Moxa Technologies airworks awk-5232 User Manual

Moxa AirWorks AWK-5232 User’s Manual
First Edition, October 2011
© 2011 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
Moxa AirWorks AWK-5232 User’s Manual
the terms of that agreement.
Copyright Notice
© 2011 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their res pec tive manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to change witho ut no tic e a nd doe s not repres e nt a co mmitment o n the part of Moxa.
Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the rig ht to make impro vem e nts and/o r changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time .
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may res ult fr om its use.
This product might include unintentional technic a l o r typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such error s , and these changes are inc or pora te d into new editions of the publication.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Product Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 1-3
Functional Design ............................................................................................................................... 1-3
LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................ 1-3
Beeper ....................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Reset Button ............................................................................................................................... 1-4
Relay (Digital Output) .................................................................................................................. 1-4
Antenna ..................................................................................................................................... 1-5
2. Getting Started.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
First-time Installation and Configuration ................................................................................................ 2-2
Communication Testing ....................................................................................................................... 2-3
Function Guiding Map .......................................................................................................................... 2-4
3. Web Console Configuration ............................................................................................................... 3-1
Configuration by Web Browser ............................................................................................................. 3-2
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Basic Settings .................................................................................................................................... 3-4
System Info Settings ................................................................................................................... 3-4
Network Settings ......................................................................................................................... 3-4
Time Settings ............................................................................................................................. 3-5
Wireless Settings ................................................................................................................................ 3-6
Operation Mode........................................................................................................................... 3-6
WLAN1/WLAN2 ........................................................................................................................... 3-9
Enabling Non-Redundant (Single RF) AP ......................................................................................... 3-9
WLAN Security Settings.............................................................................................................. 3-12
Advanced Wireless Settings ........................................................................................................ 3-19
WLAN Certification Settings (for EAP-TLS in Redund ant C l ient, Clie nt o r S la ve mode only ) .................. 3-22
Advanced Settings ............................................................................................................................ 3-22
Using Virtual LAN ...................................................................................................................... 3-23
Configuring Virtual LAN .............................................................................................................. 3-24
DHCP Server (for AP-Client operation mode’s AP mode only) .......................................................... 3-25
Packet Filters ............................................................................................................................ 3-26
RSTP Settings (for Master or Slave mode only) ............................................................................. 3-28
SNMP Agent.............................................................................................................................. 3-30
Storm Protection ....................................................................................................................... 3-31
Link Fault Pass-Through (for Client/Slave mode only) .................................................................... 3-32
Auto Warning Settings ....................................................................................................................... 3-32
System Log .............................................................................................................................. 3-32
Syslog ..................................................................................................................................... 3-33
E-mail ...................................................................................................................................... 3-34
Relay ....................................................................................................................................... 3-36
Trap ........................................................................................................................................ 3-36
Status ............................................................................................................................................. 3-38
Wireless Status ......................................................................................................................... 3-38
Associated Client List (for Redundant AP, AP, or Maste r mode o nly) ................................................. 3-38
DHCP Client List (for AP mode only) ............................................................................................. 3-39
System Log .............................................................................................................................. 3-39
Relay Status ............................................................................................................................. 3-40
DI and Power Status .................................................................................................................. 3-40
Relay Status ............................................................................................................................. 3-40
Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 3-41
Console Settings ....................................................................................................................... 3-41
Ping ......................................................................................................................................... 3-41
Firmware Upgrade ..................................................................................................................... 3-42
Config Import Export ................................................................................................................. 3-42
Load Factory Default .................................................................................................................. 3-42
Password.................................................................................................................................. 3-43
Misc. Settings ........................................................................................................................... 3-43
Save Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 3-43
Restart ............................................................................................................................................ 3-44
Logout............................................................................................................................................. 3-45
4. Software Installat i on/C onfiguration ................................................................................................. 4-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
AWK Search Utility .............................................................................................................................. 4-2
Installing AWK Search Utility ........................................................................................................ 4-2
Configuring AWK Search Utility ..................................................................................................... 4-4
5. Other Console Configurations ............................................................................................................ 5-1
RS-232 Console Configuration (115200, None, 8, 1, VT100) .................................................................... 5-2
Configuration by Telnet and SSH Consoles ............................................................................................. 5-4
Configuration by Web Browser with HTTPS/SS L ...................................................................................... 5-4
Disabling Telnet and Browser Access ..................................................................................................... 5-5
6. References ........................................................................................................................................ 6-1
Beacon .............................................................................................................................................. 6-2
DTIM ................................................................................................................................................. 6-2
Fragment ........................................................................................................................................... 6-2
RTS Threshold .................................................................................................................................... 6-2
STP and RSTP .................................................................................................................................... 6-2
The STP/RSTP Concept ................................................................................................................ 6-2
Differences between RSTP a nd STP ................................................................................................ 6-3
7. Supporting Information .................................................................................................................... 7-1
About This User’s Manual ..................................................................................................................... 7-2
DoC (Declaration of Conformity) ........................................................................................................... 7-2
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement ............................................................ 7-2
R&TTE Compliance Statement ....................................................................................................... 7-3
Firmware Rec overy ............................................................................................................................. 7-3
Technical Support Contact Informati o n .................................................................................................. 7-5
1. Introduction
Moxa AirWorks AWK -5232 with dual-RF wireless capability allows wireless users to access network resources more reliably. The AWK-5232 is rated to operate at temperatures ranging from 0 to 60°C for standard models and -40 to 75°C for extended temperature models, and is rugged enough for any harsh industrial environment.
The following topics are covered in this chapter :
Package Checklist
Product Features
Product Specifications
Functional Design
LED Indicators Beeper Reset Button R e lay (D ig i tal O utput) Antenna
AWK-5232 Introduction
The AWK-5232 Industrial a/b/g/n Wireless AP/Bridge/Client is an ideal wireless solution for connecting mobile equipment connected over a TCP/IP network in hard-to-wire situations. The AWK-523 2 pro vides faster throughput than standard 802.11g devices, and at temperatures ranging from 0 to 60°C for standard models to -40 to 75°C for wide temperature m odels, making the AWK-5232 series rugged enough for any industrial environment. With two independent RF modules, the AWK-5232 supports a great variety of wireless configurations and applications , and the red und a nt wir e le ss conne c tions increase the reliability of the entire wireless network. The AWK-5232's two DC power inputs make the power supply more reliable, and it can be powered via PoE+ for easier deployment.
Package Checklist
Moxa’s AWK-5232 is shipped with the following items. If any of these items is missing or damaged, please contact your customer service representative for assistance.
• 1 AWK-5232
• 4 Swivel-type Antennas (2 dBi, RP-SMA, 2.4 & 5 GHz)
• 1 Quick Installation Guide
• 1 Software CD
• 1 Moxa Product Warranty Booklet
• 1 Cable Holder with a Screw
• Protective Caps
The above items
come with the AWK-5232 standard version. The package contents may vary in a
Product Features
• IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n compliant
• Three-in-one design (AP/Bridge/Client)
• Dual-RF design for redundant wireless communication
• Advanced wireless security:
64-bit and 128-bit WEP/WPA/WPA2 SSID Hiding/IEEE 802.1X/RADIUSPacket access control & filtering
• STP/RSTP support for redundancy of system networking
• Dedicated antenna selection
• Free firmware update for more advanced functions
• RS-232 console management
• 2DI+1DO for on-site monitoring and warming
• Operating temperature ranges from -40 to 75°C (-T model)
• Power input by redundant 24 VDC power inputs or IEEE802.3at Power over Ethernet Plus
• DIN-Rail or wall mounting ability
• IP30 protected high-strength metal housing
AWK-5232 Introduction
Product Specifications
-5232 is NOT a portable mobile device and should be located at least 20cm away from the human
body. The AWK
-5232 is NOT designed for the general public. To safely deploy the AWK-5232s within
a wireless
, a well-trained technician is required for installation.
Functional Design
LED Indicators
The LEDs on the front panel of the AWK-5232 allow you to quickly identity device status and wireless settings.
LED Color State Description
Front Panel LED Indicators (System)
PWR1 Green On Power is being supplied from power input 1.
Off Power is not being supplied from power input 1.
PWR2 Green On Power is being supplied from power input 2.
Off Power is not being supplied from power input 2.
PoE+ Amber On Power is being supplied via PoE+
Off Power is not being supplied via PoE+.
FAULT Red Blinking Cannot get an IP address from the DHCP server
(interval: 1 sec)
Off There is no error condition.
STATE Green/Red Green Software Ready
Blinking Green The AWK has been located by AWK Search
Utility(interval: 1 sec)
Red Booting or Error condition
WLAN1 Green/Amber Green On WLAN1 functions in Client mode.
Blinking Green WLAN1’s data communication is running in Client
mode Amber On WLAN1 functions in AP/Bridge mode. Blinking Amber WLAN1’s data communication is running in
AP/Bridge mode Off WLAN1 is not in use.
WLAN2 Green/Amber Green On WLAN2 function is in Client mode.
Blinking Green WLAN2’s data communication is running in Client
mode Amber On WLAN2 function is in AP/Bridge mode. Blinking Amber WLAN2’s data communication is running in
AP/Bridge mode Off WLAN2 is not in use.
TP Port (LAN1, LAN2) LED Indicators (Port Interface)
100M Amber On TP port’s 10/100 Mbps link is active.
Blinking Data is being transmitted at 10/100 Mbps Off TP port’s 10/100 Mbps link is inactive.
AWK-5232 Introduction
LED Color State Description 1000M Green On TP port’s 1000 Mbps link is active.
Blinking Data is being transmitted at 1000 Mbps Off TP port’s 1000 Mbps link is inactive.
When the LEDs for
STATE (Green), FAULT, WLAN1 and WLAN2 all light up simultaneously and blink at
-second intervals, it means the system has faile d to boot. This may be due to improper operation or
uncontrollable issues, such as an unexpec ted shutdo wn during
a firmware update. To recover the firmware,
refer to
“Firmware Recovery” in Chapter 7.
The beeper signals that the system is ready with two short beeps.
Reset Button
The RESET button is loc ated on the top pane l of the AWK-5232. You can reboot the AWK-5232 or reset it to factory defaults by pressing the RESET button with a pointed object, like a straightened paper clip.
• System reboot: Hold the RESET button down for under 5 seconds and the n rele ase.
• Reset to factory default: Hold the RESET button down for over 5 seconds until the STATE LED starts blinking green. Release the button to reset the AWK-5232.
Relay (Digital Output)
The AWK-5232 has one relay output, which consists of the 2 t erminal block contacts on the t op panel, as shown below. These relay contacts are used to forward notifications of system failure and user-configured eve nts .
The two wires attached to the relay contacts form an open circuit when a user-configured event is triggered. If a user-configured event does not occur, the relay circuit will remain closed. For safety reasons, the relay circuit is kept open when the AWK-5232 is not powered.
The AWK-5232’s relay status is summarized as follows:
Power Status Event Relay
Off --- Open On Yes Open
No Short
AWK-5232 Introduction
The AWK-5232 supports 802.11 a/b/g/n with 2x2 MIMO techno lo gy and a dual RF solution. Antennas 1A an d 1B are the MIMO antennas associated with RF1, and 2A and 2B are the MIMO antennas associated with RF2.
2B 1B
units = mm (in)
2. Getting Started
This chapter explains how to install Moxa’s Air Work s AWK-5232 for the first time, to quickly set up your wireless network and test whether the connection is running well. With this function guide, you will gain access to the functions you need easily.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
First-time Installation and Config ur at i on
Communication Testing
Function Guiding Map
AWK-5232 Getting Started
First-time Installation and Configuration
Before installing the AWK-5232, make sure that all items in the Package Checklist are in the box. In addition, you will need access to a notebook computer or PC equipped with an Ethernet port. The AWK-5232 ha s a default IP address that you must use when connecting to the device for the first time.
Step 1: Select the power source.
The AWK-5232 can be powered by DC power input or PoE+ (Power over Ethernet Plus). The AWK-5232 will use whichever power source you choose.
NOT use either an IEEE80 2.3 af P oE I nje c tor NOR a PSE (Po wer So urc ing Equ ipme n t). U se
an IEEE802.3at compliant PSE for PoE+ (Power over Ethernet
Plus) device.
Step 2: Connect the AWK-5232 to a notebook or PC.
Since the AWK-5232 supports MDI/MDI-X auto-se ns ing, you can use either a straight through cable or crossover cable to conn ect the AWK-5232 to a computer. If the LED indicator on AWK-5232’s LAN port lights up, it means the connection is established.
Step 3: Set up the computer’ s IP address.
Set an IP address on the same subnet as the AWK-5232. Since the AWK-5232’s default IP address is, and the subnet mask is, you should set the IP address of the computer to
After you select
Maintenance  Load Factory Defaul t a nd click the Submit button, the AWK-
5232 will be
reset to
factory default settings and the IP address will be also reset to
Step 4: Use the web-based manager to configure AWK-5232
Open your computer’s web browser and type http://192.168 .12 7.253 in the address field to access the homepage of the web-based Networ k Manager. Before the homepage opens, you will need to enter the user name and password as shown in the following figure. For first-time configuration, enter the default username and password and then click on the Login button:
AWK-5232 Getting Started
Default user name and password:
Username: admin Password: root
For security reasons, we strongly recommend changing the default password. To do so, select
, and then follow the on-screen instructions to change the password.
After you click
Submit to apply changes, you can see that the web page is refreshed, and the string
Update)” and a blinking reminder will be shown on the upper-right corner of web page, as follow.
To make the changes effective, click
Restart and then Save and Restart
after you change the settings. About
30 seconds are needed for the AWK
-5232 to complete its restart process.
Step 5: Select the operation mode for the AWK-5232.
By default, the AWK-5232’s operation mode is set to Wireless redundancy. You can change the setting in Wireless Settings Opera tion mode if you would like to use the Wireless b ridge or AP-Client mode instead. Detailed information about configur ing the AWK-5232’s operation can be found in Chapter 3.
Step 6: Test communications.
We will describe 2 test methods to make sure the network connection has been established. Please refer to the following section for more details.
Communications Testing
After installation, you can run a sample test to make sure the AWK-5232 and wireless connection are functioning normally. Two testing methods are explained in the following sections. Use the first method if you are using only one AWK-52 32 devi c e , and use the second method if yo u are using two or more AWK-5232s.
Testing Method for one AWK-5232
If you are only using one AWK-5232, you will need a second notebook computer equipped with a WLAN card. Configure the WLAN card to connect to the AWK-5232 (NOTE: the default SSID is MOXA_1), and change the IP address of the second notebook (B) so that it is on the same subnet as the first notebook (A), which is connected to the AWK-5232.
After configuring the WLAN card, establish a wireless connection with the AWK-5232 and open a DOS window on Notebook B. At the prompt, type
ping <IP address of notebook A>
and then press Enter (see the figure below). A “Reply from IP address …” response means the communication was successful. A “Request timed out.” response means the communic ation failed. In this case, recheck the configuration to make sure the connections are corre c t.
AWK-5232 Getting Started
Testing Method for two or more AWK-5232s
If you have two or more AWK-5232s, you will need a second notebook computer (B) equipped with an Ethernet port. Use the default settings for the first AWK-5232 connected to notebook A and change the second or third AWK-5232 connected to notebook B to Client mode. Then, configure the notebooks and AWK-5232s properly.
After setting up the testing environment, o pen a DOS window on noteboo k B. At the pro mpt, type
ping <IP address of notebook A>
and then press Enter. A “Reply from IP address …” respo nse me a ns the communi c ation was successful. A “Request timed out” response means the communication failed. In this case, recheck the configuration to make sure the connections are correct.
Function Guiding Map
The management functions are categorized in a tree and shown in the left field of the web-based management console. You can efficiently locate the function you need with the following guide.
AWK-5232 Getting Started
A quick overview of the AWK-5232’s status
Basic settings for administering the AWK-5232
Essential settings related to establishing a wireless network
Advanced featur e s to s upport additional network management and secure wired and wireless communication
* These advanced functions are all optional.
Application-orien ted device management functions to set u p events, traps, and reactions via relay warning, e-mail and SNMP notification
* These functions are all optional.
Real-time status informa tion to monitor wired/wireless network performance, advanced services, and device management functions
Functions to main tain the AWK-5232 and
diagnose the network
On-demand function s to support the operations of web-ba s ed console
3. Web Console Configuration
In this chapter, we will explain each web management page of the web-based console configuration. Moxa’s easy-to-use management functions will help you set up your AWK-5232, as well as establish and maintain your wireless network easily.
The following topics are covered in this chapter :
Configuration by Web Browser
Basic Settings
System Info Settings Network Settings Time S e tting s
Wireless Settings
Operation Mode WLAN1/WLAN2 Enab ling N o n-R edundant (Single RF) AP WLA N Sec urity Settings Advanced Wireless Settings WLAN Certification Settings (for EAP-TLS in
Redundant Client, Client or Slave mode only)
Advanced Setting s
Us ing V irtual LAN Configuring Virtual LAN
DHCP Server (for AP-
Client operation mode’s
AP mode only)
Packet Filters
RSTP Settings
(for Master or Slave m ode onl y)
SN MP Age nt Storm Protection Link F a ult Pas s -Through (for Client/Slave
mode only)
Auto Warning Setting s
System Log Syslog E-mail Relay Trap
Wir e le s s Status
Associated Client List (for Red
undant AP, AP,
or Master mode only)
DHCP Client List (for AP mode only) System Log R e lay Sta tus DI and Power S ta tus
Console Settings Ping Firmware Upgrade Config Import Export Load Factory Default Password Misc . S e ttings
Save Conf iguration
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
Configuration by Web Browser
Moxa AWK-5232’s web browser interface provides a convenient way to modify its configuration and access the built-in monitoring and network adminis tration functions. The recommended web browser is Microsof t
Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 with JVM (Java Virtual Machine ) installed.
To use the AWK-5232’s management and monitoring functions from a PC host connected to the same LAN as the AWK
-5232, you must make sure that the PC host and AWK-523 2 are on t he sa
me logical subnet. Similarly, if the AWK-5232 is configured for other VLAN settings, you must make sure your PC host is on the management VLAN. The Moxa AWK
-5232’s default IP is
Follow the steps below to access the AWK-5232’s web-based conso le manag e ment.
1. Open your web browser (ex. Internet Exp lorer) and type the AWK-5232’s IP address in the address field. Then press Enter to establish the connection.
2. The Web Console Login page will ope n. Enter the passwo rd (Username is set as admin; the default password is root if a new password has not been set.) and then click Login to continue.
You may need to wait a few moments for the web page download onto your computer. Please note that the Model name and IP address of your AWK-5232 are both shown on the title of the web p age. T his inf ormation can help you identify multiple AWK-5232s.
You can use the menu tree on the left side of the window to open the function pages to access each of AWK-5232’s functions.
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
In the following paragraphs, we will go through each of the AWK-5232’s management functions in detail. You can also get a quick overview of these functions in the “Function Guid ing Map” se c tio n of Chapte r 2 .
The model name of the AWK
-5232 is shown as AWK-5232-XX where XX indicates the
country code. The country
code represents the AWK
-5232 version and which bandwidth it uses. We use AWK-5232-US
as an example in the following figures. The country code of model name on the screen may vary if you are using a diff ere nt version (band) AWK
For security reasons, you will need to log back into the AWK
-5232 after the 5-minute time-out.
The Overview page summarizes the AWK-5232’s current status. The inf or m ation is categorized into several groups: System Info, Device info and 802.11 Info.
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
Basic Settings
The Basic Settings group includes the most commonly used settings required by administrators to maintain and control the AWK-5232.
System Info Settings
The System Info items, especially Device name and Device description, are displayed and included on the Overview page, SNMP information, and alarm emails. Setting System Info items makes it easier to identify
the different AWK-5232s connected to your network.
Device name
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Max. 31 Characters This option is useful for specifying the role or application of
different AWK-5232 units.
No. of this AWK-5232>
Device location
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Max. 31 Characters To specify the location of different AWK-5232 units. None
Device description
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Max. 31 Characters Use this space to rec ord more detailed description of AWK-5232 None
Device name
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Max. 31 Characters To provide information about whom to contact in order to
resolve problems. Use th is spa ce t o
record contact information
of the person responsible for maintaining this AWK-5232.
Network Settings
The Network Settings configuration allows you to modify the usual TCP/IP network parameters. An explanation of each configuration item is given below.
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
IP configuration
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
DHCP The AWK-5232’s IP address will be assigned automatically by
the network’s DHCP server
Static Set up the AWK-5232’s IP address manually.
IP address
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
AWK-5232’s IP address Identifies the AWK-5232 on a TCP/IP network.
Subnet mask
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
AWK-5232’s subnet mask
Identifies the type of network to which the AWK-5232 is connected (e.g., for a Class B network, or for a Class C network).
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
AWK-5232’s default gateway
The IP address of the router that connects the LAN to an outside network.
Primary/ Seco nd a ry DNS server
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
IP address of Primary/ Secondary DNS s erver
The IP address of the DNS Server used by your netwo rk. A fter
entering the DNS Server’s IP address, you can input the AWK-5232’s URL (e.g.,
) in your browser’s
address field instead of entering the IP address. The Secondary DNS server will be used if the Primary DNS server fails to connect.
Time Settings
The AWK-5232 has a time calibration function based on information from an NTP server or user specified Date and Time information. Functions such as Auto warning can add real-time information to the message.
Current local time shows the AWK-5232’s system time when you open this web page. You can click on the Set Time button to activate the update after setting up the date and time parameters. An “(Updated)” string will appear to indicate that the change is complete. Loca l time settings will be immediately activated in the system without running Save and Restart.
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
-5232 has a real time clock (RTC). Users are strongly recommended to update the Local time
for the
-5232 after initial setup or long-term shutdown, espe c ially w he n the network does not have an In
connection for
accessing the NTP server or there is no NTP server on the LAN.
Current local time
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
User adjustable time The date and time parameters allow configuratio n of the local
time with immediate activation.
None (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss format; 24-hour format.)
Time zone
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
User selectable time zone
The time zone setting allows conversion from
GMT (Greenwich
Mean Time) to local time.
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
Changing the time zone will automatically adjust the
Current local time. You should configure the Time zone
before setting the
Current local time.
Daylight saving time
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Enable/ Disable Daylight saving time (also know as DST or summer time)
involves advancing clocks (usually 1 hour ) dur ing the s ummer
time to provide an extra hour of daylight in the afternoon.
When Daylight saving time is enabled, the following parameters can be shown:
• The Starts at parameter allows users to enter the date that daylight saving time begins.
• The Stops at parameter allows users to enter the date that daylight saving time ends .
• The Time offset parameter indicates how many hours forward the clo ck s hould be advanced.
Time server 1/ 2
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
The 1st/ 2nd time server IP/Name
IP or Domain address of NTP time server. The 2nd time will be
used if the 1st NTP server fails to connect.
Query period
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Query period time (1- 9999 seconds)
This parameter determines how often
the time is updated from
the NTP server.
600 (seconds)
Wireless Settings
The essential settings for wirel ess networks are presented in this function group. Settings must be properly set before establishing your wireless network.
Operation Mode
The AWK-5232 supports three ope ration modes that are used for different wireless network applications:
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
Wireless Redundancy
In traditional architectures, most vendors only provide a single RF AP and Client, in which the AP connects one or more Clients to the network. Since the AP and Client are connecte d by a singl e RF connectio n, if the RF connection is disconnected the system or network be hind the Clie nt w ill be disconne c ted, too.
With the new wireless redundancy technology, yo u can set up a redundant wire le s s connec tion between a redundant client device and a redundant AP device. The redundant structure involves using the AWK-5232’s two RF modules to set up two independent wireless connections between the redundant client and redundant AP devices. If either of the two wireless connections fa ils , the other wire less co nne c tio n will continue transmitting packets betwe e n the redundant client and redundant AP devices. In addition to carrying one or more redundant clients, standard single RF clients can also associate with the redundant AP. One of the biggest advantages of the AWK-5232’s wireless redundancy mode is that you can expect “zero data loss.”
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
The following figure shows the Wireless Redund anc y oper ation mode:
WLAN Operation mode
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Redundant AP AP with Dual RF redundancy capable of serving dual RF clients. Redundant AP Redundant Client Dual RF redundant clients can join dual RF red und ant A Ps.
Wireless Bridge
A bridge is a network component that connects two networks. AWK-5232’s bridge operation is based on the AP (master) and Client (Slave) concept. Both sides of the connection must have the same RF type, SSID, and security settings.
For single RF mesh networks, the conventional setup is to use WDS to establish a static bridge link. In this case, the APs at both ends of the WDS link must be configured manually with each other’s MAC addresses. The performance of a single RF bridge will be poor if more nodes are added.
The AWK-5232’s dual RF bridge concept is different from using a single RF, because the AWK-5232 has dual RFs, and offer users a cascade link to bridge the two ends without narrowing down the throughp ut.
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
WLAN 1/WLAN 2 Operation mode
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Master Master can build a connection with a Slave that has the same
RF type, SSID, and security settings.
AP for WLAN 1 Master for WLAN 2
Slave Slav e can build a conne c tion with a master that has the same
RF type, SSID, and security settings.
AP-Client mode provides a more flexible topology to allow the user to configure the 2 RF module for an AP or Client.
Matching Table for AP-Client’s WLANs:
WLAN 1 WLAN 2 Allowable Setting
AP AP Allow AP Client Allow Client Client Not Allow Client AP Allow
Some applications already have existing Clients in the environment. The AWK-5232 not only can carry dual RF clients, but also single RF or existing Clients to the Ether ne t LAN. This func tion is available in Wireless Redundancy mode’s Redundant AP, or Wireless Bridge mode’s Master page. Descriptions of other operation modes can be found in the “Basic Wireless Settings” sectio n.
Enabling Non-Redundant (Single RF) AP
Wireless Redundancy mode’s Redundant AP
The AWK-5232 can be configured as a single RF AP by enterin g "Add SSI D"; the status will initially appear as inactive, but after entering the new SSID and hitting “Save”, the status will change from inactive to active, showing that the WLAN is ready to operate as an access point in non-redundant AP mode (see figure on next page).
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
Wireless Bridge Mode’s Master
You can set the virtual AP function in Wireless Bridge AP mode Master setting. Click Add SSID, enter the name for the SSID, then click Save.
Basic Wireless Setting
The following figure shows the Basic Wirele ss Setting s pag e . The param e ters and optio ns are described as follows:
RF type
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
2.4 GHz
B Only supports the IEEE 802 .11b standard B/G/N Mixed G Only supports the IEEE 802 .11g standard B/G Mixed Supports IEEE 802.11b/g standards, but 802.11g may operate
at a slower speed if when 802.11b clie nts are on the network
AWK-5232 Web Console Configu ration
G/N Mixed Supports IEEE 802.11g/n standards, but 802.11n may
at a slower speed if 802.11g clients are on the network
B/G/N Mixed Supports IEEE 802.11b/g/n standards, but 802.11g/n may
operate at a slower speed if 802.11b clients are on the network
N Only (2.4GHz) Only supports the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11n standard
5 GHz
A Only supports the IEEE 802.11a standard A/N Mixed Supports IEEE 802.11a/n standards, but 802.11n
may operate
at a slower speed if 802.11a clients are on the network
N Only (5GHz) Only supports the 5 GHz IEEE 802.11n standard
Channel (for AP mode only)
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
channels vary
with RF type
The AWK-5232 plays the role of wireles s AP. 6 (in B/G/N Mixed
Channel Width (for any 11N RF type only)
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
20 MHz Select your channel width, If you are not sure which option to
use, select 20/ 40MHz (Auto)
20 MHz
20/40 MHz
Channel bonding
If 20/40 MHz is set, the channel bonding (40 MHz) will be automatically enabled if the connectio n target supports this feature.
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Max. of 31 characters The SSID of a client and the SSID of the AP must be identical for
the client and AP to be able to communicate with each other.
MOXA_[RF number]
SSID broadcast (for AP mode only)
Setting Description Factory Defaul t
Enable/ Disable SSID ca n be broadcast o r not Enable
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