USB Console Configuration (115200, None, 8, 1, VT100) ......................................................................... 2-2
Configuration by Command Line Interface(CLI) ...................................................................................... 2-4
Configuration by Web Browser ............................................................................................................. 2-6
Disabling Telnet and Browser Access ..................................................................................................... 2-8
3. Featured Functions ........................................................................................................................... 3-1
Home ................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
System Settings ................................................................................................................................. 3-2
System Information ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
User Account .............................................................................................................................. 3-3
Port ................................................................................................................................................ 3-29
Port Settings ............................................................................................................................. 3-29
Port Status ............................................................................................................................... 3-30
Link Aggregation ....................................................................................................................... 3-30
The Port Trunking Concept ......................................................................................................... 3-31
Link-Swap Fast Recovery ........................................................................................................... 3-32
A. MIB Groups ....................................................................................................................................... A-1
1. About this Manual
Thank you for purchasing a Moxa managed Ethernet switch. Read this user’s manual to learn how to connect
your Moxa switch to Ethernet-enabled devices used for industrial applications.
The following two chapters are covered in this user manual:
Getting Started
This chapter explains how the initial installation process for Moxa switch. There are three ways to access
Moxa switch's configuration settings: the USB console, command line interface, and web-based interface.
Featured Functions
This chapter explains how to access Moxa switch's various configuration, monitoring, and administration
functions. These functions can be accessed by serial, Telnet command line, or web-based interface. The
web-based interface is the most user-friendly way to configure Moxa switch. In this chapter, we use the
web console interface to introduce the functions.
2. Getting Started
In this chapter we explain how to install a Moxa switch for the first time. There are three ways to access the
Moxa switch’s configuration settings: USB console, command line interface, or web-based interface. If you do
not know the Moxa switch’s IP address, you can open the USB console by connecting the Moxa switch to a PC’s
USB port with a USB cable. You can open the Telnet or web-based console over an Ethernet LAN or over the
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
USB Console Configuration (115200, None, 8, 1, VT100)
Configuration by Command Line Interface(CLI)
Configuration by Web Browser
Disabling Telnet and Browser Access
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Getting Started
• You can connect to the web console and another console (serial or Telnet) at the same time. However, we
Following this advice will allow you to maintain better control
We recommend
downloaded free of charge from the Moxa website.
USB Console Configuration (115200, None, 8, 1,
• You cannot connect to the USB console and command line interface at the same time.
strongly recommend that you do NOT do so.
over the Moxa switch’s configuration.
Before running PComm Terminal Emulator, please install the USB console driver to your PC then connect the
Moxa switch’s USB console port to your PC’s USB port with USB cable.
After installing PComm Terminal Emulator, open the Moxa switch’s USB console as follows:
1. From the Windows desktop, click Start Programs PComm Lite 1.3 Terminal Emulator.
using PComm Terminal Emulator when opening the USB console. This software can be
2. Select Open under the Port Manager menu to open a new connection.
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Getting Started
3. The Property window should open. On the Communication Parameter tab for Ports, select the COM
port that is being used for the console connection. Set the other fields as follows: 115200 for Baud Rate,
8 for Data Bits, None for Parity, and 1 for Stop Bits.
4. On the Terminal tab, select VT100 for Terminal Type, and then click OK to continue.
5. In the terminal window, the Moxa switch will prompt you to select a terminal type. Enter 1 to select
ansi/vt100 and then press Enter.
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Getting Started
By default, the
in consideration of higher security level.
6. The USB console will prompt you to log in. Press Enter and select admin or user. Use the down arrow key
on your keyboard to select the Password field and enter a password if desired. This password will be
required to access any of the consoles (web, serial, Telnet).
7. The Main Menu of the Moxa switch’s USB console should appear. (In PComm Terminal Emulator, you can
adjust the font by selecting Font… from the Edit menu.)
password assigned to Moxa switch is ‘moxa’. Please change the default password after 1st
8. Use the following keys on your keyboard to navigate the Moxa switch’s USB console:
Key Function
Up, down, right, left arrow keys, Tab Move the onscreen cursor
Enter Display and select options
Space Toggle options
Esc Previous menu
Configuration by Command Line Interface(CLI)
Opening the Moxa switch’s Telnet or web console over a network requires that the PC host and Moxa switch are
on the same logical subnet. You may need to adjust your PC host’s IP address and subnet mask. By default, the
Moxa switch’s IP address is and the Moxa switch’s subnet mask is (referred to
as a Class B network). Your PC’s IP address must be set to if the subnet mask is,
or to if the subnet mask is
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Getting Started
To c
same logical subnet.
When connecting to the Moxa switch’s Telnet or web console, first connect one of the Moxa switch’s Ethernet
ports to your
through or
The Moxa switch’s default IP address is
onnect to the Moxa switch’s Telnet or web console, your PC host and the Moxa switch must be on the
Ethernet LAN, or directly to your PC’s Ethernet port. You may use either a straight-
-over Ethernet cable.
After making sure that the Moxa switch is connected to the same LAN and logical subnet as your PC, open the
Moxa switch’s Telnet console as follows:
1. Click Start Run from the Windows Start menu and then Telnet to the Moxa switch’s IP address from the
Windows Run window. You may also issue the Telnet command from a DOS prompt.
2. In the terminal window, the Telnet console will prompt you to select a terminal type. Type 1 to choose
ansi/vt100, and then press Enter.
3. The Telnet console will prompt you to log in. Press Enter and then select admin or user. Use the down
arrow key on your keyboard to select the Password field and enter a password if desired. This password
will be required to access any of the consoles (web, serial, Telnet). If you do not wish to create a password,
leave the Password field blank and press Enter.
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Getting Started
The Telnet console looks and operates in precisely the same manner as the
To connect to the Moxa switch’s Telnet or web console, your PC host and the Moxa switch must be on th
same logical subnet.
If the Moxa switch is configured for other VLAN settings, you must make sure your PC host is on the
management VLAN.
4. The Main Menu of the Moxa switch’s Telnet console should appear.
5. In the terminal window, select Preferences… from the Terminal menu on the menu bar.
6. The Terminal Preferences window should appear. Make sure that VT100 Arrows is checked.
7. Use the following keys on your keyboard to navigate inside the Moxa switch’s Telnet console:
Key Function
Up, down, right, left arrow keys, Tab Move the onscreen cursor
Enter Display and select options
Space Toggle options
Esc Previous menu
Configuration by Web Browser
The Moxa switch’s web console is a convenient platform for modifying the configuration and accessing the
built-in monitoring and network administration functions. You can open the Moxa switch’s web console using a
standard web browser, such as Internet Explorer.
USB console.
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Getting Started
When connecting to the Moxa switch’s Telnet or web console, first connect one of the Moxa switch’s Ethernet
ports to your Ethernet LAN, or directly to your PC’s Ethernet port. You may use either a straight-through or
The Moxa switch’s default IP address is
By default, the
in at User Account configuration page in consideration of higher
-over Ethernet cable.
After making sure that the Moxa switch is connected to the same LAN and logical subnet as your PC, open the
Moxa switch’s web console as follows:
1. Connect your web browser to the Moxa switch’s IP address by entering it in the Address or URL field.
2. The Moxa switch’s web console will open, and you will be prompted to log in. Select the login account
(admin or user) and enter the Password. This password will be required to access any of the consoles (web,
serial, Telnet). If you do not wish to create a password, leave the Password field blank and press Enter.
3. After logging in, you may need to wait a few moments for the web console to appear. Use the folders in the
left navigation panel to navigate between different pages of configuration options.
password assigned to Moxa switch is ‘moxa’. Please change the default password after 1st
component security.
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Getting Started
Disabling Telnet and Browser Access
If you are connecting the Moxa switch to a public network but do not intend to manage it over the network, we
suggest disabling both the Telnet and web consoles. This is done from the USB console by navigating to
System Identification under Basic Settings. Disable or enable the Telnet Console and Web
Configuration as shown below:
3. Featured Functions
In this chapter, we explain how to access the Moxa switch’s various configuration, monitoring, and
administration functions. These functions can be accessed by serial, Telnet, or web console. The USB console
can be used if you do not know the Moxa switch’s IP address and requires that you connect the Moxa switch to
a PC COM port. The Telnet and web consoles can be opened over an Ethernet LAN or the Internet.
The web console is the most user-friendly interface for configuring a Moxa switch. In this chapter, we use the
web console interface to introduce the functions. There are only a few differences between the web console,
USB console, and Telnet console.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
System Settings
Industrial Protocol
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Featured Functions
To follow the PROFINET I/O naming rule, the character of Switch Name only supports a
/., and the
name can't start with port-xyz/port-xyz-abcde where xyzabcde=0...9 or in format n.n.n.n where n=0...9
This option is useful for differentiating between the locations of
The Home page shows the summary of the Moxa switch information including System Information,
Redundancy Protocol, Event log and Device virtualization panel. With the organized key summary, the
operators can easily understand the system and port link status at a glance.
System Settings
The System Settings section includes the most common settings required by administrators to maintain and
control a Moxa switch.
System Information
Defining System Information items to make different switches easier to identify that are connected to your
Switch Name
Setting Description Factory Default
Max. 30 characters This option is useful for differentiating between the roles or
applications of different units. Example: Factory Switch 1.
Switch Location
Setting Description Factory Default
Max. 80 characters
different units. Example: production line 1.
Switch Location
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Featured Functions
change the default password after first log in
Switch Description
Setting Description Factory Default
Max. 30 characters This option is useful for recording a more detailed description of
the unit.
Contact Information
Setting Description Factory Default
Max. 30 characters This option is useful for providing information about who is
responsible for maintaining this unit and how to contact this
Switch Model name
User Account
The Moxa switch supports the management of accounts, including establishing, activating, modifying, disabling
and removing accounts. There are two levels of configuration access, admin and user. The account belongs to
admin privilege has read/write access of all configuration parameters, while the account belongs to user
authority has read access to view the configuration only.
In consideration of higher security level, strongly suggest to
The user with ‘admin’ account name can’t be deleted and disabled by default
Setting Description Factory Default
Checked The Moxa switch can be accessed by the activated user name Enabled
Unchecked The Moxa switch can’t be accessed by the non-activated user
Setting Description Factory Default
admin The account has read/write access of all configuration
user The account can only read configuration but without any
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Featured Functions
Create New Account
Input the user name, password and assign the authority to the new account. Once apply the new setting, the
new account will be shown under the Account List table.
Setting Description Factory Default
User Name
(Max. of 30 characters)
Password Password for the user account.
User Name None
Minimum requirement is 4 characters, maximum of 16
Modify Existing Account
Select the existing account from the Account List table. Modify the details accordingly then apply the setting to
save the configuration.
Delete Existing Account
Select the existing account from the Account List table. Press delete button to delete the account.
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Featured Functions
IP address for the Moxa
Identifies the type of network the Moxa switch is connected to
Factory Default
IP address for gateway
Specifies the IP address of the router that connects the LAN to
Network configuration allows users to configure both IPv4 and IPv6 parameters for management access over
the network. The Moxa switch supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and can be managed through either of these
address types.
IP Setting
The IPv4 settings include the switch’s IP address and subnet mask, as well as the IP address of the default
gateway. In addition, input cells are provided for the IP addresses of a 1st and 2nd DNS server.
The IPv6 settings include two distinct address types—Link-Local Unicast addresses and Global Unicast
addresses. A Link-Local address makes the switch accessible over IPv6 for all devices attached to the same
local subnet. To connect to a larger network with multiple segments, the switch must be configured with a
Global Unicast address.
Get IP From
Setting Description Factory Default
DHCP The Moxa switch’s IP address will be assigned automatically by
the network’s DHCP server.
BOOTP The Moxa switch’s IP address will be assigned automatically by
the network’s BootP server.
Manual The Moxa switch’s IP address must be set manually.
Switch IP Address
Setting Description Factory Default
Assigns the Moxa switch’s IP address on a TCP/IP network.
Switch Subnet Mask
Setting Description Factory Default
Subnet mask for the
Moxa switch
Default Gateway
(e.g., for a Class B network, or for
a Class C network).
an outside network.
Moxa E Series Managed Ethernet Switch Featured Functions
After specifying the DNS server’s IP address, you can
IP address for 2nd DNS
The prefix value must be formatted according to the RFC 2373
Local address is FE80 and the
The Moxa switch does not have a real time clock. The user must update the Current Time and Current Date
to set the initial time for the Moxa switch after each reboot, especially when there is no NTP server on the LAN