Multiple Fluid System Service
MANUAL #100-9050
Operator’s Manual

Table of Contents
System Features and Functions……………………………………………………………………...…..1-1
Control Panel Features and Functions………………………………………………………………...1-1
Left View…………………………………………………………………………………………………..1-2
Right View…………………………………………………………………………………………………1-3
Theory of Operation……………………………………………………………………………………...1-4
Safety Information…………………………………………………………………………………………...2-1
Before You Begin…………………………………………………………………………………………….3-1
First Time Operation..................................................................................................................... 3-1
Service Procedure............................................................................................................................. 4-1
Troubleshooting and Additional Help.............................................................................................5-1
Appendix A - Maintenance ...............................................................................................................A-1
Maintenance Procedures.............................................................................................................. A-1
Replacing the Unit’s Filter. …………………………………………………………………. ............. . A-1
Maintenance Record ....................................................................................................................A-2
Appendix B - System Accessories..................................................................................................B-1
Included Adaptors………………………………………………………………………………..………B-1
Optional Adaptors………………………………………………………………………………..………B-2
Appendix C - Parts ............................................................................................................................C-1
Service Parts. C-1
Ordering Parts……………………………………………………………………………………………C-1

Congratulations on your selection of the FLUIDVAC 1000 Service Unit.
By choosing this product, you are acquiring a simple and trouble free method for performing fluid system
evacuation and refill services.
The FLUIDVAC 1000 System is designed to service most automotive applications by exchanging most of
the fluid in engine oil pans, manual transmissions and differentials. Connections to the vehicle are
achieved with the supplied adaptors.
Once connected, the unit can be safely used to:
Vacuum out the old fluid.
Refill vehicle with new fluid from “clean” tank.
Refill vehicle with “used” fluid previously removed from vehicle.
Have all associated personnel study this Operators Manual completely to become thoroughly familiar with
the FLUIDVAC 1000 Cooling System Service Unit & it’s proper operation.
Use of additives or chemicals during services may cause operational failure of
the FLUIDVAC 1000 Service System and will void the manufacturer’s warranty.
See the warranty card for specific details.

This manual contains all the information you need to use the FLUIDVAC 1000 Service Equipment. Please
make sure all technicians using the unit & performing services read this manual and have it within easy
reach whenever the unit is being used.
The following is a quick reference to the information in this manual.
System Features and Functions
This chapter describes the FLUIDVAC 1000 Service System’s Controls, Connections and their
proper usage.
Safety Information
Read & adhere to the safety guidelines in this chapter at all times!
Before You Begin
Follow the instructions in this chapter to prime the unit & check operation before using
the FLUIDVAC 1000 unit for the first time.
Service Procedure
This chapter contains a step-by-step setup and service procedures for:
Relieving system pressure
Evacuating fluids
Refilling new or used fluids
Troubleshooting and Additional Help
Turn to this chapter in the unlikely event you have problems with your FLUIDVAC 1000 service
equipment or need additional help.
Appendices - Maintenance, Accessories, and Parts
The appendices contain routine maintenance procedures for the FLUIDVAC 1000 such as
cleaning the filter, lists of any available accessories & replacement parts.

System Features and Functions
The front of the FLUIDVAC 1000 Service unit contains the Control Panel,
Fluid Filler Neck for adding fluid to the unit’s Reservoir Tank & Tank Level Indicator.
System overview and descriptions follow.
Front View - Control Panel Features and Functions
A. Flow Control Valves
B. Air input control valve. Turns on and off the ‘shop’ air flow to the pump.
Controls flow directions for vacuum, hold vacuum, and fill
C. Clean fluid tank fill neck Access to clean fluid tank. (26 quarts maximum capacity)
D. Clean fluid tank level
E. Used/waste fluid tank level
Visual access to monitor fluid level in clean fluid tank.
Visual access to monitor fluid level in used fluid tank.