expansio n unit:
1. Power-off the expansion unit.
2. Replace the unit with anothe r expansion unit of the same model.
3. Access the DIP switch bene a th the cover plate (a s shown below ).
4. Move the DIP switch from the down positio n to the up pos ition to tr igge r the ioLogik 2500 to refresh its
connection with the expansion units. If the DIP switch is already in the up position, move it down and
then back up again.
5. The expansion unit will sta r t running.
The following figure illustrates a s imple dais y -c hain of I/O modules using the ioL ogi k 2500 for w ire le s s
When daisy-chaining an array of devices, the first de v ice in the chain (after the ioLogik 2500) must be
connected to the L1 Slave port on the top of the ioLogik 2500 (outlined in red in the diagram).
When a network failure occurs between the ioLogik 2500 and expansion I/O units, the ioLogik 2500’s autorecovery mechanism will reestablish a connection onc e the network is back up and running.
f you would like to use a
ioLogik 2500 Series Installation
When using the ioLogik 2500 as the head of an array of ioLogik E1200 modules , make sure tha t:
If you need to reset the ioLogik 2500 to factory
defaults, press and hold the reset button (loc ate d
under the cover
more than
Resetting your device to factory defaults w i ll res ult in the loss of all co nfig uration settings and any Click&Go
Plus logic settings that have
The maximum cable length of a 10/100BaseT connection is 100 m (350 feet), but the a c tual limit co uld be
shorter depending on the amount of electr ic al nois e in the environment. To minimize the amount of noise,
Ethernet cables should not run parallel to power cable s or other cables tha t genera te el ectrical no is e .
1. You connec t the firs t E1200 expansion module in the array to the ioLogik 2500’s L1 Slave port.
2. A maximum of 8 ioLogik E1200 de v ices ar e connec te d in a single arra y.
3. You only use ioLogik E1200 devices in the array. Other devices cannot be used as part of the array.
Reset to Factory Defaults
-plate, as shown in the diagram) for
5 seconds.
Reset Button
Network Installation
Ethernet Communication
Connections to the LAN port are made through an RJ45 connector on the ioLog ik 2500 devic e . The wiring
and pin connections for these connectors ar e described in separate sections below.
TCP/IP Settings
The following table shows the TCP/IP parameter s suppor te d by the LAN por t. The io Log ik 2500 w ill reve rt to
these default values w he ne ver it is r ese t to factor y def a ults.
If required, the RJ45
used to connect to serial devices.
The ioLogik 2500 is shipped with 2 RJ45 to DB9 connection cable s . If yo u need additional cables, contact
your Moxa sales representativ e.
The model name of the connection cable is
IP Address
The ioLogik 2500’s IP address.
Subnet Mask
Determines which subnet the device is connected to.
The gateway IP address, which determines how the controller communicates with devices outs ide its subnet.
The IP address, subnet mask, and gateway are static; contact yo ur netw or k adminis trator to obtain these
addresses for the ioLogik 2500 device.
Serial Communication
-in-1 software-
-232/422/485 serial ports, making it more convenient to
to 8-pin male DB9 converter cab les can be
RJ45 to DB9 Conn ec ti o n Ca bl e RJ45 Connec t or Pinouts DB9M Connector Pinouts
Additional information on using IOXpr e ss c a n be found in
Software Installation—IOxpress Utility
The ioLogik 2500 can be remotely managed and configured ov er a n Etherne t with Moxa’ s IOxpress utility.
IOxpress is a Windows utility provided for the conf iguration and management of the ioLogik 2500. IOxpress
can be used to remotely monitor and configure devices from any location on the network. The IOxpress
graphical user interface provides e asy acc ess to all status info rmation and configuration settings, and can
also be used to configure Click&Go Plus rules and handle front-e nd eve nts .
System Requirements
Hardware Requirements
CPU Intel Pentium 4 CPU or higher
RAM Min. 512 MB, 1024 MB is recommended
Network Interface 10/100 Ethernet
Software Requirements
Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000, XP or later
Installing IOxpress
The software can be downloaded from Moxa’s website. To do this, first click on the following link to access
the website’s search utility:
When the web page opens, enter the model name of your product in the search box. Click the model name
to navigate to the product page, and then click on Utilities (in the middle of the pag e ), loc ate d in the box
titled Software.
Download and unzip the file, and then run SETUP.EXE from that location.
The installation program will guide you through the installation process and install the softwar e . After the
installation is finished , run the softw are fro m the Window s Start m e nu.
Chapter 3: The IOxpress Utility.
3. The IOxpress Utility
In this chapter, we introduce Moxa’s IOxpress Utility. The ioLogik 2500 can be managed and configured
over an Ethernet using the IOxpress graphical user inte r face, which provides easy access to all status
information and settings. IOxpress can also be used to configure Click&Go Plus rules to handle fr o nt-end
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Application Interface
Main Screen
Menu B a r
Using IOxpress
Configuration Flowchart
C o nfiguration Library
D e vice Library
ioLogik 2500 Series The IOxpress Utility
If the host computer has multiple interfaces , be sure to select the corr e c t network inte rface before searching
for online devices. If you select the incorrect inte rf a c e or do not enable an interface, the search action will
not find any devices. The interface settings c an be found in the menu bar Options
Application Interface
Main Screen
The following figure shows the main scree n of the IOxpress utili ty . The re are four main areas:
• Menu Bar
• Quick Launch Bar
• Configuration Console
• Log Messages
Menu Bar
There are five tabs on the menu bar:
• Project: For managing projects
• Device: For accessing functions to manage online devices
• Configuration: For performing configurations offline
• Options: Network interface and options
• Help: Version info rmation
Network Interfaces.
ioLogik 2500 Series The IOxpress Utility
Using IOxpress
IOxpress sup po rts two configuration options: Config uratio n Libr ary and Device Library. Offline configuration
is usually completed first in the Config uration Library, and then the configurations are uplo ad ed over the
network to online devices.
Configuration Flowchart
The following flowchart gives an overview of the IOxpr e ss configuration process. Once offline config uration
is completed, you can start online configuration.
Configuration Library
1. Select Device Confi guration
2500 + E1200
2. Detailed configuration
general settings
Click&Go Plus logic
Peer to Peer
Configuration Library
The operator uses IOxpress to store configuration options offline in IOxpress Projects. The configuration
settings are stored on the user’s computer.
See Chapter 4 for a detailed explanation.
Device Library
Device Library
1. Auto-search for online
2500 + E1200
2. Select the functions to be
executed, and then
configure them
3. Deploy the configuration to
one or more devices
The operator uses IOxpress to export the configuration to devices on the network. That is, settings that
were configured offline are exported over the network to online de v ices . This can be done either in batch
mode, or on a case-by-case basis.
IOxpress can also be used to access online devices directly to check I/O status, upgra d e firm w are , expo r t
configurations, and restart devic e s.
See Chapter 5 for a detailed explanation.
4. Configuration Library
With Configuration Library, the operator uses IOxpress to store configuration options offline in IOxpress
Projects. The configuration settings are stored on the user’s computer.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Saving Configurations as a Project
A d ding an ioLogik 2500 Device to a Project
A d ding E1200 I/O Expansion Modules to a Project
Duplicate Device Configuration for Mass Deployment
Setting Up a Device
Settings Tab
Modbus/TCP Slave
Mo d bus/TCP Master
S e r i al Por t (Port1/Port2)
D ata Log g ing
C lic k&Go Plus
Click&Go Plus Tab
Click&Go Plus Simulator Tab
Peer-to-Peer Tab
General Settings
Peer-to-Peer Rule Settings
ioLogik 2500 Series Configuration Library
With Configuration Library, the operator uses IOxpress to store configuration options offline in IOxpress
Projects. The configuration settings are stored on the user’s computer.
Saving Configurations as a Project
IOxpress configuration schem es a re cal led Projects (saved as *.prj files).
The first step to using IOxpress is to create a project for automating yo ur d evic e conf iguration processes.
This can be done offline, after which the project ca n be expor ted to o ther devic e s over the netwo rk dur ing
the online configuration phase (discussed in Chapter 5: Device Library).
Projects are automatically saved in the following folder:
The first time you use offline configuratio n, create a new projec t by clicking New from the dropdown menu
under the Project tab.
Click Configuration Library and then select Configuration fro m the toolb ar. You may click on either
Add Configuration… or Load from File… to add a config uration to the new project.
Adding an ioLogik 2500 Device to a Project
The ioLogik 2500 can be used as the head of a cascaded array of ioLogik E1200 modules , with C lic k &G o
Plus logic used to extend communication capability to the all of the expansion units.
ioLogik 2500 Series Configuration Library
If the IOxpress project includes expans ion devices, the
The IP address of the ioLogik 2500 should not be the same as its E1200 expansion units.
The following ioLogik E1200 models can be used for ioLog ik 2500 I/O arr ays:
Adding E1200 I/O Expansion Modules to a Project
Up to 8 ioLogik E1200 series devices can be connected to the ioLogik 2500 in a daisy -chain co nfiguration.
Right click on the ioLogik 2500 device you have just added, and then sele c t Add Add Configuration….
After adding an E1200, the settings for the added dev ice c an be found in the I/O settings, Tag selection,
and data logging – profile areas. The expansion status (0: disconnect; 1: Good) can be monitored via
Modbus, AOPC tag, SNMP, and RESTful API.