MOXA MOXA NPORTIA5250 User guide

NPort 5000 Series User’s Manual
NPort 5000/5000A/IA5000/IA5000A Series
Version 5.2, November 2019
© 2019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
NPort 5000 Series User’s Manual
Moxa Americas
Moxa China (Shanghai office)
Moxa Europe
Moxa Asia
Moxa India
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance
Copyright Notice
© 2019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.
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-free: 1-888-669-2872
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-free: 800-820-5036
Table of Contents
1. About This Manual ............................................................................................................................. 1-1
2. Getting Started ................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Installing Your NPort Device Server ....................................................................................................... 2-2
Wiring Requirements ................................................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting the Power .................................................................................................................. 2-2
Grounding the NPort Device Server ............................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting to the Network ........................................................................................................... 2-3
Connecting to a Serial Device ....................................................................................................... 2-3
LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................ 2-4
RS-485 Port’s Adjustable Pull High/Low Resistor .............................................................................. 2-6
Configuration by Windows Utility .......................................................................................................... 2-7
Installing NPort Administrator ....................................................................................................... 2-7
Searching for Device Servers over a LAN ........................................................................................ 2-7
Adjusting General Settings ........................................................................................................... 2-8
Configuring Device Port Operation Mode ......................................................................................... 2-9
Configuring Serial Communication Parameters .............................................................................. 2-11
Mapping COM Port to Device (only required when operation mode is set to Real COM or RFC2217)...... 2-13
Configuration by Web Console ............................................................................................................ 2-16
Opening Your Browser ............................................................................................................... 2-16
Quick Setup (excluding the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000 Series) .................................................. 2-18
Export/Import (Excluding the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000 Series) ............................................... 2-20
Basic Settings ........................................................................................................................... 2-23
Network Settings ....................................................................................................................... 2-25
Serial Settings .......................................................................................................................... 2-30
Operating Settings .................................................................................................................... 2-32
Accessible IP Settings ................................................................................................................ 2-34
Account Management ........................................................................................................................ 2-36
Notification Message .................................................................................................................. 2-36
User Account ............................................................................................................................ 2-37
Password and Login Policy .......................................................................................................... 2-38
Auto Warning Settings ............................................................................................................... 2-39
Monitor .................................................................................................................................... 2-43
System Log Settings ......................................................................................................................... 2-46
Change Password ...................................................................................................................... 2-47
Load Factory Default .................................................................................................................. 2-48
Configuration by Telnet Console ......................................................................................................... 2-48
Configuration by Serial Console .......................................................................................................... 2-51
Serial Console (19200, n, 8, 1) ................................................................................................... 2-51
Testing Your NPort ............................................................................................................................ 2-54
3. Cybersecurity Considerations ............................................................................................................ 3-1
Updating Firmware ............................................................................................................................. 3-2
Turn Off Unused Service and Ports ........................................................................................................ 3-2
Turn Off Moxa Service After Installation ......................................................................................... 3-2
Turn On Services That Are Necessary ............................................................................................ 3-2
Limited IP Access ................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Account and Password ......................................................................................................................... 3-3
System Log ........................................................................................................................................ 3-3
Testing the Security Environment ......................................................................................................... 3-3
4. Choosing the Proper Operation Mode ................................................................................................ 4-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Real COM Mode .................................................................................................................................. 4-2
RFC2217 Mode ................................................................................................................................... 4-3
TCP Server Mode ................................................................................................................................ 4-3
TCP Client Mode ................................................................................................................................. 4-3
UDP Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 4-4
Pair Connection Mode .......................................................................................................................... 4-4
Ethernet Modem Mode ......................................................................................................................... 4-4
Reverse Telnet Mode ........................................................................................................................... 4-5
PPP Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Disabled Mode .................................................................................................................................... 4-5
5. Advanced Operation Mode Settings ................................................................................................... 5-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5-2
List of Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 5-2
When to Make Adjustments .......................................................................................................... 5-2
Using Pair Connection Modes ................................................................................................................ 5-3
Parameter Summary ........................................................................................................................... 5-3
Connection Management Parameters ............................................................................................. 5-3
Data Packing Parameters ............................................................................................................. 5-4
Other Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 5-6
Web Console ...................................................................................................................................... 5-8
6. Configuring NPort Administrator ....................................................................................................... 6-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 6-2
Installing NPort Administrator .............................................................................................................. 6-2
Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 6-5
Broadcast Search ........................................................................................................................ 6-5
Unlock Password Protection .......................................................................................................... 6-6
Configuring NPort ........................................................................................................................ 6-8
Upgrading the Firmware ............................................................................................................... 6-9
Export Configuration .................................................................................................................. 6-11
Import Configuration ................................................................................................................. 6-12
Monitor ........................................................................................................................................... 6-14
Port Monitor ..................................................................................................................................... 6-18
COM Mapping ................................................................................................................................... 6-19
On-line COM Mapping ................................................................................................................ 6-19
Off-line COM Mapping ................................................................................................................ 6-24
COM Grouping .................................................................................................................................. 6-25
Creating a COM Group ............................................................................................................... 6-25
Deleting a COM Group ............................................................................................................... 6-27
Adding a Port to a COM Group .................................................................................................... 6-28
Removing a Port from a COM Group ............................................................................................ 6-29
Modify Ports in a COM Group ...................................................................................................... 6-30
IP Address Report ............................................................................................................................. 6-34
7. NPort CE Driver Manager for Windows CE ......................................................................................... 7-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Installing NPort CE Driver Manager ....................................................................................................... 7-2
Using NPort CE Driver Manager ............................................................................................................ 7-2
8. Linux Real TTY Drivers ...................................................................................................................... 8-1
Basic Procedures ................................................................................................................................ 8-2
Hardware Setup ................................................................................................................................. 8-2
Installing Linux Real TTY Driver Files ..................................................................................................... 8-2
Mapping TTY Ports .............................................................................................................................. 8-3
Mapping tty ports automatically .................................................................................................... 8-3
Mapping tty ports manually .......................................................................................................... 8-3
Removing Mapped TTY Ports ................................................................................................................ 8-3
Removing Linux Driver Files ................................................................................................................. 8-4
9. IP Serial LIB ...................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 9-2
What is IP Serial Library? ............................................................................................................. 9-2
Why Use IP Serial Library? ........................................................................................................... 9-2
How to Install IP Serial Library ...................................................................................................... 9-2
IP Serial LIB Function Groups ............................................................................................................... 9-3
Example Program ............................................................................................................................... 9-3
10. Android API Instructions ................................................................................................................ 10-1
Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 10-2
How to Start MxNPortAPI ........................................................................................................... 10-2
MxNPortAPI Function Groups .............................................................................................................. 10-3
Example Program ............................................................................................................................. 10-4
11. Introduction to LCM Display ............................................................................................................ 11-1
Basic Operation ................................................................................................................................ 11-2
Detailed Menu Options ...................................................................................................................... 11-2
A. Pinouts and Cable Wiring .................................................................................................................. A-1
Port Pinout Diagrams .......................................................................................................................... A-2
Ethernet Port Pinouts ................................................................................................................... A-2
Serial Port Pinouts ....................................................................................................................... A-2
Cable Wiring Diagrams ........................................................................................................................ A-5
Ethernet Cables .......................................................................................................................... A-5
Serial Cables .............................................................................................................................. A-6
B. Adjustable Pull High/low Resistors for the RS-485 Port ................................................................... B-1
C. Well-Known Port Numbers ................................................................................................................ C-1
D. SNMP Agents with MIB II & RS-232/422/485 Link Groups ............................................................... D-1
E. Auto IP Report Protocol .................................................................................................................... E-1
F. Compliance Notice ............................................................................................................................. F-1
1. About This Manual
Read this user’s manual to learn how to configure and use your Moxa NPort device server. The following
products are covered by this manual:
NPort Family Model Series Introduction
NPort 5000 NPort 5110/5130/5150 Series
NPort 5210/5230/5232 Series
NPort 5410/5430/5450 Series
NPort 5610/5630/5650 Series
NPort 5610-8-DT/5650-8-DT Series
NPort 5610-8-DTL/5650-8-DTL Series
NPort 5000A NPort 5110A/5130A/5150A Series
NPort 5210A/ 5230A/5250A Series
NPort 5150AI-M12/5250AI-M12/5450AI-M12
NPort P5150A Series
NPort IA5150/IA5250 Series
NPort IA5150A/IA5250A/IA5450A Series
NPort 5000 series device servers are
designed to make serial devices
network-ready in an instant. The
different form factors of the servers
provide flexible options for users to
connect legacy devices to an IP-based
Ethernet LAN.
The NPort 5000A device servers are
designed to make serial devices
network-ready in an instant and give
your PC software direct access to serial
devices from anywhere on the network.
The NPort 5000A device servers are
ultra-lean, rugged, and user-friendly,
making simple and reliable serial-to-
Ethernet solutions possible.
NPort IA device servers are an ideal
choice for establishing network access to
RS-232/422/485 serial devices, including
PLCs, sensors, meters, motors, drives,
barcode readers, and operator displays.
All models are housed in a compact,
rugged, DIN-rail mountable housing, and
come with redundant power inputs,
cascading Ethernet ports, and industrial-
grade certifications.
2. Getting Started
In this chapter, we explain how to install a Moxa NPort device server for the first time. There are four ways
to access the Moxa NPort’s configuration settings: Windows utility, web console, serial console, or Telnet
NPort products support the following configuration options:
Windows Utilities: NPort Administrator; Device Search Utility and Windows Driver Manager
Web Console
Quick Setup Wizard*
Serial Console**
Telnet Console
* Does not support 5100/5200/IA5000 series
** Only available for NPort Series that has RS-232 interface.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Installing Your NPort Device Server
Configuration by Windows Utility
Configuration by Web Console
Account Management
System Log Settings
Configuration by Telnet Console
Configuration by Serial Console
Testing Your NPort
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
Safety First!
Wiring Caution!
Calculate the maximum possible current
in each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical
codes dictating the maximum current allow
maximum, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your equipment.
Temperature Caution!
Please be cautious when handling the NPort device server. When plugged in, the NPort’s internal
other components, make sure that there is at least
in order to allow proper heat dissipation.
NPorts with
as a metal panel.

Installing Your NPort Device Server

This section describes how to connect an NPort device server to your serial devices for the first time. We
cover Wiring Requirements, Connecting the Power, Grounding the NPort Device Server, Connecting to the
Network, Connecting to a Serial Device, and LED Indicators.
Wiring Requirements
sure to disconnect the power cord before installing and/or wiring your NPort Device Server.
omponents generate heat, and consequently the casing may feel hot to the touch. When installed with
You should observe the following:
• Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If the power wiring and device wiring paths
must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.
NOTE: Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid
interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.
• You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kept
separate. The rule of thumb is that wires that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled
• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
• Where necessary, it is strongly advised that you label wires to all devices in the system.
ed for each wire size. If the current goes above the allowed
a 2-cm clearance on all sides of the NPort device server
Connecting the Power
Connect the power line with the NPort’s power input. If the power is properly supplied, the “Ready” LED will
show a solid red color until the system is ready, at which time the “Ready” LED will change to a green color.
Grounding the NPort Device Server
Note: This section only applies if your NPort’s power input is on a terminal block.
Grounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise caused by electromagnetic interference (EMI). Run
the ground connection from the ground screw to the grounding surface before connecting the devices.
a power terminal block are intended to be mounted to a well-grounded mounting surface such
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
NPort IA5000/IA5000A/
ports of the two
In other words, NPort
Type of Power Terminal Block Shielded Ground (SG) Applicable Products
The Shielded Ground (sometimes called
Protected Ground) contact is the left most
contact of the 7-pin power terminal block
connector when viewed from the angle
shown here. Connect the SG wire to an
appropriate grounded metal surface.
The Shielded Ground (sometimes called
Protected Ground) contact is the left most
contact of the 8-contact power terminal
block connector when viewed from the
angle shown here. Connect the SG wire to
an appropriate grounded metal surface.
NPort IA5000 Series
NPort IA5000A Series
The Shielded Ground (sometimes called
Protected Ground) contact is the left most
contact of the 3-pin power terminal block
connector when viewed from the angle
shown here. Connect the SG wire to an
appropriate grounded metal surface.
The Shielded Ground (sometimes called
Protected Ground) contact is the second
contact from the right of the 5-pin power
terminal block connector located on the
rear panel of NPort 5600 VDC models.
Connect the SG wire to the earth ground.
Connecting to the Network
Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the NPort’s 10/100M Ethernet port and the other end of the cable
to the Ethernet network. The NPort device server will indicate a valid connection to the Ethernet in the
following ways:
• The Ethernet LED maintains a solid green color when connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network.
• The Ethernet LED maintains a solid orange color when connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network.
• The Ethernet LED will flash when Ethernet packets are being transmitted or received.
NPort 5200/5400 Series
NPort 5200A Series
NPort 5600 Series
Connecting to a Serial Device
chain of NPort IA5000/IA5000A/5600-8-DT device servers. Be careful not to connect the Ethernet
device servers at the ends of the chain.
Connect a serial data cable between the NPort and the serial device. Serial data cables must be purchased
separately. They are not provided with the NPort.
5600-8-DT series NPorts have two Ethernet ports that can be used to create an
IA5000/IA5000A/5600-8-DT series NPorts do NOT support closed chains.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
LED Indicators
NPort 5100/5100A/P5150A Series
LED Name LED Color LED Function
Ready Red Steady on: Power is on, and the NPort is booting up.
Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or the DHCP or BOOTP server did not
respond properly.
Green Steady on: Power is on, and the NPort is functioning normally.
Blinking: The device server has been located by NPort Administrator’s
Location function.
Off Power is off, or a power error condition exists.
Link Orange The device is connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Green The device is connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Off The Ethernet cable is disconnected, or has a short.
Tx/Rx Orange The serial port is receiving data.
Green The serial port is transmitting data.
Off Data is NOT being transmitted or received through the serial port.
NPort 5200/5200A/5400 Series
LED Name LED Color LED Function
Ready Red Steady on: Power is on, and the NPort is booting up.
Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or the DHCP or BOOTP server did not
Green Steady on: Power is on, and the NPort is functioning normally.
Blinking: The device server has been located by NPort Administrator’s
Off Power is off, or a power error condition exists.
P1, P2,
(P3, P4)
Orange The device is connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Green The device is connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Off The Ethernet cable is disconnected, or has a short.
Orange The serial port is receiving data.
Green The serial port is transmitting data.
Off Data is NOT being transmitted or received through the serial port.
respond properly.
Location function.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
NPort 5600 Series (Rackmount)
LED Name LED Color LED Function
Ready Red Steady on: Power is on and the NPort is booting up.
Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or the DHCP or BOOTP server did not
respond properly.
Green Steady on: Power is on, and the NPort is functioning normally
Blinking: The device server has been located by NPort Administrator’s
Location function.
Off Power is off, or a power error condition exists.
P1 to P16
LAN Green The Ethernet port is connected, but data is NOT being transmitted.
PWR Green Power cable is connected and provides electricity properly.
Orange The serial port is receiving data.
Green The serial port is transmitting data.
Off Data is NOT being transmitted or received through the serial port.
Blinking The Ethernet port is connected, and data is being transmitted.
Off The Ethernet port is disconnected.
Off Power cable is disconnected.
NPort 5600-8-DT/DTL Series
LED Name LED Color LED Function
PWR Red Power is on.
Off Power is off.
Ready Green Steady on: The NPort is operational.
Blinking: The NPort is responding to NPort Administrator’s Location
Off Power is off, or power error condition exists.
Fault Red Indicates an IP conflict, or the DHCP or BOOTP server did not respond
Off No fault condition detected.
Off Blinking: Network is connected, data is being transmitted.
ETH 1, ETH2 Green Steady on Network is connected, no data is being transmitted.
Off Blinking Network is connected, data is being transmitted.
In Use
(P1 to P8)
(P1 to P8)
Green Serial port has been opened by server side software.
Off Serial port is not currently opened by host side software.
Green (Tx) Serial device is transmitting data.
Orange(Rx) Serial device is receiving data.
Off No data is flowing to or from the serial port.
function, or the NPort is being reset to factory defaults.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
NPort 5000AI-M12 Series
LED Name LED Color LED Function
PWR Green Power is being supplied to the power input.
Ready Red Steady on: Power is on, and the NPort is booting up.
Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or the DHCP or BOOTP server did not
respond properly.
Green Steady on: Power is on, and the NPort is functioning normally
Blinking: The device server has been located by NPort Administrator’s
Location function.
Off Power is off, or a power error condition exists.
10M, 100M Orange The device is connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Green The device is connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Off The Ethernet cable is disconnected, or has a short.
P1, P2, P3, P4 Orange The serial port is receiving data.
Green The serial port is transmitting data.
Off Data is NOT being transmitted or received through the serial port.
NPort IA5000/IA5000A Series
LED Name LED Color LED Function
PWR1, PWR2 Red Power is being supplied to power input PWR1, PWR2.
Ready Red Steady on: Power is on, and the NPort IA is booting up.
Blinking: Indicates an IP conflict, the DHCP or BOOTP server did not
Green Steady on: Power is on and the NPort IA is functioning normally.
Blinking: The device server has been located by NPort Administrator’s
Off Power is off, or a power error condition exists.
E1, E2 Orange The device is connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Green The device is connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Off The Ethernet cable is disconnected, or has a short.
P1, P2,
(P3, P4)
FX* Orange Steady on: The fiber port is connected, but data is NOT being transmitted.
*Only applies to NPort IA5000 fiber models.
Orange The serial port is receiving data.
Green The serial port is transmitting data.
Off Data is NOT being transmitted or received through the serial port.
Blinking: The fiber port is connected, and data is being transmitted.
respond properly, or a relay output was triggered. When the
above two conditions occur at the same time, check the relay
output first. If after resolving the relay output and the Ready
LED is still blinking, then there is an IP conflict, or the DHCP or
BOOTP server did not respond properly.
Location function.
RS-485 Port’s Adjustable Pull High/Low Resistor
For some applications, you may need to use termination resistors to prevent the reflection of serial signals.
When using termination resistors, it is important to set the pull high/low resistors correctly so that the
electrical signal is not corrupted. Refer to Appendix B for detailed instructions on how to set the pull
high/low resistor values for different models.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
Before installing and the configuring the NPort Administration suite, make sure your user privilege is set as
system administrator.

Configuration by Windows Utility

NPort Administration Suite is an integrated software suite that bundles NPort Administrator and the IP Serial
Library, providing everything you need to manage, monitor, and modify your NPort from a remote location.
With NPort Administrator, you can easily install and configure your NPort device server over the network.
Five different sets of functions are provided to ease the installation process: Configuration, Monitor, Porting
Monitor, COM Mapping, and IP Address Report.
In this section, we will cover only the “configuration of general settings” using NPort Administrator. For
more detailed information on how to use this suite of useful utilities, refer to Chapter 6.
You may also use the web console, serial console, or Telnet to configure the device server. Refer to the
section Configuration by Web Console, Configuration by Serial Console, and Configuration by
Telnet Console for additional information on using these consoles.
Installing NPort Administrator
Download and run the setup program from Moxa’s support website ( You
may find it in the Resource section under your product page. Run NPort Administrator when the installation
has been completed.
Searching for Device Servers over a LAN
The Broadcast Search function is used to locate all NPort 5400 device servers that are connected to the
same LAN as your computer. Since the Broadcast Search function searches by MAC address and not IP
address, all NPorts connected to the LAN will be located, regardless of whether or not they are part of the
same subnet as the host.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
In NPort Administrator, click Search to search your LAN for NPort device servers. When your unit appears in
the search results, you may click Stop to end the search. You may also wait a few more moments for the
search to complete.
The Configuration screen will list the NPort device servers that were found on the LAN. If your unit cannot
be found, you may have a network problem. Check all cables and verify that your PC and device server are
on the same LAN. If you still have problems, try connecting the device server directly to your PC.
Before configuring the NPort, you will need to unlock the NPort first. Right-click the unit in the Configuration
screen and select Unlock in the pop-up menu. Before configuring the NPort, you will need to unlock it first.
Right-click the unit in the Configuration screen and select Unlock in the pop-up menu.
The default login is:
Username: admin
Password: moxa
For the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000 Series, only the password is required to log in.
Adjusting General Settings
Right-click your unit in the Configuration screen and select Configure in the pop-up menu. If your device
server is password protected (the default username is account and the default password is moxa), first
select Unlock in the pop-up menu, and then click the Network tab in the configuration window. Select the
Modify checkbox for items you would like to modify. The device server must be assigned a unique IP
address that is valid for your network. Both fixed and dynamic IP addresses are supported. Consult with
your network administrator if you are not sure how to set these parameters.
Also, For the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000 Series, only the password is required to log in.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
When you are ready to restart the device server with the new settings, click OK.
Static IP Addresses
For most applications, you will assign a fixed IP address to the device server. To assign a static (fixed) IP
address, the IP Configuration parameter must be set to Static, which is the default setting. You may then
modify the IP Address and Netmask parameters.
Dynamic IP Addresses
For certain network environments, your device server’s IP address will be assigned by a DHCP or BOOTP
server. In this case, instead of assigning the device server’s IP address, you will need to configure the
device server to receive its IP address from the appropriate server. Set the IP Configuration parameter to
DHCP, BOOTP, or DHCP/BOOTP, depending on your network environment. The IP Address and
Netmask parameters will be unavailable for editing since these parameters will be assigned automatically.
If you are not sure whether you need to configure your device server for a dynamic or static IP address,
consult the administrator who set up the LAN.
Verifying Network Settings
If your device server has been configured correctly, you should be able to ping its IP address from your PC.
First, make sure that your PC and device server are on the same subnet, and then ping the device server’s
address. If no response is received, check your cables and network settings.
Configuring Device Port Operation Mode
This section covers configuration of a device port’s operation mode. The operation mode determines how
the device port will interact with the network. Which operation mode you select will depend on your specific
application. Refer to the chart at the end of this section for guidance on selecting the most appropriate
operation mode. For additional information on each operation mode, refer to Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.
Adjusting Operation Mode Settings
The operation mode parameters for each device port can be configured through NPort Administrator. Open
your device server’s configuration window using the same method you used to adjust the network
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
parameters. On the Operating Mode screen, select the Modify check box and then select the device port
that you wish to configure. Click Settings to configure the selected device port.
Set the operating mode and associated parameters as needed. Refer to Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 for
additional information on operating modes and advanced settings. When you are ready to restart the device
server with the new settings, click OK.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
50/ 75/ 110/ 134/ 150/
Operation Mode Selection Chart
Configuring Serial Communication Parameters
Serial Parameter Review
This section covers the configuration of each device port’s serial communication parameters: baudrate, stop
bit, etc.
The following parameters need to be set correctly on the device port to ensure proper communication with
your device. Refer to your device’s documentation for the appropriate settings.
Parameter Setting Factory
Baudrate Support standard
baudrates (bps):
300/ 600/ 1200 1800/
2400/ 4800/ 7200/
9600/ 19200/ 38400/
57600/ 115200/
230.4k/ 460.8k/
* The NPort
Series, and IA 5000
Series are as low as
110 bps, and up to
230.4 kbps
Data bits 5, 6, 7, 8 8 The size of each data character. Required
Stop bits 1, 1.5, 2 1 The size of the stop character. Required
115200 bps The data transmission rate to and
Description Necessity
from the attached serial device.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
Parity None, Even, Odd,
Space, Mark
Flow control None, RTS/CTS,
DTR/DSR, Xon/Xoff
FIFO Enable, Disable Enable Controls whether the device port’s
Interface* RS-232
2-wire RS-485
4-wire RS-485
*Supported interfaces vary by model; refer to your NPort’s datasheet for a list of supported serial
None The parity that will be used. Even and
Odd parity provide rudimentary error-
checking; Space and Mark parity are
rarely used.
RTS/CTS The method used to suspend and
resume data transmission to ensure
that data is not lost. RTS/CTS
(hardware) flow control is
built-in 128-byte FIFO buffer is used.
When enabled, the FIFO helps reduce
data loss regardless of direction.
RS-232 The serial interface that will be used.
The options that are available depend
on the specific model of device server.
Adjusting Serial Parameters
The serial communication parameters for each device port can be configured through NPort Administrator.
Open your device server’s configuration window, using the same method you used to configure network
parameters. On the Serial screen, select the Modify check box and then select the device port that you
wish to configure. Click Settings to configure the selected device port.
Modify the parameters as needed. When you are ready to restart the device server with the new settings,
click OK.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
Mapping COM Port to Device (only required when operation
mode is set to Real COM or RFC2217)
This section covers how to map the COM ports on a Windows PC to NPort device ports. The mapping will
allow Windows software to access serial devices over the network as if they were local COM devices,
providing instant device networking without software migration. COM mapping is supported in Real COM and
RFC2217 modes only.
The following instructions are for device ports operating in Real COM mode. For device ports operating in
RFC2217 mode, follow the instructions for your particular driver. Real COM mode also supports TTY port
mapping on Linux and UNIX systems.
Specifying the Target Device Server
In NPort Administrator, click COM Mapping in the Function panel to open the COM Mapping window.
Right-click on an empty line in the COM Mapping window. Select Add Target in the pop-up menu to assign
your device server as the mapping target.
A list of NPort device servers that have been found by NPort Administrator will appear. Select your device
server and click Finish.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
Assigning COM Port Number to Device Port
The COM Mapping screen shows a list of available device ports on the network. Right-click the target
device port and select COM Settings in the pop-up menu.
On the Basic Settings screen, select the COM port number that will be mapped to the device port. You can
map multiple COM ports at the same time by selecting the Auto Enumerating check box to number the
COM ports automatically.
On the Serial Parameters screen, adjust the settings to match your device. These settings, which are only
used for serial printers, must also match the settings on the device port. Click OK when you are satisfied
with your changes.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
Advanced Settings
(See Chapter 6 for detailed information about NPort Administrator’s Advanced Settings.)
Tx Mode: In Hi-Performance mode, the driver immediately issues a “Tx Empty” response to the program
after sending data to the NPort. In Classical mode, the driver sends the “Tx Empty” response after
confirmation is received from the NPort. Classical mode is recommended if you want to ensure that all data
is sent out before further processing.
FIFO: Tells the driver whether or not to use FIFO transmission.
Network Timeout: Specifies when an open, close, or serial parameter change operation will time out.
Fast Flush: When enabled, the driver flushes only the local buffer on the host for a Win32 PurgeComm()
function call. When disabled, both the local and remote buffers are flushed. If your application uses
PurgeComm() and it performance seems sluggish, try enabling Fast Flush.
Always Accept Open Requests: Even if the driver cannot establish a connection with the NPort, the user's
software will still be able to open the mapped COM port, the same as with an onboard COM port.
Ignore TX Purge: The application can use Win32 API PurgeComm to clear the output buffer and terminate
outstanding overlapped write operations. Select Ignore TX Purge if you do not want the output buffer to
be purged.
Apply Change
Right-click COM Mapping in the Function panel. Select Apply Change in the pop-up menu to save the
current COM mapping settings. Your application will now be able to access the target serial device using the
COM port.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started

Configuration by Web Console

The Web Console is the most user-friendly way to configure NPort products. In this section, we cover a device server’s
general settings.
Opening Your Browser
1. Open your browser with the cookie functionality enabled. (To enable your browser for cookies, right-click
on your desktop’s Internet Explorer icon, select Properties, click on the Security tab, and then select
the three Enable options as shown in the figure below.)
2. Type in the Address input box (use the correct IP address if different from the
default), and then press Enter.
3. For the overall NPort 5000 Series, you will be prompted to enter the username and password to access
the NPort web console. Before configuring the NPort, you will need to unlock it first. Right-click the unit
in the Configuration screen and select Unlock in the pop-up menu. The default username and password
are admin and moxa, respectively.For the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000 Series, only the password is
required to log in.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
If you use other web browsers, remember to
computer” or “allow per
Web Interface for the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000 Series Only
Web Interface for the Overall NPort 5000 Series
The NPort homepage will open. On this page, you can see a brief description of the Web Console’s function
-session cookies.” NPort device servers use cookies only for “password”
enable the functions to “allow cookies that are stored on your
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
If you can’t remember the password, the ONLY way to start configuring the
by using the
Remember to use NPort Administrator
to export the configuration
file when you have finished
configuration can be
Web Interface for the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000 Series Only
Web Interface for the Overall NPort 5000 Series
Reset button located near the NPort’s Ethernet port.
(for NPort 5000 and NPort IA5000 Series)
the configuration. After using the Reset button to load factory defaults, your
easily reloaded into NPort by using the NPort Administrator Import function. Refer to
5 for details about using the Export and Import functions
Quick Setup (excluding the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000
Quick Setup streamlines configuration of your NPort into three basic and quick steps that cover the most
commonly-used settings. While in Quick Setup, you may click the Back button at any time to return to the
NPort is to load factory defaults
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
previous step, or click the Cancel button to reverse all settings. For more detailed settings, refer to the
Basic Settings, Network Settings, Serial Settings, and Operating Settings sections later in this
Step 1/3
In Step 1/3, you must assign a valid IP address to the NPort before it will work in your network
environment. Your network system administrator should provide you with an IP address and related settings
for your network. In addition, the server name field is a useful way to specify the location or application of
different NPort units.
Step 2/3
In Step 2/3, you must specify which operation mode you will use. If your operation mode is not Real COM,
TCP Server, TCP Client, or UDP mode, click Cancel, return to the main menu, and choose Operating
Settings to select the correct settings.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
If you change the IP address, you will not be able to
Step 3/3
In Step 3/3, modify the Serial Settings.
Finish Settings
Review your settings on the Finish Settings page to confirm that they are correct and then click the
Save/Restart button to restart the device with the new settings.
use the Home button to return to the Home Page.
Export/Import (Excluding the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000
Export/Import allows you to back up and recover your settings.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
The exported configuration file can be encrypted for security purposes with a user-specified export password
(the default password is moxa), which you may assign in Pre-shared Key. Click Download to write all
configuration data to a fixed file name as follows: <Servername>.txt.
To import the configuration file, you will need to be sure that the pre-shared key stored in the system is the
same as the configuration file (which is assigned when exporting the configuration file) in order to
successfully import the configuration file.
If the firmware is not up to the version below, you many need to key in the password manually.
NPort 5100A Series Firmware v1.5
NPort 5200A Series Firmware v1.5
NPort 5150AI Series Firmware v1.4
NPort 5250AI Series Firmware v1.4
NPort 5450AI Series Firmware v1.4
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
NPort 5600 Series Firmware v3.9
NPort 5600 DT Series Firmware v2.6
NPort 5600 DTL Series Firmware v1.5
NPort IA5150A Series Firmware v1.4
NPort IA5450A Series Firmware v1.6
configuration encrypting function is not available in the NPort 5100, NPort 5200, and NPort IA5000
Refer to the table below for the firmware versions that support the encrypted configuration files in the Web
Model Name Firmware version supporting encrypted configuration files.
NPort 5100A Series Firmware v1.3 and up
NPort 5200A Series Firmware v1.3 and up
NPort 5x50AI-M12 Series Firmware v1.2 and up
NPort IA5150A, NPort
NPort IA5450A Firmware v1.4 and up
Firmware v1.3 and up
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
Basic Settings
Web Interface for the NPort 5100, 5200, and IA5000 Series Only
Web Interface for the Overall NPort Series
NPort 5150A does not support Time Settings.
Parameter Setting Factory Default Description Necessity
Server name 1 to 39 characters NP[model
Time zone User selectable time
GMT (Greenwich
Mean Time)
This option is useful for specifying
the location or application of
different NPorts.
N/A Required
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
precaution to prevent unauthorized
only access allows settings to
If you disable both the
configure NPort device serv
Parameter Setting Factory Default Description Necessity
Local time User adjustable time
Time server IP or Domain address
(E.g., or
or )
Web console Enable or Disable Enable The Disable option for “Web
Moxa Service Enable or Disable Enable Required
Reset button
LCM read-
Enable or Disable Enable Required
Enable or Disable Enable Required
No or Yes No Select the Yes option to allow
Writeable/Read-only Writeable The NPort 5000 front panel, known
GMT (Greenwich
Mean Time)
None NPorts use SNTP (RFC-1769) for
Click the Modify button to open
the Modify time settings window to
input the correct local time.
auto time calibration. Input the
correct Time server IP address or
domain name. Once the NPort is
configured with the correct Time
server address, the NPort will
request time information from the
Time server every 10 minutes.
Console”, “Telnet Console”, “Serial
Console”, and “Moxa Service” is
included for security reasons. In
some cases, you may want to
disable one or both of these
console utilities as an extra
users from accessing your NPort.
Please refer to Chapter 3
“Cybersecurity Considerations” for
detailed suggestions.
limited use of the Reset Button. In
this case, the Reset Button can be
used for only 60 seconds; 60 s.
after booting up, the Reset Button
will be disabled automatically.
as the LCM (Liquid Crystal
Module), may be configured for
read-only or writeable access.
be viewed but not changed.
Writeable access allows users in
the Administration group to
change the setting. This setting is
only available for the model that
has a font panel.
Web console and Telnet console, you can still use NPort Administrator to
ers either locally or remotely over the network. Refer to Chapter 5 for details.
NPort 5000 Series Getting Started
Network Settings
Web Interface for the NPort 5100, NPort 5200, and NPort IA5000 Series Only
Web Interface for the Overall NPort 5000 Series, excluding the NPort IA5000A Series
+ 149 hidden pages