Setting t he Volume
1. Press the to in crease or to decrea se the vo lume. Th e
volu me level flashes and “V” d isplays.
Do not ho ld the ra dio clos e to your ear. If the volum e is set to an
uncomfort able leve l, it co uld hurt your ear.
Two-Way Radios
Control Buttons
Getting Started
Installin g the Batteri es:
Your radi o uses th ree AAA Alkaline batteries and beep s when th e
batteries are low.
1. Turn t he radio off.
2. Use a coin to w edge the batter c over open .
3. Insert three AA A Alkalin e batter ies as sh own on th e inside of the
batt ery compa rtment.
4. Reposi tion the battery cover and press do wn to sec ure.
Low Batte ry Alert
When the battery i s empty, the radi o chirps periodica lly after
releasing .
Talk Conf irmation Tone
Your radi o transmi ts a uni que tone when you finish tr ansmittin g. It is
like sayi ng "Roger " or "Ove r" to le t others know you are finis hed talki ng.
Easily fi nds your group's channel b y searchi ng all ch annels fo r activit y.
1. Press twice until an d flashin g Y or – displays
2. Press either
until Y d isplays t o turn s canning o n
until - d isplays t o turn s canning o n
3. Press to confi rm
When the radio det ects cha nnel acti vity, it stops sca nning and you hear
the trans mission. To resp ond, pres s PTT wit hin 5 sec onds.
Attaching and Removing the belt cli p
Hook the belt clip into th e notch a t the top of the r adio and slide dow n
until it clicks in to place .
To Remove
Squeeze t he releas e latch together and slide the clip up and a way from
the radio .
Talking and Listening
Special Features
To commun icate, al l radios in your group mus t be set to the sa me
1. To tal k, press and hold .
2. When y ou are fi nished t alking, r elease .
For maxim um clarit y, hold the radio two to t hree inch es away f rom your
mouth and speak di rectly i nto the m icrophone . Do not cover the
microphon e while t alking.
Note: Thi s radio d oes not have Inte rference Eliminato r Codes. To
communica te with r adios th at use In terferenc e Elimina tor Codes , the
Interfere nce Elimi nator Co de must b e set to 0.
Talk Rang e
Your radi o is desi gned to maximize performan ce and im prove
transmiss ion range . Do not use the radios cl oser than five fee t apart.
Push to T alk Tim eout Timer
To preven t acciden tal tran smissions and save battery life, the radio
emits a c ontinuous warning tone and stops tr ansmittin g if you press
PTT for 6 0 continu ous seco nds.
Turning Y our Radio On and Off
1. To tur n on , pr ess and hold unt il a chan nel numbe r appears
and the radio beeps.
2.To turn off, pre ss and h old unti l the dis play goes blank.
Initial Setup
Selecting a Channel
Your radi o has 8 c hannels.
1. With t he radio on, pres s . The cu rrent cha nnel flas hes.
2. Press or to selec t a chann el.
3. Press to confirm your sele ction or t o continu e set up.
Transmitt ing Call Tone s
To transm it your c all tone to other radios s et to the same cha nnel as
your radi o, press
Note: To receiv e the cal l tone, radios th at use In terferenc e Elimina tor
Codes mus t be set to 0.
Push to Talk
• Save a setting
•Transmit call tone
Use and
• Scroll through
Use to:
• Turn radio on/off.
• Select Menu
• Exit the Menu
in a Menu)
Channels and Frequenci es
Continued on back
For More Information
For further information, you may call:
Alcom Electronics Pte LTD
37, Kallang Pudding Road,
Blk-B Tong Lee Building,
#05-08, Singapore 349315
PH: (65) 6841 2668, FAX: (65) 6841 2628
Safety and General Information
Important Information on Safe and E fficient Opera tion
Read This Information Before Using Your Radio.
The infor mation pr ovided i n this do cument su persedes the gener al
safety in formation in user guides p ublished prior to December 1, 2002.
Transmit and Receive P rocedure
Your two- way radio contain s a trans mitter an d a recei ver. To c ontrol
your expo sure and ensure c ompliance with the general
populatio n/uncontr olled en vironment exposure limits, always ad here to
the follo wing proc edure:
• Transm it no mor e than 5 0% of the time.
• To rec eive call s, relea se the PT T button.
• To tra nsmit (ta lk), pre ss the Pu sh to Tal k (PTT) b utton.
Transmitt ing 50% o f the ti me, or le ss, is im portant b ecause th e radio
generates measurab le RF en ergy expo sure only when tra nsmitting (in
terms of measuring standar ds compli ance).
Exposure to Radio Freq uency Energy
Your Moto rola two- way radi o complie s with th e
following RF energ y exposu re standa rds and g uidelines :
• United States F ederal c ommunicat ions Comm ission, C ode of Fe deral
Regulatio ns; 47CFR part 2 sub-part J
• Americ an Nation al Stand ards Inst itute (AN SI)/Insti tute of E lectrical
and Elect ronic Eng ineers ( IEEE) C95 . 1-1992
• Instit ute of El ectrical and Elec tronics E ngineers (IEEE) C9 5.1-1999
• Intern ational C ommissio n on Non- Ionizing Radiation Protecti on
(ICNIRP) 1998
• Minist ry of Hea lth (Can ada) Safe ty Code 6 . Limits of Human Exposure
to Radiof requency Electrom agnetic F ields in the Frequ ency Rang e
from 3 KH z to 300 GHz, 199 9
• Austra lian comm unicatio ns Author ity Radio communica tions
(Electrom agnetic R adiation —Human Ex posure) S tandard, 2003
• ANATAL ANNEX to Resolut ion No. 3 03 of Jul y 2, 2002 “Regulat ion of
limitatio n of expo sure to electrica l, magnet ic and el ectromagn etic
fields in the radi o freque ncy range between 9 KHz and 300GHz” and
“Attachme nt to res olution #303 from July 2, 2002”
To assure optimal radio pe rformance and make sure hum an exposu re
to radio frequency electro magnetic energy is within t he guidel ines set
forth in the above standar ds, alway s adhere to the fo llowing
procedure s.
Portable Radio Operati on and EME Ex posure
Antenna C are
Use only the suppl ied or a n approve d replace ment ante nna.
Unauthori zed anten nas, mod ification s, or att achments could dam age
the radio and may violate regulatio ns.
Do NOT ho ld the an tenna wh en the ra dio is “I N USE.” H olding th e
antenna a ffects th e effect ive range .
Body-Worn Operati on
To mainta in compli ances wi th RF exp osure gui delines, if you we ar a
radio on your body when tr ansmittin g, always place th e radio i n a
Motorola- supplied or appro ved clip, holder, holster, case or b ody
harness f or this p roduct. Use of No n-Motorol a-approve d accesso ries
may excee d RF expo sure gui delines.
If you do not use one of t he Motoro la-suppli ed or app roved bod y-worn
accessori es and ar e not us ing the r adio held in the n ormal use
position, ensure th e radio a nd its a ntenna ar e at leas t 1 inch (2.5 cm)
from your body whe n transm itting.
Battery C harger S afety Ins tructions :
Save thes e Instruc tions
1. Do not expose t he charg er to rai n or snow .
2. Do not operate or disas semble th e charger if it ha s receive d a sharp
blow, or has b een drop ped or da maged in any way.
3. Never alter the AC cord or plug provided with the unit. If the plug will
not f it the ou tlet, ha ve the pr oper outl et instal led by a qualified
elect rician. A n improp er condit ion can r esult in a risk of electric
shock .
4. To red uce the r isk of d amage to the cord or plug, pull the plug rath er
than the cord when dis connectin g the cha rger from the AC r eceptacle .
5. To red uce the r isk of e lectric s hock, unp lug the c harger fr om the ou tlet
befor e attempt ing any maintenan ce or cle aning.
6. Use of an attac hment no t recomme nded or s old by Mo torola ma y
resul t in a ri sk of fi re, elect ric shock or perso nal injur y.
7. Make s ure the c ord is l ocated so it will not be st epped on, tripped over
or su bjected t o damage or stres s.
8. An ext ension co rd shoul d not be used unle ss absolu tely nece ssary.
Use o f an impr oper ext ension co rd could result in a risk o f a fire
and/o r electri c shock. If an ex tension c ord must be used, make sure
• The pi ns on the plug of the exte nsion cor d are the same num ber, size
and shape as those on the plug of t he charge r.
• The ex tension c ord is p roperly w ired and in good e lectrical conditio n.
• The co rd size i s 18 AWG for leng ths up to 100 feet , and 16 AWG for
lengths u p to 150 feet.
9. The su pply cord of this charger cannot be replaced . If the cord is
damag ed, pleas e refer to warran ty sectio n.
Potential ly Explo sive Atmo spheres
Turn off your radi o prior to enteri ng any ar ea with a potentia lly explo sive
atmospher e. Only r adio typ es that a re especi ally qual ified sho uld be
used in s uch areas as “Int rinsicall y Safe.” Do not re move, ins tall or
charge ba tteries i n such a reas. Spa rks in a potential ly explos ive
atmospher e can cau se an ex plosion o r fire re sulting i n bodily injury or
even deat h.
Note: The areas wi th poten tially ex plosive a tmosphere s referre d to
above inc lude fuel ing area s such as below de cks on bo ats, fuel or
chemical transfer or stora ge facili ties, are as where the air c ontains
chemicals or parti cles (su ch as gra in, dust or metal powders) and any
other are a where y ou would normally be advis ed to tur n off you r vehicle
engine. A reas with potenti ally expl osive atm ospheres are often —but not
always—po sted.
Blasting Caps and Areas
To avoid possible interfer ence with blasting operatio ns, turn off your
radio whe n you are near el ectrical blasting caps, in a blastin g area, o r in
areas pos ted “Turn off two -way radi os.” Obey all sign s and ins tructions .
Operation al Cautions
Do not us e any por table ra dio that has a dam aged ante nna. If a damaged
antenna c omes into contact with you r skin, a minor bu rn can re sult.
All batte ries can cause pr operty da mage and/ or bodily injury s uch as
burns if a conduct ive mate rial—like jewelry, keys or beaded ch ains—
touch exp osed term inals. T he conduc tive mate rial may complete an
electrica l circuit (short circuit) and becom e quite h ot. Exerc ise care in
handling any charg ed batte ry, parti cularly w hen placi ng it ins ide a
pocket, p urse or o ther con tainer wi th metal objects.
Data Oper ation
If applic able, whe n using any data feature o f the rad io with o r without
an access ory cable , positi on the ra dio and i ts antenn a at leas t one
inch (2.5 cm) from the bod y
Approved Accessor ies
For a lis t of appr oved Mot orola acc essories, visit ou t Web sit e at
Electroma gnetic Interf erence/Compat ibility
Note: Nearly ev ery elect ronic de vice is s usceptibl e to elec tromagnet ic
interfere nce (EMI) if inad equately shielded, designed or other wise
configure d for ele ctromagn etic comp atibility . Operati on is sub ject to t he
following two cond itions:
1. This d evice may not cau se harmfu l interfe rence; an d
2. This d evice mus t accept any inte rference received, includin g
interfere nce that may caus e undesir ed operat ion.
Facilitie s
To avoid electroma gnetic i nterferen ce and/or compatib ility con flicts,
turn off your radi o in any facility where po sted noti ces instr uct you t o
do so. Ho spitals o r health care fac ilities m ay be usi ng equipm ent that is
sensitive to exter nal RF e nergy.
When inst ructed to do so, turn off your radi o when on board on aircraft.
Any use o f a radio must be in accor dance wit h applica ble regul ations
per airli ne crew i nstructi ons.
Medical D evices – Pacemake rs
The Advan ced Medic al Techn ology Ass ociation recommend s that a
minimum s eparation of 6 in ches (15 cm) be ma intained between a
handheld wireless radio an d a pacem aker. The se recomm endations are
consisten t with th e indepe ndent res earch by and recom mendation s of
the U.S. Food and Drug Adm inistrati on.
People wi th pacema kers sho uld:
• ALWAYS keep the radio m ore than 6 inches (15 cm) f rom their
pacemaker when the radio i s turned ON.
• Not ca rry the r adio in the breas t pocket.
• Use th e ear opp osite th e pacemak er to min imize the potentia l for
interfere nce.
• Turn t he radio OFF imme diately i f there i s any rea son to su spect tha t
interfere nce is ta king pla ce.
Medical D evices – Hearing Aids
Some digi tal wirel ess radi os may in terfere w ith some hearing a ids. In
the event of such interfer ence, you may want to consu lt your h earing
aid manuf acturer t o discus s alterna tives.
Other Med ical Dev ices
If you us e any oth er perso nal medic al device , consult the manu facturer
of your d evice to determin e if it i s adequat ely shiel ded from RF energy .
Your phys ician may be able to assis t you in obtaining this inf ormation.
Safety an d General Use While Driving
Check the laws and regulat ions rega rding the use of r adios in the area
where you drive, a nd alway s obey th em. If yo u do use your radi o while
driving, please:
• Give f ull atten tion to driving a nd to the road.
• Use ha nds-free operatio n, if ava ilable.
• Pull o ff the ro ad and p ark befor e making or answer ing a cal l if driv ing
condition s so requ ire.
Do not pl ace a por table ra dio in th e area ov er an air bag or i n the air
bag deplo yment are a. Air b ags infla te with g reat forc e. If a p ortable
radio is placed in the air bag depl oyment ar ea and th e air bag inflates ,
the radio may be p ropelled with gre at force and cause serious injury to
occupants of the v ehicle.
Frequency (MHz)
446.00625 MHz
446.01875 MHz
446.03125 MHz
446.04375 MHz
446.05625 MHz
446.06875 MHz
446.08125 MHz
446.09375 MHz