MotorVac MCS 352 User Manual

MCS 352
Gasoline (Petrol) and
Diesel Engines
P/N 200-0352
Rev N/C 2005
Table of Contents
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... iii
Overview................................................................................................................................................ v
System Features and Functions ......................................................................................................1-1
Unit Features.................................................................................................................................1-1
Control Panel Functions................................................................................................................ 1-3
Features and Functions ................................................................................................................ 1-5
Safety Information .............................................................................................................................2-1
Before You Begin ......................................................................................................................3-1
First Time Operation............................................................................................................3-1
Mixing Ratios....................................................................................................................... 3-2
Fuel System Cleaning Procedures .......................................................................................... 4-1
Determining the Vehicle's Fuel System Type .....................................................................4-1
Carburetor Setup Procedure ...............................................................................................4-3
Carburetor Cleaning Procedure .......................................................................................... 4-5
Throttle Body Injection (TBI) Setup Procedure ................................................................... 4-7
Throttle Body Injection (TBI) Cleaning Procedure ..............................................................4-9
Port Fuel Injection (PFI) Setup Procedure ........................................................................4-11
Port Fuel Injection (PFI) Cleaning Procedure ...................................................................4-13
Continuous Injection System (CIS) Setup Procedure ....................................................... 4-15
Continuous Injection System (CIS) Cleaning Procedure .................................................. 4-17
Before You Begin ......................................................................................................................5-1
First Time Operation .................................................................................................................5-1
Diesel Fuel System Cleaning Procedures ..............................................................................6-1
Filling and Mixture Setup..................................................................................................... 6-1
Priming ................................................................................................................................6-3
Diesel Fuel System Setup Procedure ................................................................................. 6-5
Diesel Cleaning Procedure ................................................................................................. 6-8
Trouble Shooting and Additional Help............................................................................................7-1
Appendix A - Maintenance............................................................................................................... A-1
Maintenance Procedures ............................................................................................................. A-1
Replacing the Fuel Filter .............................................................................................................. A-1
Maintenance Record.................................................................................................................... A-3
Appendix B - System Accessories .................................................................................................B-1
Basic Adapter Kit (200-3000)....................................................................................................... B-1
Asian / European Applications (200-3009) ................................................................................ B-3
Optional Adaptors ....................................................................................................................... B-5
Appendix C - Parts ........................................................................................................................... C-1
Parts for the MCS 352.................................................................................................................. C-1
Appendix D - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS........................................................................ D-1
Material Safety Data Sheet - Gasoline (Petrol)............................................................................ D-1
Material Safety Data Sheet - Diesel............................................................................................. D-7
Congratulations on your selection of the CARBONCLEAN DUAL SYSTEM. By choosing this product, you are acquiring the most technologically advanced method available for cleaning harmful fuel system contaminants from gasoline engines.
MCS 352 is a self-contained cleaning system, designed to connect to any gasoline or
The diesel engine (up to 7.3L). Once the unit is connected, it temporarily replaces the regular fuel supply with a mixture of fuel and the specially formulated CarbonClean Cleaning
With the engine idling, the unit pumps the fuel/detergent mixture through the engine's fuel system. As the mixture passes through the vehicles’ fuel system, it loosens and dissolves accumulated deposits, which then pass harmlessly out through the exhaust system or are removed by the unit’s fuel filter. Removing contaminants from the combustion chamber creates a more even burn of fuel, which improves horsepower, increases fuel economy, and reduces exhaust emissions.
Please refer to the chart below for the recommended service intervals:
Recommended Service Intervals
Type of Vehicle Mileage
Automobile - Gasoline 12,000 – 15,000 miles or 19,000 – 24,000 kilometers or once a year Automobile - Diesel 12,000 – 15,000 miles or 19,000 – 24,000 kilometers Light-Duty Trucks or once a year
Medium to Heavy-Duty Trucks
60,000 – 100,000 miles or 97,000 – 161,000 kilometers
or 1600 to 1800 hours of operation
Please study this User Guide to become thoroughly familiar with the MCS 352 before using it.
The MCS 352 Fuel System Machines are designed to work
With CarbonClean Cleaning Detergents.
Use of any other chemicals during this process may cause operational failure
of the MCS 352 and voids the manufacturer’s warranty.
See warranty card for details.
This manual contains all the information you need to use the MCS 352. Please make sure all technicians have read this manual and have it within easy reach whenever the unit is being used.
The following is a quick reference to the information in this manual:
System Features and Functions
This chapter describes the MCS 352 gauges, control switches, and connections.
Safety Information
Adhere to the safety guidelines in this chapter at all times!
Before You Begin
Follow the instructions for each chapter before using the unit for the first time.
Fuel System Cleaning Procedures
These chapters contain step-by-step setup and cleaning procedures for using the unit with each of the fuel system types: Carburetor, Throttle Body Injection (TBI), Port Fuel Injection (PFI), Continuous Injection System (CIS) and Diesels.
Troubleshooting and Additional Help
Turn to this chapter in the unlikely event you have problems with your MCS 352.
Appendices – Maintenance, Accessories, Parts, and MSDS reports.
The appendices contain routine maintenance procedures for the changing the fuel filters, and the Material Safety Data Sheets.
MCS 352, such as
System Features and Functions
The front of the MCS 352 cabinet contains the control panel, control switches and status indicators. The fuel reservoirs and filters are mounted on the sides of the cabinet.
MCS 352 Control Panel Functions
MCS 352 Features and Functions
Descriptions of the gauges, control switches, and status indicators making up the control panel are listed below. Please become familiar with these features and functions before using the unit.
Adjust Time Knob
Service Selector
Switch Start/Run Switch (Momentary)
Run Cycle Light
(green) On / Off Switch
On / Off Light (orange)
Fuel Pressure Gauge
Pressure Adjust Regulator
Warning Alarm
Sets or re-sets the system run time in one-minute increments, from 1 to 60 minutes.
Selects fuel type: Diesel or Gasoline
Starts the cleaning cycle.
Illuminates when the run cycle is under way.
Shuts off power to the unit.
Illuminates when switch is on.
Displays output pressure of the unit’s output hose.
Used to adjust the gasoline (petrol) system pressure during the cleaning process on single line fuel systems. Turn clockwise to close (increase the pressure), counterclockwise to open (decrease the pressure). Normally closed clockwise for services on two line systems. (Vehicle controls pressure on two line systems.)
Sounds until pump builds pressure, or when the run cycle is complete or when a pressure loss occurs.
Output Hose (red)
Return Hose (black)
Fuel Filter
Battery Cables
Circuit Breaker
Fuel Tanks (2)
Connects to the input side of the vehicle's engine fuel system.
Connects to the return side of the vehicle's engine fuel system.
Filters out contaminants that become removed during the cleaning process. See
Positive (red) and negative (black) battery connections (12 VOLTS DC)
15 Ampere circuit breaker for pump
Holds up to 2 liters (70oz.) per tank
Appendix for replacement information
Safety Information and Precautions
Vehicle exhaust gases contain Carbon Monoxide, which is a colorless and odorless lethal gas.
Only run engines in well-ventilated areas and avoid breathing exhaust gases.
Extended breathing of exhaust gases will cause serious injury or death.
Exhaust gases, moving parts, hot surfaces, and potent chemicals are present during the use of the fuel system cleaner.
Read and understand the operator’s manual before using the fuel system cleaner.
When using chemicals always refer to the MSDS sheets and manufacturer’s instructions for
the proper procedure to handle emergency medical treatment, cleanup, handling and storage
Improper use of the fuel system cleaner or exposure to exhaust gases or cleaning chemicals can cause injury.
Flammable fuel chemical and vapors can ignite.
Avoid exposure to flames, sparks, hot engine parts, and other ignition sources.
Always keep fully charge fire extinguisher nearby. The extinguisher should have a class B
rating and be suitable for gasoline, chemical, and electrical fires.
Cleanup any fuel or chemical spills immediately.
Dispose of contaminated cleanup material according to governing environmental laws.
Never look directly into the air induction plenum or carburetor throat when the engine is
Always plug or cap any open fuel lines during service.
Keep Cleaner and Detergent container closed except when filling reservoir.
Explosion or flame or exposure to flammable liquid and vapors can cause injury.
Flammable liquid can splash out of reservoir when pump is on and/or unit is being moved.
Always keep Reservoir Cap secure except when filling reservoir.
Explosion or flame can cause injury.
Many fuel systems maintain residual pressure in fuel lines even after the engine has been turned off.
Wear safety goggles.
Wear chemical resistant gloves when connecting or disconnecting fitting and adaptors.
Obtain ZERO psi before connecting or disconnecting any fuel lines or adaptors.
Explosion or flame or exposure to flammable liquid and vapors can cause injury.
See next page
Chemicals can cause harmful byproducts.
Use only approved chemicals (refer to operator’s manual).
Do not swallow or ingest any chemicals.
Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapors.
Do not store chemicals on or in the machine.
Improper use of chemicals can cause injury. Over exposure can have harmful effect on eyes, skin, respiratory system and possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation.
Improperly blocked vehicles can move.
Set the parking brake and chock the wheels.
Moving vehicles can cause injury.
Moving engine parts. The engine-cooling fan will cycle on and off depending on the coolant temperature and could operate without the engine running.
Wear safety goggles.
Always keep objects, clothing, and hands away from the cooling fans and engine parts.
Moving engine parts can cause injury.
Hot surfaces are present during and after running the engine.
Do not contact hot surfaces such as, manifolds, pipes, mufflers, catalytic converters or
radiators and hoses.
Hot surfaces can cause injury.
Catalytic converters become extremely hot.
Do not park a converter-equipped vehicle over dry grass, leaves, paper, or any other
flammable material.
Do not touch a catalytic converter until the engine has been off for at least 45 minutes.
For tests allowing unburned hydrocarbons or service involving operation of an overly rich
condition, minimize the time of rich operation, monitor the catalytic converter temperature,
and allow at least two minutes of operation at normal mixture subsequent to testing or service
for converter cooling.
Catalytic converters can cause burns.
Cracked fan blades can become airborne.
Examine fan blades for cracks. If found, do not service the vehicle.
Flying objects can cause injury.
See next page
Batteries produce explosive gases and can explode.
Wear safety goggles when working on or near batteries.
Use in a well-ventilated area.
Keep sparks and flames away from the battery and never lay tools, equipment or other
conductive objects on the battery.
When tools or equipment is connected to the battery, make sure the equipment power switch
is off. Connect the positive lead of the equipment to the positive lead of the battery first;
connect the negative lead of the equipment to a solid ground point as far from the battery as
Keep battery acid away from skin or eyes. In case of eye contact, flush with clean water for 15
minutes and get medical attention.
Battery explosion and ignited gases can cause injury.
Before You Begin
Gasoline (Petrol) Systems
First Time Operation
The following process is used to flush factory­testing fluids out of your new machine, and is only necessary before the first time you use the unit.
1. Verify that the fuel filter is connected and securely in place on the side of the cabinet.
3. Turn the Gasoline (Petrol) PRESSURE REGULATOR on the unit’s control panel
4. Attach the unit to the vehicle's battery by connecting the red battery clip to the positive (+)
Check the output/return hoses, battery connections, and all external components for damage.
counterclockwise until it is completely open.
battery terminal and the black battery clip to a solid ground point as far from the battery as possible. Press the SERVICE SELECTOR switch to the side with Gasoline (Petrol) FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE.
5. Fill the reservoir on the back/right side with clean gasoline (petrol) until the tank
indicates 1/4 tank. See notes on page 3-2 and figure 3-3 for alternate filling procedure.
6. Connect the output (red) hose and return (black) hose together by using the 060-1100 and 060-1400 adaptors. Securing them together with a clamp. Follow the procedures below to
flush fuel through the system:
x Set SERVICE SELECTOR to gasoline (petrol) SERVICE SYSTEM. x Set the TIMER knob for five minutes. x Press the ON/OFF switch to the on position. NOTE: Alarm will sound continually
until pump starts.
x Press and hold the START/RUN switch for five minutes. x Release the START/RUN switch. x Turn off the ON/OFF switch.
7. Disconnect the output and return lines.
8. Connect the #060-1400 adaptor to the output hose, then drain the gasoline from the reservoir
using the following procedure:
x Set the TIMER knob for five minutes.
x Direct the output (red) hose into an appropriate container.
x Press the ON/OFF switch to the on position. NOTE: Alarm will sound
continually until pump starts.
x Press and hold the START/RUN switch until the fuel from the unit has been emptied
into the container.
x Release the START/RUN switch.
x Turn off the ON/OFF switch.
xDispose of the fuel in an environmentally approved method.
9. The reservoir is now completely drained of fuel. Follow the steps below before performing
the first cleaning service:
Mixing Ratios
Using a separate container or the MCS 352 reservoir, follow the chart below to mix the proper amounts of CarbonClean Cleaning Detergent for Gasoline and fuel for the cleaning process.
NOTE: See page 3-3, when utilizing tee adapter 060-4500 for alternate filling procedure. Always have the ball valve on tee adapter closed until ready to fill reservoir while using the vehicles fuel pump. After connecting all hoses, start engine. Check all connections for leaks. Partially open ball valve just enough to allow gasoline (petrol) to flow into reservoir and not have the engine die.
The proper ratio is 1 oz. (30 ml.) per cylinder to 3 oz. (90 ml.) gasoline.
3 cylinders = 3 oz. (90 ml.) detergent to 9 oz. (270 ml.) gasoline, (360 TOTAL)
4 cylinders = 4 oz. (120 ml.) detergent to 12 oz. (360 ml.) gasoline, (480 TOTAL)
5 cylinders = 5 oz. (150 ml.) detergent to 15 oz. (450 ml.) gasoline, (600 TOTAL)
6 cylinders = 6 oz. (180 ml.) detergent to 18 oz. (540 ml.) gasoline, (720 TOTAL)
8 cylinders = 8 oz. (240 ml.) detergent to 24 oz. (720 ml.) gasoline, (960 TOTAL)
10 cylinders = 10 oz. (300 ml.) detergent to 30 oz. (900 ml.) gasoline, (1200 TOTAL)
12 cylinders = 12 oz. (360 ml.) detergent to 36 oz. (1080 ml.) gasoline, (1440 TOTAL)
Filling Reservoir Procedure-NOTE: regulator valve must be open to allow flow for tank filling. Alternate-use black hose.
Fuel System Cleaning Procedures
Gasoline (Petrol) Systems
Determining the Vehicle's Fuel System Type
It is very important to determine the fuel system type of the vehicle to be serviced before performing Any setup or cleaning procedure on the vehicle. The unit can be used with any of the four different types of gasoline fuel systems listed below:
Carburetors come in a variety of sizes and shapes. These can be easily identified by
locating the choke plate in the air horn.
Throttle Body Injection (TBI)
Throttle bodies are centrally mounted, as are carburetors, and use one or two
electronic injectors.
Port Fuel Injection (PFI)
This system uses a single electronic injector per cylinder, mounted so that fuel spray
is directed into the intake port.
Continuous Injection System (CIS)
A Continuous Injection System is easily identified by noting the fuel distributor and
the solid steel or flex steel lines running from the fuel distributor to each individual injector. The fuel distributor controls the amount of fuel sprayed into the intake port while the injectors control the opening and closing pressure.
Once you have determined the fuel system type, turn to the appropriate section in this chapter for instructions on how to perform the fuel line setup and cleaning procedure for that system.
Carburetor Setup Procedure
Follow the steps below to connect the unit to the vehicle's fuel system. Make sure the vehicle has at least 1/8 tank of fuel before beginning this process.
1. Start the vehicle and allow the engine to reach normal operating temperature.
Do not perform the setup or cleaning process if the vehicle’s engine oil or coolant level is low. If necessary, add oil and/or coolant to the vehicle.
2. Turn the vehicle OFF when normal operating temperature has been
3. Turn the Gasoline (Petrol) PRESSURE REGULATOR counterclockwise
until the regulator is completely open. Verify that the turned
ON/OFF switch is
4. Attach the unit to the vehicle's battery by connecting the red battery clip
to the positive ( ground point as far from the battery as possible. Press the SERVICE
SELECTOR switch to the side with Gasoline (Petrol) FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE.
5. Remove the vehicle's gas cap to relieve fuel tank pressure.
6. Disconnect the vehicle’s fuel line at the carburetor inlet or at the fuel pump outlet. There
should now be two open ends to work with:
x one coming from the fuel pump.
xOne going into the carburetor.
7. Add a pre-mixed gasoline and detergent mixture to the right side (gasoline /petrol) reservoir.
When filling the reservoir, add
See page 3-3 for alternate filling method (Refer to page 3-2 for the proper ratios.)
+) battery terminal and the black battery clip to a solid
1 oz. (30 ml.) of Detergent to 3 oz. (90 ml.) gasoline per
Flammable Liquid can squirt out of pressurized lines when connecting or
Wear Safety goggles.
Obtain ZERO pressure before connecting or disconnecting any fuel lines or
Wear chemical resistant gloves when connecting or disconnecting fittings and
Wrap shop towel around pressure fittings and adaptors when disconnecting.
Avoid exposure to flames, sparks, hot engine parts, and other ignition sources.
Explosion or flame or exposure to flammable liquid and vapors can cause injury.
8. As shown in the figure below, connect the MCS 352 output (red) hose to the inlet of the
carburetor and block / deadhead the fuel line coming from the vehicle’s fuel pump.
You are now ready to perform the carburetor cleaning procedure.
Carburetor Cleaning Procedure
Follow the steps below to circulate the fuel/detergent mixture through the vehicle's carburetor.
1. Verify that Carburetor Setup Steps 1- 8 above have been completed.
2. Refer to the vehicle's service manual for the manufacturer's recommended pressure.
3. Adjust TIMER knob for 30 minutes. (Run time may be adjusted
depending on the condition of the vehicle’s fuel system.)
4. Press the ON/OFF switch on.
5. Press and hold the START/RUN switch.
6. Turn the Gasoline (Petrol) PRESSURE REGULATOR clockwise until the Fuel PRESSURE
gauge reads 4 PSI, or the equivalent of the manufacturer's recommended specifications.
7. Release the START/RUN switch. Check all connections for leaks.
8. Start the vehicle
x when the cleaning process is halfway completed, step on the vehicle’s accelerator quickly
three or four times.
10. Turn OFF the vehicle's engine.
When the run time expires, the cleaning is complete. The unit will automatically shut off and
the alarm will sound. Press off the
Turn the Gasoline (Petrol) PRESSURE REGULATOR counterclockwise on the unit to release
any residual pressure.
to begin the fuel system cleaning process.
Then, maintain 1500 – 2000 RPM for 30 seconds.
Wrap a shop towel around pressure fittings before disconnection to protect against residual fuel spray.
ON/OFF switch.
12. Disconnect the battery leads, hoses, and adaptors. Return the vehicle's fuel system to its
normal operating condition by re-connecting the vehicle's fuel lines.
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