Motorola MVME172 User Manual

VME Embedded Controller
Reference Guide
Edition of February 1999
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Motorola, Inc.
Computer Group
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This manual provides board level information and detailed ASIC chip information including register bit descriptions for the MVME172 Embedded Controller. The information contained in this manual applies to the following MVME172 models:
MVME172-303 MVME172-213 MVME172-313 MVME172-413 MVME172-513 MVME172-223 MVME172-323 MVME172-233 MVME172-333 MVME172-433 MVME172-243 MVME172-343 MVME172-253 MVME172-353 MVME172-453 MVME172-263 MVME172-363
This manual is intended for anyone who wants to program these boards in order to design OEM systems, supply addi ti ona l capability to an exi st ing compa ti bl e s yst em, or work in a lab environment for experimental purposes.
A basic knowledge of computers and digital logic is assumed. To use this manual, you should be familiar with the publications listed in Related
Documentation below.
Manual Terminology
Throughout this manual , a convention i s used which pr ecedes dat a and addres s parameters by a character identifying the numeric format as follows:
$ dollar specifies a hexadecimal character % percent specifies a binary number & ampersand specifies a decimal number
For example, “12” is the decimal number twelve, and “$12” is the decimal number eighteen.
Unless otherwise specified, all address references are in hexadecimal. An asterisk (*) foll owing the signal name for sign als which are le vel significant denote s that
the signal is true or valid when the signal is low. An asterisk (*) foll owing the signal name for sign als which are edge significant denote s that
the actions initiated by that signal occur on high to low transition.
In this manual, assertion and negation are used to specify forcing a signal to a particular state. In particular, assertion and assert refer to a signal th at is ac tive or true ; negat ion a nd negate indicate a sign al tha t is in activ e or fal se. These te rms are u sed i ndepend ently of the voltage level (high or low) that they represent.
Data and address sizes are defined as follows:
A byte is eight b it s, numbe red 0 through 7, with bi t 0 being the least si gni fi ca nt. A word is 16 bits, numbered 0 thr ough 15, with bit 0 being the least si gni fi can t. A longword is 32 bits, numbered 0 through 31, with bit 0 being the least
The terms contr ol bi t, sta tus bit, true, and false a re use d exte nsivel y in t his do cument. Th e term control bit is used to describe a bit in a register that can be set and cleared under software con trol. The term tr ue is used to indicate that a bit is in the state that enables the function it controls. The term false is used to indi cate that th e bit is in the state tha t disables the function it cont rols. In all tables, th e terms 0 and 1 are used to descri be the actua l value that should be writt en to the bi t, or t he val ue tha t it yield s when r ead. The term stat us b it is used to describe a bit in a register that reflects a specific condition. The status bit can be read by software to determine operational or exception conditions.
Recent Updates
This edition of the MVME172 VME Embedded Controller Programmer’ s Reference Guid e incorporates the following changes:
The ‘‘MVME172 Version Register ‘‘ s ectio n has an improved descr iptio n of th e
function of bit V6.
The ‘‘PROM Access Time Cont rol Reg ist er ’’ and ‘‘Flash Access Time Control
Register’’ have clarification relating to bus speed s and access times with the MVME172’s MC68060 processor.
In accordance with re cent MCG practi ce, the ‘‘Re lated Documentat ion’’ secti on
has been moved from the front of the document to a separate appendix.
The computer programs stored in the Read Only Memory of this device contain material copyrighted by Motorola Inc., first published 1990, and may be used only under a license such as the License f or Computer Progra ms (Article 14) contained in Moto rola’s T erms and Conditions of Sale, Rev. 1/79.
This equipment generates , uses, and can radiate elec tro- magneti c
Motorola and the Motorola symbol are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. All other products ment io ned i n this document are trademarks or re gi st ered trademarks of
their respective holders.
energy. It may cause or be susceptible to electro-magnetic interference (EMI) if not in stalled and used in a cabinet with adequate EMI protection.
© Copyright Motorola, Inc. 1999
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the United States of America
February 1999
Place holder


CHAPTER 1 Board Description and Memory Maps
Requirements .............................................................................................................1-4
Block Diagrams .........................................................................................................1-5
Functional Description ...............................................................................................1-5
No-VMEbus-Interface Option............................................................................1-5
VMEbus Interface and VMEchip2.....................................................................1-9
Memory Maps............................................................................................................1-9
Local Bus Memory Map.....................................................................................1-9
Normal Address Range................................................................................1-9
Detailed I/O Memory Maps.......................................................................1-21
BBRAM/TOD Clock Memory Map..........................................................1-40
Interrupt Acknowledge Map......................................................................1-46
VMEbus Memory Map.................................... ...... ...........................................1-46
VMEbus Accesses to the Local Bus..........................................................1-47
VMEbus Short I/O Memory Map..............................................................1-47
Software Support Considerations ............................................................................1-47
Cache Coherency..............................................................................................1-48
Sources of Local BERR*..................................................................................1-48
Local Bus Time-out...................................................................................1-48
VMEbus Access Time-out.............................. ...... ..... ................................1-49
VMEbus BERR* ................................. ..... .................................................1-49
Local DRAM Parity Error.........................................................................1-49
VMEchip2 .................................................................................................1-49
Bus Error Processing.................................................................................1-49
Description of Error Conditions on the MVME172.........................................1-50
MPU Parity Error.......................................................................................1-50
MPU Off-board Error................................................................................1-51
MPU TEA - Cause Unidentified ...............................................................1-51
MPU Local Bus Time-out.........................................................................1-51
DMAC VMEbus Error ............................. ...... ...... .....................................1-52
DMAC Parity Error................. ...... ...... ......................................................1-52
DMAC Off-board Error.............................................................. ...............1-53
DMAC LTO Error..................................................... ...... ...... ....................1-53
DMAC TEA - Cause Unidentified............................................................1-54
LAN Parity Error.......................................................................................1-54
LAN Off-Board Error ...............................................................................1-55
LAN LTO Error ........................................................................................1-55
SCSI Parity Error ......................................................................................1-56
SCSI Off-Board Error...............................................................................1-56
SCSI LTO Error........................................................................................1-56
Example of the Proper Use of Bus Timers.......................................................1-57
MVME172 MC68060 Indivisible Cycles........................................................1-58
Illegal Access to IP Modules from External VMEbus Masters .......................1-59
Introduction ...............................................................................................................2-1
Summary of Major Features...............................................................................2-1
Functional Blocks......................................................................................................2-4
Local Bus to VMEbus Interface.........................................................................2-4
Local Bus to VMEbus Requester................................................................2-7
VMEbus to Local Bus Interface........................................... ..............................2-9
Local Bus to VMEbus DMA Controller..........................................................2-10
No Address Increment DMA Transfers....................................................2-12
DMAC VMEbus Requester .......................................... ...... ......................2-13
Tick and Watchdog Ti mers............................................................... ..... ...... .....2-14
Prescaler................ ....................................................................................2-14
Tick Timers...............................................................................................2-15
Watchdog Timer........................................................................................2-15
VMEbus Interrupter ............................................ ...... ...... .................................2-16
VMEbus System Controller ................................ ...... .......................................2-17
Arbiter................... ....................................................................................2-17
IACK Daisy-Chain Driver ........................................................................ 2-17
Bus Timer..................................................................................................2-17
Reset Driver ..............................................................................................2-18
Local Bus Interrupter and Interrupt Handler....................................................2-18
Global Control and Status Registers ................................................................2-20
LCSR Programming Model.....................................................................................2-20
Programming the VMEbus Slave Map Decoders............................................2-26
VMEbus Slave Ending Address Register 1 .............................................2-28
VMEbus Slave Starting Address Register 1 ............................................2-28
VMEbus Slave Ending Address Register 2 .............................................2-29
VMEbus Slave Starting Address Register 2 ............................................2-29
VMEbus Slave Address Translation Address Offset Register 1 ..............2-29
VMEbus Slave Address Translation Select Register 1 ............................2-30
VMEbus Slave Address Translation Address Offset Register 2...............2-31
VMEbus Slave Address Translation Select Register 2 ............................2-31
VMEbus Slave Write Post and Snoop Control Register 2 ........................2-32
VMEbus Slave Address Modifier Select Register 2.................................2-33
VMEbus Slave Write Post and Snoop Control Register 1 ........................2-35
VMEbus Slave Address Modifier Select Register 1.................................2-36
Programming the Local Bus to VMEbus Map Decoders.................................2-37
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 1...............2-39
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Starting Address Register 1..............2-40
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 2...............2-40
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Starting Address Register 2..............2-40
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 3 ..............2-41
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Starting Address Register 3 .............2-41
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 4 ..............2-41
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Starting Address Register 4 .............2-42
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master)
Address Translation Address Register 4 ..........................................2-42
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master)
Address Translation Select Register 4 ..............................................2-42
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Attribute Register 4 .........................2-43
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Attribute Register 3 .........................2-44
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Attribute Register 2 .........................2-45
Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Attribute Register 1 .........................2-46
VMEbus Slave GCSR Group Address Register .......................................2-47
VMEbus Slave GCSR Board Address Register .......................................2-48
Local Bus to VMEbus Enable Control Register .......................................2-49
Local Bus to VMEbus I/O Control Register ............................................2-50
ROM Control Register ................................... ...........................................2-51
Programming the VMEchip2 DMA Controller ................................................2-52
DMAC Registers ................................. ......................................................2-53
PROM Decoder, SRAM and DMA Control Register ..............................2-54
Local Bus to VMEbus Requester Control Register ..................................2-55
DMAC Control Register 1 (bits 0-7) ........................................................2-56
DMAC Control Register 2 (bits 8-15) ......................................................2-57
DMAC Control Register 2 (bits 0-7) ........................................................2-59
DMAC Local Bus Address Counter...................................... ..... ...............2-60
DMAC VMEbus Address Counter ...........................................................2-60
DMAC Byte Counter ............................... ...... ...........................................2-61
Table Address Counter .............................................................................2-61
VMEbus Interrupter Control Register ......................................................2-61
VMEbus Interrupter Vector Register .............................................. .........2-63
MPU Status and DMA Interrupt Count Register .....................................2-63
DMAC Status Register ............................................................. ................2-64
Programming the Tick and Watchdog Timers..................................................2-65
VMEbus Arbiter Time-out Control Register ...........................................2-65
DMAC Ton/Toff Timers
and VMEbus Global Time-out Control Register..............................2-66
VME Access, Local Bus, and Watchdog Time-out Control Register ......2-67
Prescaler Control Register ........................................................................2-68
Tick Timer 1 Compare Register ...............................................................2-69
Tick Timer 1 Counter ...............................................................................2-69
Tick Timer 2 Compare Register ...............................................................2-70
Tick Timer 2 Counter ...............................................................................2-70
Board Control Register ............................................................................2-71
Watchdog Timer Control Register ...........................................................2-72
Tick Timer 2 Control Register .................................................................2-73
Tick Timer 1 Control Register .................................................................2-74
Prescaler Counter .....................................................................................2-74
Programming the Local Bus Interrupter...........................................................2-75
Local Bus Interrupter Status Register (bits 24-31) ..................................2-78
Local Bus Interrupter Status Register (bits 16-23) ..................................2-79
Local Bus Interrupter Status Register (bits 8-15) ....................................2-80
Local Bus Interrupter Status Register (bits 0-7) ......................................2-81
Local Bus Interrupter Enable Register (bits 24-31) .................................2-82
Local Bus Interrupter Enable Register (bits 16-23) .................................2-83
Local Bus Interrupter Enable Register (bits 8-15) ...................................2-84
Local Bus Interrupter Enable Register (bits 0-7) .....................................2-85
Software Interrupt Set Register (bits 8-15) ..............................................2-86
Interrupt Clear Register (bits 24-31) ........................................................2-86
Interrupt Clear Register (bits 16-23) ........................................................2-87
Interrupt Clear Register (bits 8-15) ..........................................................2-88
Interrupt Level Register 1 (bits 24-31) ..................................................... 2-88
Interrupt Level Register 1 (bits 16-23) ..................................................... 2-89
Interrupt Level Register 1 (bits 8-15) .......................................................2-89
Interrupt Level Register 1 (bits 0-7) .........................................................2-90
Interrupt Level Register 2 (bits 24-31) ..................................................... 2-90
Interrupt Level Register 2 (bits 16-23) ..................................................... 2-91
Interrupt Level Register 2 (bits 8-15) .......................................................2-91
Interrupt Level Register 2 (bits 0-7) .........................................................2-92
Interrupt Level Register 3 (bits 24-31) ..................................................... 2-92
Interrupt Level Register 3 (bits 16-23) ..................................................... 2-93
Interrupt Level Register 3 (bits 8-15) .......................................................2-93
Interrupt Level Register 3 (bits 0-7) .........................................................2-94
Interrupt Level Register 4 (bits 24-31) .....................................................2-94
Interrupt Level Register 4 (bits 16-23) .....................................................2-95
Interrupt Level Register 4 (bits 8-15) .......................................................2-95
Interrupt Level Register 4 (bits 0-7) .........................................................2-96
Vector Base Register ................................................................................2-96
I/O Control Register 1 ..............................................................................2-97
I/O Control Register 2 ..............................................................................2-98
I/O Control Register 3 ..............................................................................2-98
Miscellaneous Control Register ................................................................2-99
GCSR Programming Model...................................................................................2-101
Programming the GCSR.................................................................................2-103
VMEchip2 Revision Register .................................................................2-105
VMEchip2 ID Register ............................................................................2-105
VMEchip2 LM/SIG Register ..................................................................2-105
VMEchip2 Board Status/Control Register .............................................2-107
General Purpose Register 0 ....................................................................2-108
General Purpose Register 1 ....................................................................2-108
General Purpose Register 2 ....................................................................2-109
General Purpose Register 3 ....................................................................2-109
General Purpose Register 4 ....................................................................2-110
General Purpose Register 5 ....................................................................2-110
Summary of Major Features...............................................................................3-1
Functional Description ...............................................................................................3-2
MC2 Chip Initialization......................................................................................3-2
Flash and PROM Interface .................................................................................3-2
BBRAM Interface............................................................. ...... ............................3-3
82596CA LAN Interface ....................................................................................3-3
MPU Port and MPU Channel Attention......................................................3-3
MC68060-Bus Master Support for 82596CA .............................................3-4
LANC Bus Error................................................... .......................................3-4
LANC Interrupt ....................... ...... ..............................................................3-5
53C710 SCSI Controller Interface......................................................................3-5
SRAM Memory Controller.................................................................................3-5
NON-ECC DRAM Memory Controller .............................................................3-5
Z85230 SCC Interface........................................................................................3-6
Tick Timers............................................................ ........................................ .....3-7
Watchdog Timer..................................................................................................3-8
Local Bus Timer.................................................................................................3-8
Memory Map of the MC2 Chip Registers.................................................................3-8
Programming Model................................................................................................3-10
MC2 Chip ID Register .....................................................................................3-11
MC2 Chip Revision Register ........................................................................... 3-11
General Control Register .................................................................................3-12
Interrupt Vector Base Register .........................................................................3-13
Programming the Tick Timers..........................................................................3-15
Tick Timer 1 and 2 Compare and Counter Registers................................3-15
LSB Prescaler Count Register........................................................ ...... .....3-17
Prescaler Clock Adjust Register................................................................3-18
Tick Timer 1 and 2 Control Registers.......................................................3-18
Tick Timer Interrupt Control Registers.....................................................3-20
DRAM Parity Error Interrupt Control Register ...............................................3-22
SCC Interrupt Control Register........................................................................3-23
Tick Timer 3 and 4 Control Registers.............................................................. 3-24
DRAM and SRAM Memory Controller Registers...........................................3-25
DRAM Space Base Address Register.......................................................3-25
SRAM Space Base Address Register........................................................3-26
DRAM Space Size Register........ ...... ...... ..................................................3-26
DRAM/SRAM Options Register ..............................................................3-27
SRAM Space Size Register.......................................................................3-29
LANC Error Status Register............................................ ..... ............................3-30
82596CA LANC Interrupt Control Register....................................................3-31
LANC Bus Error Interrupt Control Register....................................................3-32
SCSI Error Status Register...............................................................................3-33
General Purpose Inputs Register........ ...... ........................................................3-33
MVME172 Version Register............................................................................3-35
SCSI Interrupt Control Register.......................................................................3-36
Tick Timer 3 and 4 Compare and Counter Registers.......................................3-37
Bus Clock Register ...........................................................................................3-38
PROM Access Time Control Register .............................................................3-39
Flash Access Time Control Register................................................................3-40
ABORT Switch Interrupt Control Register......................................................3-41
RESET Switch Control Register......................................................................3-42
Watchdog Timer Control Register....................................................................3-43
Access and Watchdog Time Base Select Register............................................3-44
DRAM Control Register ................................................. ..... ............................3-45
MPU Status Register........................................................................................3-46
32-bit Prescaler Count Register........................................................................3-48
Summary of Major Features...............................................................................4-1
Functional Description ...............................................................................................4-2
General Description............................................................................................4-2
Cache Coherency................................................................................................4-2
Local Bus to IndustryPack DMA Controllers.....................................................4-3
Clocking Environments and Performance..........................................................4-5
Programmable Clock..........................................................................................4-7
Error Reporting...................................................................................................4-7
Error Reporting as a Local Bus Slave .................................................... .....4-7
Error Reporting as a Local Bus Master .......................................................4-7
IndustryPack Error Reporting......................................................................4-8
Overall Memory Map ................................................................................................4-9
Programming Model................................................................................................4-10
Chip ID Register...............................................................................................4-17
Chip Revision Register.....................................................................................4-17
Vector Base Register.........................................................................................4-18
IP_a, IP_b, IP_c, IP_d Memory Base Address Registers.................................4-19
IP_a or Double Size IP_ab Memory Base Address Registers ..................4-20
IP_b Memory Base Address Registers......................................................4-20
IP_c or Double Size IP_cd Memory Base Address Registers...................4-21
IP_d Memory Base Address Registers......................................................4-21
IP_a, IP_b, IP_c, IP_d Memory Size Registers................................................4-21
IP_a, IP_b, IP_c, and IP_d; IRQ0 and IRQ1 Interrupt Control Registers........4-23
IP_a, IP_b, IP_c, and IP_d; General Control Registers....................................4-24
IP Clock Register..............................................................................................4-28
DMA Arbitration Control Register...................................................................4-29
IP RESET Register ..........................................................................................4-30
Programming the DMA Controllers.................................................................4-31
DMA Enable Function...............................................................................4-33
DMA Control and Status Register Set Definition.....................................4-33
Programming the Programmable Clock....................................................4-43
Local Bus to IndustryPack Addressing....................................................................4-46
8-Bit Memory Space .........................................................................................4-46
16-Bit Memory Space.......................................................................................4-47
32-Bit Memory Space.......................................................................................4-48
IP_a I/O Space..................................................................................................4-49
IP_ab I/O Space................................................................................................4-50
IP_a ID Space ...................................................................................................4-51
IP to Local Bus Data Routing..................................................................................4-52
Memory Space Accesses...................................................... ...... ...... ................4-52
I/O and ID Space Accesses ..............................................................................4-54
Introduction ...............................................................................................................5-1
Functional Description ..............................................................................................5-2
General Description............................................................................................5-2
Cache Coherency................................................................................................5-3
Cycle Types.................................................................................................5-4
Error Reporting ................................. ..........................................................5-5
Single Bit Error (Cycle Type = Burst Read or Non-Burst Read) ...............5-5
Double Bit Error (Cycle Type = Burst Read or Non-Burst Read)..............5-5
Triple (or Greater) Bit Error
(Cycle Type = Burst Read or Non-Burst Read)..................................5-6
Cycle Type = Burst Write...........................................................................5-6
Single Bit Error (Cycle Type = Non-Burst Write)......................................5-6
Double Bit Error (Cycle Type = Non-Burst Write)....................................5-6
Triple (or Greater) Bit Error (Cycle Type = Non-Burst Write) ..................5-6
Single Bit Error (Cycle Type = Scrub) .......................................................5-6
Double Bit Error (Cycle Type = Scrub)......................................................5-7
Triple (or Greater) Bit Error (Cycle Type = Scrub)....................................5-7
Error Logging.....................................................................................................5-7
Refresh..................................... ...... .....................................................................5-8
Arbitration.................... ...... ................................................................................5-8
Chip Defaults......................................................................................................5-8
Programming Model..................................................................................................5 -9
Chip ID Register...............................................................................................5-14
Chip Revision Register.....................................................................................5-14
Memory Configuration Register .......................................... ............................5-15
Dummy Register 0............................................................................................5-16
Dummy Register 1............................................................................................5-17
Base Address Register......................................................................................5-17
DRAM Control Register ................................................. ..... ............................5-18
BCLK Frequency Register...............................................................................5-20
Data Control Register.......................................................................................5-21
Scrub Control Register......................................................................................5-23
Scrub Period Register Bits 15-8........................................................................5-24
Scrub Period Register Bits 7-0..........................................................................5-24
Chip Prescaler Counter.....................................................................................5-25
Scrub Time On/Time Off Register....................................................................5-25
Scrub Prescaler Counter (Bits 21-16)...............................................................5-27
Scrub Prescaler Counter (Bits 15-8).................................................................5-28
Scrub Prescaler Counter (Bits 7-0)...................................................................5-28
Scrub Timer Counter (Bits 15-8)......................................................................5-28
Scrub Timer Counter (Bits 7-0)........................................................................5-29
Scrub Address Counter (Bits 26-24).................................................................5-29
Scrub Address Counter (Bits 23-16).................................................................5-30
Scrub Address Counter (Bits 15-8)...................................................................5-30
Scrub Address Counter (Bits 7-4).....................................................................5-31
Error Logger Register....................................................... ................................5-31
Error Address (Bits 31-24)...............................................................................5-32
Error Address (Bits 23-16)...............................................................................5-33
Error Address Bits (15-8).................................................................................5-33
Error Address Bits (7-4)...................................................................................5-33
Error Syndrome Register........... .......................................................................5-34
Defaults Register 1............................................................................................5-34
Defaults Register 2............................................................................................5-36
Syndrome Decode....................................................................................................5-39
APPENDIX A Related Documentation
Motorola Computer Group Documents....................................................................A-1
Literature Updates..............................................................................................A-2
Manufacturers’ Documents.......................................................................................A-2
APPENDIX B Using Interrupts on the MVME172
VMEchip2 Tick Timer 1 Periodic Interrupt Example..............................................B-1


Figure 1-1. 200/300-Series MVME172 Block Diagram...........................................1-6
Figure 1-2. 400/500-Series MVME172 Block Diagram ...........................................1-7
Figure 2-1. VMEchip2 Block Diagram.....................................................................2-5


Table 1-1. MVME172 Features Summary.................................................................1 -3
Table 1-2. Redundant Functions in the VMEchip2 and MC2 Chip .........................1-8
Table 1-3. 200/300-Series MVME172 Local Bus Memory Map............................1-10
Table 1-4. 400/500-Series MVME172 Local Bus Memory Map............................1-12
Table 1-5. 200/300-Series MVME172 Local I/O Devices Memory Map...............1-14
Table 1-6. 400/500-Series MVME172 Local I/O Devices Memory Map...............1-18
Table 1-7. VMEchip2 Memory Map (Sheet 1 of 3)................................................1-22
Table 1-8. MC2 Chip Register Map........................................................................1-27
Table 1-9. IP2 Chip Overall Memory Map..............................................................1-28
Table 1-10. IP2 Chip Memory Map - Control and Status Registers .......................1-29
Table 1-11. MCECC Internal Register Memory Map ............................................1-35
Table 1-12. Z85230 SCC Register Addresses .........................................................1-37
T ab le 1-13. 82596CA Ethernet LAN Memory Map.......................... ......................1-38
Table 1-14. 53C710 SCSI Memory Map ...............................................................1-39
Table 1-15. MK48T58 BBRAM/TOD Clock Memory Map...................................1-40
T ab le 1-16. BBRAM Configuration Area Memory Map .......................................1-41
Table 1-17. TOD Clock Memory Map ....................................................................1-42
Table 2-1. VMEchip2 Memory Map - LCSR Summary (Sheet 1 of 2) ..................2-22
Table 2-2. DMAC Command Table Format............................................................2-53
Table 2-3. Local Bus Interrupter Summary ............................................................2-76
Table 2-4. VMEchip2 Memory Map (GCSR Summary) ......................................2-104
Table 3-1. DRAM Performance.................................................................................3 -6
Table 3-2. MC2 Chip Register Map .........................................................................3-9
Table 3-3. Interrupt Vector Base Register Encoding and Priority...........................3-14
Table 3-4. DRAM Size Control Bit Encoding.........................................................3-27
Table 3-5. DRAM Size Control Bit Encoding.........................................................3-28
Table 3-6. SRAM Size Control Bit Encoding .........................................................3-28
Table 3-7. SRAM Size Control Bit Encoding .........................................................3-29
Table 4-1. IP2 Chip Clock Cycles.............................................................................4-6
Table 4-2. IP2 Chip Overall Memory Map ...............................................................4-9
Table 4-3. IP2 Chip Memory Map - Control and Status Registers .........................4-11
Table 5-1. MCECC Specifications.............................................................................5-3
Table 5-2. MCECC Internal Register Memory Map, Part 1....................................5-10
Table 5-3. MCECC Internal Register Memory Map, Part 2 ...................................5-12
T ab le A-1. Motorola Computer Gr oup Documents..................................................A-1
Table A-2. Manufacturers’ Documents....................................................................A-2
1Board Description


This manual provides programming information for the MVME172 Embedded Controller. Ex tensive programming in formation is provide d for the Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) devices used on the board. Reference information is included for the Large Scale Integration (LSI) devices us ed on the boa rd and sourc es for a dditional information are provided.
This chapter briefly describes the board level hardware features of the MVME172 Embedded Controller. The chapter begins with a board level overview and featur es l ist. Memory maps are next, and the chapter close s with some general software considerations such as cache coherency, interrupts, and bus errors.
All programmable registers in the MVME172 that reside in ASICs are covered in the chapters on those ASICs. Chapte r 2 cover s the VMEchi p2, Chapter 3 covers the MC2 chip, an d Chapter 4 covers the IP2 chip. Chapter 5 covers the MCECC chip, used only on 200/300-Series MVME172. Appendix A describes using interrupts. For those interested in programmable register bit definitions and less interested in hardware functionality, focus on Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5. In some cases, however, Chapter 1 gives related background information.
and Memory Maps


The MVME172 is based on the MC68060 or MC68LC060 microprocessor. The MVME172 is available in various versions with the features listed in Table 1-1 on page 1-3. A “No VMEbus” option is also
available. The I/O connection fo r the 200/300-Seri es MVME172 is provided thr ough
four RJ-45 front panel connectors.
Board Description and Memory Maps
The I/O connection for t he 4 00/500-Series serial ports is p rovided by two DB-25 front panel I/O connectors. The I/O is connected to t he VMEbus P2 connector. The main boar d is connect ed through a P2 t ransiti on board and cables to transition boards. The Series 400/500 MVME172 supports the transition boards MVME712-12, MVME712-13, MVME712M, MVME712A, MVME712AM, and MVME712B (referred to in this manual as MVME712x, unless separately specified). These transition boards provide configuration headers, serial port drivers and industry standard connectors for the I/O devices. The MVME712 series transition boards were designed to support the MVME167 boards, but can be used on the MVME172 by following some special precautions. (Refer to the section on the Serial Communications Interface in the MVME172 installation and use manual furnished with your 400/500-Series MVME172, for more informat ion.)
The VMEbus interface is provi ded by an ASIC called th e VMEchip2. The VMEchip2 includes two tick timers, a watchdo g timer, programmable map decoders for the master and sl ave inter faces, and a VMEbus to/ from loc al bus DMA controller, a VMEbus to/ from local bus non-DMA programmed access interface, a VMEbus interrupter, a VMEbus system controller, a VMEbus interrupt handler, and a VMEbus requester.
Processor-to-VMEbus tra nsfers can be D8, D16, or D32. VMEchip2 DMA transfers to the VMEbus, however, can be D16, D32, D16/BLT, D32/BLT, or D64/MBLT.
The MC2 chip ASIC provides four tick timers, the interface to the LAN chip, SCSI chip, seri al port chip , BBRAM, the progra mmable interfac e for the DRAM and/or SRAM mezzanine board, and Flash write enable.
The IndustryPack Interface Controller (IP2 chip) ASIC provides control and status information, including DMA control, for up to four single size IndustryPacks (IPs) or up to two double size IPs that can be plugged into the MVME172 main module.
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The MCECC chip Memory Controller ASIC on the 200/300-Series MVME172 provides the programmable interface for the ECC-protected 16 MB DRAM mezzanine board.
Table 1-1. MVME172 Features Summary
Feature 200/300-Series 400/500-Series
Processor 6
0 MHz 32-bit MC68060 microprocessor, or 64 MHz 32-bit
MC68LC060 microprocessor
DRAM 4MB, 8 MB, or 16 MB of shared
DRAM with parity protection on a mezzanine module, or up to 64 MB of ECC-protected DRAM
SRAM 128 K
B of SRAM with battery
4MB, 8 MB, or 16 MB of shared DRAM with no protection
512KB of SRAM with battery backup
Flash One Intel 28F016SA 2M x 8 Flash memory device (2MB Flash memory
Timers Four 32-bit Tick Timers and Watchdog Timer (in the MC2 Chip ASIC) for
Software Interrupts
I/O Four serial ports, both EIA-232-D RJ-45Tw
Two JEDEC standard 32-p in DIP PROM sockets
total) with write protection (optional) 8K by 8 Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM) and Time-of-Day (TOD) clock with
battery backup
periodic interrupts Two 32-bit Tick Timers and Watchdog Timer in the VMEchip2 ASIC) for
periodic interrupts Eight software interrupts (for MVME172 versions that have the VMEchip2)
Serial port controller Optional Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) bus interface with 32-bit
local bus burst Direct Memory Access (DMA) (NCR 53C710 controller) Optional LAN Ethernet transceiver interface with 32- bit lo cal b us DMA (In ter
82596CA controller)
s (Zilog Z85230)
ne JEDEC standard 32-pin
PLCC EPROM socket (EPROMs may
be shipped separately)
o serial ports; one EIA-232-D
DCE, one EIA-232-D DCE/DTE or EIA-530 DCE/DTE or EIA-42 DCE/DTE or EIA-485
1 1-3
Board Description and Memory Maps
Table 1-1. MVME172 Features Summary
Feature 200/300-Series 400/500-Series
Two MVIP IndustryPack
interfaces with DMA
VMEbus interface (boards may be special ordered without the VMEbus interface)
Switches Two pushbutton switches Light-Emitting
Diodes (LEDs)
VMEbus system controller functions VMEbus interface to local bus (A24/A32, D8/D16/D32 (D8/D16/D32/D64 BLT) (BLT = Block Transfer) Local bus to VMEbus interface (A16/A24/A32, D8/D16/D32) VMEbus interrupter VMEbus interrupt handler Global CSR for interprocessor communications DMA for fast local memory - VMEbus transfers (A16/A24/A32, D16/D32
(D16/D32/D64 BLT)
FUSES (LAN power)
Four MVIP IndustryPack
interfaces with DMA
SCON, LAN, FUSE (LAN power), SCSI, and VME


These boards are desi gned to conform t o the requirements of the followin g documents:
VMEbus Specification (IEEE 1014-87) EIA-232-D Serial Interface Specification, EIA SCSI Specification, ANSI IndustryPack Specification, GreenSpring
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Block Diagrams

Figure 1-2 on page 1-7 is a general block diagram of the 200/300-Series
MVME172. Figure 1-2 on page 1-7 is a general block diagram of the 400/500-Series MVME172.

Functional Description

This section covers only a few specific features of the MVME172. A complete functional description of the major blocks of the MVME172
Embedded Controller is provided in your MVME172 installation and use manual.

No-VMEbus-Interface Option

The MVME172 can be operated as an embedded controller without the VMEbus interface. For this option, the VMEchip2 and the VMEbus buffers are not populat ed. Also, the bu s grant daisy ch ain an d the i nterrupt acknowledge daisy chain have zero-ohm bypass resistors installed.
Block Diagrams
To support this fea ture, certain l ogic in the VMEchip2 h as been duplic ated in the MC2 chip. Table 1-2 on page 1-8 defines the location of the redundant logic. This logic is inhibited in the MC2 chip if the VMEchip2 is present. The enables for these functions are controlled by software and MC2 chip hardware initialization.
Note that an MVME172 ordered witho ut the VMEbus i nterface is shipped with Flash memory blank (the factory uses the VMEbus to program the Flash memory with debugger code). To use the 172Bug package, MVME172Bug, in such models, be sure that the General Purpose Readable Jumpers Header is configured for the EPROM memory map. Refer to Chapters 3 and 4 of your MVME172 installat ion and use manual for further details. 1-5
Board Description and Memory Maps
4 Serial Ports
RJ-45 Front
Panel SCSI
68-pin Front
DB-15 Front
Dual 85230
I/O Controllers
MC2 chip
Two 32-p in
Battery Backed
8KB RAM/Clock
Memory Array
Memory Array
DRAM Memory
4,8,16MB Parity
Configuration Dependent
2 Channels
Figure 1-1. 200/300-Series MVME172 Block Diagram
1-6 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Functional Description
Via P2 and
2 Serial Ports
Transition Module
DB-25 Front Panel
Via P2 and
connections are
Via P2 and
connections are
Transition Modules
Transition Modules
Dual 85230
I/O Controllers
MC2 chip
Battery Backed
8KB RAM/Clock
Memory Array
DRAM Memory
4,8,16MB Parity
2038 9706
Configuration Dependent
4 Channels
Figure 1-2. 400/500-Series MVME172 Block Diagram 1-7
Board Description and Memory Maps
Table 1-2. Redundant Functions in the VMEchip2 and MC2 Chip
VMEchip2 MC2 Chip
Address Bit # Address Bit #
$FFF40060 28 - 24 $FFF42044 28 - 24 1,5 $FFF40060 22 -
$FFF4004C 13 - 8 $FFF42044 13 - 8 3,5
$FFF40048 7 $FFF42048 8 4 $FFF40048 9 $FFF42048 9 4,5 $FFF40048 10 $FFF42048 10 4,5 $FFF40048 11 $FFF42048 11 4,5 $FFF40064 31 - 0 $FFF4204C 31 - 0 8
$FF800000-$FFBFFFFF 31 - 0 $FF800000-
$FFE00000-$FFEFFFFF 31 - 0 Programmable 31 - 0 7
$FFF42044 22 -
$FFF42040 6 - 0 6
31 - 0 7
Notes 1. RESET switch control.
2. Watchdog ti mer control.
3. Access and watchdog timer parameters.
4. MPU TEA (bus error) status
5. Bit numbering for VMEchip2 and MC2 chip has a one-to­one correspondence.
ABORT switch interrupt control. Implemented also in the
6. VMEchip2, but with a di ffer ent bit organi zati on (r efer to the VMEchip2 description i n Ch apt er 2) . I n the MVME172, the
ABORT switch is wired to the MC2 chip, not the VMEchip2.
7. The SRAM and PROM decoder in the VMEchip2 (versi on
2) must be disabled by software before any accesses are made to these address spaces.
8. 32-bit prescaler. The prescaler can also be accessed at $FFF40064 when the optional VMEbus is not enabled.
1-8 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site

VMEbus Interface and VMEchip2

The local bus to VMEb us interf ace an d the VMEbus to local b us interf ace are provided by the VMEchip2. The VMEchip2 can also provide the VMEbus system controller functions. Refe r to the VMEchip2 i n Chapter 2 for detailed programming information.

Memory Maps

Note that the inputs to the VMEchip2 which are located at $FFF40088 bits 7-0 are not used. The MC2 chip ASIC at locatio n $FFF42043. The GPI i nputs are integrate d into the MC2 chip ASIC at location $FFF4202C bits 23-16.
ABORT switch logic in the VMEchip2 is not used. The GPI
ABORT switch interrupt is integrated into the
Memory Maps
There are two points of view for memory maps: 1) the mapping of all resources as viewed by local bus maste rs (lo cal bus memor y map), and 2) the mapping of onboard resources as viewed by VMEbus masters (VMEbus memory map).
The memory and I/O maps wh ich are describe d in the followi ng table s are correct for all local bus masters. There is some address translation capability in the VMEchip2. This allo ws multiple MVME172 modules on the same VMEbus with different virtual local bus maps as viewed by different VMEbus masters.

Local Bus Memory Map

The local b us memory map is split into different address spaces by the transfer type (TT) signals. The local resources respond to the normal access and interrupt acknowledge codes.

Normal Address Range

The memory map of devices that respond to the normal address range is shown in the following tables. The normal address range is defined by the Transfer Type (TT) signa ls on t he l ocal bus. On the MVME172, Transfer Types 0, 1, and 2 define the normal address range. Table 1-2 is the entire 1-9
Board Description and Memory Maps
map from $00000000 to $FFFFFFFF. Many areas of the map are user-programmable, and sugg ested uses ar e shown in the ta ble. The cache inhibit function is programmable in the MC68xx060 MMU. The onboard I/O space must be marked cache inhibit and serialized in its page table.
Table 1-3 on page 1-10 further defines the map for the local I/O devices
for the 200/300-Series MVME172, and Table 1-4 on page 1-12 further defines the map for the local I/O devices for the 400/500-Series
Table 1-3. 200/300-Series MVME172 Local Bus Memory Map
Address Range Devices Accessed
Programmable DRAM on parity
Programmable DRAM on ECC
mezzanine Programmable Onboard SRAM D32 1 28KB N 2 Programmable VMEbus A32/A24 D32-D16 -- ? 4 Programmable IP_a memory D32-D8 64KB-8MB ? 2, 4 Programmable IP_b memory D32-D8 64KB-8MB ? 2, 4 $FF800000-$FF9FFFFF Flash/EPROM D32 2MB N 1, 5 $FFA00000-$FFBFFFFF EPROM/Flash D32 2MB N 5 $FFC00000-$FFDFF F FF Not decoded D32 2MB N $FFE00000-$FFE1FFFF Onboard
SRAM default $FFE80000-$FFEFFFFF Not decoded -- 512KB N 6 $FFF00000-$FFFEFFFF Local I/O devices
(see next table)
D32 4MB-16MB N 2
D32 4MB-64MB N 2
D32 128KB N
D32-D8 878KB Y 3
$FFFF0000-$FFFFFFFF VMEbus A16 D32/D16 64KB ? 2, 4
1-10 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Memory Maps
Notes 1. Devices mapped at $FFF80000-$FFF9FF FF also appear at
$00000000- $001FFFFF when the ROM0 bit in the MC2 chip EPROM control register is high (ROM0=1). ROM0 is set to 1 after each r eset. The ROM0 bit must be clea red before other resources (DRAM or SRAM) can be mapped in this range ($00000000 - $001FFFFF).
The EPROM/Flash memory map is also controlled by the EPROM size and by control bit V11 in the MC2 chip ASIC. Refer to th e EPROM/Flash configuration tables in your MVME172 installation manual for further details.
2. This area is user-programmable. The DRAM and SRAM decoder is programmed in the MC2 chip, the local-to­VMEbus decoders are programmed in the VMEchip2, and the IP memory space is programmed in the IP2.
3. Size is approximate.
4. Cache inhibit depends on the devices in the area mapped.
5. The EPROM and Flash are dynamicall y sized by the MC2 chip ASIC from an 8-bi t privat e b us to the 32- bit MPU lo cal bus.
6. These areas are not decoded unless one of the programmable decoder s is in itiali zed to de code t his spac e. If they are not decoded an d the local timer is enabled, an ac cess to this address range will generate a local bus time-out. 1-11
Board Description and Memory Maps
Table 1-4. 400/500-Series MVME172 Local Bus Memory Map
Address Range
Programmable DRAM on board D32 4MB-16 MB N 2 Programmable SRAM D32 128KB-2MB N 2 Programmable VMEbus
Programmable IP_a Memory D32-D8 64KB-8MB ? 2, 4 Programmable IP_b Memory D32-D8 64KB-8MB ? 2, 4 Programmable IP_c Memory D32-D8 64KB-8MB ? 2, 4 Programmable IP_d Memory D32-D8 64KB-8MB ? 2, 4 $FF800000 - $FF9FFFFF Flash/PROM D32 2MB N 1, 5 $FFA00000 - $FFBFFFFF PROM/Flash D32 2MB N 6 $FFC00000 - $FFCFFFFF Not decoded -- 1MB N 7 $FFD00000 - $FFDFFFFF Not decoded -- 1MB N 7 $FFE00000 - $FFE7FFFF SRAM default D32 512KB N -­$FFE80000 - $FFEFFFFF Not decoded - - 512KB N 7 $FFF00000 - $FFFEFFFF Local I/O D32-D8 878KB Y 3 $FFFF0000 - $FFFFFFFF VMEbus A16 D32/D16 64KB ? 2, 4
D32/D16 -- ? 4
Notes 1. Reset enables the decoder for this space of the memory
map so that it will decode address spaces $FF800000-$FF9FFFFF and $00000000-$003FFFFF. The decode at 0 must be disabled in the MC2 chip befor e DRAM is enabled. DRAM is enabled with the DRAM Control
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