Motorola T6FM1 Users Manual



Mail Functions of FOMA Handset ...........................................................................


What is i-mode Mail? ................................................................................................


Displaying Mail Menu<Mail Menu>..........................................................................


Creating i-mode Mail/Deco-Mail


Creating and Sending i-mode Mail<Creating/sending i-mode mail> ...........


Creating and Sending Deco-mail<Deco-mail>...............................................


Creating Deco-mail Using Template<Template>............................................


Attaching a File<File attachment> ..................................................................


Receiving/Operating i-mode Mail


When i-mode Mail is Received<Automatic reception of mail>.....................


Selecting and Receiving i-mode Mail<Receive option>................................


Checking for i-mode Mails<Check new message>........................................


Replying to i-mode Mail<Replying i-mode Mail> ...........................................


Forwarding i-mode Mail to Another Destination


<Forwarding i-mode Mail> ...............................................................................


Registering Mail Address to Phonebook........................................................


Replaying/Saving Melody from i-mode Mail<Save Melody>.........................


Displaying/Saving Image of Image Mail<Receiving Image Mail> .................


Replaying/Saving i-motion from i-motion Mail...............................................


Operating Mail Box


Displaying Mails in Outbox/Inbox/Unsentbox


<Outbox/Inbox/Unsentbox> .............................................................................


Configuring Mail Settings


Setting FOMA Handset Mail Functions<Mail setting>...................................



Using Chat Mail


Chat Mail............................................................................................................


Creating and Sending Chat Mail<Creating/sending chatmail>.....................


Using SMS (Short Message)


Creating and Sending SMS (Short Message) <Creating/Sending SMS> .....


Automatically Receiving SMS (Short Message)<Receiving SMS>...............


Checking for SMS (Short Message)<Check New SMS> ................................


Configuring SMS (Short Message) Settings<SMS Settings> .......................



Motorola T6FM1 Users Manual

Mail Functions of FOMA


FOMA handset provides 2 mail functions: i-mode mail and SMS.

Using i-mode mail requires i-mode subscription.

Using SMS requires no i-mode subscription.

Sending and Receiving Mail

FOMA handset → FOMA handset



Up to 70 characters

i-mode Mail

i-mode Mail

Up to 5000 full-pitch characters






FOMA Handset → i-mode Service

SMS sent from FOMA handset is received by


mova service i-mode handset as i-mode mail.



i-mode Mail



i-mode Mail

i-mode Mail


Up to 2000 full-pitch characters*



mova service






*: If "Report request" is set to "ON", SMS cannot be sent to mova.

mova service i-mode handset → FOMA handset

Short mail* sent from mova service i-mode handset can be received by FOMA handset as SMS.

Up to 50 full-pitch characters

Short mail



Dial Special



number 1655

i-mode Mail


i-mode Mail


i-mode Mail

Up to 250 full-pitch characters

mova service



i-mode handset



*: Short mail is a service that allows to send and receive text messages between DoCoMo mobile phones.


What is i-mode Mail?

Upon subscription to i-mode, you can send and receive messages via internet as well as between i-mode handsets (including mova handsets). The default mail address specified at i-mode subscription is as given below.

When you have newly subscribed to i-mode

A combination of random alphanumeric characters is succeeded by @. After subscription to i-mode, check your mail address.

Example: abc1234 ...

Checking your mail address

iMenu" → "ENGLISH" → "Function" → "Mail Settings" → "Confirm Mail Address"

Between i-mode handsets (including mova handsets), mails can be sent and received using only the address preceding @.

When sending mails from PC, etc. to FOMA handset, use the whole address containing

A Mail address docomo.taro

Mail address


docomo. _ab1234yz


Address between i-mode handsets

A B docomo. _ab1234yz

B A docomo.taro

i-mode Center

Address between i-mode handset and PC

A C docomotaro@ .□□□

C A docomo.taro

Personal computer

Mail address

C docomotaro@ .□□□

Receive option

You can check subjects of i-mode mails stored in i-mode Center and select ones to be received or deleted without reception from the i-mode Center. →P176

Mail Setting

You can make various settings as described below.

Setting procedure

i→ "iMenu" → "Function" → "Mail Settings" → Each Setting

• For details, refer to "i-mode User's Manual".

Changing your mail address Mail Address (Change Mail Address)

You can change characters preceding mark @ in

amail address, e.g.,


Confirm Mail Address Mail Address (Confirm Mail Address)

You can confirm the current mail address.

Registering secret code Mail Address (Other Settings) Register a Secret Code

When using a mail address of format "mobile phone", you can register 4-digit secret code in addition to the mail address. Because mails with no secret code attached are not received, you can avoid receiving unnecessary i-mode messages.

Resetting mail address Mail Address (Other Settings) Reset Mail Address

You can set your mail address to "mobile phone".

Spam Mail Prevention

You can restrict reception of messages by setting mail reception/rejection in one of the procedures given below.

a Reject/Receive Mail Settings Receiving Mail (Spam Mail Prevention) → Reject/Receive Mail Settings

You can receive mails from one of carriers selected from au, Vodafone, DoCoMo, TU-KA and WILLCOM.

You can receive mails from the specified domain address of those sent from the carriers other than the above.

(You can reject mail pretending to use a mobile

phone or PHS domain from the Internet.)

b SMS Rejection Settings Receiving Mail (Spam Mail Prevention) → SMS Rejection Settings

You can restrict incoming SMS by selecting one from "Reject All SMS", "Reject Anonymous SMS", "Reject International SMS", and "Reject Anonymous and International SMS". You can also view the current settings.

c Restricting reception of mails from mass i-mode mail senders Receiving Mail (Other Settings)→ Reject Mass i-mode Mail Senders

You reject 201st and subsequent i-mode mails sent from one i-mode handset (including mova handset) a day. "Reject" is set by default, so you do not have

to change the settings to reject messages sent from mass mail senders.

d Reject Unsolicited Ad Mail Receiving Mail (Other Settings)→ Reject Unsolicited Ad Mail

You reject reception of mails with "Reject Unsolicited Ad Mail" description added to a mail subject which are sent unilaterally for advertisement and/or promotion without agreement of the receiver.

"Reject" is set by default, so you do not have to change the settings to reject such messages. (Senders are obligated by law to give description Unsolicited Ad Mail (6 full-pitch characters) to the beginning of the mail subject field.

Limiting mail size [Receiving Mail (Limit Mail Size)]

You can limit i-mode mails to be received with the predetermined size.

Confirm Settings [Receiving Mail (Confirm Settings)]

You can check the current settings of mail reception/rejection and others.

Suspending mail function Suspend Mail

You can suspend the mail function in the i-mode Center when it is not necessary.

Number of characters that can be sent/ received

The number of characters that can be sent/ received in i-mode mail is as listed below.


Full-pitch characters

Hal-pitch characters






(kanji characters,





hiragana characters,



numerals, katakana



pictographs, etc.)



characters, etc.)






15 characters

30 characters








50 characters






5000 characters

10000 characters






*: The number of characters that can be sent/received will be


reduced when a file such as melody, image, i-motion is


attached or the text is decorated.




Up to 5000 full-pitch characters (10000 bytes) can be sent/received in i-mode mail text, but the number of characters that can be sent/received is reduced depending on the data size of an attached file.

When i-mode mail text exceeds the number of characters that can be received, "/" or "//" is inserted in the end of the text and the excessive part is automatically deleted.

When sending i-mode mail to a mova handset, the text can contain up to 2000 full-pitch characters. In addition, i-shot or i-motion mail is sent as a mail containing URL and other attachment files are deleted.

When the number of characters in a subject exceeds the allowable limit for reception, excessive characters are deleted.

Do not use half-pitch katakana or pictographs except in mails sent or received between

i-mode handsets (including mova handsets). Such characters, if any, used for other terminals may not be displayed correctly on the receiver side.


When i-mode Mail Cannot Be Received

i-mode mail delivered to i-mode Center will be immediately sent to your i-mode handset. Note that, however, when your i-mode handset is turned off or out of the service area, the i-mode mail is stored in i-mode Center. i-mode mail stored in i-mode Center is resent up to 3 times with a predetermined interval. In addition, Receive Option can also be used to select and receive i-mode mail stored in i-mode Center.

The maximum number of i-mode mails and storage period in i-mode Center are as listed below.



Maximum number




of mails stored

storage period


i-mode mails

207 to 1000 mails

720 hours






• Expired i-mode mails are automatically deleted.


• The maximum number of stored mail varies depending on


the i-mode mail data sizes. When the maximum number of


stored mails is exceeded, $ $ appears on the i-mode


handset. At this time, i-mode Center does not receive an


i-mode mail and returns it to the sender with an error


message. Note that with Receive Option "ON", $ $ does


not appear even when the maximum number of stored


mails is exceeded.



• You can receive i-mode mails stored in i-mode Center by

"Check new message" or "Receive Option" settings. In

addition, when a new i-mode mail is delivered, you can


receive it together with other i-mode mails and Message R/


F stored.






• When i-mode mail stored in i-mode Center is received, it is deleted from i-mode Center.

• i-mode message with an excessive size may not be accepted by i-mode Center.

Other Convenient Functions

File attached mail Melody attached mail

You can send/receive a melody file downloaded from a site or Web site through mail attachment. Note that, however, a melody file whose mail attachment or output from FOMA handset is prohibited cannot be sent.

Sending →P175 Receiving →P176

Image attached mail

You can send/receive a still image file downloaded from a site or Web site through i-mode mail attachment. Note that, however, a still image file whose mail attachment or output from FOMA handset is prohibited cannot be sent. Sending →P175 Receiving →P176



You can send/receive a still image shot with a terminal with Camera function to/from i-mode handsets (including mova handsets), PCs or mobile phones of other carriers. It is sent to the receiver as a mail of attachment file format or that containing URL (or icon) for image viewing with an image storage period described. When URL is sent, the image can be acquired by selecting the URL.

A mail text sent to an i-mode handset of mova service can contain up to 184 full-pitch characters (369 bytes). When 2 or more files are attached, they are deleted and only the mail text is sent. Sending →P175 Receiving →P176

i-mode handset (FOMA)



PC, etc.










































Send a still




image using











Send an image as an






































































































































































i-mode Center

aAttached image, or mail with the URL of the attached image, or mail with the icon (URL) of the attached image

i-shot Center

i-mode handset (FOMA)


i-mode handset (mova)

bSelect the URL in mail (Web To function)*

cImage data*

*: When a mail containing URL of an attached image is received

The image is stored in i-shot Center a maximum 10 days and automatically deleted after expiration.

i-mode handset can send a still image of up to 500K bytes. When a message attached with an image exceeding 20K bytes is sent to an i-mode handset, it acquires an image with its size automatically reduced.

i-motion Mail

You can send/receive videos shot with an i-motion mail compatible handset or those acquired from sites to/from i-motion mail compatible handsets, PCs or mobile phones of other carriers. Note that, however, a video file cannot be sent if its mail attachment or output from FOMA handset is prohibited cannot be


Sending P172 Receiving P178

Service scheme

A video file attached to i-motion mail is sent to and stored in i-motion mail Center.

If it is for a PC, etc., it is directly sent as an attachment file. When it is received by an i-motion mail compatible handset, a video can be acquired by selecting URL indicated in the message text.

When a video file attached to i-motion mail is sent to a handset incompatible with i-motion mail, it is received as a mail containing URL with i-motion converted to continuous still images. The receiver can acquire the continuous images by selecting the indicated URL.

i-motion mail FOMA

PC, etc.





Send as i-mode mail

Send an image as an attachment

i-mode Center

aMail with the URL of the attached video i-shot Center


i-motion mail FOMA

i-motion Mail




Non- i-motion mail



bSelect the URL in mail (Web To function)

cAttached image or sequential still image data

Video is stored in i-motion mail Center for up to 10 days and automatically deleted after expiration.

An i-motion compatible handset can receive video of a maximum 500K bytes. The size of the received video is automatically converted so that it matches the screen of the i-motion mail compatible handset.


You can create and send or receive enjoyable i-mode mail edited in a decorative manner such as changing the font size and/or background color or pasting an image in the text. Note that, a decorated mail received from a PC may not appear exactly in the same way as on the PC, because some decorations are not available on i-mode handsets. When a Deco-mail is sent to an incompatible handset, it is received as a mail containing URL. The receiver can view the Decomail by selecting the indicated URL. Editing/Sending →P174

Applicable models: Available on Deco-mail compatible handsets. For details, refer to "i-mode User's Manual".

Simultaneous mail sending

Same i-mode mail can be sent to multiple (up to 5) addresses at a time. →P173

The communication fee is the same as that for sending one i-mode mail. Note that the communication fee will increase for the information size of added destinations.

CC or BCC sending/receiving

Similarly to PC, TO, CC and/or BCC can be selected as destinations. Note that mail with no TO destinations cannot be sent. →P173

Chat mail

Mail can be exchanged in a similar manners as chatting with multiple parties. →P186

The communication fee for exchanging chat mail with multiple parties is the same as that for simultaneous mail sending.

i-appli attached mail

You can activate i-appli from URL (link) pasted to received i-mode mail. →P157

SMS (Short Message)

You can send/receive text messages using only the mobile phone numbers without subscription

to i-mode.




Sending P187 Receiving P188 Checking








SMS (Short Message) destination


SMS destination is "subscribed mobile phone








• For destinations used for sending/receiving SMS to/


from overseas carriers other then DoCoMo, see


DoCoMo's web site.



Number of characters that can be sent/






The number of characters that can be sent/


received in SMS is as listed below.







21 characters (including "+")


SMS text entry

Full-pitch character





alphanumeric entry


(70 characters)

(160 characters)








When SMS (Short Message) cannot be received

SMS delivered to SMS Center will be immediately sent to your FOMA handset. Note that, however, when your FOMA handset is OFF or out of the service area, the SMS is stored in SMS Center.

The maximum storage period of SMS in SMS Center is 72 hours. The sender can specify the storage period. →P184

SMS expired is automatically deleted.

SMS stored in SMS Center can be received by SMS inquiry. →P189

Continued on the next page


• When SMS stored in SMS Center is received, it is deleted from SMS Center.

Mail Menu

Displaying Mail Menu

a myPerform the following operations

Mail Menu screen


Display an Inbox list screen. →P178


Display an Outbox list screen. →P179


Display an Unsentbox list screen. →P179

Compose message

Create a new i -mode mail. →P172


Compose SMS message


Create new SMS (Short Message). →P187





Display chat mail screen. →P186



• When you use chat mail for the first time, the member setup


screen appears. →P186




Deco-mail template


Display Decorated mail template screen. →P175






Call up another function from mail menu. →P226




Check new message


Receive i-mode mail stored in i-mode Center by i-mode check.






Check SMS


Receive SMS stored in SMS Center by SMS check. →P189




Receive option


You can check subjects of i-mode mails stored in i-mode Center


and select ones to be received or deleted without reception from


the i-mode Center. →P176




Message setting


Set the mail function. →P184




Creating/sending i-mode mail


Creating and Sending


i-mode Mail

• To send with attached file → "Attaching a File" (P175)


a Mail Menu screen (P172) y"Compose message"

Compose message screen

b Select the $ $ (Receiver) field ycy

Enter the receiver

Enter up to 50 half-pitch characters.

After the address is entered, a new $ $ (Receiver) field is added automatically allowing you to send more than 1 recipient.

Up to 5 addresses can be entered.

You can select and enter an address from the Phonebook or call logs. Press h[Function]. →P173

c Select the $ $ (Subject) field ycy

Enter subject yc

Up to 15 full-pitch or 30 half-pitch characters can be entered.

d Select the $ $ (Message) field ycy

Enter text yc

Up to 5000 full-pitch or 10000 half-pitch characters can be entered.

To decorate mail →P174

Message entry screen

e i[Send]

Characters may not be sent correctly to the receiver depending on the signal wave conditions.

Do not use half-pitch katakana and pictographs except for mail exchanged between i-mode handsets. These characters may not be displayed correctly.

The secret code is added automatically when the mail whose address is set with the secret code is sent. However, the address of the sent mail does not display the secret code.

If there is not enough free space, or if the maximum number of mail to be saved is exceeded, i-mode mail cannot be created. Delete unnecessary i-mode mail or SMS from folders in the Outbox. →P180

Even if i-mode mail is sent successfully, an error message indicating the mail could not be sent may appear depending on signal conditions.

If the number of sent mail saved on the FOMA handset exceeds the maximum allowed, the oldest sent mail will be overwritten first. (Checking the specifications).

However, protected mail will not be overwritten.

Function Menu on Compose message Screen

a Compose message screen (P172) yh

[Function] yPerform the following operations


Send mail.


Save mail being created or edited in Unsentbox. Press $ $ [Yes].

Select Template

Read a template to create Deco-mail. Press h[Yes].

Change to To

The addresses of recipients. The mail addresses entered in the To fields will be shown to other recipients.

Change Cc

The addresses of carbon copy recipients. You can specify additional addresses to send a copy of the same mail to other recipients in addition to the direct recipients. The mail addresses entered in the Cc field will be shown to other recipients.

The mail address may not be displayed depending on the recipient's handset, device or mail software.

Change to Bcc

The addresses of blind carbon copy recipients. You can specify addresses of people to receive copies but whose identity will not be shown to other recipients. The mail addresses entered in the Bcc field will not be shown to other recipients.

Delete Receiver

Delete a selected destination. Press $ $ [Yes].

Quote Phonebook

Select a destination from a phone book.

Quote Received Address

Select a destination from received mail history.

Quote Sent Address

Select a destination from sent mail history.

Quote Sending Group

Select a destination from a sent group.

Quote Profile

Display a profile screen. A destination from the profile. yEnter the Security Code

Direct Input

Directly enter a destination.


Mail which $ $ (Receiver), $ $ (Subject) or $ $ (Message) is not entered or with no attachment cannot be saved.

Function Menu on Message Entry Screen

a Message entry screen (P172) ySelect "Message" ycyh[Function] y

Perform the following operations

Decorate mail

Display a palette. →P174

Reset decoration

Cancel all of decoration.


Use a template to create Deco-mail.


Select and copy characters in text. →P265


Select and cut characters in text. →P265


Paste copied or cut characters to text. →P265


Restore character entry, deletion, paste, decoration, etc. to the previous state.


Quote characters from signature, phone book or local phone information (profile) and enter them to text.


: Select and enter a signature.


: Select mail address and/or phone


number from phone book and enter them


to text.

Owner Information : Select mail address and/or phone number from local phone information (profile) and enter them to text.

Common phrases

Select and enter a fixed phrase to text.

Entry Mode

Switch the entry mode. →P260

Entry Setup

Set conversion prediction function and character entry.

Japanese Prediction : Set "J Matching" and "J Next Word".


English setting

: Set the English entry mode ,"E


Matching" and "E Next Word". →P263

Cursor timeout

: Set the automatic cursor function.



Pitch mode

: Switch between full-/half-pitch mode.




: Change default character entry mode.



Continued on the next page



English functions

Set English character entry function. "Turn on"/"Turn off" (Checking the specifications)


Display preview screen of text being edited.

h[OK]: Display text edit screen.

i[Save]: Save as Deco-mail template.


Creating and Sending Deco-mail

You can create your own designer mail by adding decorations such as changing font size, font color or background color, or inserting images when you edit i-mode mail messages.



Perform Steps 1 to 3 in "Creating and



Sending i-mode Mail" (P172)



Select the $ $ (Message) field ycy



h[Function] y"Decorate mail"



• Decorating operations →P174






Palette display

c i[Close]




To view set Deco-mail

h[Function] ySelect "Preview"

Cancel the set Decoration

h[Function] ySelect "Reset decorate"

d cyi[Send]

When Deco-mail is sent to or received from a handset other than Deco-mail compatible i-mode handsets, decorations may not be displayed correctly.

Decorating Operations

Decorate characters using the palette.

You can decorate entered characters or select decoration before entering characters.

Enter characters then decorate them

Select "tennis" from the message and decorate the word.


Select decoration then enter characters

Select decoration from the palette and apply it to characters to be entered after the cursor.

In the screen on the right, the characters to be entered after "a tennis" will be decorated.


The following table describes operations for decorating mail using the palette:


Palette display






Each press of the key toggles


between message entry and mail






Close the palette.



*: Unable to select" is displayed next to any decoration that cannot be set.

a Select decoration yc

$ $ (Edit decoration)

Specify the range of text to decorate.

yMove the cursor to the front of the character to be selectedyh Start

• i[Select All]: You can select all sentences.

yMove the cursor to the back of the character to be selectedyh[End]

i[Return]: Returns to the previous operation. (Checking the specifications)

C: You can cancel the selection. (Checking the specifications)

$ $ (Font color)

Set a color of characters.

ySelect color ycyEnter characters

$ $ (Blink)

Make characters flashing.

yMove the cursor to the starting point of flashing yc

[Begin blink]

yEnter characters yc[End blink]

$ $ (Background color)

Set a background color of mail text. ySelect color yc

$ $ (Insert image)

Insert an image saved in "My Pictures" to mail text.

$ $ (Undo)

Restores a set decoration to previous setting.

$ $ (Font size)

Set a font size.

ySelect from "Large"/"Standard"/"Small" yc

$ $ (Word alignment)

Set a position to enter characters or insert an image. ySelect from "Left"/"Center"/"Right" yc

$ $ (Ticker)

Set a ticker to the text.

yMove the cursor to the starting point of the ticker yc

[Begin ticker]

yEnter characters yc[End ticker]

$ $ (Swing)

Set swing to text.

yMove the cursor to the starting point of the swing yc

[Begin swing]

yEnter characters yc[End swing]

$ $ (Insert line)

Insert a line in mail text.

$ $ (Copy/Cut/Paste)(Checking the specifications)

Select characters, images or lines and copy, cut or paste them.

Select characters to be copied or cut

See "$ $ (Edit decoration)".

Pasting characters

ySelect copied/cut characters y$ $ ySelect inserting position y$ $

Edit Decoration Copy Cut

When characters with "Ticker" or "Swing" set are selected and "Copy" or "Cut" is carried out, the settings for "Ticker" or "Swing" are not affected.


Creating Deco-mail Using


Templates are form data for Deco-mail with decorations such as the font size and image insertion already set. In addition to templates preinstalled, you can use those downloaded from sites.

Templates preinstalled →P288


Message entry screen (P172) yh

[Function] y"Select template"

b Select a template yc

The selected template is inserted in the message text.

Creating/Editing a Template

Create original templates or edit saved templates.

a The Mail Menu screen (P172) y"Decomail template"

Decorated mail template screen

Compose template

Create a new template.

yh[Function] y"Decorate"

• Basic decorating operations →P174

Template list

Edit templates saved in the "Databox".

ySelect decoration yc y(Checking the specifications)

File attachment

Attaching a File




You can send i-mode mail attached with images


or melodies.



File that can be attached



File type

Maximum number of attached








Image of 10000 bytes or

Total of 10*1


smaller (JPEG or GIF)



Image over 10000 bytes




One of either*2


Video/i-motion Movie






*1: The total data size including melodies, images and text of these 10 files should not exceed 5000 full-pitch characters (10000 bytes). The number of files that can be attached differ depending on their data sizes.

*2: One of image or video/i-motion of up to ●● Kbytes can be attached. It is counted as one, besides melodies and images of 10000 bytes or less.

A file prohibited to be attached to mail or to be output from FOMA handset cannot be attached.

When a JPEG format image or i-motion exceeding 10000 bytes is attached, the number of characters that can be entered to text is reduced by 100 full-pitch characters (200 half-pitch characters).

When decoration is made, it is reduced by 200 full-pitch characters (400 half-pitch characters).

Up to 11 files can be attached to mail. It is reduced depending on the file sizes.

Continued on the next page




a Compose message screen (P172) y $ $ (Attach) ycyPerform the following operations

Attach image

Select a file from those saved in "My Pictures".

Attach i-motion

Select a file from those saved in "i-motion".

Attach melody

Select a file from those saved in "Melody".

Snap photo

Shoot and attach a still image.

yShoot a still image yh[Insert] i[Discard]: Re-shoot a still image.

Shoot movie

Shoot and attach a video.

yShoot a video yh[Insert] i[Discard]: Re-shoot a video.


Select a file from those saved in microSD memory card.

Deleting/Changing an Attached File

You can delete, change, replay or confirm information of an attached file.

a Select an attached file yc

Play/Display : Replay/display a selected file.

Change : Change a selected file.

File properties

: Display information about a selected file.

Delete : Delete a selected file. Press h[Yes].

Automatic reception of mail

When i-mode Mail is


When FOMA handset is in a service area, i-mode mail is automatically sent from i-mode Center.

a When i-mode mail is received, $ $ goes flashing and "Receiving messages "


When reception has completed, the reception result appears on the screen.

Returns to the Standby screen if no operation is performed for 30 seconds.



Message Reception

message screen


status screen

b "Mail"

Display an Inbox list screen.

When new i-mode mail is delivered, other i-mode mail and/or Message R/F stored in i-mode Center are received at the same time.

i-mode mail allows to receive melodies and/or still images as attached files. Incompatible attached files are automatically deleted in i-mode Center.

When Receive Option for i-mode mail has been set, sent i-mode mail is stored in i-mode Center. You can confirm a subject, etc. of i-mode mail stored in Center and select and receive it. →P176

When received mails exceed the limit, they are overwritten from the oldest ones. Note that unread or protected mails are not overwritten.

Displaying New i-mode Mail Received


Message Reception status screen (P176)


y"Mail" ySelect a folder yc

b Select mail to be displayed yh


Inbox detail screen

Receive option

Selecting and Receiving

i-mode Mail

You can confirm a subject, etc. of i-mode mail stored in i-mode Center and select mail to be received or delete it in i-mode Center before reception.

To use Receive Option, set "Receive Option" to "On" in advance. Note that when it is "On", i-mode mail cannot be automatically received. →P184

* You need to obtain a microSD memory card separately to use the functions related to the microSD memory card. →P221

a Mail Menu screen (P172) y"Receive option"

Subsequently, perform the operations in "i-mode User's Manual".

Receive option can also be carried out from "iMenu". Select "iMenu"→"English"→"Menu List"→"Receive option".

Even with Receive option set to "On", all mails are received when "Check new message" is used. When you do not want to receive mails, delete "Mail" from the inquiry items. →P184

Check new message

Checking for i-mode Mails

i-mode mails, if any, that could not be received because FOMA handset was out of the service area or for other reasons are stored in i-mode Center. You can receive stored i-mode mails by checking to i-mode Center.

• You cannot inquire from out of the service area.

a Mail Menu screen (P172) y"Check new message"

When check has completed, the mail reception result appears on the screen.

When new i-mode mail is delivered, other i-mode mail and/or Message R/F stored in i-mode Center are received at the same time.

When received mails exceed the limit, they are overwritten from the oldest ones. Note that unread or protected mails are not overwritten.

Replying i-mode Mail

Replying to i-mode Mail

You can reply to i-mode mail sender. Replying can be made by entering new text or quoting the text of received i-mode mail.

a Received mail list screen (P179)/Inbox detail screen (P179) yh[Function]

Replying by quoting received mail text

Select "Reply with quotation".

When the mail has been sent to multiple receivers simultaneously, you can select "Sender" or "All".

Not quoting received mail text

Select "Reply".

You can reply to mail also by pressing i[Reply] on Inbox detail screen.

When the mail has been sent to multiple receivers simultaneously, you can select "Sender" or "All".

b Entering subject and text yc

"Re:" is added to a subject.

When replying by quoting, ">" is added to the beginning of quoted text.

Editing subject and text → "Creating and sending i-mode mail" (P172).

c i[Send]

When the storage capacity of Outbox has been exceeded, replying cannot be made. Delete mails saved in Outbox before replying.

You cannot send i-mode mail in self mode.

The reply to received Deco-mail with quotation has original decoration and images entered in the message text. However, restricted images and highlighted URLs will not be quoted.

Forwarding i-mode Mail


Forwarding i-mode Mail to


Another Destination



You can forward received i-mode mail to another


a Received mail list screen (P179)/Inbox


detail screen (P179) yh[Function] y




b Enter destination yc

"Fw:" is added to a subject.

Editing destination and text → "Creating and sending i-mode mail (P172)

c i[Send]

When a file whose mail attachment or output from FOMA handset is prohibited has been attached or pasted to i-mode mail forwarded, such file and information are deleted.

When the storage capacity of Outbox has been exceeded, forwarding cannot be made. Delete mails saved in Outbox before forwarding.

The forwarded Deco-mail has original decoration and images entered in the message text. However, restricted images and highlighted URLs will not be forwarded.


Registering Mail Address to Phonebook

You can register sender's mail address, phone number and URL contained in text of received mail to phonebook.

a Inbox detail screen (P179) ySelect mail address, phone number and/or URL to be registered in phonebook yh

[Function] y"Save in Phonebook"

b Register to phonebook

Go to Step 2 in "Saving Contacts to the Phonebook from Received Calls or Dialed Calls" (P94).

Save Melody

Replaying/Saving Melody from i-mode Mail


Playing Melody



a Inbox detail screen (P179) ySelect

attached or pasted melody yc


Saving Melody

a Inbox detail screen (P179) yh

[Function] y"Check attachment"

List files attached to received mail.

Screen to be inserted

Attached file list screen

b Select a melody file to be saved yi



Receiving Image Mail

Displaying/Saving Image of

Image Mail

Displaying an Image

a Inbox detail screen (P179) ySelect an attached image yc

An image larger than the display size is reduced for display. Note that, however, an image that is too large may not be displayed. (Checking the specifications)

Saving an Image

a Inbox detail screen (P179) yh

[Function] y"Check attachment"

List files attached to received mail.

b Select an image file to be saved yi


Replaying/Saving i-motion from i-motion Mail

Select URL contained in i-motion mail received, acquire i-motion stored in i-motion mail Center and save it.


Inbox Detail Screen (P179) ySelect URL


ycy$ $ [Yes]


Acquisition of i-motion starts.


• When "i-motion auto playing setting" has been set to


"Auto replay", i-motion is automatically replayed after



b "Save" y$ $ [Yes] (Checking the specifications)


Displaying Mails in Outbox/


Displaying Mails in Inbox

Up to ●●● mail items including i-mode mails and SMS can be saved.

The number of items that can be saved varies depending on their data sizes.

a Mail Menu screen (P179) y"Inbox"

Inbox list screen

b Select a folder yc

s: Display the previous or next page when there are 2 or more pages.

i[Sort]: Sort mail by selecting keys such as received date and time, subject or sender. →P180

Received mail list screen

c Select a mail yc

j: Scroll the screen.

s: Display the previous or next mail.

i[Reply]: Reply to the sender and/or receivers of simultaneous mail sending. →P172, P187

Inbox detail screen

Displaying Outbox Mails

Up to ●●● mail items including i-mode mails and SMS can be saved.

The number of items that can be saved varies depending on their data sizes.

a Mail Menu screen (P172) y"Outbox"

Outbox list screen

b Select folder yc

• s: Display the previous or next page when there are 2 or more pages.

i[Sort by]: Sort mail by selecting keys such as sent date and time, subject or sender. →P180

Sent mail list screen

c Select mail yc

j: Scroll the screen.

s: Display the previous or next mail.

i[Edit]: Display Compose message or SMS creation screen. →P172, P187

Sent mail detail screen

Displaying Mails in Unsentbox

Mails created but not sent are saved. Up to ●● mail items including i-mode mails and SMS can be saved.

• The number of items that can be saved varies depending


on their data sizes.

a Mail Menu screen (P172) y"Unsentbox"




Unsentbox list screen

b Select folder yc

s: Display the previous or next page when there are 2 or more pages.

i[Sort]: Sort mail by selecting keys such as saved date and time, subject or sender. →P180

Unsent mail list screen

c Select mail yc

j: Scroll the screen.

s: Display the previous or next mail.

i[Edit]: Display Compose message or SMS creation screen. →P172, P187

Unsent mail detail screen

Continued on the next page




To display contents of a folder with mail security set, enter the Security code.

Sorting Mail in Inbox/Outbox/Unsentbox List


Sort mail by specifying keys such as chronological or reverse chronological order. (Checking the specifications)

a Inbox list screen (P179)/Outbox list screen (P179)/Unsentbox list screen (P179) yi[Sort]

Received date (new>old)/Sent date (new>old)/ Saved date (new>old)

Sort mail in chronological order of received, sent or saved date.

Received date (old>new)/Sent date (old>new)/ Saved date (old>new)

Sort mail in reverse chronological order of received, sent or saved date.

Subject (ascending order)

Sort mail in ascending order of subject.

Subject (descending order)

Sort mail in descending order of subject.

Sender (ascending order)

Sort mail in ascending order of sender.

Sender (descending order)

Sort mail in descending order of sender.


Saved contents may be lost by failure, repair or other handling of FOMA handset. DoCoMo is not liable to such loss and recommends you to store contents saved in FOMA handset to microSD memory card. They can be stored in a PC, if available, using data link software and FOMA USB connection cable (optional).

Reading Box List/Mail List/Mail Detail


Icons on Inbox/Outbox/Unsentbox List Screen



$ $

Folder containing unread mails/SMS



$ $

Folder containing no unread mails/SMS





$ $

Folder with security set



$ $

Created folder containing unread mails/SMS



$ $

Created folder containing no unread mails/





$ $

Mail-linked i-appli folder



Icons on Received/Sent/Unsent Mail List Screen



$ $

Unread mail



$ $

Read mail



$ $

Unread SMS



$ $

Read SMS



$ $

Protected mail



$ $

Replied mail



$ $

Forwarded mail



$ $

Mail with acquired image attached



$ $

Mail with acquired melody attached



$ $

Mail with not acquired image attached



$ $

Mail with not acquired melody attached



$ $

SMS saved in UIM



Function Menu on Inbox/Outbox List Screen a Received mail list screen (P179)/Outbox list screen (P179) yh[Function] y

Perform the following operations

Create folder

Create a folder.

yEnter folder name

Edit folder name

Edit a selected folder name. yEnter folder name

Auto sort

Set conditions for automatically saving mails in specified folders. →P185

Sort folders

Sort folders.

ySelect a folder to be sorted yh[Select] ySelect location to move the folder yh[Define] yi


• i[Return]: Go back to the previous operation.

Set security/Release security

Set or release security to the selected folder. Setting security requires the security code entry to view the contents of the folder.

yEnter the Security Code

* You need to obtain a microSD memory card separately to use the functions related to the microSD memory card. →P221

Delete folder

Delete a selected folder.

Mail list

Display contents of a selected folder.

Delete All Messages

Delete all mail in Inbox/Outbox. yEnter the Security Code

Send all entries

Send all received mails by Bluetooth. (Checking the specifications)

Sort folders/Delete folder

Folders registered by default cannot be sorted or deleted.

Delete folder

A folder containing protected mails cannot be deleted.

When there is mail-linked i-appli, the folder for i-appli cannot be deleted.

Delete All Messages

Protected mails or SMS saved in UIM are not deleted.

For a folder with security set, a confirmation message appears asking whether to delete it. Press h[Yes] to

delete the folder.

Function Menu on Received Mail List Screen

a Received mail list screen (P179) ySelect mail yh[Function] yPerform the following operations


Reply to mail. →P177

Reply w/quotation

Reply to received mail quoting its contents.


Forward mail. →P177


Search for received mail under set conditions.

Search unread


Search for only unread mails.

Search read


Search for only read mails.

Search protected :

Search for only protected mails.

Search attached


Search for only mails with file attached.



Search again.

Release search* : Cancel searching state.


Protect or release the selected mail.

Release : Release the selected mail.

Release all : Release all mail.

Move to folder

Move a selected folder.

ySelect a move destination yh[Select]yh[Yes]

Switch display

Select information to be displayed on received mail list screen. y"Date/Subject/Sender"/"Date/Sender"/"Subject/Sender"

Check address

Display addresses of the sender and simultaneous receivers of a selected mail.

• h[Detail]: Display detail screen of a selected address.

Create message

: Reply to a selected address/phone


number. →P177, P187

Save in Phonebook

: Register a selected address/phone


number for phonebook.



Auto sort

: Set to automatically save a selected


address/phone number to a


specified folder under specified


conditions. →P185

Register sending group : Register a selected address to a send group. →P185

Copy E-mail

: Copy a selected address/phone




Send a selected mail via Infrared communication.




Copy or move a selected SMS to UIM/FOMA phone.

Move to UIM : Move SMS to UIM. Press h[Yes].


Copy to UIM : Copy SMS to UIM. Press h[Yes].


Move to Phone : Move SMS to the phone. Press h[Yes].

Copy to Phone : Copy SMS to the phone. Press h[Yes].









: Delete a selected mail. Press h[Yes].


Delete multiple : Select and delete 2 or more mails. Select




mails to be deleted ycyi[Execute]y




Press $ $ [Yes].


Delete all

: Delete all messages in the folder, or delete




all messages found using "Search". Enter




the Security Code yPress $ $ [Yes].











• Protected mails cannot be deleted.


• Up to ●● mails can be protected.

Function Menu on Inbox Detail Screen

a Inbox Detail screen (P179) yh


[Function] yPerform the following






Reply to mail. →P177


Continued on the next page


: Display a setup screen after saving a file. (Checking the specifications)
: Display information of a selected file. : Delete a selected file.

Reply w/quotation

Reply to received mail quoting its contents.


Forward a mail →P177


Protect or release the displayed mail.


Set a number of lines to be scrolled. →P184

Font size

Set a font size. →P184

Save to template

Save Deco-mail as a template. (Checking the specifications)

Move to folder

Move the displayed mail to another folder.

ySelect a move destination yh[Select] yh[Yes]

Check address

Display addresses of the sender and simultaneous receivers of a displayed mail.

• h[Detail]: Display detail screen of a selected address.

Compose message : Reply to a selected address/phone



number. →P177, P187


Save in Phonebook : Register a selected address/phone



number to phonebook. →P178

Auto sort

: Set to automatically save a selected


address/phone number to a specified



folder under specified conditions.






then go to Step 2 in "Saving Images from a Site or Message"

Check image

Save images contained in the displayed mail. Select an image


Check Attachment

List files attached to a displayed mail.

• i[Save]: Save the selected file.

Attached file list screen yh[Function]

Set up

File Properties



Send a displayed mail via Infrared communication.


Copy or move a selected SMS to UIM/FOMA phone.

Move to UIM : Move SMS to UIM. Press h[Yes].

Copy to UIM : Copy SMS to UIM. Press h[Yes].

Move to Phone : Move SMS to the phone. Press h[Yes].

Copy to Phone : Copy SMS to the phone. Press h[Yes].


Delete a displayed mail.

Save in Phonebook

Register a selected mail address/phone number to phonebook. →P178


View URL

Display URL of pasted to mail text. (Checking the specifications)

• h[Copy]: Copy URL.

Save to template

A large-size still image file or melody file attached to Deco-mail is deleted when saving the mail.


• Protected mails cannot be deleted.


Up to ●● mails can be protected. (Checking the specifications)

Function Menu on Sent Mail Detail Screen

a Sent mail Detail screen (P179) ySelect a mail yh[Function] yPerform the following operations


Edit and send a sent mail. →P172, P186


Search sent mail under set conditions.

Search protected : Search only protected mails.

Search attached : Search only mails with file attached.


: Search again.

Release search : Cancel searching state.


Protect or release the selected mail.

Release : Release the selected mail.

Release all : Release all mail.

Move to folder

Move a folder.


: Move a selected folder. Select a move


destination yh[Select] yPress h



Move multiple : Select and move 2 or more mails. Select mails to be moved ycyi[Execute] ySelect $ $ [Yes].

Move all : Delete all messages in the folder, or delete all messages found using "Search". Enter the Security Code yPress $ $ [Yes].

Switch display

Select information to be displayed on sent mail list screen. y"Date/Subj./Sender"/"Date/Sender"/"Subject/Sender"

: Display a setup screen after saving a file. (Checking the specifications)
: Display information of a selected file. : Delete a selected file.

Check address

Display addresses of the sender and simultaneous receivers of a selected mail.

• h[Detail]: Display detail screen of a selected address.

Compose message (Compose SMS)

:Reply to a selected address/phone number. →P177, P187

Save in Phonebook : Register a selected address/phone number to phonebook. →P178

Auto sort

: Set to automatically save a selected


address/phone number to a specified


folder under specified conditions.



Register sending group

:Register a selected address to a send group. →P185

Copy E-mail Copy phone No.

:Copy a selected address/phone number.


Send a selected mail via Infrared communication.


Copy or move a selected SMS to UIM/FOMA phone.

Move to UIM : Move SMS to UIM. Press h[Yes].

Copy to UIM : Copy SMS to UIM. Press h[Yes].

Move to Phone : Move SMS to the phone. Press h[Yes].

Copy to Phone : Copy SMS to the phone. Press h[Yes].


Delete a sent mail.

Delete : Delete a selected mail. Press h[Yes].

Delete multiple : Select and delete 2 or more mails. Select mails to be deleted ycyi[Execute] y Select $ $ [Yes].

Delete all : Delete all messages in the folder, or delete all messages found using "Search". Enter the Security Code yPress $ $ [Yes].


• Protected mails cannot be deleted.


Up to ●● mails can be protected. (Checking the specifications)

Function Menu on Sent Mail List Screen

a Sent mail display screen (P179) yh

[Function] yPerform the following operations


Copy contents of a displayed sent mail.

Address : Copy a destination. When there are simultaneous receiver addresses, copy destinations from sent mail address confirmation screen.

Subject : Copy a subject.

Message : Select and copy contents of text. →P264


Protect or release the displayed mail.


Set a number of lines to be scrolled. →P184

Font size

Set a font size. →P184

Save to template

Save Deco-mail as a template. (Checking the specifications)

Move to folder

Move the displayed mail to another folder.

ySelect a move destination yh[Select] yh[Yes]

Check address

Display addresses of the sender and simultaneous receivers of a displayed mail.

• h[Details]: Display detail screen of a selected address.

Compose message (Compose SMS)


: Send mail or SMS to a selected



address/phone number. →P177,






Save in Phonebook

: Register a selected address/phone



number to phonebook. →P178


Auto sort

: Set to automatically save a


selected address/phone number to a specified folder under specified conditions. →P185

Register sending group : Register a selected address to a send group. →P185

Copy E-mail Copy phone No.

:Copy a selected address/phone number.

Check image

Save images contained in the displayed mail. Select an image then go to Step 2 in "Saving Images from a Site or Message" (P155).

Check Attachment

List files attached to a displayed mail.

• i[Save]: Save a selected file.

Attached file list screen yh[Function]


File Properties



Send a displayed mail via Infrared communication.

Continued on the next page


+ 41 hidden pages