Front Panel ........................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Accessing the Console from a Telnet Terminal ................................................................................. 2-5
Accessing the Console from a Console Terminal .............................................................................. 2-7
Configuring CN2510—The Server Menu ............................................................................................... 2-12
Server Configuration—Info. ........................................................................................................ 2-12
Server Configuration—LAN ......................................................................................................... 2-13
Server Configuration—Adv. ......................................................................................................... 2-14
Server Configuration—Host_table ................................................................................................ 2-16
Server Configuration—Route_table .............................................................................................. 2-16
Server Configuration—User_table ................................................................................................ 2-17
Save ............................................................................................................................................... 2-18
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 4-5
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 4-6
Configuring RAW Mode ........................................................................................................................ 5-6
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 5-7
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 5-8
ASPP Examples for Unix....................................................................................................................... 5-9
ASPP Examples for Windows .............................................................................................................. 5-10
6. Setting Up Raw UDP .......................................................................................................................... 6-1
Accessing the Console Utility ................................................................................................................ 6-2
Selecting the Application ..................................................................................................................... 6-2
Configuring RAW UDP Mode ................................................................................................................. 6-4
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 6-5
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 6-6
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 7-5
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 7-6
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 8-8
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 8-9
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 9-5
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 9-6
Configuring Optional Local User Information ....................................................................................... 10-14
Save ............................................................................................................................................. 10-15
Configuring the Serial Ports................................................................................................................ 11-6
Save ............................................................................................................................................... 11-7
Setting up Unix Hosts ........................................................................................................................ 11-8
Setting up a SCO Unix Host ........................................................................................................ 11-9
Setting up a SOLARIS X86 Host ................................................................................................ 11-10
Setting up a LINUX Host ........................................................................................................... 11-11
Setting up Windows Hosts ............................................................................................................... 11-12
Setting up a Windows NT Host .................................................................................................. 11-12
Setting up a Windows 2000 Host ............................................................................................... 11-15
12. Setting Up Multiplex ........................................................................................................................ 12-1
Accessing the Console Utility .............................................................................................................. 12-2
Selecting the Application ................................................................................................................... 12-3
Configuring the “Host” CN2510 ........................................................................................................... 12-3
Configuring the “Device” CN2510 ........................................................................................................ 12-6
Configuring the Serial Ports.............................................................................................................. 12-10
Save ............................................................................................................................................. 12-11
Save ............................................................................................................................................... 13-8
How to Start MxNPortAPI ........................................................................................................... 15-2
MxNPortAPI Function Groups .............................................................................................................. 15-3
Example Program ............................................................................................................................. 15-3
A. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ A-1
B. RADIUS Server .................................................................................................................................. B-1
What is RADIUS? ................................................................................................................................ B-2
10/100BaseTX Port Cable Wiring .................................................................................................. D-2
Async RS-232 Port Cable Wiring ................................................................................................... D-3
DB9 and DB25 Connector Pin Assignments .................................................................................... D-4
E. LCM Display ....................................................................................................................................... E-1
1. Introduction
Welcome to Moxa CN2510 Async Server. Models are available with 8 or 16 asynchronous RS-232 ports, and all
models come with one 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN port. CN2510 Async Server is used to connect terminals,
modems, printers, and other asynchronous serial devices to LAN hosts. CN2510 complies with TCP/IP and IEEE
802.3 specifications using standard Ethernet 10/100BaseT and twisted pair 10/100BaseTX cable as the data
transmission medium.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Product Features
Package Checklist
Front Panel
Rear Panel
CN2510 Introduction
Product Features
• 1 LAN port (auto-detecting 10/100 Mbps Ethernet)
• Surge protection for each serial port
• 4 MB RAM, 2 MB Flash ROM
• Tx/Rx LED for each serial port
• System Status LEDs
• Ethernet Status LEDs
• 8 or 16 RJ45 RS-232 serial ports, with up to 921.6 Kbps transmission speed
• ASCII/Binary terminal modes with up to 8 Telnet and Rlogin sessions
• Point to Point Protocol (PPP and PPPD)
• Serial Line Internet Protocols (SLIP and SLIPD)
• Dynamic auto-recognition of Terminal, SLIP, or PPP
• Dial-on-demand, Dial-out
• Remote serial or parallel printing (RLP)
• CN2510 Async Server Proprietary Protocol (ASPP) for TCP/IP socket programming
When exiting the SERVER MENU, you will be prompted to save settings. Press Y to save.
---------------------------------------------------Info. Lan Adv. Host_table Route_table [User_table] Quit
Examine/modify async server basic configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
| Warning !!! |
| You had modified the configuration without saving. |
| Would you save it now ? |
| ‘Y’: yes ‘N’: no |
You may also save all settings from the MAIN MENU by selecting sAve.
-----------------------------Server Port seTting [sAve] Utility Restart Exit
Save current configuration to Flash ROM
ESC: back to menu Enter: select
+-------------------------------------+|Enter to updated, other key to cancel|+-------------------------------------+
1.From the MAIN MENU, select Restart.
Server Port seTting sAve Utility [Restart] Exit
Restart the whole system or selected async ports
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
2. Select System and then press Enter to restart the system and terminate the Telnet session.
Restart the Async Server
Port Quit
: back to menu Enter: select
| Warning !!! |
| Restart system will disconnect all ports and clear all status value |
| ‘ Enter: continue ESC: cancel |
3. Knowing Your Application
This chapter discusses a variety of applications for CN2510 Async Server. Refer to the diagrams in each section
to see which application most closely matches your own. Determining which application you should choose will
save time configuring both the hardware and software.
CN2510 is an Async Server that can support simultaneously different operation modes for different serial ports.
The examples in this chapter explain each operation mode in detail. You can create a wide variety of
applications by using different combinations of operation modes on the same Async Server.
NOTE: Each section title consists of an application name that uses terminology common to our industry,
followed in parentheses by the application name used in CN2510’s console utility. For example, the CN2510
application that corresponds to Linux Real TTY/Unix Fixed TTY is NT Real COM mode.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Windows Real COM (NT Real COM)
Linux Real TTY/Unix Fixed TTY (NT Real COM)
Device Control (Device Control)
UDP Communication (Raw UDP)
Console Management (Reverse Terminal)
Terminal Access (Terminal)
Multi-host TTY (Multi-host TTY)
Dial-in/Out-of-Band Management (Dialin/out)
Network Printer (Printer)
Multiplexor Access (Multiplex)
CN2510 Knowing Your Application
Windows Real COM (NT Real COM)
Moxa provides CN2510 COM port drivers for all Windows operating systems. The COM port driver serves a dual
purpose—(1) convert serial data into Ethernet packets, (2) convert Ethernet packets into serial data—as
outlined in the following table:
PC CN2510 Serial Device Serial Device CN2510 PC
1. The PC generates RS-232 serial COM commands.
2. The COM port driver converts the commands
into Ethernet packets.
3. The packets are sent over the network to CN2510’
Ethernet port.
4. CN2510 converts the Ethernet packets back into
RS-232 serial format.
5. The commands are delivered to serial device(s)
connected to CN2510’s serial port(s).
You can enhance your applications greatly by using CN2510 to access serial devices over an Ethernet network,
and since CN2510 and the COM driver handle all protocol conversion tasks, you won’t need to modify the
software currently in use. In fact, multiple PCs can access the serial ports of one CN2510, as shown in the
Refer to Chapter 4 for detailed information and configuration instructions.
1. A serial device connected to CN2510 starts
transmitting serial data.
2. CN2510 converts the data into one or more
Ethernet packets.
3. The packets are sent over the network to the PC
host’s Ethernet port.
4. The COM port driver converts the Ethernet
packets back into RS-232 serial format.
5. The serial data is processed by the program that
controls the serial device.
CN2510 Knowing Your Application
Linux Real TTY/Unix Fixed TTY (NT Real COM)
Real TTY drivers that control Moxa CN2510 Async Server’s serial ports are provided for Linux environments.
This means that CN2510 Async Server can be used with existing Linux-based applications that use multiport
serial boards, since the host PC will recognize CN2510’s COM ports as real TTY ports. You can enhance your
applications by using CN2510 to access serial devices over an Ethernet network, but without needing to modify
the software currently in use.
Moxa also provides Fixed TTY port drivers for Unix environments. However, the Linux Real TTY and Windows
Real COM port drivers provide better control over serial port data transmission, since you can control modem
signals such as DTR, DSR, RTS, and CTS. The Unix Fixed TTY driver provides software reception and
transmission through CN2510’s serial ports, but does not allow you to control the DTR, DSR, RTS, and CTS
modem signals.
Refer to Chapter 4 for detailed information and configuration instructions.
CN2510 Knowing Your Application
Device Control (Device Control)
The CN2510 Device Control application allows you to choose between two different operation modes: ASPP and
ASPP Mode—For applications that require setting up communication parameters or controlling modem signals
(DTR, RTS, Break, etc.), take advantage of Moxa’s ASPP lib to simplify your programming tasks. ASPP takes
care of the more basic protocol-level programming tasks, and allows you to concentrate your energy on higher
level, application-specific tasks.
RAW Mode—To control device data transmission directly, set CN2510 for TCP RAW mode. Device control
applications can use standard Linux/Unix Socket programming in Linux/Unix environments, or WinSock
programming in Windows environments. Standard socket programming allows you to focus on pure data
transmission, without needing to write code for controlling serial ports or modem signals. ASPP can also be
used to communicate with CN2510.
Linux/Unix socket programming and Windows WinSock programming both use IP as the communication agent
between hosts and devices. RAW mode is a good solution for handling pure serial data communications
applications that do not require setting up communication parameters (baud rate, parity, etc.).
Refer to Chapter 5 for detailed information and configuration instructions.
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