Motorola MVME2400 User Manual

Single Board Computer
Installation and Use
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Motorola, Inc.
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The MVME2400-Series VME Processor Module Installation and Use manual provides information you will need to install and use your MVME2400-series VME processor module. The MVME2400 VME processor module is based on an MPC750 PowerPC microprocessor, and features dual PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) slots with front panel and/ or P2 I/O. The MVME2400 is currently available in the following configurations:
Model MPC Memory Handles
MVME2401-1 MPC750 MVME2401-3 32MB ECC SDRAM 1101 Handles MVME2402-1 64MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles MVME2402-3 64MB ECC SDRAM 1101 Handles MVME2431-1 MPC750 MVME2431-3 32MB ECC SDRAM 1101 Handles MVME2432-1 64MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles MVME2432-3 64MB ECC SDRAM 1101-1 Handles MVME2433-1 128MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles MVME2433-3 128MB ECC SDRAM 1101-1 Handles
@ 233 MHz
@ 350 MHz
The MVME2400-series module is co mpatible with optional double-widt h or s ingle-width PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) , and the PMCspan PCI expansion mezzanine module. By utilizing the two onboard PMC slots and stacking PMCspan(s), the MVME2400 provides support for up to six PMCs.
32MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles
32MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles
This manual includes hardware preparation and installation instructions for the MVME2400-series module, information about using the front panel, a functional description, information about programming the board, using the PPCBug debugging firmware, and advanc ed debugger topics. Othe r appendices provi de the MVME2400-series specifications, c onnector pin a ssignments, and a gl ossary of te rms. Additional manuals you may wish to obtain are listed in Appendix A, Ordering Related Documentation.
The information in this man ual appl ies principally to the MVME2400-se ri es module . The PMCspan and PMCs are described briefly here but are documented in detail in separate publications, furni shed with thos e products. Refer to the indi vidual produc t documentation for complete preparation and installation instructions. These manuals are listed in Appendix A, Ordering Related Documentation.
This manual is intended for anyon e who want s to design OEM systems, supply additiona l capability to an existi ng compatible syste m, or work in a lab environment for experimental purposes. A basic knowledge of computers and digital logic is assumed.
Document Terminology
Throughout this manual , a convention i s used which pr ecedes dat a and addres s parameters by a character identifying the numeric format as follows:
$ Dollar 0x Zero-x % Percent Specifies a binary number & Ampersand Specifies a decimal number
Specifies a hexadecimal character
For example, “12” is the deci mal number twelve, and “$12” (hexadeci mal) is the equivalent of decimal number eighteen. Unless otherwise specified, all address references are in hexadecimal.
An asterisk (*) following the signal na me for signals which are level-si gnificant denotes that the signal is true or valid when the signal is low.
An asterisk (*) following the signal na me for signals which are edge-significant denotes that the actions initiated by that signal occur on high-to-low transition.
In this manual, assertion and negation are used to specify forcing a signal to a particular state. In particular, assertion and assert refer to a signal that i s acti ve or t rue; negat ion and negate indicate a sign al tha t is in activ e or fal se. These te rms are u sed i ndepend ently of the voltage level (high or low) that they represent.
Data and address sizes are defined as follows:
Byte 8 bits, numbered 0 through 7, with bit 0 being the least significant. Half word 16 bits, numbered 0 through 15 , wit h bit 0 being the least significant. Word 32 bits, numbered 0 through 31, with bit 0 being the least significant. Double word 64 bits, numbered 0 through 63, with bit 0 being the least significant.
Safety Summary
Safety Depends On You
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these prec autions or with spe cific warnings els ewhere in this manua l violates saf ety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the equipment. Motorola, Inc. assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
The safety precaut ions listed be low represent warnings of ce rtain danger s of which Mot orola is awar e. You, as the user of the product, should follow these warnings and all other safety precautions necessary for the safe operation of the equipment in your operating environment.
Ground the Instrument.
To minimize shock hazard, the equipment chassis and enclosure must be connected to an electrical ground. The equipment is supp lied with a three-c onductor AC power cable. The pow er cabl e must be p lugged in to an appro ved three-contact electrical outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable meet International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety standards.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical equipment in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard .
Keep Away From Live Circuits.
Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers. Only Factory Authorized Service Personnel or other qualified maint enance personnel m ay remove equip m ent covers for inte rnal subassembl y or component re pl acement or any internal adjustment. Do not replace components with power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuit s before touching t h em.
Do Not Service or Adjust Alone.
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is present.
Use Caution When Exposing or Handling the CRT.
Breakage of the Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) causes a high-velocity scattering of glass fragments (implosion). To prevent CRT implosion, avoid rough handling or jarring of the equipment. Handling of the CRT should be done only by qualified mainte nance personnel using approved safety mask a nd gloves.
Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify Equipment.
Because of the dan ger of i ntrodu cing add ition al haza rds, do not ins tall sub stitut e parts or perf orm an y unauth orized modification of the equipment. Con tact your local Mot or ola representative for service and re pa ir to ensure that safety features are maintained.
Dangerous Procedure Warnings.
W arn ings , such as th e exa mple be low, precede potentially dangerous pro cedure s thro ughou t this ma nual . Instr uctio ns contained in the warnings m ust be follow ed. You should also employ all ot her safety precautions w hich you dee m necessary for the operation of the equipment in your ope r ating environment .
Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this
equipment. Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate electro-magnetic energy. It may
EN55022 “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Infor­mation Technology Equipment”. Tested to Equipment Class B.
EN 50082-1:1997 “Electromagnetic Compatibility -- Generic Immunity Standard, Part 1. Res­idential, Commercial and Light Indust ry.”
EN 61000-4.2 -- Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test EN 61000-4.3 -- Radiated, Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field, Immunity Test EN 61000-4.4 -- Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test EN 61000-4.5 -- Surge Immunity Test EN 61000-4.6 -- Conducted Disturbances Induced by Radio-Frequency Fields -- Immunity Test EN 61000-4.11 -- Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations Immunity Test ENV 50204 -- Radiated Electromagnetic Field from Digital Radio Telephones -- Immunity Test In accordance with European Community directives, a “Declaration of Conformity” has been made and is on file at Motorola, Inc. - Computer Group, 27 Mark et Street, Maidenhead, United Kingdom, Sl6 8AE.
cause or be susceptible to electro-magnetic interference (EMI) if not installed and used in a cabinet with adequate EMI protection.
If any modifications are made t o the product, the modifier assumes responsibility for radio frequency interference issues. Changes or modifications
not expressly approved by Motorola Computer Group could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
European Notice: Board products with the CE marking co mply with the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC). Compliance with this directive implies confor mity to the following European Norms:
This board product was tested in a representative system to show compliance with the above mentioned requirements. A proper installation in a CE-marked system will maintain the required EMC/safety performance. For minimum RF emissions, it is essen tial that you implement the following conditions:
1. Install shielded cables on all external I/O ports.
2. Connect conductive chassis rails to earth ground to provide a path for connecting shields to earth ground.
3. Tighten all front panel screws. The product also fulfills EN60950 (product safety) which is essentially the requirement for the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).
All Motorola PWBs (printed wiring boards) are manufactured by UL-recognized manufacturers, with a flammability rating of 94V-0.
The computer programs stored in the Read Only Memory of this device contain material copyrighted by Motorola Inc., 1995, and may be used only under a license such as those
contained in Motorola’s software licenses. The software descri bed herein and the docu mentation appea ring herein are fu rnished under
a license agreement and may be used and/or discl osed only in acc ordance wit h the terms of the agreement.
No part of the software or documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Motorola, Inc.
Motorola® and the Motorola symbol are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc.
PowerPC™ is a trademark of International Business Machines Co rporation and is used by Motorola with permission.
All other products mentioned in this do cument are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
© Copyright Motorola 1999
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the United States of America
February 1999


CHAPTER 1 Preparing and Installing the MVME2400-Series Module
MVME240x Description ...........................................................................................1-1
MVME240x Module...........................................................................................1-2
PMCspan Expansion Mezzanine........................................................................1-3
PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMCs)............................................................................1-3
VMEsystem Enclosure .......................................................................................1-4
System Console Terminal...................................................................................1-4
Overview of Start-Up Procedures..............................................................................1-4
Unpacking the MVME240x Hardware......................................................................1-7
Preparing the MVME240x Hardware........................................................................1-7
Setting the Flash Memory Bank A/Bank B Reset Vector Header (J8) .....1-10
Setting the VMEbus System Controller Selection Header (J9).................1-10
Setting the General-Purpose Software-Readable Header (SRH)
PMCs ................................................................................................................1-12
System Console Terminal.................................................................................1-12
Installing the MVME240x Hardware ......................................................................1-13
ESD Precautions...............................................................................................1-13
PMCs ................................................................................................................1-13
Primary PMCspan.............................................................................................1-16
Secondary PMCspan.........................................................................................1-18
Installation Considerations ........................................................... ....................1-23
CHAPTER 2 Operating Instructions
Applying Power.........................................................................................................2-1
MVME240x ...............................................................................................................2-2
ABT (S1) .....................................................................................................2-3
RST (S2)................................................... ...... ...... .......................................2-3
Status Indicators..................................................................................................2-4
BFL (DS1).................................................... ...... .........................................2-4
CPU (DS2)..................................................................................................2-4
PMC2 (DS3)................................................................................................2-4
PMC1 (DS4)................................................................................................2-4
10/100 BASET Port............................................................................................2-4
DEBUG Port............................................. ..........................................................2-5
PMC Slots...........................................................................................................2-7
PCI MEZZANINE CARD (PMC Slot 1)....................................................2-7
PCI MEZZANINE CARD (PMC Slot 2)....................................................2-7
PMCspan ...................................................................................................................2-8
CHAPTER 3 Functional Description
Introduction ...............................................................................................................3-1
General Description...................................................................................................3-4
Block Diagram...........................................................................................................3-4
MPC750 Processor.............................................................................................3-4
L2 Cache .....................................................................................................3-6
Hawk System Memory Controller (SMC)/PCI Host Bridge (PHB) ASIC........ 3-7
PCI Bus Latency .........................................................................................3-8
PPC Bus Latency.......................................................................................3-10
Clock Ratios and Operating Frequencies..................................................3-13
PPC60x Originated....................................................................................3-13
PCI Originated ..........................................................................................3-14
SDRAM Memory.............................................................................................3-14
SDRAM Latency.......................................................................................3-15
Flash Memory...................................................................................................3-19
ROM/Flash Performance ..........................................................................3-19
Ethernet Interface.............................................................................................3-22
PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) Interface............................................................. 3-23
PMC Slot 1 (Single-Width PMC).............................................................3-23
PMC Slot 2 (Single-Width PMC).............................................................3-24
PMC Slots 1 and 2 (Double-Width PMC)................................................3-24
PCI Expansion...........................................................................................3-24
VMEbus Interface ........................................................... .................................3-25
Asynchronous Debug Port................................................................................3-25
PCI-ISA Bridge (PIB) Controller.....................................................................3-26
Real-Time Clock/NVRAM/Timer Function.....................................................3-27
PCI Host Bridge (PHB) ....................................................................................3-27
Interrupt Controller (MPIC)..............................................................................3-28
Programmable Timers.......................................................................................3-28
Interval Timers ..........................................................................................3-28
16/32-Bit Timers........................................................................................3-29
CHAPTER 4 Programming the MVME240x
Memory Maps.............................................. ........................................ ..... ...... ...........4-1
Processor Bus Memory Map...............................................................................4-2
Default Processor Memory Map..................................................................4-2
PCI Local Bus Memory Map..............................................................................4-3
VMEbus Memory Map.......................................... ...... ..... ..................................4-3
Programming Considerations.....................................................................................4-4
PCI Arbitration ...................................................................................................4-4
Interrupt Handling...............................................................................................4-6
DMA Channels...................................................................................................4-8
Sources of Reset..................................................................................................4-8
Endian Issues....................................................................................................4-10
Processor/Memory Domain....................................... ...... ..........................4-10
PCI Domain...............................................................................................4-10
VMEbus Domain............................................ ...... .....................................4-11
PPCBug Overview.....................................................................................................5-1
PPCBug Basics ..........................................................................................................5-1
Memory Requirements ......................... ..............................................................5-3
PPCBug Implementation....................................................................................5-3
MPU, Hardware, and Firmware Initialization ...........................................................5-3
Using PPCBug ...........................................................................................................5-5
Debugger Commands .........................................................................................5-6
Diagnostic Tests................................................................................................5-10
CHAPTER 6 Modifying the Environment
CNFG - Configure Board Information Block............................................................6-2
ENV - Set Environment.............................................................................................6-3
Configuring the PPCBug Parameters.................................................................6-3
Configuring the VMEbus Interface..................................................................6-13
APPENDIX A Ordering Related Documentation
Motorola Computer Group Documents....................................................................A-1
Manufacturers’ Documents......................................................................................A-2
Related Specifications ..............................................................................................A-5
APPENDIX B Specifications
Cooling Requirements..............................................................................................B-3
EMC Regulatory Compliance .................................................................................. B-4
APPENDIX C Connector Pin Assignments
Introduction .............................................................................................................. C-1
Pin Assignments....................................................................................................... C-1
VMEbus Connector - P1 ...................................................................................C-2
VMEbus Connector - P2 ...................................................................................C-4
Serial Port Connector - DEBUG (J2)................................................................ C-6
Ethernet Connector - 10BASET (J3)................................................................. C-6
CPU Debug Connector - J1...............................................................................C-7
PCI Expansion Connector - J6........................................................................C-12
PCI Mezzanine Card Connectors - J11 through J14 ....................................... C-15
PCI Mezzanine Card Connectors - J21 through J24 ........................ ..... .......... C-18
APPENDIX D Troubleshooting the MVME240x
Solving Startup Problems.........................................................................................D-1
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms to Know .....................................................GL-1

List of Figures

Figure 1-1. MVME240x Switches, LEDs, Headers, Connectors ..............................1-9
Figure 1-2. General-Purpose Software-Readable Header........................................1-11
Figure 1-3. Typical Single-width PMC Module Placement on MVME240x..........1-15
Figure 1-4. PMCspan-002 Installation on an MVME240x .....................................1-17
Figure 1-5. PMCspan-010 Installation onto a PMCspan-002/MVME240x............1-19
Figure 2-1. MVME240x DEBUG Port Configuration ..............................................2-6
Figure 3-1. MVME240x Block Diagram...................................................................3-5
Figure 3-2. Memory Block Diagram .......................................................................3-10
Figure 4-1. VMEbus Master Mapping.......................................................................4-5
Figure 4-2. MVME240x Interrupt Architecture........................................................4-7

List of T ables

T ab le 1-1. MVME240x Models.................................................................................1-2
T ab le 1-2. PMCspan Models........................ ..............................................................1-3
T ab le 1-3. Start-Up Overview ................................ ...... .............................................1-4
T ab le 3-1. MVME240x Features ................................. ...... .......................................3-1
T ab le 3-2. Power Requirements........................................................... ..... ...... ...........3-6
Table 3-3. PowerPC 60x Bus to PCI Access Timing.................................................3-8
Table 3-4. PCI to ECC Memory Access Timing........................................................3-8
Table 3-1: PowerPC 60x Bus to Dram Access Using 10ns SDRAMs ....................3-11
Table 3-5. PowerPC 60x Bus to FLASH Access Timing for Bank B (16-bit Port).3-14
Table 4-1. Processor Default View of the Memory Map...........................................4-2
T ab le 4-2. PCI Arbitration Assignments........................................ ...... ......................4-6
Table 4-3. Classes of Reset and Effectiveness ..........................................................4-9
T ab le 5-1. Debugger Command s ........................... ...... ...... .......................................5-7
Table 5-2. Diagnostic Test Groups ..........................................................................5-12
Table A-1. Motorola Computer Group Documents................................................. A-1
Table A-2. Manufacturers’ Documents ..................................................................A-2
Table A-3. Related Specifications ..........................................................................A-5
Table B-1. MVME240x Specifications ..................................................................B-1
Table C-1. P1 VMEbus Connector Pin Assignments .............................................C-2
Table C-2. P2 Connector Pin Assignment ..............................................................C-4
Table C-3. DEBUG (J2)Connector Pin Assignments ..............................................C-6
Table C-4. 10/100 BASET (J3) Connector Pin Assignments ..................................C-6
Table C-5. Debug Connector Pin Assignments ......................................................C-7
Table C-6. J18 - PCI Expansion Connector Pin Assignments ..............................C-12
Table C-7. J11 - J12 PMC1 Connector Pin Assignments ......................................C-15
Table C-8. J13 - J14 PMC1 Connector Pin Assignments ......................................C-16
Table C-9. J21 and J22 PMC2 Connector Pin Assignments ..................................C-18
Table C-10. J23 and J24 PMC2 Connector Pin Assignments ................................C-19
Table D-1. Troubleshooting MVME240x Modules ...............................................D-1
1Preparing and Installing the
MVME2400-Series Module


This chapter provide s a brief description of t he MVME2400-Series VME Processor Module, and instructions for preparing and installing the hardware.
In this manual, the name MVME240x refers to all models of the MVME2400-series boards, unless otherwise specified.

MVME240x Description

The MVME2400-series VM E processor mod ule is a PCI Mezzan ine Card
(PMC) carrier board. It is based on the PowerPC™ 750 microprocessor, MPC750.
Two front panel cutouts provi de acce ss to PMC I/ O. One doubl e-wid th or two single-width PMCs can be installed directly on the MVME240x. Optionally, one or two PMCspan PCI expansion mezzanine modules can be added to provide the capability of up to four additional PMC modules.
Two RJ45 connectors on the front panel provide the interface to 10/100Base-T Ethernet, and to a debug serial port.
The following list is of equipment that is appropriate for use in an MVME240x system:
PMCspan PCI expansion mezzanine modulePeripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Mezzanine Cards
VMEsystem enclosure System console terminal Disk drives (and/or other I/O) and controllers Operating system (and/or application software)
Preparing and Installing the MVME2400-Series Module

MVME240x Module

The MVME240x module is a powerful, low-cost embedded VME controller and i ntelligent PMC carr ier board. The MVME240x is curr ently available in the configurations shown in Table 1-1.
The MVME240x includes support circuitry such as ECC SDRAM, PROM/Flash memory, and bridges to the Industry Standard Architecture
(ISA) bus and the VMEbus. The MVME240x’s PMC carrier architecture allows flexible configuration options and easy upgrades. It is designed to support one or two PMCs, plus one or two optional PCI expansion mezzanine modules that each support up to two PMCs. It oc cupies a single VMEmodule slot, except when optional PCI expansion mezzanine modules are also used:
Table 1-1. MVME240x Models
Model MPC Memory Handles
MVME2401-1 MPC750 MVME2401-3 32MB ECC SDRAM 1101 Handles MVME2402-1 64MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles MVME2402-3 64MB ECC SDRAM 1101 Handles MVME2431-1 MPC750 MVME2431-3 32MB ECC SDRAM 1101 Handles MVME2432-1 64MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles MVME2432-3 64MB ECC SDRAM 1101-1 Handles MVME2433-1 128MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles MVME2433-3 128MB ECC SDRAM 1101-1 Handles
@ 233 MHz
@ 350 MHz
32MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles
32MB ECC SDRAM Scanbe Handles
The MVME240x interfaces t o the VMEbus via th e P1 and P2 connect ors, which use the new 5-row 160-p in c onne ct ors as specified in the propos ed VME64 Extension Standard. It also draws +5V, +12V, and -12V power from the VMEbus backplane through these two con nectors. The +3.3V and
2.5V power, used for the PCI bridge chip and possibly for the PMC mezzanine, is derived onboard from the +5V power.
1-2 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Support for two IEEE P1386.1 PCI mezza nine car ds is pro vided vi a eight 64-pin SMT connectors. Front panel openings are provided on the MVME240x board for the two PMC slots.
In addition, there are 64 pins of I/O from PMC slot 1 and 46 pins of I/O from PMC slot 2 that are ro uted to P2. The two PMC slo ts may contain two single-wide PMCs or one double-wide PMC. There are also two RJ45 connectors on the front panel: one for the Ethernet 10BaseT/100BaseTX interface, and one for the async serial debug port. The front panel also includes reset and abort switches and status LEDs.

PMCspan Expansion Mezzanine

An optional PCI expansion mezzanine module or PMC carrier board, PMCspan, provides the capability of adding two additional PMCs. Two PMCspans can be stacked on an MVME240x, providing four additional PMC slots, for a total of six slots including the two onboard the MVME240x. Table 1-2 lists the PMCspan models that are available for use with the MVME240x.
MVME240x Description
Table 1-2. PMCspan Models
Expansion Module D escript ion
PMCSPAN-002 Primary PCI expansion mezzanine module. Allows two PMC modules
for the MVME240x. Includes 32-bit PCI bridge.
PMCSPAN-010 Secondary PCI expansion mezzanine module. Allows two additional
PMC modules for the MVME240x. Does not include 32-bit PCI bridge; requires a PMCSPAN-002.

PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMCs)

The PMC slots on the MVME240x board are IEEE P1386.1 compliant. P2 I/O-based PMCs that follow the PMC commi ttee recommendat ion for PCI I/O when using the 5-row VME64 extension connector will be pin-out compatible with the MVME240x. 1-3
Preparing and Installing the MVME2400-Series Module
The MVME240x board supports both front panel I/ O and rear panel P 2 I/O through either PMC slot 1 o r PMC slot 2. 64 pins o f I/O from slot 1 and 46 pins of I/O from slot 2 are routed directly to P2.

VMEsystem Enclosure

Your MVME240x board must be installed in a VMEsystem chassis with both P1 and P2 backplane connections. It requires a single slot, except when PMCspan carrier boards are used. Allow one extra slot for each PMCspan.

System Console Terminal

In normal operation, connection of a debug console terminal is required
only if you intend to use the MVME240x’s debug firmware, PPCBug, interactively. An RJ45 connector is provided on the front panel of the MVME240x for this purpose.

Overview of Start-Up Procedures

The following table li sts the th ings you will need to do bef ore you can use this board, and tells where to find the information you need to perform each step. Be sure to read this entire chapter and read all Caution and
What you need to do ... Refer to ... On page ...
Unpack the hardware. Unpacking the MVME240x Hardware 1-7 Set jumpers on the MVME240x
module. Prepare the PMCs. PMCs 1-13
1-4 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Warning notes before beginning.
Table 1-3. Start-Up Overview
Preparing the MVME240x Hardware 1-7 MVME240x 1-7
For additional information on PMCs, refe r to the PMC manuals provided with these cards.
Overview of Start-Up Procedures
Table 1-3. Start-Up Overview (Continued)
What you need to do ... Refer to ... On page ...
Prepare the PMCspan module(s). PMCspan 1-12
For additional information on PMCspan, refer to the PMCspan PMC Adapter Carrier Module Installation and Use manual, listed in Appendix A, Ordering Related
Prepare a console terminal. System Console Terminal 1-12 Prepare any other optional
devices or equipment you will b e using.
Install the PMCs on the MVME240x module.
Install the primary PMCspan module (if used).
Install the secondary PMCspan module (if used).
Install and connect the MVME240x module.
Connect a console terminal. MVME240x 1-21
For more information on optional devices and equipment, refer to the documentation provided with that equipmen t.
PMCs 1-13 PMC Slots 2-7
For additional information on PMCs, refe r to the PMC manuals provided with these cards.
Primary PMCspan 1-16 For additional information on PMCspan,
refer to the PMCspan PMC Adapter Carrier Module Installation and Use manual, listed in Appendix A, Ordering Related
Documentation. Secondary PMCspan 1-18
For additional information on PMCspan, refer to the PMCspan PMC Adapter Carrier Module Installation and Use manual, listed in Appendix A, Ordering Related
Documentation. Installing the MVME240x Hardware 1-13 MVME240x 1-21 Installation Considerations 1-23
Debug Port 2-5
1 1-5
Preparing and Installing the MVME2400-Series Module
Table 1-3. Start-Up Overview (Continued)
What you need to do ... Refer to ... On page ...
Connect any other optional devices or equipment you will b e using.
Power up the system. Installing the MVME240x Hardware 1-13
Examine the environmental parameters and make any changes needed.
Program the MVME240x module and PMCs as needed for your applications.
Connector Pin Assignments C-1 For more information on optional devices
and equipment, refer to the documentation provided with that equipment.
Status Indicators 2-4 If any problems occur, refer to the section
Diagnostic Tests in Chapter 5, PPCBug. You may also wish to obtain the PPCBug
Diagnostics Manual, listed in Appendix A, Ordering Related Documentation.
ENV - Set Environment 6-3 You may also wish to obtain the PPCBug
Firmware Package User’s Manual, listed in Appendix A, Ordering Related
Documentation. Preparing the MVME240x Hardware 1-7 Programming the MVME240x 4-1
For additional information on PMCs, refe r to thePMC manuals provided with these cards.
You may also wish to obtain the
MVME2400-Series VME Processor Module Programmer’s Reference Guide, listed in Appendix A, Ordering Related Documentation.
1-6 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site

Unpacking the MVME240x Hardware

Unpacking the MVME240x Hardware
Note If the shipping carton(s) is/are damaged upon receipt, requ est
that the carrier’s agent be present during the unpacking and inspection of the equipment.
Unpack the equipment from the shipping carton(s). Refer to the packing list(s) and verify that all items are pres ent. Save the p acking mater ial for storing and reshipping of equipment.
Avoid touching areas of integrated circuitry; static discharge
can damage these circuits.

Preparing the MVME240x Hardware

To produce the desired configuration and ensure proper operation of the MVME240x, you may need to carry out certain modi fi cat i ons be fore and after installing the modules.
The following paragraphs discuss the preparation of the MVME240x hardware components prior to installing them into a chassis and connecting them.
MVME240 1-7
The MVME240x provides software control over most options; by setting bits in control registers after installing the MVME24 0x in a system, you can modify its configurati on. The MVME240x control registe rs are briefly described in Chapter 4, with additional information in the MVME2400- Series VME Processor Module Programme r’s Reference Guide as listed in the table Motorola Computer Group Documents in Appendix A, Order ing Related Documents.
Preparing and Installing the MVME2400-Series Module
Some options, however, are not sof tware-programmabl e. Such options are controlled through manual installation or removal of header jumpers or interface modules on the MVME240x or the associated modules.
Figure 1-1 illustrates the placement of the switches, jumper headers, connectors, and LED indicators on the MVME240x. Manually configurable items on the MVME240x include:
Flash memory bank A/bank B reset vector (J8)VMEbus system controller selection header (J9)General-purpose software-readable header (S3)
The MVME240x has been factory tested and is shipped with the configurations described in the following sections. The MVME240x factory-installed debug monitor, PPCBug, operates with those factory settings.
1-8 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Preparing the MVME240x Hardware
189 190
10/100 BASET
63 1
63 1
S1 S2
2427 9812
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
113 114
Figure 1-1. MVME240x Switches, LEDs, Headers, Connectors 1-9
Preparing and Installing the MVME2400-Series Module
Setting the Flash Memory Bank A/Bank B Reset Vector Header (J8)
Bank B consists of 1 MB of 8-bit Flash memory in two 32-pin PLCC 8-bi t sockets.
Bank A consists of four 16-bit devices that are populated with 16Mbit Flash devices (8 MB). A j umper header, J8, associ ated with the f irst set of four Flash devices provides a total of 64KB of hardware-protected boot block. Only 32-bit wri tes are sup ported for thi s bank of Fla sh. The address of the reset vector is jumper-selectable. A jumper must be inst al le d ei the r between J8 pins 1 and 2 for Bank A factory configuration, or between J8 pins 2 and 3 for Bank B. When the jumper is installed, the SMC (System Memory Controller) of the Hawk ASIC maps 0xFFF00100 to the Bank B sockets..
1 2
Bank A (factory configuration)
1 2
Bank B
Setting the VMEbus System Controller Selection Header (J9)
The MVME240x is factory-configured in automatic sy stem controller mode; i.e., a jumper is installed across pins 2 and 3 of header J9. This means that the MVME240x determi nes if it is system co ntr oller at sys tem power-up or reset by its position on the bus; if it is in slot 1 on the VME system, it configures itself as the system controller.
Remove the jumper from J9 if you intend to operate the MVME240x as system controller in all cases.
Install the jumper across pins 1 and 2 if the MVME240x is not to operate as system controller under any circumstances.
1-10 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Preparing the MVME240x Hardware
1 2
Automatic System Controller
(factory configuration)
System Controller Enabled
1 2
System Controller Disabled
1 2
Setting the General-Purpose Software-Readable Header (SRH) Switch(S3)
Switch S3 is an eight pole single-throw switch with softwa re readable switch settings. These settings can be read as a register at ISA I/O address $801 (hexadecimal). Each switch pole can be set to either logic 0 or l ogic
1. A logic 0 means th e switch is in the “ON” position for that particula r bit. A logic 1 means the switch is i n the “OFF” positi on for t hat par ticu lar bit. SRH Register Bit 0 is associated with Pin 1 and Pin 16 of the SRH, and SRH Register Bit 7 i s associated with Pin 8 and Pin 9 of the SRH. The SRH is a read-only register.
If Motorola’s PowerPC firmware, PPCBug, is being used, it reserves all bits, SRH0 to SRH7. If it is not being used, the switch can be used for other applications.
16 16
SRH0 = 0 SRH1 = 0 SRH2 = 0 SRH3 = 0 SRH4 = 0 SRH5 = 0 SRH6 = 0 SRH7 = 0
SRH0 = 1 SRH1 = 1 SRH2 = 1 SRH3 = 1 SRH4 = 1 SRH5 = 1 SRH6 = 1 SRH7 = 1
Figure 1-2. General-Purpose Software-Readable Header 1-11
Preparing and Installing the MVME2400-Series Module


For a discussion of any configurable it ems on the PMCs, refer to the user’s manual for the particular PMCs.


You will need to use an additional slot in the VME chassis for each PMCspan expansion module you plan to us e. Before installing a PMCspan on the MVME240x, you must install t he selecte d PMCs on the PMCspan. Refer to the PMCspan PMCAdapter Carrier Module Instllation and Use manual for instructions.

System Console Terminal

Ensure that the switc hes are set in the proper positi on for all bits on switch S3 of the MVME240x board as shown in Figure 1-2. This is necessary when the PPCBug firmware is used. Connect the ter minal via a cable to th e RJ45 DEBUG connector J2. See Table C- 3 for pin sign al assignment s. Set up the terminal as follows:
– Eight bits per character – One stop bit per character – Parity disabled (no parity) – Baud rate = 9600 baud (default baud rate of the port at power-
up); after power-up, you can reconfigure the baud rate with PPCBug’s PF command
1-12 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site

Installing the MVME240x Hardware

Installing the MVME240x Hardware
The following paragraphs discuss installing PMCs onto the MVME240x, installing PMCspan modules onto the MVME240x, installing the MVME240x into a VME chassis, and connecting an optional system console terminal.

ESD Precautions

Motorola strongly recommends that you use an a ntistatic wrist stra p and a conductive foam pad when installing or upgrading a system. Electronic components, such as d isk dr ives, c omputer boards , and memor y modules , can be extremely sensitive to Electro-Static Discharge (ESD). After removing the component fr om th e system or its protective wrapper, place the component flat o n a grounded, static-free surface (and in the case of a board, component side up). Do not slide the component over any surface.
If an ESD station is not available, you can avoid damage resulting from ESD by wearing an antistatic wrist strap (available at electronics stores) that is attached to an unpainted metal part of the system chassis.


PCI mezzanine card (PMC) modules mount on top of the MVME240x module, and/or on a PMCspan. Refer to Figure 1-3 and perform the following steps to install a PMC on your MVME240x module. This
procedure assumes that you have read the user’s manual that came with your PMCs.
1. Attach an ESD strap to your wrist . Attach the othe r end of t he ESD strap to the chassis as a ground. The ESD strap must be secured to your wrist and to ground throughout the procedure.
2. Perform an operating system shutdown. Turn the AC or DC power off and remove the AC cord or DC power lines from the system. Remove chassis or system cover(s) as necessary for access to the VMEmodules. 1-13
Preparing and Installing the MVME2400-Series Module
Inserting or removin g modules with power applied may re sult
in damage to module components.
Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this equipment. Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
3. If the MVME240x has a lready been installed i n a VMEbus card slot, carefully remove it. Lay the MVME240x flat, with connectors P1 and P2 facing you.
Avoid touching areas of integrated circuitry; static discharge can damage these circuits.
4. Remove the PCI filler plate from the selec ted PM C slot in t he fron t panel of the MVME240x. If inst alling a double-width PMC, remove the filler plates from b oth PMC slots.
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