Moxa Technologies EDS-G516E, EDS-528E, EDS-G508E, IKS-6728A, IKS-6726A User Manual

Moxa Managed Ethernet Switch
Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0)
User’s Manual
Edition 4.0, September 2017
Models covered by this manual:
EDS-G512E-8PoE, EDS-G516E, IKS-6726A, IKS-6728A,
IKS-6728A-8PoE, IKS-G6524A, IKS-G6824A, ICS-G7526A, ICS-G7826A,
ICS-G7528A, ICS-G7828A, ICS-G7748A, ICS-G7848A, ICS-G7750A,
ICS-G7850A, ICS-G7752A, ICS-G7852A Series
© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
Moxa Managed Ethernet Switch
Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0)
User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Redundancy Protocol ................................................................................................ 1-1
2. Turbo Ring ........................................................................................................................................ 2-1
The Turbo Ring Concept ...................................................................................................................... 2-2
Setting up “Turbo Ring” or “Turbo Ring V2” ............................................................................................ 2-2
Determining the Redundant Path of a “Turbo Ring” Ring................................................................... 2-2
Determining the Redundant Path of a “Turbo Ring V2” Ring .............................................................. 2-3
Ring Coupling Configuration .......................................................................................................... 2-3
Dual-Ring Configuration (applies only to “Turbo Ring V2”) ................................................................ 2-5
Dual-Homing Configuration (applies only to “Turbo Ring V2”) ........................................................... 2-5
Configuring “Turbo Ring” and “Turbo Ring V2” ........................................................................................ 2-6
Configuring “Turbo Ring” .............................................................................................................. 2-6
Configuring “Turbo Ring V2” ......................................................................................................... 2-8
3. Turbo Chain ....................................................................................................................................... 3-1
The Turbo Chain Concept ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Setting Up Turbo Chain ....................................................................................................................... 3-2
Configuring “Turbo Chain”.................................................................................................................... 3-2
Head Switch Configuration ............................................................................................................ 3-3
Member Switch Configuration ....................................................................................................... 3-3
Tail Switch Configuration .............................................................................................................. 3-3
4. STP/RSTP/MSTP ............................................................................................................................... 4-1
The STP/RSTP/MSTP Concept ............................................................................................................... 4-2
What is STP? .............................................................................................................................. 4-2
How STP Works ........................................................................................................................... 4-3
Differences between STP, RSTP, and MSTP ..................................................................................... 4-4
STP Example ...................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Using STP on a Network with Multiple VLANs .......................................................................................... 4-6
Configuring STP/RSTP ......................................................................................................................... 4-6
Configuring MSTP ............................................................................................................................... 4-9
Configuration Limits of STP/RSTP ........................................................................................................ 4-12
5. V-ON ................................................................................................................................................. 5-1
The V-ON Concept .............................................................................................................................. 5-2
V-ON Topology ................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Overall Network Fast Recovery ...................................................................................................... 5-3
Local Network Fast Recovery ........................................................................................................ 5-4
Instructions for Setting Up V-ON .......................................................................................................... 5-4
1. Introduction to Redundancy Protocol
Setting up Redundancy Protocol on your network helps protect critical links against failure, protects against
network loops, and keeps network downtime at a minimum.
Redundancy Protocol allows you to set up redundant loops in the network to provide a backup data
transmission route in the event that a cable is inadvertently disconnected or damaged. This is a particularly
important feature for industrial applications, since it could take several minutes to locate the disconnected or
severed cable. For example, if the Moxa switch is used as a key communications component of a production line,
several minutes of downtime could cause a big loss in production and revenue. The Moxa switch supports three
different protocols to support this Redundancy Protocol function:
Turbo Ring and Turbo Ring V2
Turbo Chain
Rapid Spanning Tree and Spanning Tree Protocols (IEEE 802.1W/802.1D-2004)
When configuring a redundant ring, all switches on the same ring must be configured to use the same
redundancy protocol. You cannot mix the Turbo Ring, Turbo Ring V2, and STP/RSTP protocols on the same ring.
The following table lists the key differences between the features of each protocol. Use this information to
evaluate the benefits of each, and then determine which features are most suitable for your network.
Turbo Ring Turbo Ring V2 Turbo Chain STP RSTP
Topology Ring Ring Chain Ring, Mesh Ring, Mesh
Fast Ethernet
Recovery Time
< 300 ms < 20 ms < 20 ms Up to 30 sec. Up to 5 sec.
Gigabit Ethernet
Recovery Time
< 50 ms < 50 ms
Most of Moxa’s managed switches now support three proprietary Turbo Ring protocols
Turbo Ring refers to the original version of Moxa’s proprietary redundant ring protocol, which has a
recovery time of under 300 ms.
Turbo Ring V2 refers to the new generation Turbo Ring, which has a recovery time of under 20 ms for
Ethernet ports and under 50 ms for Gigabit Ethernet ports.
Turbo Chain is a new Moxa proprietary protocol with unlimited flexibility that allows
you to construct any
type of redundant network topology. The recovery time is under 20 ms for Fast Ethern
et ports and under 50
ms for Gigabit Ethernet ports. To achieve a recovery time under 50 ms in a Gigabit Turbo Chain, we
recommend using a Gigabit fiber port as Head port.
In this manual, we use the terminology
Turbo Ring and Turbo Ring V2 to differentiate between rings
configured for one or the other of these protocols.
Managed Ethernet Switch Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0) Introduction to Redundancy Protocol
Gigabit Ethernet Redundant Ring Capability (< 50 ms)
Ethernet has become the default data communications
medium for industrial automation applications. In fact,
is often used to integrate video, voice, and
-rate industrial application data transfers into one
Moxa switches come equipped with a redundancy
igabit Ethernet protocol called Gigabit Turbo Ring. With
Gigabit Turbo Ring, if any segm
ent of the network gets
disconnected, your automation system will be back to
normal in less than
300 ms (Turbo Ring) or 50 ms (Turbo
Ring V2)
Port trunking and Turbo Ring
, Turbo Ring V2, and Turbo Chain can be enabled simultaneously to form a
However, firmwares released before edition 5.0
do not support port trunking with Turbo Ring V2 and
Turbo Chain. Doing so will increase the bandwidth of the backbone, and also provide redundancy. For example,
suppose that two physical ports, 1 and 2, are trunked to form trunk group Trk1, and then Trk1 is set as one
Turbo Ring path
. If port 1 gets disconnected, the remaining trunked port, port 2, will share the traffic. If port
1 and 2 are both disconnected,
then Turbo Ring will create a backup path within 300 ms.
2. Turbo Ring
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
The Turbo Ring Concept
Setting up “Turbo Ring” or “Turbo Ring V2”
Determining the Redundant Path of a “Turbo Ring” Ring
Determining the Redundant Path of a “Turbo Ring V2” Ring
Ring Coupling Configuration
Dual-Ring Configuration (applies only to “Turbo Ring V2”)
Dual-Homing Configuration (applies only to “Turbo Ring V2”)
Configuring “Turbo Ring” and “Turbo Ring V2”
Configuring “Turbo Ring”
Configuring “Turbo Ring V2”
Managed Ethernet Switch Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0) Turbo Ring
The Turbo Ring Concept
Moxa developed the proprietary Turbo Ring protocol to optimize redundancy and achieve a faster recovery time
on the network.
The Turbo Ring and Turbo Ring V2 protocols identify one switch as the master of the network, and then
automatically block packets from traveling through any of the network’s redundant loops. In the event that one
branch of the ring gets disconnected from the rest of the network, the protocol automatically readjusts the ring
so that the part of the network that was disconnected can reestablish contact with the rest of the network.
Setting up “Turbo Ring” or “Turbo Ring V2”
Select any two ports as redundant ports.
Connect the redundant ports to form the Turbo Ring.
The user does not need to configure any of the switches as the master to use Turbo Ring or Turbo Ring V2. If
none of the switches in the ring is configured as the master, then the protocol will automatically assign master
status to one of the switches. In fact, the master is only used to identify which segment in the redundant ring
acts as the backup path. In the following subsections, we explain how the redundant path is selected for rings
configured for Turbo Ring, and Turbo Ring V2.
Determining the Redundant Path of a “Turbo Ring” Ring
In this case, the redundant segment (i.e., the segment that will be blocked during normal operation) is
determined by the number of switches in the ring, and where the ring master is located.
When the Number of Switches in the Turbo Ring is Even
If there are 2N
switches (an even number) in the “Turbo
ring, then the backup segment is one of the two
segments connected to the (N+1)
st switch (i.e., the
directly opposite the
Managed Ethernet Switch Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0) Turbo Ring
When the Number of Switches in the Turbo Ring is Odd
If there are 2N+1
(an odd number) in the “Turbo
ring, with switches and segments labeled
counterclockwise, then segment N+1 will serve as the
backup path
For the example shown here, N=1, so that N+1=2.
Determining the Redundant Path of a “Turbo Ring V2” Ring
For a
“Turbo Ring V2” ring, the backup segment is the
segment connected to the 2nd redundant port on the
Configuring “Turbo Ring V2” in the
Configuring “Turbo
Ring” and “Turbo Ring V2”
section below.
Ring Coupling Configuration
For some systems, it may not be convenient to connect all devices in the system to create one BIG redundant
ring, since some devices could be located in a remote area. For these systems, Ring Coupling can be used to
separate the devices into different smaller redundant rings, but in such a way that they can still communicate
with each other.
a VLAN environment, the user must set Redundant Port, Coupling Port, and Coupling Control Port
join all VLANs,
since these ports act as the backbone to transmit all packets of different VLANs to different
Managed Ethernet Switch Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0) Turbo Ring
Ring Coupling for a “Turbo Ring” Ring
To configure the Ring Coupling function for a Turbo Ringring, select two switches (e.g., Switch A and B in the
above figure) in the ring, and another two switches in the adjacent ring (e.g., Switch C and D). Decide which
two ports in each switch are appropriate to be used as coupling ports, and then link them together. Next, assign
one switch (e.g., Switch A) to be the coupler and connect the coupler’s coupling control port with Switch B (for
this example).
The coupler switch (i.e., Switch A) will monitor Switch B through the coupling control port to determine whether
or not the coupling port’s backup path should be recovered.
Ring Coupling for a “Turbo Ring V2” Ring
Note that the ring coupling settings for a “Turbo Ring V2” ring are different from a “Turbo Ring” ring. For Turbo
Ring V2, Ring Coupling is enabled by configuring the Coupling Port (Primary) on Switch B, and the Coupling
Port (Backup) on Switch A only. You do not need to set up a coupling control port, so that a “Turbo Ring V2”
ring does not use a coupling control line.
The Coupling Port (Backup) on Switch A is used for the backup path, and connects directly to an extra
network port on Switch C. The Coupling Port (Primary) on Switch B monitors the status of the main path,
and connects directly to an extra network port on Switch D. With ring coupling established, Switch A can
activate the backup path as soon as it detects a problem with the main path.
Managed Ethernet Switch Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0) Turbo Ring
Ring Coupling only needs to be enabled on one of the switches serving as the Ring Coupler. The Coupler must
designate different ports as the two Turbo Ring ports and the coupling port.
You do not need to use the same
switch for both Ring Coupling and Ring Master.
Dual-Ring Configuration (applies only to “Turbo Ring V2”)
The dual-ring option provides another ring coupling configuration, in which two adjacent rings share one
switch. This type of configuration is ideal for applications that have inherent cabling difficulties.
Dual-Ring for a “Turbo Ring V2” Ring
Dual-Homing Configuration (applies only to “Turbo Ring V2”)
The dual-homing option uses a single Ethernet switch to connect two networks. The primary path is the
operating connection, and the backup path is a back-up connection that is activated in the event that the
primary path connection fails.
Dual-Homing for a “Turbo Ring V2” Ring
Managed Ethernet Switch Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0) Turbo Ring
Configuring “Turbo Ring” and “Turbo Ring V2”
Use the scrollbar at the top of the Redundancy Protocol page to select Turbo Ring, Turbo Ring V2, Turbo
Chain, RSTP, or MSTP. Note that the configuration pages for these five protocols are different.
Setting Description Factory Default
Turbo Ring Select this item to change to the Turbo Ring configuration page. None
Turbo Ring V2 Select this item to change to the Turbo Ring V2 configuration
Turbo Chain Select this item to change to the Turbo Chain configuration
Select this item to change to the RSTP configuration page.
MSTP (IEEE 802.1s) Select this item to change to the MSTP configuration page.
Configuring “Turbo Ring”
The following figure indicates which Turbo Ring parameters can be configured. A more detailed explanation of
each parameter follows.
Explanation of “Status” Items
Active Protocol
Shows which redundancy protocol is in use: Turbo Ring, Turbo Ring V2, Turbo Chain, RSTP, MSTP or
Ring: Role
Indicates whether or not this switch is the Master or Slave of the Turbo Ring.
The user does not need to set the master to use Turbo Ring. If master is
set, the Turbo Ring protocol will
assign master status to one of the
in the ring. The master is only used to determine which segment
serves as the backup path.
Managed Ethernet Switch Redundancy Protocol (UI 2.0) Turbo Ring
Ring: Turbo Ring Status
Shows Healthy if the ring is operating normally, and shows Break if the ring’s backup link is active.
Ring: 1st Port Status / Ring: 2nd Port Status
The “Ports Status” indicators show Forwarding for normal transmission, Blocking if this port is connected to
a backup path and the path is blocked, and Link down if there is no connection.
Ring Coupling: Role
Indicates whether or not this switch is assigned as coupler.
Ring Coupling: Coupling Port Status
Ring Coupling: Coupling Control Port Status
The “Ports Status” indicators show Forwarding for normal transmission, Blocking if this port is connected to
a backup path and the path is blocked, and Link down if there is no connection.
Explanation of “Settings” Items
Set as Master
Setting Description Factory Default
Select this switch as Master
Not checked
Disabled Do not select this switch as Master
Redundant Ports
Setting Description Factory Default
1st Port Select any port of the switch to be one of the redundant ports. Port G2
2nd Port Select any port of the switch to be one of the redundant ports. Port G3
Ring Coupling: Enable
Setting Description Factory Default
Enable Select this switch as Coupler Not checked
Disable Do not select this switch as Coupler
Ring Coupling: Coupling Port
Setting Description Factory Default
Coupling Port Select any port of this switch to be the coupling port Port G1
Ring Coupling: Coupling Control Port
Setting Description Factory Default
Coupling Control Port Select any port of this switch to be the coupling control port Port 7
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