Motorola T56DG1 Users Manual

S pec ific Abs orption R ate Data
The model wireles s phone meets the governme nt’s requirements for ex pos ure to radio waves .
The expos ure s tandard for wireles s mobile phone s employs a unit of mea surement known as the S pecific Absorption R ate, or S AR . T he S AR limit s et by the F CC and by the C anadian regulatory authorities is
1.6 W /kg. positions accepted by the F CC and by Indus try C anada with the phone transmitting at its highes t certified power level in all tes ted frequency bands. Although the S AR is determined at the highes t ce rtified power level, the actual S AR level of the phone while operating can be well below the ma ximum value. T his is becaus e the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels s o a s to use only the power required to rea ch the network. In genera l, the closer you are to a wireles s bas e s tation, the lower the power output.
B e fore a phone model is available for s ale to the public in the U.S . and C anada, it mus t be tested a nd certified to the F C C and Indus try C ana da that it doe s not exceed the limit e s tablished by each government for sa fe exposure. T he tests are performed in pos itions and loca tions ( e.g., at the ea r a nd worn on the body) reported to the F CC and available for review by Industry C anada. T he highest S AR value for this model phone when
tested for us e a t the ea r is 1.23 W/kg, a nd when worn on the body, a s
Te s ts for S AR are conducted us ing s tanda rd opera ting
des cribed in this us er guide, is 0.74 W /kg. (B ody-worn meas urements
differ among phone models, depending upon ava ila ble acces sories and regulatory requirements).
While there may be differe nces between the S AR levels of va rious phones a nd a t various pos itions, they all mee t the governmental requirements for s afe expos ure. P lea s e note that improvements to this product model could ca us e difference s in the S AR va lue for later products; in a ll cases, products are des igned to be within the guidelines.
Additional information on S pecific Abs orption R ates (S AR ) can be found on the C ellular Telecommunications & Internet As sociation (C TIA) Web site:
or the C anadian W ireles s Telecommunications Ass ociation (C WTA) Web site:
1. In the United S tates and C ana da, the S AR limit for mobile phones us ed by
2. The S AR information inc ludes the Motorola tes ting protoc ol, ass ess ment
the public is 1. 6 watts/kg (W/kg) average d over one gra m of tiss ue. The stand ard incorpora tes a s ubs tantial ma rgin of safety to give a dditional protec tion for the public and to ac count for any va riations in mea surements.
proc edure , a nd mea surement unc ertainty range for this produc t.