Motorola T56XE2 User Manual


Safety, regulatory, & legal

Whereismylegal, safetyandregulatoryinformation?In order to provide youwithbetteraccesstothisimportantinformation,we’ve madethe materialsaccessiblefromthephone’ssettingsmenuand onthe web. Pleasereviewthese materialspriortousing your device. Toaccessthe materialsfromaconnectedphone,gotoSettings

> System > Legal information, and select a topic. To access the materials on the web, visit

Regulatoryinformation(e-label). Your mobile device may use an electronic label (e-label) that provides some regulatory information about the device.To view theregulatoryinformation(such asFCCID) for this device, on the phone, go to Settings > System > Regulatory information, or visit

Battery charging. Charge your mobile device using a compatible Motorola

charger,another brandclass2 LimitedPowerSourceUSB


complieswith USB 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, or greater, and complies


EN60950-1or equivalent,orahigh-powerUSB port on a PC. Chargersthat do

not comply withthese standards may

be unsafeand maycause slow

charging,product damage, or reduced

device performance.

Yourmobile device will not chargeif thetemperatureis toohigh orlow.

Only use Motorola-approved batteries, which contain safety circuitry


and aredesigned togivethe best performancein your mobile device.

Don.’t use a damaged charger or charger cabletocharge your device.

• Don’t usetools, sharp objects, or excessiveforcetocleanthe USB port,

asthismaydamage yourmobiledevice.


Distractions. Using your mobile device in some circumstances could


you and may cause a dangerous situation. Be awareof your surroundings

and environmental hazards when using your mobile device.


Driving precautions. Responsible and safe driving is your primary


responsibilitywhen drivingavehicle.Alwaysobeylocallawsand




Seizures,blackouts,eyestrain&discomfort.Prolonged use of any


causediscomfortinhands,fingers,arms,neck,andother partsof your body, and maycause eyestrainand headaches.It is good practicetouse your device in a safe area with comfortable ambient lighting, andtakefrequentbreaksif you feeldiscomfort.Seek medical adviceifsymptomspersist.

Inrarecases,flashing patternsorlights, forexampleinvideogames


movies, may cause seizuresor blackouts.If you suffer any seizures


blackouts, or havea historyof seizures, stop using your device and


medical advice.



Medical devices. If you use an implantable pacemaker or defibrillator,


medical device,consultyourhealthcareproviderandthe device


manufacturer’s directions before using this mobile device.


If you use a pacemaker or defibrillator,theFCC recommendsthat you


the following precautions:


ALWAYSkeepthe mobiledevicemorethan20 centimeters(8 inches) fromthepacemakeror defibrillator.

• Usethe ear oppositethe pacemakeror defibrillatortominimize the potential for interference.

TurnOFF the mobile deviceimmediatelyif you haveany reasonto suspectthatinterferenceistakingplace.

Important: Some products contain magnets. Always keep products with magnets morethan 20cm. (8in.) frommedical devices, suchas pacemakers, internalcardiodefibrillatorsor other devicesthatcanbe affectedbya magnetic field. Also, keep awayfrom credit cards,ID cards and other media that use magnetically encoded information.

Childrenandanimals.Keepyourmobiledeviceanditsaccessories away fromsmall childrenand animals. These products are not toys andmaybe hazardoustosmall childrenandanimals. Forexample,a chokinghazardmay existforsmall,detachableparts.Keepplastic bagsawayfrombabies and childrentoavoiddanger of suffocation and choking. Supervise access. If children use your mobile device and accessories,monitortheir accessfortheir safety,andtohelp prevent lossof dataor unexpected chargesfor data or app purchases.

Glassparts.Someparts ofyourmobiledevice,likeyourscreen,could be made of glass. If the glass breaks, chips, or cracks, do not touch

or attempttoremoveit. Stop using your mobile device until it can be repaired byaqualifiedservicecenter.

Use&care.TocareforyourMotorolamobiledevice,pleaseobserve the following:

Liquids.Don’texposeyourmobiledevicetowater,rain,extreme humidity, sweat, or other liquids.

Drying.Don’ttrytodryyourmobiledeviceusingamicrowave oven, conventionaloven,ordryer.

Extreme heat or cold. Don’t store, charge, or use your mobile device in extreme heat or cold.

Dustanddirt.Don’texposeyourmobiledevicetodust,dirt,sand, food,or similarmaterials.

Cleaning.Tocleanyourmobiledevice,useonlyadry softcloth. Don’t use chemicals or compressed air.

Shock and vibration. Don’t drop your mobile device or expose it to strongvibration.

Protection. To help protect your mobile device, always make sure that

any available connectors, compartments and removable coversare closed and secure,and avoidcarrying it with hard objects such askeys or coins.


Motorola T56XE2 User Manual

Operational warnings. Obey all posted signs when using mobile devicesin publicareas.

Potentiallyexplosiveareas: Potentially explosive areas are



not always,postedand canincludeblastingareas, fuelingstations,


fueling areas(suchas below deckson boats),

fuel or chemical transfer


or storagefacilities, or areas wherethe

air containschemicals or


particles, suchasgraindust,or metal






Turnoff your mobile devicebefore entering such an area, and do



charge batteries.In such areas, sparkscan occur and cause an









Symbol key: Your charger, mobile device, battery (if user-



devicedisplay,user’sguide,or packagingmaycontain

symbols, defined


as follows:














Important safety information follows.









Yourbatteryor mobiledevicemayrequire









Contact your local regulatory authorities





more information.













Don’t disposeof yourbatteryor mobile





withyourhouseholdwaste.See Disposal&


























Don’t disposeof yourbatteryor mobile





devicein a fire.
















Forindoor useonly.












Listening at high volume tomusic or voice




through a headset or headphone may damage




your hearing.









Supportedfrequencies and power.This device is capable of



network availability.

Model XT1929-1


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