Motorola MVME1X7P User Manual

MVME1X7P Single-Board Computer
Programmer’s Reference
Edition of October 2000
© Copyright 2000 Motorola, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
and the Motorola logo are registered t r ademarks of Motorola, Inc.
MC68040™ and MC68060™ are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. All other products ment io ned i n this document are trade marks or registered trade marks of
their respective holders.
Safety Summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual could result in personal injury or damage to the equipment.
The safety precautions listed below represent warnings of certain dangers of which Motorola is aware. You, as the user of the product, shoul d foll ow these warni ngs and al l other sa fety pr ecauti ons nece ssary fo r the safe ope ration of the equipment in your operating environment.
Ground the Instrument.
To minimize shock hazard, the equipment chassis and enclosure must be connected to an electrical ground. If the equipment is su pplied wi th a three-c onductor A C power ca ble, the po wer cable m ust be plug ged into an a pproved three-contact electrical outlet, with the grounding wire (green/yellow) reliably connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable meet International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety standards and local electrical regulatory codes.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Do not operate the equipment in any explosive atmosphere such as in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical equipment in such an environment could result in an explosion and cause injury or damage.
Keep Away From Live Circuits Inside the Equipment.
Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers. Only Factory Authorized Service Personnel or other qualified service personnel may remove equipment covers for internal subassembly or component replacement or any internal adjust ment. Service pe rsonnel should n ot replace compon ents with power c able connected. Under certain conditions, dangero us voltages may exist even with the power cable remo ved. T o avoid inju ries, such pers onnel should always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching components.
Use Caution When Exposing or Handling a CRT.
Breakage of a Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) causes a high-velocity scattering of glass fragments (implosion). To prevent CRT implosion, do not handl e the CRT and avoid rough handling o r jarring of t he equipment . Handling o f a CRT should be done only by qualified service personnel using approved safety mask and gloves.
Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify Equipment.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification of the equipment. Contact your local Motorola representative for service and repair to ensure that all safety features are maintained.
Observe Warnings in Manual.
W arn ings , such as th e exa mple be low, prece de po tent ially danger ous p roce dures th roug hout th is manu al . Instr uction s contained in the warnings m ust be follow ed. You should also employ all ot her safety precautions w hich you dee m necessary for the operation of the equi pment in your operating environment.
To prevent serious injury or death from dangerous voltages, use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this equipment and its
All Motorola PWBs (printed wiring boards) are manufactured with a flammability rating of 94V-0 by UL-recognized manufacturers.
EMI Caution
This equipment ge ner ates, uses a nd can radi ate el ectro magne tic energy . It
This product contains a lithium battery to power the clock and calendar circuitry.
may cause or be susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if not installed and used with adequate EMI protection.
Lithium Battery Caution
Danger of explosion if battery is re placed incorrect ly. Replace battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the equipment
manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type équivalent recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant.
Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemäßem Austausch der Batterie. Ersatz nur durch denselben ode r einen vom Herstel ler empfohle nen Typ. Entsorgu ng gebrauchter Batterien nach Angaben des Herstellers.
CE Notice (European Community)
Motorola Compute r Group pro ducts wi th the CE mar king co mply with the EMC Dir ective (89/336/EEC). Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the following European Norms:
EN55022 “Limits and Methods of Meas urement of Radio Int erferen ce Chara cteri stic s of Information Technology Equipment”; this product tested to Equipment Class B
EN50082-1:1997 “Electromag netic Compatibi lit y—Gener ic Im munity St andard , Part
1. Residential, Commercial and Light Industry”
System products al so fulf ill EN60950 ( product saf ety) which i s essenti ally the r equirement for the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).
Board products are tested in a representative system to show compliance with the above mentioned requirements. A proper installation in a CE-marked system will maintain the required EMC /safety performance.
In accordance with European Community directives, a “Declaration of Conformity” has been made and is on file within the European Union. The “Declaration of Conformity” is available on request. Please contact your sales representative.
While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Motorola, Inc. a ssumes n o lia bility r esulti ng from any omissio ns in this docu ment, or from the use of the information obtained therein. Motorola reserves the right to revise this document and to ma ke c hanges from time to time in the conten t he reof without obliga ti on of Motorola to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Electronic versions of this material may be read online, downloaded for personal use, or referenced in another document as a URL to the Motorola Computer Group website. The text itself may not b e published commerci ally in print o r electronic for m, edited, transla ted, or otherwise altered without the permission of Motorola, Inc.
It is possible th at t hi s publication may contain reference to or infor m at ion about Motorola products (machines and pr ograms), progra mming, or services that are not av ailable in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that Motorola intends to announce such Motorola products, programming, or services in your country.
Limited and Restricted Rights Legend
If the documentation contained herein is supplied, directly or indirectly, to the U.S. Government, the following notice shall apply unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Motorola, Inc.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (b)(3) of t he Rig hts i n Technical Data clause a t DFARS 252.227-7013 (Nov.
1995) and of the Rights in Noncommerc ial Computer Software and Docume ntation c lause at DFARS 252.227-7014 (Jun. 1995).
Motorola, Inc. Computer Group 2900 South Diablo Way Tempe, Arizona 85282


About This Manual
Overview of Contents...............................................................................................xxii
Comments and Suggestions......................................................................................xxii
Conventions Used in This Manual...........................................................................xxiii
CHAPTER 1 Programming Issues
The Petra ASIC and Second-Generation MVME1X7 Boards............................1-1
Applicable Industry Standards............................................................................1-4
Block Diagram....................................................................................................1-4
Programming Interfaces.............................................................................................1-7
MC680X0 MPU..................................................................................................1-7
Data Bus Structure..............................................................................................1-7
EEPROMs on the MVME1X7P.........................................................................1-8
Flash Memory on the MVME177.......................................................................1-9
Onboard SDRAM.............................................................................................1-11
Battery-Backed-Up RAM and Clock................................................................1-12
VMEbus Interface............................................................. ................................1-12
I/O Interfaces ....................................................................................................1-12
Serial Port Interface...................................................................................1-13
Parallel (Printer) Interface.........................................................................1-14
Ethernet Interface ......................................................................................1-15
SCSI Interface............................................................................................1-16
Local Resources................................................................................................1-16
Programmable Tick Timers.......................................................................1-16
Watchdog Timer........................................................................................1-17
Software-Programmable Hardware Interrupts...........................................1-17
Local Bus Timeout ....................................................................................1-17
Functional Description ............................................................................................ 1-17
VMEbus Interface and VMEchip2...................................................................1-18
VMEchip2 General-Purpose I/O...............................................................1-18
Petra/VMEchip2 Redundant Logic...........................................................1-18
Memory Maps....................................... ...................................................................1-20
Local Bus Memory Map...................................................................................1-20
Normal Address Range.............................................................................1-20
Detailed I/O Memory Maps...................................................................... 1-25
BBRAM/TOD Clock Memory Map .........................................................1-41
Interrupt Acknowledge Map.....................................................................1-46
VMEbus Memory Map .................................. ..... ...... .......................................1-46
VMEbus Accesses to the Local Bus.........................................................1-46
VMEbus Short I/O Memory Map.............................................................1-46
Interrupt Handling ...................................................................................................1-47
Example: VMEchip2 Tick Timer 1 Periodic Interrupt.....................................1-47
Cache Coherency (MVME167P).............................................................................1-49
Cache Coherency (MVME177P).............................................................................1-50
Using Bus Timers....................................................................................................1-51
Indivisible Cycles....................................................................................................1-52
Supervisor Stack Pointer (MC68060)......................................................................1-53
Sources of Local Bus Errors....................................................................................1-54
Local Bus Timeout...........................................................................................1-54
VMEbus Access Timeout..................................................... ...... ...... ..... ........... 1-54
VMEbus BERR*........................... ..... ...... ........................................................1-54
VMEchip2 ....................................................................... ..... ...... ...... ................1-55
Bus Error Processing........................................................................................ 1-55
Error Conditions........................ ..... ...... ..... ..............................................................1-55
MPU Parity Error .............................................................................................1-56
MPU Offboard Error........................................................................................1-56
MPU TEA - Cause Unidentified......................................................................1-56
MPU Local Bus Time-out................................................................................1-57
DMAC VMEbus Error....................... ...... ...... ..... .............................................1-57
DMAC Parity Error......................................................... ..... ...... ...... ..... ........... 1-57
DMAC Offboard Error................................... ..... ...... ...... .................................1-58
DMAC LTO Error ........................................................... .................................1-58
DMAC TEA - Cause Unidentified...................................................................1-59
SCC Retry Error...............................................................................................1-59
SCC Parity Error ..............................................................................................1-60
SCC Offboard Error.........................................................................................1-60
SCC LTO Error.................................................................................................1-61
LAN Parity Error..............................................................................................1-61
LAN Offboard Error.........................................................................................1-61
LAN LTO Error ................................................................................................1-62
SCSI Parity Error..............................................................................................1-62
SCSI Offboard Error.........................................................................................1-62
SCSI LTO Error ................................................................................................1-63
Functional Blocks ......................................................................................................2-4
Local-Bus-to-VMEbus Interface........................................................................2-4
Local-Bus-to-VMEbus Requester...............................................................2-7
VMEbus-to-Local-Bus Interface........................................................................2-9
Local-Bus-to-VMEbus DMA Controller..........................................................2-10
No-Address-Increment DMA Transfers.......................... ...... ..... ...............2-12
DMAC VMEbus Requester............................ ...... .....................................2-13
Tick and Watchdog Timers........................................................... ..... ...............2-14
Prescaler................................................................ ..... ...... ..........................2-14
Tick Timers................................................................................................2-15
Watchdog Timer........................................................................................2-15
VMEbus Interrupter........................ ...... ...... ......................................................2-16
VMEbus System Controller.................................................... ..........................2-17
Arbiter.............................................................................. ...... ..... ...............2-17
IACK Daisy-Chain Driver.........................................................................2-17
Bus Timer..................................................................................................2-17
Reset Driver...............................................................................................2-18
Local Bus Interrupter and Interrupt Handler....................................................2-18
Global Control and Status Registers.................................................................2-20
LCSR Programming Model.....................................................................................2-20
Programming the VMEbus Slave Map Decoders.............................................2-26
VMEbus Slave Ending Address Register 1 ..............................................2-28
VMEbus Slave Starting Address Register 1 .............................................2-28
VMEbus Slave Ending Address Register 2 ..............................................2-29
VMEbus Slave Starting Address Register 2 .............................................2-29
VMEbus Slave Address Translation Address Offset Register 1 .............. 2-29
VMEbus Slave Address Translation Select Register 1 ............................2-30
VMEbus Slave Address Translation Address Offset Register 2...............2-31
VMEbus Slave Address Translation Select Register 2 ............................2-31
VMEbus Slave Write Post and Snoop Control Register 2 ........................2-32
VMEbus Slave Address Modifier Select Register 2.................................2-33
VMEbus Slave Write Post and Snoop Control Register 1 ........................2-35
VMEbus Slave Address Modifier Select Register 1.................................2-36
Programming the Local-Bus-to-VMEbus Map Decoders................................2-37
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 1 ..............2-39
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Starting Address Register 1.............2-40
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 2 ..............2-40
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Starting Address Register 2.............2-40
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 3 .............2-41
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Starting Address Register 3 ............2-41
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 4 .............2-41
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Starting Address Register 4 ............2-42
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master)
Address Translation Address Register 4 .......................................... 2-42
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master)
Address Translation Select Register 4 .............................................2-42
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Attribute Register 4 .........................2-43
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Attribute Register 3 .........................2-44
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Attribute Register 2 .........................2-45
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Attribute Register 1 .........................2-46
VMEbus Slave GCSR Group Address Register ......................................2-47
VMEbus Slave GCSR Board Address Register .......................................2-48
Local-Bus-to-VMEbus Enable Control Register .....................................2-49
Local-Bus-to-VMEbus I/O Control Register ...........................................2-50
ROM Control Register ................................ .................................. ...... .....2-51
Programming the VMEchip2 DMA Controller................................................2-51
DMAC Registers........................... ...................................................................2-53
EPROM Decoder, SRAM and DMA Control Register ...........................2-53
Local-Bus-to-VMEbus Requester Control Register ................................2-54
DMAC Control Register 1 (bits 0-7) .......................................................2-55
DMAC Control Register 2 (bits 8-15) .....................................................2-57
DMAC Control Register 2 (bits 0-7) .......................................................2-58
DMAC Local Bus Address Counter ............................. ............................2-59
DMAC VMEbus Address Counter ..........................................................2-60
DMAC Byte Counter ......................................................... ...... ..... ...........2-60
Table Address Counter .............................................................................2-60
VMEbus Interrupter Control Register ................................................. .....2-61
VMEbus Interrupter Vector Register .......................................................2-62
MPU Status and DMA Interrupt Count Register .....................................2-62
DMAC Status Register ............................................................. ................2-63
Programming the Tick and Watchdog Timers..................................................2-64
VMEbus Arbiter Time-Out Control Register ..........................................2-64
DMAC Ton/Toff Timers and VMEbus
Global Time-out Control Register.....................................................2-65
VME Access, Local Bus, and Watchdog Time-out Control Register ......2-66
Prescaler Control Register ........................................................................2-67
Tick Timer 1 Compare Register ...............................................................2-68
Tick Timer 1 Counter ...............................................................................2-68
Tick Timer 2 Compare Register ...............................................................2-69
Tick Timer 2 Counter ...............................................................................2-69
Board Control Register .............................................................................2-70
Watchdog Timer Control Register ...........................................................2-71
Tick Timer 2 Control Register ..................................................................2-72
Tick Timer 1 Control Register ..................................................................2-73
Prescaler Counter ......................................................................................2-73
Programming the Local Bus Interrupter...........................................................2-74
Local Bus Interrupter Status Register (bits 24-31) ...................................2-77
Local Bus Interrupter Status Register (bits 16-23) ...................................2-78
Local Bus Interrupter Status Register (bits 8-15) .....................................2-79
Local Bus Interrupter Status Register (bits 0-7) .......................................2-80
Local Bus Interrupter Enable Register (bits 24-31) ..................................2-81
Local Bus Interrupter Enable Register (bits 16-23) ..................................2-82
Local Bus Interrupter Enable Register (bits 8-15) ....................................2-83
Local Bus Interrupter Enable Register (bits 0-7) ......................................2-84
Software Interrupt Set Register (bits 8-15) ...............................................2-85
Interrupt Clear Register (bits 24-31) ........................................................2-85
Interrupt Clear Register (bits 16-23) ........................................................2-86
Interrupt Clear Register (bits 8-15) ..........................................................2-87
Interrupt Level Register 1 (bits 24-31) .....................................................2-87
Interrupt Level Register 1 (bits 16-23) .....................................................2-88
Interrupt Level Register 1 (bits 8-15) .......................................................2-88
Interrupt Level Register 1 (bits 0-7) .........................................................2-89
Interrupt Level Register 2 (bits 24-31) .....................................................2-89
Interrupt Level Register 2 (bits 16-23) .....................................................2-90
Interrupt Level Register 2 (bits 8-15) .......................................................2-90
Interrupt Level Register 2 (bits 0-7) .........................................................2-91
Interrupt Level Register 3 (bits 24-31) .....................................................2-91
Interrupt Level Register 3 (bits 16-23) .....................................................2-92
Interrupt Level Register 3 (bits 8-15) .......................................................2-92
Interrupt Level Register 3 (bits 0-7) .........................................................2-93
Interrupt Level Register 4 (bits 24-31) .....................................................2-93
Interrupt Level Register 4 (bits 16-23) .....................................................2-94
Interrupt Level Register 4 (bits 8-15) .......................................................2-94
Interrupt Level Register 4 (bits 0-7) .........................................................2-95
Vector Base Register ................................................................................2-95
I/O Control Register 1 ..............................................................................2-96
I/O Control Register 2 ..............................................................................2-97
I/O Control Register 3 ..............................................................................2-97
Miscellaneous Control Register ...............................................................2-98
GCSR Programming Model..................................................................................2-100
Programming the GCSR.................................................................................2-102
VMEchip2 Revision Register ................................................................2-103
VMEchip2 ID Register ...........................................................................2-104
VMEchip2 LM/SIG Register .................................................................2-104
VMEchip2 Board Status/Control Register .............................................2-106
General Purpose Register 0 ....................................................................2-107
General Purpose Register 1 ....................................................................2-107
General Purpose Register 2 ....................................................................2-107
General Purpose Register 3 ....................................................................2-108
General Purpose Register 4 ....................................................................2-108
General Purpose Register 5 ....................................................................2-108
Introduction ...............................................................................................................3-1
Summary of Major Features...............................................................................3-1
Functional Description .............................................................................................. 3-2
General Description............................................................................................3-2
BBRAM Interface ............................................... ...... ...... ...................................3-3
82596CA LAN Controller Interface...................................................................3-3
MPU Port and MPU Channel Attention......................................................3-3
MC68040-Bus Master Support for 82596CA.............................................3-4
LANC Bus Error .......................................... .................................. ...... ...... .3-4
LANC Interrupt....................................... ..... ...............................................3-5
53C710 SCSI Controller Interface.................................. .................................. .3-6
Parallel Port Interface.........................................................................................3-6
General Purpose I/O Pin.....................................................................................3-7
CD2401 SCC Interface.......................................................................................3-7
Tick Timer............................... ...... ..... ................................................................3-9
Overall Memory Map........................... ..... ...... .................................. ...... ..... ...........3-10
Programming Model................................................................................................3-11
Chip ID Register...............................................................................................3-14
Chip Revision Register.....................................................................................3-14
General Control Register..................................................................................3-15
Vector Base Register ........................................................................................3-16
Programming the Tick Timers..........................................................................3-18
Tick Timer 1 Compare Register................................................................3-18
Tick Timer 1 Counter................................................................................3-19
Tick Timer 2 Compare Register................................................................3-19
Tick Timer 2 Counter................................................................................3-20
Prescaler Count Register ...........................................................................3-20
Prescaler Clock Adjust Register................................................................3-20
Tick Timer 2 Control Register...................................................................3-22
Tick Timer 1 Control Register...................................................................3-23
General Purpose Input Interrupt Control Register.....................................3-24
General Purpose Input/Output Pin Control Register.................................3-25
Tick Timer 2 Interrupt Control Register....................................................3-25
Tick Timer 1 Interrupt Control Register....................................................3-26
SCC Error Status and Interrupt Control Registers............................................3-27
SCC Error Status Register.........................................................................3-27
SCC Modem Interrupt Control Register....................................................3-28
SCC Transmit Interrupt Control Register..................................................3-29
SCC Receive Interrupt Control Register...................................................3-30
Modem PIACK Register ...........................................................................3-31
Transmit PIACK Register .......................................................... ...............3-32
Receive PIACK Register...........................................................................3-33
LANC Error Status and Interrupt Control Registers ........................................3-34
LANC Error Status Register........................... ...... ..... ...... ..........................3-34
82596CA LANC Interrupt Control Register.............................................3-35
LANC Bus Error Interrupt Control Register.............................................3-36
Programming the SCSI Error Status and Interrupt Registers...........................3-37
SCSI Error Status Register........................................................................3-37
SCSI Interrupt Control Register................................................................3-38
Programming the Printer Port...........................................................................3-39
Printer ACK Interrupt Control Register....................................................3-39
Printer FAULT Interrupt Control Register................................................3-40
Printer SEL Interrupt Control Register......................................................3-41
Printer PE Interrupt Control Register........................................................3-42
Printer BUSY Interrupt Control Register..................................................3-43
Printer Input Status Register......................................................................3-44
Printer Port Control Register.....................................................................3-45
Chip Speed Register..................................................................................3-46
Printer Data Register ............................................................. ..... ...... ...... ...3-47
Interrupt Priority Level Register................................................................3-48
Interrupt Mask Level Register...................................................................3-49
Introduction ...............................................................................................................4-1
Functional Description .............................................................................................. 4-3
General Description............................................................................................4-3
Cache Coherency................................................................................................4-4
Cycle Types.................................................................................................4-5
Error Reporting .................................................. .........................................4-5
Single Bit Error (Cycle Type = Burst Read or Non-Burst Read) ...............4-5
Double Bit Error (Cycle Type = Burst Read or Non-Burst Read) .............. 4-6
Triple (or Greater) Bit Error
(Cycle Type = Burst Read or Non-Burst Read)..................................4-6
Cycle Type = Burst Write...........................................................................4-6
Single Bit Error (Cycle Type = Non-Burst Write)......................................4-6
Double Bit Error (Cycle Type = Non-Burst Write)....................................4-6
Triple (or Greater) Bit Error (Cycle Type = Non-Burst Write)..................4-7
Single Bit Error (Cycle Type = Scrub) .......................................................4-7
Double Bit Error (Cycle Type = Scrub)......................................................4-7
Triple (or Greater) Bit Error (Cycle Type = Scrub).................................... 4-7
Error Logging................................................. .................................. ..... ...... ....... 4-8
Refresh..................................... ...... .................................. ..... ...... ........................4-8
Arbitration..................................... ..... ................................................................4-9
Chip Defaults......................................................................................................4-9
Programming Model................................................................................................4-10
Chip ID Register...............................................................................................4-13
Chip Revision Register.....................................................................................4-13
Memory Configuration Register ......................................................................4-14
Base Address Register......................................................................................4-15
DRAM Control Register ..................................................................................4-15
BCLK Frequency Register...............................................................................4-16
Data Control Register.......................................................................................4-17
Scrub Control Register.....................................................................................4-19
Scrub Period Register Bits 15-8.......................................................................4-20
Scrub Period Register Bits 7-0.........................................................................4-20
Chip Prescaler Counter.....................................................................................4-21
Scrub Time On/Time Off Register ...................................................................4-21
Scrub Prescaler Counter (Bits 21-16)...............................................................4-23
Scrub Prescaler Counter (Bits 15-8).................................................................4-23
Scrub Prescaler Counter (Bits 7-0)...................................................................4-24
Scrub Timer Counter (Bits 15-8)......................................................................4-24
Scrub Timer Counter (Bits 7-0)........................................................................4-25
Scrub Address Counter (Bits 26-24).................................................................4-25
Scrub Address Counter (Bits 23-16).................................................................4-26
Scrub Address Counter (Bits 15-8)...................................................................4-26
Scrub Address Counter (Bits 7-4).....................................................................4-26
Error Logger Register....................................................... ...... ...... ....................4-27
Error Address (Bits 31-24)...............................................................................4-28
Error Address (Bits 23-16)...............................................................................4-28
Error Address (Bits 15-8).................................................................................4-29
Error Address (Bits 7-4)...................................................................................4-29
Error Syndrome Register............................ ......................................................4-30
Defaults Register 1............................................................................................4-30
Defaults Register 2............................................................................................4-32
SDRAM Configuration Register .....................................................................4-33
Syndrome Decoding.................................................................................................4-36
APPENDIX A Summary of Changes
APPENDIX B Printer and Serial Port Connections
Connection Diagrams................................................................................................B-1
APPENDIX C Related Documentation
MCG Documents ......................................... .............................................................C-1
Manufacturers’ Documents.......................................................................................C-2
Related Specifications...............................................................................................C-3

List of Figures

Figure 1-1. MVME167P Block Diagram...................................................................1-5
Figure 1-2. MVME177P Block Diagram...................................................................1-6
Figure 1-3. MVME177 Flash and EPROM Memory Mapping Schemes................1-10
Figure 2-1. VMEchip2 Block Diagram .....................................................................2-5
Figure 3-1. PCCchip2 Block Diagram.......................................................................3-2
Figure B-1. MVME1X7P Printer Port with MVME712M ......................................B-2
Figure B-2. MVME1X7P Serial Port 1 Configured as DCE ...................................B-3
Figure B-3. MVME1X7P Serial Port 2 Configured as DCE ...................................B-4
Figure B-4. MVME1X7P Serial Port 3 Configured as DCE ...................................B-5
Figure B-5. MVME1X7P Serial Port 4 Configured as DCE ...................................B-6
Figure B-6. MVME1X7P Serial Port 1 Configured as DTE ...................................B-7
Figure B-7. MVME1X7P Serial Port 2 Configured as DTE ...................................B-8
Figure B-8. MVME1X7P Serial Port 3 Configured as DTE ...................................B-9
Figure B-9. MVME1X7P Serial Port 4 Configured as DTE .................................B-10

List of T ables

Table 1-1. MVME1X7P Features Summary..............................................................1-3
T ab le 1-2. Functions Duplicated in VMEchip2 and Petra ASICs............................1-19
Table 1-3. Local Bus Memory Map.........................................................................1-21
Table 1-4. Local I/O Devices Memory Map............................................................1-22
Table 1-5. VMEchip2 Memory Map (Sheet 1 of 3).................................................1-26
Table 1-6. Printer Memory Map ..............................................................................1-31
T ab le 1-7. PCCchip2 Memory Map............................................... ...... ....................1-32
T ab le 1-8. MCECC Internal Register Memory Map............................................. ...1-34
Table 1-9. Cirrus Logic CD2401 Serial Port Memory Map ....................................1-36
T ab le 1-10. 82596CA Ethernet LAN Memory Map ................................................1-40
Table 1-11. 53C710 SCSI Memory Map..................................................................1-41
Table 1-12. M48T58 BBRAM,TOD Clock Memory Map......................................1-42
Table 1-13. BBRAM Configuration Area Memory Map.........................................1-42
Table 1-14. TOD Clock Memory Map.....................................................................1-43
T ab le 1-15. Single-Cycle Instructions.................................................. ..... ...............1-52
Table 2-1. Features of the VMEchip2 ASIC..............................................................2-1
Table 2-2. VMEchip2 Memory Map—LCSR Summary (Sheet 1 of 2)..................2-22
Table 2-3. DMAC Command Packet Format...........................................................2-53
Table 2-4. Local Bus Interrupter Summary.............................................................2-75
Table 2-5. VMEchip2 Memory Map (GCSR Summary).......................................2-103
T ab le 3-1. PCCchip2 Devices Memory Map................................. ..........................3-10
Table 3-2. PCCchip2 Memory Map - Control and Status Registers........................3-12
Table 4-1. MCECC Functions on the Petra ASIC.....................................................4-2
Table 4-2. Memory System Cycle Timing.................................................................4-4
Table 4-3. MCECC Sector Internal Register Memory Map ....................................4-11
T ab le 4-4. Syndrome Bit Encoding..................................... ..... ...... ..........................4-36
Table 4-5. Identifying SDRAM Bank in Error........................................................4-37
Table A-1. List of Changes ......................................................................................A-1
Table C-1. Motorola Computer Group Documents .................................................C-1
Table C-2. Manufacturers’ Documents ....................................................................C-2
Table C-3. Related Specifications ............................................................................C-3

About This Manual

This manual provides board-level information and detailed ASIC information, including register bit descriptions, for the MVME167PA­xxSE and MVME177PA-xxSE series of VME single-board computers,
known collectively as the ‘‘MVME1X7P’’. The “Petra” chip that distinguishes MVME167P and MVME177P single-
board computers is an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) used on various Motorola VME boards which combines a va riety of functions previously implemented in other ASICs (among them the MC2 chip, the IP2 chip, and the MCECC chip) in a single ASIC. On the MVME1X7P, the “Petra” chip repl aces the MCECC ASIC. As of the public ation date, the information presented in this manual applies to the following MVME1X7P models:
Model Number Characteristics
MVME167PA-24SE 25MHz MC68040, 16MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME167PA-25SE 25MHz MC68040, 32MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME167PA-34SE 33MHz MC68040, 16MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME167PA-35SE 33MHz MC68040, 32MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME167PA-36SE 33MHz MC68040, 64MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME177PA-54SE 50MHz MC68060, 16MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME177PA-55SE 50MHz MC68060, 32MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME177PA-56SE 50MHz MC68060, 64MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME177PA-64SE 60MHz MC68060, 16MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME177PA-65SE 60MHz MC68060, 32MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME177PA-66SE 60MHz MC68060, 64MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet MVME177PA-67SE 60MHz MC68060, 128MB SDRAM, SCSI and Ethernet
This manual is intended for anyone who designs OEM systems, adds capability to an existing compatible system, or works in a lab environment for experimental purposes. A basic knowledge of computers and digital logic is assumed. To use this manual, you may also wish to become familiar with the publications listed in Appendix C, Related

Overview of Contents

Chapter 1, Programming Issues, describes the board-level hardware
features of MVME1X7P single-board computers. It includes memory maps and a discussion of some general software considerations such as cache coherency, interrupts, and bus errors.
Chapter 2, VMEchip2, describes the VMEchip2 ASIC, the local
bus/VMEbus interface chip on MVME1X7P boards.
Chapter 3, PCCchip2, describes the PCCchip2 ASIC. The PCChip2 is a
peripheral channel controller designed to interface an MC680x0­compatible local bus to va rious on -board periph eral de vices s uch as SCSI and LAN controllers.
Chapter 4, MCECC Functions, desc ribes the ECC DRAM controlle r ASIC
(MCECC). On the MVME1X7P boa rds, i t sup plies th e interf ace t o a 144 ­bit wide DRAM memory system.
Appendix A, Summary of Changes, lists the modifications that
accompanied the introduction of the Petra ASIC on the MVME167P and MVME177P.
Appendix B, Printer and Serial Port Connections, contains drawings of
the printer and serial port interface connections available with the MVME167P/MVME177P and MVME712 series transition board.
Appendix C, Related Documenta tion, lists all documentation related to the
MVME167P and MVME177P.

Comments and Suggestions

Motorola welcomes and appreciates your comments on its doc umentation. We want to know what y ou think about our manuals and how we can make them better. Mail comments to:
Motorola Computer Group Reader Comments DW164 2900 S. Diablo Way Tempe, Arizona 85282
You can also submit comments to the following e-mail address:
In all your corres pondence , plea se li st your name, po siti on, and c ompan y. Be sure to include the title and par t number of the manual and tell how you used it. Then tell us your feelings about its strengths and weaknesses and any recommendations for improvements.

Conventions Used in This Manual

The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
$ dollar specifies a hexadecimal number % percent specifies a binary number & ampersand specifies a decimal number
Unless otherwise specified, all address references are in hexadecimal. An asterisk (*) following the signal name for signals which are level
significant denotes that the signal is true or valid when the signal is low. An asterisk (*) following the signal name for signals which are edge
significant deno tes that the a ctions init iated by th at signal occu r on high to low transitio n.
is used for user inpu t that you t ype just as i t appears ; it is al so used for commands, options and arguments to commands, and names of programs, directories and files.
is used for names of variables to which you assign values. Italic is also used for comments in screen dis plays and examples, and to introduce new terms.
is used for system output (for example, screen displays, reports), examples, and system prompts.
<Enter>, <Return> or <CR>
<CR> represents the carriage return or Enter key.
represents the Control key. Execute control character s by pressing the Ctrl key and the letter simultaneously, for example, Ctrl-d.
In this manual, assertion and negation are used to specify forcing a signal to a particular stat e. In parti cular, a ssertion and asser t refe r to a signal tha t is active or true; negation and negate indicate a signal that is inactive or false. These terms ar e used independently of the vo ltage level (high or l ow) that they represent.
Data and address sizes are defined as follows:
A byte i s eight bits, numb ered 0 through 7, wit h bit 0 being the leas t
A word is 16 bits, numbered 0 th rough 15, wit h bit 0 bei ng the le ast
A longword is 32 bi ts, numbered 0 through 31, with bit 0 being the
least significant.
The terms control bit, status bit, true, and false are used ext ensively in this document. The term control bit is used to describe a bit in a register that can be set and cleared under software control. The term true is use d to indicate that a bit is in the state that enables the function it controls. The term false is used to indicate that the bit is in the state that disables the function it controls. In all tables, the terms 0 and 1 are used to describe the actual value that sh ould be written to the bit, or the value that it yields when read. The term status bit is used to describe a bit in a regi ster that reflects a specific condition. The status bit can be read by software to determine operational or exception conditions.


The MVME167P and MVME177P single-board computers are complex boards that interface both to the VMEbus and the SCSI bus. From a programming standpoint, their multiple-bus interfaces raise issues of cache coherency and support of indivisible cycles. There are also various potential sources of bus error.
This chapter discusses those topics in addition to interrupt handling, the use of bus timers, and the programming interface to each device on the board. Programmable regist ers that reside in ASICs (Applicati on-Specific Integrated Circuit s) on the MVME1X7P boards are covered in the chapters devoted to those devices.
Note The MVME1X7P’s new ’‘Petra’’ ASIC performs the functions

1Programming Issues

previously implemented in the MCECC chip. For ease of use in conjunction with programming models and documentation developed for earlier boards, however, the structure of this manual preserves the functional distinctions that formerly characterized the MCECC ASIC.

The Petra ASIC and Second-Generation MVME1X7 Boards

Due to rapid changes in tec hnology, the productio n of certain ASI Cs used on various Motorola first- and second-generation VME embedded controllers and single-board computers has ended. The Petra chip was developed to replace these discontinued ASICs. In the case of MVME167/177 series boards, the di scontinue d ASIC is the MCECC chip. The Petra chip now suppl ies the functi ons formerly implemented in the MCECC chip.
Programming Issues
The Petra ASIC is functionally compatible with each of the components that it replaces. In cases where functionality between ASICs is exclusive, configuration switches or jumpers are provided to let you select the desired functionality.
In several areas of functionality, the configuration switches provide backward compatibilit y with earl ier MVME167/17 7 implement ations, but
you can override their settings in software if you wish. A “R/W” by the corresponding regi ster table entry in this manual denotes inst ances where this override capability is present.
Where the older technology supported “fast page” or “EDO” DRAM chips, the Petra memory controllers support SDRAM devices. The two memory controllers modeled in Petra duplicate the functionality of the “parity” memory control ler f ound i n the MC ASICs used o n cert ain ot her boards as well as th at of the “single-bit error correcting/double-bit er ror detecting” memory controller found in the MCECC ASICs used on the MVME167/177.
This Programmer’s Reference Guide describes the MCECC model (in Chapter 4). In the MVME167/177 application, there is logic on the Petra chip to prevent you from in advertently enabling the MC memory controller model.
The same SDRAM memory array serves both controller models. The SDRAM array is 32 data bits wi de with 7 checkbits. Th e array architecture is a non-interleaved single bank for sizes below 32MB. For array sizes above 32MB, additional physical memory banks are added but the architecture remains non-interleaved.
A final note on the SDRAM implementation: The bandwidth between the SDRAM and local bus is greater than it was wit h the earlier DRAM array. As a result, software takes less time to execute. Applicatio ns that incorporate elapsed-time functions which are dependent on code execution may have problems.
For readers who need to know the ASIC-specific differences between the previous MCECC and Petra/MCECC programming models in detail, certain areas of the text in this manual are printed in italics and marked with change bars (as is done her e). Readers should compare those sections to the corresp onding se ctions o f the first - and s econd-g eneration manuals.
1-2 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site


The “Petra” ASIC supplants the MCECC memory controller ASIC on MVME1X7P boards, performin g the memory control func tions previously carried out by the MCECC chip: It supplies the programmable int erface for the ECC-protected 16/32/64/128MB DRAM emulation.
The following table summarizes the features of the MVME167P and MVME177P single-board computers.
Table 1-1. MVME1X7P Features Summary
Feature MVME167P MVME177P
Processor 25/33MHz 32-bit MC68040
DRAM 16/32/64/128MB synchro nous DRAM (SDRAM). Configu rable to emulate
4/8/16/32/64/128MB ECC-protected DRAM
MVME1X7P boards use SDRAM (Synchr onous DRAM ) in place of DRAM.
Up to 64MB SDRAM is available on MVME167P boards; up to 128MB is available on MVME177P boards.
SRAM 128KB SRAM with battery backup EPROM Four 44-pin JEDEC standard PLCC
EPROM sockets
Flash Not available Four Intel 28F008SA Flash memory
Timers Four 32-bit tick timers and watchd og timer in Petra ASIC
Software Interrupts
I/O Four EIA-232-D configurable serial ports via P2 and transition module
8K by 8 Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM) and Real-Time Clock (RTC) with battery backup and watchdog function (SGS-Thomson M48T58)
Two 32-bit tick timers and watchdog timer in VMEchip2 ASIC Eight software interrupts (including those in the VMEchip2 ASIC)
Parallel (printer) interface via P2 and transition module SCSI interface with DMA via P2 or LCP2 adapter board Ethernet transceiver interface via DB15 connector on transition module
50/60MHz 32-bit MC68060 microprocessor
Two 44-pin JEDEC standard PLCC EPROM sockets
devices with optional write protection
1 1-3
Programming Issues
Table 1-1. MVME1X7P Features Summary (Continued)
Feature MVME167P MVME177P
VMEbus interface
Switches Two pushbutton switches Status Indicators Eight LEDs: Board Fail (FAIL), CPU Status (STAT), CPU Activity (RUN),
VMEbus system controller functions VMEbus-to-local-bus interface (A32/A24, D32/D16/D8) Local-bus-to-VMEbus interface (A16/A24/A32, D8/D16/D32) Programmable interrupter and interrupt handler Global Control/Status register for interprocessor communications DMA capability for fast local-memory/VMEbus trans f ers (A16/A24/A32,
D16/D32 (D16/D32/D64 BLT)
System Controller ( Activity
(SCSI), VME Activity (VME)
SCON), LAN Activity (LAN), LAN Pow er ( +12V), SCSI

Applicable Industry Standards

These boards conform to the requirements of the following documents:
VMEbus Specification (IEEE 1014-87) EIA-232-D Serial Interface Specification, EIA SCSI Specification, ANSI

Block Diagram

Figure 1-1 and Figure 1- 2 ar e ge neral block diagrams of the MVME167P
and MVME177P single-board computers.
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