Moxa Technologies CN2510-8, CN2510-16-48, CN2510-8-48, CN2510-16 User Manual

CN2510 Async Server User’s Manual
Edition 7.0, January 2018
© 2018 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
CN2510 Async Server User’s Manual
Moxa Americas
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Hardware ................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Software .................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Front Panel ........................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Rear Panel ......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
2. Getting Started.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Hardware Installation .......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Desktop ..................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Rackmount ................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Wiring Requirements ................................................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting CN2510-8/16’s Power.................................................................................................. 2-3
Connecting CN2510-8/16-48V’s Power ........................................................................................... 2-3
Grounding CN2510-8/16-48V ........................................................................................................ 2-3
Connecting to the Network ........................................................................................................... 2-4
Connecting to a Serial Device ....................................................................................................... 2-4
Connecting to the Console Port ..................................................................................................... 2-4
Accessing the Console Utility ................................................................................................................ 2-4
Configuration Checklist ................................................................................................................ 2-4
Accessing the Console from a Telnet Terminal ................................................................................. 2-5
Accessing the Console from a Console Terminal .............................................................................. 2-7
Configuring CN2510—The Server Menu ............................................................................................... 2-12
Server Configuration—Info. ........................................................................................................ 2-12
Server Configuration—LAN ......................................................................................................... 2-13
Server Configuration—Adv. ......................................................................................................... 2-14
Server Configuration—Host_table ................................................................................................ 2-16
Server Configuration—Route_table .............................................................................................. 2-16
Server Configuration—User_table ................................................................................................ 2-17
Save ............................................................................................................................................... 2-18
Restart ............................................................................................................................................ 2-18
3. Knowing Your Application ................................................................................................................. 3-1
Windows Real COM (NT Real COM) ....................................................................................................... 3-2
Linux Real TTY/Unix Fixed TTY (NT Real COM) ........................................................................................ 3-3
Device Control (Device Control) ............................................................................................................ 3-4
UDP Communication (Raw UDP) ........................................................................................................... 3-5
Console Management (Reverse Terminal) .............................................................................................. 3-6
Terminal Access (Terminal) .................................................................................................................. 3-7
Multi-host TTY (Multi-host TTY) ............................................................................................................ 3-8
Dial-in/Out-of-Band Management (Dialin/out) ........................................................................................ 3-9
Network Printer (Printer) ................................................................................................................... 3-10
Multiplexor Access (Multiplex) ............................................................................................................ 3-11
4. Setting Up Windows Real COM/Linux Real TTY/Unix Fixed TTY ........................................................ 4-1
Accessing the Console Utility ................................................................................................................ 4-2
Selecting the Application ..................................................................................................................... 4-2
Configuring ASPP Mode ....................................................................................................................... 4-4
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 4-5
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 4-6
Restart .............................................................................................................................................. 4-6
Setting up Hosts ................................................................................................................................. 4-7
Setting up Windows XP/2003 Hosts ............................................................................................... 4-7
Setting up Windows 2000 Hosts .................................................................................................. 4-22
Setting up Windows 95/98/ME/NT Hosts ...................................................................................... 4-35
5. Setting Up Device Control ................................................................................................................. 5-1
Accessing the Console Utility ................................................................................................................ 5-2
Selecting the Application ..................................................................................................................... 5-2
Configuring ASPP Mode ....................................................................................................................... 5-4
Configuring RAW Mode ........................................................................................................................ 5-6
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 5-7
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 5-8
Restart .............................................................................................................................................. 5-8
ASPP Library Introduction .................................................................................................................... 5-9
ASPP Examples for Unix....................................................................................................................... 5-9
ASPP Examples for Windows .............................................................................................................. 5-10
6. Setting Up Raw UDP .......................................................................................................................... 6-1
Accessing the Console Utility ................................................................................................................ 6-2
Selecting the Application ..................................................................................................................... 6-2
Configuring RAW UDP Mode ................................................................................................................. 6-4
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 6-5
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 6-6
Restart .............................................................................................................................................. 6-7
7. Setting Up Reverse Terminal ............................................................................................................. 7-1
Accessing the Console Utility ................................................................................................................ 7-2
Selecting the Application ..................................................................................................................... 7-2
Configuring RTELNET Mode .................................................................................................................. 7-4
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 7-5
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 7-6
Restart .............................................................................................................................................. 7-6
8. Setting Up Terminal .......................................................................................................................... 8-1
Accessing the Console Utility ................................................................................................................ 8-2
Selecting the Application ..................................................................................................................... 8-2
Configuring TERM_ASC Mode ............................................................................................................... 8-4
Configuring TERM_BIN Mode ................................................................................................................ 8-6
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 8-8
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 8-9
Restart ............................................................................................................................................ 8-10
9. Setting Up Multi-host TTY ................................................................................................................. 9-1
Accessing the Console Utility ................................................................................................................ 9-2
Selecting the Application ..................................................................................................................... 9-2
Configuring FIXTTY Mode ..................................................................................................................... 9-4
Configuring the Serial Ports.................................................................................................................. 9-5
Save ................................................................................................................................................. 9-6
Restart .............................................................................................................................................. 9-6
Setting up Hosts ................................................................................................................................. 9-7
Installing and Compiling Moxatty ................................................................................................... 9-7
Moxatty for Different Applications .................................................................................................. 9-8
Using Moxatty ............................................................................................................................. 9-9
10. Setting Up Dialin/out ...................................................................................................................... 10-1
Accessing the Console Utility .............................................................................................................. 10-2
Selecting the Application ................................................................................................................... 10-2
Configuring PPPD/PPP Mode ............................................................................................................... 10-4
Configuring SLIPD/SLIP Mode ............................................................................................................. 10-6
Configuring Dynamic Mode ................................................................................................................ 10-8
Configuring the Serial Ports.............................................................................................................. 10-12
Configuring Modem Initialization ....................................................................................................... 10-13
Optional Welcome Message .............................................................................................................. 10-14
Configuring Optional Local User Information ....................................................................................... 10-14
Save ............................................................................................................................................. 10-15
Restart .......................................................................................................................................... 10-16
11. Setting Up Printer ........................................................................................................................... 11-1
Accessing the Console Utility .............................................................................................................. 11-2
Selecting the Application ................................................................................................................... 11-2
Configuring RAW PRN Mode ............................................................................................................... 11-4
Configuring LPD PRN Mode ................................................................................................................. 11-5
Configuring the Serial Ports................................................................................................................ 11-6
Save ............................................................................................................................................... 11-7
Restart ............................................................................................................................................ 11-8
Setting up Unix Hosts ........................................................................................................................ 11-8
Setting up a SCO Unix Host ........................................................................................................ 11-9
Setting up a SOLARIS X86 Host ................................................................................................ 11-10
Setting up a LINUX Host ........................................................................................................... 11-11
Setting up Windows Hosts ............................................................................................................... 11-12
Setting up a Windows NT Host .................................................................................................. 11-12
Setting up a Windows 2000 Host ............................................................................................... 11-15
12. Setting Up Multiplex ........................................................................................................................ 12-1
Accessing the Console Utility .............................................................................................................. 12-2
Selecting the Application ................................................................................................................... 12-3
Configuring the “Host” CN2510 ........................................................................................................... 12-3
Configuring the “Device” CN2510 ........................................................................................................ 12-6
Configuring the Serial Ports.............................................................................................................. 12-10
Save ............................................................................................................................................. 12-11
Restart .......................................................................................................................................... 12-12
13. Setting Up Routing .......................................................................................................................... 13-1
Accessing the Console Utility .............................................................................................................. 13-2
What is RIP? .................................................................................................................................... 13-2
Configuring RIP ................................................................................................................................ 13-3
Configuring the Static Routing Table ................................................................................................... 13-4
Static Routing Examples .................................................................................................................... 13-5
Configuring Routes to the Internet .............................................................................................. 13-5
Configuring Routes to the Internet and Intranet ............................................................................ 13-6
Configuring Multiple-Point Routes ................................................................................................ 13-7
Save ............................................................................................................................................... 13-8
Restart ............................................................................................................................................ 13-8
14. Administrative Utilities.................................................................................................................... 14-1
Ping ................................................................................................................................................ 14-2
Monitor............................................................................................................................................ 14-2
Line ......................................................................................................................................... 14-3
Network ................................................................................................................................... 14-4
Async ...................................................................................................................................... 14-5
Routing .................................................................................................................................... 14-6
PPP-Trace ................................................................................................................................. 14-7
Diagnostic........................................................................................................................................ 14-7
Upgrade .......................................................................................................................................... 14-8
Upgrading with the Windows Utility ............................................................................................. 14-8
Console Terminal Upgrade ........................................................................................................ 14-10
Upgrading through the Serial Console ........................................................................................ 14-11
Remote RCP Upgrade ............................................................................................................... 14-14
Export ........................................................................................................................................... 14-16
Console Terminal Export .......................................................................................................... 14-16
Remote RCP Export ................................................................................................................. 14-18
Import .......................................................................................................................................... 14-19
Console Terminal Import .......................................................................................................... 14-19
Remote RCP Import ................................................................................................................. 14-21
Default .......................................................................................................................................... 14-22
15. Android API Instructions ................................................................................................................ 15-1
Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 15-2
How to Start MxNPortAPI ........................................................................................................... 15-2
MxNPortAPI Function Groups .............................................................................................................. 15-3
Example Program ............................................................................................................................. 15-3
A. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ A-1
Console Terminal Problems .................................................................................................................. A-2
Terminal Port Problems ....................................................................................................................... A-4
How to Save CN2510’s Parameters ....................................................................................................... A-4
ASPP Port Problems ............................................................................................................................ A-5
SLIP/PPP Connection Problems ............................................................................................................. A-5
RADIUS Problems ............................................................................................................................... A-5
B. RADIUS Server .................................................................................................................................. B-1
What is RADIUS? ................................................................................................................................ B-2
Definition ................................................................................................................................... B-2
Client/Server Architecture ............................................................................................................ B-2
Setting up CN2510.............................................................................................................................. B-3
Setting up the RADIUS Server IP Address ....................................................................................... B-3
Setting up Port Configuration ........................................................................................................ B-4
Setting up UNIX Hosts ......................................................................................................................... B-6
Setting up Windows NT Hosts ............................................................................................................... B-6
Setting up Windows 2000 Hosts ........................................................................................................... B-8
Setting up Windows 2003 Hosts ......................................................................................................... B-11
C. SNMP Agent with MIB II ................................................................................................................... C-1
D. Pin Assignments and Cable Wiring .................................................................................................... D-1
Pin Assignments ................................................................................................................................ D-2
10/100BaseTX Port Pin Assignment .............................................................................................. D-2
Console Port Pin Assignment ........................................................................................................ D-2
Async RS-232 Port Pin Assignment ............................................................................................... D-2
Cable Wiring ..................................................................................................................................... D-2
10/100BaseTX Port Cable Wiring .................................................................................................. D-2
Async RS-232 Port Cable Wiring ................................................................................................... D-3
DB9 and DB25 Connector Pin Assignments .................................................................................... D-4
E. LCM Display ....................................................................................................................................... E-1

1. Introduction

Welcome to Moxa CN2510 Async Server. Models are available with 8 or 16 asynchronous RS-232 ports, and all
models come with one 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN port. CN2510 Async Server is used to connect terminals,
modems, printers, and other asynchronous serial devices to LAN hosts. CN2510 complies with TCP/IP and IEEE
802.3 specifications using standard Ethernet 10/100BaseT and twisted pair 10/100BaseTX cable as the data
transmission medium.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Product Features
Package Checklist
Front Panel
Rear Panel
CN2510 Introduction

Product Features


• 1 LAN port (auto-detecting 10/100 Mbps Ethernet)
• Surge protection for each serial port
• 4 MB RAM, 2 MB Flash ROM
• Tx/Rx LED for each serial port
• System Status LEDs
• Ethernet Status LEDs
• 8 or 16 RJ45 RS-232 serial ports, with up to 921.6 Kbps transmission speed


• ASCII/Binary terminal modes with up to 8 Telnet and Rlogin sessions
• Point to Point Protocol (PPP and PPPD)
• Serial Line Internet Protocols (SLIP and SLIPD)
• Dynamic auto-recognition of Terminal, SLIP, or PPP
• Dial-on-demand, Dial-out
• Remote serial or parallel printing (RLP)
• CN2510 Async Server Proprietary Protocol (ASPP) for TCP/IP socket programming
• RAW mode for transparent data transmission
• Reverse Telnet
• SNMP Agent for network management
• Network protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP, NetBEUI, DHCP
• Application protocols: Telnet, Rlogin, Rtelnet, RAW TCP, RAW UDP, RCP, WINS, LPD, DNS, Multi-Host
• Security protocols: RADIUS, Dial-back, PAP, CHAP, Local user/password
• Real COM port driver for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
• Fixed TTY: SCO Open Server5, SCO UnixWare 7, Linux 2.4.x, 2.6.x, 3.x, 4.x
• Static Routing, RIP I/II protocols
• Windows-like administrative CONSOLE utility from a fixed console port, or by Telnet from a networked host
• Password protection and extensive user verification functions
• Easy firmware upgrade via Flash ROM

Package Checklist

CN2510 Async Server products are shipped with the following items:
• CN2510 Async Server
• ac power Cord (for AC Model only)
• Documentation and Software CD-ROM
• Quick Installation Guide (English and Simplified Chinese versions)
• RJ45 Loopback Tester
• Product Warranty Booklet
• Rackmount Kit (includes 2 brackets and 8 screws)
• Desktop Kit (includes 4 pads)
CN2510 Introduction

Front Panel

Feature Description
Reset Button Press the Reset button for 5 seconds to load factory defaults. CN2510 will beep twice when
the configuration has been reset.
Push Buttons Used for configuring the IP address and other parameters.
Ready LED Red Indicates that CN2510 is receiving power
Green Indicates that CN2510’s OS is ready
Serial Tx Green Indicates serial port transmission
Serial Rx Yellow Indicates serial port reception

Rear Panel

Socket / Port Description
AC Power Input CN2510-8 and CN2510-8:
DC Power Input CN2510-8-48V and CN2510-8-48V:
Power On/Off Switch I indicates power on; O indicates power off (AC models only)
Console 8-pin RJ45 RS-232 port for console terminal connection
LAN 8-pin RJ45 auto-detectable 10/100 Mbps UTP port
Serial Ports 8 or 16 8-pin RJ45 ports for DCE modem-type connections
Automatic detection of 100-240V, 47-63 Hz AC power supply
Automatic detection of 48 VDC or -48 VDC power supply

2. Getting Started

This chapter includes instructions on where and how to install CN2510 Async Server. Both basic and advanced
software configuration instructions are given.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Hardware Installation
Wiring Requirements
Connecting CN2510-8/16’s Power
Connecting CN2510-8/16-48V’s Power
Grounding CN2510-8/16-48V
Connecting to the Network
Connecting to a Serial Device
Connecting to the Console Port
Accessing the Console Utility
Configuration Checklist
Accessing the Console from a Telnet Terminal
Accessing the Console from a Console Terminal
Configuring CN2510—The Server Menu
Server Configuration—Info.
Server Configuration—LAN
Server Configuration—Adv.
Server Configuration—Host_table
Server Configuration—Route_table
Server Configuration—User_table
CN2510 Getting Started
Safety First!
Be sure to disconnect the power cord before inst
Wiring Caution!
Calculate the maximum possible current in each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical codes
dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size.
If the current goes above the maximum rati
Temperature Caution!
Be careful when handling CN2510. When plugged in, CN2510’s internal components generate heat, and
consequently the board may feel hot to the touch.

Hardware Installation


Place your CN2510 on a clean, flat, well-ventilated desktop. For better ventilation, attach the 4 pads from the
desktop kit to the bottom of the unit, and leave some space between the CN2510 and other equipment. Do not
place equipment or objects on top of the unit, as this might damage the server.


CN2510 is designed to be mounted on a standard 19-inch rack. Use the enclosed pair of L-shaped metal
brackets and screws to fasten your CN2510 to the rack cabinet. Each L-shaped bracket has 6 holes, leaving two
outer or inner holes available for other uses. You have two options. You can lock either the front or rear panel
of the CN2510 to the front of the rack. Locking the front panel is shown in the following figure.

Wiring Requirements

alling and/or wiring your CN2510.
ngs, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your
CN2510 Getting Started
terminal, and
48V and DC Power Ground
Use 8 kg
terminal block.
Grounding and wire routing helps limit the effects of noise due to electromagnetic interference
connecting serial
You should also observe the following common wiring rules:
• Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths must
cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.
NOTE: Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid
interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.
• You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kept separate.
The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together.
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• Where necessary, it is strongly advised that you label wiring to all devices in the system.

Connecting CN2510-8/16’s Power

Connect CN2510’s 100-240 VAC power line to its AC connector. If the power is properly supplied, the “Ready”
LED will show a solid red color until the system is ready, at which time the color changes to green.

Connecting CN2510-8/16-48V’s Power

To connect CN2510-8/16-48V’s power cord to its terminal block, follow the steps given below:
Loosen the screws on the V+ and V- terminals of CN2510-8/16-48V’s terminal block.
Connect the power cord’s 48 VDC or -48 VDC wire to the terminal block’s V+
the power cord’s DC Power Ground wire to the terminal block’s V- terminal, and then
tighten the terminal block screws.
(Note: CN2510-8/16-48V will still operate properly if the 48V/-
wires are reversed.)
If the power is properly supplied, the “Ready” LED will show a solid red color until the system is ready, at which
time the color changes to green.
-cm of screw torque and 22-14 AWG electric wire to connect CN2510-8/16-48V’s power cord to its

Grounding CN2510-8/16-48V

Run the ground connection from the ground screw to the grounding surface prior to
devices to CN2510.
The Shielded Ground (sometimes called Protected Ground) contact is the second contact from the right of the
5-pin power terminal block connector located on the rear panel of CN2510-8/16-48V. Connect the SG wire to
the Earth ground.
-8/16-48V should be mounted to a well-grounded surface, such as a metal panel.
CN2510 Getting Started
The top right
connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network.
connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network.
If your network is already set up, telnet over the network to CN2510’s IP address to access the Console Utility.
If your network environment is not set up, use Moxa PComm Terminal to establish a direct serial console

Connecting to the Network

Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to CN2510’s 10/100M Ethernet port and the other end of the cable to the
Ethernet network. There are 2 LED indicators located on the top left and right corners of the Ethernet connector.
If the cable is properly connected, CN2510 will indicate a valid connection to the Ethernet in the following ways:
corner LED indicator maintains a solid green color when the cable is properly
top left corner LED indicator maintains a solid orange color when the cable is properly

Connecting to a Serial Device

Use appropriately wired serial data cables to connect serial devices to CN2510’s serial ports.

Connecting to the Console Port

A console is a combination of keyboard and monitor that is used to configure settings and monitor the status
of your system. The console port can be used if a network is unavailable, or you do not know CN2510’s IP
address. To connect to the console port, use a PC running UNIX, or a PC with terminal emulation software (e.g.,
HyperTerminal or PComm by Moxa; parameter settings are: baud rate = 115200 bps, parity check = None,
data bits = 8, stop bits = 1, terminal type = VT100). Use an RJ45-to-DB25 or RJ45-to-DB9 cable to connect the
terminal to the console port.

Accessing the Console Utility

The Console Utility is the main application used to set up the server, configure the ports, and run utilities (ping,
diagnosis, monitor, and upgrade). There are two ways to access the Console Utility—with terminal emulation
from a console terminal, or with Telnet from a network terminal.

Configuration Checklist

You will need the following information to configure CN2510. Check with your network administrator if you do
not know all of the required information.
Basic CN2510 Information:
LAN1 IP address
LAN1 IP netmask
LAN1 default gateway IP address
Domain server 1 IP address
Domain server 2 IP address
WINS server IP address
Console password
CN2510 Getting Started

Accessing the Console from a Telnet Terminal

Connect CN2510 to your LAN and then turn on the power. Use the Moxa Windows Utility to find CN2510’s IP
address, and then telnet to the IP address to enter the CN2510 console.
CN2510 Windows Utility
The CN2510 Utility is a convenient Windows utility that can be used to find both the name and IP address of
your CN2510. Once you know the IP address, you can telnet CN2510 over the network to complete the
configuration process and to gather information about all servers on the network.
1. Run upgrade.exe, located in the \Software\Firmware\ folder on the CN2510 Documentation and Software
CD, or run NPort Tool Firmware Utility from the Start menu.
2. The CN2510 Utility will search for all CN2510s on the network.
3. The CN2510 Utility lists all available servers on the network. Note that servers in grey are password
protected. Double click the server’s name, or click on from the menu bar to see the server settings.
CN2510 Getting Started
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
4. The server’s general information is shown in the NPort Server General Info. window. If necessary,
change the settings, and then click on OK to accept the change.
5. If you can’t find the server in the list, double-check the server’s power and network connections, and then
use search
to try locating the server again.
Using Telnet
1. Telnet over the network to the server’s IP address.
2. Type 1 to choose ansi/vt100, and then press Enter.
Async Server CN2510-8 Console terminal type (1: ansi/vt100, 2: vt52) : 1
3. CN2510’s MAIN MENU will open, as shown below.
Port seTting sAve Utility Restart Exit
Examine/modify async server node/table configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
CN2510 Getting Started
Use the following keystrokes to navigate CN2510’s console utility.
Action Key
Move [Up/Down/Left/Right] Arrow Key or [Tab] Key
Jump to next menu, or
Select item
Return to previous menu, or
Close pop up selector
Shortcut Key Capitalized letter of the word
[Enter] Key
[Esc] Key

Accessing the Console from a Console Terminal

If you do not know the CN2510’s IP address, or it is not possible to use Telnet, you can use a direct console
connection to enter the CN2510 console. Use a terminal emulation program for the console PC, such as
HyperTerminal or Moxa PComm Terminal Emulator.
1. If you are using Windows 9x/ME/NT, run PComm26.exe from the Win9xNT directory. If you are using
Windows 2000/XP/2003, run PComm2K.exe , as shown in the figure below, from the
2. Click on Next to Continue.
CN2510 Getting Started
3. Select the I Agree option and then click on Next.
4. Select a directory in which to install the CN2510 Utility, and then click on Next.
CN2510 Getting Started
5. Click on Next to continue.
6. Wait while the PComm Lite software is installed.
CN2510 Getting Started
7. Click on Close.
8. When the installation is complete, select Start Programs PComm Terminal Emulator to run
PComm Terminal Emulator.
9. Use an RJ45 to DB25 female cable to connect to the CN2510 console port. Start PComm Terminal, and then
click on the left-most icon to open a new connection.
CN2510 Getting Started
10. Click on the Communication Parameter tab, select the COM port (COM2 in this example) for console
connection, 115200 for Baud Rate, 8 for Data Bits, None for Parity, and 1 for Stop Bits.
11. Click on the Terminal tab and select VT100 for terminal type. Press Enter to confirm.
12. Type 1 to select ansi/VT100 terminal type, and then press Enter to open the MAIN MENU.
CN2510 Getting Started
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 SERVER MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0
13. The MAIN MENU is shown below. (NOTE: Click on Edit Font to choose a different font for the MAIN

Configuring CN2510—The Server Menu

In this section, we describe both basic and advanced configuration tasks. We use the Telnet interface to
illustrate (the Serial Console interface is the same).

Server Configuration—Info.

1. From the MAIN MENU, use the arrow keys to select Server, and then press Enter.
Port seTting sAve Utility Restart Exit
Examine/modify async server node/table configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
2. From the SERVER MENU, select Info., and then press Enter.
] Lan Adv. Host_table Route_table User_table Quit
Examine/modify async server basic configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
3. The Info. page contains input/display fields for name, location, serial number, Domain server 1/2 IP
address, WINS function disable, WINS server IP address, and Console password. Each item is
described in detail below.
] Lan Adv. Host_table Route_table User_table Quit
Examine/modify async server basic configuration
ESC: back to menu Enter: select
Async server name [CN2510-8_5631 ] Async server location [ ] Async server serial number [9]
Domain server 1 IP address [ ] Domain server 2 IP address [ ] WINS function disable [no ] WINS server IP address [ ]
Console password [ ]
CN2510 Getting Started
Write your console password in a safe place before setting the password.
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 SERVER MENU
Async server name—CN2510 uses this name to identify itself when requested by an SNMP station or UNIX
host. Use an ASCII string with maximum length of 40 characters for the name. Spaces are allowed.
Async server location—CN2510 reports this location to the SNMP station when requested. Use an ASCII
string with maximum length of 44 characters for the location. Spaces are allowed.
Async server serial number—Each CN2510 Async Server is assigned a unique serial number before it
leaves the factory. The serial number cannot be changed.
Domain server 1/2 IP addressA Domain Name Server is a network host that translates host names to
IP addresses. Hosts use the Domain Name Server to request the IP address that corresponds to a particular
url (such as
server 1 IP address field, and the IP address of the secondary Domain Name Server in the Domain
server 2 IP address field. When CN2510 receives a connection request, CN2510 first checks the host
table defined on the Host_table page. If a matching entry cannot be found, CN2510 sends a query to the
Domain Name Server.
WINS function disableEnable or disable the WINS server. The default setting is “enable.”
WINS server IP addressIf a WINS Server is connected to the network, use this field to record the WINS
Server’s IP address. TCP/IP uses IP addresses to identify hosts, but users often use symbolic names, such
as computer names. The WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) Server, which uses NetBIOS over
TCP/IP, contains a dynamic database to map computer names to IP addresses.
). Input the IP address of the primary Domain Name Server in the Domain
Console password—If you specify a password, write it down for safe keeping. If you forget the password,
you will need to use the reset password button to reset it. Only use the console password when absolutely

Server Configuration—LAN

1. From the MAIN MENU, use the arrow keys to select Server, and then press Enter.
Port seTting sAve Utility Restart Exit
Examine/modify async server node/table configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
2. From the SERVER MENU, select Lan, and then press Enter.
---------------------------------------------------------­Info. [Lan] Adv. Host_table Route_table User_table Quit Examine/modify async server basic configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
CN2510 Getting Started
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 SERVER MENU
-------------------------------------------------------­Info. Lan
3. The Lan page contains input/display fields for DHCP (client), Async server IP address, Async server
IP netmask, Default gateway IP address, Ethernet speed, and Ethernet address. Each item is
described in detail below.
---------------------------­Info. [Lan] Adv. Host_table Route_table User_table Quit Examine/modify the Ethernet LAN port setting
ESC: back to menu Enter: select
Ethernet LAN port 1:
DHCP (client) [Disable] Async server IP address [] Async server IP netmask [ ] Default gateway IP address [ ] Ethernet speed [ ---- ] Ethernet address [00:90:E8:26:10:09]
DHCP (client)When DHCP is enabled, CN2510 will request an available IP address and Netmask over the
network from the DHCP Server. If an IP address is not available, CN2510 will use the current IP address, but
will continue sending requests to the DHCP Server.
Async server IP address—This field MUST contain an IP address unique to the network. The IP address
is written using the notation “ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd,” in which each “ddd” is a nonnegative decimal number
strictly less than 256 (i.e., an 8-bit integer). The default value is
Async server IP netmask—A netmask is used to group network hosts into subnets. CN2510 sends TCP/IP
packets directly to hosts that are on the same subnet. If the recipient of the packet is NOT on the same
subnet, the packet is sent to the default gateway IP address.
Default gateway IP address—This field contains the IP address of a router on the local network. The
default gateway is used when a packet is sent to an IP address that is not on the subnet specified in
CN2510’s local routing table.
Ethernet speed—If the Ethernet port is active, the Ethernet speed will be set automatically to 10BaseT or
100BaseT. This field cannot be modified.
Ethernet addressThis field contains the hardware Ethernet address. This field cannot be modified.

Server Configuration—Adv.

1. From the MAIN MENU, use the arrow keys to select Server, and then press Enter.
Port seTting sAve Utility Restart Exit
Examine/modify async server node/table configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
2. From the SERVER MENU, select Adv., and then press Enter.
[Adv.] Host_table Route_table User_table Quit
Examine/modify async server basic configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
CN2510 Getting Started
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0
3. The Adv. page contains input/display fields for RADIUS server IP, RADIUS key, UDP port, Enable
RADIUS accounting, SNMP community name, SNMP trap server IP address, Ethernet IP
forwarding, Routing protocol, TCP retransmission timeout, and SIO data transfer timeout. Each
item is described in detail below.
---------------------------­Info. Lan [Adv.] Host_table Route_table User_table Quit Examine/modify async server advance configuration
ESC: back to menu Enter: select
Radius server IP [ ]
RADIUS key [ ] UDP port (1:1645 2:1812) [1] Enable RADIUS accounting [no ]
SNMP community name [public ] SNMP trap server IP address [ ]
Ethernet IP forwarding [no ] Routing protocol [None ]
TCP retransmission timeout [ ] (range: 50 – 60000 ms) SIO data transfer timeout [ ] (range: 0 – 1000 ms)
RADIUS server IP—The IP address of the RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) server is
used to authenticate remote dial-in users connecting from an ISP (Internet Service Provider). Leave this
field blank if you do not have a RADIUS server on your network.
Windows NT includes RADIUS software. For UNIX-based platforms, refer to Appendix B for information
about setting up a RADIUS server.
NOTE: The RADIUS server and CN2510 SHOULD be able to communicate with each other. To verify this,
check to see if you can ping from each server to the other.
RADIUS server IPThis is the IP address of the RADIUS server.
RADIUS keyThis is a shared key used by the RADIUS protocol. If you have a RADIUS server, you will
need to enter the password in this field.
UDP port (1:1645 2:1812)—RADIUS originally used port 1645, but more recently this conflicted with the
RFC standard, so the officially assigned RADIUS port is now 1812. Check which UDP port your RADIUS
server software uses to determine the proper choice.
Enable RADIUS accountingThe default for this field is no. If your RADIUS Server offers this function,
set it to yes.
SNMP community name—The SNMP community name can be used to guarantee minimal security for
SNMP communication. Only SNMP stations with the same community name can access SNMP agents (such
as Async Server). Choose a community name with no more than 16 ASCII characters. The default name is
SNMP trap server IP address—This field specifies the IP address of the SNMP trap server. CN2510 will
report to the SNMP trap server each time it restarts. You may leave this field blank if SNMP is not needed.
Ethernet IP forwarding—CN2510 can forward packets between different segments of a TCP/IP network.
When enabled, CN2510 will use its Ethernet routing ability to identify which incoming packets should be
Routing protocol—CN2510 supports RIP (Routing Information Protocol) versions 1 and 2, a widely used
protocol specifying how routers exchange routing table information. When RIP is activated, routers (or
CN2510s) periodically exchange entire routing tables.
TCP retransmission timeout—This is the amount of time CN2510 waits to retransmit after a transmission
failure occurs.
CN2510 Getting Started
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 SERVER MENU
-------------------------------------------------------­Info. Lan Adv.
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0
08 [ ] [ ]
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 SERVER MENU
-------------------------------------------------------­Info. Lan Adv. Host_table
SIO data transfer timeout—This is the amount of time (in milliseconds) CN2510 waits to send serial data
to the Ethernet. Use a shorter timeout to improve efficiency.

Server Configuration—Host_table

1. From the MAIN MENU, use the arrow keys to select Server, and then press Enter.
Port seTting sAve Utility Restart Exit
Examine/modify async server node/table configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
2. From the SERVER MENU, select Host_table, and then press Enter.
[Host_table] Route_table User_table Quit
Examine/modify async server basic configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
3. The Host_table contains frequently accessed host names and their corresponding IP addresses. Adding
entries to this table gives you the advantage of being able to refer to a host by name, instead of by IP
address. The host table can hold up to 16 [Host name] / [Host IP address] entries. The Host_table page
contains input/display fields for Entry, Host name, and Host IP address.
Info. Lan Adv. [Host_table] Route_table User_table Quit Examine/modify the host table
ESC: back to menu Enter: select
Entry Host name Host IP address 01 [ ] [ ] 02 [ ] [ ] 03 [ ] [ ] 04 [ ] [ ] 05 [ ] [ ] 06 [ ] [ ] 07 [ ] [ ]

Server Configuration—Route_table

1. From the MAIN MENU, use the arrow keys to select Server, and then press Enter.
Port seTting sAve Utility Restart Exit
Examine/modify async server node/table configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
2. From the SERVER MENU, select Route_table, and then press Enter.
[Route_table] User_table Quit
Examine/modify async server basic configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
CN2510 Getting Started
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0
08 [ ] [ ] [ ] [01]
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 SERVER MENU
-------------------------------------------------------­Info. Lan Adv. Host_table
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0
08 [ ] [ ] [ ]
3. The Route_table specifies routing parameters. The Route_table page contains input/display fields for
Entry, Gateway, Destination, Netmask, and Metric. Each item is described in detail below.
--------------------­Info. Lan Adv. Host_table [Route_table] User_table Quit Examine/modify the routing table
ESC: back to menu Enter: select
Entry Gateway Destination Netmask Metric 01 [ ] [ ] [ ] [01]
02 [ ] [ ] [ ] [01]
03 [ ] [ ] [ ] [01] 04 [ ] [ ] [ ] [01] 05 [ ] [ ] [ ] [01] 06 [ ] [ ] [ ] [01] 07 [ ] [ ] [ ] [01]
GatewayThe gateway IP address or interface source IP address to which data packets are sent.
DestinationThe IP address of a host or network to which the route connects.
NetmaskThe netmask of the destination network.
MetricThe number of hops from source to destination. Refer to Chapter 14 for routing settings.

Server Configuration—User_table

1. From the MAIN MENU, use the arrow keys to select Server, and then press Enter.
Port seTting sAve Utility Restart Exit
Examine/modify async server node/table configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
2. From the SERVER MENU, select User_table, and then press Enter.
Route_table [User_table] Quit
Examine/modify async server basic configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
3. The User_table is used for local authentication for dial-in/out access. The CN2510 User Table, which holds
information for up to 64 users, is useful if you do not have an external RADIUS server for authentication.
The User_table page contains input/display fields for Entry, User name, Password, and Phone
Info. Lan Adv. Host_table Route_table [User_table] Quit Examine/modify the user/password table
ESC: back to menu Enter: select
Entry User name Password Phone number
01 [ ] [ ] [ ] 02 [ ] [ ] [ ] 03 [ ] [ ] [ ] 04 [ ] [ ] [ ] 05 [ ] [ ] [ ] 06 [ ] [ ] [ ] 07 [ ] [ ] [ ]
CN2510 Getting Started
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0 MAIN MENU
CN2510-8 CN2510-8_5631 V2.0


When exiting the SERVER MENU, you will be prompted to save settings. Press Y to save.
---------------------------------------------------­Info. Lan Adv. Host_table Route_table [User_table] Quit Examine/modify async server basic configuration
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
+------------------------------------------------------+ | Warning !!! | | You had modified the configuration without saving. | | Would you save it now ? | | ‘Y’: yes ‘N’: no | +------------------------------------------------------+
You may also save all settings from the MAIN MENU by selecting sAve.
-----------------------------­Server Port seTting [sAve] Utility Restart Exit Save current configuration to Flash ROM
ESC: back to menu Enter: select
+-------------------------------------+ |Enter to updated, other key to cancel| +-------------------------------------+


1. From the MAIN MENU, select Restart.
Server Port seTting sAve Utility [Restart] Exit Restart the whole system or selected async ports
Enter: select ESC: previous menu
2. Select System and then press Enter to restart the system and terminate the Telnet session.
Restart the Async Server
Port Quit
: back to menu Enter: select
+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Warning !!! | | Restart system will disconnect all ports and clear all status value | | ‘ Enter: continue ESC: cancel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

3. Knowing Your Application

This chapter discusses a variety of applications for CN2510 Async Server. Refer to the diagrams in each section
to see which application most closely matches your own. Determining which application you should choose will
save time configuring both the hardware and software.
CN2510 is an Async Server that can support simultaneously different operation modes for different serial ports.
The examples in this chapter explain each operation mode in detail. You can create a wide variety of
applications by using different combinations of operation modes on the same Async Server.
NOTE: Each section title consists of an application name that uses terminology common to our industry,
followed in parentheses by the application name used in CN2510’s console utility. For example, the CN2510
application that corresponds to Linux Real TTY/Unix Fixed TTY is NT Real COM mode.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Windows Real COM (NT Real COM)
Linux Real TTY/Unix Fixed TTY (NT Real COM)
Device Control (Device Control)
UDP Communication (Raw UDP)
Console Management (Reverse Terminal)
Terminal Access (Terminal)
Multi-host TTY (Multi-host TTY)
Dial-in/Out-of-Band Management (Dialin/out)
Network Printer (Printer)
Multiplexor Access (Multiplex)
CN2510 Knowing Your Application

Windows Real COM (NT Real COM)

Moxa provides CN2510 COM port drivers for all Windows operating systems. The COM port driver serves a dual
purpose(1) convert serial data into Ethernet packets, (2) convert Ethernet packets into serial dataas
outlined in the following table:
PC  CN2510  Serial Device Serial Device  CN2510  PC
1. The PC generates RS-232 serial COM commands.
2. The COM port driver converts the commands
into Ethernet packets.
3. The packets are sent over the network to CN2510’
Ethernet port.
4. CN2510 converts the Ethernet packets back into
RS-232 serial format.
5. The commands are delivered to serial device(s)
connected to CN2510’s serial port(s).
You can enhance your applications greatly by using CN2510 to access serial devices over an Ethernet network,
and since CN2510 and the COM driver handle all protocol conversion tasks, you won’t need to modify the
software currently in use. In fact, multiple PCs can access the serial ports of one CN2510, as shown in the
Refer to Chapter 4 for detailed information and configuration instructions.
1. A serial device connected to CN2510 starts
transmitting serial data.
2. CN2510 converts the data into one or more
Ethernet packets.
3. The packets are sent over the network to the PC
host’s Ethernet port.
4. The COM port driver converts the Ethernet
packets back into RS-232 serial format.
5. The serial data is processed by the program that
controls the serial device.
CN2510 Knowing Your Application

Linux Real TTY/Unix Fixed TTY (NT Real COM)

Real TTY drivers that control Moxa CN2510 Async Server’s serial ports are provided for Linux environments.
This means that CN2510 Async Server can be used with existing Linux-based applications that use multiport
serial boards, since the host PC will recognize CN2510’s COM ports as real TTY ports. You can enhance your
applications by using CN2510 to access serial devices over an Ethernet network, but without needing to modify
the software currently in use.
Moxa also provides Fixed TTY port drivers for Unix environments. However, the Linux Real TTY and Windows
Real COM port drivers provide better control over serial port data transmission, since you can control modem
signals such as DTR, DSR, RTS, and CTS. The Unix Fixed TTY driver provides software reception and
transmission through CN2510’s serial ports, but does not allow you to control the DTR, DSR, RTS, and CTS
modem signals.
Refer to Chapter 4 for detailed information and configuration instructions.
CN2510 Knowing Your Application

Device Control (Device Control)

The CN2510 Device Control application allows you to choose between two different operation modes: ASPP and
ASPP Mode—For applications that require setting up communication parameters or controlling modem signals
(DTR, RTS, Break, etc.), take advantage of Moxa’s ASPP lib to simplify your programming tasks. ASPP takes
care of the more basic protocol-level programming tasks, and allows you to concentrate your energy on higher
level, application-specific tasks.
RAW Mode—To control device data transmission directly, set CN2510 for TCP RAW mode. Device control
applications can use standard Linux/Unix Socket programming in Linux/Unix environments, or WinSock
programming in Windows environments. Standard socket programming allows you to focus on pure data
transmission, without needing to write code for controlling serial ports or modem signals. ASPP can also be
used to communicate with CN2510.
Linux/Unix socket programming and Windows WinSock programming both use IP as the communication agent
between hosts and devices. RAW mode is a good solution for handling pure serial data communications
applications that do not require setting up communication parameters (baud rate, parity, etc.).
Refer to Chapter 5 for detailed information and configuration instructions.
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