A representative version of the user's manual follows:
Exhibit 8
DROID3™ Global by Motorola
Make calls from over 2 00 count ries wi th
DROID3 Global by Motoro la. Your new ph one has
international roaming, so you can stay in touch
wherev er you travel.
• Experience lightning fast access to web sites,
d ocumen ts, and videos , com plements of your
p hone’s 1.2 GHz processor.
• Vi ew your p hoto s and videos, YouTube™ videos,
and othe r medi a downl oads in stunning c larity on
your large scree n, four-inch HD display.
• Adva nced i ntelligenc e sugges ts thin gs to do, places
t o v isi t, an d offer s tha t suit you.
Note: Ce rtain apps and f eatures may not be available
in all count ries.
Caution: Before asse mbling, c harging or using your
phon e for th e first tim e, plea se read t he im portant
legal and safety informat ion pa ckag ed with your
produc t.
•Answers: Touch> Help Center .
You can also f lick your hom e screen left or right to
see t he Tips & Tricks wi dget.
• Up dates: Pho ne update s, PC softwa re, user guide s,
on line he lp and more at
ww w.motorola .com/mydroid3global
• Accessories: Find accessor ies for your phon e at
ww w.m otorola .com/products.
• All screen shots in this guide are simulat ed.
Actual displays m ay vary.
• Instructions to perform tasks in this guide may
change dep ending on the s oftware vers ion on
your phone .
• U nless spec ified ot herwise, a ll instruc tions to
perform tasks in this guide assume that you are
st arting fro m the ho me scre en.
only with a S IM card s upplie d by Verizon Wi reless® or
by another G SM o r UM TS serv ice provider. When you
set your phone to us e a GSM 9 00/180 0 or U MTS 2100
networ k (see “Se le ct a ne tw or k” on page 12), you
may be p rompted to enter a subsidy co de. To get this
code, conta ct Verizon W ir eless.
Tip: To save battery life, see “Battery tips” on
page 21 .
Set up & go
The fi rst time you t urn on your phone, a setup wi zard
guides yo u through signing in to your G mai l™ acco unt.
If you don’t have one, d on’t worr y, th e wizard will hel p
you create one.
After you log int o Gmail , you can set u p social
networ king , or you ca n do it later.
Note: Th is phone suppor ts dat a-intensive app s and
ser vices. It is strongl y recom m ended that you
purchase a data plan t hat m eets your need s. Co ntact
your s ervice provider for det ails.
4Let’s go
1 Press and hol d Power/Lock
on top of your phone to t urn it
on .
2 Sel ect a language.
3 Follow the setup wizard to creat e
or l og in to your G mail acc ount.
Note: If you have an exi sting G mail account, yo ur
contacts from t hat account are syn ced to your phon e.
Whe never you choose to selec t all contacts for the one
you wa nt, your phon e shows every contact, in ev ery
Wi-Fi® connect
If you want to us e a Wi -Fi net work for even faster
Internet a ccess, touch Menu > Settings
> Wirel ess & netwo rks > Wi-F i s ett ing s . Tou ch Wi-Fi to
search for and connect to wi rele ss networ ks. There’s
mo re in “ Wi-Fi®” on page 45.
Cool content & more
Browse and download th ousan ds of the c ooles t app s
on the pl anet fro m An droi d Market™.
Download n ew apps with “Apps for all” on page 41.
Touchscreen & keys
E Ohio St
N Park St
N New St
E Grand Ave
E Randolph St
RandolphSt Metra
E S WaterSt
t M
Wacker Dr
n St
W Lake St
E Wacker Pl
E Randolph St
Touch to open.
To zo om in or out,
slide two fingers
apart or together.
Drag or flick to
Touch & hold
to show options.
a few essentials
Touchscr een on/off
Yo ur touch screen is on when you ne ed it and off when
you don’t.
• To make your tou chscreen sleep or wake up, just
p ress Power/Lock.
• W hen you hold the phone to y our ear during calls,
your touchscreen s leeps to prevent accidental
touc hes.
• To change how long you r pho ne waits bef ore the
screen goes to sleep automatic ally, to uch M enu
> Settings > Displ ay > S creen timeout.
• To make t he sc reen lo ck when it goes t o slee p, use
“Scre en l oc k ” on pag e 55. To unlock the screen,
p ress Power/Lock or open the phone. Then,
d rag to the right.
Note: Your touchscreen
migh t stay dark if the
sensor just above it is
covered. D on't use covers
or scr een prot ector s (even clear ones ) that c over this
sensor. To find Mot orola accessor ies for your phon e,
v isi t w ww .m oto rola.c om/p rodu ct s
Touch t ips
It’s a ll in the touch:
• Tou ch: Choo se an icon o r option.
• Tou ch & Ho ld : Open op tions.
•Drag: Scroll or move slow ly.
•Flick: Scroll or move quickly.
• Pinch-to-zoom: Get a closer look at G oogle
Maps™, web pa ges, or photos.
5Touchscreen & keys
Key tips
Menu, home, back, & search
To u ch H om e t o
close any menu or a pp
and r eturn to the hom e
screen. In th e home
screen, touch and ho ld
Home to s how the
last few a pps you us ed ,
then to uch an app to
open it.
Tou ch M en u to open m enu options.
Tou ch B ack to go back.
Touch Search for text search, or touch and hold for
voice search.
Press and hol d Power/Lock to turn Airp lane m ode
or Si l ent mo de on or off, or turn off your smar tphone
(Power off ).
To s ave your batter y, prevent ac ciden tal tou ches, or
when you want to wipe sm udges of f your
touchscreen, put the touchscr een to sleep by pr essing
Power/Lock. To wake up t he t ouchscr een, just
press Po wer/Lock again or touch Hom e.
To ch ange how l ong your sm artphone waits before the
screen go es to s leep a utom atical ly, touch M enu
> Settings > Display > Screen timeout .
Tip : To lock the screen wh en it go es to sl eep, u se
“Sc ree n l ock ” on pa ge 55.
Press the vo lume keys to change the
ring volum e (in the hom e screen), or
the earpiece volume (during a call).
Whe n playing m usic or vide o files,
pre ss the volume keys to adjust
media volume.
Rotate the screen
Whe n you turn your phone, th e touchscreen can rota te
to stay r ight-side up:
Find it: Menu >Settings > Display > Auto-rotate
Quick tips
If you’re not sure w hat to do ne xt, try one of these:
6Touchscreen & ke ys
To . . .
Flick left or right to
see more panels.
Touch to open.
Flick this bar down
to see details.
Open the app menu.
Touch Back to close.
Get the details— Open a
text mess age, s ee deta ils
for a c ontact , or open
items in othe r lists.
See screen m enu— O pen
a me nu for the current
See item options —O pen
an opt ions menu (if
available) for an ite m on
the s creen.
Start again— Go back to
the hom e screen .
Wake up your
phone— Turn on a
sleepin g touchscreen.
Touch the message,
contact, or item.
Touch Menu.
Touch & ho ld the it em.
Touch Hom e.
Pre ss Power/Lock
o r open the phon e.
Home screen
quick access to the things you nee d most
Quick start: Home sc reen
The home screen give s you all your latest informa tion
in one place. It’s wha t you see when you turn on your
phone or touch Home f rom a menu. It’s basical ly
li k e th is :
7Home screen
Note: Your home screen might look a little different.
Kristine Kelley
Not even ready to go back to school
Budget Meeting
Quick Search Box
Touch here to enter text,
then touch to search.
Touch to
search by voice.
The h ome screen extends left and right to giv e you
more room fo r adding s hortcuts , widget s, and more.
Flick the home scr een left and right to see mo re panels
or to add wid gets or shor tcuts.
Use & change your home screen
On y our home screen, shor tcuts are icons that open
your favor ite apps, web bookmar ks, cont ac ts, mail
labels, or music playlists . Widget s s how you new s,
weath er, messages , and ot her updat es.
Flick the home screen left or right to open othe r panels
of sh ortcuts a nd widge ts.
• To open s om ething , touch it. Touch Home to
retu rn to t he hom e screen.
Tip: Whe n yo u open a w idget, touch Menu to
show any op tions or settings (y ou can choose
account s for Soc i al Ne tw ork i ng, Social Status, Messages, or Ca len da r widge ts).
Th ere’s mor e about social networking widge ts in
“Social ne twor ki ng ” on page 25.
8Home scre en
• To re s iz e Motorola
widgets, touch and hol d
the wi dget until you feel a
vibration, then drag.
Budget Meetin
• To add someth ing or
change your wallpaper,
touch and hol d an em pt y
spot until you see the Ad d to Home screen m enu.
You can add a folder to org anize your shor tcuts.
• To move or delete som ething , touch and hold it
un til you feel a vibration, then dr ag it to anothe r
spot , anothe r panel, or the trash at the bot tom of
the s creen .
Searc h
Touc h S earch on th e front of the p hone, o r touch
Search on your phone’s slide-out keypad.
Smartphone sta tus & notifi cati ons
The st atus ba r at the top o f the sc reen ha s icons that
tell you a bout messages and sm artphone s tatus. To
view y our notifications, touch the status bar and drag it
down . Touch a not ification t o select it.
11:35 PM
Verizon Wireless
Mary Morgan
Copy Revisions
Jim Somers
Meet me outside the theater...
New email
New voicemail
Dial *86
2:50 PM
2:47 PM
2:45 PM
2:41 PM
Bluetooth® active network (full signal)
GPS ac tiven etwork (roami ng)
Wi-Fi® activeG PRS (fast d ata)
downloading E DG E (faster data)
vibrate 3 G (faste st dat a)
silent a irplane mode
mute callsync active
b atter y (chargin g)
ac tiv e
alarm set battery (full charge)
Tip : To see today’s date, tou ch and ho ld the st atus ba r
at the to p of the scre en.
9Home screen
get the app yo u want
Quick start: Apps & updates
Yo u c an find all of your apps in one pl ace . Fr om the
home screen , tou ch to ope n th e app m enu.
Tip: From the app men u, touch All apps > New group
to crea te spe cial groups of apps or to se e your most
recen tly us ed apps.
10Ap ps
Choose the
apps you want
to see.
Touch to open.
Touch & hold to
drag a shortcut
to the home
To c los e the ap p menu, touch Home or B ack.
Want mor e? No p roblem: To download m ore app s,
tou ch > Market.
You r pho ne ca n tell you when there’s a n up dated app
or other phon e software. To in stall the upd ate, just
follow th e instruct ions on your screen.
Browse & in stall apps
Tip: Cho ose your apps and u pdates carefully, from
trusted sites likeMark et , a s so me m a y im pa ct you r
phon e’s performance— see “Cho ose ca ref ully” on
page 42 .
Find it: > Mar ke t
When installing an app, make sure you read the alerts
that te ll you what information the app will access. If
you don’t want the a pp to have access to this
informat ion, c ancel the installation.
Manage & restore apps
Find it: > Mar ke t >My downloads
There a re lots of apps available and many a re free. So
you might find tha t you have dow nload ed and insta lled
lots of apps on your phone. That’s fin e, but yo u may
want to uninst all apps that yo u no longe r use.
To u nin st all t ouch an app in the list, and t hen touch
If you have trou ble removing a n app, turn of f your
phon e, then press and h old the key wh il e you tu rn
on your ph one. Your screen will show Safe Mode in the
lower left corner, and y ou can remove th e app.
To r estore an a pp, touch the a pp in th e list - the My downloads list shows pr eviously installed apps .
For other app m anag ement fe atures inc ludi ng clearin g
app data and cache, tou ch Men u> Settings > Applicati ons > Manage applicatio ns, t hen touch an
ap p i n th e lis t.
DialerFavoritesRecent Contacts
Recent Calls List
Touch to open, then
touch an entry to call.
Voice Dial
it’s go od to talk
Select a ne twork
DROID3 Global by Mot oro la swi tc hes e ffo rtlessly
between CDMA, G SM 9 00, G SM 180 0, and
UMT S 2100 networks, so y ou can make c alls in over
200 countries worldwi de.
Note: To use your phone on a GSM or UMTS networ k,
you need to i nser t a SIM card (s ee “ As se m b le &
ch arge ” o n page 3), sup plied by Verizon Wi reless® or
a compatib le GSM or UMTS network s ervice prov ider.
To s et your p hone to r oam globall y:
Find it: Menu > Settings >Wireles s & net w or ks
> Mo bile networks > Netw ork Mod e > Global
Quick star t: Cal ls
Dialing options
From the home s cree n, to uchPho ne.
In- call options
Kristine Kelley
Mobile (555) 555-7931
Add call
Switch to a Bluetooth
Add Call
Create a 3-way call.
00:12 Verizon Wireless
Chicago, IL
DialpadEnd call
Call Timer
End Call
Touch to hang up.
Dial Pad
Touch to enter
numbers during a call.
Touch to turn the
speaker on or off.
Touch to mute or
unmute the call.
Dur ing a call:
• To use a Blu etooth device, to uch Bluetooth. (The
device mu st be turne d on and p reviously
paired—see “Connect new devices” on p age 44.
• To mute a call, touch Mute .
• To use the s peakerphon e, to uch Speaker.
Note: Using a mobi le device o r a cce ssory while
driving may cau se dist raction and ma y be i llegal.
Always obey the laws and drive sa fely.
Tip : You can touch Home or Back to leave the
active ca ll display. To reopen it , touch Home
>Phone >Return to c all in p rogress.
Make & answer calls
To make a call, touchPh one, ente r a number, then
tou ch Cal l .
Tip : If the scr een is locked, drag to t he right.
To answer a call while the display is active, touch
. Whe n the displa y is not active, answer by
dragging to the right .
To i gnore a call, touch Ignore.
Make calls (out side t he U.S.)
Add call
DialpadEnd call
Yo ur p hone has an a ssisted dialing feature tha t makes
dialing easy. For local calls, just dial the l ocal num ber.
For inter nationa l calls, dia l the coun tr y co de, the a rea
code (if applicab le), the n the phone number.
End calls
To u ch.
End call
Note: When you hold
your p hone to your ear,
the display goes dark to
preven t acciden tal
touches. W hen you
move the p hone away
from your ear, the display lig hts up aga in.
Rece nt calls
Find it: Phone > Recent
• To call a number, touch it.
• To send a text m essage, crea te a cont act, view a
con ta ct, or ot her options, t ouch a nd hold an en try.
• To clear th e list, touch Menu >Clear list .
Frequent calls
Find it: Phone > Favorites
• To ca ll a numb er, touch it.
• To se nd a text me ssage, v iew a cont act, or o ther
op tions, to uch and hold a n entry.
• To add a contact to Favorites, select th e co ntact and
touch the star i n the upper right c orner until the sta r
is green.
Conference calls
To s tart a c onferen ce call, dial th e first num ber. After
the call con nec ts, touch Add C all . D ial the ne x t
number, or select i t from c onta cts or favor ites. Whe n
the nex t number ans wers, touc h Merge cal ls.
Your phone number
Find it: Menu > Settings > A bou t p hone > St at u s
> My phone number
TTY mode
You r pho ne ca n use a n optio nal teletypew riter (TTY)
device, for p eople who are har d of hearing or have a
speech impa irment.
1 Plu g the TTY dev ice into th e phone’s headset
conne ct or.
2 To uch M enu > Settings > C all settin gs > TTY
mode and choose a TT Y setting.
Emergency calls
Displaying 297 contacts
In case of emergency
Abe Baudo
Allie Smyth
Anna Medina
Astrid Fanning
Create and view
groups of contacts.
Create Contacts
Contacts List
Touch to view contact
information. Touch & hold
to call, send a text
message, & more.
Note: Your ser vice pr ovider pr ograms one or more
emergency phone n umbers (such as 911 or 112) that
you can ca ll under any circums tances , even when your
phon e is locked. Em erge ncy nu mbers var y by country.
Yo ur p re-programmed emer gency num ber(s) may not
work in all locations, and s ometimes an em erg ency
call c annot b e placed due t o network, environm ental,
or inter ference issues.
1 Touch Phone (if your phone is locked, touc h
Emergency Call).
2 Ent er the em er gency number.
3 Touch to call the emer gency num ber.
Note: Your mobile device c an us e GPS an d AGPS
signals to help emerg ency ser vi ces find yo u. See
“ Loc ation Se rvic es (G PS & A GPS )” on page 64.
Cool d own
In very limited circumstances, such as where your
phon e has been expos ed to extreme heat , “Cool
Dow n” mes sage s cree ns will appear. To avoid possi ble
damage to y our battery and p hone, you s hou ld follow
these instruct ions u ntil the phone is within it s
recomm ended tem perature range . Whe n your ph one
is in “Co ol Down” mode, on ly emergenc y calls ca n be
contacts like you’ve nev er had befo re
Quick start: Contacts
Find it: Pho ne > Contacts
Tip : You can also touch >Contacts.
Tip : To se arch the list, t ouch and hold M enu to
open a t ouchscr een key pad, the n type a name. W hen
you flick or drag the l ist, dr ag the scroll bar that
appears to m ove the li st faste r.
Call or email contacts
Find it: Phone > Contacts
For Vie w c onta ct , Cal l c on tac t , Send text message, Send email, or ot her options , touch and hol d the
cont act.
View & use contacts
Wh en you s et up a social networking ac count (see
“ Social networking” on p age 25), you’ll know what
everybo dy’s up to a nd whe n. Every tim e you pick up a
call, check a messa ge, or l ook up a friend’s contact
info, you’ll see t heir nam e and number, b ut you ca n
see t heir social networ k sta tus and s miling fac e, too.
Find it: Phone > Contacts
• To find a contact, just type t he nam e.
Touch a contact to ope n its det ails. While view ing
details, you can start a call or message by touching a
p hone n umbe r or ot her info. Flick the scr een left or
ri ght to see Social Networking update s or His tory.
Tip: To change wh ic h accou nt prov ides the p ictures
for your cont acts, from the home screen touch
>My Accounts, then t ouch Menu > Picture source.
• To cha nge which group of conta cts is shown (Al l ,
Fac ebook, and so on) t ouch the filter name at the
• To cha nge how y ou view the list o f cont acts, flick
left or ri ght at th e bottom of the scree n to select
History (recen tly used), A-Z (list w ithout s tatus), o r
Status (list with status).
Edit or delete co ntacts
Find it: Pho ne > Co nt acts
Touc h the cont act, the n touch Men u > Edit or
Transfer contacts
Get all your contacts, all in one place. Here’s a few
helpfu l hints:
W hen you c reate a MOTOBLU R ac count , al l your
cont acts from the onl ine account s you add (l ike
Gmail, Facebook, etc.) are automatically
d ownloa ded to your p hone.
If you already have a MOTOBLUR account, just
sign-in on your new M otorola phone and all of your
contacts will be re-loaded .
To add an ema il or s ocial net working a cco unt to
• Use Gmail
All yo ur G mail contacts will automatically get
synced t o your p hone. Various co mpu ter
app lications for mo bile phones and ema il accou nts
allo w you to export your cont acts as a “.CS V” file.
You can t hen use G mail to impor t the file. For mo re
d etails, go to www.mot /tran sfercon tacts
o r log in t o your G mail account on your comp uter
and select ”Help”.
• Use a SIM
You can t ransfer co ntacts f rom your ol d phone to
your new Moto rola phone us ing your SIM card— see
“Transfer contacts using your SIM” on pa ge 17.
• More
Th ere are ot her methods a nd tools to help you at transfercontacts
Transfer contacts using your SIM
1 On y our ol d phon e, copy all the contacts you want
to y our SIM c ard.
Tip: Fo r Motor ola And roid pho nes, touch
> Manage SIM card > Export contacts to save your
cont acts to your S IM c ard.
2 Inser t your S IM car d in yo ur new phon e, see
“Assembl e & charge” on pa ge 3.
3 Impor t the c onta cts from you r SIM c ard,
touchPh one > Contacts, t hen touch Menu
> Settings > Import from SIM card.
Link contacts
You might have two or more Con ta cts for the sa m e
person , maybe a Fac ebook fri end wh o is also stored
on your SIM card, or o ne friend w ith two em ail
addresses. To combine t hese c ontacts:
Find it: Pho ne > Contacts
Touc h a c ontact to open it, then touch Menu >
Li nk co ntact and touc h the second entr y.
Create cont acts
Find it: Pho ne > Contacts, then t ouch Menu
> Ad d con tact
Google contact
Postal address
Slide ou t the k eypad, or touch a ny entry area t o open
the tou chscree n keypad.
Wh en you’re finished, touch Save.
Where are co ntacts saved? Your phone save s new
cont acts in it s mem ory and to your Go ogle™ accoun t.
It also upda tes your s ocial net working ac count .
Synchroni ze contacts
Wh en you ch ange one o f y our co ntacts, your phone
automa tica lly update s your ot her social ne tworkin g
accounts. Also, your phone upda tes your contac ts and
social n etworki ng ac count w henever you c hange a
friend in your social networ king accounts.
Find it: Pho ne > Co nt acts , then touch Menu
> Display group
You can p ut your cont acts int o groups that yo u creat e
(like “friends”, “family”, or “work”). Th en, you can find
contacts faster by showing o ne group a t a ti me.
Text e ntry
think keyboard, now think smaller
Typing tips
To u se the full keypad, just o pen your phone:
To . . .
Enter alternate characters
in the upper c orners of keys
Enter symbols chosen from
Enter on e c apital lett erPr es s Shift.
Enter only c apital lettersPress Shift
Select t e xtHo ld S hi ft and
Cut, Copy, or Pa s te
selected text
Press Alternate.
Press Alternate,
then pr ess.
twice. Pre ss again to
revert to lowercase.
pres s a navig ation
Tou ch a nd h old the
text box to open t he
editing men u.
Dele te a character (hold to
delete more)
Jum p to th e beginni ng/e nd
of a line
St a rt a new lin ePr es s E nt er.
Pr es s D ele te.
Pr es s A lt ernate,
then press a
navigation key.
Touchs creen keypad
Whe n your ph one is closed, you c an op en a
touchscreen keypad by touching a t ext box, or touching
and holding Menu. To c lose the keypad, t ouch
Input methods
To s elec t an input method for a touchscreen keypad,
touch and hold a text entry a rea on the scree n to open
the Edit text menu . Touch Input method, then touch
the method you wan t:
Sw yp e™ t ex t e ntr y
Swype lets yo u enter wo rds with one c onti nuous
motion. To ent er a word, just d rag your finger over the
le tte r s in the w ord.
19Text e ntry
• To enter apostro phes i n comm on w ords (li ke “I’ll”),
d rag through th e n a s th ough it was an a post rophe.
• To enter several symbo ls, touch SYM .
• To correc t a word, do uble-tap it. Sw ype sh ows a
sm all m enu of other word options. S wype m ight
also show a m enu if it can’t guess your wor d.
• I f Sw ype doesn’t know a word , you can still tou ch
the l etter keys to enter i t. Swype reme mbe rs, so
n ext time you ca n just dr ag over th e letters.
Multi-touch keyboard
Enter text on a touchscreen k eypad one letter at a
time. As you type , you r phone sugge sts words from
your d ictionary and ch osen l angua ge. Your phone also
automa tica lly enters a postrophes in s om e words , like
“don t.” You can also touch two keys at the same time,
such as Shift with a letter.
Text entry settings
Wh en you ent er text, your phon e automa tica lly
correc ts or su ggests wor ds. To c hange t hese s ettings,
touch Me nu > Settings > Language & ke yb oard,
• To edit your word s uggest ion dictiona ry, touch User
20Text entry
• To cha nge the language and the sty le for yo ur
touch screen k eypad , touch Selec t locale.
• To cha nge the sounds , correc tions, and other
settin gs for you r touchscre en keyp ad, touch Swype
or Multi-tou ch keyboard.
• To cha nge the automa tic co rre ction setti ngs for yo ur
full keypad, touch Device keyboard.
Tips & tricks
a few hand y h int s
General tips
• I f you ca n’t to see the screen wh il e wear ing
sunglasses, take th em off. Screen bright ness
changes as your phone s enses the cu rrent light ing
c on d it io ns .
• To return to hom e screen, t ouch Home.
• To see r ecently dialed num bers, touch Phone
> Recent.
• To sleep/wake you r phone, press Power/Lock.
• To set screen t imeout, touch M enu > Settings
> Display > Screen timeout.
• To search, touch Search.
• To show last few app s, touch and hold Home.
• To turn sound on/off, press and hold Pow er/Lock
> S ilen t mod e.
• To turn ai rplane m ode on /off, press an d hold
Power/Lock > Air plane m ode .
Battery tips
Want to extend y our ba ttery life? Try these:
• To se lec t a batter y profile t hat suits yo ur phone use,
touch Menu > Settings > Battery Manager.
• To turn off a utomatic appl ications s ync, touch
Menu > Se tti n g s > Data manager > Data
• To turn off Bluetooth® p ower, to uch Menu
> Settings >Wire les s & net w or ks > Bluetooth .
• To turn off Wi-Fi® , touch Menu > Settings
> Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi.
21Ti ps & t ricks
Mess agi ng
some time s it ’s best to t ext, or IM, or em ail . . .
Quick start: Messaging
Find it: Lau nc her i co n > Mes sag ing >
Univers al Inbox
11:35 PM
Universal Inbox (3)
Anna Medina
Copy Revisions
Hi Paul, Please take a look at the ...
Jim Somers
Meet me outside the theater at 8
and don’t forget your ID. Would yo...
Arthur Bando
Meeting invitation
Meeting is set for next Thursday at...
Mary Morgan
Paul, We’re going to need help w...
Tip: To see more messages, flick or drag u p.
2:50 PM
2:47 PM
2:45 PM
2:41 PM
Check for
messages now.
Create a message.
Message Type
Touch to open a
message. Touch &
hold to move,
delete, & more.
Read & reply to messages
Find it: Launcher ico n > Mes sag ing
> Universal I nbox
Note: Unive rsal Inbox s how s all of your me ssages
together—text, email, and social networking
messages. To show only on e type of mess age, touch a
message ty pe instead of Universal Inbox.
• To open a tex t message or social ne tworking
message and a ll of its replies, to uch it.
• To respon d to a mess age, j ust op en it and en ter
your respon se in the text box a t the bottom.
To forwa rd a text message, touch and hold a
message in the conv ersat ion, the n touch Forward message.
For em ail, to uch to choos e a r eply o r forward
op tion.
• To open options , touch and hol d a m essage.
Create message s
Find it: Launcher icon > Mess agi ng >
Choose a m essage type, suc h as Text Messaging or Facebook. Then , enter the recipient and m essage . In
text message s and emails, touch M e nu fo r options
li ke Insert... or Attach Files.
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