Moxa Technologies G2150I User Manual

G2150I AT Command Set
Second Edition, June 2007
Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231
MOXA Technical Support
Worldwide: The Americas
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in
accordance with the terms of that agreement.
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2007 Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permi ssi on is pr ohibited.
MOXA is a registered trademark of The Moxa Group.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of MOXA.
MOXA provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. MOXA reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time.
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa Technologies assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may result from its use.
This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publication.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction..................................................................................................1-1
Scope of the Document............................................................................................................ 1-2
Related Documents.................................................................................................................. 1-2
ETSI Secretariat....................................................................................................................... 1-2
Abbreviations........................................................................................................................... 1-3
Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 1-4
Presentation Rules.................................................................................................................... 1-4
Chapter 2 AT Command Features................................................................................2-1
Serial Line Settings.................................................................................................................. 2-2
Command Line ........................................................................................................................ 2-2
Information Response and Result Codes.................................................................................2-2
Chapter 3 General Commands.....................................................................................3-1
Manufacturer Identification: +CGMI....................................................................................... 3-2
Request Model Identification: +CGMM.................................................................................. 3-2
Request Revision Identification: +CGMR............................................................................... 3-3
Product Serial Number: +CGSN.............................................................................................. 3-3
Select TE Character Set: +CSCS.............................................................................................3-3
Phonebook Character Set: +WPCS.......................................................................................... 3-4
Request IMSI: +CIMI.............................................................................................................. 3-4
Card Identification: +CCID ..................................................................................................... 3-4
Capabilities List: +GCAP........................................................................................................3-5
Repeat Last Command: A/....................................................................................................... 3-5
Power Off: +CPOF..................................................................................................................3-5
Set Phone Functionality: +CFUN............................................................................................3-5
Phone Activity Status: +CPAS................................................................................................. 3-6
Report Mobile Equipment Errors: +CMEE.............................................................................3-7
Keypad Control: +CKPD......................................................................................................... 3-7
Clock Management: +CCLK................................................................................................... 3-7
Alarm Management: +CALA..................................................................................................3-8
Generic SIM Access: +CSIM................................................................................................... 3-8
Restricted SIM Access: +CRSM............................................................................................ 3-10
Mobile Equipment Control Mode: +CMEC ...........................................................................3-11
Indicator Control: +CIND.......................................................................................................3-11
Multiplexing Mode: +CMUX................................................................................................ 3-12
Chapter 4 Call Control Commands ..............................................................................4-1
Dial Command: D.................................................................................................................... 4-2
Hang-Up Command: H............................................................................................................ 4-3
Answer a Call: A...................................................................................................................... 4-4
Remote Disconnection............................................................................................................. 4-4
Extended Error Report: +CEER............................................................................................... 4-4
DTMF Signals: +VTD, +VTS.................................................................................................4-5
Redial Last Telephone Number: ATDL.................................................................................... 4-5
Automatic Dialing with DTR: AT%Dn.................................................................................... 4-6
Automatic Answer: ATS0 ........................................................................................................ 4-7
Incoming Call Bearer: +CICB.................................................................................................4-7
Single Numbering Scheme: +CSNS........................................................................................ 4-8
Gain Control: +VGR, +VGT................................................................................................... 4-8
Chapter 5 Network Service Commands.......................................................................5-1
Signal Quality: +CSQ.............................................................................................................. 5-2
Operator Selection: +COPS..................................................................................................... 5-2
Network Registration: +CREG................................................................................................ 5-4
Operator List Management: +WOLM..................................................................................... 5-5
Read Operator Name: +WOPN................................................................................................5-6
Selection of Preferred PLMN List: +CPLS ............................................................................. 5-8
Preferred Operator List: +CPOL.............................................................................................. 5-9
Read Operator Name: +COPN................................................................................................5-11
Chapter 6 Security Commands ....................................................................................6-1
Enter PIN: +CPIN.................................................................................................................... 6-2
Enter PIN2: +CPIN2................................................................................................................ 6-3
PIN Remaining Attempt Number: +CPINC............................................................................. 6-4
Facility Lock: +CLCK............................................................................................................. 6-5
Change Password: +CPWD..................................................................................................... 6-7
Chapter 7 Short Message Commands.........................................................................7-1
Parameter Definitions.............................................................................................................. 7-2
Select Message Service: +CSMS............................................................................................. 7-3
New Message Acknowledgement: +CNMA............................................................................ 7-3
Preferred Message Storage: +CPMS........................................................................................ 7-5
Preferred Message Format: +CMGF........................................................................................7-6
Save Settings: +CSAS ............................................................................................................. 7-7
Restore Settings: +CRES......................................................................................................... 7-7
Show Text Mode Parameters: +CSDH .................................................................................... 7-7
New Message Indication: +CNMI........................................................................................... 7-8
Read Message: +CMGR.......................................................................................................... 7-9
List Message: +CMGL .......................................................................................................... 7-10
Send Message: +CMGS..........................................................................................................7-11
Write Message to Memory: +CMGW.................................................................................... 7-12
Send Message From Storage: +CMSS................................................................................... 7-13
Set T ext Mode Parameters: +CSMP ...................................................................................... 7-13
Delete Message: +CMGD...................................................................................................... 7-14
Service Center Address: +CSCA ........................................................................................... 7-15
Select Cell Broadcast Message T ypes: +CSCB..................................................................... 7-16
Cell Broadcast Message Identifiers: +WCBM....................................................................... 7-16
Message Status Modification: +WMSC.................................................................................7-17
Message Overwriting: +WMGO............................................................................................ 7-17
Un-change SMS Status: +WUSS........................................................................................... 7-18
Copy Messages: +WMCP...................................................................................................... 7-19
More Messages to Send: +CMMS......................................................................................... 7-21
Chapter 8 Data Commands...........................................................................................8-1
Using A T Commands During a Data Connection .................................................................... 8-2
Bearer T ype Selection: +CBST................................................................................................ 8-2
Select Mode: +FCLASS .......................................................................................................... 8-3
Service Reporting Control: +CR.............................................................................................. 8-3
Cellular Result Codes: +CRC.................................................................................................. 8-4
DTE-DCE Local Rate Reporting: +ILRR................................................................................ 8-4
Radio Link Protocol Parameters: +CRLP................................................................................ 8-5
Select Data Compression: %C................................................................................................. 8-6
V42 bis Data Compression: +DS............................................................................................. 8-6
V42 bis Data Compression Report: +DR................................................................................. 8-7
Select Data Error Correcting Mode: \N ................................................................................... 8-7
Chapter 9 V24-V25 Commands.....................................................................................9-1
Fixed DTE Rate: +IPR............................................................................................................. 9-2
DTE-DCE Character Framing: +ICF....................................................................................... 9-3
DTE-DCE Local Flow Control: +IFCR................................................................................... 9-3
Set DCD Signal: &C................................................................................................................ 9-4
Set DTR Signal: &D................................................................................................................ 9-4
Set DSR Signal: &S................................................................................................................. 9-5
Back to Online Mode: O.......................................................................................................... 9-5
Result Code Suppression: Q .................................................................................................... 9-5
DCE Response Format: V........................................................................................................ 9-6
Default Configuration: Z.......................................................................................................... 9-6
Save Configuration: &W ......................................................................................................... 9-6
Auto-tests: &T ......................................................................................................................... 9-7
Echo: E..................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Restore Factory Settings: &F................................................................................................... 9-8
Display Configuration: &V...................................................................................................... 9-8
Request Identification: I........................................................................................................... 9-9
Data / Commands Multiplexing: +WMUX............................................................................ 9-10
Chapter 10 GPRS Commands ......................................................................................10-1
Define PDP Context: + CGDCONT...................................................................................... 10-2
Quality of Service Profile (Requested): +CGQREQ..............................................................10-3
Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable): +CGQMIN............................................. 10-6
GPRS Attach or Detach: +CGATT........................................................................................ 10-7
PDP Context Activate or Deactivate: +CGACT .................................................................... 10-8
Enter Data State: +CGDATA ................................................................................................. 10-9
GPRS Mobile Station Class: +CGCLASS............................................................................. 10-9
Select Service for MO SMS Messages: +CGSMS...............................................................10-10
GPRS Event Reporting: +CGEREP......................................................................................10-11
GPRS Network Registration Status: +CGREG.................................................................... 10-12
Request GPRS IP Service: ‘D’............................................................................................. 10-13
Network Requested PDP Context Activatio n.......................................................................10-14
Automatic Response to a Network Request for PDP Context Activation: +CGAUTO....... 10-14
Manual Response to a Network Request for PDP Context Activation: +CGANS............... 10-15
Show PDP Address: +CGPADDR ....................................................................................... 10-17
Cellular Result Codes: +CRC.............................................................................................. 10-17
Service Reporting Control: +CR.......................................................................................... 10-18
Extended Error Report: +CEER........................................................................................... 10-18
GPRS Parameter Customization: + WGPRS....................................................................... 10-19
Full AT GPRS Command Examples.................................................................................... 10-21
Chapter 11 MOXA Proprietary Commands..................................................................11-1
Firmware Upgrade: *UPG......................................................................................................11-2
Restore Default Setting: *DEFAULT .....................................................................................11-3
Automatic PIN Entry: *USEPIN............................................................................................11-4
Initial Strings: *BOOTSTR ....................................................................................................11-5
Serial Port Configuration: *SERIAL......................................................................................11-6
SMS Tunnel Mode: *SMS......................................................................................................11-7
Appendix A Result Codes, Failure Causes, and Other Tables ....................................A-1
ME Error Result Code: +CME ERROR: <error>................................................................... A-2
Message Service Failure Result Code: +CMS ERROR: <er>................................................ A-3
Specific Error Result Codes.................................................................................................... A-3
Failure Cause from GSM 04.08 Recommendation: +CEER................................................... A-4
Specific Failure Cause for +CEER ......................................................................................... A-6
GSM 04.11 Annex E-2: Mobile Originating SM-Transfer...................................................... A-6
Unsolicited Result Codes........................................................................................................ A-8
Final Result Codes.................................................................................................................. A-9
Intermediate Result Codes.................................................................................................... A-10

Chapter 1 Introduction

This chapter is an introduction to the OnCell G2150I AT Command Set. The following topics are covered:
Scope of the Document
Related Documents
ETSI Secretariat
Presentation Rules
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set Introduction

Scope of the Document

This document describes the AT-command based messages exchanged between an application and the OnCell G2150I for managing GSM related events or services.
OnCell G2150I
Send A T
Receive A T

Related Documents

The interface specifications described here are based on the following recommendations: [1] ETSI GSM 07.05: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Use of DTE-DCE
interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) [2] ETSI GSM 07.07: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); AT command set for
GSM Mobile Equipment (ME) [3] ITU-T Recommendation V.25ter: Serial asy nchronous automatic dialing and control [4] ETSI GSM 03.40: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Technical
implementation of the Short Message Ser vice (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP) [5] ETSI GSM 03.38: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Alphabets and
language-specific information
Serial Link
[6] ETSI GSM 04.80: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2): Mobile radio interface layer 3, Supplementary service specification, Formats and coding
[7] 3GPP 05.02: 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE- Radio Access Network; Multiplexing and multiple access on the radio path – 3GPP TS 05.02 V6.9.2 (2001-04)

ETSI Secretariat

The following addresses may be of use in obtaining the latest GSM/GPRS recommendations: Postal address: F-06921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX – France
Office address: 650 Route des Lucioles – Sophia Antipolis – Valbonne – France Web address: Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set Introduction


ADN Abbreviated Dialing Number (Phonebook) AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate AMR-FR AMR Full Rate (full rate speech Version3) AMR-HR AMR Half Rate (half rate speech version 3) AOC Advice Of Charge ASCII Standard characters table (1 byte coding) AT Modem Hayes commands prefix (for “ATtenti on”) BCCH Broadcast Channel BER Bit Error Rate CLI Client Line Identification CSD (GSM data call) CTS Clear To Send signal CUG Closed User Group DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency DTR Data Terminal Ready EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programming Only Memory EFR Enhanced Full Rate (full rate speech version 2) E-ONS Enhanced Operator Name Service FDN Fixed Dialing Number (Phonebook) FR Full Rate (full rate speech version 1) GPRS General Packet Radio Service GSM Global System for Mobile communication HR Half Rate (half rate speech version 1) IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity MCC Mobile Country Code ME Mobile Equipment MNC Mobile Network Code MOC Mobile Originated Call (outgoing call) MS Mobile Station MTC Mobile Terminated Call (incoming call) NITZ Network Information and Time Zone OPL Operator PLMN List PC Personal Computer PIN Personal Identification Number PLMN Public Land Mobile Networks PNN PLMN Networ k Name PPP Point-to-Point Protocol PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network PUK PIN Unlock Key RIL Radio Interface Layer RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication RTS Ready To Send signal SIM Subscriber Information Module SMS Short Message Service SPN Service Provider Name TE Terminal Equipment UCS2 Characters table (2 bytes coding) UIH Unnumbered Information with Header check
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set Introduction


The words “Mobile Station” (MS) or “Mobile Equipment” (ME) are used for mobile terminals that support GSM services. Terminal Equipment (TE) is the Human Machine Interface (HMI) of a GSM device (modem or handset). TE can be a handset HMI or the AT command line interface.
OnCell G2150I
User GSM network
A call from a GSM mobile station to the PSTN is called a “mobile originated call” (MOC) or “outgoing call,” and a call from a fixed network to a GSM mobile station is called a “mobile terminated call” (MTC) or “incoming call.”

Presentation Rules

In the remainder of this document, AT commands are presented in three parts. A “Description” paragraph provides general information about the AT command (or response) behavior. A “Syntax” paragraph describes how to use the command, and gi ves possible responses in a readable format. A “Defined values” paragraph provides parameter values, and the AT command for the corresponding responses. Schemas are provided where necessary.

Chapter 2 AT Command Features

This chapter includes information about the AT Command Features of the OnCell G2150I. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Serial Line Settings
Command Line
Information Response and Result Codes
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set AT Command Features

Serial Line Settings

A serial link handler is configured with the following default values (factory settings):
y 115200 bps y 8 data bits y 1 stop bit y no parity y RTS/CTS flow control
Use the +IPR, +IFC, and +ICF commands to change these settings.

Command Line

Commands always start with AT (which means ATtention) and finish with a <CR> character.

Information Response and Result Codes

Responses start and end with <CR><LF> (except for the ATV0 DCE response format) and the ATQ1 (result code suppression) commands.
y If the command syntax is incorrect, the “ERROR” string is returned. y If the command syntax is correct, but the command is transmitted with the wrong parameters,
the +CME ERROR: <Err> or +CMS ERROR: <SmsErr> strings are returned with adequate error codes if CMEE was previously set to 1. By default, CMEE is set to 0, and the error message is only “ERROR.”
y If the command line has been executed successfully, an “OK” string is returned. In some cases, such as “AT+CPIN?” or (unsolicited) incoming events, the product does not return
the “OK” string as a response. In the following examples <CR> and <CR><LF> are omitted intentionally.

Chapter 3 General Commands

This chapter includes information about the General Commands of the OnCell G2150I. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Manufacturer Identification: +CGMI
Request Model Identification: +CGMM
Request Revision Identification: +CGMR
Product Serial Number: +CGSN
Select TE Character Set: +CSCS
Phonebook Character Set: +WPCS
Request IMSI: +CIMI
Card Identification: +CCID
Capabilities List: +GCAP
Repeat Last Command: A/Power Off: +CPOF
Set Phone Functionality: +CFUN
Phone Activity Status: +CPAS
Report Mobile Equipment Errors: +CMEE
Keypad Control: +CKPD
Clock Management: +CCLK
Alarm Management: +CALA
Generic SIM Access: +CSIM
Restricted SIM Access: +CRSM
Mobile Equipment Control Mode: +CMEC
Indicator Control: +CIND
Multiplexing Mode: +CMUX
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands

Manufacturer Identification: +CGMI

Description: This command gives the manufacturer identification. Command syntax: AT+CGMI
Command Possible Responses
Note: Get manufacturer identification
Defined values: No parameters
Note: Command valid, Waveco m modem

Request Model Identification: +CGMM

Description: This command is used to get the supported frequency bands. With multi-band products the response may be a combination of different bands.
Command syntax: AT+CGMM
Command Possible Responses
Note: Get hardware version
Note: Get hardware version AT+CGMM
Note: Get hardware version AT+CGMM
Note: Get hardware version AT+CGMM
Note: Get hardware version AT+CGMM
Note: Get hardware version
Note: Multi-band: GSM 900 MHz extended band and DCS 1800 (default configuration).
900E OK
Note: 900 extended
1800 OK
Note: DCS
1900 OK
Note: PCS
G850 OK
Note: GSM 850
Note: Multi-band: GSM 850 and PCS
Defined values: No parameters
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands

Request Revision Identification: +CGMR

Description: This command is used to get the revised software version. This function only applies to default IP addresses.
Command syntax: AT+CGMR
Command Possible responses
Note: Get software version
Defined values: No parameters
657_09gg.02406B 2015268 100506 17:01 OK
Note: Software release 6.57, generated on the 5 2006
of October

Product Serial Number: +CGSN

Description: This command allows the user application to get the product’s IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity, a 15 digit number).
Command syntax: AT+CGSN
Command Possible responses
Note: Get the IMEI
AT+CGSN Note: Get the IMEI
012345678901234 OK
Note: IMEI read from EEPROM
Note: IMEI not found in EERPROM
Defined values: No parameter

Select TE Character Set: +CSCS

Description: This command informs the ME which character set is used by the TE. The ME can convert each character of entered or displayed strings. This is used to send, read or write short messages. See also +WPCS for the phonebooks’ character sets.
Command syntax: AT+CSGS =<Character Set>
Command Possible responses
Note: GSM default alphabet
AT+CSCS=“PCCP437” Note: PC character set code page 437
Note: Get possible values
Defined values: <Character Set> “GSM” GSM default alphabet. “PCCP437” PC character set code page 437. “CUSTOM” User defined character set (cf. +WCCS command). “HEX” Hexadecimal mode. No character set used; the user can read or write hexadecimal values.
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
Note: Possible values
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands

Phonebook Character Set: +WPCS

Description: This specific command informs the ME which character set is used by the TE for the phonebooks. The ME can convert each character of entered or displayed strings. This is used to read or write phonebook entries (parameters <text>, <address>, and <mail>). You may also refer to the definition of +CSCS above.
Command syntax: AT+WPCS=<Character Set>
Command Possible responses
Note: Transpar ent mode
AT+ WPCS =“CUSTOM” Note: Custom character set
Note: Get possible values
Defined values: <Character Set> “TRANSPARENT” Transparent mode. The strings are displayed and entered as they
are stored in SIM or in ME. “CUSTOM” User defined character set (cf. +WCCS command). “HEX” Hexadecimal mode. No character set used; the user can read or write hexadecimal values.
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
Note: Possible values

Request IMSI: +CIMI

Description: This command is used to read and identify the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) of the SIM card. The PIN may need to be entered before reading the IMSI.
Command syntax: AT+CIMI
Command Possible responses
Note: Read the IMSI
See appendix 19 Codes and values for MCC / MNC description. Defined values: No parameters
208200120320598 OK
Note: IMSI value (15 digits), starting with MCC (3digits) /MNC (2digits, 3 for PCS 1900)

Card Identification: +CCID

Description: This command orders the product to read the EF-CCID file on the SIM card. Command syntax: AT+CCID
Command Possible responses
Note: Get card ID
AT+CCID? Note: Get current value
+CCID:”123456789AB111213141” OK
Note: EF-CCID is present, hexadecimal format
+CCID:”123456789AB111213141” OK
Note: Same result as +CCID
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
AT+CCID=? Note: Get possible value
Note: if there is no EF-CCID file present on the SIM, the +CCID answer will not be sent, but the OK message will be returned. Defined values: No parameter

Capabilities List: +GCAP

Description: This command gets the complete list of capabilities. Command syntax: AT+GCAP
Command Possible responses
Note: Get capabilities list
Defined values: No parameter

Repeat Last Command: A/

Description: This command repeats the previous command. Only the A/ command itself cannot be repeated.
Command syntax: A/
Command Possible responses
Note: Repeat last command
Note: No parameter but this command is valid
Note: Supports GSM and FAX commands
Defined values: No parameter

Power Off: +CPOF

Description: This specific command stops the GSM software stack as well as the hardware layer, or the G2150I activity. The AT+CFUN=0 command is equivalent to +CPOF.
Command syntax: Command syntax: AT+CPOF[=1]
Command Possible responses
Note: Stop GSM stack
AT+CPOF=1 Note: Stop the Wireless CPU
Note: After AT+CPOF=1, the G2150I will not respond to AT commands. To reset it, use the hard reset. Note: In autobaud mode, after an AT+CPOF, unsolicited information waking up the G2150I is sent at 9600 bps until an AT command is sent. When an AT command is sent, the G2150I will synchronize with the sender’s speed. (see CAUTION in § 14.1.1) Defined values: No parameter

Set Phone Functionality: +CFUN

Description: This command selects the mobile station’s level of functionality. When the application wants to stop the product with a power off, or if the application wants to force the product to execute an IMSI DETACH procedure, then it must send: AT+CFUN=0 (equivalent to
OK Note: Command valid
OK Note: Command valid
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
AT+CPOF). This comma nd executes an IMSI DETACH and makes a backup copy of some internal parameters in SIM and in EEPROM. The SIM card cannot then be accessed. If the mobile equipment is not powered off by the application after this command has been sent, a re-start command (AT+CFUN=1) will have to issued to restart the whole GSM registration process. If the mobile equipment is turned off after this command, then a power on will automatically restart the whole GSM process. The AT+CFUN=1 command restarts the entire GSM stack and GSM functionality: a complete software reset is performed. All parameters are reset to their previous values if AT&W was not used. If you write entries in the phonebook (+CPBW) and then reset the product directly (AT+CFUN=1, with no previous AT+CFUN=0 command), some entries may not be written (the SIM task does not have enough time to write entries in the SIM card). In addition, the OK response will be sent at the last saved (AT&W) baud rate defined by the +IPR command. With the autobauding mode the response can be at a different baud rate. It is therefore preferable to save the defined baud rate with AT&W before directly sending the AT+CFUN=1 command.
Command syntax: AT+CFUN=<functionality level>
Command Possible responses
Note: Ask for current functionality level
Note: Set minimum functionality, IMSI detach procedure
Note: Set the full functionality mode with a complete software reset
Note: Full functionality
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
Defined values: <functionality level> 0: Set minimum functionality, IMSI detach procedure 1: Set the full functionality mode with a complete software reset

Phone Activity Status: +CPAS

Description: This command returns the activity status of the mobile equipment. Command syntax: AT+CPAS
Command Possible responses
Note: Current activity status
Defined values: <pas> 0 ready (allow commands from TA/TE) 1 unavailable (does not allow comma nds) 2 unknown 3 ringing (ringer is active) 4 call in progress 5 asleep (low functionality)
+CPAS: <pas> OK
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands

Report Mobile Equipment Errors: +CMEE

Description: This command disables or enables the use of the “+CME ERROR: <xxx>“ or “+CMS ERROR:<xxx>“ result code instead of simply “ERROR”.
Command syntax: Command syntax: AT+CMEE=<error reporti n g fl ag>
Command Possible responses
AT+CMEE=0 Note: Disable ME error r eports, use only “ERROR ”
Note: Enable “+CME ERROR: <xxx>“ or “+CMS ERROR: <xxx>“
Defined values: <error reporting flag> 0: Disable ME error reports, use only « ERROR » 1: Enable «+CME ERROR: <xxx>» or «+CMS ERROR: <xxx>»
+CMEE: (0,1) OK

Keypad Control: +CKPD

Description: This command emulates the ME keypad by sending each keystroke as a character in a <keys> string. The supported GSM sequences are listed in the appendix. If emulation fails, a +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. If emulation succeeds, the result depends on the GSM sequence activated: Note: In the case where the FDN phonebook is activated, the sequences concerning “call forwarding” are allowed only if the entire sequence is written in the FDN.
Command syntax: AT+CKPD=<keys>
Command Possible responses
Note: Check every call forwarding status
AT+CKPD=“1234” Note: Sequence not allowed
Defined values: <keys> Keyboard sequence: string of the following characters (0-9,*,#).

Clock Management: +CCLK

Description: This command is used to set or get the current date and time of the ME real-time clock.
Command syntax: AT+CCLK=<date and time string>
Command Possible responses
AT+CCLK=“00/06/09, 17:33:00”
Note: set date to June 9 5:33 pm
AT+CCLK=“00/13/13, 12:00:00”
Note: Incorrect month entered
, 2000, and time to
+CCFC: 0,7
Note: Date/Time stored
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
AT+CCLK? Note: Get current date and time
Defined values: <date and time string> String format for date/time is: “yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss”. Valid years are 00 (for 2000) to 99 (for 2099). The seconds field is not mandatory. Default date/time is “00/01/01,00:00:00” (January 1st, 2000 / midnight).

Alarm Management: +CALA

Description: This command is used to set alarms date/time in the ME. The maximum number of alarms is 16. Note: The date/time should be already set with AT+CCLK command before using AT+CALA.
Command syntax: AT+CALA=<date and time string> (set alarm) AT+CALA=““,<index> (delete alarm)
Command Possible responses
AT+CALA=“00/06/09, 07:30”
Note: set an alarm for June 9
AT+ CALA=“99/03/05, 13:00:00”
Note: set an alarm for March 5 pm
Note: list all alarms
+CALA: “00/06/08, 15:25:00”, 1
Note: delete alarm index 3
Note: list all alarms
, 2000 at 7:30 am
, 1999 at 1:00
+CCLK: “00/06/09, 17:34:23” OK
Note: current date is June 9 time is 5:34:23 pm
Note: Alarm stored
+CME ERROR 3 Note: Invalid alarm (date/time expired)
+CALA: “00/06/08, 15:25:00”, 1 +CALA: “00/06/09, 07:30:00”, 2 +CALA: “00/06/10, 23:59:00”, 3
Note: three alarms are set (index 1, 2, 3)
Note: an alarm occurs (index 1)
Note: Alarm index 3 deleted
+CALA: “00/06/09, 07:30:00”, 2
Note: Only one alarm (index 2 )
, 2000 current
Defined values: <date and time string> String format for alarms: “yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss” (see +CCLK). Note: Seconds are taken into account. <index> offset in the alarm list, range 1 to 16.

Generic SIM Access: +CSIM

Description: This command allows direct control of the SIM by a distant application on the TE. The <command> is sent without any modification to the SIM. In the same manner the SIM <response> is sent back by the ME as it is. The user shall then take care of processing SIM
information within the frame specified by GSM as specified in GSM 11.11(or 3GPP TS
51.011). If operation mode is not allowed by the ME, +CME ERROR: <error> is returned.
Between two successive +CSIM commands, there is no locking of the interface between the SIM and the GSM application. Since in this situation some command types and parameters can modify the wrong SIM files, some operations, described below, are not allowed for CSIM command. However, it is possible to process them with the CRSM command.
Command syntax: AT+CSIM=<length>,<command>
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
Command Possible responses
AT+CSIM= <length>,<command>
Defined values: <length>: integer type Length of the characters that are sent to TE in <command> or <response> (two times the actual length of the command or response). For command sent to TE, This value must be in the range [10 – 522], or a CME_ERROR=3 is returned. <command>: hexadecimal type Command passed on by the MT to the SIM in the format as described in GSM 11.11 (or 3GPP TS
51.011) (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS) Second Byte Value not supported:
Due to the absence of locking, a CME_ERROR=3 is returned for the following instructions ( See CRSM commands):
Second Byte Value warning:
Due to the absence of locking, the right response may not be returned for the following
instructions (See CRSM commands).
A4: SELECT Fifth Byte Value Restriction:
For the following instructions ( Second Byte ):
• A2: SEEK the user must make sure that the value of the fifth Byte of the instruction corresponds to the length of bytes (data starting from 6th byte) which follow it. The value of the Fifth Byte must be equal of the value: <length>/2 – 5, or the command
is not sent to the SIM and CME_ERROR=3 is returned. <error>: integer type 3: Wrong format or parameters of the command 13: SIM no response <response>: hexadecimal type
Response to the command passed on by the SIM to the MT in the format as described in
GSM 11.11 (or 3GPP TS 51.011) (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS)
Notes: The “READ RECORD” and “SEEK” actions on a transparent file return the status word
+CSIM: <length>,<response> +CME ERROR: <err>
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
“9408”. By using the AT+CSIM command, the “READ RECORD” and “SEEK” actions return 4,”9408” instead of CME ERROR:13.

Restricted SIM Access: +CRSM

Description: By using this command instead of Generic SIM Access the +CSIM TE application gives easier but more limited access to the SIM database. This command transmits to the MT the SIM <command> and its required parameters. As a response to the command, MT sends the actual SIM information parameters and response data. MT error result code +CME ERROR may be returned when the command cannot be passed to the SIM, but failure in the execution of the command in the SIM is reported in <sw1> and <sw2> parameters. As for the CSIM command, there is no locking between two successive commands. The user should be aware of the precedence of the GSM application commands to the TE commands.
Command syntax: AT+CRSM=<command>[,<field>[,<P1>,<P2>,<P3>[,<data>]]]
Command Possible responses
+CRSM=<command>[,<field>[,<P1>,< P2>,<P3>[,<data>]]]
Defined values: <command>: integer type Command passed on by the MT to the SIM; refer to GSM 11.11 (or 3GPP51.011): 176 READ BINARY 178 READ RECO 192 GET RESPONSE 242 STATUS all other values are reserved and the command will return +CME ERROR=3 NOTE 1: The MT internally executes all commands necessary for selecting the desired file, before performing the actual command.
<field>: integer type This is the identifier of an elementary data file on the SIM. It is mandatory for every command except STATUS. <field>: integer type NOTE 2: The range of valid file identifiers depends on the actual SIM and is defined in GSM
11.11 (or 3GPP TS 51.011). Optional fil e s ma y not be present at all. This value must be in the range [0 – 65535] else a CME_ERROR=3 is returned. <P1>, <P2>, <P3>: integer type Parameters passed on by the MT to the SIM. These parameters are mandatory for every command, except GET RESPONSE and S TATUS. The values are described in GSM 11.11 (or 3GPP TS
51.011). <data>: hex type Information that will be written to the SIM (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS). <sw1>, <sw2>: integer type Information from the SIM about the execution of the actual command. These parameters are delivered to the TE in both cases, on successful or failed execution of the command. <response>: hexadecimal type Response of a successful completion of the command previously issued (hexadecimal character format; refer to +CSCS). STATUS and GET RESPONSE return data, which gives informat i on about the current elementary data field. This information includes the type of file and its size (refer
+CRSM: <sw1>,<sw2>[,<response>] +CME ERROR: <err>
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
to GSM 11.11 or 3GPP TS 51.011). After the READ BINARY or READ RECORD command, the requested data will be returned. <error>: integer type 3: Wrong format or parameters of the command 13: SIM no response

Mobile Equipment Control Mode: +CMEC

Description: This command selects the equipment that operates the ME keypad, writes to MEi display and sets ME indicators. If operation mode is not allowed by the ME, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned
Command syntax: AT+CMEC=[<keyp>[,<disp>[,<ind>]]] Response syntax: +CMEC: <keyp>,<disp>,<ind>
Command Possible responses
AT+CMEC=[<keyp>[,<disp>[,<ind>]]] +CME ERROR: <err> AT+CMEC=[<keyp>[,<disp>[,<ind>]]] OK AT+CMEC? +CMEC: 2,0,0
AT+CMEC=? +CMEC: (2),(0),(0)
Note: no change allowed
Defined values: <keyp>: Defined values: 0: ME can be operated only through its keypad (execute command of +CKPD cannot be
used) 1: ME can be operated only from TE (with command +CKPD) 2: ME can be operated from both ME keypad and TE <disp>: 0: only ME can write to its display (command +CDIS can only be used to read the display) 1: only TE can write to ME display (with command +CDIS) 2: ME display can be written by both ME and TE <ind>: 0: only ME can set the status of its indicators (command +CIND can only be used to read the indicators) 1: only TE can set the status of ME indicators (with co mmand +CIND) 2: ME indicators can be set by both ME and TE

Indicator Control: +CIND

Description: This command is used to read or set the values of ME indicators. If ME does not allow setting of indicators or ME is not currently reachable, an error code is returned.
Command syntax: Command Syntax: AT+CIND=[<ind>[,<ind>[,…]]] Response syntax: +CIND: <ind>[,<ind>[,…]] or
+CIND: (<descr>,(list of supported <ind>s)) [,(<descr>,(list of supported
<ind>s)) [,…]]
Command Possible responses
AT+CIND=[<ind>[,<ind>[,…]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
Note: ME not reachable
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
Note: read ME indicators current values
AT+CIND? +CIND: 2,2,1,0,0,0,0 AT+ CIND=?
Note: read ME indicators possible values
AT+CIND? +CIND: 1,2,1,1,0,0,0
Note: read possible value for ME indicators
Defined values: <ind> integer type value, which shall be in range of corresponding <descr>: 0: indicator is OFF or in state which can be identified as “OFF” state 1: indicator is ON or in a state that is more substantial than “OFF” state 2: this value is more substantial than 1, and so on. Note: If the indicator is a simple ON/OFF style element, it has values 0 and 1. <descr>: “battchg”: battery charge level (0 - 5) “signal”: signal quality (0 - 5) “service”: service availability (0 - 1) “message”: message received (0 - 1) “call”: call in progress (0 - 1) “roam”: roaming indicator (0 - 1) “smsfull”: SMS memory storage status in the MT (0 - 2) 0: memory locations are available 1: memory full 2: one SMS has been received in Service Center (SC) but the sms storage where this SMS tried to be stored is full.
+CIND: <ind>[,<ind>[,…]] OK
+CIND: (<descr>,(list of supported<ind>s))[,(<descr>,(list of supprted <ind>s))[,…]] OK
Note: battchg:1 – max=5, signal:2 – max=5, service:1 – we are registered on the network, message:1 – a SMS has been received, call:0 – no call in progress, roam:0 – not roaming, smsfull:0 – SIM card is not full of SMS
+CIND: (“battchg”,(0-5)),(“signal”,(0-5)), (“service”,(0-1)), (“message”,(0-1)), (“call”,(0-1)), (“roam”,(0-1)), (“smsfull”,(0-2)) OK

Multiplexing Mode: +CMUX

Description: This command is used to manage (enable or disable) the 3GPP TS 27.010 multiplexing protocol control channel. This command allows the multiplexing of 4 logical channels on a single UART. Two
UARTs are available on the G2150I, but multiplexing can only apply to one. The client
application may handle, by this means, up to 5 channels (4 logical multiplexed channels
on a UART and 1 physical channel on the other UART). Notes on speed and autobauding:
• The speed of the response is the same that the one of the received AT+CMUX
command (prior to entering <mode>).
• It is recommended that, whenever the multiplexer control channel is released, the
modem should assume an interface rate for autobauding purposes, irrespective of any
previous higher speed selected.
•If a +CMUX command is issued while in any multiplexer mode, then that +CMUX
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
command is ignored and the modem will return a +CME ERROR: <err> response. Restrictions
• Only basic option and UIH framing is supported.
• Only convergence layers type 1 and 3 are supported.
• Autobauding is not compliant with multiplexing mode. It is neither possible to start
multiplexing when autobauding is active (AT+IPR=0), nor to set autobauding during
multiplexing mode, since the multiplexer uses only a fixed baudrate. In the same way,
the bit rate cannot be changed through the AT+IPR command while multiplexing mode
is active. Therefore, the AT+IPR=<rate> command should not be used and will have no
• Before starting multiplexing mode, port speed must be configured by the
AT+IPR=<rate> command, to be compliant with values defined in 4.24.3 Defined
valuesfor <port_speed> parameter. Specific behaviors
• In multiplexing mode, AT configuration commands (AT+CMEE for example), will be
applied to all logical channels.
• In multiplexing mode, unsolicited result code will be sen t to all logical channels.
• Since AT commands are grouped by classes, launching an AT command from a port
causes the lock of all commands belonging to the same class. If an AT command of the
locked class is launched from another port, a +CME ERROR: 536 will occur as long as
the class is not released (at first command completion time).
• In internal mode, if GPS is used on UART2, it is not po ssible to start multiplexing
mode on UART2. In the same way, if multiplexing mode is started on UART2, it is not
possible to use GPS in internal mode.
• If Bluetooth is started, it is not possible to start multiplexing mode on UART2. In the
same way, if multiplexing mode is started on UART2, it is not possible to start
• If TMT (Terminal Emulator) is launched on a specific UART, it is not possible to start
multiplexing mode on this UART. TMT must be closed before starting multiplexing
mode. On the other hand, as soon as multiplexing mode is started, HAPC can be started
on a DLCi.
• After an AT+CFUN=1 command during a multiplexing mode session, multiplexing
mode is automatically restarted by the modem with previous parameters and all
previous opened DLCs are reopened with the speed of AT+IPR? Command.
• DCD, RI, and DTR signals are managed virtually; when V24 sets DCD, RI or DTR
signals, an MSC frame is sent to the remote part to indicate a virtual state change. All is
logical, no physical signal is involved.
• +++ Escape Sequence is always available to get offline.
• Flow control can be managed either physically, or virtually by MSC. By default, the
G2150I manages hardware flow control on a UART, which becomes virtual on logical
channels when some DLCs are opened.
• At multiplexing mode session stop, it is not necessary to reset the G2150I; it
automatically goes back into AT mode.
• 2 timeouts are implemented for multiplexing mode connection: y Multiplexing mode starts the connection: 30 seconds. After this timeout, multiplexing mode is
stopped and a previous physical port is reopened.
y DLC inactivity timeout: 5 minutes This timeout is armed only if no DLC is opened, to avo id to
be blocked into only DLC0 opening channel state. After this timeout, multiplexing mode stopped and previous physical port is reopened.
Command syntax: AT+CMUX=<mode>[,<subset>[,<port_speed>[,<N1>[,<T1>[,<N2>[,<T2>[,<T3>]]]]]]] Response syntax: +CMUX:<mode>,<subset>,<port_speed>,<N1>,<T1>,<N2>,<T2>,<T3>
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set General Commands
Command Possible responses
Note: Get possible values
AT+CMUX? Note: Get current values
AT+CMUX=<mode>[,<subset>[,< port_speed>[,<N1>[,<T1>[,<N2>[ ,<T2>[,<T3>]]]]]]]
Note: enter multiplex mode
Defined values: <mode> multiplexer Transparency Mechanism 0: Basic option <subset> This parameter defines the multiplexer control channel setup. A virtual channel may
subsequently be set up differently but if there is no settings negotiation, the virtual
channel will be set up according to the control channel <subset> setting. 0: UIH frames used only <port_speed> transmission rate 1: 9600 bit/s 2: 19200 bit/s 3: 38400 bit/s 4: 57600 bit/s 5: 115200 bit/s
• If port speed is not configured by the at+CMUX command, the current
<port_speed> is the same as that displayed by at+ipr? command.
• If port speed is configured by the AT+CMUX command, the AT+CMUX port
speed setting is erasing the AT+IPR port speed
• At the end of the CMUX, the <port_speed> displayed is the same as that displayed by the at+ipr? command.
<N1> Maximum Frame Size 1-255 Default Value: 31 <T1> acknowledgement timer in units of 20 ms.
1-128 (1 unit <->20 ms).
Default Value: 5 (100 ms) <N2> Maximum number of retransmission 0-255 Default Value: 3 <T2> response timer for the multiplexer control channel in units of 20 ms.
1-128 (1 unit <->20 ms).
Default Value: 15 (300 ms)
NOTE: <T2> must be longer than <T1> <T3> wake up response timer in units of 2 seconds 1-128 (1 unit <->2 s). Default Value: 5 (10 s)
MUX: (0),(0),(1-5),(1-255),(1-128),(0-255),(1-128),(1-128)
+CMUX:<mode>,<subset>,<port_speed>,<N1>,<T1>,<N2 >,<T2>,<T3>
+CME ERROR: <err>
or +CME ERROR: <err>

Chapter 4 Call Control Commands

This chapter includes information about the Call Control Commands of the OnCell G2150I. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Dial Command: D
Hang-Up Command: H
Answer a Call: A
Remote Disconnection
Extended Error Report: +CEER
DTMF Signals: +VTD, +VTS
Redial Last Telephone Number: ATDL
Automatic Dialing with DTR: AT%Dn
Automatic Answer: ATS0
Incoming Call Bearer: +CICB
Single Numbering Scheme: +CSNS
Gain Control: +VGR, +VGT
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set Call Control Commands

Dial Command: D

Description: The ATD command is used to set a voice, data or fax call. As per GSM 02.30, the dial command also controls supplementary services.
For a data or a fax call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product
(the bearer must be previously selected with the +CBST command):
Note: If a GPRS PPP session is already running, the setting of a CSD (GSM data
call) is not supported.
For a voice call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product: (the
bearer may be selected previously; if not, a default bearer is used). ATD<nb>; where <nb> is the destination phone number. Emergency calls The following Emergency Numbers are available without a SIM card:
000, 08, 110, 112, 118, 119, 911 and 999. The following Emergency Numbers are available with a SIM card:
when EF_ECC file is missing from SIM: 112 and 911 when SIM includes an EF_ECC file: 112, 911 and any Emergency Numbers
available in the EF_ECC file. Please note that for an international number, the local international prefix does not need to be
set (usually 00) but does need to be replaced by the ‘+’ character. Example: to set up a voice call to MOXA offices from another country, the AT command is:
“ATD+886289191230;” Note that some countries may have specific numbering rules for their GSM handset
The response to the ATD command is one of the following:
Verbose result code Numeric code
(with ATVO set)
OK 0 If the call succeeds, for voice call only CONNECT <speed> 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 If the call succeeds, for data calls only,
BUSY 7 If the called party is already in communication NO ANSWER 8 If no hang up is detected after a fixed network
NO ANSWER 3 Call setup failed or remote user release. Use
Direct dialing from a phonebook (stored in the SIM card) can be performed with the following command:
ATD> <index>; to call <index> from the selected phonebook (by the +CPBS
command) ATD> “BILL”; to call “BILL” from the selected phonebook ATD> mem <index> (mem is “SM”,”LD”,”MC”,”ON”,”ME”,”RC”,”MT” or “SN”, See +CPBS command) allows direct dialing from a phonebook number..
Command syntax: ATD<nb>[<I>][;] ATD>[<mem>]<index>[<I>][;]
<speed> takes the value negotiated by the product
the AT+CEER command to know the failure cause
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set Call Control Commands
Command Possible responses
Note: Which phonebook is selected?
Note: Call index 6 from ADN phonebook
When the FDN phonebook has been locked, only numbers beginning with the digits of FDN
phonebook entries can be called. For example, if “014629” is entered in the FDN phonebook all the phone numbers beginning with these 6 digits can be called. The CLIR
supplementary service subscription can be overridden for this call only. “I” means “invocation” (restrict CLI presentation). “i” means “suppression” (allow CLI presentation). Control of CUG supplementary service information by “G” or “g” is allowed for this
call only. The index and info values set with the +CCUG command are used. An
outgoing call attempt could be refused if the AOC service is active and credit has
expired (NO CARRIER). When trying to set up an outgoing call while there is an active
call, the active call is first put on hold, then the call set up is carried out. As per GSM
02.30, GSM sequences may be controlled using dial commands. These sequences can
contain “*”, “#”, but “;” is forbidden. If the sequence is not supported or fails, +CME
ERROR: <err> is returned. In the case where the FDN phonebook is activated, the
sequence concerning call forwarding are allowed only if there are written in the FDN.
See paragraph 19 Codes and values to have the list of supported sequences.
Note: ADN phonebook is selected, 8 locations are used and 10 locations are available
Note: Call succeeds
Command Possible responses
Note: Check any call forwarding status
Note: Register call forwarding on no reply , with no reply timer fixed at 25 s.
Note: Bad sequence
Defined values:
<nb> destination phone number <I> (optional parameter) “I” means “invocation” (restrict CLI presentation). “i” means “suppression” (allow CLI presentation). <mem> phonebook (one of “SM”,”LD”,”MC”,”ON”,”ME”,”RC”,”MT” or “SN”). A default value can be selected by +CPBS command. <index> call number at indicated offset from the phonebook selected by the +CPBS command <name> call number corresponding to given name from the phonebook selected by the +CPBS command

Hang-Up Command: H

Description: The ATH (or ATH0) command is used by the application to disconnect the remote user. In the case of multiple calls, all calls are released (active, on-hold and waiting calls). The specific G2150I ATH1 command has been appended to disconnect the current outgoing call, only in dialing or alerting state (i.e. ATH1 can be used only after the ATD command, and before its terminal response (OK, NO CARRIER, ...). It can be useful in the case of multiple calls.
+CCFC: 0,7
Note: No call forwarding
Note: done
Command syntax: ATH<n>
OnCell G2150I AT Command Set Call Control Commands
Command Possible responses
Note: Ask for disconnection
Note: Ask for outgoing call disconnection
Defined values: <n> 0: Ask for disconnection (default value) 1: Ask for outgoing call disconnection
Note: Every call, if any, are released
Note: Outgoing call, if any, is released

Answer a Call: A

Description: When the product receives a call, it sets the RingInd signal and sends the ASCII “RING” or “+CRING: <type>“ string to the application (+CRING if the cellular result code +CRC is enabled). Then it waits for the application to accept the call with the ATA command.
Command syntax: ATA
Command Possible responses
Note: Incoming call
Note: Answer to this incoming call
Note: Disconnect call
Note: Call accepted
Note: Call disconnected
Defined values: No parameter

Remote Disconnection

This message is used by the product to inform the application that an active call has been released by the remote user. The product sends “NO CARRIER” to the application and sets the DCD signal. In addition, for AOC, the product can release the call if credit has expired (release cause 68 with +CEER command).

Extended Error Report: +CEER

Description: This command gives the cause of call release when the last call set up (originating or answering) failed.
Command syntax: AT+CEER
Command Possible responses
Note: Outgoing voice call
Note: Ask for reason of release
“NO CARRIER” indicates that the AT+CEER information is available for failure diagnosis. Defined values: No parameter
Note: Call setup failure
+CEER: Error <xxx> OK
Note: <xxx>is the cause information element values from GSM recommendation 04.08 or specific Call accepted
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