The following battery use and safety information applies to all Motorola mobile devices. If
yourmobiledeviceusesa non-removable main battery(asstated inyourproductinformation),detailsrelated to handling andreplacing yourbatteryshouldbe disregarded—thebatteryshould onlybereplacedbya Motorola-approved servicefacility,andanyattempt toremoveorreplace your batterymaydamage theproduct.
Important: Handle and store batteries properly to avoid injury ordamage.
batterysafetyissuesarisefromimproper handlingofbatteries,andparticularlyfromthe continued useofdamaged batteries.
•Don’t disassemble,crush, puncture, shred,or otherwise attempt to change the form of yourbattery.
•Don’tuse tools, sharp objects, orexcessive force to insert or remove the batteryasthiscan damage the battery.
•Don’t letthe mobile device or battery come in contact with liquids.*
get intothe mobiledevice’scircuits,leading to corrosion.
•Don’t place your mobile device or battery near a heat source.*
can causethe batteryto swell,leak,or malfunction.
•Don’t drya wet or damp battery with an appliance or heat source
dryer or microwaveoven.
•Do avoid leaving your mobile device in your car in high temperatures.*
•Do avoid dropping the mobile device or battery.*
on a hard surface,canpotentiallycause damage.*
•Do contact your service provider or Motorola ifyour mobile device orbatteryhas been damaged in any of the ways listed here.
Alwaysmakesure that anybattery,connector and compartment coversare closed andsecure to avoiddirectexposureofthe batteryto anyof these conditions,evenifyour
product information states that your
mobile device
Ifmetal objects, suchasjewelry,stay
, suchasahair
Dropping theseitems,especially
can resist damage from these
Liquids can
43Safety, Regulatory & Legal
Important: Motorola recommends you always use Motorola-branded batteries and
Jan. 12. 2012
chargers for quality assurance and safeguards.
damage to the mobile device caused by non-Motorola batteries and/or chargers. To help you
identify authentic Motorola batteries from non-original or counterfeit batteries (that may not
have adequate safety protection), Motorola provides holograms on its batteries. You should
confirm that any battery you purchase has a “Motorola Original” hologram.
Ifyouseeamessageonyourdisplay suchas
Ifthere isnohologram,the batteryisnot a Motorolabattery;
Ifthere isa hologram,replacethe batteryandtrycharging itagain;
Ifthemessageremains,contact a Motorolaauthorizedservice center.
Use of a non-Motorolabatteryor charger maypresent a riskof fire,explosion,
Proper and safe battery disposaland recycling:
important for safety,itbenefitstheenvironment.You canrecycleyourused batteriesinmanyretailorserviceproviderlocations.Additionalinformationonproperdisposalandrecyclingcan befoundat
Use of third party accessories, including but not limited to batteries, chargers, headsets,
covers, cases, screen protectors and memory cards, may impact your mobile device’s
performance. In some circumstances, third party accessories can be dangerous and may void
44Safety, Regulatory & Legal
your mobile device’s warranty. For a list of Motorola accessories, visit
Jan. 12. 2012
Driving Precautions
Responsible and safe driving is your primary responsibility when behind the wheel of a
vehicle.Usingamobiledeviceoraccessoryfor a callor other application while driving maycausedistraction,and maybe prohibitedorrestrictedincertainareas—alwaysobeythe lawsand regulationsonthe use of these products.
Performanyother functionsthat divert your attention fromdriving.
While driving, ALWAYS:
Keep youreyeson theroad.
Use a handsfreedeviceifavailableorrequiredbylawinyour area.
Enterdestinationinformation into a navigation device
Use voice activated features(such asvoice dial)and speakingfeatures(suchasaudible directions),ifavailable.
Obeyalllocallawsand regulationsfor the use of mobiledevicesand accessoriesinthe vehicle.
Endyour callor other taskifyoucannotconcentrate ondriving.Remembertofollowthe “Smart PracticesWhileDriving”at
(in English only).
Seizures, Blackouts& Eyestrain
To reduce eyestrain and avoid headaches,itisalwaysa good ideatohold the screen a comfortable distancefromyour eyes,use inawell-litarea,andtakefrequent breaks.Somepeople maybe susceptibletoseizuresorblackouts(even iftheyhavenever hadone before)whenexposedtoflashinglightsor light patterns,suchaswhenplayingvideogames,or watchingvideoswithflashing-light effects.Discontinueuse andconsult a physicianifanyofthe following symptomsoccur:seizures,blackout,convulsion,eyeormuscletwitching,lossofawareness,or disorientation.Ifyouorsomeone inyour familyhasexperiencedseizuresorblackouts,please consult with
your physician before using an application that produces flashing-light effects on your mobile
45Safety, Regulatory & Legal
Caution About High Volume Usage
Jan. 12. 2012
Exposure to loud noise from any source for extended periods of
time may affect your hearing. The louder the volume sound level, the less
time is required before your hearing could be affected. To protect your
Limit the amountoftimeyou use headsetsorheadphonesat high volume.
Turn thevolumedownifyou can’t hear people speakingnear you.Ifyouexperience hearingdiscomfort,including thesensation ofpressure orfullnessinyour ears,ringing inyour ears,or muffled speech,youshouldstop listening to the device through your headsetorheadphonesand haveyourhearing checked.For more information about hearing,see our website at
(inEnglish only).
Repetitive Motion
Whenyou repetitivelyperformactionssuchaspressingkeysorenteringfinger-written characters,you mayexperience occasionaldiscomfort inyourhands,arms,shoulders,neck,or other partsof yourbody.Ifyou continueto have discomfort during orafter suchuse,stop use and see a physician.
Keep your mobile device and its accessories away fromsmall children.
productsare not toysand maybehazardoustosmallchildren.For example:
Achoking hazardmayexist for small,detachableparts.
Improper use could resultinloud sounds,possiblycausing hearinginjury.
Improperlyhandledbatteriescouldoverheat andcause a burn.
Supervise access for older children.
your mobiledevice,you maywanttomonitor their accessto helpprevent:
Exposure to inappropriate appsorcontent.
Improper use of appsorcontent.
Loss ofdata.
Similartoacomputer, ifanolderchilddoesuse
Glass Parts
Some parts of your mobile device may be made of glass. This glass could break if the product
receives a substantial impact. If glass breaks, do not touch or attempt to remove. Stop using
your mobile device until the glass is replaced by a qualified service center.
46Safety, Regulatory & Legal
Operational Warnings
Jan. 12. 2012
Obey all posted signs when using mobile devices in public areas.
Potentially Explosive Areas
Potentially explosive areas are often, but not always, posted and can include blasting areas,
fueling stations,fuelingareas(such asbelowdecksonboats),fuelor chemicaltransferorstorage facilities,orareaswhere theair containschemicalsor particles,suchasgraindust,or metalpowders.Whenyou areinsuchanarea,turnoff your mobiledevice,anddonot remove,install,orchargebatteries,unlessitisa radioproducttypeespeciallyqualified for use insuchareasandcertifiedas“IntrinsicallySafe”(for example,FactoryMutual,CSA,or ULapproved).Insuchareas,sparkscan occur andcause anexplosion or fire.
Listeningatfullvolumeto musicor voicethrough a headsetmaydamageyour hearing.
Radio Frequency (RF)Energy
Exposure toRF Energy
Yourmobiledevicecontainsa transmitter andreceiver.WhenitisON,itreceivesand transmitsRFenergy.Whenyoucommunicatewithyourmobiledevice, thesystemhandlingyour callcontrolsthe power levelatwhich yourmobiledevicetransmits.Yourmobiledeviceisdesigned to complywithlocalregulatoryrequirementsinyourcountryconcerning exposure ofhumanbeingsto RFenergy.
RFEnergy Operational Precautions
For optimalmobiledevice performance,and to besure that human exposuretoRFenergydoesnot exceedthe guidelinesset forth inthe relevant standards,alwaysfollowthese instructionsand precautions:
When placing or receiving a phonecall,hold your mobile device justlike youwould a
landline phone.
Ifyouwear the mobile deviceon your body,alwaysplacethe mobile device in a
you donot use a body-wornaccessorysupplied or approvedbyMotorola,ensure that
whatever product isusedisfreeofanymetalandthat itpositionsthe mobiledevice at
least 2.5cm(1inch)awayfromthe body.
Using accessoriesnot suppliedorapprovedbyMotorolamaycause your mobiledevice to
exceedRFenergyexposure guidelines.Foralist ofMotorola-supplied or approved
accessories,visit our website at:
48Safety, Regulatory & Legal
RF Energy Inte rference/Compatibility
Jan. 12. 2012
Nearly every electronic device is subject to RF energy interference from external sources if
inadequately shielded, designed, or otherwise configured for RF energy compatibility. In
some circumstances, your mobile device may cause interference with other devices.
Follow Instructions t o Avoid Int erference Problems
Turnoffyourmobiledeviceinany locationwherepostednotices instructyoutodoso, suchashospitalsor health care facilities.Inanaircraft,turnoff your mobiledevicewheneverinstructed to do sobyairline staff.Ifyour mobiledeviceoffersanairplane mode orsimilar feature,consult airline staff about usingitinflight.
Medical Devices
Ifyouhave a medicaldevice,including animplantable medicaldevice such asa pacemaker or defibrillator,consultyourhealthcare provider andthe device manufacturer’sdirectionsbefore using thismobile device.Personswithimplantable medicaldevicesshouldobservethe following precautions:
implantable medicaldevice whenthe mobile deviceisturnedON.
DONOTcarrythe mobiledevice inthe breastpocket.
Use the ear oppositethe implantablemedicaldeviceto minimizethe potentialfor
Turn OFFthe mobiledeviceimmediatelyifyouhaveanyreasontosuspect that
Specific Absorption Rate (ICNIRP)
Yourmobiledeviceisa radiotransmitter andreceiver.Itisdesignednot to exceedthe limitsfor exposure to radio waves(radiofrequencyelectromagneticfields)recommendedbyinternationalguidelines.The guidelineswere developedbyan independent scientificorganization(ICNIRP)and includeasubstantialsafetymargindesigned to assurethe safetyof allpersons,regardlessof ageand health.Theradio waveexposureguidelinesuse a unitofmeasurement knownasthe Specific
Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 2 W/kg.
49Safety, Regulatory & Legal
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