You CAN Take It With You
• TRUE Hi-Def reception
from all three Dish
• Operational Temperature
Range of -40°F to 145°F.
Network™ Satellites.
• Unit is pre-wired for either
• Triple-LNB and skewable
face enable the MD1000™
two or optional three line
to receive multiple signals
• Fast, quiet three-axis motion
(Elevation, Azimuth, & Skew).
• Rugged design and
construction, with a wind
resistance of 25 mph
deployed and 140 mph
• Simple, two-button “Find
and Stow” operation via the
Nomad 2™ Controller.
Receive standard or High-Definition TV signals from all three
Dish Network™ Satellites at the same time... without needing
to re-point your dish!
The MD1000.2™stationary automatic satellite system uses DVB “auto-acquire” technology to receive High Definition broadcast
signals from all of the three (3) Dish Network
true High Definition television on the road… without having to r e-point your dish! The MD1000.2
seamlessly with MotoSAT’s
the rest automatically. The Nomad 2
automatically locate multiple satellites and adjust for best signal in minutes. Designed with the world’s premier digital satellite
service provider in mind, the MD1000.2
revolutionary Nomad 2™Universal DVB Controller. Just push a button… the MD1000.2™will do
control software offers the simplest “FIND and STOW” operation in the industry. It will
satellites simultaneously. You can call it a “three in one.” Now you can enjoy
provides instant, on-demand satellite television signal for Dish Network™ subscribers.
is designed to function
www.MotoSAT.com || 800.247.7486 || Sales@MotoSAT.com