T Service
With the wired/wireless integrated service provided by Melon, you can search content, streams or downloads MP3 music content.
M elon MP3
Downloading Melon Player
You can download ‘Melon Player’ program from SKT, save, play, send
and manage MP3 files. Contact the service provider or visit Melon
homepage (www.melon.com) for further information of ‘Melon Player’.
Melon player is the free exclusive PC software operating in PC. You can
download, save, play, send or manage MP4 files (DCF files).
About SKT Melon Player?
Access Motorola (http://www.mymotorola.co.kr), subscribe, and log in.
Select the Download Center in ‘MOTOPRODUCT Product Information’,
and click Melon MP3 Player.
If there is no USB driver program installed in the PC, click ‘USB Driver
Download’ on the MP3 Player installation Guide. (Make sure to connect
the phone with PC before installing the USB driver.)
Click DOWNLOAD of the model
Click Save on the file
downloading message box ▶ Select a folder and click Save
Execute the file in the folder and click install
Click OK on the
installation complete window
An erro may occur when installing a USB driver depending on the enviroment of PC. Click Error in Driver Installation on the installation guide window
and check the description.
Connect the phone with PC with the 5PIN USB data cable.
The PC with automatically recognize the phone and install the
program. If an error occurs in recognizing the phone, click
Error in Driver Installation on the installation guide window
and check the description.
Contact the Melon homepage (http://www.melon.com), download a
Melon player program, and install it on PC.
Click ‘DOWNLOAD start’ in Melon MP3 Player on the Motorola homepage.
Click DOWNLOAD Start ▶ Click Save on the file downloading
message box ▶ Select a folder and click Save ▶ Click the file
in the saved folder ▶ Click Execute on the file open window ▶
Install Melon Player ▶ Finish installation
Downloading MP3 files
Access the Melon homepage (www.melon.com) and subscribe to it
as a member.
In case of saving an MP3 file in the mobile phone, make sure to turn
on the mobile phone, and connect it to PC via a 5PIN USB data cable
before executing the Melon Player.
After executing the Melon Player, try log-in.
After selecting a desired song, you can enjoy music with an MP3 player
or send this MP3 file to the mobile phone.
To send file to the phone, SKT integrated USB driver is required.
(See Melon homepage Customer Center for further information.)
When sending an MP3 file to the phone via PC, do not remove the 5PIN
USB data cable by force. Such act may cause malfunction of the phone.
Service fee is charged for downloading MP3 files to PC or saving MP3
files to the phone. The fee will be charged based on SKT’s Melon.
Playing MP3 files
This service is available for the customers who have an integrated ID
issued from SKT membership site T-World (http://www.tworld.co.kr)
In case of downloading or listening MP3 files on PC, it is not necessary to
connect the phone.
It is possible to send PC-downloaded MP3 files to the phone again.
However, it is impossible to send files from the phone to PC again.
To send MP3 files to the phone, make sure that you have an MP3-only
phone and have the mobile phone authorized. (Contact the service
provider or see Melon homepage Customer Center for further information.)
You can check the MP3 file downloaded to the phone via ‘Melon box’.
(Melon Contents, see p70)
Only MP3 files with extension ‘DOF’ can be played in the phone.