Moxa Technologies CP-118-U-I-T, CP-138-I, CP-138U, CP-138-T, CP-118U-T User Manual

Universal PCI Board User’s Manual
Multiport Serial Board for PCI and PCI-X Bus
Ninth Edition, December 2012
© 2012 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
Universal PCI Board User’s Manual
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© 2012 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their res pec tive manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to cha nge witho ut no tic e and doe s no t repres e nt a commitme nt o n the part of Moxa.
Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the rig ht to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, a t any time .
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that m ay res ult fr om its use.
This product might include unintentional tec hnic a l o r typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publicati o n.
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-free: 1-888-669-2872 +1-714-528-6777
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Applications ....................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-4
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-5
Product Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 1-5
Installation Guide ............................................................................................................................... 1-7
2. Hardware Installation ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Configuring the Board and Dimension .................................................................................................... 2-2
CP-118U/CP-118U-I..................................................................................................................... 2-2
CP-138U/CP-138U-I..................................................................................................................... 2-3
CP-168U .................................................................................................................................... 2-5
CP-114UL/CP-114UL-I ................................................................................................................. 2-5
CP-134U/CP-134U-I..................................................................................................................... 2-7
CP-104UL ................................................................................................................................... 2-8
CP-104JU ................................................................................................................................... 2-9
POS-104UL ................................................................................................................................. 2-9
CP-112UL/CP-112UL-I ............................................................................................................... 2-10
CP-132UL/CP-132UL-I ............................................................................................................... 2-11
CP-102UL ................................................................................................................................. 2-12
CP-102U .................................................................................................................................. 2-12
CP-102UF ................................................................................................................................. 2-13
Plugging the Board into an Expansion Slot ........................................................................................... 2-14
3. Software Install at ion ........................................................................................................................ 3-1
Windows Drivers ................................................................................................................................. 3-2
Windows 7/8 (32-bit/64-bit) ......................................................................................................... 3-2
Windows 2008/Vista (32-bit/64-bit) ............................................................................................. 3-11
Windows 2003/XP ..................................................................................................................... 3-22
Windows 2000 .......................................................................................................................... 3-34
Windows NT ............................................................................................................................. 3-45
Windows 95/98/ME .................................................................................................................... 3-52
Windows CE .............................................................................................................................. 3-61
Non Windows Driver .......................................................................................................................... 3-73
DOS ........................................................................................................................................ 3-73
Linux (32-bit/64-bit) .................................................................................................................. 3-77
SCO ......................................................................................................................................... 3-77
4. Serial Programming Tools ................................................................................................................. 4-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Serial Programming Library .................................................................................................................. 4-2
PComm Utilities .................................................................................................................................. 4-2
Installation ................................................................................................................................. 4-2
PComm Diagnostic ...................................................................................................................... 4-3
PComm Monitor .......................................................................................................................... 4-3
PComm Terminal Emulator ........................................................................................................... 4-4
5. Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................................ 5-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5-2
CP-102U ............................................................................................................................................ 5-3
DB9 (Male): RS-232 .................................................................................................................... 5-3
CP-102UL .......................................................................................................................................... 5-3
DB25 (Female): RS-232 ............................................................................................................... 5-3
CP-104JU ........................................................................................................................................... 5-4
8-pin RJ45: RS-232 ..................................................................................................................... 5-4
CP-104UL .......................................................................................................................................... 5-5
DB44 (Female): RS-232 ............................................................................................................... 5-5
CP-112UL .......................................................................................................................................... 5-5
DB25 (Female): RS-232 ............................................................................................................... 5-5
DB25 (Female): RS-422 ............................................................................................................... 5-6
DB25 (Female): RS-485 (4-wire)................................................................................................... 5-6
DB25 (Female): RS-485 (2-wire)................................................................................................... 5-6
CP-114UL .......................................................................................................................................... 5-7
DB44 (Female): RS-232 ............................................................................................................... 5-7
DB44 (Female): RS-422, RS-485 (4-wire) ...................................................................................... 5-7
DB44 (Female): RS-485 (2-wire)................................................................................................... 5-8
CP-118U ............................................................................................................................................ 5-8
DB62 (Female): RS-232 ............................................................................................................... 5-9
DB62 (Female): RS-422, RS-485 (4-wire) ...................................................................................... 5-9
DB62 (Female): RS-485 (2-wire)................................................................................................. 5-10
CP-118U-I ....................................................................................................................................... 5-11
DB78 (Female): RS-232 ............................................................................................................. 5-11
DB78 (Female): RS-422, RS-485 (4-wire) .................................................................................... 5-12
DB78 (Female): RS-485 (2-wire)................................................................................................. 5-12
CP-132UL, CP-132UL-I ...................................................................................................................... 5-13
DB25 (Female): RS-422 ............................................................................................................. 5-13
DB25 (Female): RS-485 (4-wire)................................................................................................. 5-13
DB25 (Female): RS-485 (2-wire)................................................................................................. 5-14
CP-134U, CP-134U-I ......................................................................................................................... 5-14
DB44 (Female): RS-232 (Ports 1 and 2 only) ................................................................................ 5-14
DB44 (Female): RS-422 ............................................................................................................. 5-15
DB44 (Female): RS-485 (4-wire)................................................................................................. 5-15
DB44 (Female): RS-485 (2-wire)................................................................................................. 5-16
CP-138U .......................................................................................................................................... 5-16
DB62 (Female): RS-422, RS-485 (4-wire) .................................................................................... 5-17
DB62 (Female): RS-485 (2-wire)................................................................................................. 5-17
CP-138U-I ....................................................................................................................................... 5-18
DB78 (Female): RS-422, RS-485 (4-wire) .................................................................................... 5-18
DB78 (Female): RS-485 (2-wire)................................................................................................. 5-19
CP-168U .......................................................................................................................................... 5-19
DB62 (Female): RS-232 ............................................................................................................. 5-20
POS-104UL ...................................................................................................................................... 5-20
DB44 (Female): RS-232 ............................................................................................................. 5-20
CP-102UF ........................................................................................................................................ 5-21
Serial Connectors ............................................................................................................................. 5-21
DB9 (Male) ............................................................................................................................... 5-21
DB25 (Male) ............................................................................................................................. 5-22
DB25 (Fem a l e).......................................................................................................................... 5-22
RJ45 ........................................................................................................................................ 5-23

1. Introduction

The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Package Checklist
Product Features
Product Specifications
Installation Guide
Universal PCI Board Introduction
8 Ports
8 ports, RS
8 ports,
8 ports, RS
8 ports, RS
8 ports, RS
8 ports, RS
8 ports, RS
8 ports, RS
8 ports, RS
8 ports, RS
4 Ports
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
4 ports, RS
2 Ports
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, RS
2 ports, Serial


Moxa Universal PCI (UPCI) multiport serial boards can be installed in PCI or PCI-X slots, and support both 3.3V and 5V PCI/PCI-X. With a UPCI board, you can connect data acquisition equipment and other serial devices to your PC over RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485. Each board has on-chip hardware and softw are f low contro l, a built-in 128-byte Tx/Rx FIFO, and well-designed device drivers that have been fine-tuned. This allows Moxa UPCI boards to support data transmissio n speeds of up to 921 .6 Kbps .
The following UPCI multiport serial board s ar e avai lab l e from Moxa:
ports, RS-422/485
ports, RS-232, low profile, wide temperature
RS-232/422/485, wide temperature
-232/422/485, 2KV optical isolation
-232/422/485, 2KV optical isolation, wide temperature
-422/485, wide temperature
-422/485, 2KV optical isolation, wide temperature
-422/485, 2KV optical isolation
-232, wide temperature
-232/422/485, low profile
-232/422/485, low profile, wide temperature
-232/422/485, low profile, 2KV optical isolation
-232/422/485, low profile, , 2KV optical isolation, w ide temperature
-422/485, wide temperature
-422/485, 2KV optical isolation
-422/485, 2KV optical isolation, wide temperature
-232, low profile
-232, 8-pin RJ45 connector on-board
-232, 8-pin RJ45 connector on-board, wide temperature
-232, low profile, serial port powered
-232, low profile, serial port powered, wide temperature
-232/422/485, low profile
-232/422/485, low profile, wide temperature
-232/422/485, low profile, 2KV optical isolation
-232/422/485, low profile, 2KV optical isolation
-422/485, low profile
-422/485, low profile, wide temperature
-422/485, low profile, 2KV optical isolation
-422/485, low profile, 2KV optical isolation, wide temperature
-232, low profile
-232, low profile, wide temperature
-232, wide temperature
-over-fiber board
Universal PCI Board Introduction

Smartio—The Smart Multiport Async Solution

The Smartio Series of multip or t s eri al bo ard s includ e s the CP-168U, CP-104UL, CP-104JU, POS-104UL, CP-102UL, and CP-102U. These boards provide RS-232 serial ports for connecting terminals, modems, printers, scanners, cash registers, bar code readers, keypads, numeric displays, electrical scales, data acquisition equipment, and many other serial devices to a PC. These boards are a reliable, high-performance solution for multiport serial communication.

Industio—The Industrial Multiport Async Solution

The Industio Series of multiport s er ial bo ard s includes the CP-118U-I, CP-118U, CP-138U-I, CP-138U, CP-114UL, CP134U, CP-134U-I, CP-132UL, and CP-132UL-I. These boards are designed for industrial use, with serial ports that can be configured independently for RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 operation. Industio boards provide a reliable communication link over distances of up to 4000 ft and support point-to-point full-duplex or multi-drop half-duplex. With RS-485 operation, a single port can connec t to 32 devices in a multi-drop environment.

ADDCTM (Automatic Data Direction Control) for RS-485

ADDC™ (Automatic Data Direction Control) makes it easier to manage 2-wire RS-485 half-duplex connections, eliminating the need for software interf er e nc e . This mea ns that it is not neces s ary to write ex tra code for Windows applications to control the hal f -duplex protocol. ADDC intelligence is built into Industio boards.

Serial-over-fiber Board

The CP-102UF is a serial-over-fiber board designed for industrial auto mation applications that require a long distance, multi-point, PC-based data acquisitio n solution. The single-mode model (CP-102UF-S) can transmit up to 40 km, and the multi-mode model (CP-102UF-M) can transmit up to 5 km. For many industrial applications, an even bigger benefit is that optical fiber iso lates the da ta from dangerous increases in ground potential, ground loops, and electri c al EMI/RFI electromagnetic radiation.

Built-in Termination Resistors for RS-422 and RS-485

Industio boards have termination resistors built-in, eliminating the headaches involved in determining the proper impedance for the resistors. For additional information, ple a se refer to Cha p ter 2.

ESD and Isolation Protection

Certain models include TVSS (Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor) technology to help prevent damage due to lightning or high potential voltage. Optic al is olation (2000V) and embedded protection (max. ESD of 16 KV, max. EFT of 2 KV) are also available with certain models. These features help provide protection in critical or harsh factory-type environments.

PCI Solution

UPCI boards comply with PCI Spec. 2.1 and do not require switches or jumpers. IRQ and I/O address is automatically assigned by the PCI BIOS. This means that the board must be physically installed in the computer first before the driver software is install e d .
Universal PCI Board Introduction

Universal PCI

For maximum compatibility with the PCI local bus spe c ific ati o n, U PCI board s suppo rt both 3.3V and 5V PCI connector types. The 32/64-bit PCI local bus specification specifies both a 3.3V/5V and 32/64-bit slot.

Operating System Support

Moxa UPCI boards are compatible w ith mos t major ind us trial platforms, including Windows, DOS, and Linux . Drivers are provided for smoother installation, configuration, and performance. This manual provides separate sections for the different operating systems that are supported.

Moxa Serial Communication Tools

For application development, Moxa provides a serial communication library for Windows called PComm. This library can help you develop your own applications in Visual Basic, Vi s ual C++, Bor l and Delphi, a nd more. Utilities are included for debugging, monitor ing communic a tio n s tatus , te rminal emulation, and file transfer.


UPCI boards are suita b le for many ind us trial applications, including the following:
Multipoint data acquisition
Factory automation
Critical industrial control
Remote serial device control
Internet/intranet connecti o ns
Remote access applications
Multi-user applications
Industrial automation
Office automation
PC-based vending machines or kiosk systems
POS (Point-of-Sale) systems

Package Checklist

UPCI boards are shipp ed with the following items:
1 Moxa UPCI multiport serial board
Low profile bracket (low profile models only)
Document & Software CD
Quick Installation Guide
5-year Product Warranty statement
NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the abov e items is missing or damaged. For info rma tio n on optional accessories for each model, pl ease refer to Chapter 5.
Universal PCI Board Introduction
I/O Controller:
MU860 (compatible with 16C550C)
Connector Type:
Female DB78
Female DB62
Female DB78
Female DB62
Female DB62
Female DB44
Female DB44
Female DB44
Female DB25
Female DB25
Female DB25
Male DB9
Female DB44
Female DB44
Female DB44
Female DB25
CP-132UL-I :
Female DB25
ST type

Product Features

Moxa UPCI boards enjoy the following features:
Over 700 Kbps data throughput for top performance
Serial communication speed up to 921 . 6 Kbps
128-byte FIFO and on-chip hardw are and softw are flow co ntro l
Universal PCI supporting 3.3V PCI, 5V PCI and PCI-X
Driver support for Windows, Windows CE, Windows XP Embedde d , DOS, Linux, Fr e eBSD, QNX SCO
OpenServer, UnixWare7
On-board 15 KV ESD protection
Low profile for compact-sized PCs (on “L” models only)
2 KV optical isolation protection (on “I” models only )
-40 to 85°C wide temperature (on “T” models only)

Product Specifications

-168U :
-134U/CP-134U-I :
-104UL :
-104JU :
-134U :
-134U-I :
-132UL :
emale DB44
-pin RJ45
Universal PCI Board Introduction
Bus: 32
No. of Ports:
8 Ports:
4 Ports:
2 Ports:
Max. No. of Boards:
4 Signals
TxD+(B), TxD
TxD+(B), TxD
50 bps to 921.6 Kbps
None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Data Bits:
5, 6, 7, 8
Stop Bits:
1, 1.5, 2
I/O Address, IRQ:
Assigned by BIOS
128 bytes
Flow Control:
Windows 2012 x64, 8 x86/x64 Windows 7 x86/x64 Windows 2000 Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008 (x86 Linux 2.4 Linux 2.6 (x86 Complete driver support information is available at Download center
Power Output:
5V/12V (POS
Power and Environment
Operating Temperature:
0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F)
Operating Humidity:
5 to 95% RH
Storage Temperature:
Embedded 15 KV ESD protection
EN55022 Class B, EN55 024, EN61000 IEC61000 IEC61000
5 years
-wire RS-485:
-wire RS-485:
-bit Universal PCI
-(A), RxD+(B), RxD-(A), GND
-(A), RxD+(B), RxD-(A), GND
Data-(A), GND
/x64) in the
-104UL only)
40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
-3-2, EN61000-3-3, IEC61000-4-2,
-4-3, IEC61000-4-4, IEC61000-4-5, IEC61000-4-6, IEC61000-4-8,
-4-11, FCC Part 15 Class B
Universal PCI Board Introduction
Step 1:
Select serial transmission mode For certain models, you will need to set onboard DIP switches to s
transmission mode for each port. CP
104UL, and
Step 2:
Install board UPCI
ls, please refer
Step 3:
Install drivers and configure boar d For details, please refer to
Step 4:
Connect For details, please refer to
Step 5:
Restart system and For details, please refer to
Step 6:
Develop and run your serial communication applica tio n For details, please refer to

Installation Guide

UPCI board installation can be divided into s ix s teps as follows :
This applies to the CP-118U-I, CP-138U-I, CP -118U, CP-138U, CP-114UL,
-114UL-I, CP-134U, CP-134U-I, CP-112UL, CP -112UL-I, CP-132UL, CP-132UL-I, POS-
-102UF. For details, please refer to Chapter 2.
Chapter 2.
boards are installed in an open PCI or PCI-X expansion slot on the PC. For detai
your serial devices to the board’s serial po rts
verify dr iver initialization
elect the serial
Chapters 3 through 8.
Chapter 10.
Chapters 3 through 8.
Chapter 9.

2. Hardware Installation

The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Overview Configuring the Board and Dimension
CP-118U/CP-118U-I CP-138U/CP-138U-I CP-168U CP-114UL/CP-114UL-I CP-134U/CP-134U-I CP-104UL CP-104JU POS-104UL CP-112UL/CP-112UL-I CP-132UL/CP-132UL-I CP-102UL CP-102U CP-102UF
Plugging the Board into an Expansio n Slo t
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation


This chapter explains the hardwar e installati o n p rocedure in detail. Since the BIOS automatically assigns the IRQ number and I/O addresses, you will need to install the board before you install the drivers. You can install up to 4 UPCI boards in one system, as long as sufficient I/O address and IRQ number resources are available.

Configuring the Board and Dimension

8 Ports


Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation
Onboard termination resistors can be activated individually for each serial port using jumpers JP1 through JP8. For CP-118U-I, JP1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 corresponds to serial por t 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8, respectively. For C P-118U, JP1/2/3/4/5/ 6/7/ 8 co rresp onds to se rial port 8/ 7/6/ 5/4/ 3/2/ 1, respectively. Short the jumper pins to activate the termination resistor; leave the jumper pins op e n to bypass the term ination resistor.
The onboard DIP switches, S1, S2, and S3, a re used t o select RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 mode for each serial port. There are 8 switches on each bank corresponding to the 8 serial ports. S3 selects between RS-232 and RS-422/485, S2 selects between RS-422 and RS-485, an d S1 selects between 2-wire and 4-wire RS-485, as follows:
Mode S1 S2 S3
RS-232 --- --- ON
RS-422 --- ON OFF 4-wire RS-485 ON OFF OFF 2-wire RS-485 OFF OFF OFF


Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation
Onboard termination resistors can be activated individually for each serial port using jumpers JP1 through JP8. For CP-138U-I, JP1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 corr espo nd s to serial po rt 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8, respectively. For CP-138U, JP1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 corresponds t o seri al po rt 8/7/ 6/5/ 4/3/ 2/1, respectively. Short the jumper pins to activate the termination resistor; leave the jumper pins op e n to bypass the ter minati o n re s is tor .
The on board DIP switches, S1 and S2, are used to select RS-422 or RS-485 mode for each serial port. There are 8 switches on each bank corresponding to the 8 serial ports. S2 selects between RS-422 and RS-485; S1 selects between 2-wire and 4-wire RS-485, as follows:
Mode S1 S2
RS-422 --- ON 4-wire RS-485 ON OFF 2-wire RS-485 OFF OFF
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation


This board does not require configuration.
4 Ports


Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation
Onboard termination resistors can be activated individually for each serial port using jumpers JP1 through JP4. For CP-114UL, JP1/2/3/4 corresponds to serial port 1/2/3/4, respectively. For CP-114UL-I, JP1/2/3/4 corresponds to serial port 4/3/2/1, respectively. Short the jumper pins to activate the termination resis tor ; leave the jumper pins open to bypass the termination res is tor.
The onboard DIP switches, S1, S2, and S3, a re used t o select RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 mode for each serial port. Switches 1 through 4 on each bank correspond to the 4 serial ports . S3 selects between RS-232 and RS-422/485, S2 selects between RS-422 and RS-485, an d S1 selects between 2-wire and 4-wire RS-485, as follows:
Mode S1 S2 S3
RS-232 --- --- ON
RS-422 --- ON OFF 4-wire RS-485 ON OFF OFF 2-wire RS-485 OFF OFF OFF
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation


Onboard termination resistors can be activated individually for each serial port using jumpers JP1 through JP4. For CP-134U, JP1/2/3/4 corresponds to serial port 1/2/3/4, respectively. For CP-134U-I, JP1/2/3/4 corresponds to serial port 4/3/2 /1, respectively. Short the jumper pins to activ ate the termination resistor ; leave the jumper pins open to bypass the termination res is tor .
The on board DIP switches, S1 and S2, ar e used to s elect RS-422 or RS-485 mode for each serial port. Switches 1 through 4 on each bank correspond to the 4 serial ports. S2 selects between RS-422 and RS-485; S1 selects between 2-wire and 4-wire RS-485. In addition, ports 1 and 2 can be set individually to RS-232 mode using the on-board 30-pin jumpers, as follows:
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation
Use the jumper to cover the left two columns of jumper pins.
Use the jumper to cover the right two columns of jumper pins.
-422 or RS-485 mode:


-232 mode:
This board does not require configuration.
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation
The top row of jumper pins selects the the bottom row of jumper pins selects the source of 5V power:
For each serial port, a set of 5 jumper pins is used is sent to pin 9.


This board does not require configuration.


The onboard jumpers are used to specify the pin 9 power signal for eac h serial po rt.
source of 12V power;
Bus power External power
If 5V or 12V external power is enabled, you will need to connect the cable from the back of POS-104UL to the PC’s power supply. Remove both jumpers to disable all power signals to all ports.
select the power signal that
To disable pin 9 power signals for a specific port, remove the j umper.
5V 12V RI signal (input)
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation
4-Wire RS-485


Onboard termination resistors can be activated individually for each serial port using jumpers JP1 and JP2. JP1 corresponds to serial port 1. Short the jumper pins to activate the termination resistor; leave the jumper pins open to bypass the termination resistor. The onboard DIP switches, S1, S2, and S3, are used to select RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 mode for each serial port. Switch 1 corresponds to port 1 and switch 2 corresponds to port
2. S1 selects between R S-232, S2 selects between RS-422, a nd S3 selects bet ween 2-wire and 4-wire RS-485, as follows:
Mode S1 S2 S3
RS-232 ON -- --
RS-422 OFF ON --
2-Wire RS-485 OFF OFF OFF
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation


Onboard termination resistors can be activated individually for each serial port using jumpers JP1 and JP2. JP1 corresponds to serial port 1. Short the jumper pins to activate the termination resistor; leave the jumper pins open to bypass the termination resistor.
The onboard DIP switches, S1 and S2, are used t o select R S-422 or RS-4 85 mode for each serial port. On each bank, switch 1 corresponds to port 1 and switch 2 corresponds to por t 2. S2 selects between RS-422 and RS-485; S1 selects between 2-wire and 4-wire RS-485.
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation


This board does not require configuration.


This board does not require configuration.
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation
When configuring two or more CP-102UF boards installed in the same computer, please pay attentio n to the model names of the boards. The two models can be recognized by the type of connector on the board. Model CP


The onboard DIP switches are used to configure the CP-102UF for “Ring mode” or “Nor mal”. Whe n us ing the CP-102UF board, your PC can be included as one node of a fiber ring formed using Moxa’s own TCF-142 serial-to-fiber converter. Since each TCF-142 has two fiber ports and one serial port, PCs that are part of the ring will be able to communicate with serial devic es conne cted to the ring. Note that the Tx port of the CP-102UF connects to a neighboring converter’s Rx port to form the ring. When one node trans mits a signal, the signal travels around the ring until it returns back to the transmitting unit, w hi c h then blocks the signals .
-102UF-M uses plastic ST connectors, whereas model CP-102UF-S uses metal ST connectors.
Universal PCI Board Hardware Installation
Safety First!
To avoid damaging your system and board, make sure your PC’s power is tur ned off before ins talli ng y our Universal PCI Board.
Step 1:
Power off the PC.
Step 2:
Shut off the power to any peripheral devices and remove the PC’ s
Step 3:
Configure the UPCI board’s DIP switches and jump ers as nece s s ary . T his only appl ie s to certa in models. For additional information, pl e as e ref er to yo ur model in this c hapte r .
Insert the board firmly into a free PCI or PCI
Step 6:
Use a screw to secure the board in place.
Step 7:
Replace the PC’s cover.
Step 8:
Power on the PC. The BIOS will automatically set the IRQ and I/O addr ess .
Step 9:
Install the software. For details, ple ase refe r to the appro pr iate

Plugging the Board into an Expansion Slot

-X slot on the PC.
chapter for your operating system.

3. Software Installation

This chapter gives installation, c o nfig uration, and update/removal procedures for the drive r for Windows Server 2012 (64-bit), Windows 8 (32-bit/64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit), Windows 2003/XP/Vista/2008 (32-bit/64-bit), Windows 2000, WinCE, DOS, Linux (32-bit/64-bit), and SCO. Before proceeding with the software installation, comp le te the hard w are installa tio n discussed in the previous chapter, “Hardwar e Installation.”
Refer to the next chapter, “Serial Progr amming Tools,” for information about developing your own serial programming applications. Note that you can install up to 4 PCI Express boards in one system, provided sufficient I/O address and IRQ number resources are av aila ble.
You can download the drivers from the Moxa website. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Windows Drive r s
Windows 7/8 (32-bit/64-bit) Wind ows 2008/Vista (32-bit/64-bit) Wind ows 2003/XP Wi ndows 2000 Wind ows NT Wind ows 95/98/ME Wind ows CE
Non Windows Driver
DOS Linux (32-bit/64-bit) SCO
Universal PCI Board Software Installation
The overall procedure for installing the drivers is shown on the right. A newly installed board will be automatically detect
If you have already installed a additional boards, Windows 8 will automatically detect and install the new board(s) the next time you boot up the computer. In this case, proceed directly to the next section, “Configuring the Ports,” to configure the ports’ serial transmission parameters.

Windows Drivers

Moxa provides drivers that allow you to use the following serial board products under Windows 7/8, Windows 2008/Vista/2003/XP/2000.
ed by the operating system.

Windows 7/8 (32-bit/64-bit)

The Windows 8 installation procedure s and popup windows are almost the same as Windows 7. Thus, in this section, we describe the installation proc ed ur e for Windo w s 8 as an example.
Installing the Driver
The following procedure describes how to ins tall the CP-104U driver for the firs t tim e with Windows 8. First, make sure that you have already plugged the board or boards into the system ’ s PCI or PCI-X slot(s).
1. Go to Device Manager/Other devices to install the PCI Serial Port driver. Right click on the PCI Serial port. Windows will offer to connect to the Windows update site to search for a driver. Select Update Driver Software….
CP-104U or other Moxa UPCI board in your computer, and you are installing
Universal PCI Board Software Installation
2. Select Browse my computer for device software to continue.
3. Select Search for driver software in this location, select Include subfolde rs, and then click Browse. If the system is a 32-bit (x86) platform, navigate to the \CP-104U Series\Software\Windows 8\x86 folder on the CD. If the system is a 64-bit (x64) platform, navigate to the \CP-104U Series\Software\Windows 8\x64 folder on the CD, and then click Next to continue.
The following figure shows the path for x86.
Universal PCI Board Software Installation
4. Wait while the driv er softw are is ins tall e d . The nex t wind ow show s the model nam e of the board, and indicates that Windows has completed the driver ins tallati o n. Click Close to proceed with the rest of the installation procedure .
5. After installing the m ultip ort serial adaptors driver, install the Moxa Port diver next. Right click on MOXA
communication port. A popup window will open to help you install the driver for MOXA Por t 0. Select Update Driver Software…
Universal PCI Board Software Installation
6. Select Browse my computer for device software to continue.
7. Select Search for driver software in this location, select Include subfolde rs, and then click Browse. If the system is a 32-bit (x86) platform, navigate to the \CP-104U Series\Software\Windows 8\x86 folder on the CD. If the system is a 64-bit (x64) platform, navigate to the \CP-104U Series\Software\Windows 8\x64 folder on the CD, and then click Next to continue.
The following figure shows the path for x86.
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