Model T5403 series
Control Buttons
Display Screen Guide
Getting Started
Installin g the NiM H Recharg eable Batt ery Pack
1. Turn the rad io off.
2. With t he back o f the radi o facing you, lift the batt ery cover l atch up a nd
remove the cover.
3. Remove the batte ry pack f rom the cl ear plast ic bag (D o not dis assemble
or unw rap the b attery pa ck).
4. Insert the NiMH battery pack with the diag ram facing you.
5. Reposi tion the battery c over and p ress down t o secure.
Radio Bat tery Mete r
Removing t he NiMH B attery Pac k
1. Turn the rad io off.
2. With t he back o f the radi o facing you, lift the batt ery latch up to rel ease the
batte ry cover a nd remove th e cover.
3. Gently remove the NiMH bat tery.
4. Reposi tion the battery c over and p ress down t o secure.
Removing t he Three AA Batter ies
1. Turn the rad io off.
2. With t he back o f the radi o facing you, lift the batt ery latch up to rel ease the
batte ry cover a nd remove th e cover.
3. Gently remove eac h battery by easing each bat tery out individua lly.
4. Reposi tion the battery c over and p ress down t o secure.
• Exercise care when removing NiMH or A A batteri es. Do not use shar p or
conduc tive tools to remove either of these ba tteries.
• Remove t he batter ies before storing your radio for exten d periods of time.
Batter ies corrod e over tim e and may cause per manent da mage to yo ur radio.
Using the Battery Charger
The batte ry charger provides drop-in ch arging con venience for NiMH batteries and
can be pl aced on a ny flat su rface, suc h as a de sk or work bench. Ch arge the N iMH
battery ov ernight ( at least 16 hours) before usi ng it for the first time. Aft er the
initial c harge, an e mpty batt ery is fu lly charge d within 14 hours.
1. Follow the steps above to i nstall a NiMH Batt ery Pack.
2. Plug t he AC power supply c ord into t he jack o n the des k stand.
3. Plug t he AC power supply i nto a sta ndard wall outlet.
4. With a radio fac ing forwa rd, slide it into o ne of the charging pockets.
• The red light wil l glow con tinuousl y to indic ate the r adio is c orrectly c onnected
and ch arging. Th e light w ill remain red afte r the bat tery pack is fully charged.
• When mov ing betwee n hot an d cold tem peratures, do not ch arge the b attery un til
the ba ttery tem perature a cclimates (usually about 20 minutes) .
• For opti mal batte ry life, re move the ra dio from t he charger within 1 6 hours. D o
not st ore the ra dio in th e charger.
• Turn radio of f while i n charging tray.
Attaching and Removi ng the Be lt Clip
1. Attach belt clip to pocke t or belt strap.
2. Align the belt clip post with the hole in the back of the rad io.
3. Gently push unt il the cl ip clicks in place.
Use to:
• Select menu options
• Exit the menu(when
pressedwhile in a
• Lock and unlock the
keypad(when held
downand not ina
Accessory Jack
Use and to:
• Scroll through menus
Use to:
•Turn radio on/off
LED Indicator Light
• Save a se tting
Use to:
•Transmit call tone
Removable front cover
–Battery Meter
Numbers for
Call Tone
Numbers for
Use With Accessories
– Talk ConfirmationTone
(Roger Beep)
Safety and General Information
Important Information on Safe and Ef ficient Opera tion
Read This Information Before Using Your Ra dio.
The infor mation pro vided in this docu ment supe rsedes the general saf ety
informati on in use r guides published prior to December 1, 2002.
Transmit and Rec eive Procedure
Your two-way ra dio conta ins a tran smitter a nd a rece iver. To control your
exposure a nd ensure complian ce with t he general p opulation /uncontrol led
environmen t exposur e limits, always adher e to the fo llowing pro cedure:
• Transmit no more than 50% of th e time.
• To receive ca lls, relea se the PT T button.
• To transmit (talk), p ress the P ush to Talk (P TT) butto n.
Transmitting 50 % of the time, or l ess, is im portant b ecause th e radio
generates measurabl e RF energ y exposure only whe n transmit ting (in
terms of measuring standards complian ce).
Exposure to Radio Freq uency Energy
Your Motorola two-way rad io compli es with t he followi ng RF ene rgy
exposure s tandards and guide lines:
• United States Fe deral com municatio ns Commis sion, Code of Federa l
Regulatio ns; 47CFR part 2 s ub-part J.
• Americ an Nation al Standa rds Instit ute (ANSI )/Institu te of Ele ctrical
and Elect ronic Engi neers (IE EE) C95. 1-1992.
• Instit ute of El ectrical and Elect ronics Eng ineers (IE EE) C95.1 -1999
• Intern ational C ommission on Non-I onizing R adiation Protection ( ICNIRP)
• Minist ry of Hea lth (Cana da) Safet y Code 6. Limits o f Human E xposure
to Radio frequency Electromag netic Fie lds in th e Frequency Range
from 3 KHz to 300 G Hz, 1999.
• Austral ian commu nications Authority Radio co mmunicati ons
(Electroma gnetic Ra diation—H uman Expo sure) Sta ndard, 200 3.
• ANATAL ANNEX to Resolu tion No. 303 of Ju ly 2, 200 2 “Regula tion of
limitatio n of expo sure to el ectrical, magnetic and elec tromagnet ic
fields in the radio frequency range bet ween 9 KHz and 300G Hz” and
“Attachmen t to reso lution #3 03 from Ju ly 2, 200 2”.
To assure optim al radio p erformanc e and mak e sure hum an exposu re
to radio f requency e lectromagn etic energ y is with in the gu idelines set
forth in the above standards, always adhe re to the following pro cedures.
Portable Ra dio Operation and EME Expos ure
Antenna C are
Use only the suppl ied or an approved re placement antenna. U nauthoriz ed
antennas, modificat ions, or attachmen ts could damage the radio and may
violate re gulations .
Do NOT hold the ante nna when the radio is “IN US E.” Holdi ng the ante nna
affects t he effect ive range.
Body-Worn Operation
To maintain co mpliances with RF exposure g uidelines, if you we ar a radio
on your bo dy when t ransmitti ng, always p lace the radio in a Motorolasupplied or approved clip hol der, holste r, case or b ody harness for this
product. U se of Non -Motorola -approved ac cessories m ay exceed RF
exposure g uidelines .
If you do not use o ne of the Motorola -supplied or approved body-wor n
accessori es and are not usin g the rad io held i n the nor mal use pos ition,
ensure the radio an d its ant enna are a t least 1 inch (2. 5 cm) from
your body when tran smitting.
Data Oper ation
If applic able, when using any data fea ture of th e radio wi th or wit hout
an access ory cable, position th e radio an d its ant enna at l east one
inch (2.5 cm) from the body.
Approved Acc essories
For a list of approve d Motorola accessor ies, visit our Web s ite at
www.motorola. com.
Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility
Note: Nearly every electronic device is suscepti ble to el ectromagne tic
interferen ce (EMI) if inadeq uately sh ielded, d esigned o r otherwi se
configured for elec tromagnet ic compat ibility. Oper ation is subject t o the
following two condi tions:
1. This d evice may n ot cause harmful i nterferen ce; and
2. This d evice must accept a ny interf erence rece ived, incl uding
interferen ce that m ay cause undesired operation.
To avoid electro magnetic interferen ce and/or compatib ility con flicts, turn
off your r adio in a ny facilit y where po sted noti ces instr uct you to d o so.
Hospitals or healt h care fac ilities m ay be usi ng equipm ent that is sensitive
to extern al RF ene rgy.
When inst ructed to do so, t urn off yo ur radio when onbo ard an airc raft.
Any use of a radio must be i n accordan ce with a pplicable regulatio ns per
airline c rew instru ctions.
Medical D evices – Pac emakers
The Advanc ed Medica l Technology As sociation recommend s that a mi nimum
separation of 6 inc hes (15 c m) be mai ntained b etween a ha ndheld wir eless
radio and a pacemak er. These re commendat ions are con sistent w ith the
independe nt researc h by and re commendat ions of the U.S. Food and Drug
Administra tion.
People wit h pacemake rs should:
• ALWAYS keep the radio mor e than 6 inches (1 5 cm) from their
pacemaker when the radio is turned ON .
• Not ca rry the ra dio in th e breast p ocket.
• Use th e ear opp osite the pacemaker to minim ize the p otential for
interferen ce.
• Turn the rad io OFF im mediately if there is any rea son to su spect tha t
interferen ce is tak ing place.
Medical D evices – H earing Ai ds
Some digi tal wirele ss radios may inter fere with some hear ing aids. In
the event of such i nterferenc e, you may wa nt to con sult your hearing
aid manuf acturer to discuss alternati ves.
Medical D evices-other
If you use any othe r personal medical device, con sult the m anufactu rer
of your de vice to d etermine if it is adequatel y shielded from RF energy.
Your physicia n may be a ble to as sist you i n obtaini ng this i nformatio n.
Safety and General Use While Driving
Check the laws and r egulation s regarding the use of radios in the ar ea
where you drive, and a lways obey t hem. If yo u do use your radio while
driving, please:
• Give fu ll attent ion to dr iving and to the r oad.
• Use ha nds-free o peration, if availab le.
• Pull o ff the roa d and par k before making or answering a call i f driving
condition s so requi re.
Do not pl ace a por table radi o in the area over a n air bag or in th e air
bag deploy ment area . Air bag s inflate with grea t force. If a portab le
radio is p laced in the air b ag deploy ment area and the a ir bag in flates,
the radio may be pro pelled wi th great f orce and c ause seri ous injur y to
occupants of the ve hicle.
The use o f a two-way radio whi le engage d in acti vities req uiring co ncentratio n
may cause distracti on or oth erwise im pair your ability t o safely participa te in
such acti vities. A lways use t echnology safely.
For More Information
Menu Options
Selecting the Chan nel
Your radio ha s 8 chann els. Chan nels 1-8 are 0.5 wat t.
1. With t he radio o n, press . T he current channel flashes.
2. Press or to set the chan nel.
Two-Way Radio
User’s Guide
For further information, you may call at (65) 6841 2668
Increase or decrease volume
Use Push to Talk to :
Monitor the selected
channel for activity
Installing the Batteries
Each radio uses 1 NiMH rechargeable battery pack or 3 AA alkaline batteries and
beeps when the batteries are low.
Installing the Three AA Alkaline Batteries
1. Turn the radio off.
2. With the back of the radio facing you, lift the battery cover latch up and remove
the cover.
3. Insert the three AA alkaline batteries with + and - polarity as shown inside.
4. Reposition the battery cover and press down to secure.
The radio battery icon shows the battery charge level, from full to
empty . When the radio has one segment left, the radio chirps
periodically or after releasing (Low Battery Alert).
Battery C harger Sa fety Inst ructions:
Save these Instruct ions
1. Do not expose t he charger to rain or snow.
2. Do not operate o r disasse mble the charger i f it has received a sharp
blow, or has been drop ped or da maged in a ny way.
3. Never a lter the AC cord or plug provid ed with t he unit. If the pl ug will
not fit t he outlet , have the proper ou tlet inst alled by a qualifie d
electrici an. An im proper con dition ca n result i n a risk of electr ic
4. To reduce th e risk of damage t o the cord or plug, pull the plug rat her
than the cord when disconnec ting the charger f rom the AC receptacle.
5. To reduce th e risk of electric shock, u nplug the charger f rom the ou tlet
before att empting a ny mainte nance or cleaning.
6. Use of an attac hment not recommend ed or sol d by Moto rola may
result in a risk of fire, elec tric shoc k or perso nal injur y.
7. Make su re the co rd is loca ted so it will not be stepp ed on, tr ipped over
or subjec ted to da mage or s tress.
8. An ext ension co rd should not be us ed unless absolute ly necess ary.
Use of an improper extension cord cou ld result in a risk of a fire
and/or el ectric sh ock. If a n extensi on cord mu st be use d, make su re
• The pi ns on the plug of the exten sion cord are the sa me number, size
and shape as those on the p lug of th e charger.
• The ex tension c ord is pro perly wire d and in good elec trical co ndition.
• The co rd size is 18 AWG for lengths u p to 100 feet , and 16 AWG for
lengths u p to 150 feet.
9. The su pply cord of this c harger ca nnot be re placed. I f the cord is
damaged, please ref er to War ranty sect ion.
Potentiall y Explosi ve Atmosphe res
Turn off your ra dio prior to enter ing any a rea with a potentia lly explo sive
atmosphere. Only radi o types t hat are es pecially qualified should b e used
in such a reas as “I ntrinsica lly Safe.” Do not re move, instal l or charge
batteries in such areas. Spa rks in a p otentiall y explosi ve atmosphere can
cause an explosion or fire r esulting in bodily injury or e ven death.
Note: The are as with p otentiall y explosi ve atmosp heres refer red to above
include f ueling are as such a s below de cks on bo ats, fuel or chemical transfer
or storage faciliti es, areas where the air conta ins chemica ls or par ticles (s uch
as grain, dust or m etal powde rs) and any o ther area where you would norm ally
be advise d to turn off your vehicle eng ine. Areas w ith poten tially ex plosive
atmosphere s are oft en—but no t always—poste d.
Blasting Caps and Areas
To avoid possibl e interfe rence with blastin g operatio ns, turn o ff your radi o when
you are ne ar electri cal blast ing caps, in a bla sting area , or in area s posted “Turn
off two-way radios.” O bey all s igns and instructi ons.
Operation al Cautions
Do not us e any port able radio that has a damage d antenna . If a d amaged
antenna c omes into contact with your skin, a m inor burn can resu lt.
All batte ries can cause prop erty dama ge and/or bodily i njury suc h as
burns if a conduct ive materi al—like j ewelry, keys or beaded ch ains—
touch exp osed term inals. The conducti ve materia l may com plete an
electrica l circuit (short ci rcuit) an d become q uite hot . Exercise care in
handling any charge d battery, p articular ly when p lacing it inside a
pocket, pu rse or ot her conta iner with metal ob jects.
Exercise c are when r emoving Ni MH or AA batteries. Do not u se sharp or
conductive tools to remove eit her of th ese batte ries.
To Remove
1. Push d own on the release t ab at th e top of the belt clip to re lease the catch.
2. Pull t he belt c lip away fro m the bac k of the radio.
Turning Your Radio On and O ff
Turn cl ockwise t o turn th e radio on and coun terclockwi se to tur n the rad io off.
1. In the ON posit ion, the radio chir ps and br iefly show s all fea ture icons available
on th e radio.
2. The di splay scre en then s hows the cu rrent chan nel, code and all features t hat
are en abled.
Setting t he Volume
2. Rotate c lockwise to increas e the volu me or cou nterclock wise to de crease
the vo lume.
Do not ho ld the rad io close to your e ar. If the v olume is set to an uncomfor table
level, it could hur t your ear.
1. Rotate w hile hold ing down unt il you rea ch a comf ortable l istening level.
Talking and Listening
To communicate, all radio s in your group must be set t o the sam e channel and
Interferen ce Elimin ator Code.
1. To talk, pre ss and ho ld .
2. When yo u are fin ished tal king, rele ase .
For maximu m clarity, h old the r adio two t o three in ches away f rom your mo uth
and speak directly into the microphon e. Do not c over the m icrophone while tal king.
Talk Range
Your radio is designed to maxim ize perfo rmance an d improve t ransmissio n range.
Do not us e the radi os closer than 5 f eet apart .
Monitor B utton
level of t he radio w hen you are not recei ving. Thi s allows yo u to adju st the
channel b efore you talk.
Push to Talk Ti meout Time r
To prevent accid ental tran smissions and save b attery li fe, the rad io emits a
continuou s warning tone and stops tra nsmitting if you pre ss for 60
continuou s seconds.
Setting a nd Transmittin g Call Tones
Your radio ca n transmi t differen t call to nes to ot her radios in your g roup so yo u
can alert them tha t you want to talk. You have 5 call t ones from which to choose.
Selecting The Inte rference E liminator Code
Interferen ce Elimin ator Code s help mi nimize in terference by block ing transm issions
from unkno wn sources.Your radio has 38 Interference Eliminator Codes.
To set the cod e for a c hannel:
1. Press un til the c ode start s to flas h.
You can set a differen t code fo r each ch annel usi ng this p rocedure.An e xtended
press of or al lows you to scroll through the Inter ference C ode rapid ly so
you can q uickly re ach the code you want.
2. Press or to select t he code.
To set a call tone:
1. With t he radio o n, press th ree times. The curren t call to ne settin g flashes
and dis plays.
2. Press or to change a nd hear t he call t one.
To transmit your call tone to other rad ios set t o the sam e channel and
Inter ference El iminator Code as yo ur radio, press .
Transmitting a Talk Confirma tion Tone
You can set your radio to transm it an uni que tone when you f inish tran smitting.
It's like saying “ro ger” or “ over” to le t others k now you are finished talking.
• To turn talk confirma tion tone off, tur n your radi o off and then bac k on
while pressing and holdi ng .
appea rs in the display.
• Setting the call tone to disabl es the ca ll tone f eature.
3. Press to se t the new call tone or to conti nue set u p.
Setting t he Sensit ivity Level
Adjusting the radio ’s sensit ivity level helps mi nimize th e possibi lity of u nintended
noises tr iggering a transmis sion and helps the radio pi ck up sof t voices.
2. Press or to sel ect the s ensitivit y level.
3. Press to set .
Note: When you c onnect a headset, the radio is automa tically s et to the last
chosen se nsitivity level.
Hands-free Use with Accessori es (VOX)
You can trans mit hands -free more reliably with the use of op tional he adset
accessori es. Once V OX is turn ed on, th e radio de fects your voice and transmit s
when you s peak.
1. Turn the rad io off.
2. Insert the plug of the a udio acce ssory fir mly into the acces sory jack .
5. To transmit, speak in to access ory microp hone.
6. To receive, st op talkin g.
To turn VOX off, press or remove the audi o accesso ry.
3. Turn the rad io on. display s.
Note:There is a sho rt delay between th e time you start ta lking and when the
radio tran smits. The re is a sh ort delay before the transmis sion is c ompleted.
Using Aud io Access ories
Many accessories (sold separately) are available for your radio. For more information,
visit our web site at
Channel B usy Indica tor
When a ch annel is busy, the LED flashes twice per second.
Channel Frequency (MHz) Channel Frequency (MHz)
1 446.00625
2 446.01875
3 446.03125
4 446.04375
7 446.08125
6 446.06875
5 446.05625
8 446.09375
Channels and Freque ncies
3. Press to co nfirm your selectio n or to conti nue set u p.
Use monitor to:
Pressing a nd holdin g f or three s econds al lows you to listen t o the volu me
volume, if necessary. You can also press to chec k for act ivity on the curren t
3. Press t o save the c ode setti ng or to co ntinue se t up.
• To turn talk confirma tion tone on, press and hold whil e you turn the radi o on.
4. Adjust the volu me approp riately by rotating . Lowe r the radi o volume
before pl acing the accessor y on your head or in your ear.
1. Press unt il displays.
= Medium Sensitivity for most environments
= High Sensitivity for quiet environments
= Low Sensitivity for noisy environments
Interferen ce Elimin ator Code s. Select 0 for " no tone, no code".
You must set the Inte rference E liminator Code to on a radio tha t uses
Interferen ce Elimin ator Code s to comm unicate w ith radios that do not have