Motorola P930 User Manual

User's Guide
Motorola warrants the pager against defects in material and workmanship under normal
use and service for the period of time sp ecified below. This express warranty is extended
by Motorola, 1500 Gateway Blvd., Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 to the original end user
purchaser only and is not ass ignable or transferable to any other party.
This warranty sets forth the full extent of MOTOROLA’s responsibilities regarding the
pager. Repair, replacement, or refund of the purchase price, at MOTOROLA’s option, is
Motorola pagers are shipped from the factory with a standard limited warranty of one (1)
year on parts and labor from date of purchase by the original end user purchaser, based
on proof of purchase. In the event of defect, mal function, or failure to conform to specifi-
cations during the warranty period, Motorola, at its option, will either repair, replace or
refund the purchase price of the pager. Repair, at Motorola’s option, may include the
replacemen t of parts or bo ard s with functi o nal ly eq ui valent reconditioned or new parts
or boards. Replaced parts and boards are warranted for the ba lance of the original war-
ranty period.
All parts and boards removed in the replacement process shall become the property of
Motorola. This warranty does not cover defects, mal functions, performance failures or
damages to the unit resulting from use in other than its normal and customary manner,
misuse, accident or negl ec t, the use of no n-co nfo r mi ng par ts, or imp rope r alte rat ions or
repairs. This warranty does not cover wear and t ear on covers or housings, nor the cover-
age or range over which the pager will receive signals.
For information on how to receive service on M otorola pagers or
covered accessories, call 1-800-548-9954 or 1-800-793-7834 (TTY).
Pager warranty will be VOID if any of the fol lo wing conditions occur:
• Pagers that are incomplete such as those in which boards or components are missing
and/or incompatible.
• Pa gers who se ser ial numb ers d o no t mat c h on t he bo ard s , or pagers in which the boa rd
serial numbers don’t match the housing.
• Pagers that have been opened by, or had work performed by, anyone other than a
Motorola authorized pager service center.
• Pagers received with non-conforming or non-Motorola housings or parts.
Flat rate repair fees apply to pagers and accessories are not covered under warranty.
EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you
may also have other rights which vary from state to st ate.
Model P930
ReFLEX™ Technology
Quick Start Guide
the arrow in the center of the battery door
and slide the door away from the center of
your pager.
with the two-contact side of the pager’s bat-
tery compartment and the negative (-)
marking with the one-contact side of the
battery compartment.
at an angle toward the outer edge of the
pager, ensuri ng the white l ift tab is und er-
neath the battery, and then press the bat-
tery down into place.
a. Holding the pager face down, press down on
b. Match positive (+) marking on the battery
c. Insert battery into the battery compartment
and slide the battery door back into place.
d. Fold the lift tab down on top of the battery,
120V ac outlet (as shown on right).
it snaps into place and the Red LED on the
Installing the Charger
charger illuminates .
a. Plug the transformer into any standard
b. Press the pager firmly into the charger until
The splash screen (as shown on right) will
display within a few minutes. As the battery
charges, the charging indicator (as shown
bottom right) will move across the screen,
until the screen is completely covered. This
process usually takes about 10 minutes.
Green LED on the charger turns on and the
Red LED turns off. This may take another
40-60 minutes. D uring this time, you can
begin to set up your pager starting on page
19 of the User Guide. After the battery has
charged to a minimum level, the Home
Charging the Battery
a. Open the front flip on the pager.
b. Leave your pager in the charger until the
screen will display (page 6).
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This license agreement is a le gal agreement between you and Motorol a, which in cludes comp uter softw are and associate d media and printed materials, and may include “ online” or electronic documentation (“ SOFTWARE”).
By installing, copying or u sing the SOFTWARE, you a gree to be bound b y the term s of this license ag reement. If yo u do not agree with the te rms of this license agreement, promptly return the unused SOFTWARE to the place from which you obtained it for a full refund.
The copyrights laws and international copyright treaties, as wel l as other intellectual property laws and treaties, protect this SOFTWARE.
1. You may install and use one copy of this SOFTWARE on a single computer. The SOFTWARE may not be used by more than two (2) processors at any one time on the single computer runn ing the SO FTWARE.
2. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE.
3. The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its components may not be separated for use on more than one computer.
4. You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE.
5. You may transfer your rights under this license, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the SOFTWARE (including all component parts, the media, and printed materials and this license agreement) and the recipient agrees to the terms of this license.
6. If you fail to comply with the terms of this license, Motorola may terminate this license ag reement , withou t prej udice to any oth er rig hts t hat Moto rola ma y have . In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its component parts.
7. Motorola owns all title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE and any copies of the SOFTWARE. Copyright laws and international treaties protect the SOFT­WARE. However, you may either (1) make one copy of the SOFTWARE for backup or archival purposes or (2) install the SOFTWARE on a single computer provided that you keep th e or igi nal s ol ely fo r bac ku p or arch i val purpos es . You may no t c opy the printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE.
8. The SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplicatio n, o r di sclos ure b y th e Gove rn ment i s subj ect to re str icti ons se t for t h in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer software clause at DFARS 252.22 7-7 013 or s ubpar agrap hs (c) (1) a nd (c) (2) o f the Commerc ial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. The manufacturer is Motorola, Inc., 3301 Quantum Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL 33426-
9. You agree that you will not export or re-export the SOFTWARE to any country, person, entity or end users subject to U.S. e xport restrictions. You warrant tha t your export priv il eges have not been s uspen ded , rev oke d or d e nied b y t he U. S. Bur eau o f Export Administration or any other federal agency.
10. EXPORT LAW ASSURANCES: You hereby agree to comply fully with the export regulations of the United States of America. You agree that you will not export the Software without an export licen se issued by th e U.S. Departmen t of Commerce. Y ou hereby agree to comply with all regulator y sanctions or rest rictions involvin g a party or an entity id entified as Denied Parties or Special ly Designated Nationals by the U.S. Department of Commerce and/ or the U.S. Department of Treasury.
Motorola, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual and specifically dis­claims any warranties, express or implied, of merchantability or fitness for any specific purpose. Further, Motorola, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make any modificationsto its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any party, person, or entity of such revisions or changes.
© 1999 by Motorola,Inc. All Rights Reserved. Personal Communications Sector 1500GatewayBlvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33426-8292 Printed in the United States of America 4/99
T, Motorola,Timeport P930, PC Partner, and FLEX are trademarksor registered trademarks of Motorola,Inc. Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM. Off.


Welcome ................................................................................ 1
Using This Manual ................................................................ 3
Conventions ..............................................................................3
Finding Help ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ......4
Getting Started .............. .................. ... ................... ... ............. 5
What’s in the Box? ...................................................................5
Paging Servi ce Ins t ructions .......... ............ ............ ............ ......5
How Your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager Works ............. 6
The Flip ....................................................................................6
The Home Screen .....................................................................6
The Keyboard ...........................................................................9
The Battery and Charger ......................................................12
The Infrared Port ...................................................................17
The Holster ...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ...........18
System Setup ............ .................................... .... .................. 19
Turning On and Off Your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager . 1 9
Configuring Your Timep o rt P930 T wo- W ay Pa ge r .............23
Setting the Date and Time ....................................................24
Assigning Alert Modes ...........................................................25
Assigning Alert Types ............................................................27
Sending a Test Page to Yourself ...........................................27
Addresses ....................................................................28
Entering Addresses ................................................................28
Editing Addresses ........................ ............ ........... ............ .......30
Deleting Addresses ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ....31
Write .................................. ... .................. .... .................. 32
Writing Messages ...................................................................32
Importing Mess a ge s .................. ............ ............ ............ .........33
Adding Quick Text .................................................................34
Attaching Message Replies ....................................................34
Saving Your Message to the Drafts Inbox ............................34
Scheduling a Delayed Send ......... ............ ........... ............ .......35
Filing a Message Draft ..........................................................35
Entering a One-Time Address ...............................................36
Read .............................................................................. 37
Reading Incoming Messages .................................................37
Setting a Reminder Messa ge Ala rm ........... ........................ ..38
Sending Response s ................ ............ ................................. ....38
Forwarding Messages ............................................................39
Filing Messages ......................................................................40
Deleting Messages .................................................................40
Managing the Message Area .................................................40
Customize .................................................................... 48
Viewing System Status .........................................................48
Enabling and Disablin g Alert s and Alarms .........................49
Setting Up Internet Fax Service ...........................................49
Customizing the User Interface ............................................50
Customizing Message Features ............................................51
Quiet Time ............................................................................. 52
Maintaining Inboxes and Applications .................................53
Setting the Alarm Clock ........................................................54
FLEXTMPC Partner ...................................................... 55
Introducing FLEX PC Partner ..............................................55
Installing FLEX PC Pa rtne r on Yo ur PC .............. ....... ....... .56
Linking Your Tim ep o rt P930 T wo -Way Pager to Your PC ..56
Configuring FLEX PC Partn e r ..... ........... ............ ............ .....57
Using the PC Partner Shell ..................................................58
Managing Your Address Book ...............................................59
Managing Your Messages .....................................................70
Installing and Rem o vin g Applications .................................71
Backing-up and Resto ri ng Information ............. ............ .......72
Checking Memory Usage on Your Timeport P930
Two-Way Pager ......................................................................74
Uninstalling FLEX PC Partner ............................................74
Memory Management System ........................................... 75
General Safety Instructions ............................................... 77
Pager Transmitter Safety ......................................................77
Battery Safety ........................................................................77
Battery Charger Safety .........................................................77
Agency Approvals .............................. ............ ............ ............78
Patent Information ............ .................................... .... .......... 78
Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager Spec if ications ................ 79
Commonly Asked Questions ................................... .... ...... 80
Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager ............................................80
Messaging ..............................................................................81
Battery and Charger ..............................................................84
FLEX PC Partner ..................................................................85
Cleaning Your Pager .......................................................... 87
Care And Maintenance ....................................................... 87
Questions? .......................................................................... 87
Index .................................................................................... 88
Contents iii
iv Timeport P930 User’s Guide


Congratulation s! Yo ur ne w Mo toro la T ime p ortTM P930 Two-Way Pager is about to change the way you communicate. With features such as wireless, smart paging and user-upgradeable system soft­ware and applications, your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager places you in control of your personal communications. You can now send messages, con tro l inc o m ing messages, and cu sto m iz e the device with applications tha t you se le ct.
This pocket message center features a QWERTY keyboard and high-resolution graphics display. It enables you to communicate wirelessly with Internet ema il addresses, fax machines, and other pagers, yet is small enough to comfortably wear on your belt or fit in your pocket.
The Timeport System (FLEX OS), M ot orola’ s ne w open-standard oper atin g sys­tem for messaging products, and FLEX Prot ocol for Two-Way Paging, Motoro la’s high -s peed two -way paging techn o lo gy.
The built-in suite of software applications includes: Read — Read incoming messages , includ in g p e rson al, ser vic e
bureau, and reminde r messages. Write — Create and send messages to another pager, an email
address, or a fax machine without searching for a phone. Receive and respond to messages from the same device.
Addresses — Store your personal directory of names, phone numbers, email addresses, and related information, and retrieve easily.
Customize — Use set-and-forget functions to customize your preferences such as message text size, unread message alerts (on/ off), and date/time formats.
Set Time — Quickly adjust the time or date to reflect your movement between time zones or seasonal changes such as Day­light Savings Tim e.
Partner — Keep all your records in sync using Motorola’s FLEX PC Partner co nnectivity soft ware. Update the Add ress Book on your computer by transferri ng your Addr es s Book fil es from yo ur Timeport Additionally, changes made t o yo ur Addres s Book on you r co mput­er can be transferred back to your pager.
Alarm Clock — Set audible or vibrating personal alarms at up to three different times and frequencies.
P930 Two-Way Page r us es FLEXTM Operating
P930 Two-Way Page r to your personal co mp uter.
Radio Mode — Set your transmission mode to accommodate your
environment. Your Timeport
P930 Two-Way Pager accomm o­dates the special requirements of hospital or medical facilities and airline travel.
Finally, everything yo u ne ed in a smar t, custo mizable paging device! Life just got easier. Consol idate your commu nications onto
one device — yo ur all-in-one Timeport
P930 Two-Way Pager
from Motorola.
The efficiency and affordability of a pager…
The conve ni ence of full text response.
Welcome 1
2 Timeport P930 User’sGuide

Using This Manual

This manual us es several conventions to dif fe re ntiate betwe e n command and key acces s on your Timeport
and your personal computer (PC). Specific conventions are also used to highlight additional helpful information in the form of tips, notes, and cautions. Before you begin, please refer to the following conventions:
On the Timeport P930 T wo -Wa y P ager
Icons represent each applica tion on the Timeport P930 menu wheel.
White buttons identify command butt ons that appear on the screen.
Gray keys identify Timeport P930 key­board keys.
Two keys means to press the first key, release, then pres s the second key. Do not
hold down or next key.
Bold Text Bold Text indicates text to select on th e
Timeport P930 screen or to type into a field.
Means to press the NavDisc right, up, down) to move within a field (text field, list field, button field).
Means to press to move between fields (list field to button field).
Select Means to highlight a list item, applica-
tion icon, or comman d butto n , then pr ess
P930 Two-Way Pager
while pressing the
On the PC
Address Book Icons represent each application in the
E Shadowed keys indicate PC keyboard
Bold Text Bold text indicates menu options or com-
PC Partner Shell. Icons represent menu opt i ons t hat can be
selected from the menu bar.
mand buttons to select or text to type into a field.
Additional Information
TIP Identifies actions you can perform to
CAUTION Identifies actions that can cause loss of
increase your ease of use and efficiency. Provides further informat io n about the
proc ed ural step or f eatur e.
data or damage to the product.
Finding Help
We welcome your suggestions on h ow we can improve our products and want to hear about any problems you may be experiencing. To contact us about suggestions or concerns, or for more information about t he Timep o rt P 930 Tw o-Wa y Pa ger, i ts ac ces so rie s, or oth er Motorola products, call:
Or, visit our website:
UsingThis Manual 3
4 Timeport P930 User’sGuide

Getting Started

How Your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager Works
What’s in the Box?
Your new Timeport P930 Two-Wa y Pager comes with: 1 Timeport P930 Two-Way Pag er 1 NiMH Battery 1 Holster 1 Charger Base/Docking Station 1 120 Vac Transformer 1 RS232 Null Modem Serial Cable 1 FLEX PC Partner Con ne ctivi ty Softwar e D is k
• Pro duct Literatur e ( U ser’s Manual, Quick Referenc e Card, Registration Card)
Paging Service Instructions
To begin paging service, contact your paging service provider for activation inst ructions. Your PIN number and the phon e nu mb er of the paging servi ce can be found in the literatu re provided by the paging service. Use this manual for device-specifi c oper a tin g in­structions.
Timeport P930 Tw o-Way Pager
Product Literature
The Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager’s lightweight, wearable design allows you to open the flip and read your messages while the pager is still in the belt holster. Audio and vibrat e aler t s notify you of incoming and waiting messages. The keyboard provides text entry capabilities that allo w you to se nd fu ll te xt me ssages. All this is combined with the abili ty to add applic atio ns, upgrade current applications, and, with the infrared interfac e in the Motoro la Deluxe model, upload and download information to and from your
computer. TIP The Time port P9 30 Tw o-Way Pager displays a blank screen
to conserve energ y duri ng peri ods of inac tivit y. Pr ess a ny ke y to awaken the pager.
The Flip
The front flip on the Timeport P930 Two -Way Pager houses and protects its LCD screen and ante n nae . Open ing the flip awa ken s the pager, while closing the flip puts the scree n int o sleep mode. When in sleep mode, your Tim e por t P 930 Tw o-Way Pager contin­ues to work for you. It receives and stores incoming messages for access at your convenience. You can set audible, vibrating, or silent alerts to notify you when messages are receiv ed.
The Home Screen
Date & Tim e
RS232 Cable
FLEX PC Partner Disk
Getting S tarted 5
Status Icons
The Home screen’s menu wheel prov i des q uick access to both pre­loaded applications a nd those yo u add yours e lf.
6 Timeport P930 User’sGuide
Press the NavDisc
up or down to highlight an app lic atio n. Continue pressing the NavDisc in the same direction and the menu wheel spins in that direction to display the next three applications.
TIP To select an application from the menu wheel without scroll-
ing through the men u, pre ss the firs t let te r of the app lic a­tion’s name. The menu whe el spins to the first app lic atio n beginning with the selected letter. These are called shortcuts. Shortcuts also work on menu lists such as your Message Area container list.
If more than one application or more than one list entry starts with the same letter, the shortcut takes you to the first occurrence of the letter. Press the letter agai n and the shortcut ta kes yo u to the next occurre nce of the letter.
The Home screen also provides at a glance the basic st atus of your Timeport P930 Tw o- Wa y Pager, including:
Date and Time — Always displays the date and tim e for yo ur convenience; select the Set Time application from the menu wheel to change the date or time; select the Customize application from the menu wheel to change the format for the date or time.
Alert Mode — Displays the current alert mode. Alert modes override or enhance the assig ned alert types. For more information, see “ Assigning Alert Modes” on page 25. To set specific aler ts, see “ Assigning Alert Types” on page 27.
Loud — Enables all audible alert s to th e loud vo lu m e. Soft — Enables all audible alerts to the soft
volume. Vibrate — En ables all ale rts to vibrate with o ut changing
the individual ale rt settings. Silent — Disables the alerts without ch ang ing the set-
tings. Select Loud or Soft to enable th e al ert settings at the preferred volume.
Battery Gau ge — Displays a four-level gr aphic indicator of the remaining power in the rechargeable battery.
Full — Approximately at full charge. 2/3 — Approximately at two-thirds capacity. 1/3 — Approximately at one-third capacity. Low Cell — Almost drained of charge.
Status Line — On the menu wheel, displays the in-range/out-of-
range transmission status (Basic Service, Full Service, or Storing Messages); for mo re info rm ation, see “ To set the trans m issio n mode:” on page23.
On application screens, explai ns the funct i on of the highli ght ed button or special status icon.
Special Status Icons — Displays graphic indicators for the following conditions:
New Message Waiting — Unread mes sages are in one or more inboxes.
Send/Receive — Full Service coverage. Two-way messaging; turns on the transmitter and receiver.
Receive Only — Basic Service co ve rage. One-way messaging; turns on only the receiver. Accompan i ed by a symbol of a heart with a cross in it, sometimes referred to as Hospital mode. Th e unit will never transmit while in this safe mode for environments with sensitive eq uipm e nt (such as CAT Scan and MRI equipment found in hospitals).
Off — Storing Me ssages covera ge. You have manu­ally turned off the transmitter and receiver. Accom­panied by an airplane to show this is the safe mode for electronic devices used in airplanes. See “ Config­uring Your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager” on page 23 for information on turning the transmitter and receiver back on.
Out of Range — Your pager is too far from a trans­mitter to receive mess age s.
Memory Low — Available memory is running low; older messages will be auto m atic ally d ele te d to free memory for new messages . F o r more i nformatio n, see “ Memory Management System” on page 75.
Alt — Alt mode is tur ne d on ; th e next key pressed will indicate an Alt-mode function. For more informa­tion, see “ Alt-mode Functions” on page 11.
Shift — Shift mode is turned on; the next le tter will be capitalized, or the next control key pressed will indicate a Shift-mode function. For more information, see “ Shift-mode Functions” on page 12.
How YourTimeportP930 Two-Way Pager Works 7
8 Timeport P930 User’sGuide

The Keyboard

Backlight/ Contrast
Caps Lock — Caps Lock setting is turned on; all let­ters will be capitalized.
Tab — Move s the cur sor b etween fields (e.g., text field to button field). From the text field, press Tab to access the button field. Continue pressing tab to cycle back to your
initial starting point, or press to tab backward.
Back — Cancels input for the currentscreen and goes back to pre­vious screen. Continue pressing to returnto the HomeScreen.
Select — Selects a highlighted item from a list or acti­vates the button highlighted by the cursor. Highlight the
list item or button, then press to select.
List Item
The Timeport P930 Two-W ay P ager com es with a QWERTY key­board. Special control keys and key comb inations provide the following functions.
Standard Control Keys
NavDisc — Moves the cu rsor within a field (i.e., text field, list field, button field). Press the outside edge of the NavDisc to move the cursor in that direction. In a text field, moves the cursor between characters. In a button field, the NavDisc scrolls th e cu rsor betw e e n co mmand options.
Text Field
Button Field
Additional Options
How YourTimeportP930 Two-Way Pager Works 9
Highlighted List Item
Home — Returns to the menu wheel (Home) screen. Backspace —When the cursor is positioned in text, it
deletes the character precedi n g the cursor.
Space — Inserts a space in text. Enter — Inserts a paragraph return in text and acts as
a select key on non- text fiel ds. Alt — Activates the A lt-m o de control keys, which are
color-coded blue on the keyboard. Press , then release. The status icon appears on the screen. The next key pressed will ind ic ate the A lt-m o de fun c­tion. Alt-mode characters are color-coded blue on the keyboard near the corresponding control key.
Do not hold down whil e pre ss ing the next key. Alt mode turns off when is pressed again or when a key
other than an Alt-mode key is pre ss e d.
10 Timeport P930 User’s Guide
Shift — Activates the Shift-mode control keys. Press
then release. The status icon appears on the screen. The next letter pre sse d will be capitalized, or the next control ke y pre ssed will in d icate a Shift-mode function. Shift-mode charac te rs are color-coded whi te on the keyboard near the corresp ondin g co nt rol key.
Three other keys()provide Shift-mode access to three more symbols ( / ¢ - ). Do not hold down
while pressing the ne xt k e y. Shift mode turns off when is pressed again or
when a key other than a Shift- m od e key is p ressed. Backlight — Illuminates the screen and th e key b oa rd.
The backlight remain s on until the display times out, the flip is closed, or you press again.
Alt-mode Functions
Thirteen symbols (colored blue on the keyboard) are available using the Alt mode. The number keys plus three othe r keys (
) are used by pressing , then the corresponding key.
1+2_3=4“ 5<6>7[ 8]9{0}?\,;.:
Contrast — Adjusts the contrast; the difference between the lightest and darkest areas on the dis-
play. Press , then hold do wn . The co n t rast value will progress to extreme light or da rk , then
reverse. Release when you see the desired con­trast setting.
Off — Turns off the pager. When the pager is off, press any key to turn it back on.
Caps Lock — Activates Caps Lock. Each letter pressed is capitalized until is pressed
Symbols — Activates the Symbols key. Fi ft een (15) additional symbols can be used. Press to
view the Symbols screen, then press the key that correspon d s to the sym bo l yo u wa nt to ad d to your message. The origina l scr een reappear s with the symbol added to your text. Most of the symbols below are also available on the keyboard using the Alt mode.
1+2=3~4<5>6^7&8“ 9;0\a[b]c{d}e|
BackTab — Reverses the direction of for one key press.
Page Up/Page Down — Activates Page Up and Page Down and disables Page Right and Left for
one key press. In the Message Area, press to move to the top or bottom of th e list .
Shift-mode Functions
Thirteen symbols (colored white on the keyboard) are available using the Shift mode. The number keys plus three other keys (
) are used by pressing , then the corresponding key.
1!2@3#4$5%6^7& 8*9(0)?/,¢.-

The Battery and Charger

Motorola batteries and charg ers are made from the highest-quality materials available. The batte r y and ch arg er inc lud e d with the Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager come with a one year warranty and should provide good performance well beyond the initial warranty period. H ow e ve r, re chargeabl e ba tte ries do not last fo re ve r. At some point, batteries wear out and must be replaced. If your battery’s performance has degraded (e.g., the battery’s charge lasts only half as long as when it was new), you should consider replacing your battery with a new Motorola factory-assured battery. Batter­ies, as well as any other Motorola Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager accessory, can be pu rc hased throug h yo ur deal e r , or by ca lling Motorola direct at 1-800-548-9954.
How YourTimeportP930 Two-Way Pager Works 11
12 Timeport P930 User’s Guide
TIP Before leaving on a trip, make sure th e battery and an y
extra batteries are fully charged . All recharg eable batteries experience self-discharge, meaning that a small amount of energy discharges everyda y as a battery sits on the shelf. Recharging the batte ries to full charge should take an hou r or less per battery.
Recharging can be accom plishe d by p laci ng you r Ti mepo r t P930 Two-Way Pager in the charger or by removing the bat­tery and placing only the battery in the charger. For opti­mum performance, use the recommend ed Motor ol a ch arg er.
To recharge the battery without removing it from the pager:
1. Insert the transformer’s round connector into the connector on the back of the charger.
2. Insert the transfo rm er’s two-pronged plug into any standard 120 Vac power supply outlet.
3. Hold the pager face up over the charger.
4. Position the pager with th e Moto r o la logo on the same side as the charger’s red and green LED indicators.
Transformer Two-prongedPlug
Transformer Round Connector
Ä The battery can be charged separately or while it is in the pager.
The charger is intentionally designed so that you cannot place both the extra battery and the pager in the charger at the same time.
5. Press the pager down into the charger until an audible click is heard. The red LED indicator light means the battery is charg­ing.
Ä A flashing red LED indicator means the battery is not making
a good contact. Ensure the pager is properly seated in the charger.
6. When the green LED indicator lights, the battery is fully charged. Slide the pager forward to release it from the charger.
How YourTimeportP930 Two-Way Pager Works 13
7. Remove the round tra nsfo r mer conn ecto r from the back of the charger, then remove the plug from the power supply.
14 T imeportP930 User’s Guide
To remove the battery for charging:
1. Holding the pager face down, press down on the arrow in the center of the bat tery do or and s lide th e batter y door away from the center of the pager.
2. Lift the battery door away from the pager.
Battery Door
Lift Tab
3. Using the white lift tab, lift the batte r y from the ba ttery compartment.
To recharge the battery outside of the pager:
1. Insert the transforme r ’s r ound co nn e ctor into the back of th e charge r.
Transformer Two-pronged Plug
Battery Compartment
Transformer Round Connector
2. Insert the transfo rm er’s two-pronged plug into any standard 120 Vac power supply outlet.
3. Place the 3.6 V NiMH battery in the charger’s battery compart­ment by aligning the positive (+) and negative (-) markings on the battery with those on the cha rg er .
4. Press the battery firm ly into place. Th e lit red L ED ind ic ato r light means that the batte r y is cha rging.
Ä A flashing red LED indicator means the battery is not making
a good contact. Ensure the pager is properly seated in the charger.
5. When the green LED indicator becomes lit, the battery is fully charged. Remove the battery from the fron t of the charg er.
TIP Leaving the battery in the charger after the LED turns green
keeps the battery fully charged until removed. Keep your spare battery fully charged by leaving it in your plu gged -in charger.
How YourTimeportP930 Two-Way Pager Works 15
16 Timeport P930 User’s Guide
To replace the battery:
1. Match the positiv e (+) mark in g on the fresh battery with the two (2) contact side of the pager’s battery compartment and the negative (-) marking with the one (1) contact side of t he battery compartment.
2. Insert the battery into the batte r y com par tm e nt at an an gle toward the outer edge of the pager, then press the batter y down into place.
To connect the docking station to your computer:
1. Connect one end of the RS232 cable to y our computer’s nine-pin serial port.
2. Connect the other end of the RS232 cable to the nine-pin connector in the back of the do cking station.
9-pin Serial Ports
Ä Ensure the lift tab is underneath, not on top of, the battery. The
tab is designed to help lift the batte ry ou t of the com p ar tm e nt during ba tt e ry removal.
3. Fold the protruding lift tab d ow n on to p of the batte r y, then slide the battery door back into place. An audible cl i ck can be heard when the do or is se curely cl os ed .
The Inf rared Port
The Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager includes an infrared (IR) port in the charger housing. This device is used as a docking station for your pager when transferring data to and from your comput er. The IR port on the do ck i ng station w ith the IR po r t on your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager, enabling data trans­mission. The doc kin g station is connected to you r com p u te r with the Motorola-provid ed RS2 32 null mode m cable.
When a data transfer is in process between the pager and a PC, the green and red LED indicator lights on the Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager will flash intermittently.
How YourTimeportP930 Two-Way Pager Works 17
RS232 Cable
3. Insert the transforme r ’s r ound co nn e ctor into the back of th e charge r.
4. Insert the transfo rme r ’s tw o-pronged plug into the power sup ­ply.
5. Snap your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager into the charger. You are now ready to access the FLEX PC Partner application from your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager’s Home menu wheel. See “ FLEX PC Partner” on page 55 for more information on using the FLEX PC Partner application.
The Holster
The durable, clip-on holster allows you to comfor tably wear your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager on your belt or pock et. Addition al accesso ries are also avai lable. For more inf ormation, ca ll 1-800-548-9954.
18 Timeport P930 User’s Guide

System Setup

Your Timeport P930 Two - W ay P age r come s p re-configured and ready for use. Features are available that allow you to re-configure your pager to more closely reflect your lifestyle, set the date and time, and select the alert modes and types. For information on customizing other features, see “ Customize” on page 48.

Turning On and Off Your T imeport P930 Two-Way Pager

The rechargeable battery in your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager allows you to leave your pager tu rned on 24 ho ur s a day and , depending upo n usage, can sust ain opera tion for approximately a week before requiring a recharge. How ever, your Time port P9 30 Two-Way Pager works much like your computer. Periodically turn­ing off your pager assists in clearing the random-access memory (RAM) and can he lp optim iz e yo ur pa ge r’ s per f orm a n ce . Tur ning off your pager at night will also lengthen the time of your battery’s charge.
TIP Incoming messages are stored by the paging service until
your pager is turned back on and ready to receive messages. Turn you r page r o ff at n igh t when yo u d o not wa n t to re c eiv e messages, and pl ace the pag er in t he plugg ed-in ch arger so it will be fully charged and ready for use in the morning. If you prefer to leave your pager on, use the Quiet Time feature to specify the time per iod that me ssag e aler ts will no t be played.
To turn on your pager:
Press any key.
To turn off your pager:
1. Press .
2. On the menu wheel, select .
To reset your pager:
Turn off your pager as indicated in the previous procedure, then press any key to turn the page r back on.
1. Holding the pager face down, press down on the arrow in the center of the bat tery do or and s lide th e batter y door away from the center of the pager.
2. Lift the battery door away from the pager.
Reset Button
Lift Tab
3. Using a pen or other small poi nted object, press the reset button .
4. Fold the protruding lift tab d ow n on to p of the batte r y, then slide the battery door back into place. An audible cl i ck can be heard when the do or is se curely cl os ed .
System Setup 19
20 Timeport P930 User’s Guide
Migrating from Your PageWriter 2000 Smart Pager to the Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager
Attention! Current users of the PageWriter™ 2000 Smart Pager.
PLEASE READ THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION about migrating from your PageWriter 2000 Smart Pager to the Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager.
Congratulations! You a re very close t o enjoyin g all of the pow er of your new Timeport P930 Tw o-Wa y Pa g er. Please follow these instruction s to successfully migr ate d ata and se rv ice s f rom yo ur PageWriter 2000 Smart Pager Version 1.0.50, or to your new unit. View your Smart Pager Version number as
follows: Note! All software for the PageWriter 2000X Two-Way Wire-
less Communications Center works with the Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager.
On the menu wheel, select , and then select
About PageWriter...
If you have any of the ver sion number s lis ted above , these instruc­tions will help you migrate all your data, mes sag es , pref ere nc e s, and add-on applications (from Moto rola Inc . or other so u rces ), to
your new unit. Caution! DO NOT use the PC Partner Restore utility to
migrate your data. Use only the System Mainte- nance Ut ility, the PC Partne r Backup utility, and these instructio ns to per for m this o p eration.
If any application to be migrated has a subscriber service associat­ed with it, and your PIN has changed, you will need to contact the respective service provider and inform them that you have a new Timeport P930 Tw o-Way Pager unit. They wil l prob ably ask you for your new P I N n umber or code(s) to continue t he service to your new unit.
PLEASE! Carefully read ALL the instructions first.
1. On your PC, install the new FLEX PC Partner applicatio n (v. that came with your new unit.
2. Download the System Maintenance Utility for the PageWriter 2000X Two-Way Wireless Communications Center from the Motorola website:
Choose FLEX OS upgrade and follow the instructions for down­loading.
3. Insert your "old" PageWriter 2000 Smart Pager, version 1.0.50, or, or in the docking station.
4. On the menu wheel, select , and then select
. Wait until the Connection Status screen appears on
your pager's display.
5. On your PC launch your new FLEX PC Partner application as follows: Click the Start button, select Programs, and t hen select FLEX PC Partner.
6. Double-click Backup Utility to mak e a backup copy of your "old" PageWrite r 2000 Sma rt Page r. Mak e a note o f the
name of the backup file. After the backup process is completed, remove your "old" Pag eWr ite r 2000 Smart P age r from the docking station.
7. Place your "new" Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager in the docking station.
8. On the menu wheel, select , and then select
. Wait until the Connection Status screen appears on
your pager's display.
9. On your PC launch the Sy stem Maintenance Utility for the PageWriter 2000X Two-Way Wireless Communications Center. When prompted, choose the "My pager is not functioning
correctly" option ; this causes the S ystem Maint enance Util­ity to restore data from a backup file.
10.Then, choose "Restore my data u sing the backup file". Clic k the Browse button, then move to the location of the backup file created in Step 5, and select that file.
11.Follow the instructions for connecting to your pager to complete the migration.
Now you are ready to en jo y your new Timeport P9 30 Two-Way Pager!
For addit iona l infor matio n or ass ist ance wit h thi s proce ss, call: 1-800-548-9954
System Setup 21
22 Timeport P930 User’s Guide

Configuring Your Timeport P930 Two-Way Pager

Before attempting to send or receive messages, ensure your pager is set to the proper transmission mode. You can also adjust the message text size or turn on or off the audible key board clicks when preparing you r p age r fo r use.
To set the transmission mode:
1. On the menu wheel, select .
2. Select the transmissio n mod e: Send/Receive — Full service covera ge. Turns on
the receiver and transmitter for two-way message transmission. Message s ca n be sent and received from your page r.
Receive Only — Basic Service coverage. Turns on only the receiver for one-way message transmis­sion. Messages can be receive d but not se n t from your pager.
Off — Storing Messages. Turns off the transmitter and recei ve r. Messages ca nnot be sen t o r re ce i ved.
will never transmit while in this safe mode for environments with sensitive eq ui pment such as CAT Scan and MRI equ ip ­ment found in hospitals.
transmission s can inte r fere with f ligh t navigation and com­munication s. Follow FAA regulations. Turn off the trans mit­ter while on airplanes.
3. Select to return to the main screen.
Sometimes referre d to as Hospital mode. Th e unit
Off is recommended for airline travel. Radio
Ä When the pager is in Off mode, messages are retained by the
paging service until you change modes (Send/Receive or Receive Only).
TIP Off mode does not turn off your pager. It turns off the radio
frequency (R F) tr ansm i ssio n . You can still use the applica­tions on your pager to update your Address Book, schedule reminders to yourself, or compose messages to be sent at a later time.
TIP When moving to another zone, reset your pager back to Full
Service Send/Receive mode until you rece i ve your fir s t pag e, then you can put the page r back int o Rece iv e Only m o de. This allows you to tell the se rv ice p rovid e r where to fin d your pager. Zones are defined by the paging s ervice provider, but in general, a major metropolitan area counts as a zone (e.g., the greater Chicago area is one zone).
To change the message text size:
1. On the menu wheel, select .
2. Press up or down to highlight Message Text, then press or to toggle betw een: [Now NORMAL] — Displays message text in the standard font
size. [Now LARGE] —Displays message text in a larg e r font siz e.
3. Press to access the button field, then selec t to accept the changes and return to t he m e nu wheel.
To turn on/off the audible keyboard click:
1. On the menu wheel, select .
2. Press up or down to highlight Key Clicks, then press to toggle between [Now ON] and [Now OFF].
3. Press to access the button field, then selec t to accept the changes and return to t he m e nu wheel.

Setting the Date and Time

Although your new Timep o rt P930 T wo -Wa y Pag e r com es p re­configured, you might need to set the correct date and time when you first receive your pager. Through the Set Time application, you can also reset the date and time to reflect your movement between time zones and for seasonal changes, such as Daylight Savings Time.
To set the date/time:
1. On the menu wheel, select .
System Setup 23
24 Timeport P930 User’s Guide
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