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CP-118U, CP-138U Smart Serial Boards
Quick Installation Guide
Sixth Edition, June 2008
1. Overview
The CP-118U and CP-138U are Universal PCI multiport serial boards
that are designed for POS and ATM applications and for industrial
automation systems. Each board has a128-byte Tx/Rx FIFO, on-chip
hardware and software flow control, and supports data transmission
speeds of up to 921.6 Kbps.
CP-118U: 8 ports, RS-232/422/485, Universal PCI
CP-138U: 8 ports, RS-422/485, Universal PCI
2. Package Checklist
Before installing the board, verify that the package contains the following
y CP-118U or CP-138U Universal PCI board
y Document and Software CD-ROM
y Quick Installation Guide
y 5-year Product Warranty Statement
Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items are
missing or damaged.
3. Hardware Installation Procedure
The serial board MUST be installed in the PC before you install the
STEP 1: Power off the PC.
STEP 2: On the serial board, select the serial interface using the DIP
switches as shown below:
Mode S1 S2 S3*
RS-232* --- --- ON
RS-422 --- ON OFF
4-wire RS-485 ON OFF OFF
2-wire RS-485 OFF OFF OFF
*CP-118U only
STEP 3: Plug the board firmly into an open PCI or PCI-X slot on the PC.
STEP 4: Use the screw to secure the control board into place.
STEP 5: Attach the connection cables.
STEP 6: Power on the PC. The BIOS will automatically set the IRQ and
I/O address.
4. Software Installation
Do NOT install the driver until you have physically installed the board.
Please refer to the previous section for instructions on installing the board
in your PC. Refer to the Universal PCI User’s Manual for detailed
instructions on installing the drivers for this board.
Windows Vista (32-bit/64-bit)
1. After powering on your PC, Windows Vista will automatically detect
the serial board.
2. Insert the Document and Software CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3. Select Locate and install driver software(recommended).
4. When you receive a message stating “Windows needs your permission
to continue”, click Next to continue.
5. Select “I don’t have the disc, show me other options”.
6. Select “Browse my computer for driver software(advanced)”.
7. For 32-bit (x86) systems, select the
\CP-118U Series\Software\Windows Vista\x86 folder on the CD.
For 64-bit (x64) systems, select the
\CP-118U Series\Software\Windows Vista\x64 folder on the CD.
Click Next to continue.
8. If you see a warning that the software has not passed Windows Logo
testing, select Install this driver software anyway.
9. After the driver software has been installed, the installation wizard will
guide you through the port installation, starting with port 0.
10. To verify successful installation, use Windows Device Manager and
check under Multi-port serial adapters and Ports (COM & LPT)
for any special marks, such as a question mark or exclamation point.
Windows 2003 and XP (32-bit/64-bit)
1. After powering on your PC, Windows 2003/XP will automatically
detect the serial board.
2. Insert the Document and Software CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced).
4. Select Search for the best driver in these locations, Include this
location in the search, and click Browse.
5. For 32-bit (x86) systems, select the
CP-118U Series\Software\Windows XP _2003\x86 folder on the CD.
For 64-bit (x64) systems,select the
\CP-118U Series\Software\Windows XP _2003\x64 folder on the CD.
Click Next to continue.
6. If you see a warning that the software has not passed Windows Logo
testing, select Continue Anyway.
7. After the driver software has been installed, the installation wizard will
guide you through the port installation, starting with port 0.
8. To verify successful installation, use Windows Device Manager and
check under Multi-port serial adapters and Ports (COM & LPT)
for any special marks, such as a question mark or exclamation point.
Windows 2000
1. After powering on your PC, Windows 2000 will automatically detect
the serial board.
2. Insert the Document and Software CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3. Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended).
4. In Optional search location, select specify a location. Select the
\CP-118U Series\Software\Windows 2K folder on the CD and click
OK to continue.
5. If you see a warning that the software has not passed Windows Logo
testing, select Continue Anyway.
6. After the driver software has been installed, the installation wizard will
guide you through the port installation, starting with port 0. Be sure to
install the software from the \CP-118U Series\Software\Windows 2K
folder on the CD.
7. To verify successful installation, use Windows Device Manager and
check under Multi-port serial adapters and Ports (COM & LPT)
for any special marks, such as a question mark or exclamation point.
Linux (32-bit/64-bit)
1. Execute the following commands from the Linux prompt:
#mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
#cd /
#mkdir moxa
#cd moxa
#cp /mnt/cdrom/<driver directory>/mxser.tgz .
#tar xvfz mxser.tgz
#cd mxser
#make clean; make install
#cd /moxa/mxser/driver
#modprobe mxser
2. Use the Moxa diagnostic utility to verify the driver status:
#cd /moxa/mxser/utility/diag
3. Use the Moxa terminal utility to test the TTY ports:
#cd /moxa/mxser/utility/term
#./msterm #./msterm
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