ioThinx 4530 Series Linux User’s Manual
Version 2.0, April 2021
© 2021 Mo xa Inc. All right s re served.

ioThinx 4530 Series Linux User’s Manual
Moxa China (Sha ngha i office)
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance
with the terms of that agreement.
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© 2021 Mo xa Inc. All right s re served.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduct ion................................................................................................................................. 1-1
2. Gett ing Started............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Connecting to the ioThinx 4530 Controller ......................................................................................... 2-2
69BConnecting Through the Serial Console ...................................................................................... 2-2
70BConnecting Through the SSH Console ........................................................................................ 2-4
User Account Management ............................................................................................................. 2-6
71BSwitching to the Root Account .................................................................................................. 2-6
Creating and Deleting User Accounts ......................................................................................... 2-6
Disabling the Default User Account............................................................................................ 2-6
Network Settings .......................................................................................................................... 2-7
72BConfiguring Ethernet Interfaces ................................................................................................ 2-7
Syst em Administra tion ................................................................................................................... 2-8
74BQu erying t he Fi rmwa re Ve rsion ................................................................................................ 2-8
75BAdjusting the Time ................................................................................................................. 2-8
76BSetting the Time Zone ............................................................................................................ 2-9
Determining Available Drive Space .................................................................................................. 2-10
Shutting Down the Device ............................................................................................................. 2-11
3. Firmware Update and System Recovery......................................................................................... 3-1
Firmware Update and Set-to-Default Functions................................................................................... 3-2
Set-to-Default ....................................................................................................................... 3-2
Fi rmwa re Update Using an SFTP Se rver or mi cro SD C ard .............................................................. 3-2
4. Programming Guide ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
A. Cycle T ime Calculat ion .................................................................................................................. A-1

1. Introduction
This user’s manual appl ie s to the ioThinx 4530 Series models listed below:
ioThinx 4530 Ser ies
• ioThinx 4533-LX Series
Detailed instructions on configuring advanced settings are covered in Chapters 3 and 4.

2. Getting Started
In this chapter, we describe how to configure basic s ett i ngs for the ioThinx 4530 cont roller.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Conne cting to t he ioT h in x 4 5 30 C ont ro ller
69BConnecting Through the Serial Console
70BConnecting Through the SSH Console
User Accou nt Ma nagement
71BSwitching to the Root Account
Creating and Deleting User Accounts
Disabling the Default User Account
Network Settings
72BConfiguring Ethernet Interfaces
Syste m Ad ministration
74BQu erying t he Fi rmwa re Ve rsion
75BAdjusting the Time
76BSetting the Time Zone
Dete rmin ing Ava ilable Drive Space
Shutt ing Down t he Device

ioThinx 4530 Linux Manual Getting Started
For security reasons, we recommend that you disable the default user account and create your own user
accounts .
These steps apply to the Linux PC you are using to connect to the
user@PC1:~# yum -y install minicom
user@PC2:~# apt-get install minicom
Connecting to the ioThinx 4530 Controller
You will need to us e a computer to connect to the ioThinx 4530 controller and to log in through the
command line interface. There are two ways to connect: through the serial console po rt or through the
Ethernet port. Refer to the ioThinx 4530 Series Hardware Manual to see how to set up the physical
connecti ons.
The default login username and password are:
Username: mox a
Password: mox a
The username and password are the same for all serial co ns ol e an d SSH remote log in actions. Root account
login is disabled until you manually create a password for the account. The user moxa is in the sudo group
so that you can operate system level commands with this user using the
details, see the Sudo Mechanism se ct i o n in cha p te r 5 .
sudo command. For additional
69BConnecting Through the Serial Console
This method is particularly useful when using the computer for the first time. The signal is transmitted over
a direct serial connection so you do not need to know either of its two IP addresses in order to connect to
the ioThinx 4530 controller. To connect through the serial console, configure your PC’s terminal software
using the following settings.
Data b its 8
F low control None
T erm in a l VT100
Below we show how to use the terminal software to connect to the ioThinx 4530 controller in a Linux
environment and in a Wi ndows environment.
152BLinux Users
Serial Console Port Se ttings
115200 bps
ioThinx 4530 controller itself .
Take the following steps to connect to the ioThinx 4530 controller from your Linux PC.
1. Insta ll min ico m fro m t he package repository o f yo ur o pe rating syste m.
For Centos and Fedora:
For Ubuntu and Debian:
2. Us e t he minicom –s command to enter the configuration menu and set up the serial port settings .
ioThinx 4530 controller. Do NOT apply

ioThinx 4530 Linux Manual Getting Started
These s teps apply to t he Windows PC you are using to connect to the
. Do NOT apply
these steps to the
3. Select Serial port setup.
4. Select A to change the serial device. Note that you need to know which device node is connected to the
ioThinx 4530 controller.
5. Select E to configure the port settings according to the S e r ia l C o n s o le P o rt Sett i ngs t able provided.
6. Select Save setup as df l (f rom the main configuration menu) to use default values.
7. Select Exit fro m min ico m (from the configuration menu) to leave the configuration menu.
8. Execut e min icom after completing the above configurations.
153BWindows Users
ioThinx 4530 controller
ioThinx 4530 controller itself .
Take the following steps to connect to the ioThinx 4530 controller from your Windows PC.
1. Download PuTTY http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html to set up a serial
connection with the ioThinx 4530 controller in a Windows environment.
2. Once t he connection is established, the following window will open.