Moxa Technologies C218 User Manual

Intellio C218Turbo/PCI User’s Manual
A High Performance 8 Port Async Board for PCI Bus
March. 1999 (3rd Edition)
The content of this manual is also available in CD-ROM and at Moxa Web Site.
Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
Tel: +866-2-8665-6373 Fax: +886-2-8665-6372
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in
accordance with the terms of the agreements.
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Copyright 1999 Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited.
MOXA is a registered trademark of Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Moxa.
Moxa provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose. Moxa may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time.
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa Technologies assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements of rights of the fourth parties which may result from its use.
This product could include technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the publication.
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Customer’s satisfaction is always our number one concern. To ensure that customers get the full benefit of our services, Moxa Internet Services have been built for technical support, product inquiry, new driver update, user’s manual update, etc.
The followings are the services we provide.
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About This Manual
This manual is composed of six Chapters and one Appendix. This manual is written for installer, system administrator and software programmer.
If you are a first-time installer and system administrator, we recommend you to go through the whole manual except Chapter 4.
If you are a software programmer, you may refer to Chapter 4 “Serial Programming Tools”.
If you need cable wiring information, please see Chapter “Connection Option (Opt8x) and Cable Wiring”.
If you encounter any problem during installation, please refer to Chapter “Troubleshooting”.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Overview and features for Intellio C218Turbo/PCI are described. Also check list and overall installation guide.
Chapter 2 Hardware Installation
Hardware installation for Intellio C218Turbo/PCI and connection option (Opt8x) is detailed.
Chapter 3 Software Installation
This Chapter details the software installation, configuration, driver loading/unloading, driver upgrade and removal for various operating systems: Windows NT, Windows 95/98 and UNIX.
Chapter 4 Serial Programming Tools
This Chapter roughly describes the programming tools for various O.S. platforms, including PComm under Windows NT, Windows 95/98 and standard UNIX system calls. Also RS-485 programming issue is covered (for Opt8J).
Chapter 5 Connection Option (Opt8x) and Cable Wiring
This Chapter describes the RS-232/422/485 cable wiring for each connection option (Opt8x).
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
This Chapter describes the problems and possible answers for Intellio C218Turbo/PCI.
Specification details, PCI, dual-ported RAM, UART, and DB62 pin outs are described.
Table of Contents
Check List..........................................................................................................1-3
Installation Guide ...............................................................................................1-5
Hardware Installation ...............................................................2-1
Installing the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI Control Board ..........................................2-1
Installing Connection Option Opt8x....................................................................2-2
Operating Opt8J.................................................................................................2-4
Software Installation................................................................. 3-1
Windows NT ......................................................................................................3-1
Installing Driver ................................ ................................................................ .....3-2
Configuring Board and Port................................................................ ...................3-7
Adding/Removing Board ................................................................ ....................... 3-9
Updating Driver................................................................ .....................................3-9
Removing Driver ................................................................ ................................ .3-10
Windows 95/98 ................................................................................................3-10
Installing Driver ................................ ................................................................ ...3-11
Configuring Board and Port................................................................ .................3-19
Updating driver.................................................................................................3-23
Removing driver...............................................................................................3-23
UNIX ................................................................................................................3-24
Installing Driver ................................ ................................................................ ...3-24
MOXA TTY Device Naming Convention.............................................................. 3-27
Administration Utility - mxadm................................ .............................................3-28
Checking Board Initialization Status................................ ....................................3-35
Setting MOXA Ports to Terminal ................................................................ .........3-35
Serial Programming Tools.........................................................4-1
Windows NT and Windows 95/98......................................................................4-1
Installation................................................................ .............................................4-1
PComm Programming Library................................ ..................................................4-2
Utilities................................................................ ..................................................4-2
UNIX ..................................................................................................................4-6
Programming the MOXA Ports..............................................................................4-6
Extended UNIX Ioctl() Commands................................................................ .........4-6
Utilities................................................................ ................................................4-12
RS-485 Programming for Opt8J.......................................................................4-15
Connection Option (Opt8x) and Cable Wiring.............................. 5-1
RS-232 Cable Wiring for Opt8A/B/C/D/S ...........................................................5-1
RS-422 Cable Wiring for Opt8J/F/Z ...................................................................5-8
RS-485 Cable Wiring for Opt8J .......................................................................5-10
RS-422/485 Impedance Matching....................................................................5-11
Troubleshooting ........................................................................6-1
General Troubleshooting ...................................................................................6-1
Windows NT ......................................................................................................6-2
Windows 95/98 ..................................................................................................6-3
UNIX ..................................................................................................................6-4
Technical Reference .................................................................A-1
Specifications.................................................................................................... A-1
PCI.................................................................................................................... A-2
Dual-Ported RAM.............................................................................................. A-2
UART 16C550C................................................................................................ A-3
DB62 Connector Pinouts .................................................................................. A-3
Intellio - The Intelligent Multiport Serial I/O Solutions
PCI Solution
1 Introduction
The Intellio C218Turbo/PCI is an 8 port high performance intelligent serial interface board designed for 32-bit PCI bus with “ suitable for remote access, industrial control and office automation, where a PC system needs to communicate with multiple modems, data acquisition equipment, serial printers and any other serial devices through RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 interfaces.
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI board provides 8 serial ports. Up to four boards of
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI may be used in the same system. See Section “Features” and
Chapter “Hardware installation” for details.
Plug and Play” feature. It is
The board complies with PCI Spec. 2.1 and has neither switch nor jumper. Hardware configuration for IRQ and Memory addresses is automatically assigned by PCI BIOS. Hence, it is a must to have the board plugged first before installing software driver. For more PCI information, see Appendix “Technical Reference”.
Low Host Processor Overhead
The Intellio C218Turbo/PCI is equipped with a high performance processor (TMS320) and 512KB on-board memory to relieve the host’s CPU workload of all data and I/O handling tasks. A buffer holds transmitted and received data to prevent data loss.
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 1-1
ASIC Design, Compact Size
The Intellio C218Turbo/PCI is also equipped with MOXA customer-designed ASIC chip, which replaces lots of conventional IC and hence reduces the board to half-size, increases the operation performance, and lowers the failure rate of the board.
Surge/Isolation Protection
To prevent the boards from damage caused by lightning or high potential voltage, TVSS (Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor) and high potential difference protector technologies are introduced in some connection options to protect the multiport controller. This is critical to harsh environment such as factory, severe weather such as lightning, or other high interference situations.
Major Operating System Support
It supports most popular O.S. platforms from Windows NT, Windows 95/98, SCO UNIX/OpenServer, UNIX SVR4.2 and Linux with nice installation, configuration and performance.
Powerful Serial Comm Developing Tools
For application development, MOXA provides an easy-use serial communication library under Windows NT and Windows 95/98 ( library to develop your own applications using Visual Basic, Visual C++, Borland Delphi, etc. Utilities, such as diagnostics, monitor, terminal emulation, etc., are included for testing, monitoring or debugging the communication status or terminal emulation or even file transferring.
Pcomm Lite). Users can use this
Broad Applications
The Intellio C218Turbo/PCI is suitable for many applications. Here are a few:
l Internet/Intranet Connection l Remote Access Application l Multi-user Application l Industrial Automation l Office Automation l Telecommunication
1-2 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
l PC-based (vending) Machine or Kiosk System
Point-of-Sale (POS) System
The following is a summary of all the outstanding features of Intellio C218Turbo/PCI:
v High speed serial communication channel¡Ðmax. 921.6 Kbps per port (Max.
speed may be limited by certain connection option such as Opt8J, which supports max. speed 460.8 Kbps only.)
v Low host processor overhead¡Ðon-board RISC processor TMS320 v Sufficient data buffer¡Ðon-board buffer 512KB v Reliability¡Ðon-chip flow control guarantees no data loss v High circuit integration with MOXA state-of-the-art ASIC design v Compact size design v Easy Monitoring¡ÐTxD and RxD status indicators for each port on connection box v Various Connection options¡ÐRS-232/422/485, female/male DB25/DB9 v Easy Installation¡Ð32-bit PCI bus with Plug and Play capability v Ease of use¡Ðwindow-style setup and diagnostics v Powerful Serial Comm Tool¡ÐPComm v Popular OS Support¡ÐWindows NT, Windows 95/98, UNIX, Linux
Check List
Windows NT Windows 95/98 3 SCO UNIX/OpenServer 3 UNIX SVR4.2 3
: Driver supported by Moxa and shipped with product
Note: MOXA FTP service is available for driver download
Upon unpacking Intellio C218Turbo/PCI 8-port high performance intelligent async board, you should find the following common items included in the package:
v One Intellio C218Turbo/PCI 8-port high performance async board
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 1-3
v Device driver diskettes:
l Windows NT and Windows 95/98 ¡Ñ1 l PComm Lite ¡Ñ1 l UNIX ¡Ñ1
v Intellio C218Turbo/PCI User's Manual (This Manual)
You need also one of the following connection options:
v RS-232 connection box with 8 DB25 female/male/female ports, respectively
(surge protection for Opt8S).
v 1.5 meter DB62 to DB62 cable.
v RS-232 octopus cable with 8 port male connectors, DB25 for Opt8C and DB9
for Opt8D (1 meter long).
v RS-422 connection box with 8 port female DB25 connectors (isolation
protection for Opt8F).
v 1.5 meter DB62 to DB62 cable. v 110V or 220V adapter.
v RS-422/485 connection box with 8 port female DB25 connectors. v 1.5 meter DB62 to DB62 cable. v 110V or 220V adapter.
1-4 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
Installation Guide
This section gives a brief summary of how to install the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI under each supported operating system. Installation is simple and involves the following stages:
Check PCI BIOS settings Install
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI board See Chapter 2
And connection option (cable/box)
Install software from diskette See respective O.S. Section And configure driver for board and ports of Chapter 3
Connect devices with cable See Chapter 5 for cable wiring
Restart system See Chapter 3 “Software Check the driver initialization status Installation” If system restart successfully, you may Develop your applications or See Chapter 4 “Serial Execute desired applications Programming Tools”
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 1-5
1-6 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
2 Hardware Installation
The installation of Intellio C218Turbo/PCI consists of hardware installation and software installation. For software installation, please refer to the respective section of operating systems in the next chapter. Hardware installation is stated in this chapter. The no-switch-no-jumper configuration for IRQ and memory addresses is automatically assigned by
. Hence, it is a must to have the board plugged first before installing
software driver
connect one of the connection cable or box, Opt8A/B/C/D/S/J/F/Z. At the end of this Chapter, RS-422/RS-485 operation of Opt8J is described.
. After this, simply install the control board into the PC and then
Installing the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI Control Board
Step 1: Power off the PC.
Warning ! Make sure your system is switched off before you start installing any
board. If you don't, you may risk damaging your system and the board.
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI board’s hardware
Step 2: Remove the PC's cover.
Step 3: Remove the slot cover bracket if present. Step 4: Plug the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI firmly into any free 32-bit PCI slot.
Step 5: Fasten the holding screw to make the Control Board fixed.
Step 6: Replace the system cover.
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 2-1
Step 7: Connect one of the connection box/cable (also adapter if required) detailed
in the next Section.
Step 8: Power on PC and BIOS will automatically set the IRQ and memory
Note ! Each board must occupy one unique IRQ and one unique memory
address, which are assigned by PCI BIOS automatically.
you may select the free IRQ number manually via PC's BIOS setup for PCI slot, but normally this method is not available for memory. The possible IRQ numbers are 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15.
Step 9: Proceed with software installation detailed in the next Chapter
¡§Software Installation”.
Installing Connection Option Opt8x
Connect the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI with the one of the following connection options. Then you can connect your modem, serial printer, PC COM1/2, bar code reader, POS, instrument or any other serial devices to the DB25/DB9 connectors. Refer to Chapter “Connection Option (Opt8x) and Cable Wiring” for RS-232/RS­422/RS-485 cable wiring.
Hold one end of the DB62 cable and plug it into the DB62 connector on the bracket of the
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI. Carefully screw it until it is tight. Then plug the
other end of the cable to the RS-232 connection box's DB62 connector. Both ends of the cable are identical.
2-2 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
Hardware Installation
P3P4 P6P5P7
Intellio C2
Hold one end of the DB62 cable and plug it into the DB62 connector on the bracket of the
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI. Screw it carefully until it fits.
Intellio C218 Turbo/PCI
Hold one end of the DB62 cable and plug it into the DB62 connector on the bracket of the
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI. Carefully screw it until it is tight. Then plug the
other end of the cable to the RS-422/RS-485 connection box's DB62 connector. Both ends of the cable are identical. After that, don't forget to apply power via the adapter to the Opt8J/F/Z.
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 2-3
TxR x
If you can't make the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI work properly after installation, please refer to Chapter “Troubleshooting”.
Refer to Chapter “Connection Option (Opt8x) and Cable Wiring” for RS-232/RS­422/RS-485 cable wiring. And also to Chapter “Serial Programming Tools” for RS­232/RS-422/RS-485 programming details.
Operating Opt8J
Opt8J is the RS-422/485 connection box with 8 port female DB25 connectors for MOXA 8 port boards, including the switches on the side of the Opt8J. Each switch controls the communication mode (RS-422 or RS-485) of each port, respectively.
Intellio C218 Turbo/PCI
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI. There are 8-DIP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2-4 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
RS-422/485 Port Switch of Opt8J
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hardware Installation
RS-422 Mode
Set the respective switch to OFF position to use RS-422 interface. This means the port is always ready to transmit and receive data simultaneously (full-duplex).
RS-485 Mode
The Opt8J supports only 2-wire RS-485 communication. Set the respective switch to ON position to use RS-485 interface. This means the port can transmit data only when RTS is asserted, and receive data only when RTS is not asserted (half-duplex).
Refer to Chapter “Connection Option (Opt8x) and Cable Wiring” for RS-422/RS­485 cable wiring. And also to Chapter “Serial Programming Tools” for Opt8J RS­485 programming details.
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 2-5
2-6 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
In this chapter, software driver installation, configuration and driver upgrade/removal procedures are described for various operating systems, including Windows NT, Windows 95/98 and UNIX. Before proceeding with software installation, complete the hardware installation detailed in the previous chapter.
However, if you need to develop applications, refer to the next chapter, “Serial Programming Tools”, for more information.
Windows NT
Windows NT supports up to 256 serial ports, from COM1 to COM256. To fully integrate the advanced features of Windows NT, multi-process and multi-thread, pure 32-bit Windows NT device drivers are developed for and other MOXA multiport boards. The driver conforms to Win32 COMM API standard.
3 Software Installation
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI
If you are the first time driver installer, please go directly to the section “Installing Driver”.
If you already have installed the driver and want to re-configure the board and port, add more boards or delete boards, please refer to the section “ Configuring Board and Port”.
If you want to upgrade or even remove driver, please go to the section “Updating Driver“ and section “Removing Driver”.
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 3-1
Installing Driver
The following is the procedure for installing the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI driver for the first time
been plugged in the system PCI slot.
1. Please Login NT as Administrator.
2. From [Control Panel], open [Network] icon and then select [Adapters] tab.
3. Click on [Add] button, then [Have Disk...] button for “Select Network
4. Specify the exact path for the driver diskette, A:\WINDOWS.NT. Then click on
OK] button.
under Windows NT 4.0. Make sure the board(s) has(have) already
3-2 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
Software Installation
5. Select “MOXA Intellio C218Turbo Multiport Board” in the “Select OEM
Option” dialog box, and then click [
” dialog box to start the installation.
6. In the “MOXA Configuration Panel” dialog box, click [Add] to enter
Property” dialog box to add the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI board. Select the
C218Turbo/PCI” in the “Board Type” field.
OK] to enter the “MOXA Configuration
7. In the “Property” dialog, you may click on [Port Setting] button to pop up the
following “Individual Port Setting” dialog to change the port COM number mappings.
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 3-3
You have to set up all the ports of the board with the desired “COM number”, which should not conflict with other COM number in use. In this “Individual Port Setting” dialog box, you may have two ways to map the physical ports to COM numbers depending on the check box “
l Sequential Port Mapping: (Enable “Auto Enumerating COM number”)
Auto Enumerating COM number”.
Specify the COM number of the first port and subsequent ports are mapped to continuous COM numbers. For instance, if first port is mapped to COM10, then second port is mapped to COM11 sequentially.
l Non-sequential Port Mapping: (Disable “Auto Enumerating COM number”)
Specify the COM number for individual port. For instance, the second port can be out of sequence, say COM18, while the first port is mapped to COM10.
In “Individual Port Setting” dialog, you may click on [ button to tune the advanced features, “
”, for each port for particular performance requirements.
Note ! You may skip the following settings and go directly to the next step
if you do not require any particular performance tuning for the
3-4 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
Advanced Setting]
UART FIFO” and “Transmission
Software Installation
In the “Advanced Settings” dialog, you may customize the driver with the following two features:
Enable: You can set this feature to “Enable” (default) and gain best performance for the board.
Disable: You can set this feature to “Disable” to avoid from data loss when communicating with communication devices using S/W flow control.
l Transmission Mode
Hi-Performance Mode: This feature is set to “Hi-Performance” by default, which accelerates the reaction of data writing behavior by utilizing buffering technology. It lets your communication software reach maximum data throughput in large data transmission.
Classical Mode: It lets MOXA ports behave like generic COM ports. Transmission for small data packets would be more precisely and reliable.
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 3-5
8. Click [OK] in the “Individual Port Setting” and the “Property” dialog boxes to
go back to the “MOXA Configuration Panel” dialog box. Click [ the configuration.
OK] to finish
However, if you installed more than one board, click
and 7
to configure another board. Up to four Intellio C218Turbo/PCI boards can
be installed in a system.
9. When configuration is done, click on [OK] button for “Network ” dialog box.
10. Restart Windows NT system. The latest configuration will not take effect
unless the system restarts.
[Add] and repeat steps 6
Note ! Please double check if all the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI components:
Control Board, link cable and external cable/box, are connected and fastened tightly in order to ensure the system and driver will start successfully later.
11. Once the system restarts, you may check the event log issued by MOXA drive
to see if the ports of the board are initialized successfully.
3-6 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
l Enter [Administrative] group, then open [Event Viewer] icon and then select
Application Event Log] item to check for successful message similar to
"MOXA C218Turbo/PCI Multiport Board #1: addr(XXX) O.K." for each configured board.
l If error message is like “MOXA C218Turbo/PCI Multiport Board #1
addr(XXX): IRQ(10) test failure!”, refer to the “Troubleshooting” chapter for solutions.
Note ! Once the board and driver are installed and the system restarts
successfully, you can start to develop applications by using library (See Chapter “Serial Programming Tools”) or using Microsoft Win32 API. Also you can execute any ready-made application such as Chapter “Serial Programming Tools”) or HyperTerminal to transmit/receive data as well as Remote Access Service to provide dial-up networking capability.
Configuring Board and Port
Software Installation
PComm utility Terminal emulator (See
If you already have installed the driver and want to re-configure the board and port, add more boards or delete boards, please follow the procedure below.
1. From [Control Panel], open [Network] icon and then select [Adapters] tab.
2. Select “MOXA C218Turbo Adapter” item in the “Installed Adapter Cards:”
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 3-7
3. Click on [Properties…] button to start the “MOXA Configuration Panel”
In this configuration panel, you may:
l Click [Property] to enter “Property” dialog box to configure the selected
board with the correct “
Total Ports” and “COM Number”. Please see
steps 6 to 8 in the previous section, “Installing Driver”, for more details,
except that the “Board Type” field is not supposed to be changed.
3-8 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
l Click [Add] to add one more board that is not yet configured in the system.
Up to four of long as the memory and IRQ resources are sufficient and available in a system. Please see for more details.
l Click [Remove] to remove the board currently selected from the configured
board list.
l Click [OK] to confirm the configuration changes you made.
l Click [Cancel] to leave the dialog with the configuration unchanged.
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI boards can be installed together as
Adding/Removing Board
Following is the procedure to add/remove Intellio C218Turbo/PCI boards after a first time installation. Note that
adding boards.
Power off the system.
2. Plug/unplug the boards in the system.
3. Power on the system.
4. Run the software configuration “MOXA Configuration Panel” to add/remove the
boards, detailed in the previous “Configuring the Board and Port” section.
Software Installation
steps 6 to 8 in the previous section, “Installing Driver”,
the presence of the board(s) is(are) required for
Updating Driver
To update the driver for the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI board, simply remove the driver, as described in the next section, and then reinstall it as detailed in the “Installing Driver”
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 3-9
Removing Driver
To remove the driver for the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI board,
1. Open the [Control Panel], click on the [Network] icon and select the [Adapters] tab.
2. Select “MOXA Intellio C218Turbo Adapter in the adapter list, then click on
the [
3. Restart the system to activate the new configuration.
Windows 95/98
Windows 95/98 supports up to 128 serial ports, from COM1 to COM128. To fully integrate the advanced features of Windows 95, multi-process and multi-thread, pure 32-bit Windows 95 virtual device port drivers (VxD) compliant with communication driver (VCOMM) are developed for C218 MOXA multiport boards. The drivers conform to Win32 COMM API standard.
If you are the first time installer or you want to install more boards, please go directly to the section “Installing Driver”.
Remove] button and the [OK] button to remove the driver.
Turbo/PCI and other
If you already have installed the driver and want to re-configure the board, please refer to the section “Configuring Board and Port”.
If you want to upgrade or even remove driver, please go to the section “Updating Driver” and section “Removing Driver”.
If you want to remove boards, please simply unplug the undesired boards from the system.
3-10 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
+ 65 hidden pages