Motorola T56JY1 Users manual

Important Safety

and Legal Information

Motorola, Inc.

Consumer Advocacy Office 1307 East Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196

Note: Do not ship your phone to the above address. If you need to return your phone for repairs, replacement, or warranty service, please contact the Motorola Customer Support Center at:

1-800-331-6456 (United States)

1-888-390-6456 (TTY/TDD United States for hearing impaired)

1-800-461-4575 (Canada)

MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.

© 2008 Motorola, Inc. All rights reserved.

Software Copyright Notice

The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola and third-party software stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola and third-party software providers certain exclusive rights for copyrighted software, such as the exclusive rights to distribute or reproduce the copyrighted software. Accordingly, any copyrighted software contained in the Motorola products may not be modified, reverse-engineered, distributed, or reproduced in any manner to the extent allowed by law. Furthermore, the purchase of the Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents, or patent applications of Motorola or any third-party software provider, except for the normal, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.

Manual Number: 68000201307-A


Safety and General Information

This section contains important information on the safe and efficient operation of your mobile device. Read this information before using your mobile device.

Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) Energy

Your mobile device contains a transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and transmits RF energy. When you communicate with your mobile device, the system handling your call controls the power level at which your mobile device transmits.

Your Motorola mobile device is designed to comply with local regulatory requirements in your country concerning exposure of human beings to RF energy.

Operational Precautions

For optimal mobile device performance, and to be sure that human exposure to RF energy does not exceed the guidelines set forth in the relevant standards, always follow these instructions and precautions.

Product Operation

When placing or receiving a phone call, hold your mobile device just like you would a landline phone.

If you wear the mobile device on your body, always place the mobile device in a Motorola-supplied or approved clip, holder, holster, case, or body harness. If you do not use a body-worn accessory supplied or approved by Motorola—or if you hang your mobile device from a

lanyard around your neck—keep the mobile device and its antenna at least 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) from your body when transmitting.

Using accessories not supplied or approved by Motorola may cause your mobile device to exceed RF energy exposure guidelines. For a list of Motorola-supplied or approved accessories, visit our Web site at:

RF Energy Interference/


Nearly every electronic device is subject to RF energy interference from external sources if inadequately shielded, designed, or otherwise configured for RF energy compatibility. In some circumstances your mobile device may cause interference with other devices.

Follow Instructions to Avoid Interference Problems

Turn off your mobile device in any location where posted notices instruct you to do so.

In an aircraft, turn off your mobile device whenever instructed to do so by airline staff. If your mobile device offers an airplane mode or similar feature, consult airline staff about using it in flight.

Implantable Medical Devices

If you have an implantable medical device, such as a pacemaker or defibrillator, consult your physician before using this mobile device.


Persons with implantable medical devices should observe the following precautions:

ALWAYS keep the mobile device more than 20 centimeters (8 inches) from the implantable

medical device when the mobile device is turned ON.

DO NOT carry the mobile device in the breast pocket.

Use the ear opposite the implantable medical

device to minimize the potential for interference.

Turn OFF the mobile device immediately if you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place.

Read and follow the directions from the manufacturer of your implantable medical device. If you have any questions about using your mobile device with your implantable medical device, consult your healthcare provider.

Driving Precautions

The use of wireless phones while driving may cause distraction. Discontinue a call if you can’t concentrate on driving.

Additionally, the use of wireless devices and their accessories may be prohibited or restricted in certain areas. Always obey the laws and regulations on the use of these products.

Responsible driving practices can be found in the “Smart Practices While Driving” section in this guide (or separate guide).

Operational Warnings

Obey all posted signs when using mobile devices in public areas.

Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres are often, but not always, posted and can include fueling areas, such as below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, or areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain dust, or metal powders.

When you are in such an area, turn off your mobile device, and do not remove, install, or charge batteries. In such areas, sparks can occur and cause an explosion or fire.

Symbol Key

Your battery, charger, or mobile device may contain symbols, defined as follows:

Symbol Definition


Important safety information follows.

Do not dispose of your battery or mobile device in a fire.

Your battery or mobile device may require 032375o recycling in accordance with local laws.

Contact your local regulatory authorities for more information.


Motorola T56JY1 Users manual

Symbol Definition

Do not throw your battery or mobile device in the trash.

Do not let your battery, charger, or mobile device get wet.

Listening at full volume to music or voice

through a headset may damage your hearing.

Batteries & Chargers

Caution: Improper treatment or use of batteries may present a danger of fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard. For more information, see the “battery use & safety” section in the user’s guide.

Keep Your Mobile Device and Its

Accessories Away From Small


These products are not toys and may be hazardous to children. For example:

A choking hazard may exist for small, detachable parts.

Improper use could result in loud sounds, possibly causing hearing injury.

Improperly handled batteries could overheat and cause a burn.

Glass Parts

Some parts of your mobile device may be made of glass. This glass could break if the product is dropped on a hard surface or receives a substantial impact. If glass breaks, do not touch or attempt to remove. Stop using your mobile device until the glass is replaced by a qualified service center.


Some people may be susceptible to epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to flashing lights, such as when playing video games. These may occur even if a person has never had a previous seizure or blackout.

If you have experienced seizures or blackouts, or if you have a family history of such occurrences, please consult with your physician before playing video games or enabling a flashing-lights feature (if available) on your mobile device.

Discontinue use and consult a physician if any of the following symptoms occur: convulsion, eye or muscle twitching, loss of awareness, involuntary movements, or disorientation. It is always a good idea to hold the screen away from your eyes, leave the lights on in the room, take a 15-minute break every hour, and stop use if you are tired.

Caution About High Volume Usage

Warning: Exposure to loud noise from any source for extended periods of time may

affect your hearing. The louder the volume sound level, the less time is required before

your hearing could be affected. To protect your hearing:


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