Moxa Technologies CP-104JU V2 Quick Installation Manual

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CP-104JU V2 Smart Serial Board
Quick Installation Guide
Second Edition, December 2004
CP-104JU V2 is a 4-port RS-232 Universal PCI serial board that is ideal for connecting a wide range of serial devices—including terminals, modems, printers, scanners, cash registers, bar code readers, keypads, numeric displays, electrical scales, and data acquisition equipment—to a PC. The board’s well-designed device drivers make full use of the 128-byte Tx/Rx FIFO and on-chip H/W and S/W flow control, which allow data transmission at speeds of up to 921.6 Kbps.
2. Package Checklist
Before installing the CP-104JU V2 board, verify that the package contains the following items:
! 1 CP-104JU V2 4-port serial board
! Documentation and Software CD that contains drivers for
Windows 2000/XP/2003, Windows NT, Windows 95/98, DOS, FreeBSD, SCO, and Linux.
! CP-104JU V2 Quick Installation Guide
Notify your sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged.
3. Hardware Installation Procedure
The CP-104JU V2 board MUST be installed in the PC before installing the driver. The following directions explain how to install the board in the PC.
STEP 1: Power off the PC.
STEP 2: Insert the CP-104JU V2 control board firmly into a free PCI
or PCI-X slot.
STEP 3: Fasten the holding screw to fix the control board in place.
STEP 4: Connect one of the connection boxes or connection cables to
CP-104JU V2, and connect an adapter if required.
STEP 5: Power on the PC; the BIOS will automatically set the IRQ
and I/O address.
4. Software Installation Information
The board MUST be plugged in before installing the driver software. See the previous section for instructions on how to install the board in your PC. Refer to the CP-104JU User’s Manual for detailed instructions on installing the drivers for this board.
Windows 2003/XP Driver Installation
1. After powering on your PC, Windows 2003/XP will automatically
detect the CP-104JU V2 board.
2. Insert the CP-104JU V2 software CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3. Select Install fro m a list or specific location (Advanced).
4. After selecting Sea rch for the best driver in these locations, check
the Include this location in the search checkbox, and then use the browse button to navigate to the CD’s CP-104JU v2\Software\Win2K-XP-2003 folder.
5. Click Continue A nyway in response to any admonitions that the
software hasn’t passed Windows Logo testing.
6. After the board has been installed, the installation wiza rd will guide
you through the port installation procedure, starting with port 0.
7. Use the Device M anager to check if the installation of the board and
ports was successful. Click on the + sign next to Hardware, and then check under Multi-port serial adapters and Ports (COM & LPT). If there are any special marks, such as a question mark or exclamation point in front of the board or port icons, examine the Event Log as a first step to determine where the problem is.
Windows 2000 Driver Installation
1. After powering on your PC, Windows 2000 will automatically detect
the CP-104JU V2 board.
2. Insert the CP-104JU V2 software CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3. Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended).
4. In Optional search location, checkmark specify a location. Navigate
to the \CP-104JU v2\Software\Win2K-XP-2003 folder on the software CD, and then click on OK to continue.
5. Click Continue A nyway in response to any admonitions that the
software hasn’t passed Windows Logo testing.
6. After the board has been installed, the installation wiza rd will guide
you through the port installation procedure, starting with port 0. NOTE: Be sure to install the software from the CD’s CP-104JU v2\Software\Win2K-XP-2003 folder.
7. Use the Device M anager to check if the installation of the board and
ports was successful. Click on the + sign next to Hardware, and then check under Multi-port serial adapters and Ports (COM & LPT). If there are any special marks, such as a question mark or exclamation point in front of the board or port icons, examine the Event Log as a first step to determine where the problem is.
Windows 95/98 Driver Installation
1. After powering on your PC, Windows 95/98 will auto matically detect
the CP-104JU V2 board.
2. Insert the CP-104JU V2 software CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3. There so me differences between the installation procedures for
Windows 95 and Windows 98. However, in both cases, be sure to install the driver from the CD’s CP-104JU v2\Software\Win9x\Windows.95 folder.
4. After the board has been installed, the installation wiza rd will open
the port configuration window. NOTE: If an error message similar to “CP-104JU board (BusNo=x, DevNo=x, Port1=COMx) interrupt number is invalid!” pops up, refer to the “Troubleshooting” chapter of the User’s Manual for information on how to handle this error.
P/N: 18020010451
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Windows NT Driver Installation
1. After powering on your PC, log into NT as Administrator.
2. Copy the folder CP-104JU v2\Software\WinNT\Windows.nt to
your hard drive.
3. Open the Control Panel, click on the Netw ork icon, and select the
Adaptors tab.
4. Click the Add button, and then Have Disk… in the Select Network
Adapter window.
5. Specify the exact path to the f older created in step 2. above.
6. Select MO XA Smartio/Industio Family multiport board in the
Select OEM Option window, and then click on OK to start installing the driver.
5. When the Moxa Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel dialog box
appears, click on Add to open the Property window to modify port settings and advanced FIFO configuration done automatically by the system.
Linux Driver Installation
1. Execute the following commands from the Linux prompt:
#mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom #cd / #mkdir moxa #cd moxa #cp /mnt/cdrom/<driver directory>/mxser.tgz . #tar xvfz mxser.tgz
2. #cd mxser
#make clean; make install
3. #cd /moxa/mxser/driver
4. #modprobe mxser
5. Use the Moxa diag nostic utility to verify the driver status:
#cd /moxa/mxser/utility/diag #./msdiag
6. Use the Moxa terminal utilit y to test the tty ports:
#cd /moxa/mxser/utility/term #./msterm
5. Pin Assignments and Cable Wiring
CP-104JU boards have four 8-pin RJ45 ports on the board.
8-pin RJ45 (RS-232)
Pin Number RS-232 Signals
1 DSR 2 RTS 3 GND 4 TxD 5 RxD 6 DCD 7 CTS 8 DTR
Copyright 2004
Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231